Abigails Weekend Adventure 01-02

 ©September 2012

Part Two of Three

Chapter Two: Saturday

    Adrian woke on the Saturday morning and felt a little weird when he felt the odd weight on his chest, but he soon remembered it was the weekend and Abigail was visiting, then he remembered that Tanya, the woman that lived across the hallway was also stopping in his flat, and she thought he was his sister Abigail, a sister he didn’t have.

    Looking at the clock and seeing it was still quite early, he jumped out of bed and set to work bringing Abigail back before he went out to great his house guest.

    ‘I need an outfit that looks smart, feminine and practical for a woman to wear around the house on her weekend off.’ Adrian thought to himself as he started looking through the side of the wardrobe that housed Abigail’s things.

    He soon found a nice blue long sleeved summer dress and then he selected a set of pale blue underwear to go with it and a new pair of tights as he loved the feel of his skirt brushing around his pantyhose covered legs as he walked around.

    Adrian slipped on the bra and then the panties before sitting down at the dressing table and starting on his makeup. He soon had a nice daytime look that actually looked like he was wearing very little makeup at all. With the makeup done, he then fitted the wig on his head again and Adrian was gone, leaving Abigail in his place.

    Abigail got up from the dressing table and took the blue dress off the hanger and stepped into it and then pulled it up her body and slipped her arms into the long sleeves and struggled to pull up the zip at the back. She sat on the edge of the bed and put the blue sandals on that she’d selected to wear with the dress and they looked perfect together. The shoes had a much lower heel than the pumps she whore the night before, and looked a lot more practical for a day time look.

    Once she was dressed and she’d added some rings, wrist watch and some pretty hoop ear rings, she took one final look in the full-length mirror in her room before going out to put the kettle on and then have some breakfast.

    The kitchen was empty when Abigail got to it, but she did hear Tanya starting to move around. Abigail thought she must have been awake for some time, but was waiting for Abigail to move before she started moving around.

    Abigail was just placing a pot of tea on the kitchen table when she saw Tanya enter the kitchen and give her a smile. “Morning Abby. Thanks again for letting me stop the night.” Tanya said as she walked over to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair before taking a seat.

     “Think nothing of it Tanya.” Abigail smiled back, remembering to keep her voice soft, so Tanya didn’t realise her secret. “Tea?” Abigail asked as she held up the tea pot.

     “Yes please.” Tanya said as she slid the cup over for Abigail to fill up for her. Tanya then added a teaspoon of sugar and some milk before she lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip from it. “MMM that’s good.” Tanya sighed.

     “I was just about to do myself some toast, would you like a couple of slices?” Abigail asked as she opened a sliced loaf.

     “I don’t want to be any trouble.” Tanya said with a pained look.

     “It’s a little late for that.” Abigail giggled. “So do you want some toast?” She asked.

     “Yes please.” Tanya blushed.

    Abigail soon had four slices of bread in the toaster and she turned to look at Tanya and noticed she looked away trying to make it look like she hadn’t just been looking at Abigail. She noticed Tanya looking at her a couple more times as she got the toast sorted out and over to the table, and she wasn’t sure if Tanya might have worked out her secret or not already. Abigail wouldn’t be surprised if she had, because Abigail knew she didn’t look that good when she was dressed.

     “Would you like some jam or marmalade to put on your toast?” Abigail asked as she handed Tanya a plate with the two slices of toast on it.

     “No thank you, just like this is fine.” Tanya smiled as she took the plate and then added some butter to it.

    Abigail took a bite out of her first slice of toast and then looked over at Tanya quickly and saw her look away again like she didn’t want Abigail to know she was looking at her.

    They ate quietly for a short time, but then Abigail noticed that Tanya looked like she wanted to say something, but looked nervous about it.

     “Is everything alright Tanya?” Abigail asked, remembering to keep her voice soft and feminine. “You look like you want to say something.” Abigail added looking worried herself now.

     “Something is bothering me, but I’m not sure how to say it, just in case I’m wrong.” Tanya said nervously as she looked down at her cup of tea while she ran a finger around the edge of it.

     “I find it’s best to just get things out in the open and see where they lead.” Abigail said, even though the voice in her head said, ‘since when?’ with a snort.

     “I don’t think you are who you say you are Abby.” Tanya said in a whisper, like she was worried someone in the room might over hear them, even thought they were the only people in the room.

     “And just who do you think I am?” Abigail asked in the same whispered voice as she tried to bluff Tanya out.

    Tanya looked to be battling with a thought for a couple of seconds, which felt like hours to Abigail, but she finally opened her mouth and said something. “I don’t think you have a brother, I think you’re one and the same person.” Tanya looked worried now she’d finally got it off her chest.

     ‘Crap!’ Abigail thought to herself. She thought about lying, but then thought that would be a waste of time, so she just let out a sigh and her shoulders slummed. “When did you work it out?” Abigail asked using Adrian’s voice. “Do I really look that bad when I’m dressed?” She added.

    Tanya just sat with her mouth hanging open looking shocked to hear a male voice coming out of the woman sat across from her. “It was nothing you did Abby, but looking around the flat gave you away.” Tanya finally got out when her mouth started working again. “You only have the one plant in the place that I can see, and it looks like it’s well beyond being saved, and the photo on the TV in the other room is of a young man with his parents, there’s no sister in the picture, or any place else in the room.” Tanya explained.

     “I’m sorry I tried to fool you, I’m not a pervert or anything like that.” Adrian said, worried that Tanya might get mad with him over what he’d done.

     “I don’t mind.” Tanya said with a little giggle as she made Adrian look at her as she smiled at him. “I think it’s nice that even though you were dressed this way, you still let me into your home and offered to help me out when I needed it. You could have just ignored me.”

     “It really doesn’t bother you that I’m pretending to be a woman?” Adrian asked looking shocked now.

     “I’m a little curious, but it doesn’t bother me.” Tanya shrugged. “Are you transgendered, or do you just like to wear female clothing?” Tanya asked.

     “I just like wearing the clothes.” Adrian replied. “How do you know so much about this stuff?” He asked looking puzzled.

     “I’ve seen programs on telly about it, and it’s always in the papers these days as well.” Tanya said. “You’re the first one I’ve ever met, well that I know about that is.” Tanya added looking thoughtful.

     “I’d like you to keep this to yourself, if you don’t mind Tanya.” Adrian said looking worried still.

     “I’d never tell anyone Abby.” Tanya said looking shocked that he’d think she would. “I would like to get to know you a little better though.” She added with a smile.

     “You would?” Adrian squeaked out in even more shock.

     “Sure. Where do you go when you’re dressed?” Tanya asked.

     “I don’t.” Adrian replied. “I’m well and truly in the closet.” He added.

     “In the closet?” Tanya asked looking puzzled. “What does that mean?” She laughed.

     “It means I don’t go outside the flat when I’m dressed. Abigail lives in the closet most the time.” Adrian said looking worried. “You’ve already proved that I don’t look convincing enough to go out dressed like this.” He added with a sigh.

     “But you do look convincing. It was things around your flat that gave you away.” Tanya said looking sad that he’d never tried going out while dressed as Abigail. “I’d kill to have legs like yours.” She added with a pout.

     “Now you’re just teasing me.” Adrian frowned.

     “No, I really mean it.” Tanya said in a pleading tone. “What do you have planned for today?” She asked as it looked like she had an idea.

     “Do some cleaning, read a book, maybe watch a little TV.” Adrian shrugged.

     “Let’s go for a walk, just two girlfriends making the most of the nice weather.” Tanya grinned.

     “You want me to go outside, dressed like this?” Adrian asked with fear in his eyes. “I can’t do that.” He shook his head from side to side.

     “Yes you can, and you will see that no one will realise you’re anything but a woman out for a walk.” Tanya pushed.

     “I can’t, I’d be too nervous someone might spot me, or I might bump into someone I know from work.” He argued.

     “I’ve got a car, and we can go to the next town over where there will be less chance of someone spotting you then.” Tanya used as a counter argument. “Trust me Abby; I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Tanya added with a smile.

    Adrian found it hard to argue with her when she smiled like that, he found himself wishing they had met before this weekend and she could have made friends with the male him. “Okay.” He heard himself say before he realised. ‘Crap! Do you realise what you’re agreeing to?’ the inner voice screamed at him.

     “That’s great, just give me an hour to pop back over to my place and get dressed for going out, and we’ll be on our way.” Tanya grinned. “Would you mind coming over and keeping me company while I get ready, just in case the creep comes back, not that I’m expecting him to now he’s sobered up.” Tanya added with a frown.

     “Sure, but do you think I look okay for going out shopping?” Adrian asked using the softer more female voice trying to get back into character.

     “You look fine, and I love how you do that trick with your voice.” Tanya giggled with excitement. “Is it hard to do?” She asked.

     “It was in the beginning, but over time it became easier, but I have to keep my voice soft, or I sound to male.”

     “Where did you learn to do it?” Tanya asked looking genuinely interested in finding out.

     “I found someone on Youtube explaining how they got a female sound to their voice, and I practiced until it sounded like this.” Abigail smiled with pride. “You’re the first person I’ve ever tried it out on though.” She added with a sigh.

     “Did you learn to apply your makeup from watching Youtube videos as well?” Tanya asked as she looked more closely at the wonderful job Abigail had done. “I know that I’ve learned some cool tricks with makeup from watching videos on you tube.” Tanya admitted with a grin.

     “Yes, and I’ve ordered some DVD’s on how to apply it as well.” Abigail said sounding nervous at the fact Tanya was looking more closely at her now. “I’ve had lots of time to practice and perfect a look.” She added as she looked away with a blush to her cheeks.

     “Do you have a purse to put all your bits and bobs in?” Tanya asked when she saw Abigail getting her cell phone and wallet off the coffee table.

     “No, I’ve never been out dressed, so I’ve never bothered buying one.” Abigail explained sounding perplexed as to what she could do, other than buy one once they were out shopping.

     “I’ve got one you can use, it’s a little back pack style one that I’ve only used a couple of times and it wasn’t large enough to get all my junk in, but it will do you just fine.” Tanya said as she took Abigail by the hand and led her out her flat and into Tanya’s.

     “I’m really not sure this is a good idea Tanya.” Abigail shouted towards the bedroom door where Tanya had gone to get dressed in something suitable for going out shopping in. “Everyone will know that I’m not a real woman.” She added.

     “Don’t be silly.” Tanya’s voice shouted back. “There are lots of different looking women out there, and some don’t look half as good as you do, and it’s not like the shop assistants will say anything, just in case they’re wrong.” Tanya pointed out.

    Abigail wanted to argue the point with Tanya, but the more she thought about it, the more she realised that Tanya was right. Adrian would never walk up to a woman in the street and say ‘you look like a guy in a dress’ and Adrian had seen women that looked more masculine than he did, not that he looked masculine at all right now in his blue dress and matching blue sandals.

    Tanya wandered out her bedroom wearing a sleeveless dress that came to just above the knee and flared out, it was white, but had lots of different shades of blue brush strokes all over it. Abigail thought it was a really cute dress.

     “Wow Tanya, you look amazing.” Abigail smiled as she got up off the sofa.

     “Thanks Abby. I thought I better make that little extra effort so I didn’t look like a tramp next to you.” Tanya grinned back as she did a little spin for Abigail.

     “That wouldn’t be hard for you.” Abigail said with a blush when she realised what she’d just said.

     “Thanks Abby.” Tanya blushed as well. “Here’s that purse I was telling you about.” Tanya said wanting to change the subject, as she handed Abigail the small black leather back pack with gold buckles.

     “Thank you Tanya, this is a really nice purse.” Abigail said also happy to be changing the subject, as she thought about getting better control over her mouth.

     “You can have it as a thank you gift for coming to my rescue last night.” Tanya smiled.

     “I couldn’t do that Tanya, it looks expensive.” Abigail argued.

     “I must warn you Abby that I can be quite stubborn once I’ve made my mind up, and that purse now belongs to you.” Tanya said as she folded her arms to let Abigail know she wasn’t going to take the purse back.

     “Thank you.” Abigail smiled back as she hugged the purse to her chest like it was the best gift she’d ever had. “I do love it.” She added with a grin.

     “You’re welcome hon.” Tanya grinned when she saw that Abigail loved the purse. “We better go and get your makeup and other bit’s put in it, so we can go do some shopping.” Tanya added as she led Abigail from the flat and across the hallway to Abigail’s.

    Abigail was nervous about going out dressed, but at the same time she was looking forward to this new adventure, and also glad to have some company.

    Once Abigail had her lipstick and compact in her new purse, she made sure she had Adrian’s wallet and flat keys in there as well before looking at Tanya nervously and taking a deep breath before heading towards the front door and this new chapter in her life as a part-time female.

    Tanya slipped her arm through Abigail’s and led her to the lift and Abigail was grateful to make it down to the ground floor without running into anyone, but there were a group of lads hanging around just outside the block of flats, but they never said anything, but a couple of them did whistle there approval. Abigail just blushed and kept her head down as she let Tanya lead them over to her car.

     “Now do you believe me?” Tanya grinned once they were both in her car. “Do you really think they would be whistling at you if you didn’t look good?” She asked.

     “I’m not about to relax just because some teenage boys thought we both looked good.” Abigail frowned. “They could have just been whistling at you for all I know.” She pointed out.

     “I can see that you’re going to be a tough one to convince.” Tanya pouted as she put the key in the ignition and started the car. “You’ll soon see that other than the odd jealous look and admiring glance, no one will realise you’re not what you appear to be.” Tanya added sounding sure of herself.

     “I hope you’re right.” Abigail said sounding nervous as she looked out the window at all the people going about their business on this Saturday morning.

     Abigail kept switching from looking out the window to looking down at how she was dressed while out in the world. She’d always dressed in the safety of her home before today, and other than the people she spoke to online, no one knew anything about this side of her, but here she was out in the world about to go shopping for the first time.

     “How did you start dressing?” Tanya asked snapping Abigail out of her thoughts. “Do you want to become a woman full time?” She asked as she drove the car.

     “No I don’t want to have a sex change or anything like that. I just like to become a female once in a while, it’s relaxing and I love the feel of the clothes.” Abigail tried to explain. “It’s hard to put into words how it makes me feel.”

     “So how did it all start?” Tanya pushed trying to keep Abigail talking.

     “I got roped in to play a fairy in a school play, and I liked the way I looked, and how the clothes felt on me. Things went from there and after leaving home to go to college I started to build up a wardrobe of female clothes for myself while I learned how to get a look I liked.” Abigail said shyly.

     “Have you ever told any of your girl friends about this side of you?” Tanya asked as she looked over at Abigail trying to gauge her reaction to the question.

     “No, I’ve never told anyone about this side of me, and I’ve never really had a girl friend either.” Abigail blushed.

     “You’re gay?” Tanya asked.

     “No!” Abigail snapped back looking shocked. “I’ve just never felt safe asking a girl out, just to have her reject me if they found out about this.” She said in a softer tone as she blushed even deeper.

     “So am I the first person to ever see you like this?” Tanya asked with some pride in her voice.

     “Yes, you’re the first to see me like this and the first girl I’ve ever been out with, not that I see this as a date.” Abigail added the last part looking worried that Tanya might think him weird, or her weird as it was.

     “I wouldn’t kick you out of bed.” Tanya grinned and then started to giggle when she saw the shocked look Abigail was now giving her. “I’m bisexual.” Tanya added with a shrug like it wasn’t a big deal.

     “So you’ve had both boy and girl friends then?” Abigail asked just to make sure she’d not misunderstood.

     “Yes, but after the trouble with this last boyfriend, I’m leaning towards going lesbian.” Tanya frowned. “But it could be that I’ve found the best of both worlds.” She added with that same grin again as she looked at Abigail.

    Abigail had no idea if Tanya was just joking with her or not, but she suddenly felt a stirring where she really didn’t want one at the minute, not with how she’d got things places down there. “You have no idea what I look like when I’m not a woman.” Abigail warned. “I’m not much to look at as a guy.”

     “Do I really seem that shallow to you?” Tanya asked with a pout.

     “Shallow?” Abigail asked looking puzzled.

     “Yes, shallow.” Tanya replied. “Do you think that I’m only interested in how a person looks?” She asked.

     “No! But I’ve never had a girl take an interest in me, and I don’t want to lead you on.” Abigail tried to explain. “I’d be too scared to even talk to you as a guy.” Abigail added with a little laugh.

     “Maybe so, but it still didn’t stop you coming to my rescue last night, even dressed as you were.” Tanya grinned. “That says more about you than how you look as a boy or a girl.”

     “I’m glad I did now.” Abigail smiled. “I just hope I don’t cause you any trouble while we shop.” She added sounding nervous.

     “You’ll do just fine, and if we do start having any trouble, then we’ll leave and go do something else instead.” Tanya said with a promise in her voice.

     “Thank you for helping me do this. It’s always been something I’ve wanted to do, but I was always too scared to go out dressed on my own.” Abigail said as she watched Tanya pulling into the Westfield’s car park in the centre of Derby. It wasn’t as big as Nottingham where they both lived, but it was big enough with plenty of clothes shops for them to look in.

    Tanya parked the car and then sat with Abigail for a couple of minutes while she got her nerves under control enough for them to head into the centre and start looking around.

     “You ready to do some serious shopping girlfriend?” Tanya finally asked when she started to get bored.

     “No, but I’d hate to come this far and then chicken out.” Abigail said just before she took another deep breath and then opened the car door and got out.

     “I’d never think of you as being a chicken Abby.” Tanya smiled as she walked around the car to join Abigail. And then they both made their way into the shopping centre.

    Even though Abigail was nervous, she still couldn’t help smiling as she heard the sound of her heels and Tanya’s clicking as they walked along. Abigail also loved the feel of her skirt brushing against her legs as she walked along.

    Tanya had slipped her arm through Abigail’s like they could see other girls doing, and Tanya felt Abigail stiffen a couple of times as they walked past people, but Abigail soon relaxed when she saw that no one was looking at her in a strange way. She did get the odd look from guys as they walked past, but it looked more like they were undressing the two of them. Abigail wondered if any of the guys checking them out really just wanted to be wearing the clothes.

     “I told you, you looked okay didn’t I?” Tanya asked in a whisper as they stood looking in a shop window at some dresses on a couple of mannequins.

    “Yes you did.” Abigail said with a sigh just before she started grinning as she relaxed and started to fully enjoy the adventure with her new friend.

     “You’ll learn to trust me even more as time goes by.” Tanya said looking smug with herself.

     “You make it sound like we’ll be having lots of trips out like this.”

     “We will.” Tanya said just before she took hold of Abigail’s hand and led her into the shop and started looking at the dresses as she tried to find them in Abigail’s size.

    Abigail soon found herself being taken towards the changing rooms where Tanya wanted her to try on the dress that one of the mannequin’s had been wearing. Abigail gave Tanya a worried look, but wouldn’t say anything out loud, just in case someone overheard them speaking.

    Tanya just waved off Abigail’s worried look and started to help her undress down to her underwear. Tanya looked impressed with Abigail’s figure and the small waist and large butt. Abigail could tell by Tanya’s look though, that she had a ton of questions she wanted to ask when she looked down and saw the smooth front where there should have been a bulge.

    Abigail was soon in the dress and then Tanya lead them back out into the outer changing room so Abigail could get a look at herself in the many mirrors that were scattered around the room giving her a chance to see how she looked from all angles.

     “That dress is so you Abby.” Tanya grinned as she clapped her hands together excitedly. “You have to buy it.” She added with a pleading in her voice.

    Abigail had already fallen in love with the dress before Tanya spoke, but hearing Tanya’s words made her mind up for her.

    The dress was a peplum design in nude and black, and had a scoop neckline and floral lace top with a scooped back, elbow length sleeves and a high cut waist and a form fitting skirt with a pleated peplum. Abigail ran her hands over the nude coloured lace top as she looked at herself in the mirror, loving the fact the dress covered the fake breasts she had attached to her chest and making her waist look even smaller and sexier as it flared out over her hips. The skirt section of the dress ended several inches above the knee, showing off a good amount of leg.

     “I’ll buy it then.” Abigail grinned.

     “Wonderful, but I want you to try this one as well.” Tanya said as she held up another dress in a navy blue.

    Abigail was soon back in the changing room slipping off the peplum dress and stepping into a babydoll dress with sequin bodice. The evening dress had been crafted from lightweight chiffon, and was a sleeveless design with a scooped neckline. The bodice was embellished with densely packed sequins and a double layered pleated skirt. It had a very fluid look to it.

     “You do realise that I’ll have to go braless with both these dresses.” Abigail pointed out when she saw the low back on the second dress just like the first one had.

     “Will that be a problem?” Tanya whispered.

     “Not really, just as long as I glue the forms on first like I have at the minute.” Abigail whispered back when she saw they were alone in the changing room at the minute.

     “Does this mean you’ll be buying both dresses then?” Tanya asked with a grin.

     “Yes, I love this one more than I did the last one, not that I’ll ever wear them out any place.” Abigail said as she did a quick spin to see how far the skirt flared out.

     “I’m sure we can find some place for the two of us to go, so you can let everyone see how pretty you are.” Tanya pouted.

    Abigail went to answer, but stopped when a couple of women entered the changing room. Abigail just made her way back into the private room where her clothes were and slipped out of the dress before putting on her own dress and then taking the two dresses she wanted to buy, over to the cashier.

    Once Abigail had paid for the dresses using cash, she left the shop and went in search of a cash machine to get some more money out, as she didn’t want to risk using her credit or debit cards and having anyone question her, or work out that she wasn’t really a woman in the first place.

    Tanya dragged Abigail in and out of shop after shop getting her to try on so many dresses that Abigail lost count. Abigail had to remind Tanya a couple of times that she couldn’t wear certain types of dress or top because it would expose her breast forms. Tanya soon remembered though and she only picked out things that covered most of Abigail’s upper chest after that.

     “Do you mind if I treat you to a spot of lunch?” Abigail asked after they left another clothes shop where Abigail had just bought a couple of skirts and a blouse.

     “I am getting hungry, but I can buy my own lunch Abby.”

     “I’d like to buy you lunch as a thank you for such a wonderful day out as Abigail.” She explained her reason for wanting to treat Tanya to lunch.

     “Okay then, I’ll let you treat me to lunch, but only of you let me pay for dinner this evening.” Tanya said as a counter offer.

     “Sure.” Abigail smiled when she realised that Tanya wanted to make the day last as long as she could, and Abigail wasn’t in a hurry to see it end anytime soon either.

    They were soon in the food court where they had a subway, they both selected what they wanted and then found a quiet spot as far away from everyone as they could, which wasn’t very far on a Saturday lunchtime.

     “Thank you for the lunch.” Tanya said between bites. “You have a really nice figure, is it all you.” Tanya asked cryptically.

     “I’m not sure what you mean?” Abigail replied looking puzzled. “I think you already know some of it isn’t real.” She added as she looked down at her chest. Tanya had already seen the breast forms Abigail had glued to her chest.

     “I know they’re not real Abby, but you have a nice shape to you and I love the rounded shapely ass you have. You have more curves than most women I’ve seen out shopping today.” Tanya tried to explain her question a little better without anyone else understanding.

     “Are you trying to say I have a big ass?” Abigail asked, pretending to look hurt.

     “Not big, just cute.” Tanya grinned.

     “I’ve never taken anything to make it bigger, but I do wear a corset a lot when I’m at home, so I think that’s helped to move the fat around, most of it being pushed down to my ass.” Abigail shrugged her reply.

     “You like wearing a corset?” Tanya asked with some shock in her voice.

     “Not really, but I do love the look it gives me when I do wear one.” Abigail smiled. “It makes me look like I have real breast when I do.” She added with a grin.

     “Do you ever wish you did have your own breasts?” Tanya asked in a whisper.

     “Sometimes, but I’d never want to have my privates removed though.” Abigail said with a shudder.

     “So would you think about becoming a she-male then?” Tanya asked. “I saw a program on telly about it some time back.” Tanya added when she saw the puzzled look Abigail was giving her.

     “I’m not sure; I’ve never given it much thought before today.” Abigail said after thinking about it for a couple of seconds. “I’d never even thought about leaving the house before this morning, so I think baby steps are the way to go.” She added with a smile.

     “How would it affect your job, if you turned up looking like you do now?” Tanya asked.

     “I’m not sure, but it would feel weird working with people that know me as Adrian.”

     “Have I ever met Adrian?” Tanya asked after they sat quietly eating for a time.

     “No, well not that I can remember, and I think I would have remembered if I’d bumped into you.” Abigail smiled.

     “You make it sound like I’m pretty and noticeable.” Tanya blushed.

     “You are.” Abigail said, sounding a little too eager. “Sorry, but I think you are very pretty, and kind to go with it.” Abigail added in a whisper as she blushed this time.

     “Do you find this all a bit weird?” Tanya asked trying to change the subject a little.

     “Weird in what way?” Abigail asked looking worried that Tanya might not want to spend any more time with her. “You mean being out with me when you know what I am?” She asked.

     “No!” Tanya shot back in an angry whisper. “I mean feeling like you do about me and me feeling the same way about you when we’ve only just met, and the fact I know what you are is making me want you even more right now.” Tanya added in a whispered growl.

    Abigail just sat with her mouth hanging open as she took in what Tanya had just said to her. “You like me?” She finally said.

     “Yes, I don’t know what it is about you, but the thought of being able to go shopping with you and then do all the things I do with a boyfriend is making me really hot for you.” Tanya growled out in another whisper.

     “I like you to Tanya, but I thought me being like this would mean you’d never want me in that way.” Abigail whispered back looking excited.

     “It just makes me want you even more.” Tanya purred as she reached across the table and took hold of Abigail’s hand and smiled at her.

    They finished their lunch and returned to their shopping and Abigail was soon looking for new shoes and then Tanya wanted to look at night gowns and lingerie.

     “I can’t walk any further Tanya.” Abigail whined as they came out yet another lingerie shop and stopped at some benches. “My feet are killing me.” She added as she sat down and slipped off the sandal and rubbed her feet.

     “Time is getting on, and we still have to drive home and get ready.” Tanya agreed, looking at the time.

     “Get ready for what?” Abigail asked.

     “Read to go out for dinner.” Tanya said in a matter of fact way like Abigail should have already known this. “You got lunch, and I’m getting Dinner.” She added when Abigail still looked puzzled.

     “I thought we’d just grab some take away on the way home.” Abigail pointed out.

     “What, and miss out on a chance to get you out in one of them new dresses?” Tanya said looking shocked. “I’m taking you out for a nice meal with candles and nice wine.” Tanya added as she pulled Abigail to her feet again and led the way back to the car park and the car.

    Tanya helped Abigail get all the shopping bags up to her flat and then left to go take a shower and get ready herself, while Abigail took a shower and checked to see if she needed to shave again. She didn’t, but it was nice to shower and then make herself smell nice again before she set to work on getting ready for an evening meal with Tanya.

    Adrian had removed the breast forms and reattached them once he’d done in the shower, then he set to work on doing his makeup once he’d slipped on the new panties and thigh highs. He went for a more dramatic look with the makeup, as he wanted to impress Tanya with Abigail’s most stunning look. He slipped on a wig cap and then set to work making Abigail return. Using a glue stick he hid his eyebrows and then added foundation and powder to hide them before he pulled some of the hair back out again and then used a little makeup to make it match the colour of the auburn wig Abigail would be wearing. Next he did his eye makeup and then his lips. By the time he was done with his makeup, Adrian was gone and Abigail was sat looking back at him. Pulling the wig off its stand he slipped it onto his head and then pinned it in place and Abigail was back.

    Abigail got up from the dressing table and walked over to where the dress was hanging on the wardrobe waiting for her to step into it. Abigail was going to wear the peplum dress which was black with a nude coloured lace over the top half of the design leaving a black skirt section. She slipped on a new pair of black three inch pumps before adding a female watch and some rings. The last thing she added were a set of long diamond ear rings. Adrian had got his ears pierced some years back and just whore studs in them when not dressed as Abigail.

     “I hope you know what you’re doing?” Adrian asked the girl in the mirror.

     “Yes, having some fun.” The woman giggled back.

    Abigail smiled as she did another quick spin to look at herself in the mirror before she picked up the small clutch purse she’d also bought today and then she made sure she had her makeup, money and keys in it before she left her flat and walked across the hallway to see if Tanya was ready yet.

    Tanya opened the door and Abigail was left speechless when she saw her stood there looking stunning in a Strapless dress with a bandeau top and lace overlay with shear lace to the shoulders and sleeves. It had a scoop neckline and a puffball mini skirt embellished with a bow on one hip. Tanya had finished off the look with stockings and black pumps like Abigail had, but Tanya’s had a taller heel making her almost as tall as Abigail.

     “Wow Tanya, you look amazing.” Abigail said in her breathy whisper.

     “Thank you, but you look even more amazing than I do.” Tanya said as she let Abigail into her flat and pointed her towards the living room where Tanya had opened a bottle of wine and poured out two glasses. “I’ve booked a taxi for us, so I can also enjoy a glass of wine or three.” Tanya added with a grin when she entered the living room and picked up both glasses before she handed one of them to Abigail.

     “Are you trying to get me drunk?” Abigail asked with a grin.

     “Yes if it will help you to relax and enjoy this evening a little more.” Tanya grinned back just before she took a sip from her glass.

    Abigail did the same and then smiled as she looked down at the glass and saw her lipstick mark on the edge of the glass and her painted nails on the ends of her slender looking fingers.

     “I’ve never felt this relaxed before Tanya, but I’ve never felt this nervous either.” Abigail said with a puzzled look.

     “I can understand that, but you look beautiful, and I can’t see a trace of a man stood in front of me, just a very sexy looking woman.” Tanya said with something raw in her voice.

    Abigail thought they might never get out the flat, but the door buzzer sounding, stopped them doing anything else. It was the taxi, so they grabbed their purses and left the flat.

    The taxi driver jumped out the car and opened the door for them to get in the back before he got back in and pulled off. He made some small talk, but Abigail was too nervous to try speaking to him, but Tanya answered his questions as he made his way to the restaurant Tanya had booked them a table at.

     “Have a good evening ladies.” The taxi driver said when they pulled up outside the restaurant and Tanya paid the fare as well as giving him a good tip to go with it.

     “We plan to.” Tanya said just before she closed the taxi door and slipped her arm through Abigail’s and led her into the restaurant.

    Tanya gave her name and the waiter led them over to a table in the corner where they could have some privacy, not that any of the tables were that close together in the first place.

    The restaurant was a little Italian place and the food was amazing Abigail found out. They finished off a bottle of wine between them and Tanya filled Abigail in about her life and how she was working as a personal assistant for a female boss. Her boss was a happily married woman with two young children and she was great to work for and never kept Tanya late at the office unless it was an emergency.

    Abigail didn’t want to say to much while out in a restaurant, but she promised to tell her life story at some point in the future while they shared a bottle of wine at one of their flats. Abigail was sad to see the meal come to an end, but she was smiling again when Tanya asked if she wanted to go grab a drink at a club she knew of.

     “I’m not dancing with any men.” Abigail said with a slight slur to her voice.

     “You’ll be fine at this club sweetie.” Tanya winked as they entered a club and made their way down some stairs and entered a room with loud music playing.

    Abigail looked around and soon realised what Tanya was getting at with her comment. The club looked like it catered to gay and lesbians. Abigail could see groups of men dancing with men, and women dancing with women.

    Tanya took hold of Abigail’s hand and led her through the crowd of people over to one of the bars and then she ordered them both a glass of wine. They soon drank them and then Tanya led Abigail out onto the dance floor when a slower song came on and they could hold each other as they danced.

    Abigail was soon lost in the smell of Tanya’s neck as they danced and kissed each other on the necks. Before Abigail knew what was happening she found her lips pressed against Tanya’s as they played around with each other’s tongues.

    They enjoyed some more dances, drinks and kissing before Tanya dragged Abigail out the club and flagged down a taxi to take them home. Abigail got her keys out and let them both into her flat before Tanya took charge and led Abigail into her own bedroom and started to undress her. Tanya pulled out one of the babydoll night gowns Abigail had bought that day and helped her to slip it on, but left off the panties as she pushed Abigail/Adrian down onto the bed just before she slipped down the zip on the back of her own dress and stepped out of it. Tanya slipped off her shoes at the same time and then she knelt on the bed and started kissing Abigail.

     “I’ve never been to bed with a woman before.” Adrian said, not even trying to keep the female voice now they were in his bedroom. “I’ve not been with a man either.” He quickly added when he saw the puzzled look Tanya gave him.

     “Let’s see what we can do to fix that.” Tanya smiled as she slid down the bed and then her head vanished under the babydoll.


To Be Concluded Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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