Who are the Real Monsters? Chapter 6

Who are the Real Monsters?


Ken Umeki will learn that not all monsters come out at night.


Chapter 6
Crap, not again. Instead of looking up and seeing my bedroom ceiling, all I could see was the early morning sky. At least this time I was not in a tree. How I ended on the roof of the dojo was still beyond me, even with sleepwalking. Sitting up, little twinges of pain reminded me of last night’s fun and I had to smile. Sile was very energetic. Looking down I discovered one of several bruise marks on my body. “She bit me.” Laughing I had forgotten, I retaliated and started biting her back. Things might have gotten a little out of hand at that point but it was a lot of fun. Stark reality washed over me. Here I was sitting on top of a roof, in only my boxers and covered with bite marks. I must be nuts. If Katie found me like this, I would be more than just dead.

Slinking across the top of the roof, I climbed down to a lower section and quickly crossed to my Uncle’s house.

“Why must she come here for practice?” Stopping my progress, I listened to the conversation. My Aunt Rika’s voice easily carried in the morning air. She didn’t seem very happy. “Let her practice in the woods.”

“Kah-Chan please, I made a promise. In addition, this summer we found that certain areas of our training were lacking. She would be an excellent person for us to spar against.” My Uncle seemed equally less pleased with his mother. I wondered whom they were talking about. Turning away prospective students wasn’t really in the best interest for the dojo. Thoughts of Katie seeing me covertly listening to my Aunt’s conversation forced me to continue my escape to my bedroom.

Dropping down something inside me told me to quickly change my landing and with one hand, I grabbed on a low hanging drain. Before coming to terms with the impossibility of what I just did, I looked down to discover my cousin Sora. Falling on him would have been disastrous and painful. Remembering that he made bagels at Eastside Deli in the mornings before school I watched him cross the yard towards the carport before I leaped to the ground. Making bagels seemed an odd thing to do until he showed me his brand new motorcycle; apparently, there was good money in it.

Finding my clothes where I left them reinforced my belief that I must have been sleepwalking. Seeing that I still had several hours before I had to get up for school, I slipped under the covers while thanking all gods, saints and whoever else was listening for my good fortune.


“Cindy, good morning.” Cindy Rose looked up as one of the other Deputy Sheriffs entered the police station. She had been working third shift this week and was ready to go home and sleep. The Department wasn’t large; besides the Sheriff there were five Deputies who policed Skogshaven. The set up was a complete departure from most other Massachusetts towns where the County took care of most Police problems. If there was an issue larger than the Skogshaven Sherriff Department could handle they would call the County for assistance; other than that they policed their own.

"Hi Justin." She grinned.

“Why are you so cheerful?” Deputy Sheriff Justin Blackstock gave his fellow officer the eye. He looked down at the dispatch that she handed him. “In a tree really?” Someone had tied Eric Sullivan naked to a tree in front of the school. Eric had been one of the town’s problem children for some time.

“The Principal asked for Dan but he is working the afternoon shift so Cindy can get some rest.” Little Katelyn had been born two weeks before and both parents have been stumbling around like zombies. Thankfully, Dan’s mother was coming into town for a few weeks to help.

“And I’m his backup.” Justin nodded as he turned back around and headed towards his patrol car. There wasn’t a clear understanding on why Dan's was needed for this call. It sounded like a group of Eric’s peers had finally decided enough was enough. The boy was fortunate it wasn’t a bullet in the head. Pulling up in front of the school the Deputy could see a large group of students congregated around ‘Sister Oak’. He could only imagine that Eric would be making his debut on YouTube this morning. The question was why he hadn’t been cut down.

“Heidi, can you please get these students to class?” Rachel Byrne, the Principal of Skogshaven High, was standing off to the side with several other teachers.

Heidi Mitchell, the school’s Vice Principal waved when she saw Justin approach.

The young Sheriff gave a self-conscious smile while watching two school workers unsuccessfully try to remove the ropes tied to the trapped student. Eric didn’t appear to be happy but at least someone covered him with a blanket.

“Go ahead and go back to class Margret, the Sheriff’s department is here so we will have enough help for now.” Rachel Byrne nodded as the Deputy Sheriff drew close. Greeting the two departing teachers, he marveled how much things had chanced since he was a student at SHS not so many years ago.

“Good morning Justin.”

“Good morning Rachel.” He was about to ask why Eric hadn’t been taken down from ‘Sister Oak’ when Francine Berg came over and answered his question.

“Hi Justin, the rope’s been enchanted Rachael and a good one. We might need some help.” The Deputy Sheriff now knew why Dan was asked to be on this call. “Also, Phil called in; he is going to need help in getting Eric’s motorcycle out of the pool.”

Just took out his notebook and began to take notes. Tossing a motorcycle into the school pool was going to cause the taxpayers a lot of money. Rachel covered her hand on the notebook. “Put it away Justin, the Coven is going to have to deal with this one.”

The Deputy shook his head. “That might be, Rachel, but it’s destruction of public property among other offenses. You do what you can on your end and we’ll work it out on our end.”

The principal frowned then nodded. “Francine, we might as well contact Eshne now, she is going to have to get Emma involved.”

Deputy Sheriff Justin Blackstock continued to take notes. If he just heard correctly, they were going to be contacting the Coven’s High Councilor and its Inquisitor. It was going to be a long morning.


Rubbing my throat in front of Katie provoked the response I was dreading. “No, I’m fine.”

She shook her head. “Let me see...open your mouth. With all of your complaints lately I wonder if you’re coming down with something.”

“It might be a good time for Ken to take a few days off from school.” I jumped as my Aunt entered the carport. We hadn’t exactly been on speaking terms since this weekend’s incident with Rebecca.

“No really, I’m fine.”

“Never the less, the festival is a very important event for this family. I have already called your school. You’re excused from going back this week. Also, please make sure not to run off anywhere, we will need your help setting up all of the decorations. Sile can take care of herself.” Without another word, my Aunt turned around and left the carport leaving Katie and me confused.

If this was supposed to be punishment, it was a good one. I’ve never been someone who could just to sit around and do nothing. By lunchtime, I had already cleaned up the Shrine again and helped my Uncle with a half a dozen other small projects by the time everyone came home from school.

“Where were you?” Ren came into our bedroom as I was finishing up a History report.

“I’m sick.”

“You don’t look particularly sick.”

I shrugged. “Your grandmother decided I should take the rest of the week off.”

Ren began to laugh. “She’s afraid you’re going to hurt yourself before the festival. She will have kittens if you don’t do the dance. She’s been driving my mom insane.”

“Please give my Obachan my apologies.” Now I knew why my Aunt Emmi had been gone all day. My Uncle said she was out shopping; most likely, she was hiding out at the mall.

“Oh you missed something exciting.” Walking up to me, he opened his phone to show me a photo of some guy tied to a tree. “Seems Eric Sullivan finally managed to piss off the wrong people. Took forever to get him down, they used some sort of industrial grade rope or glue or whatever.”

Looking closely I realized that it was Eric, it was difficult to tell without his usual black leather jacket and clothes. “What happened to his motorcycle?”

Ren grinned. “They dumped it into the pool.”

How did I know he had a motorcycle? Feeling light headed again I wove my way back to my bed. Ren decided to leave me alone for the rest of the night since I was obviously not kidding about not feeling well.

My Aunt must have known something was going on with me. I had trouble concentrating most of Friday, almost feeling detached from my own body. Katie wanted to take me to the hospital but she was over ruled. My Aunt was convinced it was just nerves over the next morning’s festivities. The only time I felt like myself was when practicing the Kagura. The movements seemed to calm me much like when I go through my katas.

“Ken, time to get up.”

Opening my eyes, I found Katie standing above me. I turned towards my alarm clock and at the still dark sky. “You do know it’s six in the morning right?” Saturday’s events were still far off enough for me to get another hour of sleep or two or three.

“And you have a lot to do, Luv.”

Helping me out of bed, she pointed me in the direction of the baths. “How do you feel this morning?”

“OK I guess. I take it I’m taking a bath.”


Concluding that my entire weekend had been planned out to the very second, I followed without comment. The bathhouse was towards the dojo and was reminiscent of the traditional public baths found in Japan. One section was more private where Katie and whomever else my Aunt had Shanghai would help me get ready for the day.

“Katie, I’ll take it from here why don’t you get breakfast ready.” Aunt Rika intercepted us before we entered the baths. “Rebecca will be down soon to help as well.” Katie looked puzzled for a moment then nodded. “Nothing too heavy, he doesn’t need to get sick in the middle of the festival.” A large breakfast didn’t sound particular appetizing so it was probably for the best.

“How are you feeling, Ken?”

“OK I guess, a little better than yesterday I think.” She seemed relieved and I could only guess she was stressing out over the festival as Ren had said. “I’m sure I’ll be fine by the time I’m needed for the Kagura.

Stepping into the baths a familiar aroma surrounded me. “Is my grandmother here?” Looking around I half expected to see her walking out of the mist.

“No but she thought this might help you. She explained to me that before you assisted her with different rituals she would burn certain herbs.”

"True." The burning of these herbs had always calmed me for whatever reason. At least my Aunt didn’t remain by my side as I bathed. Afterwards whether it was the heat of the bath or my grandmother’s aromatherapy, I felt more like myself then I had in days.

Now dressed in a long white robe and feeling a lot better I was surprised to find a half a dozen women waiting for me. Katie, Aunt Rika, Rebecca and her mom and my Aunt Naomi and her daughter Hibiki greeted me as I entered one of the side rooms. My outfits for the day were off to the side along with whatever else would be needed. It was all rather daunting.

“Come eat, luv.”

Sitting in front of a small Kotatsu (Japanese table), I found a traditional Japanese breakfast set out before me. Consisting of Miso Soup, Tamagoyaki (rolled omelet), broiled fish and steamed rice it was light but also looked very good. “Is anyone else going to join me?”

”No, go ahead and eat, Ken and we will talk.”

Having six people watch me eat was rather unsettling but I was hungry. Complimenting whoever made the meal, Aunt Naomi beamed with pleasure. Katie was more than capable but I knew she would rather make bangers and mash.

“There was a change of scheduling and a slight addition to the schedule.”

My breakfast suddenly tasted like ashes. “Addition?”

“Every year there is a parade, all sorts of costumes, marching bands and even a float or two. We decided to join the parade this year as a way to help promote the dojo.” She made a face, I could see it wasn’t her idea.

The thought of actually walking around the streets dressed up almost caused me to bolt out of the room screaming. “What I’m wearing isn’t exactly made for parades.” There, that sounded reasonable and logical.

“You are correct we have a Norimono for you to travel on.”

“A palanquin?” Really, kill me now. I joked. “I’m not going to have a social life afterwards you know.”

“It will be lots of fun.” Rebecca gushed. “Plus we have taken care of that.” She seemed overly pleased at whatever scam my Aunt was running. Placing a Festival pamphlet in front of me, she pointed out the information on our dojo. “Look at the names of the performers.”

“Kimme Umeki.” I made a face. “Who in the world is Kimme Umeki?”

“You are.” Rebecca smiled looking very proud of herself. “Our cousin who has traveled all the way from Hawaii for the festival.” The name Kimme didn’t sound right and it was really bothering me.

Rebecca stepped back looking worried. “Are you mad?”

“Sorry Rebecca, thank you. Kimme is fine.” Her smile returned. “So where is Ken?” I asked.

“He has been sick since Wednesday, as everyone knows.” Aunt Rika said.

I wasn’t aware that was common knowledge. “That should work.” I was told that I needn't worry as I will have so much makeup on my face my mom wouldn’t recognize me. In truth if everyone found out I could deal with it but if the whole family was going out of their way so I won’t be embarrassed it’s the least I could do but help. “Same costume?”

“No, we have this for you, Yui was to wear it last year but we never marched in the parade.” My Aunt Emmi showed me I admit beautiful, white silk ceremonial dress, with a tall white headdress adorned with little silver bells. “I’d like you to try it on now, so if we need to alter it a bit we can. You might need some padding in a few places.” She smiled.

I rolled my eyes; it was already looking to be a long day.

The only benefit with being surrounded by five women, if I tripped they would be there to catch me. Katie had been sent off to move a couple of the other costumes to the back of the shrine, along with a few other things I needed for the rest of day. Rebecca and Hibiki were dressed in their white and red Miko outfit and assigned as my assistants. The other women were all dressed in equally nice Kimonos and would be there to lend a hand if needed.

The rest of the Shisaa family turned towards us as we came out of the bathhouse walking up towards the center of the enclosure. Dressed in their best dojo uniforms the family looked very nice. Juro broke the solemn occasion by giving our group a wolf whistle.

“Ken I didn’t know you were one hot looking babe.” My cousin Sora laughed. Some of the others joined in. A number of them were looking at me in a way that made me very uncomfortable.

“Minasama.” My Aunt’s voice broke through the excited babble. “The person who stands before you is Kimme Umeki; she is to be treated with the utmost respect. If I hear anything different; you will answer directly to me.” Now that got everyone’s attention and then as one they all bowed to my Aunt. Now that really got my attention.

“Don’t listen to them Kimme-sama.” Rebecca said as she helped me take my place on the white and gold Norimono. She seemed to be taking this Kimme charade a little too seriously.

“Ignore my brothers, Kimme-sama.” Hibiki looked at them disapprovingly.

“Sorry Kimme-sama.” Juro nodded. “We didn’t mean anything by it.”

“You comfortable back there Kimme-sama?” My Uncle Hirio asked as he stepped in front of me. I nodded; great everyone was now going to call me Kimme-sama all weekend.

While Juro and Sora walked to the rear of the palanquin, my Uncle Hirio and Uncle Jared stood up front. With a command from Uncle Hirio, they all reached down and lifted me in the air.

“Hope I’m not too heavy.”

They all laughed. “Don’t worry Princess, you’re a feather weight.” I could already see that this was going to be a lot of fun.

Sarcasm aside, it actually turned out to be a lot of fun. True to their word, with the amount of cosmetics on my face and my silk costume no one would think I was Ken Umeki. Once I got over the fact that none of my friends were going to run out in the middle of the street and laugh at me I calmed down. Situated in front of a bunch of Witches from Salem and behind a group of Revolutionary War re-enactors I had one of the best seats in the house. As we progressed down Main Street, mostly I nodded to the parade watchers, being too nervous to wave except to these groups of little girls who called out to me with such enthusiasm that I felt I had to reciprocate.

While my cousins went all out, performing all sorts of martial art moves the re-enactors did some close order drills and fired a few volleys into the air. The Salem witches flirted with the parade watchers and of course with my cousins. Interestingly enough they come to the Skogshaven Founders Festival every year because in 1651 Springfield had its own Witch Trials, forty years before Salem’s. Stories say that the settlers in this area hid a number of these families from the hangman’s noose.

Hours later sitting in the coolness of the Shrine, I felt a little buzzy. With the end of the parade, my Uncle thankfully had an SUV waiting to take me back home. My so-called attendants quickly pulled me into the bathhouse and helped me change costumes. Now in the peacefulness of the Shrine, Rebecca was nice enough to sit near me but refrained from speaking. She could tell I was trying to center myself as I had done many times in the dojo.

“Kimme-sama it’s time.” Hibiki and Aunt Rika returned. I started to hear the crowd from inside the Shrine. Leaving, I was quickly flanked by the two girls while my Aunt brought up the rear. The size of the crowd almost stopped me in my tracks. There was almost a hundred people in the middle of the enclosure and I was supposed to dance at least two more times over the weekend.

Standing on the temporary stage, I nodded to several of my cousins who began play traditional music. First, the gentle beat of shime-daiko drums filled the air then Rie who was only ten began to play beautifully on her Komagaku, or Japanese bamboo flute.

Quickly falling into sync with the music, I moved gracefully upon the stage. The air became heavy with emotion as each movement drew the audience closer into the love affair between god and goddess Izanagi and Izanami. When Izanami lay dying after giving birth to the god of fire, I could feel the grief pouring out of the audience. They felt hope when Izanagi descended into the land of the dead to retrieve his beloved wife and grief again when he had to flee those accursed lands without her. Before I could finish the dance with Izanagi purifying himself I knew I was in trouble.

I didn’t feel drunk or dizzy I felt as if my body was on fire.

Authors Notes: A special thanks to djkauf for a little elvish editing. If you like the story please leave a Kudos, if you have the time I would love to hear from you. Thanks to all for reading! - Elsbeth

 © Copyright - Elsbeth2011/2012

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