And some have stupidity thrust upon them...

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I've always been a believer that much of the trouble we find ourselves in is influenced if not created by us. Okay, so I don't have much influence on the weather, the movement of celestial bodies or the government, but I do in regard to the things I do.

Life has been tough enough of late, my daughter's illness, from which she's recovering quite well, the weather and work stress. It's been very cold here, making it unpleasant and causing me to spend more on the heating than I'd like. I'm working too many hours for too little return and everyone seems to want me to see them on the same day.

Finally, it's been an expensive few months and I've spent more than I'd like paying bills for the car, the Inland Revenue and so on. Then, just to make things interesting, I left my purse with my credit and bank cards in in a shop and came home oblivious to it for at least three and more probably four hours.

If someone has handed it in to the shop, then I'll be most grateful, if someone has emptied my account - then I shall be angry and sad. Angry at my carelessness and sad because of all the things I could have used it for. I cancelled the cards as soon as I realised what had happened - I shall visit the shop at opening time tomorrow and see if honesty has prevailed, but I'm not holding my breath. Then on to the bank to find out how much is missing.

Sorry, don't feel up to doing Bike tonight, too distracted. Think my brain has gone into shut down, probably planning the next disaster to drop me in.

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