Earlier I washed off a very dirty electric fan I had in house with the garden hose. I was gonna set it up in a window and just wanted to clean it off.
Well I left it to dry on the hood of my car dangling on the fence. Totally away from anyone.
So i go outside to get it as it should be dry by now and...its gone!
I am not all that heartbroken as I knew I would have to finishing cleaning it to make it work and its a fan I had repaired years ago. I just find it stupid that someone would come into my yard to blatantly steal a cheap little electric fan.
Now please remember I took this very dirty fan out of my house and took the garden hose and soaked it down totally before leaving it to dry so I am fairly sure it was still full of water in the controls and stuff. Ie it probably wont work and in all likelyhood blow a fuse or breaker in the process.
Does make me wonder why someone would take it though. They wont get any money for it at all. New they sell for like $15 or so. Some people.
That's okay. A few weeks ago,
That's okay. A few weeks ago, someone walked up my driveway, under an overhang, moved boxes, and stole my lawnmower.
I was a bit irritated, but not that much. I wanted to work it through the summer - but it had a bent shaft. I nailed a stump with it last summer, and it never worked well after that.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Suddenly last summer...
...my neighbor had replaced his electric clothes dryer and gave me his old one. My son and I walked it across the street and left it by our front door. After taking him to work I came home to find out that someone had just taken it off our front lawn. At least they're hygienic. :)
Love, Andrea Lena
Someone a few years ago broke into the shed behind my house.
Stole a chainsaw that had seized up, and two gas cans, one of which was mixed with oil for the chainsaw. A few days later I heard that a relative of my wife's van had suddenly stopped running... Hmmm.
Yup, some people. lol.
Yard Theft...
Until the renovation of the house, we didn't even have a locking front door.
Lately, I've been leaving the wheelchair outside, because after I half carry, half help bill up the stairs and into the house, I'm usually a little too tired to bring it in right then...
Because of this thread I just had to go get dressed, and walk out and bring the stupid chair in!
I trust my neighbors, but the people across the street have some shady friends! :P
Kinda funny you should mention shady friends...
As I had quite a few when I was in high school. Not because I was into those kinds of things, but I found that it got the bullies and other thieves and such to not bother me and/or my stuff.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
What I wanna know is
why was the fan so dirty in the first place? Did the shit keep hitting it?
They got what they deserved I bet.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Around my neighborhood it is a joke,
You want to get rid of something, no matter how lame, put it by the curb and hang a for sell sign on it.
Actually, you don't need the sign. Near as I can figure the scrap metal crowd is always looking.
Hopefully, karma will het them
Dad had someone sugar his gas tank years ago while we were on vacation and someone else siphoned half the tank. Filter caught all the sugar, but a neighbor kid had his car stop running, ironic, ain't it... :P
Still Laughing
It is nice to have a good belly laugh at someone elses exspense.Thanks for that I needed it -- HUGS RICHIE2
Here is what would be the icing on the cake.
What if someone was injured by any of the stolen items talked about by various people on this thread? Would some shyster lawyer be able to make a case, that you should have warned the thief of possible harm from the item that "was left for anyone to take and use"? Or that you should have taken measures to prevent "someone" from using the item that was left in the open for "anyone" to take? Could you be liable for the injuries of a thief?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Unfortunately, that sort of
Unfortunately, that sort of thing has happened. Someone broke into a school, dove into an empty swimming pool, broke their neck and was paralyzed, and then sued the school because the pool was empty.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Seriously?! OMG... *giggles hysterically*
So... The school won I hope?
Abigail Drew.
I quite honestly don't
I quite honestly don't remember. It was in the late 80's or early 90's.
People held it up as an example of not taking responsibility, so I suspect it was like the McDonald's coffee case, where they decided that it was the responsibility of the school for not locking it up better.
Kind of like having razor wire around your swimming pool, and being sued because the neighbor's kid tunneled underneath and drowned.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
another example
Also kinda how if you have not gone out to clean the front walk and someone walks on a clearly uncleared walkway and slips on it your responsible.
That one is slightly
That one is slightly different. In many areas, the sidewalk is considered to be 'public', not private, and part of your responsibilities as a homeowner is to maintain the section of sidewalk that crosses your property. If it buckles, you have to replace it, even though you didn't build it in the first place.
It's much like the right of way that some people here in texas have crossing their land. We went camping a few times on a piece of property that the _only_ way to reach it was by driving through someone else's land. There was no public road to it. That was called a 'right of way'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Technically that is an
Technically that is an easement, if you allow people to cross your land repeatedly you have established an easement. Hence no trespassing signs.
No, you aren't following.
No, you aren't following. When property is sold, there _must_ be a right of way to the closest road. In the more rural areas, those right of ways are through another piece of property - they're actually listed on the deeds for both properties.
They aren't easements (which are chunks of property you own but allow the utility companies to use)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
About Easements
See http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Easements
In particular see the section on Easements by Prescription.
Right of way
See the third one down. In 40 years, I have _never_ heard anyone use the term 'easement' to refer to the drive through one ranch to get to a hunting lease on another piece of property. It's always a right of way, and the people that I've talked to with them on the deed called them 'right of way' as well.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
You are both right, which I think is what sarge is trying to tell you bib. A Right of Way is a type of prescriptive easement. Just because no one happens to use the terminology doesn't mean it's not correct.
Perhaps where sarge is from it's the opposite and no one used the term Right of Way and everyone uses the term easement.
Abigail Drew.
Something similar happened to me.
A long time ago I had two PlayStations stolen out if my car. Joke was on them I guess I had just pulled the drives to repair a friends. While funny I hate these jerks looking for something for nothing grrrr!
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
We had been camping in our
We had been camping in our trailer (caravan for you Brits), I had dumped the large ice-chest on the lawn then inverted it to drain and dry. I was in the trailer cleaning the refrigerator when I noticed a car had stopped in the middle of our street and the driver's door was open and the driver was getting out, the woman in the passenger seat was giving the driver hell in Spanish as he walked across the street and sidewalk headed for the ice-chest. I opened the trailer door and stepped out, he turned around and went back to the car and drove away. Low life, bottom feeding, pond scum. Oh yeah the car was newish (less than a year old) Chrysler New-yorker.