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Will Lee ever get her kiss!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. None of the characters, places, or anything else is meant to be represented by anything in reality. Duh! Fiction, get it? I the author reserve the rights, so please don't go posting this anyplace else without my permission. A very special thanks goes out to Cathy and all the others out there in BCTS land who have encouraged and inspired me to write and keep writing. Another round of thanks goes out to djkauf who is the fastest proofer I've ever encountered. Any remaining mistakes are all mine.
Career Day Vol. 2: I Get Around
Part 4
The three faces looked down at the golden woman who’d saved them. Surprised to find themselves in a hayloft of all places, habit made them keep quiet even when their rescuer appeared.
As the Golden One left, Danica asked, “Why did she get sick? Was it the gas?”
Zorya held the younger girl. “No, I don’t think so. I think maybe this was her first time confronting such as our captors. Strong feelings can make you sick as well as happy. I think she found no joy in what she had to do.”
Zvezda called out softy. “I’ve found a trunk of clothes.”
The two younger girls were soon digging though the musty old trunk.
Zorya smiled happy at their change in fortunes. As soon as she appeared here in this place, her hurts were healed and she felt much better. A bit of sadness touched her. At least the ones of the body. Those other hurts and the memories that went with would take longer.
Pinned to her shirt was a typed letter explaining that a home was being prepared for them, but it wasn’t ready yet. The people here were kind but it was best if they could hide here and stay out of sight for a while.
Looking around she found a battered old sign, Coca Cola. They were in America! She was beginning to suspect their savior wasn’t an alien after all. They had all heard of the American’s marvelous invention the med-scanner that greedily they kept for themselves. However Zorya had overheard the scientists and scholars state bluntly the imperialist pigs could never have built such a device.
If so the aliens had used the machine to save her and her young friends. Somehow they had also taught her how to read and perhaps speak English too. However, the Golden One had shown them surprising kindness. Zorya was impressed by her courage, but it was gentleness of sprit that’d made someone so formidable ill afterwards that touched her. She simply could help but feel there was a human underneath those golden scales.
Cautiously peeking out of the loft she saw it wasn’t a little after noon here, but early in the morning judging from the dew on the ground and the rising sun. Thinking about the time change, they must indeed be in America.
Looking about, there was a very large garden or perhaps a small farm field of vegetables. Unless she was mistaken, some of them looked ripe. Thinking about it she made a decision. They would take only what they needed. Someday she would repay not only the Golden One, but these farmers as well. However for now, she and her adopted charges needed to eat.
The rising sun was clearing the tops of the tall trees. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the first rays of the new day.
The 4th of July was on a Monday this year which meant the wage slaves had a four day weekend, not however for us farmers. We’d worked our butts off Friday the 1st and were still at it Saturday the 2nd getting everything ripe picked and in baskets ready for selling.
I think maybe my publisher was a little unhappy, but I think this all worked out for the best. With us having breaks from our toils hunched over typewriter and art easel, our creativity really blossomed. Even Vonda was happy with our progress. Hal’s art was great, and if I do say so myself, the words damn near leaped out of my head onto the page. Besides we’re still way ahead of the deadline.
That was good. You see there was another story idea I was working on. In a way it was Chris Sawyer’s fault. Maybe it was too late to help him, but perhaps I could bring the problem of the children of abusers becoming abusers themselves to the public’s notice. Well, Ron too, I suppose. With these jerks keeping on causing me problems, I had to strike back somehow. I wasn’t certain how using the classic antihero would work, but I thought it had promise. I couldn’t wait to get started, but other things came first.
I took off my floppy hat, wiping my sweat away. Standing between the two rows of strung up runners from the string beans, they were like two walls of green rich with beans, blossoms and the buzz of bees about their business of pollinating.
While I tanned now instead of burned, I still moderated my exposure. All the medical miracles of Hap’s med-scanners or not, you looked after yourself. Skin cancer used to scare the dickens out of me once upon a time when I was so fair I got sunburned just thinking about it.
Vonda didn’t understand my attitude at all. Working the row next to mine, I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at her beauty. Her tan was much darker than mine, and her hair gleamed with sun bleached reds.
Blond Hal smirked, catching me spacing out. His light brown hair had gone almost platinum. Working and hiding here from his father, he’d let his hair grow out longer. This was the 70’s after all, but now his hair was longer than even the over ears style our school dress code allowed for guys.
Meaning it was long enough for us girls to style. Ricky finally got his chance to meet Hal’s feminine alter ego, Teresa. I thought the poor boy was going to hurt himself! It was beginning to look as if their relationship was love. The two had spoken about sex. Even without the ‘connector’ issue they’d wanted to wait. A rare sentiment considering the time. Well these 70’s were a little more restrained than the ones I live though the first time around. It was still weird to have Ronald Reagan as President four years early. I guess with the Kennedy’s locking up the office for 16 years, it got the Republicans motivated.
Vonda noticed my stare, and smiled.
Happiness filled me up like a balloon. I was going to float away on joy!
Daddy cleared his throat. The unspoken message was clear. Less gawking and more picking if you please!
Giggling, I got back to work. Really instead of a job this was more like paying the rent for the space we’re using. I couldn’t complain since he’d provided furniture and even did some remodeling work to make my bedroom more like a studio.
Here I could hear the buzz of the bees and the chirps of the birds with little of the sounds of civilization. It was so quiet I could hear the trucks on the highway miles away as they roared about on their way. Literally I knew when a visitor was on the way, before I could see them.
Peering around the corner of the row, there was one on the way now. That’s wasn’t unusual given the signs leading to us, Younger’s Fresh Vegetables. Hal had taken pity on my poor attempts at signage, and did up some really great looking ones for us.
Let’s see. Newer looking Chevy pickup so not one of the neighbor’s beat-up running on a bailing wire and a prayer work trucks. Wait a minute, oh shit, Hal’s dad!
Vonda recognized the truck at the same time I did. We both looked at our friend.
Still oblivious to the threat, he had his shoulder length hair unbound. Hal took every opportunity he could to let his hair down even out here working. Standing there with a basket cocked on one hip as he searched the thought the green leaves, she was Teresa without any help of clothes or makeup.
Reading each other’s thoughts, we jumped him.
Startled, he looked up as I whipped off my hat.
Vonda hissed, “It’s your dad!” as she gathered his ash blond locks into a ponytail.
Fear clouded his face even as he winced at her rough handling.
I gave my hat a critical evaluation. The blue wasn’t really that girlie, and fortunately I didn’t like really wide brims while hunting and pecking about while working. It got in the way. Whipping up the neck strap, I pulled up the sides cowboy hat-like.
Together with Vonda, we got the hat on him after letting the fitting band in back all the way out. Letting her do the final adjustments, I looked back around the corner.
He’d just gotten out his truck, and was scratching his fat butt.
Daddy raised his brows in question as he walked to meet our visitor. He took in our hurried disguise of Hal.
I whispered knowing how noise carried out here. “Hal’s Dad. He’s not very nice.”
Grunting, Daddy gestured, “Come on son. Let’s go meet your father. Lee, you and Vonda need to keep cracking if we‘re to have this order done on time.”
Like he was on his way to the gallows, Hal slipped past us. We both gave him a reassuring squeeze as he went by.
Somehow, I got back to work, but I couldn’t help trying to peek though the leaves. What was going on?
Ray stretched his legs getting out his truck. His boy was sure working out in the middle of nowhere. Even so it wasn’t hard to find with all those signs pointing the way.
The place wasn’t large. It was a lot like the place he’d grown up in. Small family farm that was almost more like a very large garden. He could see tomatoes, string beans, peppers as well as patches of berries off in the distance.
A whole lot like what he’d shaken from his boots. Nope, this sure as hell wasn’t the life for him. Going into the National Guard during Korea, and getting a trade was the smartest thing he’d ever done. Working for the electric company paid well and even though the hours sucked sometimes, it let him move his family upscale next to that hippy doctor.
Hell, it was almost worth it for that alone because it was so much fun to pull that chain. On the other foot, he wondered if that girl had polluted his boy somehow. Growing up, Hal was big for his age even if he never cared much for all the sports gear Ray brought him.
The boy was always sitting down drawing or coloring something instead of doing something. That drove Ray crazy. It weren’t natural for a boy to act like that. However his wife nagged at him to leave the boy alone. Then that damn Career Day thing came up. All that talk about making sure your kids didn’t have any disease was all crap. It was just so they could turn’em into N*gg*rs and Ch**ks.
He’d damn well knew that his boy got changed into a N*gg*r bitch. Ray caught him in a dress playing with that hippy doctor’s girl some years before, but he was sure it was that Career Day crap that’d really poisoned his boy. After that, Hal just about quit growing. Slender, and too damn pretty; his boy wasn’t becoming the man Ray wanted.
Football was out and so was every other sport. How the hell could Ray brag to the fellas at work about his boy when he just sat on his ass all day long drawing pictures!
Ray jerked his head up. A woman was coming out of the house.
He could only stare. She definitely was the mother of that hot piece of jail bait he’d seen hanging around his hippy neighbor’s house. If the younger girl was the promise, this bitch was real deal.
Not too tall, but with nice firm tits and a tight ass that would stop traffic. Dark hair styled like that bitch off of Charlie’s Angels, she was wearing only a little makeup.
He guessed, she must be stuck up, since she gave him an icy look with her green eyes. “Can I help you?”
He licked his lips having some real good ideas of what she could help him with.
Then she looked past him. “Perhaps it’d be better for you to speak to my husband,” she said with special emphasis.
Turning, Ray’s mouth dropped open. This prime piece of ass was married to that old fart?
Walking from the barn and green fields were his boy and an old man. Disregarding Hal, Ray stared at the small coverall dressed man. The two were about the same height so say five feet six, and they shared the same slim build. That was where the similarities stopped.
The old guy was in his sixties, maybe older, but he still had a full head of hair. While his boy still had that soft baby fat look, the old man appeared as tough as boiled leather.
Ray’s first thought was this had to be a joke until he got closer.
In a soft tenor the old man said offering his hand, “I’m Ernest Younger.”
Grasping his hand, Ray was surprised to find a grip like a damn steel vice. “I’m Ray Shaw. Here to check up on my boy.”
Looking into those cold eyes reminded him of his grandfather. He’d been one scary sum’bitch. One summer day, much like this one, he’d told the old shit to go to hell that he wasn’t working one damn day more in those frakking fields.
Ray already reached his growth and towered over his grandfather. That didn’t stop that old man from beating him half to death. No matter how hard he hit him, the old man came right back up and hit him back even harder.
That was the first and last time Ray ever talked back to his grandfather. He worked the rest of that hot nasty summer, but joined the Guard as soon as he could. Ray swore the old man smiled as he signed the waiver so Ray could join up at 17.
Maybe it had something to do with how much this place reminded him of back then. Could be something else. Right now anger burned in that old man’s eyes. The hairs on the back of Ray’s neck stood up as something primeval woke. The rage staring out from under that brow wasn’t hot and molten, but a icily focused cold that made promises and never ever threats.
“Hal’s a good worker. He’s able to keep with my three who’s been doing this all their life. Did a good job with those new signs for us too.” The old man said, his voice flat.
How the hell did a voice so soft hold so much menace? Ray heard damn clearly what wasn’t said, “Now you can get the hell off my land.”
Old man Younger said to Hal, “Go to the barn and pick out a basket of tomatoes, beans and a couple peppers for your father to take home.”
Ray did his best not to show just how much he was intimidated. “So my boy is doing right by you? That’s good.”
The old man nodded, “Yep. So good he might be late tonight. We have a lot to do today. Everyone wants fresh tomatoes for the Fourth. Course, he’ll get a bonus. They all will. That‘s how you make and keep good workers. Reward them when they work hard.”
He looked up at the house, “Sorry about the wife not being more neighborly. She’d a tough life growing up. I don’t care for that. Anyone who’d hurt a child should be shot and buried out in the south 40. Don’t deserve a decent burial. Don’t you agree?”
Ray had a feeling they weren’t talking about that bitch now. He did know one thing for frakking sure. No way was he touching anything of this man.
“Yes sir,” Ray said cursing himself. Damn if he wasn’t rattled as hell by this sum’bitch.
By the time Hal got back with that basket, Ray was more than ready to get the hell out of there. “Keep’ em working as long as you need. Builds character. Hal you do right by me, you hear?”
Not waiting for an answer, Ray left. Glancing in the rear view mirror he could see the old man standing there watching him leave; unmoving, focused, still, cold. One wheel left the road as he nearly ran into the ditch. Punching the gas, Ray had to get away, far away. Fear drove him, but underneath it all was a spark of anger.
Vonda and I watched the pickup fishtail as it laid down rubber screeching around the curve. Just as curious, we had to stare at Hal who was doing everything, but skipping back to us.
She asked Hal, ”What happened?”
Even my hearing, couldn’t pick out the words, but I did know Daddy had let Mr. Shaw know his displeasure.
Smiling Hal hugged me. “Lee, your Dad can be really scary sometimes. I mean that in the very best way possible,” he said handing my hat back to me.
Putting those hair care commercials to shame, he shook out his blond mane from its bonds. I knew my Daddy too. He may not agree with a lot of what people do, but he had some real old fashioned ideas about things. Some of those were you treat women with respect and you don’t mistreat a child.
It was another of those curious contradictions about him. I think he and Mom had worked out which way Hal leaned. Maybe it was my metamorphosis that made them more sympathetic, but they never said a word about the moments when Teresa spontaneously shined though overshadowing Hal.
That brought to light another problem. Rather than Hal dressing as Teresa, it was fast becoming she was dressing as him. How in the world were we going to disguise her convincingly enough to pass as a boy for the next couple years?
Vonda asked what I already knew, “You’re not going to tell us are you?”
Teresa smiled shaking her head.
Recalling how fierce a defender my Dad could be I hugged her. “Just be careful the next few days, especially if your father starts drinking over the holiday.”
Soon all three of us were hugging despite the, dirt, sweat, and being more than a little smelly.
All three of giggled like crazy as Daddy cleared his throat giving us one of his stern glares. Time to get back to work.
Like it does in the summer, dusk came late. We were all tired, but we found out what Mom been up to. The moment the burgers and BBQ pork chops hit the grill, they had all of our attentions. We’d just enough time to get cleaned up a mite before Daddy started serving up plates.
Mom had even called up Ricky. He showed up damn near as dirty as the rest of us. Keeping the fiction of boy and girlfriend, I greeted him with a hug. There was still a little wistfulness between us, but I didn’t miss his dark eyes searching out Hal.
In the open, out of the fields, Teresa hid away again, Hal once more. However, I saw the sparkle in her eyes as Ricky and I walked to where everyone hungrily ate.
I helped him load up a plate full of potato salad and BBQ fresh off the grill. Taking mercy on them, I sat where they could be together. Really there weren’t that much talking, although we did gossip about Hal’s father. We were too busy eating.
Ricky didn’t have any more luck than we did with getting the details from Hal. “Oh come on! What happened?”
Teresa peeked out Hal’s eyes again, “I used to wonder why Lee’s parents married because her father is so much older. I know now. That’s all I have to say.”
They looked to me. Smiling, I grasped Hal’s hand. “I still want to know the details, but I understand what you’re talking about.”
Ricky and Vonda moaned some, but Daddy interrupted all of us. “This has been a very good year so far because of all of you. Here is a mid-season bonus,” he said handing out envelopes.
The three of us were going to protest. After all we would be getting a sizable payment once we delivered our next book.
Dad gave us one of his looks. “This is fair payment for the work you’ve done. The signs alone would’ve paid for any rent due. Those brought in a lot of business. Ya‘ll worked today, so enjoy your reward.”
Looking inside my envelope, there was a brand new hundred dollar bill. In my 2010 timeline, a hundred bucks wasn’t that big a deal because of 30 years of inflation. Here and now in 1977, a hundred dollars was big money, especially to a teenager. I had to smile because I knew the reason for the big bill. It was his way of encouraging us to save it instead of spending it immediately.
He wiped down a watermelon that’d been chilling in the fridge all day long. Splitting it, the cold slices really hit the spot.
Sighing in pleasure I sat with my friends wanting to remember this moment in time forever. The chilled watermelon was sweetly divine, while the cicadas, frogs, and other night life sang their summer night tribute. The southern night stars were shining overhead even as the twinkling lights from fireflies rose in the woods nearby.
Darryl somehow still had energy and played with our dog, Lady. Adam was listening to something on his radio using his earphones, but was probably country music.
Ricky winked, taking my hand. Mischievous, he led me to the barn followed by Hal and Vonda.
Dad’s soft voice carried over the nightly music of the wildlife. “Go ahead and lock up the barn for the night. Don’t take too long,” he warned knowing exactly what a bunch of teenagers had on their minds on a summer’s evening.
Ricky gave a double check making sure Adam hadn’t decided to spy on us, but smiled as he turned around taking Teresa in his arms. Somehow there was another of those spontaneous, Pows!, and there she was. Only half cleaned up, from a long hot day, Ricky looked as stunned as if a goddess had suddenly gifted him with her presence.
Vonda wrapped her arm around my waist and I leaned into her resting my head on her shoulder. We walked to the other side, to lock up there, but to also give our friends some privacy.
I sensed her growing frustration was making her more aggressive than normally. Hell, I felt it too. As happy as this summer of ‘77 was turning out to be it was also very annoying.
In the dim light, her eyes shined with passion. “This wasn’t what I had in mind for our first kiss,” she whispered.
Pulling myself up on a table filled with baskets of produce from our day’s work, I held out a hand to help her sit beside me.
Instead, smiling she pulled me groaning back to my feet.
Vonda arms wrapped around my waist as she led us in the first steps of the dance.
“Nor I,” I breathed, my own lips parting.
Slowly we twirled, lost in each other’s eyes.
Touching her face tenderly as she touched mine, our lips softly met. My heart thundered as my blood rushed though me.
We pulled back, uncertain of the other. Gazing into her very soul, there was only love within. Elation filled my heart as I wetted my lips.
Her face flashed so many emotions. Amazement, and joy were followed by fervor as we kissed again.
I’m certainly no expert on the subject despite my previous lifetime. This wave we rode was like nothing I’d ever imagined much less experienced. My lips felt hot and my mouth radiating heat like the sun. Suddenly my breath caught in my chest as the warmth exploded all though me.
Panting, Vonda and I leaned against each other to keep standing as we hugged.
I whispered, “I can’t believe what I think just happened.” My body gently shuddered from the fading pleasure. Maybe not a big kada boom, but most definitely a boom.”
She closed her eyes in bliss. “I think I orgasmed from us kissing.” A low hum of contentment escaped her. Holding each other, Vonda said, “I never knew that could happen.”
Enjoying the sensation, I replied, “Me neither, but I’m not complaining!” I snuggled closer. “All my dreams of this moment didn’t include being so dirty or stinky.”
Vonda nuzzled next to my ear. “Me neither, but I’m not complaining either.”
Knowing it was time for us to go, I sighed, “At least there’s no makeup to fix or mussed hair to hide.”
“I don’t want to go. Just want to curl up with you. I don’t want this to end,” she whispered back.
Reluctantly, I backed away. “As much as I want that too, I understand why it’s so easy to get in trouble now. I want you. Maybe it’s best to give ourselves a break right now.”
“Hey your Dad is looking this way,” Ricky warned in a not whisper.
Vonda sighed; her voice husky with desire, “Not that we’re going to be given the choice.”
Hugging each other we met up with our other two friends who were looking rather flushed too. Vonda went to Hal while I attended to Ricky.
Brushing his hair back with my hand, I giggled. “Have a good time?”
Still dazed he nodded. “How does she do that? She’s like Wonder Woman. One minute there’s Hal and then poof, she’s Teresa.”
“She’s a wonder that’s for sure.” I said giggling, however I disagreed. “I think it’s because she can’t hide anymore. Her Hal disguise is failing.”
I smiled at him trying to make light of my worries. “She’s doing what she loves do. Her art is fabulous. I can’t wait to see what she’ll do after some real instruction. But I think the biggest change is that she’s in love. Just as important, someone loves her.”
His face was a study. “Do you really think it’s love?” Ricky asked, full of teenage doubt and uncertainty.
Closing the door behind us, I answered, “We’re all still learning, but I think so. I know I’m feeling lust, but there’s a happiness just being together too, if you know what I mean. I might be wrong, but I think I see the same thing with you two.”
He reached for my hand. “I know I want to hold her tight and never let go.” Blushing, he said, “There’s the sex thing that I guess is what you’re calling lust. As much as I want her, she wants to wait until we, hmmm…, fit better as a pair.”
Ricky looked up at the stars. “I thought the male thing would bother me, but honestly it doesn’t. The thing is if waiting is what she wants then that makes me happy. Isn’t that crazy?”
Squeezing his hand tight, I whispered as we got close to where my family was cleaning up from our cookout. “No, that’s love.”
As we stepped into the light, Adam snickered at all four of us blushing red, while Mom and Dad exchanged smiles. Helping with the rest of the cleaning, a short time later my friends were leaving for home.
As much as I missed her already, I smiled going inside. There would be other nights and more kisses. Now was the time for a really long hot soak. I’d relearned why teenagers take such lengthy baths.
Sighing, I stretched out on my bed letting the window fan blow the cooler evening air over me. In more ways than one I was really overheated. Throughout the house, I could hear everyone else settling down for the evening too. It’d been a long hard day working out in the hot sun, but it’d been worth it. Despite losing sleep, it was plain those girls in the USSR had needed my help. That’s me, writer, country girl, and super heroine extraordinary.
Still it was a good thing tomorrow was going to be a day of rest, the Fourth of July.
A familiar set of tones sounded just for me, causing me to smile. Hap was still mildly pulling my chain with using the ‘Hailing’ theme from Star Trek. Making sure I wouldn’t be interrupted, I pulled out my pinecone.
“What’s up, Hap?” I asked silently.
“Hello Lee,” she replied, but then paused. “I’ve got another problem.”
“Oh no,“ I exclaimed, alarmed, “It’s not the girls is it!”
“Yes and no” She said, “The real problem is that I’ve done a bad thing by misleading you.”
“Okay, what did you do?” I demanded, this day had been far, far too long.
“When you told me you didn’t have a place for them there with you, I sent them there anyways. They’re in your barn.” Hap admitted.
“What!” I sat up almost forgetting to not to speak aloud.
“She actually sounded a little contrite, “I am sorry about this. The guards at Area 51 were far too active to risk their being found there. I feared they would shoot first and ask questions later.”
“While in transport one of my companions left a note explaining something of what was going on to Zorya. We thought it would be fine for them to stay hidden at your family’s farm for a few hours. However you were working all day and this is the first time you’ve been close enough to your kernel for us to communicate,” Hap explained, but remorsefully added, “I should have come clean with you this morning when we realized our previous plans weren’t going to work. Please accept my apologies. If you would armor up now, and go to them, we think it is safe to take them to their final destination. Your kernel is needed for us to lock in on to them and send them on to their home.”
I sighed. As much as I wanted to scream and rant at her, I couldn’t. This was just more proof she really didn’t get things sometimes. However, there were things that just can’t be allowed slide.
“Hap.” I took a deep calming breath. “It’s one thing to get me up in the middle of the night, to help save someone. It’s another to intentional mislead and lie to your friends. I don’t even mind too much, about being tossed into the deep end of the pool facing armed soldiers. Zorya and the girls had to be rescued. It would’ve been better if I’d some warning. Going cold into things like that makes something that is hard even more dangerous.
“If ever want me to do anything like that again, I have to be able to trust you. That means you have to trust me. It’s what real friendship is all about.” I made damn sure she knew how I felt.
“I am sorry, Lee.” She apologized. “There was short notice because the scientists unexpectedly moved up their schedule planning for something after lunch. Their superiors were demanding results and I feared what they might have done”
“As for leaving the girls at your parents’ farm, I made an error in judgment. Normally, you spend most of the morning in your studio working on your books. I believed you could’ve been contacted much earlier in the day after the situation had calmed at Area 51 allowing me to send them to their final destination.” She paused.
“There’s a researcher there who nearly understands something about my true nature. The knowledge is there, he just hasn’t made the leap to apply it to me. I’m confident he’ll protect them.” Hap broke down and explained.
“You know they’ve been inside that barn all day long?” I told her accusingly. “One of the hottest days of the year although, that does explain why I found a puddle about the barn’s water spigot and the baskets that I know was packed right, being a little light. Still, I bet they’re hungry and there we all were chowing down right in front of them.“ If Hap had been in front of me, I would’ve been glaring at her. This really offended my sense of Southern Hospitality.
“And I can’t armor up as you call it yet.” I continued still feeling pissed. “It’ll have to be at least another 10 or 15 minutes before I even dare try and sneak out. I know Daddy. He’ll be on high alert after what he thinks was a make-out session in the barn.”
Feeling the weight of my pinecone in my hand, I was of two minds of how to do this. If I transformed in here, I might wake my family. The last time was a little traumatic. On the other hand, I would gain the advantages of having the suit’s sensors to help me sneak out.
Daddy really might be expecting me to sneak out for a clandestine midnight rendezvous. Although I was doing so for a completely different reason, than he thought, I was going to have to tiptoe away tonight. Whatever the reason, the last thing I wanted was to let him down.
That meant risking changing inside, but if I could get away with it my sensors would let be sure everyone was asleep. Preparing myself I had my pinecone ready.
“Hap?” I took a deep breath. “I forgive you. That’s what friends do too. Let‘s fix this.”
Zorya held little Danica. “It’s okay. I don’t think anyone saw you. Nothing harmed.”
“They were dancing,” she said. “I wanted to see.”
She paused shyly, “They were kissing too.”
Zorya rocked her. “I know.”
Danica looked into her eyes. “So it’s okay for two girls to kiss? Shouldn’t one be a boy?”
The older woman sighed. Some things were hard to explain. “Before you were changed into a girl were there anything you liked about being a boy?”
The younger girl thought about it. “Sometimes. It was fun playing football and bandy, but I liked wearing pretty dresses of a girl too.”
Zorya smiled, “So although you’re a girl now you still like some things you did as a boy?”
Danica thought about it again, “I think so.”
The woman nodded, “See, you’ve got it. Normally girls like boys just like boys usually like boy things and girls like the stuff girls like. Sometimes we’re born different. Boys like you, me and Zvezda are sometimes part girl and that means we like some of the things girls like.”
“Like clothes?” Danica asked with a smile.
Nodding Zorya said, “That’s right, like clothes, but sometimes like who you like to kiss too. As you get older, you’ll know which one you like.”
Zvezda who’d been listening said, “So because we’re girls now, we don’t have to like boys?”
The older woman sighed again. “No you don’t, but remember why we’re here at all. We got all got caught doing something most don’t approve of. It’s the same for girls who like kissing girls or for boys kissing boys. You can get in trouble, but you can’t help who you are. I think that is as true here in America as back home.”
Zvezda said, “Things are different here. Look at these farmers. They have three cars! They’re rich.”
“I don’t think they are wealthy so much as they are very careful about keeping things.” Zorya countered. “All those cars are more than ten years old and Look how every tool is clean and neatly put away. Even the old clothes we found were meticulously packed.”
Danica sniffed a sleeve. “They smell too.”
Smoothing the younger girl’s hair, she said, “That’s because of the mothballs to keep the bugs away.”
Not to be outdone she replied, “They still smell!” Then she grudgingly admitted, “But they are better than those hospital dresses. Those were terrible.”
All three agreed about that!
Zvezda asked, “Which one do you think is the Sirin? I think the mother, but the girl my age does have a braid although not as long or silver.”
Danica shook her head, no. “Not a Sirin! She’s a Firebird. Didn’t you see her feet? Just like a bird’s!”
They both turned to Zorya to settle their argument. “I don’t know. We only know that she saved us. For that she has my thanks. I don’t know how I would’ve survived without you two!”
The three hugged each other bound by the strongest bonds of all, love.
A soft voice behind them spoke, “You’re welcome.”
Jumping they stared their savior gleaming in the moonlight. Even in bright colorless light, they could see the shinier silver of her hair and tail against the darker of the gold. Just like last night her long silver braid swished and twitched like a cat’s tail.
Their rescuer asked, “I’m sorry you’ve been here all day without food. The ones who sent me last night didn’t let me know you were here. They thought they would’ve been already able to move you to a safer place. Are you alright?”
Zorya was a little intimidated by her, but stood setting Danica on her feet. Stepping forward, she was surprised when what did this mysterious woman call herself?
Selene came forward too hugging her. Not cold like metal, but warm. Unlike the golden statue she appeared there was warmth, but a hardness underneath too. It was so appropriate.
Softly, Zorya whispered, “I’m better now.”
Selene replied, “I hope and pray that your path will be easier now. It’s time for you three to continue your journey.”
Danica and Zvezda came and joined their hug.
Looking at the shielded eyes of their rescuer, she promised, “I will repay you and the farmers here for the clothes and food we took.” Her pride demanded no less.
The Golden Woman disagreed. “There isn’t any payback. It was the right thing to do. If you want to give, pay it forward. Help someone else in need. Try not close your eyes when you see someone suffering.”
“As for the clothes, I don’t think anyone has looked in those trunks in years. If I’d known you were here, I would’ve gotten you more food than a few tomatoes and berries. Now are you ready?” Selene asked.
Zorya hugged her young friends to her nodding. “We won’t ever forget you.”
Then in a flash of light they were somewhere else.
Looking up at the stars as I fell asleep I asked Hap, “You didn’t have anything to do with Vonda and my unusual reactions kissing tonight did you?”
Her laughter made me smile. “Only in the granting of your desires. You wanted a healthy responsive body all those years ago, and that is what I gave. You both are very fit young women who were also as you put it frustrated. Additionally, you both had a full day’s labor that yielded the same results as a ‘runner’s high.’ That combination was a perfect storm of events. It might happen again and it might not.”
I apologized, “Sorry about that Hap. I guess I’m a little paranoid sometimes. What you did not telling me about the girls being here all day kinda set me on edge. Additionally, we never have worked out why I’m here or why my hearing is so much better.”
“And as I’ve said, I am sorry. Even CI’s makes mistakes. They’re just usually different from the ones you biological types make. As for how and why you’re here, we really have only two basic choices,” she said. “Either it’s happenstance or chance or someone caused it. I personally lean towards the planned agenda.”
“Why’s that Hap?” I asked. “I kinda want it to be simply a wild spin of the wheel. That way I don’t’ have to be worrying about whoever or whatever caused it is up to.”
I heard the humor in her voice. “Both of my reasons are connected. You arrived just as things were coming to a crisis with the Career Day Program. The incident with you and your mother hasten the changes needed to make it the positive force it was intended. Additionally, your involvement also brought to light to the medical community the physical causes and of how sexual and gender diverse your species truly are. That led to more research into the phenomena as well as laws protecting your minority.”
I had to cover my mouth to keep from giggling out loud. “You’re making me sound like a Wonder Woman. Next you’ll be saying I was sent back in time to save Sarah Connors from the Terminator!”
There was sadness in what she said next. “Perhaps that is exactly what you did, Lee. Think about this. You’re just now becoming mature as my builder’s technology is starting to spread worldwide. Consider Zorya and the girls as an example. In order to continue to encourage your species to learn and experiment, l have to allow enough leeway that also permits abuse. Too often it is dissenters and the disadvantaged like Zorya that is thrown upon that sacrificial altar.”
“A Tesla, Pasteur, or Hemingway butchered so some egotistical dictator can try to have his super soldier or extend his own life indefinitely. Last night you kept that from happening to those three. I am hoping that I can avoid having to call on you again. As I learn more about humanity, the better I can come up with other solutions.”
“I hope so too, Hap.” I said with feeling. "However if it does becomes necessary I will do my best to be available. Just remember I need to know before it becomes crisis so we can plan the best way to as you said come up with other solutions. Sure I got them and me out without anyone being too badly hurt, but with some planning maybe I could’ve prevented anyone at all from getting harmed. I’m ashamed of myself for losing my temper there at the end. After all I didn’t have any idea who really hurt Zorya. Maybe those guys were responsible, and maybe they weren’t. Planning might’ve been able to avoid that situation completely.”
“I understand, and I‘ll do my very best to give you as much time as I can. I’m a Constructed Intelligence many orders of technologies above what your people can build. Like I’ve already pointed out, that doesn’t mean I can’’t make mistakes. Before you stumbled close enough to the Direct Access command, I had no communications with your people. I had access to hundreds of thousands of their memories and experiences, but I couldn’t talk to any of them.
“Perhaps given the advanced rate of technology here, someone else would’ve been able to gain access sooner than the 10 to 15 years in your time to come up with the concepts necessary. However because you did, I learned enough to change my policies. It’s possible to kill with kindness and cause misery with the very best of intentions.
“That’s not including having your experiences from your previous timeline which aided me in refining my own models of your peoples behavior. You being here has not only helped me act more efficiently, it gave me other, and I hope, better options. So perhaps you did save your world from a machine running amok!”
I buried my head in my pillow to muffle my laugh. “That’s me! Come with me if you want to live! I still think you’re making too much of all of this. I do see your point about my presence making changes, but that’s expected. On the other hand I really haven’t done anything. Yes, I did save the girls, but I can’t see that making that much difference in the larger scheme of things. I’m sure the Soviets will get another scanner, but maybe this time they’ll use it more intelligently.”
Hap replied dryly, “Really? That must have been someone else who wrote a letter to the President with that story included. Or the other two books speaking of tolerance and understanding from a child’s point of view. No, Lee you were given a priceless second chance. You’ve done much to make the very best of it. I’m proud to call you my friend.”
Blushing, I said, “I’m happy to call you my friend too.” Snuggling under the sheets, I wished, “Good. Night Hap.”
“Good night Lee.”
To be continued.
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Career Day...
Thanks Grover! This story just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks Blossom!
I'm happy you're enjoying it, however all good things must come to an end. There is one more short piece left of this volume featuring Teresa and Vonda. Then it's the wait till I get Vol. 3 finished. I have about 23 pages of bits and parts, but that is a long ways from a finished story. My muse is whipping on about a Butterfly tale, and I've a request to complete my longest story on hold which is reasonable.
So I'll try and get back to this one when I can.
Thanks again for your kind words.
Good One, Grover...
Glad that we're back on more of an even keel. An interesting conversation at the end.
It'll be interesting to see where this goes from here.
(I wonder how this version of Ronald Reagan reacts when his son Ron quits Yale this summer to go into ballet...)
Thanks Eric
Lee is rather glad to be back on an even keel too! As for Ron junior, I really can't say. Yes, I had to look it up, but Reagan's reaction wasn't discussed. I could only read between the lines that Ronald and Nancy only attended one of their son's performances of which the reviews said he was very good. There was this remark where Reagan said, it was just like watching Fred Astaire. I can only guess that he didn't care for ballet. :)
Thanks for your comment!
Looked Up the Details...
...on Wikipedia myself.
I just knew that Ron was a ballet dancer and that after Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, the White House seemed to have nothing to do with him, which hadn't been the case with Johnson's or Nixon's young adult daughters, even though they were (or got) married.
I think I'm safe in saying that the assumption among the public back then (mine too, at the time) was that a male going into ballet was probably gay, and I wondered whether that was the deciding factor in their apparent estrangement. (It surprised me even now, reading on Wikipedia that Ron has a wife and kids -- not that I'd thought about him in years until this story. Never knew he ended up in political radio.)
That is the 64 thousand dollar question, why?
Why did Lee get this marvelous second chance?
Who or what brought her to his childhood but in the alt Earth with anti gravity and the alien tech?
Random chance or...?
And what will happen to our sets of young lovers?
Not all will be peaches and cream.
And what of the two guys from the previous chapter and the near fight in the theater parking lot?
The one who thinks of Lee as a freak but is beginning to see the folly of his racist dad's teachings?
Or of the former rich kid's gang member who realizes what losers they were and seems enamored with Lee. Or at a minimum wants to someday say he is sorry?
And will someone someday realize the Wildcard, Lee, is in communication with the alien devices? What will they do? What will the alien's do as I assume they know of the fate of their lost ship by now.
What does the future hold? Famous writer/advocate for tolerance/a politician? Maybe the first woman President of the United States?? Inventor of Parkor? Developer with Bruce Lee of a new form of female self defense? An astronaut, perhaps the first to meet an alien race? Hey she knows their lingo.
Lesbian wife? Mother? What what what?
So many possibilities.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. still hoping for a late growth spurt for Lee. Make her a bit more normal in height. Though being underestimated has advantages I think her being at least of average height would aid her adult life.
John in Wauwatosa
Why John why?
I really can't say why John. I don't know. My muse has yet to inform me. Need to know and all of that.
I was wondering when someone would ask what about the alien rescue mission since at least some part of the crashed ship was functional.
As for Lee's future, you have to remember that this story started as one of my dreams. Specifically, the scene in Volume One where she is in the Career Day Bus in that dark corridor with all of those images of the woman she could grow up to be.
"What does the future hold? Famous writer/advocate for tolerance/a politician? Maybe the first woman President of the United States?? Inventor of Parkor? Developer with Bruce Lee of a new form of female self defense? An astronaut, perhaps the first to meet an alien race? Hey she knows their lingo. Lesbian wife? Mother? What what what? So many possibilities."
Right there my friend you've capture the true nature of my story. :)
Thanks so much for your kind word and comments!
Hehe... that's great ;) No
Hehe... that's great ;) No idea yet... Well I'm sure your muse will send you an answer.
Great story so far, will there be more chapters of part 2, or is this the end?
I think it's fun how Lee is influenced by the stories of superwise AI's. I guess reading the Culture series might not have been a wise idea before dealing with Hap.
Thank you for writing this captivating story, I can't wait for the next one,
Yeah Beyogi
Reading too much SF and be bad if you take it for truth. Hap is very much so a constructed intelligence built by aliens. She does not think the way we do and makes mistakes dealing with us. Making assumptions are always a bad thing. :)
This is the end of Lee's story in Vol. 2. Her friends Teresa and Vonda still have a short tale remaining that I'll post next week.
Another Two-Paced Episode
Half with the kids doing their chores, but with a little bit of steel from Dad Young, and a bit of spice from our super-heroine Lee, and all with that neat Grover touch,
The things you remember Joanne
There is a lot of me in Lee and those include childhood memories. Of walking those rolls of strung up beans full of blossoms that literally hummed with the buzz of bees.
It's things like that helps form who we are that even 35 years later they are as clear as the day they happened. Real life character building. :)
This is about it for this Vol. with only a short bit left to wrap up Teresa and Vonda's end of the story.
Thanks for your comment and kind words.
Hal's father
is there any way Lee can give Hal some kind of panic button?
there is a timebomb sitting there.
has Lee fixed her dad's heart problem yet?
great chapter, thanks
Time Bombs LoneWolf
Funny you should say that. No, panic button, but she did prepare her friends as well as she could. Fear not, that will be addressed!
Thanks for your comment!
Making the most of a second chance
"Lee you were given a priceless second chance. You’ve done much to make the very best of it."
Indeed she is. Nice chapter.
Thanks Dorothy!
I would like to think that all of us would give it our best!