Some of the peepz here know this already. I have been having problems at work for a few years now. For one due to the fact that they don't want to admit that there's a problem.
So one of the last steps in this drama happened tuesday when I got called before the retirement commission. Due to the fact that there isn't a dossier against my direct supervisor I'll be retired in a maximum of 3 months (so before october and this only if the main office doesn't decide to retire my as of next month against advice of the commission).
Anyway I'll be apealing that decision due to the fact that I'm not sick and it would be a medical retirement.
It has been a very big blow to me (not even talking about the way the commission members adressed me at the start). Selfimage is at the lowest ever. Feel useless and not capable of being a functioning part of society.
I almost lost my fait in rules/regulations/law (nice thing about civil service everything is lawbased) completely. So I don't believe my apeal will have any effect even if I would go to court (last step is the belgian version of the supreme court the 'Raad van Staten'/ 'le conseille d'état').
Still don't know if I'll manage to keep the house and the pets (mininum retirement cheque is less then my mortgage and am not allowed to make a lot of extra cash before they tax me to death on it -> retired).
O yeah, funny part. As I told you I'm not sick, I'm capable of working in a normal working envirement although I have a slight working disability and I'm only 33 (34 this summer) years old. Does anyone get why they are retiring me??
Are you not part of a trade union?
This is when they are at their most useful, fighting for their member's rights.
33/4 is far too young to be retiring if you are capable of working -it borders on ridiculous. I presume they are trying to get rid of you on a mental health issue, when they should be helping you to stay in a job. Obviously, someone above you doesn't like you - but that should be their problem not yours.
Good luck with the appeal.
Sorry Angharad not really laughing at you but more at the trade union. "Sorry", "No don't think there's anythingwe can do", "It's the law", ... are a few reactions that I received this week.
The problem is that I'm a little shrimp in water with sharks and whales. Aka not important enough to make problems and burn bridges for. Which is, al least to me, just typical about a lot of unions in bigger organisations these days :(. Plant shutting down, changing a certain legislation and we get peepz from the other part of europe (heck even had one where there were some delegations from US a few years ago). One little shrimps doesn't count ... :(. Which is just bad luck for me
And yes they are trying to get rid of me but on general medical isseus, not mental health. They are saying I can't do my job (which is a basic deskjob) anymore which is crazy. I'm a guildofficer/ adj guild leader, volunteer for several orgnisation, ... Which have me doing some of the same work and more as part of the volunteering.
And yes it borders on ridiculous especially when everyone else needs to work longer .Not going to be raising any white flag soon
Can You
Finally appeal to the Euro Commission On Human Rights? Is there a LBGT legal NGO that will go to court to help you? There are some in the US. Can you just get a lawyer or solicitor to help you deal with the Civil Service?
I don't know about legal rights in your country at all, sorry. What ever happens, good luck!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
one of the problems is that
one of the problems is that it's my word against my division head (who doesn't really acknowledge that there's a problem except 'me'. And as for as I can tell although I have some doubts about it, it's not a discrimination thing (LGBT or other). Closest in general terms is that my current (she wasn't that when I started having problems wiht her) supervisor and I are on a colision course. My work disability (got autism spectrum disorder) doens't help in this case. And she keeps pushing red buttons. Before I got sick I tried avoiding her as mutch as possible (had a few 'attacks' 'cause of her when I waited to long to go to the nurses office or couldn't get away). And then she became my supervisor(lol >cynical aka that way if everything was good she could take the credit and with the bad she could blame that on my direct suprervisor. That would mean a win win for her. Didn't work out that way 'cause she got the 2 problem cases (both having a work disorder and yes she calls use problem cases)
So I've been trying to get mutated for about 4 years now, but that's still a no go / status quo.
Can't prove harassement at work (ingnorance maybe but that's it). So no case
The only thing I can be sure of is that I'm capable of working in a normal enviroment (even an enviroment with a lot of stress) but that that is impossible under my current direct supervisor healthwise. Not mutch of a case I know but I'm hoping it's enough (although it wasn't enough for the commission).
A friend of mine just told me that I probably had grounds for a complaint based on a heatlhy workenviroment ...