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Earlier I washed off a very dirty electric fan I had in house with the garden hose. I was gonna set it up in a window and just wanted to clean it off.

Well I left it to dry on the hood of my car dangling on the fence. Totally away from anyone.

So i go outside to get it as it should be dry by now and...its gone!

I am not all that heartbroken as I knew I would have to finishing cleaning it to make it work and its a fan I had repaired years ago. I just find it stupid that someone would come into my yard to blatantly steal a cheap little electric fan.

Now please remember I took this very dirty fan out of my house and took the garden hose and soaked it down totally before leaving it to dry so I am fairly sure it was still full of water in the controls and stuff. Ie it probably wont work and in all likelyhood blow a fuse or breaker in the process.

Does make me wonder why someone would take it though. They wont get any money for it at all. New they sell for like $15 or so. Some people.

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