No one in my life knows about my inside/outside issues, so I guess I'm in hiding. This causes me a lot of anxiety and I tend to overcompensate my male persona. So it really gets me in a big blue funk and I feel even worse when my very narcissistic family members call me to bitch about each other. I am not the one that can fix it all I'm barely holding myself together. I do feel I am treated differently than my sisters I am the only one who still actually has a job, I am adopted, I don't have any children, and I am the oldest. Being all of these things makes me the dumping ground for the family, at least that's what it feels like. So this oppressive weight on my shoulders (the family) picked today to duke it out with each other through me. That's not to mention the wife having her problems the job (will working more since we lost a tech to Apple) and my own depression and gender issues like I said in the title Argh! Ok I'm done rambling on just needed to vent. The good thing about a blog is you don't have to read it, maybe that should have been the title.
super big hugs, sweetie
If you need to vent more, please feel free to lean on me.
Thank you. My rope just seems
Thank you. My rope just seems to getting shorter and shorter. This is the only place I can be me and that helps. You and others have made feel more at home than anything else in my life.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Argh! Family Argh!
Go ahead and "Vent your spleen" here! We are heere for you.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thanks Stan.
Thanks Stan.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Just a suggestion
The next time one side of the family calls you to whine ask them to wait a moment, put them on hold, then call the other side. Connect the two together (conference call) then put your phone down and walk away. I suspect that will be the last time they bother you.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
What a good idea
I agree the phone might
I agree the phone might explode though.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Better the phone
than your head, no ?
and match.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
An alternative to the conference phone.
The conference call idea is just brilliant. I'm wondering if perhaps a Skype 5 set up might really set the cat amongst the family pidgeons. Just connect them all through Skype and THEN walk away. Though it would be good to see their faces!!!
Sometimes, sometimes very, very rarely though, I ask myself if I was not better off for never having to listen to bitching family members. Fortunately I only ever got back with my brother and he doesn't bitch; at least not to me.
Get out of there
I know you're stuck with the relationship, but it doesn't mean you have to spend so much time talking to them.
When I left home, I developed my own life away from my family and I've never looked back. I haven't communicated with my one sibling for years and I exchange Christmas cards with the other.
When a family member rings, you don't have to answer the phone or return calls. It's your choice.
Thank goodness
we can choose our friends...
Jen, we know about the family issues, and playing both ends
against the middle. Sometimes though, you need to say, "look guys, I'm really not up to this today, can you call me back in like 20 or 30 years." If they don't take that hint, well, what can I say? But you go right ahead on and vent, honey, we are here for you and for each other. Take deep breaths; breathe in through your nose and exhale slowly from the mouth. It helps me in several situations. Then sit down with a nice cup of Earl Grey, chamomile tea (or whatever brand you use), put in a dvd, put your feet up and just relax. Turn the phone off on weekends, and just relax. Relax.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Link on another blog post
Put this up on Pippa's. 'Flight into Hypermasculinity'
Thank you for all the
Thank you for all the responses. I do think voicemail might be my very good friend for the duration of this current crisis. I love you all my friends.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair