Beyond the Pale : Chapter 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Beyond the Pale


A weekly RPG game has unexpected consequences


Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Saturday 09-01-2012 at 08:10:07 pm, and again on Sunday 10-07-2016 at 14:53:08 pm, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena

Chapter 1

Philip knelt on the floor of his bedroom rummaging through a tall stack of papers. If asked his mother would have explained that the state of his bedroom was a clear reflection of her son’s life. Finally finding what he needed, he placed the loose sheets of paper into a rather large binder. Across the top of the binder, hand written in beautiful calligraphy was the word Mercia. Unlike many young men his age, Philip was not looking forward to the weekends to spend time trying to pick up girls, no his weekends were for gaming.

The Role-Playing campaign Mercia had been an active part of his life since his first year in High School. Based on the Archon Role-Playing system, it had continued for the last six years with his group playing religiously almost every weekend. It started innocently enough. Philip ran across a used copy of the core rules at a bookstore. Drawn to the art on the cover but not sure what was inside, he brought the book home anyway. Opening the book dragged Philip into another world. Many times since that fateful day, he wished real life were as simple, with charts and tables to tell you how well you were doing. His first time at the gaming table, in a pick up group at a Fantasy convention, was memorable. After the enjoyable experience, he decided that what he really wanted to do was to create these wonderful stories. A new Game Master was born.

For a month, Philip spent every evening writing adventures, and running them alone in his room. The excitement didn’t last very long; it was all in good to play but what he needed was someone to play with. That was easier said than done, as he never made any real friends in school. It’s not that Philip was antisocial; rather he lacked any real social skills. Often missing normal social cues, the young boy quickly alienated himself from most of his peers at school. He never understood why people didn’t want to listen for hours on end to topics that he found extremely interesting. What was worse, it was almost painful if he didn’t talk about them. The doctors, of course, had all sorts of explanations for his behavior; however, it didn’t stop him from being lonely.

A week before he turned fifteen all of that changed. While standing at the bus stop reading a book, and trying to keep away from the others, a new student walked up to the bus stop. At first glance, Philip was positive that the person was a girl but then upon further examination, he wasn’t totally sure. The other teens standing at the bus stop were also were thinking along the same lines. Pixie like in appearance, with bright almost white hair, tied up into a ponytail and dressed in well-tailored but very androgynous clothing, the new student screamed girl. Besides, she was too pretty to be a boy. However, that belief soon changed.

“Christian.” The boy explained to a group of girls who came up to ask him his name. That little revelation caused a ripple effect throughout the crowed. From outright disgust to interest passed through most of the other students faces. What amazed Philip was that none of it seemed to faze Christian at all.

“You must be some sort of fag.” Mark Johnson, one of Philip’s long time tormentors, called out.

Christian just smiled. “No I’m not but why are you asking? Are you trying to ask me out on a date?”

Except for Mark and his cronies, that brought a wave of smiles to the group. When he explained that he just moved from Southern California, the other students for the most part left him alone. I mean everyone knows that people from Southern California are weird in the first place. Afterwards he would have to pound a few faces for the more hard headed to leave him alone. Christian might have been short but he was more than happy to stand up for himself. With the little excitement of a new student at the bus stop over, Philip thought he would go back to his normal days but he was wrong.

“Mind if I sit here?”

Looking up from his book, Philip just nodded. No one had ever asked to sit by him. The bus was never crowded enough so he always at alone. Christian took a seat and looked over as Philip went back to his book. “I’m Christian.”

“Ahh, Philip.”

“Cool, I saw you reading the new ‘Dragon Sword’ series. What did you think about where the author left off? I was a little disappointed that she didn’t go deeper into Tempest’s reason for turning against his brother.”

It was if a light went off in Philip’s head. There was actually a person sitting next to him who was interested in the same things. Quickly agreeing the two discussed the ins and outs of several popular fantasy series on the way to school. Philip was disappointed when the bus ride came to an end. Most likely, it was also the end of any more conversations. It was at this point most people ran away.

“How about we pick it up during lunch?” Christian said as he walked towards the office.


As the weeks went by Philip was amazed how much Christian understood the art of world crafting and writing. When asked, he admitted that he had been writing short stories for a number of years, all of it based off the Archon RPG system. It was at that point that Philip had his first player. That Friday night he ran Christian through the adventure he had written. It wasn’t very long, rescuing a Miller’s daughter from a handful of Urks, part troll, part goblin; they were Archon’s equivalent to Orcs. Afterwards, they discussed the adventure. When Christian asked why this was all happening, why did the Miller’s daughter get captured, Philip didn’t know. So engrossed in writing an adventure, he couldn’t really fathom the world behind; it didn’t matter. Christian soon began to weave a tale of a desperate woman trying to run away from an arranged marriage. Philip was amazed how his simple module became a backdrop to a large adventure. Philip still wasn’t sure, he liked writing adventures, but the world stuff was inconsequential. Christian explained that he would be happy to build the world, if Philip wrote the adventures. That began a six-year collaborative effort. A friendship that Philip desperately needed, for it was also Christian who brought the other gaming members into the group.

Looking up for the fifth time Philip checked the time. His gaming group would be arriving any minute now for what he hoped would be an all-night session. It was the first time in over a month that he and his friends were going to sit down and play. To Philip it was an obsession, so as the years went by, he became somewhat disappointed that members of his gaming group began to have other interests. Even Christian, who he thought was a hard core a gamer like himself, acquired a girlfriend in his junior year of High School. Philip of course forgave his friend when Christian managed to convince Sandy, his then girlfriend, to start playing with them.

“Dude, your room is worse than mine.”

Philip grinned. Corey shook his head as he walked by to take a seat in front of Philip’s computer. As the newest member of the gaming group, tall, blonde with a chiseled chin and with eyes that make girls go wild, Corey was not your typical gaming nerd. He had been a top defensive lineman in High School and was scouted by a number of well-known Universities. However, on the second to the last game of his final High School football season, he threw out his knee, effectively ending his football career. Corey didn’t mind. He explained that he only played football to make his father happy, what he really wanted was to be a doctor and not play in the NFL. Therefore, instead of entering college on a football scholarship the straight A student received an academic scholarship instead.

“You’re still tweaking your character?” Philip asked rising from the ground.

Corey tended to look for every powerful combination when making a character. It was all in the rules but at times Philip was annoyed by how powerful some of Corey’s combinations had become. Today was no different; although he was shelving his usual Arch mage for a Temple Healer, the character was just as mini-maxed. What was different about tonight game was that Corey had finally talked his girlfriend into try the game. With new players added, the group decided to play new lower level characters for the next adventure. Philip didn’t mind, the best thing that would happen was that he would get to run a high level and a low-level campaign at the same time. Most likely, though, this would only be a one shot adventure as no one expected Corey’s girlfriend to continue to play. Even with the threat of it only being a one shot adventure, Corey made sure his character and his girlfriend’s would be perfect.

“Of course, I read a couple of new ideas on the forum. I thought I might try them out since the game hasn’t officially started.”

“So where is Kathy?” Philip asked having mixed feelings about her arrival. The stories he had been told about her sometimes vocal opinion on things didn’t bode well for another adventure beyond tonight.

“At the mall.” The former defensive lineman made a face. “She should be here in a few minutes, unless she plans on bailing on us.”

“You think she will?”

Corey shrugged. Kathy was fun to be around but she really didn’t get gaming. Actually, he didn’t either until he met Christian in the student center. It’s not something he was willing to bring up, as Corey was actually going to ask the good-looking girl on a date. Corey had played plenty of computer games but the whole RPG thing was a little beyond the pale. Somehow, after finding themselves in the same History class, Christian convinced him to try Archon, which was a pen and paper game. After his first adventure, Corey was pretty much hooked.

“You still plan on playing a female character, especially with Sylia as her goddess?” Philip looked over the character sheet. Off to the right of the computer screen was a spreadsheet opened with all sorts of calculations to get the best build.

“They make the best healers.” Corey commented as his character finally began to print out on the printer.

“I’m impressed.” Philip noted that Corey managed to pull all of the stops with this character. He picked the right combinations of advantages and disadvantages to make it work. “You’re planning to role-play some of those disadvantage right?”

Unlike some of the others in the group, the ex-high school football player didn’t get much into the role-playing part of the game. It was the adventure and as he put it, the chance to bust some heads that made him excited. “We’ll see, not sure how to role-play a petite girl who has a problem with men but I’ll give it a try.” The six foot three, former defensive lineman said with a grin. “As a healer, that will be easier since it’s something I plan on doing for a living. At least when we talk about injures I won’t have to fake not knowing what they mean.”

Two more members of the gaming group emerged from the garage door; Brett and his brother Stephen. Brett, was pre-law and after passing the bar would enter the families Law firm. He was also the de facto leader of the party and longtime member of the group, joining in the eleventh grade. Today he brought his sixteen-year-old brother along. “How’s it going, Doctor Anders?” Brett asked as he reached over to look at Corey’s character. “Geeze man, your attention to detail even scares me.”

Laughing Corey leaned over and nodded to Stephen. “What’s up, I heard you’re going to play an Incantist.”

“I guess.” Stephen shrugged, not really understanding what that meant.

“We’ll have to keep an eye on him; the Imperium always wants to get their hands into everything.” Brett laughed. Members of the Incantist class were powerful spell casters who often worked for the Imperium. Normally explorers, on occasion they would also be used as Witch Hunters, purging those who threatened the Imperium. The group decided that a little imperial backing might make the adventure a little more interesting and hopefully more profitable.

The sound of an altercation inside the garage caught everyone’s attention. Corey cringed, it sounded like Kathy was at it again, which meant she must have run into Christian and Sandy. His girlfriend and Christian’s ex-girlfriend were friendly enough; on the other hand, Christian and Kathy were like oil and water.

“Could you dress any more like a girl?” Kathy said, a little too loudly. “I’m not sure I like my boyfriend hanging out with a drag queen.”

Corey rolled his eyes as he opened the door. Normally she was the sweetest person in the world but Kathy’s evangelical upbringing reared its ugly head way too often lately. They had already broken up once over this and if push came to shove, if the choice was Christian or Kathy, his girlfriend would lose.


Sandy turned her head, revealing a beautiful smile. “Sweetie, see I told you that I would make it.” She quickly crossed the distance and gave Corey a lusty kiss.

“Nice kiss, but please apologize to Christian.”

Sandy frowned then shrugged. “I’m sorry, my boyfriend is right, my parents brought me up better, please forgive me.” She said with little conviction in her voice. Corey knew that her parents were actually the problem. Looking at his friend, he didn’t really see a problem. Christian was dressed the same but he did look very feminine. Actually, he thought the real problem might be that Christian was actually prettier than Kathy was.

Christian just nodded. Sandy on the other hand looked like she was about to start spitting nails. Before she could say anything, Christian leaned over and spoke in her ear. Whatever he said seemed to mollify her a little.

“Guys.” Philip said coming into the garage. He would have liked nothing better to tell Kathy to get the hell out of his parents’ house, but he was a little afraid of her. Philip wasn’t really capable of dealing with girls, much less pretty girls. Sandy was cute but she was more like a sister and Christian was a guy.

“You must be Philip. I have heard so much about you.” Kathy walked forward to shake his hand. “I really don’t understand what all of you do every weekend but I’m willing to give it a try.” Looking around Philip’s home, giving the place a once over, she turned back to her host. “You have a place I can freshen up a bit?”

Philip looked confused.

“She’s looking for the bathroom.” Sandy sighed.

Philip nodded. “Please use the guest bathroom upstairs. It’s on the right as soon as you get to the top of the stairs.” At least he remembered that. The downstairs bathroom became his domain when he moved into the basement. It was also a bathroom that Sandy refused to enter.

When Kathy disappeared upstairs, Corey turned to his friends. “Sorry guys, normally she’s a sweetheart.”

“Don’t worry, I’m used to it.” Christian said somewhat fatalistically.

“But you shouldn’t have to be.” Sandy fumed.

“Hi guys.” Brett appeared; trying to change the mood, quickly re-introducing his brother to his friends.

Stephen gave one look at Christian and blushed. Leaning over he whispered to his brother. “You’re sure he’s not a girl?”

Brett nodded, although like the others he wasn’t sure when he first met him. Christian was an oddity. It wasn’t that he acted like a female, he also didn’t act like a stereotypical male. Didn’t matter really, he was a good friend.

“So what did the doctor say?” Brett asked then frowned, realizing the conversation wasn’t something that his brother needed to know.

Christian shrugged. “They still have no idea.”

Corey eyes opened wide. “You’re shitting me, really.”

Stephen was about to say something but Brett shook his head. “How about we talk about this later?”

Christian nodded, somewhat relieved. He really didn’t need the world to know that there was a real possibility that he was totally screwed up genetically speaking. Still, at only five foot three, he was often mistaken for a young teenage girl. For someone who just turned nineteen to not go through puberty, either as a girl or a boy was a real mystery. Since he was a child, he had lived an in-between life being neither totally girl nor boy. Genetically he was a boy for the most part, at least chromosomally, however there were other genetic markings that were confusing the hell out of the doctors.

The doctors had at one point thought about hormone therapy but had backed off recently after receiving the latest test results. If it did come to that, it wasn’t going to be testosterone that was for sure. Christian might look male between his legs but the organ between his ears said otherwise. It was slow, but he was moving in one particular direction. Especially in the last year, Christian had moved more towards the feminine. Only Sandy knew that he started to dress as a girl full time at home. Soon he would have to tell everyone, but he wasn’t overly concerned with his true friends reactions. What he was really looking forward to was Winter Break, where he would be taking Sandy on vacation to the Caribbean. However, it wasn’t Christian who would be travelling but Kristy.

“You OK?” Sandy leaned over and whispered in Christian’s ear.

“Yep.” Reaching over he gave his sometime girlfriend’s hand a squeeze. They were now more like sisters than lovers. Christian had dated a number of other girls, and he wouldn’t mind it doing it again but the thought of dating a boy excited him as well. At one time, the thought had terrified him but now it didn’t seem all that bad an idea.

“I don’t know why we don’t play at your home, Christian; you have tons more room.” Brett began to pick up his book bag filled with the core set of rules, along with dice, pens, and his character sheets. “I mean it’s your house right, not your grandfather’s.”

Christian nodded; he had inherited the house along with his parent’s considerable wealth when he came of age. They had died in a plane crash when he was a baby so the only family he had ever known was his grandfather. He waited for about three seconds before answering, waiting for the one person he knew would complain.

“What’s wrong with my parent’s house?” Philip asked, it almost coming out as a whine.

Sandy grinned and patted his hand. “Nothing's wrong sweetie, ignore them. Your house has always been a home away from home.” Reaching for Christian’s hand, she led him downstairs into the room they affectingly called the Dungeon.

With the tensions somewhat lessened, the entire group sat around the large poker table. Not that he had ever played poker on it. In fact, with Corey and Brett’s help, he had converted it into a first class gaming table. There were plenty of cup holders, so no chance of drinks messing up the map or miniatures. The cabinet of miniatures that stood against the wall was all thanks to Christian. He didn’t make the cabinet, but actually had hand painted the hundred or so small plastic and lead figures that would adorn the board during their adventures. The gaming room was Philip’s pride and joy.

Reaching into his backpack, Christian pulled out six small and one larger box. “These are all for you.” To each of the players, he gave them a small box while the large one went to Philip. Opening them, revealed beautifully painted miniatures of the characters they were all going to play tonight. “Wow Christian, you outdid yourself this time.” Cory said, admiring the white robed healer. With inks and washes expertly applied, it made the figure appear to be almost lifelike. Even Kathy grudgingly admitted that they were beautiful. Her character was that of a tall brutish male, wielding a particularly menacing two-handed ax. Corey was surprised when she suggested that she play a male character, reasoning that if he was female then a little gender role reversal could be fun.

“You should see his paintings.” Sandy said while admiring her Sylph, Archon’s version of an Elf. “A number of national gaming magazines have used his work.”

Even Kathy was impressed with that bit of news.

“Look, my guy even has writings on his scroll.” Stephen pointed excitedly to the scroll that was in the hands of his character.

As Brett admired his Knight figure, he turned to Philip. “So what’s in your box?”

Philip gave a half smile and then whooped with joy. “Christian, you’re amazing.”

“What’s in it?” Kathy asked as she leaned over for a better look. “Oh it’s a Dragon.”

“Not just any dragon.” Reaching into the box, Philip placed the beautifully painted shadowy colored dragon on the table.

Corey and Brett moaned at the same time. Sandy gave Christian the eye. “You had to buy it for him.” The group had a rule, if there wasn’t a figure for it, it wouldn’t appear in the adventure. For the longest time Philip had been waiting for this miniature’s release.

“What is it?” Stephen asked, wondering why everyone was making faces.

“A Shadow Dragon.” Christian smiled. He had absolutely loved putting the large plastic miniature together and over the last month had painted it to the highest detail.

“Are they tough?”

“Yes.” Half the room replied. Christian only smiled as Philip hovered over the piece as if he was a new father.

“You have an unexpected talent there Christian, a real gift.” Kathy said admiring the piece. “It’s truly beautiful.” They looked at one another for a second and he realized that she was offering an olive branch. He thanked her for the compliment. He hoped that they would all move forward.

“We’re not going to see one of those tonight?” Stephen asked nervously, looking down at his small character and then comparing it to the huge Dragon figure.

Brett slapped his brother on the back. “No, this is a little gift for our other party.”

Reluctantly Philip lovingly placed the Dragon back into the box. With a look over his shoulder, he knew that it wouldn’t fit in the glass cabinet. “I’m going to put this in my room. I’ll be back in a second.”

With Philip out of earshot, Corey turned to his friend. “Dude, you suck. What made you paint that horrible thing?”

Sandy giggled.

Brett smiled. “Just because it eats magic for breakfast makes it a tad bit difficult opponent to face, eh Archmage.”

The ex-linemen just scowled earning a smile from Kathy.

“Hey, look there are even words on the scroll.” Stephen examined his figure further. “Arunal magtha ispin ul.”

“What does that mean?” Brett asked.

Christian laughed. “Nothing, I just made up words and put them on the scroll. I short of cheated, it’s actually a really small decal I printed out on my computer.”

“Iral magar li bin onus.”

Corey frowned. “Ok, enough of the gibberish, who wants some cheese crisps?”

“Oskur zimba ia jazio” Stephen continued to speak, almost chanting.

Most of the others were becoming annoyed.

“Hajan vanar reli jo.”

“Ok, enough fun, save it for the game.” Brett reached over to take a miniature out of his brother’s hand. It was great that he was getting into the spirit of the game but this was a bit much.

“Kilba backu manu RA!” Before Brett could grab the figure, Stephen shouted the last word.

For everyone sitting at the gaming table, the world suddenly went black.

Authors Notes: A special thanks to djkauf for a little elvish editing. If you like the story please leave a Kudos, if you have the time I would love to hear from you. Thanks to all for reading! - Elsbeth

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