A little slow

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Given that I haven't slept much at all the past two nights with the nightmares coming back my brain is getting a little fuzzy. I still hope to have chapter 9 of Bloodlines and chapter 8 of Trial and Heiress both done before the end of the week, but as I'm not firing on all cylinders right now the going may be a little slow. Once I have both of them out I will try to have chapter 6 of Alex in Wonderland up by mid next week. Again these are hopeful times depending on whether my brain cooperates. I have mental outlines for all three chapters, it's just getting it out of my head and into the word processor. Hopefully the delay won't be long if at all for these chapters.


Sleep, Sleep what is sleep?

I've been struggling with Insomnia for years now. I understand what it does to your mind.

Take your time.


Take all the time......

You need hon, your dealing with a lot of demons and I hope can put them and yourself to bed soon! (pun intended!) May your next nights sleep be restful, Big Hugs, Taarpa

Take your time.Slow but good is better than fast & not so good.

There is no rule that says you must post on a time table, though many authors do so.

But a lot of them have written several chapters ahead, so that they can have a slow down or short, ( usually! ), writer's block and still keep to their self imposed schedule.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.



Amethyst's picture

That's true, and I won't post something if I don't think it's good enough. I'd rather my readers wait for a good story than get a sub par one on schedule. I have gotten some inspiration though and I'm putting a good dent into the DRU stories before I decide to try and sleep.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Amethyst, sleep

is way more important than any story.

May Your Light Forever Shine