There can be no doubt about it, I live with a vicious killer.
My dog took one of her stuffed toys, managed to open it up, and threw every bit of stuffing out of it, and then looked up in triumph at us.
Its a good thing she's a cute little thing, or that would have looked dam scary ...
Ok. I know this problem,
Ok. I know this problem, except with my dog he always eats the face off the toy, and then leaves it totally alone after that. WTH! It took me awhile before I trusted him to sleep with us, and sometimes I wake up in the night and he's staring at us. I think we are ok until the food runs out. Creeped out smiles, Jenn.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
I think it's the eyes.
I think it's the eyes. Dogs, especially puppies, go after things with eyes.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I'd be nervous.
I recently read a short article about the French woman who had the world's first face transplant. She needed it because her dog ate her own face when she was unconscious because of drugs or alcohol (can't recall which).
I'm not a pet lover but I'll leave them alone as long as they leave me alone and would never deliberately harm an animal (I don't eat them either). My wife does get pretty fed up with cats shitting in her garden and scratching up her plantings.
Cats in gardens
You have problems with cats using a garden for a sandbox, there are solutions. Cats love mint, berries, lilies tulips, onions and certain grasses and a few other plants like sweet peas. They detest rue and citrus. You can plant rue or citrus around the edges of the garden to keep most cats out. Dogbane is a plant in the rue family and it works too. Oleander will discourage them but not keep them away.
A less intense solution is to grate fresh orange peel in the garden every evening and spread it around. Do that every day for two weeks and the cats will have decided that your garden is no fit place for them. Any citrus will do but oranges and limes have the most powerful smells. You'll need to redo the citrus grating every year or so.
The smell makes their assholes clench so they can't use the garden for what they came there for. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Oleander?????? Are you crazy?????
That plant though pretty is deadly to many animals including humans.
As to, problem dogs. If they are below a certain weight, take them skeet shooting.
Bang !
No more problem. Mind you my cats suggested this.
BUT we are never wrong. You love us and will always do our bidding.
Hum ... What did I say?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Oleander IS poisonous. Be careful with it.
John in Wauwatosa
Them's fighting words
If you are going to suggest skeet shooting as a way to solve dog problems, I have my own suggestion for cat problems:
P.S.: I don't actually hate cats. I have lived with cats on occasion, and I take care of a friend's cats when she travels. I just am uninterested on them. Plus, they climb everywhere. I really don't care for cats climbing on my computer table or the kitchen counter. But I have had dogs for all my life except for a few periods that, taken all together, would add up to less than one year.
Bonzi has a list of kills as long as your arm, and I mean things which used to be alive until they met him. He's also caused me to bleed a few times. He's a natural born killer, so is Whizz but she aims at smaller prey, craneflies are one of her favourites which she eats if I don't get there quickly enough. But if it's damage to inanimate objects, Whizz can destroy a bin bag in microseconds, food packaging in a few seconds more and cardboard packets take her a little while. Between the two of them - NO ONE IS SAFE! (Except me - I control the can opener).
With all that mayhem, murder,
With all that mayhem, murder, and destruction when does Bonzi find the time to write. And I fear the day the can opener stops working.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
You are safe only until cats evolve opposable thumbs, Ang
At that point we will be lucky to be our cats .... pets.
John in Wauwatosa with two nearly 18 year old overlord cat gods.
Heil Cally ! Heil Rusty!

John in Wauwatosa
We have several in our house, Dorothy.
Basil is a nice dog. Hs's nowhere near the smartest dog, but he has
brains... even if they are dog-brains. Not only is he a really nice dog,
but he's one of the most grateful people to get a gift. Paula buys him
toys, and he's always so nice about it... and even if you are not supposed
to compare siblings, our children are nowhere near as nice.
Basil will keep the toys he has in one corner, and when he gets a new
one, he will often delicately open up a small seam, and completely de-stuff
the toy, because (how can I say this politely?)... he likes 'em floppy.
Well, we also replaced our cats, cause I'm a cat person. Two female
sisters, from same parents but different litters. They are damned nice
too, except for the one that is a complete bitch, but both are very good
people. They actually love the dog as much as we do.
... Except for the first time my wife brought in the new toy from the
Walmart, some small stuffed animal that made a squeak when you bite down
hard one it. I have to tell you that both of our little miss kitties, we
suddenly noticed, were looking at that dog with such obvious horror...
And then at us... and then at the dog. We've never stopped laughing
about it.
Of course, now they just walk across his face, and take the toy and hid
it from him... but as I said: He's a good old soul.
As for real killers, we did have a cat that was the Great Tabby Hunter.
Also very affectionate, but my god, it was like we'd turned a mountain lion
loose. Like most cats, he'd bring in live birds, Chipmunks, snakes, bunny's,
which I was forever having to rescue, but he'd bring in... a porcupine.
He'd be looking at you, "You've got to grab these by the nose," sort of look.
California Condors, a zebra, small antelope... "I caught the whole heard, but
left the others out side, cause I know how much you like to see them... What?"
Geronimo the cat, and he was a nut. He was very well feed, and had no malice
in his heart, or it would have been a complete slaughter. Sadly, one day, I think
a very large Golden Eagle got him while he was sleeping on a pick nick table, but
I'm still half convinced that somewhere there is a large eagle being held for ransom.
Sarah Lynn
My old dog
She had this habit of walking along with her nose down, then giving me a filthy look when she walked into a lamp-post, telephone pole or other immoveable object.
She also was a whizz at 'pulling a sicky' if she fancied chicken and rice as a change from top-of-the-range dog meat. "I'm a sick dog; have pity on me." I always gave in - anything for a quiet life.
Equal Opportunity Chewer
Our Doberman pup, Darcey, plays no favorites with her toys. Stuffed, ballistic cloth, makes no difference. She even tears up her lounging pads. Will it ever cease?!
all i can say is training training training most dogs do the chewing because they are bored or stressed mine no longer does that as she knows if she did some thing wrong i will punish her... ie training also love the stuffing out of your pets also
LOLOLOL. How cute.
LOLOLOL. How cute.
animal chewing
Cats chew plants to throw up hairballs. Simply feeding your cat a hairball formula cat food works wonders.
Dogs chew hard stuff like bones and wood to clean their teeth. There is this really good product called a rawhide chew that you can give your dogs once and awhile to help keep their teeth clean.
Dogs also like to toss toys side to side to "kill it" which on a smaller animal snaps the neck. Want to prevent your dog from doing that go for a walk in a park usually there is enough squirrels to keep a dog happy and at most they will want to play with you by dropping off their toys, covered in slobber, in your lap.
Cats only use gardens or flower beds to do their duty in because the ground is easy to dig a hole in so they can bury it. However most cats actually hate to use either one because of the strong fertilizers people use. If you have a small plain dirt patch close by they will actually use that instead. I got a section of soil on the one side of my house fairly protected from wind and weather with soil that is turned over once a year. That gets used by animals and garden stays free of surprises.
In the US they sell cat grass
in soilless mix with a container or just the seeds. Easy to grow in a sunny window indoors or with a little artifical light to help it along.
It's essentially reasonably weed free wheat, rye and oat seeds suitable for germination with no anti fugal or other dangerous crap on it.
If not available in your nearest pet store I bet a health store or grocery that carries seeds for sprouting -- IE for your salads and Chinese stir fries would have them.
We do this in winter when the snow buries stuff here in SE Wisconsin plus the soil freezing even puts our rock-hardy catnip plants into dormancy.
The current numerous self-seeding catnip plants are from seed a friend in high school -- Bill who worked at the local ACE Hardware Store -- gave me back in the mid 1970s. And they have survived temperatures of 28F BELOW zero back in the early 1980s. And 104 F PLUS in the summer of 1988.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Bull pizzles are also sold
Bull pizzles are also sold for chew toys.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
My four legged buddies are
My four legged buddies are definitely not killers. They wouldn't know what to do with a squirrel if they caught one. The girl is the leader of their two member pack. something she is decidedly not comfortable with. When she isn't guarding her food she is pushing her head under your hand demanding scratches or cleaning her brothers ears. Her brother on the other hand is a little scardy cat who will hide from anything he isn't sure of. He also has this habit of moaning/groaning his feelings. It's somewhere between Chewbacca's yell and a dogs whine which he draws out for several seconds. oh, and he also leans against everything, especially people.
It goes without saying they the two of them have influenced my story somewhat. :P