It's july the 11th, Flanders national holiday (not to be mixed up with july 21st, the belgian national holiday). Still 2,5 weeks to go to my b-day.
>sigh< Still waiting on the official letter from the Retirement Commission and people getting back to me about what the amount would be for my pension.
Thinking about taking aleave of absence from the guild I'm adjunct guild leader of (not the best of time with a big game update comming up) due to not having my head straight (the drama in the last week doesn't help either).
My shrink is bugging me about the fact that I moved to the country -> only place I could afford was in the country. Renting something big would set me back more each month then my morgage with me having a big dog and cats
Breaking my head on the fact how I'm going to balance the pets and being able to go to my eldest sisters wedding in the Netherlands
Hasn't been that good of a year.
The good points. Health soso but OK, got told a lot that I'm a good person (heck feels weird even typing this when I'm just quoting a few people), ...., euh think that's it.
Really am not looking forward to my b-day.
PS who can gues where the title comes from?
Ain't Wiki wonderful...
The Battle of Courtrai.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
The transfer departement
The transfer departement forgot to let me aplly for a jobopening ...A well is a noob that's taking care of my dossier so ...(noob as in middle 20's not right out of college but very very close to it and doesn't know the in's and out's of my employer yet). CV is send in now (just in time) so it should be ok I hope.