Somewhere Else Entirely - Gazetteer

A world like Anmar takes a whole lot of inventing since every tiny detail needs its own name and characteristics. I struggled with the mass of background data for a while and then discovered that someone else had already managed to do what I could not. Since this information may be of interest to other readers, by kind permission of the compiler I am making it available to all.

As might be expected with an incomplete work, the contents of this file will change as new information comes to light.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

Gazetteer of places and names used

by kind permission of Brianna Eketta, who did all the hard work

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of Penny Lane. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This information is copyright (c) 2011-2014 Brianna Eketta, Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Place Names:

Anmar - World name
Tiede - Smallest moon of Anmar, orbits three times daily
Annis - Middle moon of Anmar, orbits once per 7 days
Kalikan - Largest moon of Anmar, orbits once per 31 days
Alaesia – Continent
Shan Ocean - the large eastern ocean the Sirrel empties into
The Valley - the local name for the great rift valley which contains most of Palarand
The Sirrel - the Mississippi-like river that runs through The Valley
Perent River – The location of a battle fought during Keren's grandfather's time.
Palumaks - Greatest mountain range in Alaesia, south of the Valley
The Lookout - guard post at southern border of Palarand on the edge of the Palumaks
Palarand - Country as well as it's largest city which is the Capital
Kittrin Empire - Country
K'Kjand - Largest of the cities of the Six Cities Nation
K'Kdaril - One of the cities of the Six Cities Nation
Kingdom of Shald – A Country just outside of the Great Valley that abuts Brugan
Nardenis Vale – Part of Shald, connects to Brugan via a pass.
Nardenis River – The river that gives the Vale it's name.
Pradens – Capitol of Shald
Viridor - Port city of the Kingdom of Vardenale about 47 Marks from Palarand
Moxgo - City-state deep in the southern mountains
Blayvardis Vale - name of part of route from Palarand to Moxgo
Stirmond - a country up river from Palarand
Ascendancy of Yod - Country about 200 Marks (a Mark is just short of a kilometer) up-river from Palarand
Davenarga - City/Country name
Kingdom of Vardenale - Country on other side of the Sirrel and at the mouth of the river
Brankane - Capital of Vardenale
Viridor - Port city of the Kingdom of Vardenale about 47 Marks from Palarand
Duchy of Plif - Small country on other side of mouth of the Sirrel, Marshy and boggy, primary export is Wax-tail, a substance used for water-proofing.
Brugan - Country abutting the Duchy of Brikand up-river
Therel Vale – Tributary valley of the Sirrel in Brugan
Therelis – The main town in the Therel Vale.
Virgulend - Next country up-river beyond Brugan
Smordan - ditto
Joth - ditto - Country is an island in the middle of the Sirrel. The city by the same name has been occupied by Yod.
Forguland - Farther up the river
Boldan's Rock – Fortification on the Sirrel River captured by Yod.
Ferenis - The last country up-river before Yod. Presently at war with Yod
Tel Botro – A city at the northern edge of the plains at the end of the old Chivan Road.
Chaarn – A town on the Bray River Chivan Trade Route. Probably the first good-sized town outside Palarand
Einnland – A Kingdom located on the east coast of Alaesia at the furthest extremities of the Palumaks. This country is a small, isolated country settled by Vikings who had been brought to Anmar over 300 years ago.
The Stone Sea – Large plain of desiccated limestone. It's edge marks the northern boundary of Palarand and the Barony of Blackrock.
Palarand - Kingdom consisting of the Duchies of Central Palarand, North Palarand, Brikant and Kendeven. Also the main city of Central Palarand.
Central Palarand - Duchy of Palarand, personal demesne of King Robinar
South Reach - Barony in Central Palarand
Nether Bend - Barony in Central Palarand, neighbor of South Reach
West Bridge – Barony in Central Palarand
Kendeven (Lower Palarand) - A Duchy of Palarand, mostly marshy lowland used for grazing
Kandovor – Duchy seat of Kendeven (brought to my attention by Di Wonder)
Brikant (Upper Palarand) - A Duchy of Palarand
Sheldane – A town in Brikant on the Sirrel. It was captured by Yod as an advance base for their raid in attempting to kill or capture Garia as she returns to the Palace from Blackstone.
Palar Valley (North Palarand) - A Duchy of Palarand with all of their mines and foundries
Dekarran - Duchy Seat of North Palarand, town at the confluence of the Palar with the Sirrel
Telar Minor – A County of North Palarand
North Teldor – Barony in North Palarand
Palar - River flowing through North Palarand
South Slip - Town on the Sirrel, Location of ferry crossing to Dekarran
Teldor - Town up the Palar river from Dekarran
Haligo – Town up the Palar river and the point the river is no longer navigable from the Sirrel.
Haligo Gorge – The reason why the Palar becomes no longer navigable. On the up-valley end of the Gorge are two small hidden Forts.
Haligo Castle – County Seat and home of Count Thermin. It is an old obsolete fortification up the road-side of the Haligo Gorge.
Telar River – A river that joins the Telar Minor at Teldor.
Telar Minor – A tributary of the Telar that joins the Telar at Teldor just before it joins the Palar.
Holville – Primitive mining town past Teldor. After report by Garia, is taken by eminent domain by Duke Gilbanar. Now a Barony being re-built so it is no longer an eye-sore.
Toomer's Gully – Road house about 3 or 4 marks before Holville on the road to Tranidor.
Tranidor – A town past Holville in the Palar Valley. Tranidor is at the confluence of three valleys. The Palar being one continues to the north-west to a low pass opening out to a wide grassy plain.
Weaver's Arms – An inn in Tranidor.
The Iron Spear – Another inn near the Sufen Bridge in Tranidor.
Dremso – I believe this to be a small town near Tranidor where Cpt Bleskin has a home
Sufen River – This river heads west from Tranidor and leads to another important mining region.
Bray River – Third valley meeting at Tranidor. A minor trading route follows this valley part way to the mountains then over the mountains to the coast.
Brayview – Roadhouse halfway between Tranidor and the Forest Roadhouse. #
Forest Roadhouse – Rebuilt roadhouse on the Bray River between the fork on the Chaarn road and Blackstone.
Blackstone Vale - Valley in North Palarand that is now the Barony of Blackstone
Little Lake Farm – This is a farm formerly known as The Pond Farm. It is close to the narrow canyon the Bandits hid in. Soon to become The Fish Farm.
Blackstone - Town, Barony Seat
The Ptuvil's Claw – Was the larger of the two Inn's in Blackstone but closed down after the wool trade collapsed. Became the Baronial Seat when Garia visited her Barony. Now run by Sookie and is sub-let to Master Tanon as his local Factor office.
The Bell Inn – The smaller of the two Inn's in Blackstone but it is still open for business.
Blackstone Town Clock – Blackstone's official time keeper, it has been maintained by the same family for generations.
Strettalm – Small peak below Blackstone near the Road House, proposed site of a semaphore tower.

Animals of Anmar:

Dranakh - Hippo-sized semi-intelligent draft animal and showing strong signs of being telepathic
Frayen - Mule-sized riding animal described as ornery cousin's of Dranahk's
Ptuvil - Flying predator - looks like and about as big as mythological earth Dragons
Grakh - Flying predator - looks similar to Pterodactyls
Lab - Anmar rodent - analog to Earth rats, plural Labris
Fikt - Anmar analog to a biting insect (gnat, mosquito, horse-fly)
Kiffen (plural is kiffenis) – Anmar analog to a biting insect such as fleas. Smaller than Fikt and by description, very flea-like.
Ridden (s), Riddris (p) – Anmar analog to butterflies?
Zinakh - A wild animal that is the target of hunting parties (no description, but hunted like wild boar or deer. Now learned to be an Anmarian predator, possibly a wolf or fox analog.)
Skeft - Very large fish from the western ocean fished for it's oil - like turbot/halibut
Pakh - Wool and meat animal, Garia believes that they could actually be the earth animal the Alpaca.
Gavakhan – A meat animal
Vikhan – A six legged game animal about the size of a wild boar.
Grenn (s), grennis (p)– Animal used in herding pakh. They bark so could actually be some form of dog.
Drekhil – Anmarian predator, wolf or fox analog?
Ganifil – A type of avian, about the size of wild turkey's
Brifilis – A type of avian, about the size of chickens
Feltris (p), Felren (s) – Anmar analog of Buzzards
Eppris (Epp, singular) – Anmar's honey providers, probably bee-sized but bite instead of sting
Sopo – Anmarian rodent possibly an analog to mice.
Doocloris – Small animal similar in description to an Earth rabbit (and quite possibly is)
Felkis (p), felk (s) – Six-legged animal about the size of a doocloris, hunts young avians. Only found at lower elevations, none higher than Haligo.
Foti – A fresh-water fish probably similar to trout that can be found in the Bray river and most likely all rivers in North Palarand and probably the entire Valley

Plants of Anmar:

Vayter – Knobbly orange root, sweet-tasting food item, think sugar beet
Malmris (malm, singular) – Anmarian fruit similar to an apple but vivid blue all the way through.
Koonkle – Staple root vegetable (bright red), similar to an earth carrot
Irris – It's bean is used to make a spice
Freehee – By description appears to be a grain similar to rice
Yolli Bush – An Einnland bush that when crushed provides a juice that then hardens to a rubber-like consistency
Not named yet – A tree similar to earth rubber trees known to grow in the area around Chaarn

Common words:

Vayterkan - “The sweet month”: think honeymoon period of a marriage on Earth.
Steglid - composition - as in the composition of clouds, granite...
Ahn - clouds
The Chivans - earlier civilization of Anmar - Discovered to have been founded by Romans who ended up on Anmar
Tanal - The language spoken in the Six Cities
Gallin – Unknown food item that can be made into a thick soup.
Dranatilis – Anmarian unit of measure similar to an acre, 100 x 100 strides. Comes from how much land a farmer could prepare in one day with a single tillage equipment pulled by a single dranakh: A dranakh tillage day → dranakh...tillage → dranatilis
Staffglobe – Some complicated boy's game (Julina's words). Sounds like an Anmarian version to baseball or cricket. #

Common phrases:

Felk is out of the bag – Palarindi saying similar to the English saying of “The cat is out of the bag. #
Connected to the Moon – A family expression for “asleep”. Julina thinks this refers to Tiede. #


Dajan - Anmarian musical instrument similar to a Mandolin.
Chivan Mark Stone – Stones discovered to be Roman when Garia finally finds one that has legible writing on it.
Epprihouse – Anmarim version of a commercial bee hive.
Crown – The largest coin denomination in Palarand
Solly/Sollie – Coin denomination equal to 1/10th of a Crown
Fenik – A coin denomination that is 1/20th of a Sollie
Soo -A coin denomination that is 1/4th of a Fenik
Gray Skwod – Name of a river barge last seen in Haligo, probable Yodian clandestine operations vessel


Note 1 – Garia was discovered in “nearly mid-summer”
Note 2 - There are 13 different months in a year, although a year is not EXACTLY 13 months – it is 12+ months. Each month is 31 day but each year is 391 days. This means that the months 'bump up' by roughly a half or two thirds of a month each year. (12 times 31 is 372, so each year is 12 months and 19 days long.)
this means that every so often, roughly every three years, a year occurs with no Endormin in it – the days having overlapped so that Marash, which ALWAYS starts the year, can be started in the first few days of the year.
Avilat – Spring started the year Garia arrived
Keruvil – Summer started the year Garia arrived – the last day of this month was Garia's 5th or 6th day in the Palace. - “Harvest season just starting” - Rains begin towards the end of this month.
Lemilat – Rains usually the entire month.
Choth – Autumn/Fall started the year Garia arrived – Rains usually cease in the first half of this month.
Endormin – Winter will start in this month in the year Garia arrives – This month will bridge (in the year Garia arrives) the old and the new years. Sometimes it is skipped so that Marash is always the first full month of the year.

Character Names:

Royal Family of Palarand:
King Robanar - King of Palarand
Queen Terys - Queen of Palarand - daughter of the Elector of Stirmond
Prince Keren - Son of Robanar and heir to the throne
Malann - daughter of Robanar and Terys, Married to the Crown Prince of Vardenale
Elizet - daughter of Robanar and Terys, not stated who she is now married to
King Brexen the Third - King of Palarand 120 years ago
Queen Kasona - Queen of Brugan and aunt of Prince Keren, sister of King Robinar

Palace Guard:
Captain Merek - Commander of the Palace Guard
Quadrant Officer (Lieutenant) Vern - Palace Guardsman, Commander of 3rd Quadrant
Quadrant Officer Vesilan - Palace Guardsman, Quadrant Commander
Torin - Palace Guardsman
Tobin - Palace Guardsman
Kerrak - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File. TDY to the Dekarran Household Guard as an Unarmed Combat instructor
Bessel - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File
Sardan - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File
Joran - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File
Maxilar - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File
Yasoon - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File. TDY to the Dekarran Household Guard as an Unarmed Combat instructor
Benith - Palace Guardsman, Garia's training File
Wedren - Palace Guardsman, Instructor on the care and riding of Freyen in 3rd Quadrant
Borkin - Palace Guardsman, Instructor on knife-fighting in 3rd Quadrant
Stott - Palace Guardsman (1st Year), former poacher and expert with the longbow*-
Danisa - Seconded from the Kitchens for training as a Palace Guardswoman
Pardal - Palace Guardsman
Tallik - Palace Guardsman, bugler
Dorrin - Palace Guardsman (1st Year), Yodan spy
Chinar – Palace Guardsman, Third Quadrant*
Varno – Palace Guardsman, Third Quadrant*
Denard – Palace Guardsman, First Quadrant*w
Thoran - Palace Guardsman, killed while defending Garia's camp from a Yodan attack outside Blackstone**d
Brendel - Palace Guardsman**-
Trevil – Guardsman injured during the Battle of the King's Road, Garia treated him afterward and visited him in the Palace Sick Bay later.
March – Member of the Palace staff (unknown department) who was in the Sick Bay when Garia visited.
All characters marked with an * were in the caravan accompanying Garia to Blackstone
All characters marked with ** escorted Captain Bleskin to his retirement home and then on to Blackstone
Note: There are now six women training to become Guardswomen.
Note: Disposition of Garia's Training File:
Kerrak and Yasoon assigned to Duke Gilbanar in Dekarran to train his troops
Benith and Joran assigned to Duke Visselen in Brikant to train his troops
Sardan and Maxilar assigned to Duke Norvelen in Kendeven to train his troops
Bessel to remain in the Palace assigned as Unarmed Combat Instructor

Royal Household Staff:
Master Kendar - Chamberlain of Palarand
Morlan - Royal Questor - deceased
Master Terevor - Master of the Household
Master Chamilar - Palace Finance Minister
Mistress Yolda - Mistress of the Wardrobe - retired
Mistress Margra - Palace Senior Healer (Medic)
Mistress Shelda - Mistress of the Palace Salon
Master Haflin - Palace Master Armorer - Master Hurdin's older brother
Lady Dyenna - Mistress Yolda's replacement as Mistress of the Wardrobe
Master Fulvin - Palace Master Metalsmith - i.e. Palace Jeweler
Master Bowdran - Palace Master Saddler
Master Pitchell - Master Scribe/Stenographer
Serdel - Palace Footman and Yodan spy - presently on the run
Kenila - A Maid of Queen Terys
Varna - A Maid of Queen Terys
Jareven - Morlan's former manservant - re-assigned to other duties
Rosilda - Senior Seamstress
Vandara - Mistress Shelda's assistant
Sardin - Assistant hair dresser
Korben - Journeyman Scribe and stenographer
Merinar - Journeyman Scribe and stenographer
Breslo - Palace Footman
Sevuren - Palace Footman
Malissa - Seamstress
Yannis - King Robanar's personal Manservant

Barony of Blackstone Household:
Garia - formerly Gary Campbell of Hays, Kansas. Now Baroness Garia of Blackstone, Vassal of Duke Gilbanar of North Palarand -
Lady Merizel - Garia's Personal Secretary - Garia's nickname for her is Merry*
Mistress Jenet - Garia's Personal Maid*-
Tandra – Palace Maid assigned to Merizel, she is the daughter of a Guardsman.
Bursila – Was Lady Merizil's Personal Maid. She is now Milsy's de facto Guild Assistant
Lanilla - Under-Maid recruited in Blackstone. Daughter of one of the poorest families in town. wia
Jasinet - Under-Maid recruited in Blackstone. Daughter of the former Town Cobbler. kia
Mistress Sukhana - Younger sister of Jaxen, usually referred to as Sookie. She has taken over as the Mistress of the Household in Garia's new Baronial Seat in the Ptuvil's Claw. Now a permanent resident of Blackstone*
Milsy – A very intelligent young Palace Servant from Dekarran. While Garia went to Blackstone, she acted as her Double back at the Palace. She is now a full-fledged Guildswoman of unknown rank. She also is now living in Morlan's old quarters. She has as yet not sworn any Oaths of Allegiance but suspect she will shortly become a Vassal of Garia.
Feteran - Commander of the Blackstone Household Guard and Cpt Bleskin's oldest son**-
Tord - Blackstone Guardsman, Garia's training File. File Leader of the 12 Guards raised at the Palace assigned to guard Milsy.
Taximandir Sorofur'than Kudas D'Kenik an K'daril - Blackstone Guardsman, Garia's training File (known in Palarand as D'Kenik)*w
Brazan - Blackstone Guardsman*, officially promoted to File Leader after arriving back at the Palace.
Soomit - Blackstone Guardsman*
Frando - Blackstone Guardsman*
Toranar - Blackstone Guardsman*-
Tedenis - Nephew of Master Brydas, his wife's sister's son, Blackstone Guardsman Recruit
Briswin - Eldest son of one of Blackstone's Weavers, Blackstone Guardsman Recruit
Mistress Senidet – Teen daughter of Master Brydas. Appointed as part-time Administrative Assistant to Sookie. She is also now Garia's Guild Apprentice and has left Blackstone with Garia.
Molleena (no relation to Molly in Blackstone) – Palace Maid assigned to Senidet.
Snep - Baroness Garia's riding Frayen*
Topik - Lady Merizil's riding Frayen*
Brit – Jenet's riding Frayen*
Tixi – Sookie's new Frayen, it is a doe and taken from the property confiscated from the Outlaws.
All characters marked with an * accompanied Garia in the caravan to Blackstone
All characters marked with ** escorted Captain Bleskin to his retirement home and then on to Blackstone

Blackstone Town Council:
Cpt Bleskin – Steward for Baroness Garia
Master Fedren – Town Sheriff
Master Jepp – Town Scribe
Master Bezan – Mason specializing in Town Planning
Master Blandel – Town Mason
Master Brydas – Town Smith
Master Selden – Valley Messenger Service Agent
Master Sinidar – Town Tanner
Master Torin – Town Carpenter
Master Yarling – Chief Mining Engineer
Master/Mistress Michen/Michet – Newly appointed Militia Commander
Mistress Lendra – Blackstone's Senior Healer
Master Mesulkin – Former Steward, now Justice of the Peace/Alderman

Residents of the Town of Blackstone:
Mistress Yanda – Co-owner with her husband of the Bell Inn, the smaller of the two inns in Blackstone.
Master/Sheriff Fedren – Husband of Yanda and the other co-owner of the Bell Inn. Member of the Town Council. Appointed as the first Sheriff of Blackstone.
Kasinna – Teen daughter of Yanda and Fedren, about 14 years of age.
Deputy Suril – Pakh Herder made destitute by Trogan. His house is slated to be demolished to make way for the new loop road for the mines. The new Deputy Sheriff. #
Mistress Haka – Wife of Suril, works part-time for Mistress Hasinet as a bra-maker #
Haris – Infant son of Suril and Haka #
Mistress Liamet – Deceased mother of Haka, was a Seamstress and essentially enslaved her daughter and claimed her work for her own. #
Master Brydas – Blacksmith of Blackstone and a member of the Town Council. Also learned to be a younger cousin of Cpt Bleskin
Garbel – One of Brydas' journeyman #
Jerbin - One of Brydas' journeyman #
Sethan – Member of Trogan's gang caught while hiding in the Ptuvil's Claw. He was apparently one of four not present at the initial encounter. Of those four, one is dead and two others escaped with three Frayen. Sethan and Nerrin were not originally members of Trogan's Gang so he was only convicted of minor crimes and received a light sentence. He is now employed as the Coke-oven operator for Brydas
Mistress Sukhana - younger sister of Jaxen, usually referred to as Sookie. She has taken over as the Mistress of the Household in Garia's new Baronial Seat in the Ptuvil's Claw. Now a permanent resident of Blackstone*
Parrier (Parry) – A young man about Julina's age who now works in the Claw's stables. #
Master Mesulkin – Town Steward appointed by Duke Gilbanar and a member of the Town Council and it has been learned that he is a cousin of Cpt Bleskin and two years older. Now retired due to his disability from his treatment from the Bandits.
Captain Bleskin - Palace Guard Commander – retired, now the new Town Steward appointed by Garia
Mistress Taranna - Wife of Cpt Bleskin - deceased
Master Polbinar – Agent of the Valley Messenger Service and a member of the Town Council, has now died due to his mistreatment by the Bandits.
Master Selden – Newly appointed Blackstone Messenger Agent (also listed under the VMS faction section)
Master Blandel – Town Mason and a member of the Town Council
Mostar – Blandel's journeyman#
Master Jepp – Town Scribe and a member of the Town Council
Mistress Shantoona – Wife of Jepp #
Master Sinidar - Town Tanner
Master Jerill - Town Seed Merchant
Master Waltan - Town Draper
Master Waldan - Town Saddler
Mistress Pomma – Wife of Waldan. She is also an accomplished sketch artist and painter. #
Boxin – Waldan's frayen (buck)
Wiget – Pomma's new frayen (doe)
Master Rostan – Town Plumber
Master Stonald - Guildsman of unknown craft
Master Haldik - Guildsman of unknown craft#
Master Pocular – Master Glass-maker newly arrived in Blackstone. #
Master Deegrum – Person who is in charge of the Dam and Waterworks maintenance. #
Jeefer – Deegrum's grenn #
Mistress Badelet – Wife of Deegrum, she died giving birth and the child died as well. #
Master Torin – Town Carpenter
Master Chorandar – Town Cobbler and was a member of the Town Council. Also the father of Jasinet. Had very poor opinion of Garia, so much so that he committed treason. (Second gunner's mate, killed by weapon malfunction d)
Mistress Sandara – Mother of Jasinet and wife of Cobbler. Had same opinion of Garia as her husband. Her opinion moderated slightly after her husband's death. (She has left town now#)
Perril – Son of Chorandar and committed treason with his father. e
Master Wainer – New town Cobbler after Chorandar's death. #
Kenlin – Wainer's frayen (buck)
Mistress Jorine – Townswoman
Mistress Hasinet – One of the town's Seamstresses. She is now specializing in bra-making
Mistress Lendra – One of the town's Healers
Master Sterrold – Townsman
Mistress Patilla – A town Seamstress who helped in the making of Sookie's riding helmet. She is also one of the women who met with Garia about the fashions out of the Capital. She was the one referred to as Tilla. She is now specializing in woman's riding gear.
Master Michen – Local who is guiding Master Yarling while he survey's Blackstone and it's resources. New Proprietor of the re-established Private Club in Blackstone. W #
Michet – Michen's secret female name known only by a small, select group in Blackstone. #
Dralla – Michen's frayen, doe
Master Morden – Father of Michen #
Cassama – Morden and Michet's Housekeeper #
Mistress Maldenet – Mother of Michen, died just before the birth of Julina.
Master Horbelan – Blackstone's Musical Instrument builder and repairer. He also knows earth-like music theory.
Mistress Shantoona – Townswoman #
Larsenar of Teldor – Elderly Pakh Shepard, he was present at the Battle of Perent River when Keren's grandfather was still the Crown Prince of Palarand. It has now been learned that he rose to the rank of Under-Marshal when in service.
Goodman Brethen – Owner of the first farm above Blackstone up the Vale.
Rathina – Brethen's wife
Denesar – Brethen and Rathina's oldest son, about Garia's age
Venna (12 -13yo?) - Daughter of Brethen and Rathina
Kalisel (12 – 13yo?) - Daughter of Brethen and Rathina
Matwin (10yo?) - Youngest son of Brethen and Rathina
Portra (6yo?) - Youngest daughter of Brethen and Rathina
Tarina – Rathina's mother
Jorilda (Ganna) – Grandmother of Brethen
Goodman Selmenar – Father of both Brethen and Bandar and the cause of the family feud, deceased
Jerina – Mother of Bandar and wife of Selmenar's brother, had an affair with Selmenar, deceased
Goodman Bandar – Owner of the 2nd farm up the Vale, about a Mark and a half from Brethen's farm. Half-brother of Brethen
Kathena – Wife of Bandar, deceased
Renys (10yo?) - Daughter of Bandar
Toren (6yo?) - Son of Bandar
Hamenar – Bandar's grandfather
Goodman Karand – Blackstone Farmer, participated in the attack on Garia's camp e
Master Kordulen - Father of Julina, it has been learned that he is pretty much the town's Head for the Department of Public Works (DPW). #
Mistress Julissa – Wife of Kordulen, deceased #
Mistress Swayga – Fiance of Kordulen, she is from Tranidor. #
Mistress Julina (15) – Young woman with some knowledge of letters. Asks Merry to teach her more. This brings about the idea to start a school in Blackstone. She is the oldest of 6 children.
Kordulet (Kords) (13) – Sister of Julina. #
Kordulissa (11) – Sister of Julina. #
Jululet (9) - Sister of Julina. #
Kordulkin (7) – Brother of Julina. #
Korden (5) – Brother of Julina. #
Judd – Kordulen's frayen, buck #
Trumpa – Frayen (doe) belonging to Kordulen's family #
Goodman Steef – Brother of Swayga, works at the new Road House. #
Mistress Megrozen – Protagonist of 01, the woman who initially taught Julina her letters. Called Gro by her family and Epp by her friends in Blackstone. #
Shemel – A Wagoneer from Tranidor who brings Griz, her husband and Gro's two youngest children back to Blackstone. As he is crossing the Bray Bridge to leave Blackstone he recognizes one of Trogan's gang and while escaping is shot with a quarrel and is left for dead when the gang can not find him. Nursed back to health by Gro and sometime after Garia liberates Blackstone, becomes Gro's husband. #
Mohini – Third child and second son of Gro. He is still living with his mother in Blackstone. #
Surekha – Fourth child and second daughter of Gro. She is still living with her mother in Blackstone. #
Grizanthet (Griz) – Best friend of Gro in Blackstone and closest neighbor #
Boxklee – Husband of Griz and a Pakh herder #
Gramobona (Gramma Bone or GB) – Elderly, obese woman who is the best weaver in town. A friend of Gro. She never married. #
Master Zytan – Town Bellringer #
Mistress Malet – Wife of Zytan and from a Bellringer family farther down the valley. #
Payner – Son of Zytan and around 12 – 13 years old #
Kellonika (Kelly) – Daughter of Zytan and a friend of Julina's. She is 3 ½ weeks younger than Julina #
Master Kronkin – Father of Zytan. Died around the time that Julina was born.
Mistress Dowa – Mother of Zytan and still assists with the Bellringing and maintaining the home. #
Master Nuortan – Zytan's younger brother and Asst Bellringer #
Mistress Mousa – Mother of Molly #
Molleena (Molly) – Friend of Julina, seduced by Perril then blackmailed and hypnotized by him into being his whore. Soon to be working at the new Club run out of Michen's house. #
Githy (Gith) – Close friend of Julina. Soon to be working at the new Club run out of Michen's house. #
Name not given – Mother of Githy. She assists Master Sinidar to make enough money to provide food for the table.#
Name not given – Father of Githy. He disappeared during Trogan's reign of terror. #
Taneesa – Grout's female dranakh. Instrumental in bringing Shemel to Gro's home after he is injured #
Deel – Shemel's dranakh, carried Shemel to Gro's home after he was injured. #
Master Rindal - Questor of the Natural Sciences (Botany and Zoology) *
Master Jerrit – Specialty is the rocks of the earth – Geologist *
Looz – Wagoneer stationed out of the Ptuvil's Claw. #
Battona – A woman known to be a possible trouble-maker #
Vittima – A woman charged with disturbing the peace. She is also the victim of domestic violence. Her name has been put in as a possible administrative employee for the Sheriff. #
Neerkel – Husband of Vittima, he has been arrested for domestic abuse at this time. #

Duchy of North Palarand Household:
Duke Gilbanar, Duke of North Palarand, brother of King Robanar
Lady Vivenne - wife of Duke Gilbanar
Count Terinar - son of Duke Gilbanar
Lady Korizet - daughter of Duke Gilbanar
Captain Jokar - House Guard Commander
Quadrant Yilden – Fourth Quadrant of the House Guard. TDY with the Holville Guard detail.
Jigan – A boy about Gro's age who took service in Dekarran Castle when he was old enough to be an Apprentice. Status: unknown #
Jarrin – Household Guardsman and Carriage driver*
Durko – Household Guardsman and Carriage driver, now discovered to be in league with Fikt. Killed by one of Stott's arrows when he participated in the attack on Garia's camp.*d (First gunner)
The two characters marked with an * are seconded to Prince Karen in his caravan as Wagoneers for his trip to Blackstone

Nobility of North Palarand:
Baron Rokar
Lord Jeldek – Noble who's seat is in the town of Teldor. Probably a Count.
Baron Werrel – He is the Lord of the lands on the opposite side of the Bray river from the Trade route below the forest lands. He is also a vassal of Count Trosanar.
Baron Charzon – He controls the lands on the Trade route side of the Bray River below the forest lands. He lives in Central Palarand. He is a known ship-owner. Not known at this time who he is a vassal of. As he lives in Central Palarand his liege lord may be from there.
Count Vestran – Lives somewhere in the Telar valley. Father-in-law of Baron Kachmar.
Baron and Master Mason Halkor – Guild Master assigned with re-building Holville and made Acting Baron by Prince Keren. His position has been confirmed by Duke Gilbanar

County of Telar Minor Household:
Count Grabin – Lord of Telar Minor
First Quadrant Mandel – Officer sent to Holville. Presently under arrest for investigation into illegal activities.

Barony of North Teldor Household:
Baron Fossmar – Baron of North Teldor
Second Quadrant Tilmar - Officer sent to Holville. Presently under arrest for investigation into illegal activities.

County of Haligo Household:
Count Thermin – Lord of Haligo
Countess Florizea – Wife of Thermin
Lord Jordan – Oldest son and about Garia's age
Lord Smendar – Son and second child
Lady Bellina – Daughter and third child
Lady Velinet – Daughter and fourth child (about 12 years old)

Haligo Residents:
Beran – Dockworker

County of Tranidor Household:
Count Trosanar – Noble who's seat is Tranidor
Lady Lasalenne - Wife of Trosanar
Names not given – Trosanar and Lasalenne have 2 sons and 3 daughters
First Quadrant Several – Commander of Lord Trosanar's Household Guard.
First Quadrant Pargrum – Commander of Trosanar's escort to Dekarran on Garia's return. He also served Trosanar's father.
File Leader Horth – NCOIC of Trosanar's escort to Dekarran.
Norson – A Footman of Count Trosanar.

Tranidor residents:
Master Jalmond – Master of the Tranidor Town Watch
Master Moshan – Moneylender, friend of Tanon's. It has also been learned that his ancestors originally came from Israel on Earth at some unknown point in the past
Kurdor – Factor of the Warehouse complex in Tranidor.
Termerik (Term) – Oldest son and second child of Gro. Now in Tranidor when he became old enough to become an Apprentice. #
Jogantha – A maid in Gro's father's house in Tranidor #
Karmanya - A maid in Gro's father's house in Tranidor #
Jafferkin – Independent Wagoneer who was initially hired to bring Gro to Blackstone after she married Willen. Earned the respect of Gro and eventually became a friend of her's. #
Josten – Male dranakh, son of Jeen. Takes over hauling Jafferkin's wagon after Jeen decides she is too old to do so. #
Grout – A Wagoneer from Tranidor that Gro hires to take her back to Blackstone. He is killed by Trogan's gang when he leaves Blackstone. #

North Palarand residents (Unknown affiliation):
Treb – An Armsman from an un-named Noble. He is TDY at Holville.

Holville residents:
Master Zathros – Water-systems Engineer assigned to design and build the new water and sewer systems at Holville
Mistress Triss – Brothel Mistress
Kathera (Kath) – Whore
Yelena (Yel) – Whore
Sel – Whore
Manda – Whore

Duchy of Brikant Household:
Duke Visselen - Duke of Brikant, vassal of King Robanar
Lady Sindenna - wife of Duke Visselen
Count Marlin - son of Duke Visselen
Countess Dalenna - twin daughter of Duke Visselen
Countess Terissa - twin daughter of Duke Visselen
Count Torzon (and un-named twin) Son of Duke Visselen

Duchy of Kendeven Household:
Duke Norvelen - Duke of Kendeven, vassal of King Robanar
Lady Shenna - wife of Duke Norvelen (and 2 un-named daughters)
Count Willan - son of Duke Norvelen
Count Stebenar - son of Duke Norvelen
Count Prasard - brother of Duke Norvelen

Nobles of Kendeven
Baron Kachmar – Baron of West Kendeven and former owner of the land Holville sits on via his wife's dowry. Now a widower, elderly and infirm.

Nobles of Central Palarand - (Fiefs not mentioned):
Lord Rechanar- rank not given
Count Fetchell
Count Ranard

Barony of South Reach Household:
Baron Kamodar of South Reach - Father of Lady Merizel
Varren - Secretary of Baron Kamodar
Lord Terzil - Older brother of Lady Merizel. Presently lives in Palarand City

Barony of Nether Bend Household:
Baron Runen of Nether Bend - Neighbor of Baron Kamodar
Lady Darina - Wife of Baron Runden
Mistress Jansy - Mistress of the Household of Nether Bend

Barony of West Bridge:
Baron Kentof – Father of Lady Lasalenne of Tranidor.

Master Tanon's Household:
Master Tanon - Palarand Master Trader and de-facto Intelligence Agent for King Robanar
Mistress Merina - wife of Master Tanon
Silna - Personal maid of Mistress Merina
Briggen - Tanon's servant
Toman - female servant of Merina
Shern - female servant of Merina
Vorn - Tanon's Butler
Jaxen - Foreman of Master Tanon*
Berd - Guard*
D'Joril - Guard
D'Janik - Guard, previously palace guardsman*
Bargon – Guard
Keet – Guard* wia
Samir – Guard* kia
Bildo – Guard*
Then - Guard*
Felly - Wagoneer (Teamster)
Joolen – Wagoneer (Teamster)*
Helen – Wagoneer (Teamster)* kia
Looz – Wagoneer stationed out of the Ptuvil's Claw. #
Moris - Warehouse Manager/Palarand City Factor of Tanon's
Master (name not given) – Father of Gro. He worked his way up from a Wagoneer up to a Senior Supervisor (Factor) for a Trading Company. When his boss decided to retire he had Gro's father negotiate the sale of the company to Master Tanon and it would now appear that he is now a Factor for Tanon in Brikant. #
Mistress Briselda (Brizzy) – Gro's oldest child and daughter. Moved to Brikant with her grandfather when she became an adult. (not really known if she is in this faction but placed here because of her grandfather. #
Shemelkia – Housekeeper for Gro's father #
Kermel – Husband of Shemelkia and the manservant of Gro's father #
Chek - female Dranakh, the first Dranakh Garia had ever seen.
Beth – Dranakh*
Tarpsik – Leading Wagoneer from Palarand. While in Blackstone, lead the first Tai Chi sessions #
Danfik – Wagoneer under Tarpsik #
All characters in this faction with an * were in the caravan accompanying Garia to Blackstone.

Cover Names:
Lady Garia – This is the cover name of Milsy, a Dekarran Palace servant who is Garia's double back in Palarand while Garia is off to Blackstone.
Mistress Buffy – Garia's cover name on the trip to Blackstone.
Mistress Karizma – Merizel's cover name on the trip to Blackstone (she is Buffy's older sister).
Aunt (Mistress) Sara – Jenet's cover name on the trip to Blackstone.
Master Kethen – Prince Keren's cover name on the trip to Blackstone. He was portraying the son of a Dekarran Trader on a fact-finding mission

Palarandi College of Higher Education (Formerly the Society of Questors (Scientists)):
Master Gerdas - The Royal Astronomer, also acting Head of the Society of Questors after Morlan's death
Master Brovan - Questor of Magnetism, newly elected Royal Questor
Master Rindal - Questor of the Natural Sciences (Botany and Zoology) *
Master Sovordar - Questor
Master Branjof, son of Kerildar - A Questor studying clouds
Master Peklis - Questor of Chemical Reactions (Chemist)
Master Siglond - Questor of Known Metals (Metallurgist)
Master Vanganar - Questor concerning Odors and Vapors in the air (gases)
Master Meklin – Questor
Master Jerrit – Specialty is the rocks of the earth – Geologist *
The two characters in this faction marked with an * are now in Blackstone

Royal Palarand Institute of Engineers (formerly The Guilds of Palarand):
Master Korond - Master Tailor - Dress shop Owner. His shop is across the street from Master Tanon's home
Jensy - Senior seamstress of Korond's shop
Master Parrel - Guild Master of the Metal working Guild
Master Tarvan - Journeyman Metalsmith who becomes a Master Electrician
Master Selvar - Master Metalsmith - involved in the Paper manufacture experiment
Master Hurdin - Guild-master of the Glass-making Guild
Master Braydor - possibly a Master Metalsmith involved with the paper manufacturing experiment
Guild Master Horran – I believe that he is the GM of the Miner's Guild and is presently at the Tranidor Guild Hall because of Moriskin's malfeasance.
Master Moriskin – Tranidor Guildhall Leader, demoted and sent to a new position somewhere up the Sufen.
Bezan – Journeyman Mason, just short of his time before becoming a Master. Earth position would be Civil Engineer specializing in Town Planning. *
Master Yarling – Master Miner. On Earth he would be Project Chief Mining Engineer and Geologist. ) *w
Master Jerzan – Master Cobbler that Chorandar of Blackstone was apprenticed. Probably lived in Tranidor. Status is unknown but probably deceased by now.
Master Brathan – Miners Guild, hates women and while in Blackstone, insulted Julina in front of Cpt Bleskin. He was exiled from Blackstone. #
The two characters in this faction marked with an * joined Garia's caravan in Tranidor and remained in Blackstone after Garia returned to the Palace.

Valley Messenger Service;
Master Kardenar – Tranidor's Messenger Agent
Master Selden – Newly appointed Blackstone Messenger Agent

Palarand City Guard Members:
Marshal Forton - Marshal of the City Guard, Military Cmdr of the Palarandi forces in war
Captain Trefkin - Officer of the City Guard

Unaffiliated characters of Palarand:
Joon - Bar owner at border post of Palarand
Colf - thug hired by Serdel - captured
Mishond - thug hired by Serdel - captured
Veernal - thug hired by Serdel - deceased
Pondool - Merchant
Jaynek – Merchant
Halban – A Trader known to Jaxen. He runs into the party at the Weaver's Arms Inn.
Mistress Sandara – Mother of Jasinet and wife of Blackstone's deceased Cobbler. Had same opinion of Garia as her husband. Her opinion moderated slightly after her husband's death. As she no longer lives in Blackstone, I have moved her here.

Non-Palarandi Characters:
Farber Blackshield - Resident (Ambassador) of the Ascendancy of Yod in Palarand
Duke Jarwin of Virgulend - younger brother of Grand Duke Mariswin
Lady Luann - sister of Duke Jarwin, wife of the Duke of Plif
Vice Marshal Dalbinar - Military Aide of Duke Jarwin
Grand Duke Bodrik - ruler of Virgulend 80 years ago
Grand Duke Mariswin - ruler of Virgulend
Captain Forbarin - Ferenis Militia Officer
Draybur - Farmer from Ferenis
Notara - wife of Draybur
Subrish – Younger brother of Gro. He now lives and works for relatives in Forguland. #
Yves Perriard – Young man who was either French or French-Swiss who had been the “Guest” of the Ascendancy of Yod. kia
Princess Eriana – A young woman who recently arrived in Palarand. Her father has sent her there to hopefully become betrothed to Keren.
Gullbrand – Sort of a Chancellor for Eriana
Lars – Einnland Armsman assigned to Eriana
King Embrikt – King of Einnland and the father of Princess Eriana.
The House of Yarold – The Einnland Royal Family

Known Agents, Hostile to Palarand and Garia:
Serdel - Palace Footman and Yodan spy - presently on the run
Dorrin - Palace Guardsman (1st Year), Yodian spy
Fikt, actual name not known (he was also using the name Sopo) – This man was involved in the attempt to kidnap Garia in Dekarran and was last seen in Blackstone under the guise of a Wagoneer in the endeavor to transport coal out of Blackstone. He attempted to form a Cell in Blackstone. It is believed that he is a Yodian Spy. It is believed that he led the attack on Garia's camp. After his escape he went to Haligo to work the docks where he could be where he could watch for Garia again. After spotting Garia there he got on board the Grey Skwod. Participated in the Battle of the King's Road. wr/kia.
Durko – Household Guardsman and Carriage driver, now discovered to be in league with Fikt. First gunner d < BR>Master Chorandar – Town Cobbler and a member of the Town Council. Also the father of Jasinet. Participated in the attack on Garia's camp. (Second gunner's mate, killed by weapon malfunction ) d
Perril – Son of Chorandar, involved in the attack on Garia's camp. e
Goodman Karand – Blackstone Farmer, participated in the attack on Garia's camp e
Jerren – Miner, participated in the attack on Garia's camp, was the second gunner and killed by the weapon malfunction d
Koltar – Miner, participated in the attack on Garia's camp, shot by Stott d
Rexo – Miner, participated in the attack on Garia camp e
Pordis - Miner, participated in the attack on Garia camp e
Fardal - Miner, participated in the attack on Garia camp e
Fiskin – Wagoneer, First gunner's mate r
Warsel – Woodcutter assigned to the Roadhouse project, participated in the attack on Garia's camp d
Rathonel – He is from Brugan, was hired to assist in the plot to kidnap Garia from Dekarran. Jenet blinded him in one eye in the attempt and he was captured.
Brotho – Probably an alias and possibly from Yod. He was killed by Garia during the kidnapping attempt in Dekarran
Trogan – Leader of the Bandits who were in Blackstone when Garia's caravan arrived, one of the three of the six who survived the initial encounter
Juddas – One of the three surviving Bandits in the initial encounter. Sentenced to death by hanging for his crimes.
Brakkis - One of the three surviving Bandits in the initial encounter. Sentenced to death by hanging for his crimes. Was injured in the initial encounter.
Bildo – One of the Bandits killed in the initial encounter.
Fret - One of the Bandits killed in the initial encounter.
Pexen - One of the Bandits killed in the initial encounter.
Sethan – Member of Trogan's gang caught while hiding in the Ptuvil's Claw. He was apparently one of four not present at the initial encounter. Of those four, one is dead and two others escaped with three Frayen. Sethan and Nerrin were not originally members of Trogan's Gang so he was only convicted of minor crimes and received a light sentence. < BR>Nerrin – Cousin of Sethan, he was one of the four not in the initial encounter and fell to his death when the townsfolk searched the town
Vordan – One of two Bandits who escaped and still being hunted, participated in the attack on Garia's camp, shot by Stott d
Kasmar - One of two Bandits who escaped and still being hunted. Believed to have participated in the attack on Garia's camp, e
Bari – Person pulled off of the Gray Skwod by Sopo/Fikt to take his place loading barges in Haligo

Names mentioned in Julina of Blackstone vignettes, if these people or animals are still alive as of the liberation of Blackstone they will also be referred to in the proper section (marked with #)
Mistress Megrozen – Protagonist of 01, the woman who initially taught Julina her letters. Called Gro by her family and Epp by her friends in Blackstone.
Willen – Gro's first husband and leader of the town's hunters. A lazy bastard. Status:deceased
Mistress Briselda (Brizzy) – Gro's oldest child and daughter. Moved to Brikant with her grandfather when she became an adult.
Termerik (Term) – Oldest son and second child of Gro. Now in Tranidor when he became old enough to become an Apprentice.
Mohini – Third child and second son of Gro. He is still living with his mother in Blackstone.
Surekha – Fourth child and second daughter of Gro. She is still living with her mother in Blackstone.
Master (name not given) – Father of Gro. He worked his way up from a Wagoneer up to a Senior Supervisor (Factor) for a Trading Company. When his boss decided to retire he had Gro's father negotiate the sale of the company to Master Tanon and it would now appear that he is now a Factor for Tanon in Brikant.
Subrish – Younger brother of Gro. He now lives and works for relatives in Forguland.
Grizanthet (Griz) – Best friend of Gro in Blackstone and closest neighbor
Boxklee – Husband of Griz and a Pakh herder
Gramobona (Gramma Bone or GB) – Elderly, obese woman who is the best weaver in town. A friend of Gro. She never married.
Jigan – A boy about Gro's age who took service in Dekarran Castle when he was old enough to be an Apprentice. Status: unknown
Seetha – A childhood friend of Gro when she lived in Teldor. Status: unknown
Kayern – A boy from up-valley (from Teldor) who goes to the Teldor Harvest Festival three years before Gro marries Willen. Status: unknown
Jeberset – Mother-in-law of Gro. A real “fire-breathing ptuvil”. Not well liked in Blackstone. Status: deceased
Shemelkia – Housekeeper for Gro's father
Kermel – Husband of Shemelkia and the manservant of Gro's father
Jogantha – A maid in Gro's father's house in Tranidor
Karmanya - A maid in Gro's father's house in Tranidor
Jafferkin – Independent Wagoneer who was initially hired to bring Gro to Blackstone after she married Willen. Earned the respect of Gro and eventually became a friend of her's. He lives in Tranidor.
Grout – A Wagoneer from Tranidor that Gro hires to take her back to Blackstone. He is killed by Trogan's gang when he leaves Blackstone.
Shemel – A Wagoneer from Tranidor who brings Griz, her husband and Gro's two youngest children back to Blackstone. As he is crossing the Bray Bridge to leave Blackstone he recognizes one of Trogan's gang and while escaping is shot with a quarrel and is left for dead when the gang can not find him. Nursed back to health by Gro and sometime after Garia liberates Blackstone, becomes Gro's husband.
Necke – Willen's frayen
Jeen – Elderly female dranakh of Jafferkin. Status: died of old age
Josten – Male dranakh, son of Jeen. Takes over hauling Jafferkin's wagon after Jeen decides she is too old to do so.
Taneesa – Grout's female dranakh. Instrumental in bringing Shemel to Gro's home after he is injured
Deel – Shemel's dranakh, carried Shemel to Gro's home after he was injured. #
Master Deegrum – Person who is in charge of the Dam and Waterworks maintenance. #
Mistress Badelet – Wife of Deegrum, she died giving birth and the child died as well. #

Vast, Multidimensional Beings:
Being One and Two – The two Scientists directly involved with Garia being on Anmar.
Integrator – This Being appears to be the Supervisor or Director of One and Two

Blackstone Vale Combat Key:
- Not injured or killed
w Wounded
d Died: body returned with the party
e Died: body eaten by Ptuvil
r Ran away (escaped)

Battle of the King's Road Combat Key:
wia: Wounded in action
kia: Killed in action

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