Well, just got two big pieces of news. First, the federal government has passed a law extending anti-discrimination protection to trans people, meaning we no longer have to worry about things like losing a job or being denied housing because of who we are.
The second big announcement is one that effects me personally. The Alberta government has announced that they will once again cover SRS. This means that once I get my 2nd opinion in December, I will go on the list, and once they clear the backlog, I will be whole.
I actually cried with happiness when I heard this.
:D Yay!
Congrats Dorothy. I'm happy for you!
Peace be with you and Blessed be
*Twirl Huggles* <3
I seem sometimes to be the bearer of slaps and put-downs...but this is an example of what I mean. The world improves each day, in small or larger ways, and here you see two of them. What is not to like about life?
Second Opinion?
...why wait 'til December. I think you're a very nice lady. How's that for a second opinion?
Love, Andrea Lena
unfortunately, its got to be a medical opinion
Now, I wish I could get in faster to see him.
Are you sure? I can't seem to find this news in any of the major news sources. The federal Conservative led government has already previously voted down a private members bill to extend anti-discrimination to transgenders. It seems like a rather odd about face.
that was a news clip I saw
I cant find it now though. I'll keep digging.
Just remember, the SRS is not an end, but a beginning.
Red MacDonald
I'm moving to alberta.
BC doesn't cover surgery anymore. They 'delisted' it.
Desperately happy for you.
Desperately happy for you Dot.
Now that the Alberta premier has proven to be a woman of compassion and understanding tee-folk can hopefully step forward again to recover the lost ground. Glad also to learn of the anti discrimination law being extended to transgendered people. Small steps slowly I know but I have been fighting this war on and off since 1952! I knw Britain has not moved forward as quicklyon this as Canada but conversly what little steps we make get consolidated and so far we we've never suffered a retrograde situation. There's merits for both systems but we are getting there.
My biggest fear, (and this wounds me sorely,) is that I might have inadvertently contributed to delaying phsychiatric advancement in the UK because of my 'intergendered mental state'. When I was a mental 'lab-rat' my 'flip-flop' responses vacillating between male and female caused my 'so-called' psychiatric therapists endless dissatisfaction and confusion. It confused me as well and I often wonder whether this delayed psychitric conclusivity in the UK before they finally decided that transgenerism might be nature not nurture. I was a notable research case in Liverpool, UK. I've seen some of the notes, but not all.
My brain is intergendered and that means I go through (and I choose this expression carefully) gender mood swings.
This has left me undecided and confused for decades and consequently I will never undergo SRS though I have grown my own breasts and I'm seriously considering an orchidectomy.
Anyway, to get back to you and the situation in Alberta. I really am pleased for you, one more brick out of the wall!
Canada's Parlament
Dorothy - I hate to rain on your parade but I understand that Bill C-279 only passed second reading and now goes to committee for study and then if it survives it will come back to the House for third reading & if it passes it then goes to the Senate and if they pass it then the G-G approves it & then it becomes Law.
Bill Siksay's previous Bill passed & was in the Senate when Harper called the election & the Bill died. Bill C-279 is the replacement Bill.
Here's hoping that the people in Ottawa don't pull another stunt to kill this Bill.
May the sun always shine on your parade