To Make A Wish, Book 2, Chapter 07

Seasons Greetings everyone from Sara & Samantha

Editors Note: A day early this week as I won’t have net access tomorrow.

 © November 2012

Chapter Seven

    Prue was sat in a chair looking a little shocked when Sara and Sheana blinked into the room. Michelle was just handing Prue a silver flask with blood in it.

     “Are you alright Prue?” Sara asked looking worried.

     “I’ll be fine, but I breathed in some of that silver dust and my throat is burning.” Prue rasped out just before she started drinking from the silver flask.

    Sara watched as Prue tried to get the silver out her system, but it didn’t look to be working very well as Prue just kept coughing.

     “You need something a little stronger to help you fight off that crap.” Sara said as she made her armour retract so she could let Prue freed from her arm.

     “I’ll be fine once I’ve got the silver out my body.” Prue said when she realised what Sara wanted her to do.

     “I want you fine now, so drink.” Sara ordered as she pushed her arm up to Prue’s lips.

    Prue looked up at Sara with a pleading look, but soon let her fangs pop out as she realised that Sara just wanted to make sure she got well again as fast as she could. Prue bit into Sara’s arm and took just enough to help her fight off the silver before she stopped and wiped the last of Sara’s blood off her lips and then she licked Sara’s arm before licking her own fingers where the remains of the blood was just trickling from her mouth.

     “Thank you.” Prue said with a sigh as she felt Sara’s blood flowing through her body and flushing out the silver she’d inhaled.

     “Now do you feel alright?” Sara asked as she saw the fang marks on her arm heal up like she’d never been bitten.

     “Yes.” Prue nodded as she stood up again feeling ready to take on the world. She’d not had to feed from Sara since the trouble with Valeck. That made Prue realise that it might have been someone that worked for Valeck. “Do you think we missed one of Valeck’s men, and he’s now trying to finish what Valeck started?” Prue asked.

     “Could be.” Sara said looking worried. “I couldn’t read their mind, and they knew not to let the three vampires see his face, so I couldn’t pick out his face or warn Karl about what to look for.” Sara growled. “I guess they didn’t know about the shield that protects you, or they did and that was the reason for the silver dust in the bullets.” Sara frowned.

     “We’re checking all the CCTV footage from around the area to see if we can pick anything up, but so far it’s just empty roads.” Jo said as he typed on a computer.

     “Whoever it is, they sure know what they’re doing.” Sara said. “I think we should keep you off the streets looking like this until we catch them and remove the threat.” Sara added.

     “I want to help you catch this creep!” Prue argued.

     “I’m not going to risk losing you again Prue, and we may need you to stay close to Jenna, just in case whoever this is goes after her.” Sara pointed out. “Sheana and I will track this person down and we will make sure he can’t hurt you or Jenna ever again.” Sara promised.

    Prue didn’t like the idea of sitting back while Sara and Sheana went out looking for the person trying to kill her, but she knew that Jenna would be worried if she went out looking for the person, and Prue was worried about someone going after her baby sister. They still had no idea if this was someone connected to Valeck, or the men that the commander was working for in the private sector just before she helped Sara and Sheana bring it all to an end. Hypatia had tracked down the people controlling the commander, but Hypatia had thought there were others involved, but they hadn’t had any contact with the ones they had tracked down and dealt with.

     “Okay, you’re right, but I don’t like the idea of letting you and Sheana go out without me.” Prue agreed, all be it grudgingly.

     “I know Prue, but after what just happened, I’ll live with you being unhappy rather than dead.” Sara said as she pulled Prue into a hug. “Now let’s go home.” Sara added as she looked at Sheana still in her black witch disguise.

    Sheana blinked them all home and got Jo home at the same time. They decided to explain what happened to them and the fact that someone took a shot at Prue. Jenna was upset to hear the news, but if they had tried to keep it from her, Jenna would have just read it in Prue’s mind.

     “How do you plan to find out who this person is?” Karen asked as she made them all some drinking chocolate. They had all waited up for the four of them to return from their mission.

     “I don’t have any idea at the minute.” Sara shrugged. “I was going to have a word with Hypatia and Karl to see if they have any ideas.” Sara admitted.

     “Just remember to be careful, and I don’t want you going out while it’s your time of the month either, not until you’ve sorted this out.” Karen ordered.

     “Yes mother.” Sara agreed. She’d learned not to go against her mother when she spoke in that tone of voice.

    It had taken Karen some time to get over the fact Sara was almost crippled when she tried to fight Spike while she was on her period and she’d lost most her powers and all her strength. She’d gotten well again once her powers returned, but none of them wanted to risk something more serious happening and her powers not helping her to recover.

    They all finished their hot chocolate and then went to bed to get some sleep before they all started their day at school and work for Sandy and Karen.

    Sara was distracted a lot of the next day at school as she tried to work out a plan to find out who the person was that wanted Prue dead, and why they were so hell bent on killing her. Sara knew she didn’t have nearly enough information to come up with a plan, so she hopped that Hypatia and Karl might be able to help. Sara was going to see Karl before she went to Hypatia with the problem. Sara thought Karl might have heard something about someone new being in town, she could then use that info to work out a plan to catch this person with Hypatia’s help.

     “Are we going over to see Natalie again this evening?” Jo asked as they walked home from school.

     “Not tonight, I need to go see Karl and see what he knows about the person trying to kill Prue again.” Sara explained. “I’ll probably see Natalie later in the night when I go to see Tia, but it won’t be to hang out and have fun.” Sara added with a sigh.

     “Do you want Michelle and me to carry on looking through CCTV footage for you then?” Jo asked wanting to be helpful.

     “Yes if you don’t mind?” Sara smiled as she stepped closer and let Jo wrap an arm around her shoulder.

     “I don’t mind at all, it beats putting on a dress any day.” Jo frowned.

     “You could always look through the footage as Josie.” Sara grinned up at him. “We could dress you up like a sexy secretary.” She added with a giggle.

     “No thank you!” Jo said looking worried. “I’m not going to let the three of you treat me like some life size Barbie doll.” He added.

     “But you already do baby.” Sara pouted as she looked up at him.

     “I know you do.” Jo frowned. “I find it easier to focus on my work as me. I’m always distracted by the feel of my clothes as Josie.” He added in a whisper as he looked around to make sure they weren’t close to anyone that might overhear.

     “I’m glad that you’ll be around tonight, I might want a cuddle later in the evening once I’ve done with my running around.” Sara sighed as she let Jo hug her while they walked along.

     “It has been a busy week for you so far.” Jo said as he thought about all the things Sara had been doing to help out Natalie and tracking down Anton and Rosalie.

     “It doesn’t look like it’s going to be getting any easier with this psycho gunning for Prue either.” Sara pointed out. “I don’t even know where to start looking for him.” She added with a sigh.

     “I’m sure that Karl will know something, and if he doesn’t, I’m sure that Hypatia would have heard something.” Jo said trying to be optimistic.

     “I hope you’re right Jo, because I don’t want to wait for this psycho to take another shot at Prue to try and catch him.” Sara shuddered at the thought of someone using Prue for target practice again. She wasn’t sure Prue would have survived last night’s attack if she hadn’t seen what was about to happen.

     “You’ll catch who ever this psycho is and you already saved Prue, so I have every bit of faith in you.” Jo said sounding confident in Sara’s abilities.

    Sara was glad that someone had faith in her, even if she doubted it in herself at the minute. Jo walked Sara and the other two to the end of their road before he gave Sara a kiss and then ran off to get home to do his homework and then come over to Sara’s ready for a night of looking through CCTV footage, while Sara and Sheana went out trying to track down the shooter.

    They got in and went up to do their homework and then help Prue finish off dinner before they all sat down to enjoy the meal. Prue offered to sort out the dishes with Jenna’s help, so Sara and Sheana could morph and go see Karl and then Hypatia. Prue wanted this latest threat sorted out as soon as possible.

    Jo arrived and then Sheana and Sara both morphed into their armour before blinking over to the secret room under the cafe.

     “I thought your suit cleaned itself every time you used it?” Jo asked when he saw that Sara and Sheana still had traces of the silver dust on their suits.

     “They normally do.” Sheana said sounding puzzled as she wiped some of the silver dust off her arm and rubbed it between her gloved fingers trying to work out why it was still on them. “I wonder if it might have something to do with the silver content.” Sheana added with a shrug like it wasn’t a big deal as she picked up a cloth and wiped the dust off herself before doing the same for Sara in her red suit of armour.

     “We’ll blink over and have a word with Karl, and see what he knows about this person trying to kill Prue, and then we’ll go and have a word with Tia to see what her take on it is.” Sara explained to Jo and Michelle just before she blinked away with Sheana.

    Karl was in the training room looking at some of his men training when he saw the Slayer and her witch friend appear, but he was soon distracted by the sound of alarms sounding to say they had a problem.

    The doors to the room they were in all slammed shut and Sara and Sheana got ready for a battle when they thought it was a trap to try and catch them, but they soon relaxed when they saw that Karl and his men were all running around checking computers and talking on radios like Sara and Sheana weren’t in the room.

     “What’s going on?” Karl asked as he spoke into a radio.

     “Sensors just picked up a radioactive trace in the training room.” A voice informed him over the radio. “Automatic protocol locked down the room to keep it from spreading to the rest of the base.” The voice warned.

     “Okay, I’ll track it down and get back to you.” Karl said just before he placed the radio down on the counter and then walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a weird looking box with a couple of silver prongs stuck out of it. Karl turned it on and then started walking around the room checking for something. He was soon walking towards Sara and Sheana as the device started to make a noise that didn’t sound good the closer he got to the two of them.

     “What’s going on?” Sara asked worriedly.

     “Where have the two of you been? You’re both giving off low readings of radiation.” Karl said as he moved the device up and down Sara. The device seemed to make the more noise the closer he got to her head.

     “Crap!” Sara suddenly said as she realised what was making them radioactive. “I’ll be right back.” Sara warned just before she was gone. It was only a second before she returned with a cloth in her hand for Karl to scan with his device. “Scan this.” She said, holding out the cloth.

    Karl scanned the cloth and it went crazy. “Where have you been?” Karl asked again.

     “Someone took a couple of shots at Prue last night after we left the blood bank cafe. I blocked the shots and got covered in a silver dust.” Sara started to explain. “I thought it was just silver so they could kill Prue if the bullets didn’t work, but it looks like they had another reason for it now, but I wasn’t aware a vampire could be killed with radiation?” Sara asked.

     “The radioactive trace is to low to do any damage to even humans.” Karl said waving off Sara’s worries of being killed by it. “This amount would be used to trace someone, so it’s a safer bet that someone is trying to track Prue, or even you.” Karl frowned.

     “That sounds like something the government would do.” Sara said with anger in her voice.

     “Not our government Slayer, but something the Americans would try, or maybe a private sector mission.” Karl said with his hand up to show he’d have nothing to do with something like this.

     “Can you trace this radiation signature?” Sara asked.

     “No, we would need to know the exact signature to trace it.” Karl frowned with worry.

    “Sheana? Could this stuff be traced even with the armour in this sub space you made?” Sara asked her after forming a mind link so Karl and his men wouldn’t overhear them.

     “I’m not sure, I’ve never had dealings with this silver tainted substance before now, but it could still be traced if it’s not been wiped clean by being placed back in sub space.” Sheana warned.

     “If that’s the case then it means that someone can trace Prue back to our house.” Sara said worriedly. “We need to get back there and warn the others.” Sara added as she touched her belt and blinked over to the house with Sheana following close behind.

    Prue was just finishing up the dishes with Jenna’s help when there was a knock at the front door.

     “I’ll get it!” Sandy shouted as she got up off the sofa and made her way to the front door. She opened the door and found a man stood there smiling at her with a weird look in his eyes. “Hello, can I help you?” Sandy asked politely.

     “You will invite me into the house, girl.” The man ordered more than asked as he looked deep into Sandy’s eyes.

     “And why would I want to do that?” Sandy asked in a tone that made it sound like she thought this man was a mental patient. “I think you should go before I call the police.” Sandy added as she went to close the door on him.

    The man’s hand shot out to try and stop Sandy closing the door, but he was stopped by an invisible wall that rippled when he made contact with it. Sandy saw this happen and realised that he was a vampire trying to gain access, but the fact she was wearing a charmed necklace that Sheana had given her, stopped him being able to compel her. Prue was soon stood behind Sandy when she heard Sandy scream out.

     “What’s wrong Sandy?” Prue asked as she pulled her aside to get a look at the thing that just scared her. “That can’t be possible, I killed you...” Prue said after opening the front door and seeing the man still stood on the doorstep trying to force his way into the house. Prue found herself looking at Valeck still looking very much alive.

     “Hello Prudence.” Valeck smiled. “Did you think you were the only vampire with a witch for a friend?” He asked.

     “But I saw you die and burn up into a pile of ash.” Prue said, shocked to be stood looking at Valeck.

     “Yes you did, and I must say it hurt, but not as much as I plan to make you hurt for killing me.” Valeck snarled as he punched the invisible wall protecting them from him.

     “That was you last night at the blood bank wasn’t it?” Prue suddenly realised. “It was you that tried to shoot me?” She asked.

     “Yes, and it would have worked if not for that troublesome Slayer.” Valeck snarled angrily. “I must say I’m shocked to see you back on your feet so soon after breathing in so much of that silver dust though, or is that also part of the protection spell the witch gave you?” Valeck asked trying to get information out of Prue.

     “How did this witch you know bring you back from the dead then?” Prue asked trying to ignore his questions to her.

     “Just a simple binding spell to a crystal, but it doesn’t stop it hurting when it happens, but thankfully I don’t get beaten very often.” Valeck bragged. “Now I know where to find you, I just need to wait for you or one of the others living here to leave the house and then you won’t be under its protection.” Valeck smiled as he touched the barrier again making it ripple.

     “You don’t need to do this Valeck.” Prue tried pleading with him. “I’m fighting for good now again. I don’t feed on humans anymore.” She tried to explain.

     “But you did, and I made you, so that blood is on my hands as well as yours, so I need to kill you to clean it off.” Valeck snarled. “And I saw you that day you killed me, you fed from the Slayer right in front of me, so don’t tell me your lies.” He spat out.

     “And what about all the people that got killed just so you could catch the slayer or the people you helped to kill when the commander went mad and tried to kill everyone in the base?” Prue argued.

     “None of them were killed by me feeding on them, and some humans must die to aid in the death of things like you.” Valeck finished with an evil chuckle.

     “You’ve gone insane Valeck.” Prue said as she realised he had changed from the man she’d first met all those years ago.

     “All this coming from a thing that ended so many human lives’, and now fight’s your own kind trying to make amends for it.” Valeck mocked. “Tell me, does it work, or do you still see the faces of all those people you fed on every time you close your eyes?” He asked in the same mocking tone.

     “You say you do what you do for the goodness of human kind, but you still tried to catch the slayer and she’s a source for good in the world.” Prue pointed out.

     “Yes I did, but only so the humans could make an army of slayers to wipe out every last evil vampire on the planet.” Valeck said with pride.

     “They would end up wiping out all of us, even the good ones as you call them.” Prue said with a snort. “You really have gone insane if you think the human race would take the time to work out which of us were good or evil.” She added with a laugh.

     “I care not if they kill us all.” Valeck shrugged like he really didn’t care.

     “Because you’d just keep coming back?” Prue asked.

     “Yes, but I wonder if you will be able to come back when I finally drive a stake through your cold black heart?” Valeck asked with an evil smile as he pulled out a knife with a solid silver blade. “I’ll be seeing you soon Prudence.” Valeck said as he started stepping backwards down the path, not taking his eyes off Prue all the way to the pavement.

    Prue touched the spot on her neck where her necklace was and then focused on making her armour appear so she could go after Valeck and kill him again before he could get away and hurt one of the others later, but just as she was about to step out of the house she was pulled back and the front door was slammed shut.

     “What are you doing? He’ll get away!” Prue screamed out as she saw it was Sara still in her slayer armour that had pulled her back and closed the door. Sara was now blocking the doorway and stopping Prue from going after Valeck.

     “It’s a trap Prue. He wants you to follow him so he can kill you, or try to.” Sara explained what she’d just read in Valeck’s mind.

     “How do you know that? I thought you couldn’t read his mind?” Prue asked.

     “I can’t on my own, but with Jenna and Tia his mind is an open book like all other minds are to me when I want to know what they are thinking.” Sara explained.

     “So Tia knows he’s still alive then?” Prue asked.

     “Yes, I linked with her and Jenna as soon as I realised it was him trying to kill you.” Sara frowned.

     “But how did you work that out?” Prue asked looking confused still.

     “Sandy was screaming it to me in a mind link.” Sara said as she looked at Sandy who was poking her head around the door from the living room.

     “I just thought you’d like to know we had company.” Sandy pointed out.

     “Thanks for the heads up sis.” Sara smiled.

     “So what do we do now?” Prue asked. “We can’t all stay in the house why you and Sheana try to catch him.”

     “No you can’t and that is why everyone is going to stop at Tia’s place until Valeck is caught.” Sara said just as her mum walked out into the hallway with Jenna in her arms.

     “I think that’s for the best given he knows where you live Prue, and I’d feel better knowing he can’t get at us.” Karen said in agreement with Sara.

    So with that said they all went to pack for a couple of days and then let Sara and Sheana blink them all over to Hypatia’s place. Sara and Sheana had already said they could blink any one of the others back at any time to get more things if they needed them too, and Valeck wouldn’t have any idea where they were or if they were still in the house scared to leave. Sheana had also cast a spell to clean all the silver dust off their armour before they left the house, so Valeck wouldn’t be able to track them to Hypatia’s, not that he’d ever stand a chance of getting in with the guards she had protecting the place.

    Hypatia, Samantha and Natalie were all stood in the hallway ready to help with their bags when they appeared.

     “Thank you for putting us up at such short notice Tia.” Karen said as she stepped over and let Hypatia greet her with a hug.

     “It’s no trouble at all Karen, I’m just glad he couldn’t gain access to the house before Sara got back.” Hypatia said sounding worried for them. “And I’m glad that Sara stopped you running out right into the trap he had waiting.” Hypatia added with a frown as she looked at Prue.

     “I’m sorry Tia; I can see how foolish that would have been now.” Prue said looking a little sheepish as she got scowled at by Hypatia.

     “You need to let Sara do the thinking for you while we deal with this Valeck.” Hypatia started to explain. “He knows how you think and is using that to goad you and make you play his game, but he doesn’t know how the Slayer thinks, so he can’t plan as well against her or Sheana.”

     “Where do you want to start looking for him then Sara?” Prue asked as she looked at Sara in her red armour stood next to Sheana in her black armour.

     “My first port of call is going to be Karl at his base.” Sara said sounding thoughtful. “I’m going to get him to close the school for a couple of days so Sheana and I can spend some time tracking Valeck down without anyone noticing we’re missing from school.” She explained.

     “Do you think he’ll go for it sis?” Sheana asked.

     “He will by the time I’ve done lying to him about Valeck looking to use some of the kids from school to force the Slayer out.” Sara smiled. “I hope you don’t mind me lying mum, but it’s for a good cause.”

     “Do whatever it takes to get that mad man off the streets.” Karen said with anger in her voice over Valeck trying to hurt one of her family.

     “Sheana and I will blink back and fill Karl in while the rest of you get settled in.” Sara explained just before she blinked away again.

    Things were a lot quieter at the base when Sara and Sheana appeared this time, they never set off any alarms and Karl looked happy about that.

     “Do you care to explain what all that was about earlier?” Karl asked with a raised eyebrow and a look that said he didn’t like being kept in the dark about things.

     “Valeck’s back and it was him that tried to kill Prue last night outside the blood bank.” Sara explained.

     “I thought you said Prue killed him months ago when all that trouble happened here?” Karl asked looking shocked to hear what the Slayer just said.

     “She did, but it turns out he has a witch that was able to find some way to make it so he can’t be killed.” Sara growled. “But we will find a way to kill him, or put a stop to him.” She added with conviction in her voice.

     “Is he still trying to kill Prue then?” Karl asked.

     “Yes, but he also wants to try and draw me out by causing trouble at the school, so I need you to come up with a reason to shut the school down until I can catch him.” Sara lied.

     “Consider it done Slayer, and just let me know if I can help with anything else.” Karl said without questioning her request.

     “Just tell your men to keep away from him, he’s quite insane and I don’t want to see any of your men get hurt trying to take him on.” Sara warned.

     “If they do find him I’ll tell them to just back off and let me know so I can then inform you of it.” Karl said. “Do I just reach you in the same way as always?” He asked with a smile.

     “Yep, just call out my name and click your heels together three times.” Sara smiled.

     “Right...” Karl chuckled. “Just be careful Slayer, Valeck is not just your normal vampire.” Karl sounded worried for Sara and Sheana.

     “I always am Karl.” Sara smiled just before she touched her belt and blinked away.

     “Keep an eye on her for me Witch.” Karl said to Sheana before she blinked away.

     “I always do Karl.” Sheana smiled before she was gone.

    Karl still wondered who the two of them were, but he knew he could trust them to do all they could to keep everyone safe, and peace between the human and supernatural world. He was still getting some flak from people above him to find out just where this mystery woman and her side kick came from, but after Karl told them about her having a pet dragon at her beck and call they backed off a little. He called for a meeting with all his men so he could fill them in and make sure they followed these orders to the letter, not that he expected any of his men to go upsetting the slayer again, not after they saw her deal with McGrath for taking a shot at her.

    Sara and Sheana had blinked to their command room under the Internet cafe and collected Michelle and Jo before blinking over to Hypatia’s so they could work on a plan to draw out Valeck and put a stop to him.

    Jo looked worried when he saw Natalie looking at him when they walked into the living room where everyone was sat around talking. Natalie was sat with Jenna on her knee.

     “Don’t look so worried Jo; I’m in control of my feelings a lot more now, so I won’t be trying to seduce you again anytime soon.” Natalie smiled.

     “That’s a shame; I liked the idea of being a chick magnet.” Jo said jokingly, but it still earned him a slap from Sara who had just made her armour retract like Sheana had done. “I was kidding.” Jo added as he tried to defend himself from the attack, even though there was no power behind the slaps.

     “Keep talking like that mister and you may find yourself spending more time than you want as Josie.” Sara warned as she stopped slapping him and wrapped her arms around him before she leaned in for a kiss.

     “When you’ve finished with your young man Sara, I think we need to talk about this plan to put a stop to Valeck.” Hypatia said with a raised eyebrow as she watched the two of them making out in front of them.

     “Sorry.” Sara blushed as she realised they were being watched by everyone in the room.

     “Did Karl agree to close the school?” Hypatia continued.

     “Yes, and he’s telling his men to back off and just report any sightings of Valeck.” Sara explained.

     “That’s good. Valeck wouldn’t think twice about killing any of them if they got in his way. I saw that when we were in his mind earlier.” Hypatia frowned.

     “Do you have any ideas on how we go about catching him then Tia?” Sara asked looking hopeful that she did, because she was drawing a blank.

     “Before we come up with a plan, we need to know what he’s planning.” Hypatia smiled. “And that is where I need yours and Jenna’s help. If we all link up, we can read his mind, and with him taking that drug to prevent us being able to read it, he won’t know we’re in there seeing everything.” Hypatia smirked.

     “So the very thing he thinks is stopping us seeing his thoughts will be the one thing helping us?” Sara grinned.

     “Yes, I find it quite poetic.” Hypatia giggled. “We will need to find where he keeps this crystal that he’s been bonded to as well, or he will just keep coming back. Can you find some way to locate it Sheana?” Hypatia asked.

     “Yes, Valeck gave me the idea when he tried to shoot Prue with that silver dust.” Sheana started to explain. “I can charm a silver spike, but it will mean Sara fighting Valeck and killing him, so my spell will lead us to the location. Sara and I can then blink there and grab the crystal.”

     “Valeck has seen Sara in battle, and he won’t be foolish enough to try fighting her one-to-one though.” Prue warned.

     “Prudence has a point; he won’t be foolish enough to face the Slayer one on one.” Hypatia agreed with Prue.

     “How do we get close enough to stake him then?” Sara asked.

     “Let me face him?” Prue said. “It’s me he wants and I can kill him again, I’ve already done it once.”

     “True Prue, but you were hyped up on my blood the last time, and you know that my blood becomes useless to you after a couple of hours.” Sara warned.

     “I know, but it’s the only way he would come after us, and he’s already acting cocky about not being able to die, so he may let his guard down because of that.” Prue argued.

     “Prudence could be on to something, and you could compel him in a small way to allow her to put the stake in his heart.” Hypatia said as she started to form a plan.

    Sara looked at Hypatia and Prue as she tried to think of another way to stop Valeck that didn’t put Prue in the line of fire. Sara then looked at Jenna sat on Natalie’s knee and remembered what had happened the last time Prue got in trouble.

     “I not blame you dis time Sara.” Jenna said with a smile as she read Sara’s thoughts. “I know sis be alright dis time.” Jenna added with a giggle as Natalie tickled her for reading people’s minds without asking them first.

     “Sara, none of what happened before was your fault, it was all on me for being stupid enough to go after Valeck on my own.” Prue said when she realised why Sara wasn’t so quick to get onboard with the plan.

     “Natalie and I have designed an addition to your armour as well.” Samantha said with a grin. “This is the second time Valeck has used a form of gas or substance to try killing or knocking you out, so we made some re-breathers to filter out anything but fresh air, not that Prue actually needs to breath, but it will stop anything nasty getting in to your body.” Samantha explained excitedly.

     “You see Sara, now he has no way to hurt me.” Prue pointed out. “And you’ll always only be a blink away if I did get in trouble.” Prue smiled as she couldn’t see how their plan could fail.

    Samantha was soon leading Sara, Sheana and Prue down to her lab in the basement of the house to fit their armour with the new additions.

    Once Samantha was done adding the re-breathers, all three suits had full head masks whereas before it was just Sara’s that covered the whole head, but now Sheana and Prue’s had the option of covering the whole head, and Samantha had built in a trigger that would make the full head mask appear at the first sign of gas or dangerous dust of any type.

     “You helped to design these?” Sara asked Natalie as she stood next to Samantha grinning with pride for what she’d helped to create.

     “Yes, it’s like I can recall everything I’ve ever learned, and everything I learn now is just there for me to use again and again.” Natalie giggled with excitement just like Samantha did when she does something new.

     “She makes me proud to be her mother.” Samantha said as she wrapped an arm around Natalie and pulled her closer.

    Natalie giggled even more as she cuddled into Samantha like she was the happiest girl in the world now she had a mother, and even prouder for it to be Samantha.

     “I’m glad you to found each other, and I’m also glad that we have the two of you helping us keep one step ahead of the enemy.” Sara smiled as she watched the touching moment play out.

     “Now that we have your armour updated, shall we go back upstairs and find out where and what Valeck has in store for you next?” Hypatia asked.

    Hypatia, Jenna and Sara were soon all sat around a small table holding hands as they focused all their thoughts on breaking into Valeck’s mind and find out what he planned to do next. With the three of them all focusing on the one person it didn’t take long for them to find him and get into his mind. It was just like Hypatia had said, he wasn’t able to pick up on them being there due to the drug he was still taking, but the drug also made him erratic and paranoid, but Sara already knew it did that after what it did to the commander.

    Valeck was sat in a van parked just down the road from Sara’s house. He was alone and from what they could tell from his thoughts he didn’t have anyone helping him either, so they now knew that he hadn’t told anyone else about him finding out where Prue was living, and he’d only arrived at the house after dark, so he hadn’t seen Sara, Sheana, Michelle or Jo come and go.

    They soon found out that Valeck’s plan was simple and he’d already set it in motion with knocking on the door and then waiting for Prue to come out and face him, or he was planning to kill everyone that left the house until Prue gave herself up.

“I’m going to kill him again and again.” Sara thought to Hypatia and Jenna when she saw Valeck’s mind playing out killing Sandy over and over again, due to Sandy being the only person he’d seen in the house other than Prue.

    “As long as we have the crystal he’s bound to, I’ll hold him while you do it.” Hypatia thought back with anger in her voice.

    Once they saw that he wasn’t planning on going anywhere, they broke the link with him and told the others where he was and what he was doing.

     “Let me blink back to the house and go out to face him then, now.” Prue said, wanting to get it over with.

     “That wouldn’t work Prue; he’d be expecting us to try something if you just faced him.” Sara pointed out. “We need to make it look like you’re trying to make a run for it and let him follow you and then catch you off guard.” Sara added after some thought.

     “Yes that sounds like a much better plan.” Hypatia agreed. “Let him think you’re running away scared and then let him think he’s caught you.” She added liking Sara’s plan.

     “But what about Jenna? I don’t want her to end up in the middle of the fight.” Prue said sounding worried.

     “He’ll just think you’re running to lead him away from Jenna and the slayer is protecting Jenna for you.” Hypatia explained what she thought Valeck would do. “He knows how much you love Jenna, so he’ll know you wouldn’t leave her unprotected, and he’s not foolish enough to take on the slayer.” Hypatia added.

     “I hope you’re right.” Prue said still not sounding sure she liked this plan very much.

     “Jenna will be under my protection, and Hypatia’s, so we’re not lying really, but he just won’t be ready for the other part of the plan where we kill him and then follow him back to the place where he’s storing this crystal he’d bound too.” Sara grinned.

     “Okay then, let’s go and do this before he works out we’re planning something.” Prue said with a sigh as she got to her feet and walked over to give Jenna a hug.

    Jenna didn’t look too worried about their plan not working as she reached up from where she was sat on Natalie’s knee and let Prue pick her up and give her a long hug just before she kissed Jenna on the cheek and warned her to keep out of trouble until she got back.

     “Does that mean I can get in trouble den?” Jenna asked with a cheeky looking grin.

     “No! And you know what I mean you little monster.” Prue laughed as she gave Jenna one final hug before placing her back on Natalie’s knee.

     “I not a monster, I a princess.” Jenna giggled as she stuck her tongue out at Prue.

     “Who ever told you that hasn’t tried living with you?” Prue said with a grin just before she stuck her tongue out at Jenna.

     “Natalie fink I a princess.” Jenna said as she cuddled up to Natalie.

     “Yes, but I never said it to you though.” Natalie pointed out.

     “You soon get use to Jen bear doing that.” Michelle giggled. “She has this nasty little habit of listening in on people’s thoughts.” Michelle added as she started to tickle Jenna.

    Prue just smiled as she saw how much they all loved Jenna, and she felt a little silly for worrying about her baby sister, but when you’ve spent well over a hundred years being her only protector, Prue still found it hard to let others look after her.

     “I’ll see you again soon Jen bear.” Prue smiled as she ruffled Jenna’s hair before she joined Sheana and Sara out in the hallway so they could blink back to the house and set their plan in motion.

    Sandy was going along to make it look like she was going to try and stop Prue leaving in Sandy’s old car carrying a duffle bag like she wasn’t planning to be back anytime soon. Sara and Sheana had already morphed into their armour and were ready to follow Valeck to the place he went when Prue killed him. Hypatia and Jenna would form a loose mind link with Sara and then Valeck to know when they would need to step in and help Prue if things went wrong, or where to blink to once the charmed spike was plunged into his heart.

     “Are you ready to do this then Prue?” Sandy asked once they had a bag packed and Prue had the car keys in her hand ready to put on a show.

     “As ready as I’ll ever be, but remember to get back in the house as soon as I drive away.” Prue warned. “I don’t want to give him a chance to grab you and use you in some way.” Prue added with worry.

     “Sheana and I will be keeping an eye on her Prue, so he won’t stand a chance if he did try anything.” Sara said as she pulled Prue into a hug.

     “Aren’t you worried about him being able to hear us talking?” Sandy asked in a whisper as she realised Valeck could be hearing them speaking right now.

     “No, the spell protecting the house stops anyone from being able to listen to us outside the house.” Sheana grinned.

     “That’s good to know.” Sandy smiled nervously.

     “Let’s do this then.” Prue said as she threw the duffle bag over her shoulder and then burst out the front door and looked around trying to make it look like she was nervous as she made her way out to Sandy’s old car with Sandy following close behind.

     “Prue...! You can’t just up and leave like this, stop here and let us help you sort all this out.” Sandy pleaded.

     “You heard what he said Sandy, I can’t kill him, so what else can I do but make a run for it.” Prue said in a whisper, but she knew that Valeck would still be able to hear her. “As long as the Slayer keeps an eye on Jenna, then I don’t care if he kills me, but I won’t have him hurting Jenna.” Prue threw the bag in the trunk of the car and then she turned back to Sandy and gave her a hug.

     “Be safe Prue and you’ll always have a home here with us.” Sandy said as she shed a couple of tears while she gave Prue a hug. Call us and let us know you’re safe every once in a while.” Sandy added.

     “I’ll call as much as I can Sandy.” Prue said as she hugged Sandy back. “Tell Jenna I said goodbye, I just wish she hadn’t stormed off to her room when I told her I was leaving without her.” Prue added as the reason for Jenna not being stood out in front of the house right now.

    Prue jumped in the car and started it before she pulled off and drove up the road. Sandy went back in the house as fast as she could without making it look like she was trying to get in as fast as she could.

     “Valeck took the bait and he’s following Prue now.” Sara said when Sandy entered the living room. “That was some act the two of you put on, he brought the whole thing.” Sara added with a grin, which looked scary to Sandy due to Sara being in her Slayer armour with the sunglasses and red hair.

     “I’m still worried about him hurting Prue in some way though sis.” Sandy said voicing her worries. “This Valeck always seems to be one step ahead of us.” She added.

     “He was when he knew we couldn’t read his mind, but now we can see everything he has planned.” Sara pointed out as she pulled Sandy into a hug to help calm her down. “Let’s get back to Hypatia’s and wait for Valeck to make his move.” Sara said just before she touched her belt and blinked herself and Sandy back to Hypatia’s.

     “Shouldn’t you stick close to Prue in case she needs you?” Sandy asked once they got back to Hypatia’s.

     “Sheana and I are only a split second away if Prue needs us sis.” Sara said reassuringly. “It could be a couple of hours before Prue needs our help, or she finally faces off against Valeck.” Sara added.

     “Sara’s right Sandy, if Prue stops to soon it could tip him off to something, but she can stop for fuel in an hour or so, this will give Valeck a chance to do something to the car so he can force it to breakdown in a deserted spot where he can try to kill her.” Hypatia explained as she walked into the hallway with Jenna at her side holding her hand so they had a stronger link with each other, which made it so they could keep an eye on Valeck’s mind.

    Sara was linked with the two of them through a mind link, so she didn’t need to touch hands with either of them to keep herself part of the chain.

    It was now a case of waiting for Valeck to make his move so Prue could firstly kill him, and then Sara and Sheana could blink to the place where he was hiding the crystal that prevented him from dying.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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