Loki: God of Love?

Loki: God of love?

copyright 2011 Faeriemage

Sometimes the interference of deity is totally not what the doctor ordered. . .or is it?


"Yes, Odin? Great one-eyed god?" And all around party pooper.

"What is this?"

The 'this' in question was of course one of my more clever constructs. The humans all seemed infatuated with it for some reason. Don't they realize it was all a joke? I mean information super highway? Puh-leaze!

"A series of tubes connected with string? Information is piped through them in little trucks too tiny to see. . ."

"I know things, Loki, and trying to convince me that electrons passing along copper wiring are trucks. . ."

"Photons in glass, actually. Most of the internet is fiber-optic these days."

"Regardless. So, this 'internet' is supposed to help us how?"

My, for a god of knowledge, he sure is dense.

"It's supposed to help the humans, not us. We don't much matter any longer."

"What?! How can you say that when we haven't even had our apocalypse yet?"

"We missed the boat on that one, Oady-baby."

"Do I need to remind you the price of insolence?"

"With you sitting here in a three piece suit, and the two of us in middle America? Odin, you're a washed up has-been. Me? I'm a tech magnate, or I was until that whole little anti-trust thing."

"Will you give it up already, Loki? Or do you like 'Bill' better?"

"Watch it. I'm retired. Loki is fine."

"Well, Loki, then as the one with the most real power left, I suggest that you make people believe in us again."

"Odin, it is about time we all faded into the past. I mean do you REALLY want to be around when Thor finally hits theaters?"

"Thor has resurfaced?"

I did a mental face palm at this.

"Okay, Oday. It's time I was going. See you next week, okay?"

I waved to the orderlies and nurses as I left. They recognized me of course, and thought the old man was my father suffering from dementia. Or as you folks like to call it today Alzheimer's.

The thing is, I really used to be Loki. I used to be a god. Notice the small G. I think there might really be a God out there, but if so he has one wicked sense of humor.

So, here I was on a quiet Saturday afternoon, wondering if people reading this in English realize how much the Norse really affected their understanding of the universe, and it sort of hits me: Why can't I do something to help these people?

So, I began scanning through wishes, which as any former god knows are non-denominational prayers.

"I wish I were rich."

Too easy.

"I wish she would notice me."

Too boring.

"I wish I had a $$$$ the size of. . ."

Too blasé.

"I wish I were a girl."

Too. . .wait a minute. Oh, this was going to be fun. Fun like I hadn't had in a gods age.

So, looking in, it was almost perfect. Too perfect. I'd need to verify this one, make sure it wasn't a cross-wiring fluke.

I stepped through the wall into the guys room. "Hi, I'm Loki."

"You look a lot like B. . ."

I interrupt him, "Yeah, I get that a lot. Was the only way I could get you people to construct a joke for me."


"Sorry, it's Norse thing. You wouldn't get it. You lack the cultural references."


"So, Scott I believe your name was? Right, did you mean what you said back there? You wish you were a girl?"

The big guy blushed. Let me give you a before image of Scotty boy. Big, and I mean Free-Willey big. Greasy long hair. Pimples. Kid can't be more than sixteen. Oh, yeah, and he's destroying a pair of size 6 panties. Unfortunately for me, that's all he was wearing.

"Yeah, I wish I was a girl with all the right clothes so I could feel more like, well, myself."

Himself was a size 6? Wow, and people call me delusional. Oh well.

"I now cede the stage to you, Scott. This is actually your story after all."

I moved toward the window. Moving through walls always gives me a headache.

"Oh, by the way, wish granted."


The first thing I thought when I opened my eyes, was that had to have been the weirdest dream I've ever had. Believe me, I've had some doozies.

In this one, I was about three-hundred pounds again. I still had my freckles, but the pimples, which are long gone, were back with a vengeance. My long hair is quite a bit longer than it was back then, when I really wished that I could have been born different.

It was when Bill Gates showed up and looked at my underwear that I realized that I was wearing my sisters panties again.

He said something about being Loki, and granting me my wish.

Let me mention something before I go on. I have felt out of place my entire life. I was always. . .different from my peers. I grew up feeling like I was a girl. Hence all the weird dreams. I was born male, even though most people now find that hard to believe.

I let out a slight moan as I sat up, and two things felt different. The first was that I was a lot lighter than I remembered. The second was that my voice was higher pitched.

I put my hand to my throat, and felt a couple of scratches. I looked intently at my hand, and realized I had perfectly manicured nails. There was a light purple polish on them.

"Okay, that's different." Again, the higher pitched voice issuing from my throat.

"Hey, looks like Scott scored big last night. What's your name, hot stuff?"

"Mark, I am Scott. What are you going on about?"

"Scott doesn't have a pair like that."

Most nights I slept in the nude, and this was no different. I bothered my roomie, Mark, no end. I mostly did it because I had a bit of a crush on him. I wanted some kind of reaction out of him. Anything at all.

I was getting that now in spades. I didn't even try to cover myself, as I was enjoying the reaction my nudity was finally getting.

"Mark, dude, it really is me."

"Prove it."


"If you were really Scott, there's no way you'd kiss me."

"Actually, Mark, I've had a crush on you since we moved in here the beginning of freshman year."


"You knew?"

"Everyone knew, man. I'm not gay, but I was flattered."

"Would you believe that I'm not really gay either? I always thought of myself as female."

"Well, your outside matches now."

I blushed, and for the first time since waking up, I was bothered by my nakedness. I dove under the covers, and hid my face. I felt someone sit down beside me.

Then a hand touched my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Scott. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I think you are lovely, and I'd really enjoy getting to know you better."

"You mean use me and discard me like all your casual conquests?"

"No. I mean get to really know you. You are one of the smartest people I know, and there's no way I'm going to keep calling you Scott. It's too weird."

"Well, what would you like to call me instead," I said, very shy all of the sudden.

"Well, it's really up to you, but you seem kind of like a Jane or Janet to me."

"I could live with you calling me Jane. But I think I'll take a middle name of Carol."

"Jane Carol Hayward? Sure. Ok, I'm going to leave you in here and you can try and find something of S. . .yours that might fit."

I popped my head out of the covers. "Wait, Mark, please don't go. Turn your back if you mut, but don't leave me here alone."

"This is totally freaking me out, dude. I need some air."

I began to cry a bit, "Please?" I said very softly.

He sighed, "Fine. I'll go look out the window."

I giggled and as soon as his back was turned I went to get a pair of underwear. Where I expected to find boxers, I found lace and satin, with a touch of cotton here and there.

I gasped.

"Jane is something wrong?" Mark said as he began to turn around.

"Mark! No peeking!"

I slipped the panties up my legs and realized that they were hairless. I smiled to myself. They fit perfectly, and the feel of them on my skin was luxurious.

Next to my panties I found some bras. I rummaged through them a little 'til I found a matching pair of light purple with a touch of lace. Same as the panties. In satin like the panties.

"Well, that's convenient."

The second drawer down still had tee shirts, but they were girl's tees.

"What's conve. . .wow."


"Sorry, I couldn't help it. Where'd you get the lingerie?"

"My drawer. Apparently my clothing changed as well."

He came and stood next to me and I could feel the warmth of him, and I leaned into him as he looked through my lower drawers. Girl's jeans. A couple of denim skirts.

"Well, get something on. I want to see you in some of this."

I picked a pair of hip huggers and a midriff baring tee. If anything his boxers were even more tented than when I was naked. I smiled, but he didn't notice as he wasn't looking at my face.

"Well, looks like I really did interpret your tastes well from all your conquests."

"Huh? Oh, sorry. You just have a nice wiggle as you're pulling on those jeans."

"You could help me out of them again if you liked."


"Mark, I have never had sex, not as Scott, and never as Jane, of course. I ache to be a part of a union."

"Jane, I don't. . ."

"Aren't I pretty enough?"

"that is so not it, Jane. You're not the sort of girl I mount and the boot out the door. You're the sort of girl I take home to momma."

"Um. . ."

"Jane, I know you pretty well. You've been there for me, and apart for the nightly strip tease, which never did anything for me, you never pushed your need on me."

"A lot of us knew that you loved me, but we also knew that you respected me too much to do anything about it."

"Mark. . ."

"No, Jane, I can't be worthy of you if I don't show you that same respect."

"Worthy? I don't understand."

"Jane, look, Lately I've been realizing that the main thing that has been missing from all of my relationships was you."


"Last night, before we went to bed, I made a wish. I wished that I were a girl for you."

"But, how?"

"I felt that you were such a manly guy, that you never would have changed yourself for me, so last night, I wished that I could change for you."

I couldn't help it. I began to laugh. "Me manly? It was all an act, Mark."

"I know that, now, but I realized that over the last couple of years I've grown from simply your friend, to wanting so much more. I know this is sudden, but on the other hand we've been circling each other since we both arrived."

He dropped down on one knee before me, and from somewhere pulled out a ring box. "Jane Carol Hayward, would you. . ? I mean could you. .?"

I kissed him to shut up his fumbling for the right words.

"Does this mean yes?"

"Of course it does."

He kissed me back, and then put the ring on my finger.

"Originally when I bought it, it was a simple gold band. Looks like all of your clothing changed."

It was a very pretty engagement ring, and I loved how it sparkled on my finger.

"So, can we do this all sooner rather than later?"

"Of course, Jane. We've already been living together for two years after all. Besides, you were always the one with the self control, if we don't get married soon, I think we might end up doing something I might regret."

"Thank you Loki."


"Apparently he invented the internet."

"Loki did?"

"Yeah, Loki. He also granted your real wish. He made me into a woman for you." I smiled up into my fiancé's face, and he kissed me again. Then he lead me for the door.

"Where are we going?"

"My parent's house. I told you that you're the sort of girl that I bring home to mother."

"I'm not wearing anything that would be worthy of meeting your mom."

"Sure you are. Loki made sure of it."


I wasn't going to share my new found glory with any of my fellow gods. It was only a very little bit of faith anyway. I realized that this one backfired completely on me, because apparently I really didn't understand humans as well as I thought.

Well, it made me feel strange to see the two of them walk off hand in hand, laughing and generally flirting. I figured it must be a case of heartburn.

Now, who is the next person out there who wishes they were a girl. Or boy. I'm not picky. Just so long as I can get more people to believe.

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