I was asked a question by my Creator.
On the way to work one day, I fell asleep on the bus. I dreamt that I had entered into the presence of my Creator. When He looked at me, I did not know how to act. Should I kneel, bow, prostrate myself at his feet? I ended up kneeling before him.
He put his hand on my shoulder and caused me to stand before him. “What are you doing?”
“I wanted to show you the proper respect and I wasn’t sure how to do it. I thought that kneeling would be proper.”
He smiled. “It does not matter what you do, there will always be someone who would say that you are not doing so properly.”
“For instance, to some of your friends, you are Gloria and to everyone else in your life, you are Paul. You know what we call that, don’t you?”
I looked down, afraid to even look at him. It’s incredibly humbling to know that you really have no secrets from your maker. “Yes, sir. It’s being ‘All Things to All People.” I began to tremble as I knew that I could be facing my judgment right here, right now.”
I heard the smile in his voice, even if he did not laugh. “No, I did not bring you here to judge you. You do that yourself. You are my child and I will love you regardless. There are very few that are not welcome here with me.” He gestured around us and, for the first time, I actually noticed our surroundings. I could see fog and mist, rolling prairies and mountain vistas, all at the same time. Must be the mysteries of paradise.
“Yes, All Things to All People. I can be All Things to All People or One Thing to All People. I choose to be consistent with my children and be the same to you all. Some of you will accept me for what I am, some of you will not. That does not change who I am though. I invited you here today because you needed to know that I am here and I wanted to ask YOU a question.”
As I was waking up, I heard him ask me, “What Will You Be?”
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What will you be?
What a good question!!!
My first answer is, can I be a ninja?
Then I figured I would go with, can I be rich?
But there is really only one suitable answer and I rarely live that out, even though I have in the past.
Who will I be? I will be your servant.
I have recently come to a revelation that I think we have missed in modern times. Lord, is not God's first name or nickname. Lord is his title and with that title comes authority. Calling God Lord and not being obedient is the height of a hypocrisy that most humans commit, myself included.
The paradox is, and this is where I struggle, are you serving God by being TG? I have many questions about that and many verses of scripture that give me pause. But in the end, I am his child.
Nice little tale.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Do all things...
I can't answer this, but the Apostle Paul said, "...whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord..." Colossians 3:17 and 23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,"
Then in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
I'd say if are you doing all things as unto the Lord being TG is no more of a detriment, than being left handed.
I used to say that I wasn't a man given to visions, but I believe that I was wrong, because I've had visions that I believe were from God. I'm going to bore you a bit with my testimony. I came to the Lord at age 14 and for various reasons, I went off and did my own thing at about age 18 and came back at age 36. Of course during that time,I let my transgendered nature have full rein. But when I got serious with God, I began to root out my "sins" from my life. I attacked the obvious ones: Porn, adultery, lying,and of course cross-dressing. We all know that is an abomination to the Lord... right? Well, then he left that one to me... all the others, he took a hand in and they were easily defeated, but my TG nature? Well that was another story.
My church is big on fasting and prayer. So I took three days off work and began a fast, during which I spent most of my time in prayer concerning my TG nature and overcoming it. I quoted scripture, I prayed I spent hours prostrate on my bedroom floor. God was silent. No revelation, no words of encouragement, it was as if the ceiling was made of brass and my prayers were bouncing off.
Finally, I got dressed; that is, I put on my women's clothes (I didn't purge, because my wife and I were the same size and we shared clothes) and went to my knees at my bedside and cried out to God, literally cried, with tears streaming down my cheeks, I told God that this was what I couldn't give up; this is the "sin" I needed rooted out and asked why he hadn't given me strength to overcome this. Finally, I lay face down on my bed crying softly with nothing more to say.
In that quiet time, God spoke. He reminded me of I Samuel 16:7 "...People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.†Then I got a vision of myself kneeling in worship dressed just as I was with a light streaming down from heaven.
Recently, my Pastor preached a message in which he said, "Some people make things a sin that God doesn't care about." I rarely get the CD of a message, but I got that one. I wanted to make sure that I heard it right... I did. Given my experience in trying to eradicate TG from my life and the message my pastor preached, I think TG is a thing that people want to make a sin and God doesn't care about it. He cares about where your heart is.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
A Visit to my Creator
The Creator giving a choice is what I like.
May Your Light Forever Shine