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Can Eric find the missing pieces in is life

Part 4
Waking up the next morning, I thought for a moment about calling in sick for the rest of the week. A passing thought really, I didn’t know if I really wanted to deal with all of the changes I thought might be happening at work. So far, the magic been working according to plan but with that little tidbit last night about this becoming permanent, I started to wonder what other surprises were in store for me.
Business casual was the order of the day but I always noticed that a woman’s idea of business casual appeared to be different from a man’s. Men for the most part throw on a button down and a pair of slacks.
Women on the other hand have all sorts of choices. I couldn’t believe myself, a woman for three days already and I am standing in front of my closet complaining I have nothing to wear.
For a moment, I ignored the skirts and dresses, not quite ready for it, but decided to let my new girl knowledge lead the way. In the end, I jumped into the deep end of the pool, picking out a knee length skirt with a navy blue blouse. That was just the start. Without a thought, I added a number of accessories, and of make-up.
After taking at least three times as normal getting dressed, I found myself in front of the full-length mirror. I had to admire the nice looking girl who stood in front of me. Not bad for a first pass, of course the extra girl knowledge proved invaluable.
Although disappointed that Kaylee didn’t make another appearance this morning, I headed out, stopping for my usual coffee before rolling into work. Sitting in my spot, I took a deep breath and headed inside.
After college, along with two friends of mine, I started a company called Digital Creations. For the most part, we started with banners, coffee mugs and t-shirts, slowly working our way towards storefronts. Now we also have our hands in internet commercials and web sites.
“Good morning, Erin. How was your weekend?” A cute looking girl sat in front of my office, looking a lot like an assistant. However, Eric doesn’t have an assistant.
Thankfully, her name came to mind almost immediately. “Good morning, Rika. Well let’s say it was interesting.”
Rika had introduced herself at one of the fund-raiser committee meetings offering to take notes. Several meetings later, I hired her full time for my company.
Still in college, she had been working in a coffee shop trying to save enough money for her transition. If someone said that Rika used to be a boy, I would have questioned their sanity.
She brought into the company what Eric desperately needed, organization. What I had failed to notice, my company was no longer the little business operating out the back of print store. We actually leased the bottom of an office building and I just hired my twenty-fifth employee.
Surprised, I found my day set out for me, my meetings organized and my work prioritized. Walking out of my Monday morning staff meeting, I didn’t know what I would do without her. At that point, I added her to my ever-growing list of things I needed to change after turning back into Eric. I would find the coffee shop she worked at and hire her on the spot.
“Erin, you have a visitor.”
Looking up, Kaylee stood at the door, with a nervous smile on her face. “Hi, I came here to take you out to lunch.”
“Lunch?” Once again, Rika allowed me to actually do my job. With her fielding phone calls and emails, I actually got to work on some projects that had been falling behind. “Sounds good.”
Getting into her car, she kept looking my way. “I’m sorry about yesterday.”
“There is nothing to be sorry about.”
“But I should have told you.” Kaylee turned, heading towards one of my favorite restaurants. I could see she planned to make up for her transgressions.
“Yes but don’t worry about it.”
Did the thought of some guy taking advantage of me scare me silly? You bet. Was I going to allow it to dominate my life, no freaking way. I’m sure all women go through this on some level, certain times it’s in their face, the rest of the time it’s under the surface. I’m not sure if I was brave or the magic helped; either way, I just didn’t have the time to worry about it.
“However, I will allow you buy me lunch if it makes you feel better.”
After a nice hug, Kaylee and I entered the restaurant.
For the most part, like lunch the day before we discussed the differences between Eric and Erin’s reality. I told her about Rika, which she already knew. Still, she was very pleased I had hired her.
First thing in the morning, I had asked for the last year’s financials, interested to see how things were working out. We were doing a little better, nothing to be excited about.
My client list proved much interesting. Several names had disappeared to be replaced with a few others. I made note of the new ones, perhaps I’ll be able to drum up some new business after Sunday.
“So, what do you think of Onir Construction now?” Kaylee gave me a smug look.
Trying not to get angry, I pierced a bit of shrimp with my fork. Travis Onir owned one of the largest shipping companies in the city. He had been a client for years; however, his misogynist attitudes had made him difficult to work with.
Stephen, one of my partners insisted the money was too good not to have him as a client. After my morning staff meeting, I met with him and a few others for a short presentation, I felt like taking a shower afterwards. Perhaps I was naive; I didn’t really believe that people actually still thought that way.
“Well let’s say, I am much more aware of his attitude. If he called me little lady once more time, I was going to hit him with something.”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
“Take Stephen and Franklin aside and see if we really want to be associated with someone like Travis.”
Dropping me off after lunch, I got a simple hug and a kiss on the cheek from Kaylee. Something she has been doing for years and no new declaration of her love, which would have just confused me more.
Who did she love? She loved Erin, not Eric. I wasn’t sure if I could actually go there again. I accepted many years ago that my long-range plans were nothing more than an adolescent fantasy.
Now through magic, here was a second chance to be with her romantically but it wouldn’t come without a sacrifice. Would I be using a Secespita on my own dreams?
The rest of the day went by in a blur; we had several high priced projects in place that needed me to look at personally. Only Rika standing in front of me, jingling her car keys kept me from staying late. The fund-raiser was only a few days away and there was still work that needed to be done.
Luckily, I personally didn’t have a lot to do. Sitting in back of the ballroom, I just listened. Almost all of the details had long been finalized, for the most part the discussion covered last minute details for the after party.
Seems someone had some pull, managing to bring a couple of popular bands to play at the function. Afterwards, one of the newer gothic rock bands would be appearing at the dance.
I had been standing with Kaylee getting ready to leave when a voice called to me from the other side of the ballroom. Turning, I found someone who I haven’t seen in years crossing the room and into my arms.
“Tabitha, I didn’t know you were in town.”
“Kaylee, why didn’t you tell her?”
Tabitha and Kaylee were cousins. Although from the looks of it, Kaylee wasn’t too pleased with her cousin’s appearance.
Tabitha and her mother had moved back to town in my sophomore year of High School. Running with the popular crowd, cheerleader, Homecoming Queen and all of that, I didn’t spend a lot of time with her in school. As far as I knew, she still lived on the West Coast with her famous baseball player husband.
“Sorry, I forgot.”
Throwing herself in my arms again, Tabitha gave me a very enthusiastic hug. Squeezing her breasts against mine, I enjoyed the feeling. Baseball players must make a good bit of money; I don’t remember her being so, large.
Wait, did she actually just cop a feel on my ass? Blushing, I took a step backwards. “Tabitha, so how’s married life treating you?”
She looked confused for a moment, and then made a slight face at Kaylee. “I guess she forgot to mention, I petitioned for a divorce from Dan.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be. I might be a dumb blond but I know when my man is cheating on me. It’s going to cost him big time.”
No one ever thought that Tabitha was a dumb blonde, at least not for long. She had a very sharp mind, and a wit to match.
Slipping her arms in mine, she smiled. “So, who are you taking to the dance?”
I thought Kaylee was going to lose it, pulling me away from her cousin, she said. “With me, you know that.”
“Sorry sweetie, I forgot.” Reaching into her purse, Tabitha handed me a check. Looking down, I was impressed with all of the zeros.
“Tabitha, that’s very generous of you.”
“Well, be sure to save a dance for me Erin, can’t have my cousin monopolize all of your time. Anyway, time for me to go. I have an early morning meeting with my attorney.”
Once again, I found myself in Tabitha’s arms, this time she planted a kiss right on my lips, slipping in her tongue. Stunned, I watched her walk away, swinging her hips back and forth.
“Gods, how I hate that woman sometime.” Kaylee growled.
It’s interesting how things start to become normal after a few days of doing the same thing. I stopped noticing the differences between Eric and Erin’s lives. Oh, I knew they were there, and if I thought about it, I could easily pick them out.
However, getting dressed on Tuesday seemed to me just a normal day at work. I had several meetings, I needed to go over a few project plans and had a teleconference with Tom to discuss our server upgrade. Like Monday, Rika had my schedule well in hand, fielding calls that would have kept me from doing what I really needed to do.
“Erin, you have a visitor.”
Looking up, I expected Kaylee, but in her place stood Tabitha.
“Hey baby.”
Last night she had been wearing an outfit that showed off her assets quite nicely. Today, she dressed very conservatively. Then I remembered. She had an early morning meeting with her lawyer.
“I know, I should have called first, but I thought I would take you out to lunch.”
Looking at the clock, I nodded. “Well, I do need to eat, that sounds great.”
Rika raised an eyebrow as we left. I could only shrug.
Apologizing for the rental, she took me to one of the more upscale restaurants for lunch. The food, as expected was very good. I had been there a few times with different clients and ordered the salmon instead of the prime rib.
Interestingly enough, our conversation remained rather light. We spoke about people we knew in school, if they kept in touch. She had gone out west for college, meeting her husband in her senior year. Although she didn't show it, I could tell that Dan’s infidelity hurt her deeply. I wondered if as Eric, I would have noticed.
She insisted on paying for lunch, which was nice. Dropping me off in front of the office, I was surprised when she got out of the car and opened my door.
Helping me out, she didn’t let go of my hand when she asked. “So, tell me Erin, are you and my cousin an official couple now?”
“She asked me to the dance.” I said lamely.
“That’s not what I asked. You know, Erin, I have always been interested in you.”
“Really?” I looked at her confused. I began searching my memories both Erin’s and Eric’s.
“Yes and I thought that perhaps if you and Kaylee don’t work out, you would give me a chance.” Looking into her eyes, I could see that she was sincere.
“I don’t know what to say Tabitha.”
“Will you at least think about it? Maybe after the dance, call me on Sunday with your decision.”
Sunday I would be Eric again and this conversation would more than likely not have happened.
“Yes, I’ll call you on Sunday.”
“Thank you, that’s all I ask.” Once again, she kissed me, her lips, warm and soft. Walking back to her car, Tabitha looked directly at me.
“I will hold you to that promise, Eric.”
Wait, did she just call me Eric?

Copyright © 2013 Elsbeth
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No men were harmed in the production of this story... often when we see a reluctant or confusing transformation; the hero(ine) becomes immediately enamored in womanhood, or finds herself being swept along without any control. Or the slow exposition that shows that she wanted to be girl all along; she just never knew it. Here, it feels like as things progress, Erin is just given moment to moment revelation that doesn't demand an action or an answer, but more like a review of all the things that happened or she heard during the day. Like, 'Well, that wasn't so bad,' or 'I really guess I don't like that, but this is intriguing.'
And of course there's the attention she is received as a woman by women; something that never occurred to her is not glaringly apparent but more of a subtle hint coffee or chocolate in a favorite entree. And of course, there's hope. Always. Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
No men were harmed in the production of this story
True, I hoped this would be a little different but still its a journey to discovery where she ends up is still in question. Thanks for reading, I'm happy your enjoying the story.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Oh my!
Hmmm... is Tabitha (a wonderful name for a witch!) another member of the circle perhaps? I can only assume she is if she knows Erin is Eric but it adds a very interesting twist to the romance, particularly if Tabitha is happy to be with Eric as opposed to Kaylee who is clearly smitten with Erin.
Thank you for another enjoyable chapter. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I love the name as well :) Kaylee's mom name is also from a famous Witch as well. Thanks for reading, glad your liking the story.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
What was it I was....
Just saying about decisions? Yeah, they just got much more complicated! Elsbeth, this is fun watching this story unfold! Nice job hon. (Hugs) Taarpa
decisions decisions decisions
She does have a few, not including if she wishes to stay a woman. I'm glad your liking the story.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Another wrinkle!!
Elsbeth I like the new twist!! So in a story with witches and
her name is Tabitha.... So which is she interested in Eric or Erin?
I guess we will just have to wait to find out!!
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil
says ~~ "Oh Crap, She's up!"
Eric or Erin?
We will have to wait and see :) Happy your liking the story, thanks for reading
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
mentioned most of the subtle spins you gave this that really adds to Erin and Eric's character. Like her making notes of things to change when he's Eric again like hiring, Rika. Or the catty fight with him in the middle of the sisters which opens up an whole other can of worms. Does Tabitha knows and is she truly interested? I get more the feeling she there's to spoil Kaylee's happiness. Think Serena, Sam's sister on Bewithched.
Thank you, Im happy your liking where the story is going. As for the name, funny, I thought about using that name as well. Although Kaylee's mother happens to have a Witchs name of note.
Thanks for reading
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
simply allow you to break the usual cliches. Her and Kaylee being honest with him/her.
Our main character has a lot of choices now and can decide for his/herself what is best.
Her and Kaylee being honest with him/her.
Very true, now decisions..decisions..decision. Thanks for reading
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
If Tabitha knows Erin
is Eric, does that mean that she can alter the spell?
May Your Light Forever Shine