Gadgeteer Rising Chapter 2

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This is a Whateley Academy Fanfic. I have the greatest admiration to those that inspire me.
Chapter 2
When I woke up, I was staring up at the ceiling it was egg white tiling that you see in schools and … omg hospitals. I knew I was in trouble and not the kind that I could talk or think my way out of.

I tried to sit up and wow did my head feel fuzzy and it felt like my chest wanted to keep going forward. I looked down and noticed the mounds on my chest, nothing to write home about as they say but they were there. That’s when it hit me, I was a mutant and I was now a girl. Darkness enclosed me once more.
“Come on Alex, wake up.” Annie said as she gently rubbed my shoulder. “I know you’re in there. Wake up sleepy head.” I squeezed my eyes even tighter and rolled over. That was a mistake. Annie swatted my shoulder “Open those eyes Alex” Annie stated in that way moms have of saying things you can’t refuse. Yea she’s not my real mom, but she was the first mom in my pathetic and pain ridden existence.

“Come on Annie just a few more minutes” I felt another swat on my shoulder a bit harder then the last. “Okay…. Jeez.” I grumbled as I rolled onto my back and slowly opened my eye. “gimmie a sec I got sleepys.” Annie and Ben were in the room along with a Doctor type standing near by. “Okay, I figured out two things already.” I announced to all in the room. “One I’m not a boy anymore and two I think I’m a mutant. Am I close?” Annie, Ben and the Doctor all nodded.

“Alex, I am Doctor Paul Vizion. I am a psychiatrist and I am also a mutant. Empath — 4 and Exemplar — 1.” The doctor guy laid it out so smoothly I had to think about it before it sank in. “From what I can tell your apparent gender is about change and that means you are most likely an exemplar” Quickly glancing at his clipboard, he got that look like when someone gets nostalgic. “It also appears that you’re a gadgeteer from the robot like machine you built in the garage, well you were manifesting as a mutant.”

“So let me get this straight I’m still a guy but I’m gonna turn into a girl?” I asked as I sneakily tried to check below the waist. Annie was quick to slap my hand, shucks I’ll have to check later.
“That’s correct at your current rate I believe you will be completely female by the time your thirteen.” Doctor P answered. “But first things first we need to get you registered and issued a temp MID before the MCO comes looking for you.”

I face palmed when I heard that, I have seen stories on T.V and the web about the MCO and disappearances. “That’s just frackin great!” Annie swatted me again “Watch your language Alex” I tried to give Annie the puppy dog look “Sorry Annie.” Ben just busted out laughing. Annie the doc and I looked at him. “Sorry, But Alex trying to give the puppy dog eyes already. It was just so hilarious” I giggled and rolled my eyes.

I hadn’t been this in contact with myself since I was six. I had to play this cool; I did want them to think I was a freak. “Hey, If I’m gonna be a chick I need to practice” I responded. Annie just eyed me as Ben chuckled and Doc P gave me the eye. You know the eye that says I know your hiding something. I quickly looked back to Annie and Ben. “So when do I get to go home?” I asked. “Well that depends on you and when your ready to do some basic tests” Doc P answered. “I tell you what, let me eat and get some sleep.” As I said that I repositioned myself into the sitting position. All the sudden I froze as I felt the scratchy fabric brush across my new friends. “Oh and doc can I get a softer gown this things gonna cause me problems.” I blushed as I said this. OMG I blushed? Oh boy or should I say Oh girl?

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well done hunny

these two chapters are great i cant wait to read more u have me hooked :)

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Well Told Story

So far, a well told story. Characters seem real and a good balance of narration and conversation. Far better than I could do.

I get the feeling though, that these were written and posted immediately. Take a ten minute break (or write the next section) and then reread what you wrote. You'll catch a few things.

Keep going, I'm interested in seeing where you take this.



Ok, You got me hook too. Now I have to wait for the next chapter!


Gadgeteer Rising Chapter 2

Wondering what the tests will show.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Good Start!

I would advise that too. Let it set a little and then re-read it. That'll let you get a better feel for area's that need a little expansion or polish.

You do have a good feel for the Whateley universe. It says slow changes are more common, but everyone including myself is always in a hurry to get it done!. If 11 and finished about 13 is basic puberty and that makes perfect since. After that is simply maturing and finishing growing up.

So a gadeteer and not a devisor? Even with the robot? :)


Catching errors

One of the problems with editing your own work is that you know what it's SUPPOSED to be, and will automatically replace what's really there with what you meant to type.

One way to trick your mind so this doesn't happen is to read the story one sentence at a time FROM THE END backwards to the beginning. This way your mind won't know what the next sentence should be from the one you just read, because it won't be the next sentence from the one you just read.

Another option for catching errors

Another option is to use text to speech and listen to your story. You will be surprise with what stands out compaired to what you may find just rereading your work.