It couldn't be that bad could it? Book 1 James' Story Part 4

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It couldn't be that bad could it?
Book 1 James' Story

This is my First attempt at a story for along time, It is about a boys journey to discover why he feels like he does. Please also not I used the language caution, even though it is what I consider only minor usage of bad language.(Better safe than sorry.)

Please comment and let me know what you either like or dislike about.

So it was that Saturday afternoon, James made his way towards Laura's home with some trepidation, having arranged it the previous day at school. Part of himself still couldn't believe that he had been allowed to do this, however the other part was really glad he had been allowed. It surprised him but he actually liked the fact he had been able to find a friend, that took him as he was and didn't want him to change just to be their friend. He spent a few minutes trying to calm his nerves, and pull himself together when he reached her home. He finally knocked on the door, he didn't have long to wait until Laura opened the door.

“Hey James,” she said with a big smile on her face, “I'm so glad you could come,” she added as she pulled him into a hug. After what seemed like forever to James she released the hug, and pulled him into the house closing the door behind them as she did so. James expected Laura to pull him into one of the downstairs rooms, to introduce him to her parents. He was therefore surprised when she led him straight upstairs, to what turned out to be her bedroom. As surprised as he had been at being led straight to her room, he was not surprised in the slightest when he realised that for some reason this was exactly how he expected her room to look.

Her room was painted in a soft Lilac color, with a darker purple and silver flowery border running round the room, at waist height, and slightly darker colored Lilac carpet. He also realised that he really liked the way this room looked, not only that but he also felt like he was more relaxed and at ease with himself. Laura stood there watching James look around the room with a smile on her face.

“You like the room then James ?” she asked still smiling, as she was sure she already knew the answer.

“Yes I do,” was James' simple answer. “It's almost exactly what I expected for you,” he added blushing slightly.

“You want something to drink?” she asked him.

“Sure,” he replied. “That would be nice,” he added glad for both the offered drink, and the chance for a moment to himself.

“OK I'll be right back,” she replied. With that she disappeared to get them both a drink.

She reappeared a few minutes later with two glasses of cola in hand. She handed one to James and then sat on the bed, inviting him to do the same. James could hardly keep his hand from shaking, as he took a drink before he sat down on the edge of the bed. Laura could see that he was clearly nervous about being there; for a moment she felt hurt that he felt that way. She realised fairly quickly however, that it wasn't fair for her to feel that way, as she remembered the day they first met. When he had stated that he wasn't used to having friends.

“Won't your Mom mind me being up here?” he asked suddenly.

“No of course not,” she replied. “I wouldn’t have brought you up here if she did,” she added with a gentle smile. As she wondered what made him ask that question. Before she could ask the question, James spoke.

“Sorry for asking then,” he said. “I was just surprised as my Mom would never let me have friends over; guess that's why I lost most of them,” he added with a sigh. As he looked towards the floor, to try to hide the tears forming in his eyes. This wasn't missed by Laura as she laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey it's OK,” she said. “You have me now,” she added pulling him into a hug, and holding him as his tears began to flow. They sat like that for nearly ten minutes, before James finally managed to pull himself together.

“I'm sorry about that,” he said still sniffling a little.

“It's alright,” she said. “You should not be ashamed of showing your feelings,” she added

“Really?” he asked not sounding sure of himself. “That's not what my Mom is always telling me,” he added looking confused.

Laura found this comment really upsetting, but she did her best to not let it show, surely his Mom must have some idea what was really going on with her son.

“Anyway enough about my Mom,” he said. “Besides you promised to tell me how you got Nicola to stop picking on you,” he added changing the subject away from himself.

“Oh that was easy,” she said. “All I did was stand up to her,” she finished.

“Really?” he asked.

“Sure,” she answered. She then went on to explain to James how nearly all bullies would leave you alone if you stood up to them.

“Now that I have answered that question for you, would you answer one for me?” she asked.

“I guess that's fair,” he replied. “What's your question?” he asked.

“Why do Nicola and the other pick on you anyway?” she asked him.

James sighed as he thought to himself, of all the questions she could ask, she had to ask that one. He took a deep breath, before he proceeded to explain to her that as far as he knew. He was picked on because he didn't really like sports, and how he appeared to have much more in common with, and get along so much better with the girls than he did the boys.

Laura was nearly in tears as she sat listening to James, as it reminded her more than she cared to remember of how her life had once been. Without a word she pulled him into a tight hug, that was as much for her this time as it was for him. After a few minutes she finally spoke as she released him.

“You have no need to worry now James,” she said. “I am going to be there to help you in any way I can,” she finished.

“Why..............Why would you do that for me?” James asked her.

“That's easy,” she replied. “It's because you remind me exactly of how I was this time last year,” she added with a gentle smile.

“What do you mean you were like me?” James asked her.

“Well I did promise to tell you my secrets,” she said with a giggle. “This is by far the biggest secret I have, and you can't tell anybody,” she added looking more serious now.

“I promise,” he said. “Besides who would I tell, I have no friends apart from you remember,” he added.

“That's a fair point,” she replied. She paused momentarily before she continued, “Well put simply this time last year, I was living as a boy called Liam, I have a condition known as Gender Dysphoria,” she explained while watching him carefully for his reaction.

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Andrea Lena's picture

Laura was nearly in tears as she sat listening to James, as it reminded her more than she cared to remember of how her life had once been. Without a word she pulled him into a tight hug, that was as much for her this time as it was for him.

....the greatest thing these two have in common is a need to be accepted and loved, regardless of how they started or where each may finish. Thank you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


And thank you,always nice to get positive comments from a more experienced author than myself, help me know I am getting something right.

It couldn't be that bad could it?

Elsbeth's picture

Interesting story so far, keep it coming. Wonder whats up with the family, brother and sister cant even be in the same room.


Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.

Broken Irish is better than clever English.

James has found a true friend

James has found a true friend in Laura. Will be most interesting to see his reaction.

May Your Light Forever Shine