A Ghost Of A Chance 10

Editors Note: Sorry tonights is late, had a bad day pain wise, Sammi.

 © July 2012

Part Ten of Ten

Chapter nineteen: Tests

    Chloe was sat picking at her breakfast the next morning, she was to worried about the tests she’d be having later in the day to really enjoy her food, or even keep it down. Chloe was still excited though about making two new friends the day before. She got home and told her mum and aunt all about it. Valarie had been worried to start with about another girl from the new school she’d be going to, knowing about her being able to talk to the dead, but Chloe explained how Spirit had done something so she wouldn’t remember any of it, just that she felt better.

     “You need to eat something sweetie.” Valarie said snapping Chloe out of her thoughts. “I know you’re worried about these tests, but Robert told me none of them will be painful.” Valarie added as she sat down next to Chloe and pulled her into a hug.

     “It’s not just the tests that’s worrying me mummy.” Chloe sighed as she tried to work out whether or not she should come clean with her mother about James' stepfather looking for her, and Spirit doing her best to keep him away.

     “Well what is Chloe? I can’t help you if I don’t know what the problem is.” Valarie pouted as she looked Chloe in the eyes.

    Chloe looked back and then let out another sigh as she made her mind up to just tell her mum everything and take it from there. “Spirit told me the other day that my stepfather is looking for me.”

     “But I thought you said he died?” Valarie said missing the point Chloe was trying to make.

     “He did, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference, not with my special gift.” Chloe frowned as she let out another big sigh. “Spirit is doing her best to stop him being able to find me, but she says it’s only a matter of time before he does.”

     “Can he do anything to hurt you when he does find you?” Valarie asked feeling helpless to protect her daughter when this nasty man turned up.

     “I don’t know, but ghosts can touch me, as I can touch them.” Chloe said as she cuddled up to Valarie feeling a little safer just doing that. “Just thinking about him scares me mummy.” Chloe mumbled as she buried her head in her mother’s chest.

     “You have more strength than you think sis.” Spirit said as she appeared in the seat on the other side of Chloe to where Valarie was sat.

    Valarie smiled as she saw her other daughter appear and took hold of Chloe’s hand. “Can you help protect her from him, Spirit?” Valarie asked.

     “Chloe is always protected mother, but she also has more strength than even she realises.” Spirit said looking proud of what Chloe had been through already in her short life. “This is a demon that Chloe needs to face and put an end to, or it will eat away at her very core.” Spirit explained.

     “What if she fails? What if she’s just not ready to face this demon?” Valarie asked.

     “Chloe is more than ready to face this demon; she just needs to see that for herself.” Spirit smiled as she looked Chloe in the eyes. “You can do this sis, just believe in yourself.” Sprit added as she looked Chloe in the eyes.

     “Do you know when he’s going to turn up?” Chloe asked, hoping to have some warning as to when she might expect him to appear.

     “Hard to tell, but he is getting better at seeing through the barriers I’ve been putting in his way. It could be days or just hours before he finds you, but don’t let him scare you sis. Just face him and then send him on his way.” Spirit grinned as she thought about Brut getting his hands on the man that caused so much pain and hurt in James’ life before he met Chloe and they became one.

    Chloe couldn’t quite share Spirit’s enthusiasm, but she would like to see him burning in hell where he belonged. “I hope you will be able to give me some warning before I find him floating over my bed.” Chloe said with a nervous giggle as she tried to hide the worry she felt.

     “I’ll do what I can, but ghosts are a little hard to keep track of until they lock onto the thing keeping them on this plane.” Spirit frowned.

     “Don’t you have some higher power that can just point a finger and zap him or something?” Valarie asked as she pulled Chloe back into a hug trying to protect her.

     “Sadly the other side doesn’t work like that.” Spirit pouted. “There isn’t one all powerful being controlling everything, that is why I’m here to help guide Chloe through her life, and offer help where I can, as well as the others charged with her well being.” Spirit added as she referred to Samantha her Angel and Brut her Grim.

     “I’m sure we’ll get him to the place he belongs.” Chloe said cutting Spirit off before she told their mum about Samantha and Brut. Chloe didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already had, and finding out Chloe now had a Grim reaper watching her back, would rate high on the worry meter.

    Spirit saw the look Chloe gave her and understood why Chloe hadn’t said anything about the others helping Chloe. “I better go and keep tracking him for you.” Spirit smiled. “Call my name if you need me for anything.” Spirit added as she gave her sister a hug and then she was gone again.

    Chloe finally finished her breakfast and then got ready to leave when Dr Kaufman arrived. He was going to drive them to the private clinic where the tests were going to take place, and also he was sorting out all the paperwork and payments for the tests and other treatments being done. The clinic was a good two hours drive away, due to Dr Kaufman and Valarie wanting to lower the risk of others finding anything out, and the last thing they needed was for someone to call Chloe by her name when she was pretending to be another girl called Susan Smith. That was the name of the other girl Dr Kaufman was seeing about being intersexed.

    Valarie and Chloe were ready to leave when Dr Kaufman arrived. So they left the house and Valarie locked up before getting in the car. Ashley had already left early that morning to return to London and start sorting out packing up her things and getting it moved and sold ready for when she sold her place and moved down to be with Valarie and Chloe.

     “I can’t thank you enough for all that you’re doing for Chloe, Robert.” Valarie said as he drove the car out the drive and out onto the road.

     “Think nothing of it Val. I’m glad that I can help Chloe the way she helped me.” Robert smiled as he looked in the rear view mirror and Chloe sat in the back of his car looking nervous. “You’ve got nothing to be worried about Chloe. None of the tests are painful that you’ll be having done just a little cold.” He added with a smile.

     Chloe did relax a little bit when she heard him say that, and she just sat back and put her headphones in from her phone, that also doubled as an MP3 player, and she left her mother and Dr Kaufman to talk while she watched the scenery change as she listened to some of the music Spirit had enjoyed when she was still alive.


    Chloe woke from a nap when the car ran over a pothole in the road, and she looked around to see where they were. She let out a scream when she saw her stepfather sat in the back seat next to her.

     “Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to find you?” He growled at Chloe as he reached out with a rotting hand and grabbed Chloe’s shoulder.

     “Get away from me!” Chloe screamed as she suddenly found herself alone in the back seat with her mother shaking her shoulder trying to wake her up and let her know that they were at the clinic.

     “You okay sweetie?” Valarie asked looking worried with Dr Kaufman stood next to her looking just as worried.

    Chloe let out a sigh as she realised that it had just been a bad dream, and her stepfather hadn’t found her yet. Chloe jumped out the car and threw her arms around her mother and hugged her for all she was worth. “I had a bad dream mummy.” Chloe said as she felt Valarie wrap her arms around her in a protective way.

     “Well you’re safe and sound now baby.” Valarie cooed as she rocked Chloe in her arms. “We’ve arrived at the clinic, are you ready to go in, or do you want to take a walk around the grounds for ten minutes first?” Valarie asked.

     “I’d like to just get this over with.” Chloe said trying to look brave, but feeling anything but.

    Dr Kaufman led the way and Chloe followed behind holding her mother’s hand. Valarie left Dr Kaufman to sort out all the paperwork while she took a seat next to Chloe. They didn’t have to wait long before they were being called into a large room where some machines were sat waiting for Chloe.

    Chloe was soon being told to go behind a screen and to remove her clothes and put on the gown she found back there. She did as she was told and the tests were soon being carried out as Valarie and Dr Kaufman watched and answered questions asked of them.


    The tests took a couple of hours and Chloe was glad to be leaving the place again, she practically dived in the back of the car and then pulled the door shut behind her as she looked eager for her mother and Dr Kaufman to get in and get her away from the place.

    They were soon making their way back towards home again. Chloe was distracted when she heard her phone ping to let her know she had a text message from someone. She smiled when she opened the text message and saw there was a photo attached, so she opened it and giggled when she saw a picture of Shadow with a wild flower in his teeth and the message ‘he’s missing you’ under it from Stacy.

    Chloe quickly sent a reply saying she was missing him to, and her best friend. Chloe then spent most of the trip back home texting back and forth with Stacy, and even sent a text message to Stephanie telling her that the tests had gone okay, but she wasn’t happy with some of the places they were sticking things. Stephanie texted back saying she knew just how Chloe felt, and said she was looking forward to going horse riding at the weekend with her and Stacy.

    They stopped for something to eat on the way home and Chloe had to stop from giggling when Spirit showed up at the table and started teasing her mother for flirting with the good doctor. She hadn’t linked with Chloe, so only Chloe could see and hear what Spirit had to say.

     “I can’t believe mother is trying to hit on the doc.” Spirit said with a look of fake horror on her face.

    Chloe thought it was nice to see her mother having a good time and laughing at some of the silly stories Robert had to tell. Even Chloe found herself laughing at some of the silly things Robert did while at medical school. Robert even promised to show her some pictures of him dressed up as a sexy nurse.

     “That’s how I met Tanya.” Robert said with a sigh, but he didn’t look sad as he said it, just contented that he’d shared some of his life with her. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t be talking about my wife while I’m on a date with another beautiful woman.” Robert quickly added.

     “A date?” Valarie asked with a grin. “I wouldn’t call this a date, just a lunch between friends.” Valarie added as she reached out and took hold of Robert’s hand in hers.

     “How would you feel if I asked you out on a proper date then?” Robert asked with a hopeful look.

     “I’d ask when? And where would you be taking me.” Valarie blushed at her shameful flirting.

     “As soon as possible and any place you care to go.” Robert flirted back.

     “We’d have to wait until Ashley gets back from London, so Chloe has someone to look after her while we’re out.” Valarie pointed out.

     “Chloe can come as well.” Robert replied.

     “I don’t think it would be much of a date if you drag a kid along with you.” Chloe pointed out. “I can ask Stacy if I can stop the night at her place.” Chloe added with a grin wanting to help the romance move along.

    Spirit was sat grinning as well, happy to see her mother showing an interest in men again. She’d tried a number of times to get Valarie to date again while she was alive, but Valarie always had some excuse. So Spirit was happy that she’d finally given in and was showing an interest now, and with a good man that liked spending time with Chloe.

     “Okay then, I’ll let you have a word with Stacy and her parent’s and then we’ll sort out a night for us to go on a date.” Valarie grinned.

     “Sounds good to me, but I want you to know Chloe, that you’re welcome to come out with me and your mother anytime.” Robert said wanting to make sure Chloe realised that he liked spending time with her just as much as he did her mother.

    They had something to eat and Robert picked up the bill for it and then they left and finished the journey back home where Valarie invited Robert in for a coffee, while Chloe went up to her room to call Stacy and sort out a night for her to sleep over, so her mother could go out on a date.

    Spirit was sat on the bed playing with the kittens when Chloe got up to her room. “We need to talk sis, before you call Stacy.” Spirit looked very serious as she said it.

     “Okay, what’s wrong?” Chloe asked, but expected Spirit to be angry with her over pushing their mother into going on a date with Robert.

     “That dream you had in the car when you were on your way to have the tests done, well it wasn’t a dream in the true sense of the word.” Spirit explained. “He actually found you for a second, but I managed to throw him off the trail again, but it’s only going to be a matter of days before he’s here and trying to haunt you.” Spirit warned.

     “That was really him I saw in my dream?” Chloe asked in a shaky voice. “He looked so gross.” Chloe added as she remembered how beaten up and scary her stepfather looked when she saw him in the car. The flesh was hanging off his bones and he spoke in a raspy voice like something was wrong with his throat.

     “He’s stuck at the point he died, and due to him not having a solid point holding him to this plane, he’s still decaying at a fast rate. All he can think about it finding you and finishing what he started.” Spirit told a shocked looking Chloe.

     “Will he still look that way when I have to make him move on to the other side?” Chloe asked not wanting to look at him if he looks like that the next time they see each other.

     “He will heal his ghost spirit the more time he spends around you, but he seems to angry to be here long before he tries to harm you physically, which will end badly for him.” Spirit said it almost like she was looking forward to watching him try to lay a hand on Chloe.

     “So do you think I should leave sorting out this sleep over with Stacy until after Mark’s been dealt with?” Chloe asked.

     “I think it could be for the best. I’d hate to see Stacy get involved in all this, it could hurt your friendship with her.” Spirit warned.

     “Okay then, but I’ll have to let mum know what happened and what we plan to do.” Chloe said with a sigh as she sat on the bed and pulled the two kittens onto her knee and stroked them as they both started purring happily.

     “She won’t be happy that he’s coming for you sis.” Spirit said as she sat on the bed next to her and started running her hand through the kittens making them purr even louder.

     “Mum would be even more upset if I tried to do this behind her back, and you know it.” Chloe said with a worried look on her face as she had memories from Spirit’s time as Chloe when she’d done things after their mother told her not to.

     “I won’t argue with you on that one.” Spirit giggled as she also remembered some of the times their mother had told her off for one thing or another.

    Chloe hung around in her room and waited for Robert to leave again before she went down and filled Valarie in on what Spirit had told her.


     “Mum, can we have a chat?” Chloe asked as she entered the kitchen and found her mother just rinsing out the mugs her and Robert had used.

     “Sure sweetie, did you get a date sorted out with Stacy?” Valarie asked trying to hide her excitement about going out on a date with Robert.

     “That is what I want to talk to you about, not the date, but the fact I will need to sort out something else before we can set up my sleep over with Stacy.” Chloe tried to explain to her now confused looking mother.

     “Have Stacy’s parents said you can’t sleep over?” Valarie asked getting the wrong end of the stick completely. “I thought they seemed okay with you spending time with Stacy, they even said if I ever needed to go away for a day or two, you were welcome to stop over at their place.” Valarie added not giving Chloe a chance to explain.

     “Mum! Shut up and listen for a second.” Chloe finally said trying to get a word in edge ways. “I’ve not even called Stacy and asked yet.”

     “Well what’s this problem then? Do you not want me to go on a date with Robert?” Valarie asked.

     “Yes I want you to go out on a date, as does Spirit, but Spirit was in my room when I went up to call Stacy. She told me that what I thought was a dream in the car, was really my stepfather breaking through as he got close to finding me.” Chloe explained to a now worried looking Valarie. “Spirit thinks it best that I deal with him before planning any sleepovers.”

     “You make it sound like you plan to bring him here and get it over with.” Valarie said as she looked at Chloe more seriously now.

     “That’s what we plan to do mum. It’s the only way that I can think of to get rid of him once and for all.” Chloe said looking scared, but also sure that it was the best way to put an end to it and send him on his way to the afterlife.

     “Is Spirit here with us now?” Valarie asked.

     “Yes I am.” Spirit said as she appeared stood just behind Chloe as she placed her hands on Chloe’s shoulders so their mother could see her.

     “How dangerous will this be for her, Spirit?” Valarie asked.

     “I won’t lie to you mother and say she’s not in any danger, but he won’t be able to hurt her as much if we guide him here over what could happen if he tried to attack her while she was in a larger group of people.” Spirit explained. “I’ll do all I can to not let her get hurt at all, but he won’t have time to do much damage if he tries.” Spirit added with a firm look Valarie knew only too well from years of dealing with Spirit while she lived.

     “Okay then, I trust you both to deal with this and get rid of that thing once and for all.” Valarie said with a heavy sigh after looking deep in thought for a couple of minutes. Valarie wanted to be the one to keep Chloe safe, but she understood that Chloe was a special child, and she needed someone like Spirit to help keep her safe in times like this.

    Spirit told Chloe to get a good night’s sleep and she would lead Mark to her the next day, so they could send him on his way to whatever afterlife waited for him.


    Valarie’s head was swimming with thoughts of Chloe facing her stepfather, and also the fact that Robert Kaufman had asked her out on a date. She needed someone to talk to about it all, so she reached for her mobile and made a call to Jennifer.

     “Hi Jenny, I was wondering if you had some time free to pop over so we can talk?” Valarie asked when she heard Jennifer answer on the other end.

     “Is everything alright Val? You sound unhappy about something.” Jennifer asked with worry in her voice.

     “I’ll explain when you get over here.” Valarie said, not wanting to start talking about everything over the phone.

     “I’ll be there soon, put the kettle on.” Jennifer said just before the line went dead.

    Valarie was soon answering the door to find Jennifer stood there looking worried as she stepped into the house and gave Valarie a hug to make her feel better.

     “What’s wrong girlfriend?” Jennifer asked as she led Valarie back into the kitchen.

     “First I need to ask you a question about Robert?” Valarie said looking worried as to how Jennifer was going to answer this question.

     “What about Robert? Has he done something to upset you?” Jennifer asked looking angry.

     “No, but I was wondering if there was anything happing between the two of you?” Valarie asked nervously.

     “Oh god no!” Jennifer said like it was the craziest thing Valarie could have asked her. “He’s more like a loving brother; I could never look at Robert in that way.” Jennifer giggled at the thought of it.

     “So you don’t mind if I go out on a date with him them?” Valarie asked looking a little happier.

     “You want to ask him out on a date?” Jennifer asked with a grin.

     “No, he’s already asked me out, and I said yes, but then I remembered how you looked at him the other day, and I was worried I might upset you if I did go out on a date with him.” Valarie explained.

     “I can’t think of two nicer people that should go out on a date together than the two of you.” Jennifer smiled as she gave Valarie another hug. “I did say all this to you the other day if you remember.” Jennifer pointed out.

     “Thanks Jenny.” Valarie said as she hugged her back.

     “Was that the big trouble you needed to talk about, or is their more I need to know?” Jennifer asked when she sensed that Valarie hadn’t finished opening up to her just yet.

     “I’m worried about Chloe, and this ghost whispering gift she has.” Valarie started. “I’ve just found out that the ghost of her stepfather is looking for her, and Spirit plans to lead him here tomorrow, so Chloe can send him on to the afterlife.” Valarie explained the main reason for her calling Jennifer and asking her to come over.

     “Wow, and how does Chloe feel about all this?” Jennifer asked trying to remain calm.

     “She’s scared, but feels that she needs to face him and put an end to her fear of him, and I can’t say I blame her, but I also feel so useless in the situation.” Valarie said as she threw her hands in the air looking frustrated.

     “I see a lot of damaged kids come through the school Val, and I can understand Chloe’s need to slay this dragon, so to speak. I’m sure she’ll be well protected with Spirit by her side, and she’s a tough little cookie as well. She lived rough on the streets of London for some time, and then she was fending for herself before that while trying to keep herself safe from that creep she called a stepdad.” Jennifer said to reassure her friend that Chloe would come out on top.

     “I know your right Jenny, but I can’t help but worry about her.” Valarie sighed a heavy sigh.

     “You wouldn’t be a good mother if you didn’t Val.” Jennifer giggled.

    Valarie relaxed a little and brought Jennifer up to speed on what had been happening with Chloe since the other day. Jennifer was happy to see that Chloe and Stacy had become such good friends and also that Chloe had been able to help Sophie get over the death of her mother.

Chapter twenty: Showdown

    Chloe called Stacy the next morning to let her know that she might not make it over that day, due to what she had to do with her stepfather.

     “Hi Chloe! What time you coming over today? Shadow is missing you like crazy, and Sophie and Jade were asking about you as well yesterday.” Stacy said not giving Chloe time to even say ‘hi’ to her.

     “Hi Stacy.” Chloe said sounding a little glum as she said it. “I’m not sure I’ll be over again today. I’ve got some supernatural stuff to sort out with Spirit.” Chloe added, not sounding much happier.

     “Do you need me to come and help you again? Like I did with Sophie by keeping Jade out the way for you?” Stacy asked sounding more excited about it all than Chloe did.

     “No! I need you to keep well away from this one Stacy.” Chloe said sounding worried. “I’ve got to face my stepdad and send him on his way to hell, or someplace just as fitting for him.” Chloe added with anger edging her voice.

     “You mean the man that almost got you killed when you ran away from him?” Stacy asked with fear in her voice.

     “Yes, the very same.” Chloe answered.

     “Why is he looking for you still now he’s dead?” Stacy asked.

     “He blames me for his death, and now he plans to haunt me until I go insane or something like that.” Chloe tried to explain the inner workings of her stepfather’s twisted mind. She couldn’t work it out when he was alive, so she knew she stood little chance of doing it now.

     “Can’t Spirit just zap him or something like that?” Stacy asked.

     “No she can’t, only me with the help of a Grim can sort out a ghost and force it to move on.”

     “What’s a Grim?”

     “A Grim Reaper, but they don’t wear the black cloaks and carry the weird axe thing around with them.” Chloe answered. “If I locate a stubborn ghost, I can call on a Grim and he will come and force the ghost to cross over.” Chloe added.

     “Have you seen one of these Grim’s before?” Stacy asked sounding excited again. “I knew having you as a best friend was going to be fun.” Stacy added with a squeal.

     “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one waiting for their psycho stepdad ghost to appear and try to kill you.” Chloe said in a strangled voice as the fear started to get the better of her.

     “True, sorry about that, but you still never answered my question about the Grim, have you met one yet?” Stacy asked again.

     “Yes I met one the other night and he was nice. Big and very scary looking, but nice all the same.” Chloe said with a grin as she thought about Brut grabbing her stepdad by the throat and dragging him away.

     “Wow! Will I ever get to meet one?” Stacy asked.

     “I hope you never have to.” Chloe shot back worried about her best friend ever coming face to face with a Grim reaper. Chloe was just about to speak when she saw a worried looking Spirit appear in her bedroom. “I’ve got to go now Stacey, chat to you later.” Chloe said just before she ended the call and threw her phone on the bed.

     “Get ready he’s coming!” Spirit said as she stood at Chloe’s side ready to help her battle the evil man that had made James’s life a living hell until they were both killed, and James came back different.

    Chloe was looking around the room just in case he came in behind her, when she felt a presence in the room a little like she did when Spirit was around, but this felt cold and evil, nothing like the way Spirit felt when she was close by.

     “I can feel something sis.” Chloe said looking around for the source of the power she could feel.

     “So this is where you’ve been hiding.” A male voice said that Chloe knew only too well belonged to her stepfather, or James’s stepfather.

    Chloe watched as he stepped into the room through one of the outside walls. He looked better than he did when she first saw him the day before in the car at the clinic, but he still looked dead. Chloe could feel him trying to draw the life from her body for himself, but she was able to fight him off with a little help from Spirit.

     “Why don’t you go to hell where you belong?” Chloe screamed at him trying to hide her fear.

     “I’ll go to hell when I can take you there with me, you little freak.” Mark snarled as he took a step forward, but stopped when Spirit stepped in his patch forcing him to take a step back again. “Get out my way you little pest!” Mark snapped at Spirit as he lost his temper and lashed out at a chest of draws sending all the items on the top of it all across the bedroom.

     “I’m not going anywhere with you Mark, not now, not ever.” Chloe said feeling brave, even thought she was trying to work out how he was able to move all those items. She filed it in the list of questions he had for Spirit once this was over.

     “We’ll soon see about that.” Mark snarled again as he took a couple of steps toward her and Spirit, but he stopped and turned to look at the bedroom door just as Valarie burst into the room. “I might not be able to get to you, but I can have some fun with mom here.” Mark said with an evil chuckle as he dived at Valarie planning to enter her body and posses her, but he got a shock when he bounced off her and crashed throught the wall he’d come in to the room through.

    Spirit had seen what he was about to do and she had jumped the distance in a spit second and shielded her mother from the attack, but this left Chloe exposed and in the line of fire for Mark to go straight for her now instead, as he entered the room again looking angrier than ever.

     “Looks like I win after all.” Mark chuckled again as he leapt at Chloe before Spirit could react. “Now we have some fun.” Mark added as he held Chloe by the arms making her wince in pain. He planned to enter her body, but was shocked to find out he could touch her. “This is something new.” He grinned as he made Chloe wince even more.

     “Get off me! Brut!” Chloe screamed at the top of her lungs as she fought to make him let go of her arms.

    Mark just laughed at her. “I’m about to kill you freak, and all you can think to call me is Brut? I’m scared.” He teased as he let go of Chloe’s left arm and moved his hand to her neck ready the choke the life out of her. He soon turned to look at Spirit who still hadn’t tried to stop him, and was now stood giggling. “What’s so funny bitch?” Mark asked with a scowl.

     “I wasn’t trying to stop you from hurting Chloe asshole. I was trying to save you from him.” Spirit said as a crack of light appeared in the middle of the room like someone opening a set of curtains and Brut stepped through it.

     “What the Fu...” Was all Mark got out before Brut was holding him a foot off the ground by his throat, just like he’d planned to do with Chloe.

     “You have broke the laws by remaining in this realm past your death, and now you must be judged on your crimes both in life and in death.” Brut said as he looked at Chloe. “What be your judgment Whisperer?” Brut asked.

     “My judgment?” Chloe said looking puzzled. “You want me to say what happens to him?” Chloe asked.

     “You’re one on a panel of three Chloe.” Samantha said as she stepped through another crack of light next to the place where Brut had just stepped through. “Do you deem Mark Mann lived a good life, or a bad one?” She asked as she walked over and stood at Chloe’s side facing Brut and Mark who was still hanging by the neck from Brut’s hand.

     “He’s lived a bad life, a very very bad life.” Chloe snapped at the man that all of a sudden didn’t look that scary anymore.

     “What say you Spirit, good or bad life?” Samantha asked as she looked at Spirit still playing shield between Mark and her mother.

     “Bad!” Spirit growled, earning her a stern warning from Valarie.

     “Spirit! Show more respect for the dead.” Valarie snapped, but didn’t sound like she was to bothered how she spoke to this evil thing that had done so much to such a young child like James, who was now pretending to be Chloe.

     “Doesn’t look like my vote makes much difference, but I’ll give it anyway, just so you know you got a fair deal before Brut takes you away.” Samantha smiled an evil smile as she went nose to nose with Mark before she spoke the single word. “Bad.”

     “Judgment is clear; you will now be taken away.” Brut said as he stepped back through the crack and took a screaming Mark with him.

     “Where is he being taken Sammi?” Chloe asked feeling relieved that it was all over.

     “Good they go up, bad they go down.” Samantha replied.

     “Do they ever come back from down there?” Chloe asked looking worried that she might see him again someday.

     “Yes he’ll be back, but not in a form that will ever hurt you again Chloe.” Samantha smiled. “He’ll spend a couple of hundred years as a fly, or an ant. He will never see a human form again.” She explained.

     “Why can I see you all?” Valarie asked as she looked at Spirit still stood right in front of her, and then at the woman dressed all in white with the fiery red hair.

     “Hello Miss Ashcroft. How rude of me. I’m Samantha and I’m Spirit’s probation officer. Samantha said as she stepped across the room and held out her hand to shake Valarie’s. “Read all your books, big fan.” Samantha grinned.

    Valarie held out her hand expecting to see it pass right through Samantha’s, but it didn’t. “How come I can touch you?” Valarie asked.

     “Try touching Spirit.” Samantha grinned as she let go of Valarie’s hand so she could touch Spirit.

    Valarie reached out and touched Spirit, and instead of her hand passing straight through, she was able to touch her, which soon led to the two of them hugging. “Oh god sweetie, I’ve wanted to do this for so long now.” Valarie sobbed as she held Spirit in her arms. “How is this possible?” Valarie asked Samantha as she looked over Spirit’s shoulder.

     “Spirit passed her test just like Chloe passed hers, so they are now a team along with me and Brut, the big guy that just left.” Samantha explained as she pointed at the spot in the middle of the room where Brut had just taken Mark.

     “So I can touch people and let others see me now?” Spirit asked as she turned to face Samantha. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this before hand?” Spirit asked with a hurt look.

     “Some people can see you now, and touch you, but only people connected to you through Chloe.” Samantha warned. “And if I’d told you about this, it might have changed the outcome.” Samantha added.

    Spirit was too happy to be able to hug her mother again to stay upset with Samantha, so she went back to get another hug and enjoy the feel of her mother’s arms wrapped around her once more.

    Chloe looked on feeling happy and a little jealous over the closeness she could see between Spirit and her mother. Chloe thought she would always just be the copy of the real thing. Her thoughts soon changed when she was suddenly being pulled into the hug to make it a threesome.

     “Don’t think you get off that easy young lady.” Valarie smiled as she hugged both her girls.

     “I can’t believe it was over so fast.” Chloe said as she enjoyed the hug she was getting off Spirit and her mother.

     “That was one of the toughest jobs you’ll ever have to face Chloe, and you handled it very well.” Samantha giggled as she watched the three of them hugging each other. “I must go now and make sure Brut isn’t having any trouble with our prisoner.” Samantha said as a lame excuse to leave the three of them to get reacquainted. Samantha clicked her fingers and then stepped through the crack that appeared just in front of her.


    Valarie, Spirit and Chloe all sat around the kitchen table just looking at each other and grinning. Valarie kept taking every opportunity to touch Spirit to make sure she was really sat there and she was able to touch her.

     “Do you mind if I go over to see Stacy and check on Shadow?” Chloe asked once she’d finished the glass of juice Valarie had poured out for her. Spirit never had one due to her still not needing to eat or drink.

     “Yes I better let you out of my sight, even though I still feel the need to protect you from the big bad world.” Valarie sighed as she stood up and gave Chloe a hug before doing the same with Spirit. “Now go out and have some fun while you still can.” Valarie added as she let Chloe go up and get ready to go over and see Stacy and Shadow.

     “Call if you need me sis. I want to go and find out what other cool things I can do now.” Spirit grinned as she clicked her fingers and then she was gone from the kitchen.


    Stacy was milling around the stables looking bored when she saw Chloe ride her bike into the courtyard and park it up where she normally put it. Chloe had just removed her cycle helmet when she was attacked by an excited looking Stacy.

     “How did it go? Has he been taken care of?” Stacy asked as she looked her friend in the eyes.

     “Yes he’s gone, and will never bother me again.” Chloe said with a smile as she made her way over to the field where she could see an excited Shadow looking at her and making enough noise to wake the dead. Chloe grabbed a hand full of mints on her way over and then fed them to him just before he tried licking her face.

     “He really missed you yesterday.” Stacy pointed out with a giggle as she watched the large black horse trying to lick Chloe to death.

    Chloe told Stacy the short story of how she’d defeated her stepfather with a lot of help from Spirit and Brut. And how Spirit could take of physical form now. Stacy was excited to see and feel Spirit the next time she showed up. They saddled up their horses and were soon going out for a ride.

     “I have something to ask you Stacy, and I hope you say yes to it.” Chloe said as they rode along one of the trails enjoying the sunny weather.

     “I’ll do anything for you if I can Chloe.”Stacy grinned.

     “My mum wants to go on a date and my Aunty Ash is up in London for the next couple of days, and I was wondering if I could sleep over with you so she can go out and have some fun?” Chloe asked looking worried that Stacy might not like the idea of having her stop over. With her not being a real girl yet. Chloe found she was worrying over nothing when she saw how excited Stacy got at the very thought of Chloe wanting to have a sleep over.

     “That sounds like a great idea; we will have so much fun.” Stacy giggled.

    They spent the rest of the ride talking about all the fun things they can do, and by the time they got back to the stables, Chloe was just as excited as Stacy was to have her stop over. Stacy rushed through all the stable work and then dragged Chloe off to make sure it would be okay with Stacy’s mum and dad. Tom was at work, but Dorothy jumped at the chance to spend more time getting to know Chloe.

    So with a day set for Chloe to sleep over, and her now being well on the way towards becoming the girl she knew she was. Chloe smiled as she sat out in the sun enjoying a can of soda.


    Chloe told her mum that she’d sorted out with Stacy and her mother to stop the next night, so Valarie was clear to give Robert a call and set up the date, which she did and came off the phone giggling like a school girl of Chloe’s age.

     “I’ll drive you over to Stacy’s in the morning. I don’t want you riding your bike and trying to carry a bag of clothes and other things as well.” Valarie said as she helped Chloe get her bag packed later that evening.

    Spirit returned and helped with the packing, now she was able to touch things. Spirit also offered to look in on the two kittens and make sure they were fed and entertained while Chloe was sleeping over at Stacy’s, and their mother was out on her date. Chloe and Spirit teased Valarie a little, but she just chased them around the bedroom as they all giggled and squealed.

    Chloe got ready for bed and fell asleep wondering what it would feel like to be sleeping at Stacy’s the next night, and she fell asleep with a smile on her face, and two kittens cuddled up to her under the covers.


    Tom came out the house the next morning when Valarie had parked up and turned off the engine. “Let me get your bag for you Chloe.” Tom said as he walked over and pulled the bag out the trunk of the car.

     “It’s not very heavy Tom.” Chloe pointed out, but Tom still wouldn’t let her carry it.

     “That’s the trouble with you modern women. Want to do it all yourself.” Tom grumbled as he led them all into the house. “Well I like to keep things old fashioned around here, and a lady never carries her own bags.” Tom added with a grin as he led Chloe up the stairs and into Stacy’s room where she was making up the spare bed she had in her room for Chloe to sleep in. “I found this stray out in the garden, can you do something with her?” Tom asked Stacy with a chuckle as he placed Chloe’s bag on the floor next to the bed.

     “Thank you Tom.” Chloe smiled as she gave him a hug to show how grateful she was for the help.

     “Yes, thank you daddy.” Stacy said as she ran over and also gave Tom a hug before making him leave her room so the girls could get sorted out.

    Stacy helped Chloe unpack her things and place them in a draw and her toothbrush in the bathroom with her wash cloth and other bits. Once that was done they went down so Chloe could say goodbye to her mother and wish her luck on her big date.

    Valarie left after giving Chloe enough hugs to last her until the following day when she saw her again, and Chloe and Stacy went out to see how the horses were doing, and to also make sure another stall was cleaned out and fresh hay was in there ready for a new horse that was expected later in the morning.

    Stacy and Chloe had just finished getting it ready when they heard two girls calling their names and they turned to see Sophie and Jade calling to them as they waved.

     “Hi Chloe!” Sophie said as she ran the last couple of feet and threw her arms around Chloe and hugged her. “We missed you the other day.” Sophie pouted when she broke the hug.

     “Hi Sophie. Sorry about that, but I had to go and have some tests done.” Chloe explained briefly.

     “Yes Stacy told us about the car accident that’s left you with some problems, and how you won’t be able to do any sports at school.” Sophie pouted some more. “It’s a shame they don’t count horse riding as a school sport.” Sophie added with a grin.

     “Now that would be a fun sport to do at school.” Chloe giggled.

     “I was wondering if the two of you wanted to go riding again today?” Sophie asked.

     “We’d love to, but there’s a new horse being delivered today and I need to make sure it’s settled in properly before we can head out on a ride.” Stacy pointed out as she looked at her watch. She was soon looking up again when she heard a lorry pulling into the yard and coming to a halt just to the side of the stable building.

     “Jade and I can wait until you’ve sorted out the horse.” Sophie said with a grin as she winked at Stacy.

    Chloe saw the wink Sophie just gave Stacy, and Chloe could also see that Stacy looked excited about something as she walked down to where the lorry had parked. It was a specially designed lorry that carried horses, and Chloe, Sophie and Jade all stood and waited for Stacy to enter the lorry and then she started walking out a horse, but the horse had a large red bow wrapped around its neck and there was a large card stuck to the bow with the name ‘Jade’ written on it.

     “Why does that card have my name on it?” Jade asked with a gasp.

     “Why don’t you go and pull it lose and have a look.” Sophie grinned as she gave her friend a push.

    Jade walked over and removed the card from the bow and then she opened it and read what it said inside.

    To my best friend Jade. I want you to have this horse as a gift, as a thank you for sticking by me, even after the way I treated you over the past couple of months. I’m sorry for the way I acted, and I hope we can enjoy many horse rides together.

    From your best friend Sophie.


     “You’re giving me my own horse?” Jade asked with tears in her eyes as she looked at Sophie. “I’ll need to buy a saddle somehow, and find a place to stable her.” Jade added in a panic as she thought about all the things she needed to sort out. “I can’t believe you brought me a horse.” Jade said as she threw her arms around Sophie and sobbed happy tears on her friends shoulder.

     “Follow me Jade.” Sophie said as she led Jade into the horse box on the lorry and showed Jade the new saddle sat there waiting for her, and an envelope with some paperwork in it that said her horse would be stabled here at Stacy’s stables and all costs were being covered by Sophie’s father.

     “Thank you Sophie, but I can’t accept all this from you. I didn’t remain your friend to get gifts from you, I did it because I knew the real you was just buried deep down inside hurting over the loss of your mother.” Jade snuffled as she gave Sophie another hug to thank her as she tried to hand the paperwork back.

     “And that is the reason I asked my daddy if he would help me buy you a horse of your own.” Sophie giggled through the tears falling from her eyes. “Daddy said that anyone who put up with me acting like such a brat deserved far more than just a horse, that is why he bought the saddle and will cover all the costs of looking after him.” Sophie giggled some more.

     “Remind me to give him a hug the next time I see him.” Jade giggled through her own tears now as she walked over to the horse and removed the big red bow from around its neck before she showed it some much needed love to help calm it down. “And what do we call you then?” Jade asked the horse like it could answer her.

    Chloe found herself wishing that Sprit was around, so she could ask the horse what it liked to be called, and as if on cue Spirit was stood at Chloe’s side, but only Chloe could see her at the minute.

    She’s a girl and her name is Rose.” Spirit said to Chloe. “And she likes Jade already and promises to be a good horse for her.” Spirit added with a smile.

     “How about Rose? She looks like a Rose to me.” Chloe said as she stepped over and fed Rose a couple of mints she’d just taken out the saddle bag hanging on the wall.

     “Would you like me to call you Rose?” Jade asked the horse and then she giggled as the horse nodded her head up and down.

     “How do you do that Chloe?” Sophie asked looking shocked that Chloe had yet again guessed the name of a horse, just like she’d done the other day when she told Sophie that her horse was once called maiden.

     “She’s a horse whisperer.” Stacy said in a spooky voice just before she started giggling. The other girls all joined in. Chloe wondered if they would still be laughing if they knew just how close to the truth that actually was.

    They soon had Rose and the other horses saddled up and they were on their way up to the point where Stephanie had taken Chloe and Stacy the other day. Stacy got her mum to pack some sandwiches and drinks so they could sit and enjoy the view while they had something to eat.

    Chloe had packed a bag of apples so the girls all had an apple each, and there were four extra so the horses all got one each as well.

    The girls spent another couple of hours riding around before returning to the stables and getting the horses groomed and settled down for the night, then Jade and Sophie headed back to the dorms at the school while Stacy and Chloe went into the house and got cleaned up ready for dinner.

    It was a Thursday, and Stephanie would be home again tomorrow. Stacy and Chloe were both looking forward to spending some more time with their big sister, and now Jade had her own horse, they could all go out for a ride over the weekend. Sophie and Jade both said that they had heard about Stephanie’s past and what she use to be, but neither one seemed to bothered and actually looked forward to meeting Stacy’s big sister.

    Chloe had an amazing time sleeping over with Stacy. Stacy started to teach her how to be a real girl, and it was more fun than Chloe ever thought it would be. Chloe knew she had a lot to learn, but she had a good friend in Stacy, and Stephanie was a big sister to her, and also knew what Chloe was going through. Chloe also hoped that Sophie and Jade would remain her friends if they ever found out about her past and the fact she wasn’t yet a girl. Only time would tell, and Chloe had lots of it.

    The story will continue in book 2 though. Chloe starts the new school as a girl, she meets some new friends and some new enemies. She also finds out that there are more things going on at the school than she first realised as well when she meets some very old ghosts.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this story and I hope you enjoyed it and wish for me to carry on with it. Comments are nice, but just a kudos is fine, as that lets me know you liked my work as well.

    Hugs and Love



Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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