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‘Princess? Now I’m confused. I know I’m a boy, but did Mom just call me Princess?’ I opened my eyes, expecting to see my blue room with Spiderman posters on the wall, but was shocked to see Barbie posters, Faeries, and horses on PINK walls. Looking down at my bed, I found I was in a pink toddler bed with Tinkerbelle sheets and a pink comforter with Tinkerbelle looking happy on it. Shaking that off I looked at my clothes. I had gone to sleep wearing my blue Spiderman shorts and top, but woke up wearing a long shirt with little ponies on it..
First of all I would like to say a big thank you to Penny, for giving me the courage to post this story and I can't forget Angel who edited most of it, so that it was easy to read. Please comment, as I can't fix it if I don't know it is broken... giggles... Anyway, standard legal disclaimer... blah blah blah... Be cautious, as there is a portion of violence right in the beginning. Enough said, on with the story …
I had to fix the part about the three friends and re worded some areas to make it fit better
Part One
By Jayme Ann
©December, 2007
I woke up with my mom gently shaking me and saying.
“It’s time to wake up Princess.”
Princess? Now I’m confused. I know I’m a boy, but did Mom just call me Princess?’ I opened my eyes, expecting to see my blue room with Spiderman posters on the wall, but was shocked to see Barbie posters, Faeries, and horses on PINK walls. Looking down at my bed, I found I was in a pink toddler bed with Tinkerbelle sheets and a pink comforter with Tinkerbelle looking happy on it. Shaking that off I looked at my clothes. I had gone to sleep wearing my blue Spiderman shorts and top, but woke up wearing a long shirt with little ponies on it.
I started to ask Mommy (Wait, what’s with this “Mommy?” She’s Mom) what happened when I was startled by my voice. It was different. It was higher than when I went to bed. It sounds just like a little girls voice. It all seemed too real. I could smell the baby powder in the room, and it was starting to make me scared.
Before I could start to protest about the nightshirt I was wearing, Mommy went to the dresser and pulled out a pink shirt with buttons up the back, a pink dress, and some small lace socks. Looking at me she said, “Let’s get you all pretty for the pictures today.”
Trying to think, I looked at Mommy and saw she was smiling as if I really was a girl so I decided to play along. I thought to myself ‘It’s only a dream, I can wake up when I want.’ That was, till I went to get up and accidentally stubbed my toe, ‘Wait a minute! That hurt!’ My eyes started to water, and I started to tear before Mommy could say anything.
She looked down and saw my foot was starting to turn red. “I’m sorry honey; you need to be more careful.”
She kissed my cheek, but I was not crying about that. My mind was racing faster and faster. After all, I was a boy not a girl. I was in the sixth grade. ‘I’ve always been a boy I’M NOT A GIRL!’
Looking at my surroundings, I could see that my blue room was gone, but I still remembered everything I had done the night before. ‘Doesn’t Mommy remember that I’m eleven, not five … let alone, that I’m a BOY?’ As I sat there letting mommy dress me I tried to cope with what I was seeing, comparing it with what I knew was real… Nothing added up, something was wrong, this was a nightmare!
As Mommy put socks with pink lace on them on my feet, she stood me up. I got a good look at the ‘little girl’ in the mirror and could not believe that the reflection was me! I slinked up towards the mirror as Mommy was looking in the closet for something. As I got closer, I could see that there was definitely something wrong with my reflection. It looked like it was reaching out to touch me. As our hands met I felt a strong pull, just as everything went dark …
“Terry you’re going to be late for school!”
Mom’s yells woke me from that weird dream, at least that’s what I thought I heard. I look around expecting to see the pink room I had just been in but all I saw was my blue room. It had just been a dream.
I woke to the pre-dawn, remembering the crazy, yet all too real, dream. The best question I could think of is, ‘Would anyone believe me if I told them?’ I rolled over and saw my alarm clock reading 4:55. There was no way I could be late for school. It didn’t start for another three hours. Confused, I pulled off my Spiderman sheets and padded to the bathroom. Stopping to look at the mirror, I carefully looked at my reflection, looking pleased with myself that I really was awake this time. I continued on to the bathroom, relieve my bladder of what little was in my system, then continued back towards my warm bed after washing my hands. Even after the weird dream, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Thankfully, the dreaded nightmare that called itself a dream did not return.
The alarm started screeching with that programmed beeping noise at seven sharp. I couldn’t seem to remember the dream I was having this time, after waking from the first one. But it must have been good, because I was not screaming my head off, running from my room. Eating a normal breakfast of Captain Crunch, with a small glass of OJ, I quickly headed off to the bus stop where my classmates were waiting. Ignoring some of the taunts, I lost myself in the adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer as they were on their raft headed downstream. The bus arrived a few minutes later and the boring ride to Ponderosa Elementary began.
School was just as uneventful as every other day, so I will not go into much detail, as I don’t really want to remember the teasing, taunting, and other horrific deeds done to me by my peers. The only real friends I can think about are in the library found in many different novels; yeah I mean the books, because they don’t harass me like my classmates. Between being the smallest person in class standing three feet six inches and weighing forty-eight pounds soaking wet, and a loner, life at school was hard.
I have never gone into depth about school, because I was always alone. For the first week in school, everything seemed to be fine, then it was discovered that I couldn’t play as hard as most the boys and the teasing started. Being as small as I am, it is hard for me to keep up with anybody, and trust me I tried my hardest. (I know I’m bouncing around but it will make sense later.) One day, the P.E. teacher, who had been seeing my difficulties, and the fact that I was trying my hardest, while the other boys seem to be sloppy in comparison, asked me to stay back so he could talk to me after class
When we got to the office, I saw the principal Dr. Safford sitting there waiting for us. Before I could say anything, the P.E. teacher started with the standard line “Terry, I know you are trying your hardest to do the activities, but ”
Dr. Safford cut him off at this point. “We feel that it will be better for you to pursue another option that will be safer for you.” All I could think was that they didn’t want to see me fighting to keep up with the rest of the class, as I was always the last person done in every activity, and it wasn’t by a couple of seconds. Usually it was at least five minutes, maybe more. They gave me a note to give to my mom and bring back allowing me to drop out of the P.E. class. This led to the resentment of most of the boys in class; I guess they saw it as me getting a “Free Pass” to get out of P.E.
Of course, I had a much higher reading level of most sixth graders, partly because all my free time. I could be found in the library away from everyone, as this was the only way to keep myself from being beaten by the bullies during lunch recess. I found that made easier to cope with the issues I had to face daily. Of course, I really did try my hardest to ‘fit in’ with my peers, but they seem to tower over me and I don’t like it. I was always petrified, as once again I was the smallest, and the smartest kid in class. As the final bell rang, my teacher had to escort me to the bus, because often, the other students in school bully me. Hey, I would have given up almost everything to be ‘normal’ by my peers.
Safely on the bus I was dropped off at my after school program (I hate the term daycare) where I was again teased because of my lack of abilities. (Some days I wondered why this had to happen to me. I didn’t want this. I mean, who in their mind would want to be stuck looking like a three year old for the past six years? Why was I the one cursed to be stuck as a “little kid” for my school life.)
One day as I walked in, a new monitor looked at the door and sees what she wants to see, a toddler on the loose. As I was taking off my backpack I felt this presence behind me and heard, “Just what do you think you are doing, little one?”
I turned just in time to see a new face looking at me. ‘Great, just what I need, a newbie thinking I’m a toddler;’ With none of the regular caretakers present she picked me up and started to walk towards the toddler room.
I struggled to get my bearings and stammered out, “I’m Terry from Ponderosa Elementary.”
Stopping dead in her tracks, the new person began to do a great impression of a gold fish. As her mind was starting to make the connection, she sheepishly put me down and started to apologize to me. However, before she could really get started, I interrupted her and informed her that it happened all the time with the new people.
She stammered that her name was Ms. Julie and she was new. They had briefed her about me but she hadn’t realized that I would be this small. I have gotten used to it somewhat, so instead of letting it bother me, I just passed it off as a natural reaction that most adults have. (I know that for a sixth grader I have a rather large vocabulary. You should have seen Ms. Julie’s face when I explained in full context the meaning of irony …) Anyway, the afternoon passed without too much torment, and soon mom was there to bring me home. Finally home, I could finish the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn before dinner. It was only 5pm and dinner wouldn’t be ready for about another hour and a half.
Family life could have been better. I never knew my dad, and he never knew me. Jack Roberts (my dad) died in an accident involving a drunk driver, when he and Amanda (my mom) were coming home from the movies. They say my dad never knew what hit them. Mom on the other hand, spent almost six months in the hospital, where she found out she was pregnant after the Emergency Room doctor ran a basic pregnancy test because she was complaining about her stomach hurting. As they did the ultrasound to check they found something disturbing, and discussed the problem and how there was little chance of her keeping the baby due to the accident. Yet there was a "new" drug on the market to help women found in this situation. Nobody knew of any side affects, so she agreed to use this medication to save her baby. After she was discharged, she followed the doctor’s instructions to the letter and kept all of her appointments. Eight months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, naming him Terrance Jack Roberts after his father.
Dinner was uneventful and it was getting closer to the dreaded hour, bedtime. Being a typical child I tried to weasel out of going to bed and sometimes managed to stay up fifteen minutes later than usual. I guess being “little” has its advantages. Finally, the dreaded time approached, I could not stall any longer and had to face the music. As I got into bed, I prayed that the nightmare of a dream wouldn't come back.
I snapped awake in my bed, completely confused, a scream locked in my throat. I seemed to be having a reoccurring dream where I was young again but this time it was different, instead of being a boy, I was a girl. I was freaked out about something, but I couldn’t seem to remember. The dreams were starting to make some sense, for as a boy I never fit in, I couldn’t physically compete in sports because I was so small, I hadn’t gained any weight since I was four. I still fit into 3T clothes even though I was eleven, almost twelve years old. My mom kept telling me that I’d grow soon, but I didn’t know. I didn’t want to be this small for sixth grade, I mean it was already hard enough when a substitute teacher came in. They always seemed to think I belong in the kindergarten class with the rest of the children my size.
After school was worse because my mom worked until late in the evening, so I had to go to the local daycare’s, (I really hate that word, it makes me feel weird), after-school program. Even there some people tried to treat me like the little child they thought they saw. I’m glad the caretakers were finally informed about my ‘problem’ so they would leave me alone. It’s not my fault I still can pass for a three year old.
I just hoped I didn’t have that dream again when I went back to sleep. I wondered what was going to happen each night as I got ready for bed. After I had my shower and brushed my teeth, I headed towards my bed with great unease . I wished I could be happy for one night but I didn’t think it would ever happen.
The day just seemed to be getting worse. First it started with that weird dream, then some bully I didn’t even know was picking on me. I was roughly shoved, more like thrown into the wall face first with no warning.
I heard and felt my arm make a funny popping sound, then I heard the boy say, “What? The little baby wants to fight? You can’t even handle P.E. What makes you think you can fight me?"
Just as I turned to face him, I saw him turn white as a sheet and start to run away. I knew I am crying and my nose was running so I went to wipe my nose when I heard a scream from the teacher who had just turned the corner. I found myself being picked up and could feel the teacher running, with me in her arms. I tried to squirm out of her arms, but she just held me tighter and wouldn’t let me go. She ran all the way to the nurse’s office with me in her arms.
When the nurse walked in, she looked at me and called the principal into her office while getting two ice packs out of the freezer. By then, my face was really starting to hurt and I start crying harder. The nurse pressed one of the ice packs onto my face, the other onto my left arm, telling the teacher to hold them there. Then she pulled out the emergency card folder and asked for my name.
I was sobbing so much I couldn’t answer her, so she opened my back pack and spotted my homework. Pulling my emergency card from the book she went over to the phone and started calling someone. By this time, the principal had come in looking like he is ready to explode. Dr. Safford looked at me, seeing the ice packs, the swelling, and the now developing bruising on my face and sternly asked what happened. I try telling him what happened but it comes out sounding like
"I godd pussed indo dhe walb by sode sidth grabe boy.”
The teacher explains the events she saw to Dr. Safford ,spelling out the bloody nose and possible broken arm, thinking I was a kindergartner, when I screamed, "I ab not a kindergardner, ab I know whad you saib,” Then the world went black.
I woke up, finding myself in a strange room with a weird smell in it. Startled I look around and start to notice some odd things; First I was laying down on a bed with rails, Second, I have a pounding headache, and third, there was this strange beeping sound coming from above my head. I didn't remember anything after hearing the teacher say I had a bloody nose and was wondering just what was going on. I went to rub my face and I could see that my arm was wrapped up in something that makes it almost impossible to move it.
Just as I was about to scream I heard a new voice call out, "Honey, now that you’re awake, I'll go get your mommy for you". Before I could say anything, she was gone in a flash. A few minutes later mom was standing by the door with a tear stained face. "Baby, are you feeling better? You had me so scared. When I showed up at school with a change of shirts for you I found the ambulance outside and the paramedics were loading you into it. I was so worried."
During this, she had managed to get to my bed and pick me up. She was still holding me as if I was made of glass when the doctor came in to check on me. I found out that I had broken both my nose and my arm when I was slammed into the wall at school. Needless to say, I was allowed to skip the rest of school for the day. I had the option of going to daycare or home. Surprisingly, I chose to go to the daycare center, so Mom could go back to work. Besides, I liked the little kids there, because they didn't treat me like a punching bag.
Back at Ponderosa Elementary, the principle Dr. Safford called for an assembly of all the sixth graders as I was being taken to the hospital. He turned around and lectured them for half an hour for what happened this morning.
He finally ended, "I will have the person responsible for this attack in my office by the end of the day or there will be grave consequences for every boy here."
Then he released everyone to go to his or her classes and asked the girls of my class who knew me well to stay behind so he could talk to them about this. Dr. Safford found out that this was not the first time I had been bullied at school. Then he asked the girls to look out for me, as I was going to be even weaker until the cast came off.
As we pulled in the parking lot, Mom reminded me that if it got to be too much I could have someone call her to come pick me up. As we enter, Ponderosa Pines, She informed the staff there to call her if I ask them to. I placed my backpack in the closet where it went and made my way to the toddler room. Ms. Julie saw me coming and opened the door, and then I felt weightless as I was picked up and embraced in one of the best hugs I’d had all day. I was told that today I was to relax and have fun. I didn’t have to help if I didn’t want to, but she wouldn’t stop me. Still feeling tired, I look around seeing that it was nap-time, so I carefully pulled out a spare mat and lay down.
Closing my eyes, I felt the stress floating away as I now felt safe. As my head hit the pillow the stress from the day seemed to pour out, as fresh tears freely fell from my face. Nobody was here to see what happened as I finally succumbed to the demon called sleep. A valiant fight with the sandman was lost as I drifted off to sleep; the tears still staining the pillowcase as I slowly drifted off.
I woke to a itching feeling on my face. As I reach up to scratch it I feel the bandage on my nose, and was instantly reminded of the horrors that happened earlier this morning. Looking around, half expecting to be in class, I saw the familiar surroundings of the daycare. Taking a moment to calm myself, I tried to get up by rolling onto my arms and was painfully reminded that I had a splint on my arm where some bully broke it by slamming me into the wall.
I tried my hardest to hold back the tears and a small cry as I got up slowly, but my body didn’t want to cooperate with me. Ms. Julie saw me get up and saw the tears in my eyes. Walking over to me; she picked me up and held me, soothing me as she would most the toddlers there. Strangely, I was not upset by this. Usually I would have been squirming out of someone's hold to get back to the ground, but strangely, I was more relaxed by this attention than anything else today. Usually I don't sleep during the day like this but the stress of today, mixed with the drugs given at the ER made for a weird combination.
I’d wound up sleeping through snack and had only been remembered when I tried to get up and apparently whimpered. Mom was due there in about ten minutes so I asked for a small snack just to tide me over until I could get home. Ms. Julie was happy to get me some cheese and Ritz crackers and came back with a small plate full. I wound up sharing with the two children who were left, but I really didn't care. Megan and Adam were two of the toddlers that were usually picked up after I left. They looked like twins and I was starting to think they were. Both were always dressed, and acted alike (I decided I’d have to ask Ms. Julie about them).
As we finished our snack, I heard my mom talking with the adults and went over to her. Being careful, she picked me up and held me close, finishing her conversation. As we left, she asked me if I knew who had hurt me that morning, but I had no clue. But I told her that I would remember his face, and if I saw him, again I would know. She reminded me to be careful at school from now on. I still must have been tired as I fell asleep on the way home.
I was dreaming that I was back at school this morning, but the bully didn't run away. When I pulled myself off the wall, he pushed me hard and I fell to the ground. Seeing that I wasn't getting up, he kicked me in the side and ran off laughing. Trying to curl up into a ball to protect myself I got dizzy and collapsed against the sidewalk. Hearing the distinct crack of a head bouncing on the pavement, I snapped awake in my bed, completely confused curling into a ball screaming, "DON'T HIT ME.”
Startled by the sudden scream, mom snapped up from the book she was reading. Looking at me, seeing the terror in my eyes, she gently picked me up and started to rock me in the chair she had brought into my room. Starting to relax I feel the need to tell mom everything about the dreams I have been having.
As I unloaded on mom about the different dreams I had been having, she was shocked. “Why didn’t you come to me sooner?”
That was all she could manage at that moment. Feeling as if I was in trouble, I just hung my head and started silently crying. I felt a gentle pressure under my chin pushing my head up so that I have to look into the eyes of my mother. I was confused; I didn’t see any disappointment in her eyes, just love. I knew that mom was going to say something, but before she could open her mouth, I gave her the tightest hug I could with one arm, as my left was still splint bound. Mom told me that whatever happened she would always love me, no matter what I decided.
I don’t remember what happened after dinner. I guess I was still shook up after the events at school that morning. I felt upset about what happened. As my head hit the pillow, the stress from the day seemed to pour out as fresh tears freely fell from my face and nobody was there to see what happens as I finally succumb to sleep. A valiant fight with the sandman was lost as I drifted off to sleep, the tears still falling, staining the pillowcase as I slowly drifted off.
“Princess, sweetie, wake up!” I could feel the faint presence of Mommy at the side of my bed, I didn’t really want to open my eyes because deep down I knew I’d be in my pink princess room.
“If you don’t get up now we won’t get to go to the theater today.”
For some strange reason I really want to get up and go see a movie, but I feared what I would find as I opened my eyes. Pretending to sleep, I turn away from the voice, only to feel the blanket being firmly removed from my body and the feel the weightlessness as I was picked up. The soft plastic of the vanity seat reminded me of what had happened the day before and I shuddered… ‘Why me? Why is it always me who gets the raw deal of everything?’ I was so tired of the confusion in this dream.
I opened my eyes to meet the day. Mommy cheerily greeted me as they opened. I still want to crawl into a hole and disappear, but I was lured out of my thoughts by the prospect of spending part of the day at the movies. Looking at my arm and expecting to see the splint, I was surprised that there was nothing there. It was as if yesterday hadn’t really happened, and it was just a dream.
“Terri, we have a busy day ahead of us.” Mom explained as she again dressed me in a skirt and blouse. “First, we have to go see the doctor, and then we can go to the Movies.”
At the word doctor I froze. I really hate the doctor’s office, as it is cold and scary. The people there always poke and prod; I always got stuck with needles (I HATE needles). I started to tear up and whine about the doctor but it seemed to be ignored.
As I was placed onto the bath, a piercing buzzing sound came from the wall next to my head. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, expecting to be on a cold exam table, but found myself in my warm bed.
Now I was really starting to get worried about these dreams. They all seemed too real. I could vividly remember the events of this dream, and that was weird.
Just as I shut the alarm off, my mom walked in.
“Just a reminder, you have a doctor’s appointment, so you will be missing some of school today.”
‘Great just what I need. First, I dream of a doctor’s office, then I really have to go to one. ‘Man, I hope that I don’t need any shots today.’
As I was eating breakfast, I kept thinking that the doctor was going to stick me with a whole bunch of needles. I was petrified, and literally started shaking so bad that I couldn’t hold my milk glass. Seeing the terror in my eyes, Mom stopped whatever she was doing and I suddenly felt her hands wrapped around me and I could hear her humming something. Gradually I began to relax and stopped my impression of a jackhammer. Nom reminded me that we could talk about anything that’s bothering me.
I told Mom that I didn’t want to go, because I didn’t want to get any shots. Remembering my fear of needles, Mom starts to comfort me telling me that she didn’t think I would be getting any shots, the doctor just wants to look at my injuries. Calming down a bit, I was able to finish my breakfast, and get ready for the doctor.
Getting dressed with a broken arm turns out to be very difficult, as I couldn’t hold my shorts or pull my shirt on. Asking mom for help was a bit embarrassing, as Mom hasn’t had to dress me since I was three. Knowing that I was having problems, Mom chose a simple pair of shorts and a loose tee. After getting ready, we head towards the doctor’s office for the follow up appointment with Dr. Goldman.
At the doctor’s office, I found out just how bad my arm really is. Apparently, when I hit the wall I hit it with so much force I caused a radial break of my forearm. Looking at the x-rays you could see the way the bone spiraled as it separated, also you could see where the pin was placed to help the bone heal.
Then Dr. Goldman took me into a room where there was a low table and a shelf with a bunch of different foil packages. He asked me what color cast I wanted and pointed to the shelf with what liked like thousands of foil packages arranged by size from 2 ½” to 3” and colors. I chose as close a match to royal blue as I could get, since it was my favorite color. I won’t go into the details about how the cast was wrapped on my arm as it hurt a lot and I don’t want to bore you.
The only strange thing was that the doctor wanted to draw some blood to do some test, so he had a nurse come in with my mom and hand me a cup with this little pill and a glass of water. I took the pill, and about a half hour later was so relaxed that seeing the needle didn’t seem to bother me this time. I even watched with curiosity as the nurse stuck my vein and drew three vials of my blood, without screaming or passing out as I usually do. (Later I found out that my mom had talked to the doctor and voiced her concerns that I wasn’t developing, as I should).
All I could think about was how it happened. I didn’t even know the kid who did it to me. However, if I saw him again I didn’t really know what I was going to do. Gee, it really sucks to be small, now I was going to be stuck like this for about six weeks. After the six weeks, I had to go back to the doctor, get more X-rays done, and maybe I can get the pin removed … maybe.
Mom decided that going to school for an hour would be a waste so we went to the movies. (Deja vu, anybody?) I don’t really remember the movie we saw, I think I fell asleep during it. The time spent with Mom is what I can remember, and it was wonderful. I felt carefree, as nobody could hurt me. Mom was there and everything was peaceful. As the movie ended, she says I was still nestled into the crook of the chair next to Mom, using her arm as a pillow. She tried to wake me up, but I was out cold. so she wound up carrying me to the car and driving home. The drive home was different, I couldn’t seem to wake up fully, and just drifted off, letting my mind travel freely wherever it wanted to go.
I remember being gently carried upstairs and placed into bed, surprisingly I couldn’t remember if I dreamt or not. Surprisingly I slept through the afternoon and woke up for dinner by way of mom brushing my face with a lock of my longish hair. I didn’t want to cut it but maybe I should get it trimmed after all it nearly reaches the bottom of my shoulder blades.
During dinner, I told mom that I thought I really was a girl. I didn’t have any friends at school that are boys, as I found their actions are truly barbaric and hurtful. The boys at school couldn’t seem to play with each other without there being some sort of competition between themselves, with a winner and a loser, whereas the girls could get together and have fun with each other, no competition, no winners, no losers, no hurt feelings. I felt better with the girls and they accepted me for who I was. I finally broke down and tell Mom that I only seem to have very little friends in school and it had been that way since kindergarten.
Following that, mom and I sat down for dinner. Dinner consisted of my favorite foods, Corned beef, Cabbage and Boiled potatoes. (I know it is an Irish dish and to my knowledge, I am not Irish, but I still like it) After dinner, we had discussed seeing a special doctor to help me find the truth as to who I was.
Then she sent me to the living room and called someone on the phone. I tried to tune out the one sided conversation until my name was mentioned, and then I couldn’t help myself.
“Yeah, I just found out that Terry has been having some disturbing dreams… No, I don’t know for how long … Do you know if Jessica is still practicing here ,or did she finally move“ … Really, that’s good … I’ll give her a call in the morning after Terry goes to school … No I don’t think he can hear me. I sent him to the living room to watch TV for a bit’.
Trying to look innocent, I returned to the show that was on, so mom would think I was overhearing something she didn’t want me to. Walking into the room after her strange phone call, Mom told me that I could finish the show, then I had to go to bed, as I had school in the morning. As the show ended, I showered, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed, wondering who Janet was, and why Mom wanted me to see her.
The alarm woke me next morning, and strangely enough, I couldn’t remember having any dreams. It had been so long that I was curious as to why I didn’t have any dreams that night. Getting dressed for school seemed to take forever and I finally got mom to help me. I really hoped that I would learn how to do this soon, because I couldn’t stand being like this, and six months is a somewhat long time.
My friends seemed to know there was something special about me. They started meeting me at the bus, sitting with me during lunch, and during recess. They never left my side. No matter where I was, they seemed to find me. I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to be alone. They even waited for me outside the bathroom.
During class, I kept seeing an empty desk towards the back of class, as I sat in a special desk in the far back of the class, I could see everyone in the classroom. I had never remembered that desk being empty as a blond haired boy sat there then it hit me like a sack of bricks. The kid who had pushed me into the wall used to sit there! As the class broke for morning recess, I stayed back and asked Ms. Davis who sat at that desk and where was he.
It turned out that the kid’s name was Jacob, and he hadn’t been to school for the past three days. Seeing the pale look on my face, the teacher asked if I was okay. She got to the side of her desk in time to catch me as I fell … Darkness surrounded me as I felt the rushing of the wind. Luckily, I didn’t feel my head bounce off the desk as Ms. Davis lost her grip on me.
I want to thank Holly and Angel for helping me correct and clarify some of the issues I had with my story. Again Comments are appreciated
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i like the story
it is a cute story but im confused what the point of the strange dream is, and what happened to the boy that hurt him.
IT is cute and i guess the boy is transgendered. I hope she will ok if she goes into the transition
Oops... I guess I forgot that the injuriy was caused as Terry is roughly pushed into the wall. The force of the impact broke his arm in a Spiral like fracture that you would see with a twisting injury (Sometimes can be an indicator of Child Abuse). The dream is meant to be confusing in a way and I will expand on the dream in part two...
I know.. I know, how maen of me... he he
Jayme Ann
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in true friendship
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
If I understand
this right we have a kid who is very small for his age. It seems to be suggested that the drug treatment he and his Mom went though when she was pregnant is the cause. In that law of jungle we call school the other kids gives him a tough and one managed to hurt him fairly seriously. On top of this is the realistic dreams he is having. I surprised that with him being so small he isn't being proscribed growth hormones.
the dream
i think i read this some were befor or something like it and it was relly good and it still good on here eather that or iam verry confused owell guess i just jump back in my time mech and drop in to see happy days and find my mind in that brown paper bag ,have a good one love n peace [email protected]
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
nicely told
You blend the dream like atmosphere with the 'real' so we aren't quite sure which is which. I was going to comment on the maturity of the vocab, but then you point it out as part of things so fair enough.
Interesting start, do please continue. Welcome to BC Jayme.
The Dream
Nice fantasy. Keep on truckin'
It might help to make shorter paragraphs as looking at lots of typeface grouped together is hard to read on screen in this format.
marie c.
marie c.
Yup, good readin', rough ridin'. : )
Gwen Brown
"I feel better with the girls and they accept me for who I am"
Really ?? even after this from "History":
** The girls are the worse of the lot ... I remember back when I thought I could trust people in my class, there was one girl Sarah ... (Sarah humiliates him by dressing him as a toddler girl, and her mother adds to it.) ... How could I ever trust another adult or another girl who claimed to be my friend? **
Doesn't sound like accepting him for who HE is.
BE a lady!