She is still alive!!!!

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Sigh. Yes I am still alive and kicking for any and all who really gives a rats arse or have even heard of me which I don't think either of the above is likely. I am the proprietess of Beverly's Balcony, which has been around for a number of years in all it's disfunctioning and picturesque glory. I have even been registered user and silent participant of other sites including this excellent one. I just don't have much to say because my fingers tend to get away from me and continue to type nonsense at an unbelievable rate, thus making me a bit blogger shy. BTW who the bloody heck came up with the word Blog? It sounds like something my dog might have done idk. Anywho, just saying hiyas to those around and letting all particulars know im still kicking and around.

Beverly Colleen


Nice to know :)

erin's picture

Welcome back. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Im Glad You are Still Around Bev :)

You do wonderful site work and im quite sure have filled your life with a lot of things. Do stick around and participate if you like. There is no rush, and I do hope to see you around to chat with at some point :)

    Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf


I asked the same question a few years ago..... What is a blog? I was told by my compter friends who work for Microsoft that blog was origionally web-log but when said fast weblog we tend to hear they shortened it like everything else, to blog. I hope that helps.


Still here

Nice to see that you are still around. I thought you had run away in fright

Frightfully Scarce

Beverly Colleen's picture

Well I really wanted to run, however I have found there are too many excellent authors now to make me run in fear from the bad ones, so kudos to you guys and a HUGE thank you to Erin and Bob for their unsurpassed efforts and contributions to the online TG community.


I am a leaf on the wind, but someone turned the fan off.