You probably all know of the Zelda games by Nintendo. If you don't, shame on you.
Here is an interesting article about a dad that didn't like some part of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and decided to change it himself:
Just a quote from the article:
"Why did small business owner and gamer dad Mike Hoye spend the last few weeks hand-tweaking the text in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker so that the main character was referred to as a girl instead of a boy? As he put it, “I’m not having my daughter growing up thinking girls don’t get to be the hero.”"
Pretty funny and awesome if you ask me :D. What do you guys think?
is one of the sweetest things I've ever seen :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Now if I could only...
..get him to hack into my LIFE and do the same thing? And yes; it's one of the nicest things I've ever heard of a parent doing for a child.
Love, Andrea Lena
wish i had his skills id be makeing more money for one lol . though i have to wonder how or what kind of legal repurcussions can result from modifying the game in such a way ? dont think i saw anything in the article on nintendo's take on the whole thing sweet , funny or outraged hope its the better of the 3 .
I am in no way a legal
I am in no way a legal expert... But, if he does not distribute or sell the game itself, in my opinion it falls under a 'fair use'.
As for the skills, it is really not that difficult to do. Much more difficult is to totally change the text, including its length. That would involve a fair bit of arcane knowledge, a disassembler and a lot of determination and free time (not that I am saying this hadn't required the same...)
Don't see a legal problem as long as they don't sell the game or spread it around. Tho I do think the game companies should come out with more games where you can pick your characters gender.
Legal or....
also allow the game to be selectable for the gender you are: have both a boy's and girl's viewpoint of the game to be selectable in the start up menu and how it interacts with the user. :)
Um... Actually...
This is something like one of the projects that I'm plotting out at the moment. Same character at least. :P
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Despite the efforts of the
Despite the efforts of the "Business Software Alliance", the law boils down to "You paid for it, you can do whatever you want with it, as long as you don't distribute those changes for profit, and do not dilute/affect the trademark of the original creators"
You can buy Microsoft Windows (legally), then hack the snot out of it, including blocking any and all attempts to register, etc - and they can't do anything about it. The decryption tools got hammered because they were intended to circumvent antipiracy AND were actively distributed to do that. You can do all you want to your own copy. (They weren't actually intended to circumvent anti piracy, they were intended to let people that didn't have Windows or a Mac play movies, as well as play movies from other 'areas' - but that's how it was sold to the judge)
(Okay - the 'distribution' part, money or not, is the grey area. But you can bugger your copy all you want)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.