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Another chapter as Drustina starts to get involved in politics. She doesn't like what she finds but necessity is the mother of invention.
The Angry Mermaid 55.
Y Morforwyn Dicllon 55.
Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun. Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin. Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab The moor who taught numbers.
Eric Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton. Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia Arton’s wife.
Isobel. Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus King of the Capetani.
Shaleen Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan. The scullery maid.
Isaar. Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega. Tyrant King to the west.
Portua. Portega’s grandson.
Jubail. Old Fisherman.
Mutas Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia King of Malta.
Alviar Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.
Meronee Nubian Queen of Nobatia The northern Kingdom of the Nubians.
Horam The Egyptian master Boat builder.
Muraa King Astos’s male partner.
Tuk Makurian general.
Fantu. Makurian Captain.
Irene Emperor Leon’s only child.
Leon Byzantine Emperor.
Zano Byzantine general who defeats the Bulgars with Drustina’s help.
Urthos The Gaul elected captain of the 4th ship. Ex Barbary galley slave.
Horus Horam the boat-builder’s son.
Sister Catherine Leader of the pirate nuns.
Guthrun Jarl of Bornholm.
Etheline Guthruns’ wife the countess of Bornholm.
Seripatese Drustinas’ mare
Capenda Taras’ mare.
Athun Gay king of Dark Age Denmark.
Queen Elthorn King Athuns’ Consort.
Heingist. Drustina’s loyal Danish navigator and pilot.
Brendigan Athun’s older sister and queen of Svenland.
The Angry Mermaid 55.
With a truce arranged, The Angry Mermaid was readied that same night and the jarls were surprised to learn that Drustina intended setting sail that same evening.
“But it is dark!”
“There’s enough light,” Drustina challenged them, “my navigator knows all these waters well and the northern summer nights are but a deep twilight. Come now we go inside the hour.”
“But we are not prepared!” The jarls protested. “We must take gifts to visit the king of Svenland.”
“Do you see me bearing gifts? No, I bring only my name and reputation. Besides, my ship is too small to carry more than twenty men in comfort. It can only carry about forty when squeezed tight as fish in the barrel. We go when the sun is at its nadir in the northern sky.”
There were a few grumbles but Drustina knew they were pushed for time. The longer they took; the more likelihood of the truce breaking. The Angry Mermaid sailed at midnight. Drustina was nothing if not forceful.
By day break the Mermaid was slamming close-hauled into a stiff North Easterly breeze and the jarls could only wonder at the speed and discomfort of the strange craft, for they knew little of sailing. As jarls they specialised in land warfare and left the Viking raids to their more northern and western brothers. All day the jarls sat sheltered in the bow cuddy grumbling about the constant slamming that only added to their general discomfort. From the shelter of the bow, they watched fascinated as Heingist and Drustina shared watches and occasionally took the helm. During their off-watch periods, the jarls chatted to Heingist or Drustina who never seemed to sleep. Drustina reluctantly spoke of some of her many adventures but most of all the jarls wanted to hear of how she, as a young girl, had managed to slay the infamous and dreaded ‘Blueface’ Drustina did not enlighten them of her bi-genderism by correcting them and telling them at that time she was for all practical purposes a boy, for the act of killing the giant pirate would have been remarkable for any child, girl, boy or whatever.
When Heingist retired to grab some sleep the jarls briefly badgered him about the notorious lioness by mostly asking about her sex and sexuality.
“Do any of the men have their way with her?” They asked lasciviously.
Heingist snorted derisively.
“Huh! They’d be bloody fools to try. She decides who gets her favours; her and no-one else. She’s as handy with a dagger as that sword of hers and she’s a dead shot with a bow. See that longbow in the water-proof leather bag tied to the mast; that’s hers. She isn’t called a lioness for nothing. Now gentlemen, I wish to sleep. I’m up at daybreak for my next shift.”
Heingist turned over and promptly fell asleep, leaving the jarls to entertain themselves. Eventually, they fell asleep as well.
All the following day the wind drummed monotonously into the sails and so on into the following night until the dawn when Drustina called Heingist to identify a headland.
“Yes my-lady, it’s all northing from here about four hour’s passage.”
Heingists navigation proved as accurate as always and the Mermaid finally turned to make westing into The Holm. With the wind now on the starboard quarter, the Mermaid was able to show her paces as she slipped into the shelter of the sound. It was noon and many heads turned to watch in curious amazement as the strange craft swept at speed towards the castle haven.
As the Mermaid ‘swooshed’ into the dock her sudden and unexpected arrival caused consternation in the town and Drustina turned to the jarls with a smile as a horse and rider were seen galloping into the castle.
“Gone to warn the king I expect.” Drustina observed.
The jarls frowned.
“He may not be too pleased to have you arrive unannounced and sow alarm around the city.”
“We’re only one ship for God’s sake.” Heingist added scornfully. “We’re no bigger than most of these trading ships!”
“No, but you’re a damned sight faster. Look, you even caught the picket boat napping.”
The Mermaid’s crew were already alongside and they watched a warship rowing furiously across the haven to escort them into the dock. As they entered, Drustina and Heingist grinned at the embarrassment writ large upon their sweating faces.
“They should get up early then, flipping bed-bound snails!” Drustina grinned.
As they tied up to a space on the quay below the castle steps, a steward appeared from the castle gates. Drustina and the jarls stepped ashore and the steward called them forward.
“Who are you, and what of that ship?”
“I am Drustina, Lioness of Carthage and this is my ship, ‘The Angry Mermaid.’”
The steward’s expression immediately changed as he recognised the title while the jarls noted the distinct murmur of interest amongst the crowd gathering on the quay, it was obvious that Drustina’s fame had spread even this far. It was then the jarls realised one of the consequences of their coup. Messenger ships from other kingdoms had dried up as uncertainty about Dane-mark spread abroad.
The steward’s next words were addressed to Drustina.
“Ah! The Lioness of Carthage you say. Then that saves me from the next duty your majesty. I was about to order you to remove your ship from the berth belonging to the king’s ship. But if you are the lioness then I must conclude that this strange vessel is your famous warship.”
Drustina nodded acknowledgement as the steward continued.
“Then that automatically makes you a diplomatic visitor and your ship keeps its position on the royal berth, at least until the king returns.”
“Ah! The king is absent then, you say.”
“Yes, he is up north convening the annual council of the northern chieftains and jarls. He should be back in a week.”
Drustina was disappointed at this news. Time was pressing. She only wanted to speak to Queen Brendigan about the matter of her brother’s death. She asked anxiously.
“Is the queen, Queen Brendigan at home?”
“The steward’s eyes widened with uncertainty.”
“The queen; why yes milady, but why would you wish to meet her majesty. I am aware you are a queen in your own right, surely you would seek the king.”
“I come upon a delicate, personal matter. It is really Queen Brendigan I wish to see, though if protocol dictates, I will await his majesty’s return.”
“It would seem the correct thing to do but if the matter is strictly personal then I see little cause not to see the queen. As two ladies then no protocols or courtesies will be broken if you meet. I will advise her of your arrival.”
The steward hurried off into the castle and appeared an hour later.
“Her majesty says if it concerns her brother, she will speak with you shortly. If she has time, she might meet you in her chambers. She is busy right now. Then, if necessary, she will meet with you and your companions in the great hall. She cannot see your companions privately in her chambers you understand, probity and modesty prevent ... they are men.”
Drustina smiled to herself as she reflected, ‘if this steward only knew.’
She agreed to the arrangements and followed the steward into the castle while the jarls helped secure ‘The Mermaid’ before being led to attend in the great hall. Drustina was separated from the jarls because of her rank then, once out of sight, she was led without ceremony into the queen’s most private chambers. There she surrendered her sword to the captain of the queen’s personal body-guard. Queen Brendigan was waiting for her with avid interest for they all knew of the coup in Danmark. After the briefest exchanges of titles and courtesies, Brendigan came immediately to the point.
“What news of my brother Athun? Does he live?”
Drustina answered matter-of-factly; as queen to queen.
“Yes he does Brendigan; and it is of your brother I need to speak.”
Brendigan’s eyes narrowed uncertainly.
“So what other news?” Brendigan persisted.
“Not much. Your brother is free again from the jarl’s detention but what I have to ask of you affects that detention.”
“Tell us more then please!”
Drustina related the ‘bare bones’ of the situation regarding the coup and King Athun’s safety. Finally she came to the question of Oswald’s accidental death.
“And that Brendigan is basically why I’m here. It’s too far to go to ask your younger sister, that would take months and I don’t have months to play with. I wish to be on my way; homeward bound to my beloved Lleyn.”
Brendigan nodded thoughtfully.
“So you want me to confirm events to the jarls?”
Drustina nodded.
“One way or the other, yes. It’s immaterial to me but the kingdom of Danmark needs a lawful peace. The people are tired of the turmoil and oppression.”
Queen Brendigan’s expression darkened as she explained.
“It is as the jarls have said; I did not witness the actual incident. I was attending to our youngest sisters on the beach the other side of the rocks. I could not see the rocks or the waves where the others were playing. I cannot add much to that which I told our father. I think the death of Oswald hastened his death, he was very fond of his younger son.”
“Would that be because Athun was of the other ... how do you Danes put it?”
“Deviant. Yes, I think it was, partly, but Athun was not much of a warrior either. He avoided conflict and loathed the combat games.”
“Well, he fought well enough when he had to; when we brought the jarls to the negotiating table.”
Queen Brendigan looked slightly surprised.
“Oh! Really? You surprise me, he loathed violence; he claimed it achieved little.”
Drustina sighed as she thought about the many conflicts she had endured.
“Well to tell the truth fighting doesn’t usually achieve much; and I speak as one who has fought much. In the end, even after an all out victory one has to talk with one’s enemy if a lasting, fair peace is to endure.”
Brendigan studied Drustina’s countenance. ‘It was a face that seemed aged much beyond the few years that Drustina was reputed to have. The telltale lines were there to be seen if an observer looked closely enough’.
“You speak from experience Lioness.”
“Some,” Drustina replied monosyllabicaly. Brendigan immediately sensed the irony ringing through that single word.
Brendigan garnered a lot from Drustina’s taciturnity. It seemed the girl who sat before her was a woman aged beyond her tender years.
“How old are you Drustina?”
“Four and twenty years.”
“And you have squeezed so much into your short life.”
“Uuuhm, not really, It was squeezed into my life by others, by necessity, by circumstance. I’ve only ever wanted one thing.”
“Which is?”
“It’s no secret, my family's lands returned to me, just as my navigator Heingist wants his.”
“And if this issue with my brother’s detention is resolved, what of your plans?”
“To go home and fight the thieves who killed my family. To destroy the pirates who murdered my beloved grandfather and grandmother. That’s my fight, the only fight I have ever wanted. All other wars were for others; my sword was little more than a weapon for hire.”
“So where is this place called Lleyn?”
“On the island called Britannia. On the west side, on the shores of the sea of Erin.”
“That’s a long journey. How many of your companions are prepared to accompany you?”
“I don’t know. My sister Tara for one, my children. A Celt called Torvel might rejoin me. I can make no plans until I return and assess the situation.”
“So you must somehow gather an army about you.”
“There are plenty of disenfranchised Celts and Saxons who have a score to settle with the Viking pirates. I’m sure if I can gather enough to my banner, I can make something of my claim. Now please, what of this business with your brother King Athun? Is there nothing more you can say? Surely you want to see your brother safe. I don’t believe he’s a bad man.”
Brendigan shrugged then replied thoughtfully.
“He’s weak and vain.”
“But not evil, not so evil as to deliberately let his younger brother die.” Drustina pressed.
“Will he ever be able to get his queen with child I wonder?” Brendigan asked.
Drustina fell silent. Her experiences of kings who could not fulfil their kingly duties in the bedroom had taught her there were always ways around this impasse. She shrugged with seeming disinterest and wagged her head as though such affairs were beyond her remit. She answered neutrally to disguise her thoughts.
“I don’t know what he can do. If he can’t beget a child by Elthorn does not your child become the next king?”
“If the jarls obey the Norse laws, yes he would; but it’s more likely to plunge Dane-mark into chaos and this whole region into war. I wouldn’t want my child to get dragged into a war of succession.”
Drustina pondered the next move for she wanted Heingist to win justice for his family and his land. That could not happen if chaos and war prevailed. The jarl’s might would succeed. After thoughtfully sipping her warm wine she took a risk.
“Brendigan, can I be candid?”
Brendigan frowned. She was astute enough to recognise a subterfuge but if the ‘Lioness’ could find some route to peace in Brendigan’s old homeland then it might be worth sounding the warrior queen out.
“What are you plotting?”
Drustina stared at the fire as she gathered her thoughts. Finally she found the words.
“If I can guarantee that Elthorn will be put with child, can you see your way to making your original statement about Oswald’s death a little bit more definite ... you know add an element of greater certainty.”
“You mean lie ...”
“Frankly, yes.”
“So how will you guarantee Elthorn’s being put with child? How will you get another man past Elthorn’s ladies in waiting and the jarl’s guards? She’s chaperoned everywhere. Only Athun gets free access and that’s like letting a eunuch free in the seraglio.”
“Is he impotent?” Drustina asked, slightly alarmed at Brendigan’s revelation.
“No, he’s as randy as a ferret ... with the boys. It’s with girls he can’t deliver, you know, function.”
Drustina nodded slowly. She had suspected as much but she had kept her counsel. The less people who knew her idea, the safer it was for everybody. Drustina had realised that amongst the macho jarls, her feminine appearance had blinded them to the fact that not only was she dualled but that she still functioned both ways. Drustina was slightly disgusted with herself as she considered her subterfuge. If Athun could not get his queen pregnant then Drustina sure as hell could! She broached the next step of her idea carefully.
“I think I know of a way to get Elthorn with child.”
“Indeed! And dare I ask how. I know of the conditions surrounding Athun’s detention. The jarls want to see Athun deposed.”
“Do you?” Drustina asked Brendigan bluntly.
Brendigan frowned thoughtfully before replying.
“I’m a queen Drustina; just like you. Kings and their consorts are loath to see their fellow kings deposed or disposed of. In times like that, our crowns sit uncomfortably on our heads”
“Then help me save him; help me tighten his grip on his throne. Give me a statement that I can take back to the Danes; your Danes, your people.”
“Can you do that? Can you stabilise the situation?”
“I can only try.”
“But what about getting Elthorn with child?”
Drustina simply smiled enigmatically. It shouted volumes about the Scandinavian culture that the fact of Drustina’s duality had been lost amongst the myths and sagas about her gladiatorial prowess. Now in the Scandinavian seas, ‘The Lioness’ was known only for her fighting ability and little heed was paid to her diplomatic skills or the other aspects of her fame. She stood to suggest that for now her interview with Queen Brendigan was over and she finished with some sagacious wisdom.
“If and when Elthorn is put with child, I will explain all but not until. Trust me and for now, when we meet the jarls, just give me something stronger to take back as an argument.”
Brendigan smiled enigmatically.
“I didn’t realise you were such a Machiavellian lady dear sister”
Drustina nodded sagely.
“It’s the name of the game dear sister. I’m only asking for a small lie. Shall we break bread with the jarls and my lieutenant?”
Brendigan nodded with a satisfied smile and rang the bell for the steward.
“Tell the jarls, I will be seeing them at the sixteenth hour.”
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You'd think
that by now half of Europe would be following here to help her get her lands back, she's help enough of them. As for whats to come, I don't think Queen Elthorn will be objecting to Drustinas idea for furthering the progeny of Athun and Elthorn.

I LOVE it. She has learned well the *art* of diplomacy
And as danged near everyone will get THAT term about politics - Machiavellian -- I forgive him being used a few centuries before he was born.
-- grin --
And it really does fit here so it was appropriate.
So if her plan works, it looks like more of Drustina's offspring will eventually rule another land. She will be like Charlemane or Gengis Khan without all the tribute brides. There would be thousands perhaps millions of her blood decendantss by now. Hum, all my ancestors are from the Baltic or England, possibly Cornwall or even Wales. Am I a decendent?
-- snicker --
John in Wauwatosa
For a story you seemed at one time to be falling out of favor with, either your muse was flagging or was it our reponces, this remains high quality and a joy.
Do complete this.
Drustina deserves justice and most of all happyness... if she can find them. Can she find a good woman and/or a good man? And what of her lost homeland? Any more surviving relatives, friends? Or has she found all who survived?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
The Angry Mermaid 55 Y Morforwyn Dicllon 55.
This reminds me a bit of Wade Wallace in Braveheart. Will Drustina do as I believe she will?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Dear Beverly
This has been a wonderful saga. It has taken some many chapters to figure out the design of the Angry Mermaid. Drustina has had many adventures and taken us with her. I only hope now that you will continue and conclude this epic after this break of many months.
Much Love,
Valerie R
Hi Val, yes.
Hi Val, Drustina has a few more adventures to go before she finally reaches a peaceful conclusion. Now that Wheels and wings is completed, I'm going back to Mermaid. I'm already up to chapter 60 so after a couple more chapters I will resume posting once I've got my mind back into the story. Several important battles to go in the south of England and in the north west. There are 38 chapters to wheels, once these are posted, (one a day), I'll resume mermaid. XXX Bevs.
Thank you, dear
For giving us hope to go with our expectations.
By the way, I love the pictures of you and your friends. Everyone has great legs.
Much Love,
Valerie R
Glad that the angry mermaid will be continued!
Ah, it is good to hear that the angry mermaid will be continued :)
I've read your story from the beginning to the then current post at least three times, it has been a joy each time! :)
Thank you for posting such a great story!