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When a reckless plan goes wrong Keri and Marc must learn to adapt, but they face far more than just filling each others shoes. Someone wants the Princess dead, and a specter from Keri's family tree emerges, determined to destroy the House of Lockeleigh.
Princess of Trimaria — Part Two
by Breanna Ramsey
Aliana was so distracted by Marc's arrival that she didn't see the orc approaching until it was almost upon them. The creature had been hiding outside the ring of stone monoliths and used the bulk of the knight's warhorse to conceal its approach. It wasn't until Marc had whirled Keri around that the creature revealed itself, charging forward with its sword held low. The handmaiden had precious little time to act, and no time to wonder why it ignored Marc, the easier target, and went straight for the Princess.
Ali didn't have Keri's phenomenal connection to the aether or her more extensive training in high magic, but she had learned a few defensive spells over the years. What she lacked in natural ability she made up for with fierce determination. In an instant she reached out, drawing upon the aether as she summoned a magical force barrier and thrust it towards the orc.
An invisible wall of magical energy slammed into the beast like a giant hand, hurling it back and to the ground — but it was just a split-second too late. The tip of the orc's blade pierced the side of Keri's body deeply - not the impaling blow the orc had intended but bad enough. Blood immediately darkened the Princess's tunic, spreading quickly down the right leg of her trousers.
But it was no longer Keri that inhabited that body - nor was it Marc yet. Two orbs of glowing blue light hovered between the Princess and the knight, the visible manifestation of their spirits as the transfer commenced. As they floated slowly between the two still figures for a brief instant they touched and flared brightly, then continued on their paths and settled into the opposite body.
Marc didn't even react to the wound the body he now inhabited had just received - he just stood there staring blankly ahead, dazed by the amount of magical energy the Princess's body had just channeled. In Marc's body, Keri seemed to be coming around, shaking her head as if to clear it, but she was still not all there. Ali had no time to spare for her friends — she knew she had to deal with the orc before it regained its senses.
For the first time in her young life, Aliana drew her weapons with the intent to take life. She charged at the stunned orc, shortsword in her right hand and dagger in her left. With a cry of fury she leapt on the creature, her knees driving into its abdomen as it struggled to rise. The impact knocked the creature back down and drove the air from its lungs. Then Ali brought her blades down, slashing them across the orc's throat like a giant pair of scissors. Blood sprayed high, and the orc drew a single, gurgling breath before its pale eyes glazed over in death.
There was no time to dwell on what she had just done, for Aliana could hear the sounds of more orcs. Three of the creatures appeared at the top of the path, and from the sounds reverberating up from below there were many more coming. They had to get to the horses, but while Marc's was only a few feet away, hers and Keri's were tethered outside the stone ring near the top of the path. Before they could hope to reach them, the three orcs would have to be dealt with.
Ali knew her capabilities as a fighter - she couldn't hope to match three orcs blow for blow. Her training had focused on speed, agility and surprise - she knew she was quicker and more nimble than the orcs and that they would not see her as a dangerous threat, all of which she could use to her advantage. Even that wouldn't be enough against three opponents however, unless she could slow them down. There was no way she could summon three force barriers, so instead she used an area affect spell. She uttered a short incantation and a glowing mist formed around the orcs, slowing their speed and reaction time.
Rather than wait for the slowed orcs to come to her, Aliana went to them. She ducked under the blade of one, launching herself into a roll and coming up behind the orc. As she came to her feet, she whirled and drove her shortsword up and under the short mail hauberk the creature wore. It still wasn't easy to penetrate the leathery hide of the beast, but her blade was keen and she threw all her weight into the thrust, driving the sword deep. As she had been taught, she twisted the blade and then drew it to the side as she yanked it free. The action severed the creature's spine, and it collapsed like a rag doll to the stone floor.
An orc at half speed was still a threat, and Aliana barely managed to parry the thrust of one as she dodged the other remaining orc. As she came around to face the pair, she could see Marc's body turn and look at her in confusion.
"Shards Keri, snap out of it!" she screamed. "Move your fragging ass and help me!"
The momentary distraction was all one of the orcs needed. It raised its sword high and then brought it down towards Ali's head. Even at half speed, the blade was a blur, and Ali was forced to use both her shortsword and dagger, raising them above her head and crossing the blades to catch the orc's sword.
Too late she realized she had made a critical mistake. The orc wore an unarticulated steel gauntlet on its left hand, the fingers formed into a fist with short spikes on each knuckle. With her weapons overhead, Ali's unarmored torso was completely exposed. The orc drove its left fist forward, and had it not been for Ali's nimbleness the blow would have landed and at the least incapacitated her. She managed to twist aside to her left, forcing the orc's sword arm over and down as she did so. The move left the orc's arms momentarily tangled and Ali whirled around behind it, using the momentum of her spin to aid her as she thrust both blades through its mail shirt and into its back.
Before she could pull her blades free the last orc was on her, its great axe arcing down from high above its head. Ali released her grip on her weapons and dove away as the axe head streaked through the space where she had been an instant before. The orc roared with frustration as the axe smashed into the stone floor, sending shards of granite flying in every direction.
Ali's dive became a roll that brought her back to her feet and she turned to face the orc. Though her primary weapons were still embedded in the body of the second orc she was by no means unarmed, but what she had left was of no use against the huge axe of the third creature unless she got very close. Even if she got past the axe blade without being cut in two, however, the beast would simply crush her with its bare hands. The orc knew it had the advantage, and it maneuvered to keep itself between Aliana and her weapons.
She had lost one crucial advantage — surprise. The last orc knew she was dangerous, and even worse her spell was wearing off. As the orc advanced it began swinging its axe faster and faster, weaving an intricate pattern in the air before it.
Aliana feinted to her right and then shifted direction, but the orc anticipated her move and was ready. Its double-bladed axe swung high again, the blade arcing over and descending towards the defenseless girl.
The blow never landed. An immense bulk blocked the light of the moon Kessil and Keri, in Marc's huge body, slammed into the orc and knocked it to the ground. Before the stunned creature had a chance to recover, she had Marc's longsword in hand, the blade slicing through the air with blinding speed. The enchanted blade pierced the orc’s armor and hide with ease, and the force of the blow was so great that it sank several inches into the stone floor of the circle as it pierced the creature's heart. She yanked the sword free with ease as she rose to her feet and then turned, covering the distance to Aliana in two long strides.
For an instant their eyes met, and Ali nearly wept as she saw the pain evident there. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. Everything had gone so horribly wrong.
At that moment, Marc came to his senses and cried out in pain and confusion. He looked about wildly for a second, and then his eyes settled on Keri - on his body.
"Oh no," he moaned. Then he looked down at the blood flowing from his side, pressed his hands to the wound and collapsed to the stone floor.
Aliana and Keri rushed to his side. The handmaiden pressed one hand over Marc's to put more pressure on the wound and the other on his forehead to soothe him.
"Shard's Keri, he's burning up!" she exclaimed.
The Princess found the orc's blade lying nearby, lifted it to her nose and sniffed, recoiling as a acrid aroma stung her nostrils.
"Envenomed," she said as she cast the blade aside. "If I can smell it with Marc's nose it must be very potent."
"Can you neutralize it?" Aliana asked as she tore a wide strip of fabric from the hem of her tunic and began folding it into a bandage.
"I don't know," Keri said. "I can barely feel the aether, Ali."
"Remember what we were taught," Ali said as she pushed Marc's hands aside and pressed the folded fabric to his wound. "The aether is physical and spiritual. It feels distant because your physical connection is weakened, but your spirit is still more in tune with it than anyone on Andarel - you just have to overcome Marc's weak physical affinity."
Keri nodded and closed her eyes, the words of a healing chant issuing from her lips. Nothing happened at first, but after several seconds Marc let out a low moan and his eyes fluttered open. He tried to rise, but both Keri and Ali pushed him back down.
"Don't move," Keri said. "I could barely stop the bleeding, and I could only slow the poison."
"What have you done?" Marc asked. His eyes darted rapidly from Keri to Ali then down at the body he dwelled in.
"It was an accident, Marc," Keri said. "I'm sorry, we never meant to…."
"We don't have time for this" Ali said as the sound of the approaching orcs grew louder. She looked up at Keri and asked, "Can you cloak us?"
Keri shook her head and said, "Not all three of us. With time, maybe, but there's no way I can do it now."
"Shards," Ali swore, knowing she could only cloak herself. "Then you have to hold them, Keri. I'll protect Marc from any that get by you."
"I'll try," Keri said. She looked down at Marc and added, "Don't move. That wound is deep, and I could barely stop the bleeding. Any exertion will open it up, and you've lost too much blood already." She gripped Marc's longsword and rose, walking towards the path from the valley below as she drew his short sword with her left hand.
"What are you doing?" Marc hissed at Ali. "She's not half the fighter you are!"
"You don't understand," Ali said, her voice catching. "If one of you dies, the spell is broken. Your spirits will return to their proper place. I have to defend her body … even if it means letting yours die. I'm sorry, Marc."
Their eyes locked for a moment, and then Marc nodded. Aliana reached out and touched his face gently.
"You know I love you, almost as much as I love her," Aliana said.
"I know," Marc told her. "Now do your duty."
Aliana nodded and rose to retrieve her weapons. She then moved back to where Marc lay and stood at the ready over his prostrate form, unknowingly imitating the very stance Marc had taken as an eighteen-year-old squire when he had defended a wounded King Toranon.
When six orcs charged into the circle of stones, Aliana was at once relieved and alarmed. The rocky terrain had apparently amplified the sounds of their approach, making it sound like more. But while Marc could have dispatched a half dozen with relative ease, Keri possessed nowhere near his skill in battle, and she was hampered by a body that was completely alien to her.
The Princess's Maid-of-Honor reached out for the aether once more, her power seriously reduced by her previous casting. She conjured a mass of sticky fibers, like the web of a giant spider, which stopped two of the orcs in their tracks. The effort exhausted her magical reserves, however, and she knew she wouldn't be able to cast for some time.
She watched with trepidation as Keri advanced to meet the four orcs not caught by the spell. Keri's training had been much the same as Aliana's, emphasizing speed and agility, but Marc's body was not suited to such tactics. It wasn't that the knight was ungraceful — Aliana had seen him fight both in practice and in tournaments and he moved with an astonishing agility for someone so big, but as a man his center of gravity was much higher. Keri overbalanced as she tried to dodge the blow of one orc and would have fallen over backwards had another not struck her across the small of the back with its war club.
Keri roared in pain and anger and whirled, lashing out with Marc's longsword. The orc's head separated from its shoulders and Keri continued the swing, making a full circle that drove the other three back. Before they could recover she thrust the blade of her shortsword into the chest of another and then backpedaled to put some distance between her and the rest.
Aliana's attention was distracted by the guttural cries of more orcs. Two had circled around and come in from the rear of the stone circle, and Ali turned to face their attack. This time there would be no magic to hinder them — Ali would have to rely on her skill with her weapons alone.
The orcs charged forward towards Aliana and rather than meet their attack head on, she dropped into a crouch, ducking beneath their slashing swords. She spun away on her left foot, her right flashing out to sweep the legs from under one of the orcs. Ali came around full circle as the beast hit the stones hard on its back and drove both her blades into its body, putting all her weight behind them to pierce the chain hauberk and tough hide beneath it.
The second orc turned and kicked, its foot catching Ali in the stomach and knocking her off of its slain comrade. Her weapons flew from her grasp as she tumbled across the stones, the breath knocked out of her by the force of the blow. With a guttural cry of glee the orc dropped down, straddling her with its filthy body and lifting its sword high above its head.
Though she could barely draw a breath Aliana's hand flashed to her breast and drew the bodice dagger sheathed beneath her tunic and bustier. She thrust up, plunging the thin, six-inch long blade under the orc's chin and into its brain, twisting violently before withdrawing the dagger. She rolled to her left as the orc collapsed, and then retrieved her sword and dagger before limping back to Marc.
"Well done, warrior," Marc said softly.
The Princess had dispatched the second pair of orcs but was down on her knees, obviously wounded. Aliana's web spell was wearing off, and as it collapsed the remaining two orcs charged towards the defenseless Keri.
They never reached her. The clatter of shod hooves on stone resounded through the circle, and Aliana's heart leapt as she saw Garith appear out of the darkness, charging up behind the orcs. His warhorse neighed shrilly as he reigned it in, the mount rearing up and pawing the air. The orcs were knocked aside by the flailing hooves, and before they could recover, Garith was out of the saddle, the hammer-head of his pollaxe crushing the skull of one before it knew what hit it. The second had barely time to struggle to its feet before the serjeant whirled and plunged the butt-spike of his weapon into its abdomen. He immediately yanked the weapon free and spun again, driving the pick opposite the hammer-head into its back. As the orc fell, he pulled his weapon free and rushed to Keri's side.
"Sure'n yer a fool, but a brave fool, lad," he said as he helped who he thought was his Knight-Captain to rise.
"Never mind me," Keri snapped. "Help Ali and Marc; they're hurt badly."
The serjeant gave her a confused look and asked, "Did'ja get hit in the head, lad?"
Keri gripped his shoulders and replied, "I'm Keri! If you love your Princess, don't ask questions and treat me like I'm Marc — just don't let me do anything stupid. We need healers and troops to secure the area!"
The sound of more horses reverberated through the standing stones, and Garith grinned.
"That'll be Stilnar with a full troop 'o guards and the healers," the serjeant said.
"The Fragment bless you, Garith," Keri said. "I promise I'll explain everything when we have time."
"I'll be lookin' forward to that tale," Garith said as he glanced at the stone monoliths around them. He waved the healer-mages forward before adding, "We best get you looked to as well."
The healers attended to Marc and Keri as the troop of Royal Guards established a perimeter around the stone circle. Aliana was torn — she wanted to go to Keri's side, but she knew that for the sake of appearance she had to remain with Marc. Like it or not, for the next month he was the Princess of Trimaria, and her duty was clear.
A half-hour later Marc was in a magically induced healing sleep. Keri's wounds were not serious enough to require such measures, but the healers cautioned her to avoid exertion that might stress the mended injuries. They had made a bed of blankets at the center of the stone circle and surrounded it with several large rocks from the plateau, upon which the healers had cast spells to cause them to radiate heat like a hearth stone. As Ali sat beside Marc, occasionally replacing the damp cloth on his forehead, she listened as the lead healer reported on the condition of 'the Princess' to Keri.
"Her Highness shouldn't be moved for at least eight hours," the man said. "The wound was deep and one of her kidneys was lacerated. We've mended the organ and there will be no lasting ill effects, but the wounds could reopen if she gets bounced about."
"What about the poison?" Keri asked.
"It was very fortunate the Princess managed to slow the advance," the healer said. His assumption was a natural one — neither Marc nor Aliana had abilities as healers. "We've neutralized the venom, but it did cause some widespread damage. We'll keep Her Highness in a restorative coma for a few days and she'll be fine."
"Thank you," Keri said. She turned to Garith, indecision plain on her face.
"Perhaps it would be best if we had the Royal Encampment moved here," Garrith offered. "This plateau is defensible. We'll be needin ta send a second courier ta Highkeep and one ta the Palace as well with news of the Princess's condition. "
"Please see to it, Garrith," Keri said.
The serjeant gave her an odd look and nodded, then turned and began barking orders. For a moment Aliana and the Princess were left alone by the still form of Marc. Aliana looked up at Keri and forced a smile of encouragement.
"What are we going to do, Ali?" Keri asked.
"What we have to," Ali replied, her gaze shifting to the sleeping Marc. "You're not alone, either of you."
The first courier sent by the Captain of the Royal Guard initiated a maelstrom of activity within the walls of Highkeep. The baronial capital's location at the western edge of the Malmorrow Mountains was strategically important — the keep was only thirty leagues from Riala's Wall and would be the first line of defense if an enemy were to breach the wall in force. As such it had a larger garrison than the other baronies, a full division of over forty-thousand infantry and cavalry.
The strategic importance of the barony had not been enough to prevent the Regent from stripping away more than half those troops, leaving Baron Iefan Trilarn with just one mixed battalion consisting of two companies of heavy cavalry and another two of infantry. Those troops had been hard pressed dealing with the numerous orc raids throughout the area, and the Baron had positioned numerous small units throughout the countryside to try and deal with the problem.
Despite this, the Baron didn't hesitate for an instant when he received the courier's message. He immediately called for the battalion commander and ordered a company of heavy cavalry and another of infantry to make ready for a hard march to Amurga.
"How soon can you be ready?" the Baron asked as he reread the message from Sir Marcan.
"Within the hour," Knight-Commander Cernan replied.
The baron sighed and looked at the clock on the mantle above the hearth. It had been over an hour since the courier arrived. Even at their best speed, the cavalry couldn't reach the Princess's encampment before midmorning, and they would be slowed by the infantry. He fought down the impatience, knowing from his own military experience that it took time to get almost a thousand men ready to march.
The doors to the hall burst open, and one of his guards entered with another courier from the Royal Guard in tow. The yeoman looked like he had ridden hard, and as he handed over a message tube, the baron turned to one of his household staff.
"Get this man some food and drink," he ordered.
Baron Iefan opened the tube and unrolled the paper within. His brown hands began to tremble as he read the message.
"The Princess has been injured," he told Cernan. "The healers feel it will be unsafe to move her for several hours. Knight-Captain Marcan intends to defend the plateau until Her Highness can be moved to the transport spire."
"That could work to our advantage, Excellency," Cernan said. "The plateau is easily defensible. The only approach to the top is the path, and the Royal Guard could hold that against ten times their number for hours. If we sent the cavalry ahead of the infantry…."
The Baron shook his head. "I want to get support to the Princess as much as you do my friend, but it's far to dangerous to leave the infantry without cavalry support. If there are more orcs out there they could march right into an ambush without your men to scout ahead and guard their flanks."
"You're right of course, Iefan," the knight said. "I just wish there was someway we could get aid to them sooner. It'll be mid-afternoon before we can get there with the infantry."
"The Rangers are ready to ride right now," a voice said from the doorway.
The Baron looked up at the speaker, a tall young woman with light brown skin and striking blue hair. She was clad in form-fitting black leather armor that was deliberately distressed to prevent it from shining in the dark. A longsword and dagger rode on her hips, and across her back was slung a recurved bow and quiver of arrows.
"If we leave now, we can reach the plateau shortly after sunup," she said as she strode into the room.
"You're not going," the Baron told his daughter, Elyssa. "What good do you think your girls can do?" The young woman bristled noticeably at his use of the word girls.
Knight-Commander Cernan hesitated before saying, "Excellency, the Rangers can travel much faster than we can. If the orcs are still in the area near Amurga, they could prove invaluable as scouts for the Royal Guard. Their bows would greatly supplement the archers Sir Marcan has at his disposal as well."
Elyssa gave the knight a grateful smile, but the Baron merely shook his head.
"No, I forbid it," he said.
"Why?" Elyssa demanded. "Because you don't think we can be of use or because Enara is there?"
The Baron's face clouded with anger. He looked around the room and at his unspoken command everyone left so he could speak to his daughter in private.
"This has nothing to do with Lady Enara," he said once they were alone.
"It has everything to do with her," Elyssa insisted. "You sent her away to keep us apart."
"I had nothing to do with that!" her father said. "Lord Burrin received an appointment as a deputy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer."
"Do you think I'm a fool, Father?" Elyssa said. "Nara's father is more than competent, but he doesn't have the connections to get such a post — but you do. I'm going to Amurga, with or without your permission."
"If you do that I'll … I'll…."
"Disown me like Nara's parents did?"
The Baron's face turned ashen, and he sat down heavily in the chair behind his huge desk. He looked at his daughter, the pain in his eyes plain.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" he said at last.
Elyssa walked around behind the desk and knelt before her father, taking his large hands in hers. Her hands seemed tiny and delicate in his, and her cinnamon complexion even lighter next to his deep brown skin.
"I'm my father's daughter," she said. "What would you expect?"
Baron Iefan smiled and said, "Your mother's as well — I could never win an argument with her either. Even if I don't approve of some of the things you do, you're my daughter. Nothing will ever change that. I love you, Lyssa."
"I love you too, Father," Elyssa said. "And like it or not, I love Enara."
Baron Iefan frowned and shook his head. "Well, since I obviously can't control you, and you're far too big to turn over me knee, I suppose I'll have to support you. Take your Rangers and ride for Amurga. Give the Royal Guard whatever assistance you can."
"Yes, my Lord Baron," Elyssa said as she rose. She leaned over and kissed her father on the cheek and then turned and strode quickly from the hall.
"That child will make a formidable baroness one day," Iefan said with a wry grin. "Of course, she'll drive me insane before that happens."
The grin faded as he took time to reflect on the night's events. The attack on the Royal Progress was alarming. Until now, the orcs had been a nuisance — a serious nuisance to be sure, but they had never been reported in numbers greater than a dozen or so. As much as he hated to admit it, his daughter's Rangers had been extremely effective in curtailing the raiders, and he knew there was no way they would have missed the signs of a large group in the area. That could mean the Merdians were escalating their efforts to destabilize the kingdom.
Baron Iefan sighed. When the raids had begun, he had argued that troops should be taken from the frontier to deal with the problem. The Regent and the majority of the Council of Barons had disagreed, insisting the best course of action was to press forward and advance further into Camron.
A nagging suspicion tugged at the Baron's thoughts, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake it off. More and more he found himself on the outside of discussions among his fellow barons when they met. Conversations would cease when he drew near — men and women he had once counted as friends treated him almost like a stranger. It could be nothing, but could he take that chance?
He rose from his seat and strode across the hall to the doors. He threw them open wide and called over the first person he saw, a young page who was hurrying towards the kitchen.
"Larin, run as fast as you can to the stables and catch Lady Elyssa," he ordered. "Tell her I have an urgent message for her to convey to the Captain of the Royal Guard."
"We've established a strong perimeter around the top of the plateau," Sir Alwin, commander of one of the guard troops reported. "The path is well defended and so narrow and winding that the orcs would be fools to try and attack. If the Princess had accepted your recommendation that we use this as our camp in the first place, we could have avoided this whole mess."
Keri bit back an acerbic response and simply nodded. It was true Marc had wanted to use the plateau, but she had complained it was too far from the village. Of course the real reason she had been against it was because it would have been impossible for her to carry out her plan with the Royal Encampment in the middle of the Star Stones.
~ And that worked out so brilliantly, ~ she thought with a mental sigh.
"Thank you, Sir Alwin," she said after a moment. The knight saluted after giving her an odd look and then headed off to assume his position.
~ Why does everyone keep looking at me like that? ~
Keri was treading a fine line between calm and panic. There had barely been a moment to gather her wits before everyone seemed to be looking to her for direction — only it wasn't really her they were looking to, it was who she appeared to be. She had been quite prepared to take on Aliana's place — she had no illusions that filling her Maid of Honor's shoes would be easy, but she was intimately familiar with her friend and her duties. The same, of course, applied to Aliana, who knew as much about being Princess as Keri did. It would have been different being in Ali's body, but not terribly so — she was a girl after all.
Instead, she was now stuck in a body that felt totally wrong. It moved wrong - even standing still she could feel it. She was used to being tall, as a girl she was as tall as most men, but Marc's body was positively huge! His biceps were nearly as big around as her waist, and while she had often drawn great comfort and security as she clung to them, feeling them from the inside as it were was very disconcerting.
As for their roles, she wasn't completely unprepared to fill Marc's boots, so to speak. As part of her preparation to one day rule the kingdom she had been schooled in military science since she was ten, and she had actually excelled in the subject matter. Her father had been quite proud at the praise her instructors had given her for her innovative deployments and maneuvers. She knew how to effectively utilize an elite unit such as the Royal Guard to maximize its effectiveness on the field of battle - but none of that helped in the least now. It was one thing to know how to place men in a theoretical war-game, and quite another to actually give orders that might place them in harm's way. She wished with all her heart that Aliana was by her side but that was impossible - Ali had to attend to Marc as though he really was the Princess.
"The last o’ the wagons have arrived," Garith reported, startling her from her introspection as he walked up to stand beside her. Stilnar was with him, and while the squire remained silent, the hard stare he gave Keri was unnerving.
"The Royal Pavilion's set up, and the Princess is sleeping comfortably," Garith added. "I've stood half the men down ta rest."
Keri nodded in acknowledgement. She was relying heavily on the serjeant's experience, and she gave him a look of gratitude.
"All right," she sighed, "thank you, Garith."
Stilnar's eyes flashed angrily, and he glanced around to make sure no one was near before snapping, "Stop that!"
Keri looked at him in alarm and confusion. He would have never spoken with such a tone to Marc, which could only mean he had figured out her secret — she just didn't understand what had set him off so.
"If you're going to fool anyone, you have to stop being so … nice," the squire explained.
"He's right," Garith said with a chuckle. "Ya got ta stop sayin' please and thank you so much. You're the Captain of the Royal Guard — ya give orders - ya don't make polite requests."
"That's just the way I'm used to doing things," Keri replied.
"That's because when the Princess makes a polite request, it's the same thing as an order," Garith said. "You're not the Princess at the moment — ya have ta act like the Captain, or the men will get suspicious. Ya have ta command."
"Very well then," Keri said, drawing herself up to her full, and now quite impressive, height as she started moving towards the Royal Pavilion. "I want to check on Her Highness."
She had taken only two steps from the smooth floor of the stone circle when she stubbed her toe on a small rock. She stumbled forward for an instant, trying to regain her balance, but the sheer bulk of Marc's body and her unfamiliarity with its higher center of gravity defeated her. Fortunately, she managed to avoid falling flat on her face, and instead hit the rocky ground on her left shoulder. The impact reopened several wounds that had been sealed by the healers with an adhesive paste and she let out a grunt of pain.
Garith was barely able to conceal a grin, but Stilnar didn't look amused at all. The squire extended a hand and helped her to her feet. Fortunately, no one was nearby other than Stilnar and Garith.
"Do you think you can manage to walk the rest of the way, or should I call for a litter?" Stilnar asked, the bitterness in his voice plain.
"All right, squire," Keri said, placing an emphasis on the title to remind Stilnar of his place. "Obviously you're angry with me, and I can't blame you for that. Say what's on your mind."
"What's on my mind is you walking around in a body that doesn't belong to you," Stilnar said. "You've pulled some foolish stunts in the past, but I never thought you would stoop to abuse your power like this."
Keri stared at him in shock, unable to speak for an instant. When she finally found her voice, she had to consciously remind herself to keep it under control.
"You can't think I did this on purpose?"
"I seriously doubt Marc gave you his body willingly," Stilnar said.
"It was an accident," Keri explained. "Marc interrupted the transfer, got in the way. I was supposed to swap with Ali."
"Oh that makes it all right then," Stilnar said acerbically. "After all, Ali's just a servant — her body belongs to you anyway — isn't that right?"
Her hand was moving before she even realized it. Fortunately for Stilnar she had already removed her mail gauntlets and she thought like a female rather than a male. Instead of punching she slapped, but the slap she delivered was still powerful enough to stagger the squire. Garith immediately stepped between them, but the move was unnecessary. Both Keri and Stilnar were too shocked by what had just happened to carry it any further.
"You go check the perimeter and cool off," Garith told Stilnar. The squire nodded and turned away.
"Stil wait…." Keri said, but Garith put out a hand to stop her.
"Let him go," Garith said, taking Keri's arm and urging her towards the Royal Pavilion. "We need ta get a healer ta check your wounds after that fall."
"I can't believe I did that," Keri said. "I've never hit anyone in my life. He just … he just…."
"He made ya mad," Garith offered. "He insulted ya, and ya did what a lot of men woulda done."
"Marc wouldn't," Keri said.
"No, the Captain woulda loosened a few of his teeth for smarting off ta you like that," Garith chuckled.
"If I was me Stil wouldn't have had any reason to say that."
"It don't matter if he had reason or not," Garith told her. "And it don't matter what body yer in, yer the Princess."
"I suppose you're mad at me too," Keri said.
"Mad, no," the serjeant told her. "I am disappointed ya didn't trust us enough ta let us in on yer little scheme."
Keri stopped and turned to stare down at the serjeant. She had gotten used to being taller than him in her own body, but in Marc's she literally towered over the stocky warrior.
"Like any of you would have let me and Ali switch places," she said. "Marc would have thrown a fit."
Garith sighed and shook his head. "Ya just don't get it. We serve you, Highness. When has the Captain ever truly stopped ya from doin something ya wanted to? As long as ya didn't ask us ta let ya do something that was truly dangerous, we've always been there ta protect ya, even if we thought you were bein' … reckless."
"You can't expect me to believe he would have…."
Garith cut her off and said, "Before the Captain was appointed to yer guard, he was yer father's squire and I was a serjeant in Toranon's guard. This isn't the first time we've been ta these stones."
"You knew about the amulet," Keri said, her eyes growing wide.
"Until tonight I didn't know exactly what it did," Garith admitted. "I knew yer parents said it brought them closer together, and I guess now I understand how it did that. We thought it had been lost with them."
"I am such an idiot," Keri moaned as they resumed their march to the pavilion.
"Don't fret over that. We're all idiots at some time in our lives," Garith laughed. "If we didn't make mistakes we'd never learn anything at all."
As they neared the Royal Pavilion, they were intercepted by a yeoman of the Royal Guard. He snapped to attention and saluted before delivering his report.
"Riders approaching from the southeast, at least company strength!"
Keri turned to Garith and the serjeant's voice carried across the entire plateau as he bellowed, "Stand to! Nothin' gets ta the top as long as one of us stands!"
As they started towards the top of the path at the southeastern edge of the plateau, Keri felt the panic beginning to rise within her. If the force approaching was hostile the survival of everyone in the encampment would depend on her orders. An instant of hesitation could cost men their lives, and she knew she wasn't ready to bear such a burden.
~ Just calm down - you can do this. Our position is strong even without walls. Even if they could scale the cliffs, they can't do it quickly or in numbers. The only way up is the path and it's barely wide enough for a half-dozen men. We can hold it for hours, perhaps days. ~
Fortunately no immediate orders were necessary. The men of the Royal Guard already knew what to do. The archers were positioned at the center of the plateau, where they could quickly move to wherever they were needed. One troop of guardsmen maintained a loose perimeter around the edge of the flat, rocky height. They were thinly spaced, but they would be able to warn of any attempt to scale the cliffs. The remainder of the Royal Guard formed troop sized phalanxes, five men per rank and ten ranks deep. They moved to a position midway down the path and waited, the shields of the front rank and the men along the outside edge of the path overlapping to form a barrier against missile fire.
Keri and Garith walked to the southwestern edge of the plateau and gazed into the distance. The sun was just beginning to climb above the rocky heights behind them, and Keri knew that was to their advantage as well. With the sun at their backs, they could see the approaching riders far more easily than they could be seen. Still she had to struggle to make out the distant cloud of dust. If she had been in her proper body, she would have been able at least to tell whether they were orcs or not, but Marc's body didn't have the benefit of her elven eyesight. Garith motioned to one of the lookouts stationed at the top of the path and the yeoman passed his field glasses to Keri.
Keri started to thank the yeoman but caught herself and nodded curtly instead. She raised the heavy glasses to her eyes and focused on the approaching riders.
"They're not orcs," she said after a moment's study. "I can't make out their banner yet, but they're coming from the direction of the transport spire."
"Could be the cavalry from Highkeep," Garith said. "They made good time if it is."
Keri shook her head, her eyes still fixed to the field glasses.
"They look like light-horse," she said. She could now see the banner more clearly, and recognized the arms of Highkeep on the billowing material. "It must be the Rangers."
"Aye, that would make sense," Garith said. "They could'a traveled faster than the heavy horse. The Baron must'a sent them on ahead."
The column of riders came to a halt, well beyond arrow range, and two separated from the formation and approached the plateau at a trot. Garith turned and called for their horses, and once they were mounted he and Keri rode down to meet them.
As they drew near, it became apparent the two riders were female, which was not a surprise as the Rangers were all women. So far it was an arrangement unique to Highkeep, but Keri wondered how long that would be true.
She had seen it all too many times, especially on the northern leg of the Royal Progress, too many shires and farmsteads populated predominantly by old men, women and children. If the war continued, it would bleed the kingdom dry, and she was more determined than ever to bring an end to it.
The four riders reigned their mounts in as they met, and Keri recognized the daughter of the Baron of Highkeep from the likeness Enara had shown her, as well as her striking blue hair that danced in the light morning breeze.
"My duty to you, Knight-Captain Marcan," Lady Elyssa said. "I bear greetings from my father, Baron Trilarn. The Rangers stand ready to defend the Princess."
Keri was taken aback at hearing herself addressed by Marc's name and title. She hadn't had a moment to herself since the transference ritual had gone so wrong, and the whole situation threatened to overwhelm her. If she had been in her own body she was certain she would be crying hysterically, but apparently along with Marc's body she had inherited his tight emotional control - mostly at least. The incident with Stilnar was still shockingly fresh in her mind.
She realized the young noblewoman was waiting for instructions, and she mentally shook herself from the confusion. Technically the Rangers were light cavalry like the Royal Guard, but they were even more lightly armed and armored, and their mounts were small and fast as opposed to the heavier war horses of the Guard.
"Your assistance is welcome and appreciated, Lady Elyssa" she said. "The Royal Guard has the plateau secured, but we don't have sufficient numbers to maintain that and patrol the area. If you could have your Rangers scout the countryside it would be of great service."
Elyssa turned to the woman with her and said, "Gemma, send half the company in squad sized units. Have them stay within a half-league of the Star Stones and make it clear they are not to engage any enemy they encounter. I'll take the rest and get our encampment set up."
"Yes, My Lady," Gemma replied with a nod before turning her mount and galloping back to the formation.
"We'd best have the men stand down," Keri said to Garith. The serjeant nodded and turned in his saddle, raising his hand to signal the lookouts atop the plateau. Lady Elyssa also turned, signaling half of the Rangers forward.
Keri and Garith wheeled their mounts and the three started back towards the plateau with the Rangers following several lengths behind. Keri instructed Garith to see to the quartering of the Highkeep forces once they reached the plateau, and then inquired about the disposition of the additional support troops.
"They should be here by mid-afternoon," Lady Elyssa told them.
"Good," Keri said. "The Princess will be well enough to move by then. You know this country, Lady Elyssa, do you think there are more orcs out there, besides the gunners that fled?"
The noblewoman pondered the question a moment before saying, "My instincts tell me yes, but if there are, why didn't they participate in the attack? We passed the scene on the way here from the spire - it was madness for them to attack your position with so few."
Keri nodded in agreement, momentarily lost in thought. One of the more confusing aspects of the transference was having access to Marc's memories as well as her own. She didn't instantly know everything about him - the memories required some catalyst to bring them to the surface. Lady Elyssa'a words had reminded her of Marc's conversation with Garith after the battle, and even though she knew the memory was Marc's she recalled it as though she had been there.
"The Blood Oath," she muttered.
"The Oath would drive the orcs to great lengths to kill the Princess," Elyssa agreed, "but not to the point of suicide in a hopeless attack."
"Unless the attack was just a diversion," Keri said. "The orc that attacked Her Highness used an envenomed blade, an assassin's weapon. Maybe the attack was meant to keep the Guard occupied while the assassin pursued the Princess."
"How would the beasts ha' known she'd go to the Star Stones?" Garith wondered.
"The same way they're able to use the spires," Keri said, "treason."
"My father fears that too," Elyssa said. "He has suspected for some time that the spires have been compromised. He communicated his concerns to the Regent several times, but never received any response. When he tried to bring the matter before the Council of Barons, it was blocked. Who knew of the Princess's trip to the Stones?"
"No one, not even us," Keri said, casting a glance at Garith before continuing. "She snuck off with her Maid-of-Honor before the attack."
Elyssa grinned slightly, and Keri was certain she knew why. She wondered how often the young noblewoman had snuck away to spend time with Enara. That thought brought to mind Marc's encounter immediately after the battle with her Lady-in-Waiting.
"Shards, Enara!" she blurted.
"What about Nara?" Lady Elyssa asked. "Is she hurt?"
Keri shook her head and said, "No. I … I had her placed under guard when I learned the Princess was missing." She turned to Garith, her eyes pleading for assistance.
"She's in her chamber in the Royal Pavilion," the serjeant said. "In all the confusion I forgot ta rescind the order."
Keri gave the stocky warrior a smile of thanks for assuming the blame. She was unsettled by the memories of Marc's exchange with her friend, but she understood why he had done what he did.
"Why was she detained at all?" Lady Elyssa demanded, her eyes flashing angrily. "What makes you think you have the authority to arrest a noble without orders from a superior?"
"Because I am the Captain of the Royal Guard!" Keri snapped back, matching the noblewoman's tone. She didn't approve of Marc's actions, but she wasn't going to allow someone else to question them either. "My only superior is the Princess, and she was missing in the midst of a chaotic situation. Lady Enara was covering for her absence and I had to consider her actions suspect."
"You're right," Elyssa said after a moment's pause. She obviously wasn't used to being addressed in such a tone, at least not by a knight. "Please forgive me for my outburst."
"It's been a long night, My Lady," Keri said, her voice as soft as she could manage. "We're all on edge." She turned to Garith and added, "I want you to check the corpse of that orc assassin. Bring me everything it was carrying."
"Aye, Captain," Garith said with a nod.
"My father gave me a message for you, Sir Marcan," Elyssa said as they neared the plateau. "He urges you to proceed to Highkeep as soon as possible, and pledges all the forces at our disposal to the safety of Her Highness. As of this morning, Highkeep will no longer acquiesce to the orders of the Regent. He has sent orders via orb to Wallkeep recalling our troops as well. They're currently being held in reserve so the forces at the frontier won't be weakened."
Keri was both shocked and pleased by the message. By law the armies of Trimaris were under the control of her aunt and the Council of Barons until she took the throne. An attack of such size within the territory under his protection did give the Baron grounds for the recall, but he was treading a fine line.
"The support of Highkeep is welcome and greatly appreciated," she told Elyssa. "I can assure you the Princess will support your father. She has already informed the Regent that she intends to assume the throne shortly after she returns to Lockeshire."
"It will probably take four or five days for the troops to get back," Elyssa said. "They're encamped about a hundred miles west of the Wall. There's also a possibility Baroness Gisella of Wallkeep may refuse to give them passage through the Great Gate."
"I'm sure the Princess will send a request asking the baroness to give them passage," Keri said. "Unfortunately she can't make it an order as the armies are technically under the control of the Regent. Does your father harbor some suspicions regarding Baroness Gisella's loyalties?"
"He does," Elyssa said with a nod. "I doubt she would refuse a Royal request, however."
"Maybe we should suggest that Her Highness cancel her plans ta go ta the festival in that case," Garith said, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Keri. "We could hole up in Highkeep and send out word that the Princess was calling for aid."
Keri didn't speak. She knew that Marc would likely agree with the serjeant if he were in her place, where he rightfully should be. That was her first instinct too, but something didn't feel right about it. Such a move was tantamount to calling out her aunt and the Council — if they were attempting to subvert the throne it could force their hand and all too easily lead to civil war.
"Whether we continue or not will be up to the Princess," she said finally. It felt strange, but it was what Marc would have said in her place.
Her mind was cluttered with a dizzying array of matters that had to be attended to. The men needed to be rotated for rest while still maintaining the perimeter. They also needed to be fed, and with the camp kitchen still on the wagons that meant a cold meal. She needed to prepare an order of march to the spires that would incorporate the forces from Highkeep, and a dozen other administrative matters. She knew Garith and others would handle most of the details, but it was her responsibility to make certain everything was done.
She had never really understood all that Marc did before. There were so many details that he had to deal with on a daily basis, and she was only beginning realize how maddening they could be. And it was all to make sure a capricious, often petulant and woefully unappreciative Princess was kept safe and happy. Her aunt was right; she was spoiled and ill-prepared to take the throne.
~ But that ends right now. ~ she swore to herself.
"I want answers!" the Regent demanded. Her eyes locked onto each of her military advisors in accusation. "How could the raiders amass a force large enough to attack the Princess's encampment?"
Earl-Marshal Orris Stanwyth cleared his throat noisily before speaking. As the senior knight in command of the armies of Trimaria his proper place was at the front, but he was far too rotund to climb into the saddle anymore.
"Your Grace, the numbers of the attacking force are less than half the strength we've estimated for the raiders within the kingdom," Marshal Stanwyth said.
"Supposedly in small bands scattered over a two-hundred-thousand square miles!" the Regent countered. "How could they have assembled in force to attack the Princess?"
"Obviously they found out that the Princess would be in Amurga," Duke Terlen said. All eyes in the room turned to him as he continued. "Every effort was made to maintain security, but it was a hopeless task. There were simply too many arrangements that had to be made. All it would take is one Merdian spy with sharp ears and eyes to gather the information and pass it along to the orc raiders. There was ample time for the raiders to converge near Amurga while the Princess toured the southern and central portions of the kingdom."
"Those fortifications Demoss insisted on would certainly have raised suspicions," Knight-Commander Jarris said, and let the orcs know right where to attack."
"Without those fortifications, the Royal Guard would undoubtedly have been overrun," Duke Terlen replied, staring the knight down. "Sir Marcan was quite right to insist upon them."
"There is a bright side to this, Your Grace," Marshal Stanwyth said. "The strength of the raider force has been seriously reduced. With the increased patrols of our coastal waters by the Navy, it will be much harder for the Merdians to infiltrate more orcs. Once we have seized their port on the Istan Peninsula in Camron, the threat will be over."
"It's going to be difficult to launch our offensive now that Baron Iefan has recalled the Highkeep forces," the Regent said. "I'll have him stripped of his title for defying me."
"That would require the consent of the Council of Barons," Duke Terlen told her. "Only the Crown has the authority to strip a baronial title without the council, and even a sovereign requires just cause to do so. The attack has given the Baron sufficient justification for his recall."
"One division more or less will make no difference in our offensive," Marshal Stanwyth assured the Regent. "Marshal Teagan's plan is audacious but sound. Our amphibious assault will take the Merdians completely by surprise. With their supply lines cut, the Merdian forces at the frontier will collapse quickly."
"The attack on the Princess is terrible," Duke Terlen said, "but it does serve to reinforce the need to put an end to these raiders. No one can deny the importance of seizing the Merdian ports now."
"They can but it will do them no good," the Regent said. "All right, we will proceed as planned."
The Regent spoke no words of dismissal but it was clear that the meeting was over. Her military advisors rose and left the room, leaving her with Duke Terlen and Knight-Commander Jaris. For several minutes they discussed the details of her upcoming journey to Wallkeep for the Harvest Festival. Duchess Rayna was uncharacteristically subdued, merely nodding as the commander of her guard went over the final security measures for her trip.
"Thank you, Jaris, I feel confident you have everything well in hand," she said finally, then turned to her consort. "Would you give me a moment with Commander Jaris?"
"Of course, my dear," Duke Terlen said. He kissed her gently on the cheek and said, "Keri is alive and will recover fully. Everything will be all right."
Duchess Rayna smiled and squeezed his hand. He returned the smile with warm affection and then turned and left the Council Chamber. The Regent watched him go with a slight smile on her face as she absentmindedly toyed with the ring he had placed on her finger when they were betrothed.
Once he was gone the Regent turned to Jaris, the smile disappearing as she said, "I want you to send word to Knight-Captain Marcan. As soon as the Princess is fit to travel, they are to return to the Palace."
"Your Grace, Demoss will not obey the order unless the Princess agrees," Jaris said.
The Regent took a parchment from the table and handed it to Jaris.
"This is a declaration of imminent risk to the life of the Royal Heir," she told him. "Have it transmitted to Highkeep along with the recall order. I am invoking my right as Regent to order the Princess to return for her own safety and in the best interest of the Kingdom. If Knight-Captain Marcan doesn't return her to the Palace, he will be held accountable should any harm befall her."
"Are you certain, Your Grace?"
"Of course I'm certain," the Duchess snapped.
"Forgive me, Your Grace, but the Princess's message … she intends to take the throne in three months time. Even if all goes well, the war will be far from decided by then."
"No one outside the War Council is aware of that, and I intend to keep it that way," the Regent told him. "I'll keep Keri locked in her chambers if necessary until her twenty-first birthday."
"As you wish, Your Grace," Jaris said. "I'll send the order immediately."
The Regent nodded and Jaris turned and left the room. Instead of proceeding to issue the order, however, he made his way to Duke Terlen's private office. The door swung open before he could even knock, and he entered. Duke Terlen sat in a high backed chair, staring into a glowing crystal sphere on his immaculate desktop. The image within the crystal was that of the Council Chamber, until the Duke waved a hand over it and the view shifted to the Princess's quarters.
"So, my beloved wife has decided to try and compel Her Highness to return," Terlen said.
"Yes, Your Grace," Jaris said.
"No matter, we shall proceed as planned," Terlen said.
"Pardon me, Your Grace, but it will be difficult to do that with Her Highness in the Palace."
Terlen laughed and said, "She won't come back. I have no doubt she will defy the order to return."
"And if Demoss insists?" Jaris asked. "With the recall order and the declaration he can compel her to return."
"The orcs may have failed to kill the Princess, but they did accomplish something," Terlen said. "By now Sir Marcan undoubtedly suspects treachery, and thanks to the recent actions of my wife, he will suspect her. He'll keep the Princess as far away from the Palace as possible until they can gather loyal forces to her."
"She may well succeed," Jaris said. "The vast majority of the army is loyal to her, Your Grace."
"All the better," Terlen said with a feral smile.
He was about to continue when his head snapped towards the back wall of the office. He sprang from his chair and with long, purposeful strides crossed the room and glared at the stones.
"Did you hear something?" he asked Jaris.
"No, Your Grace."
Terlen continued to glare at the wall, muttering the words of a seeing incantation. His sight bored into the wall, through the stone, probing for a void beyond. He found nothing but more stone until he reached the far side of the wall. The room there was completely empty, and his enhanced vision showed no tell-tale heat signature of recent occupation. The Duke shook his head and cancelled the spell.
"Send the Regent's order," he said as he turned back to Jaris. "We will proceed as planned."
"Yes, Your Grace."
After the knight was gone, the Duke returned his attention to the wall, staring at it for a long time. Finally he shrugged, muttered something about the noises an old castle makes, and left the office.
Behind the stone, in a passage protected by powerful arcane wards, Lord Chamberlain Fenril breathed a sigh of relief.
At first Marc thought he was waking from a very strange dream, but he quickly realized it was no dream. When he opened his eyes and saw the way the bedclothes rose above his chest, he knew it had been all too real.
~ They look a lot bigger from this angle. ~
"It's good to see you awake, Your Highness."
Marc turned towards the familiar sound of Aliana's voice and saw the Maid-of-Honor seated next to the bed he was in. They were in a bed chamber befitting the Princess of Trimaria; sumptuously appointed with elegant wall hangings and a glittering chandelier of glowing crystal spheres. A stone glowed warmly in the hearth at the far end of the room, driving away the autumn chill.
"Where is she?" Marc asked through gritted teeth.
"You know the answer to that," Ali said. "She's fulfilling the duties of the Captain of the Royal Guard."
"Get her in here now."
"Please try not to by angry, Marc," Aliana pleaded. "We never meant for this to happen."
"Is that supposed to make it all right?" Marc asked, his voice rising to a pitch that only agitated him more.
"Of course not," Aliana said. "We were wrong and we were stupid, we both realize that."
"That's just great!" Mark tried to shout, but it came out as a sob. He felt tears forming in his eyes and try as he might he couldn't hold them in.
"Of all the asinine, reckless stunts the two of you have pulled…."
Even though the windows of the bed chamber were closed a powerful wind began to swirl about the room. Marc hardly noticed it at first, until Aliana was lifted from the chair and sent flying across the room towards the hard stone wall. Before she actually made contact with the wall a shimmering sphere of magical energy appeared about her, absorbing the impact and bouncing her down to the floor where she settled with a soft thud.
Marc uttered a frightened squeak that would have disturbed him greatly if he hadn't been worried about Aliana. She picked herself up, slowly, arched her back with a pained expression and then looked down her nose at him.
"Okay that hurt," she said.
"Are you all right?" he asked.
"Just a little bruised," she assured him as she righted her chair and sat down again. "Keri usually set things on fire or shattered glass, so I wasn't quite prepared for your attack. My shield absorbed most of it though."
"I have Keri's powers," Marc said in a subdued tone.
"You have half her power," Aliana corrected, "Plus what you brought with your own spirit. That's still more than most mages will ever have. What you don't have is her experience in controlling it. Remember how it was when she was a child?"
Marc nodded. Until Keri had learned to control her magic, a temper-tantrum usually led to the destruction of anything fragile or flammable in her immediate vicinity. Fortunately she had never seriously injured anyone, but she had done a lot of property damage.
"Shards," he said, casting a fearful glance at Aliana. "Ali I feel like I'm going to burst into tears at any moment. I don't … I don't think…."
He did burst into tears, and Aliana moved to sit next to him on the bed. She pulled him close and held him as he cried, just as she had held the real Keri so many times before.
"Welcome to womanhood," she told him.
This time Marc could feel the power swelling within, and it frightened him. He struggled to control the emotional outburst but that only seemed to make it worse. Then Ali started to sing a song with no words, just a soothing melody that stirred a memory within. He remembered Mistara singing that same song to him, only it wasn't him, it was Keri, and he realized he was remembering something from her childhood. The swelling wave of magical energy subsided but the tears continued to flow.
"Don't fight it, Marc, just let it out," Ali soothed.
Finally the tears subsided and Ali took a cloth from her bodice and handed it to him. He dabbed away the tears and then settled back onto the pillow feeling both exhausted and strangely content.
"That actually felt good," he said.
"A good cry can do wonders," Ali said with a smile. "Keri is an emotional girl, you know that, and for now those emotions are yours. The thing to remember is don't try to hold it in. I know that goes against everything you've learned as a man, but if you let the feelings fester things will get very ugly."
"We're stuck like this until the next full moon, aren't we?"
"I'm afraid so," Ali confirmed.
"That means I have to go to the Grand Ball as Keri," Marc sighed.
"If you choose," Ali told him. "With the attack, there's ample reason to bow out of the festival."
Marc shook his head. "I can't do that. It would make the Princess look weak and afraid. Besides, I don't think the Palace would be any safer right now."
"We've figured that out too," Aliana said. "There is another alternative. The Baron has offered us the protection of Highkeep. He's used the attack as justification to recall the barony's troops from the frontier, and pledged their support to the Princess. If we issued a call for aid more troops would surely come no matter what the Regent said."
Marc considered the possibilities. Highkeep was not as impregnable as Lockeshire, but its location in the mountains made a siege very problematic for any opposing force. With more troops it could be made virtually unassailable, and Aliana was right, the troops would come if the Princess called. Once they were well defended, they could take the time to figure out what was going on. Despite that, he shook his head again, making his long hair dance across his back in a manner he was quite unused to.
"That would be too provocative," he said. "We'd be calling out whoever is behind this."
"I think we all know who is behind this."
"I know Rayna looks very suspect, but I can't believe she would harm Keri," Marc insisted. "Regardless, if we force the issue it could lead to civil war."
"Keri feels the same way," Ali told him. "So, if we're going to the festival you and I have a lot of work to do, and only eight days to do it in."
"The festival is only a week away?" Marc asked in confusion. "But the attack was just…."
"Three days ago," Ali said. "You were very badly wounded, and the blade was poisoned. The healers have kept you asleep until this morning."
"We better get started then," Marc said, starting to rise. Aliana helped him up and to his feet, at which point he stopped and said, "I have absolutely no idea what to do next."
"That's why you have me, Highness, and a whole herd of handmaidens," Aliana laughed. "Enara and I will get you dressed and prettied up — she knows what happened by the way. Then you’re going to get a crash course in being the Princess. After that, the real work begins."
"The real work?"
"There will be thirty-eight potential suitors at the Grand Ball," Aliana explained. When Marc looked like he was about to panic, she added, "Count yourself lucky; we narrowed that down from over a hundred. You have to be able to address them each by name. Fortunately, we have all the patents with us for you to study."
"All right," Marc said. He had always made a point of memorizing the names and faces of his officers, and didn't see why this should be any different. "What else?"
A mischievous grin spread across Aliana's face as she asked, "You can dance, right?"
It was early evening before the 'Princess' was ready to make an appearance, and even then it wasn't much of an appearance. It was necessary to receive the Baron for reasons of courtesy and counsel, and it was hardly possible to keep Master Talisin away. The sitting room of the chambers provided for Her Highness was used for the gathering.
Keri nearly froze as she entered the chamber and saw her body sitting in a chair in front of the hearth at the head of a large table. To Marc's right was Lady Enara, and on his left the Baron. Master Talisin sat on the other side of the Baron, while Aliana was in her customary place, seated just behind and to the right of the 'Princess'. Journeyman Herald Rodin was there as well, and two of her new handmaidens, Lessanna and Wynnetta, were busily serving refreshments.
For Keri, it was the most surreal of moments among a slew of such, and as her eyes met Marc's she could see her own discomfort echoed there. She had seen such scenes so many times before, but now she was on the other side. She fought the urge to turn and run, instead walking forward and kneeling at Marc's right hand.
"It's good to see you looking so well, Highness," she said.
"Thank you, Sir Marcan," the 'Princess' said. Marc grinned slightly, and Keri was certain he was enjoying her discomfort. "I owe that to you and your timely rescue. I deeply regret that my own foolishness brought this all about. I feel it should be me on my knees before you, begging your forgiveness. Can you ever forgive me?"
~ Oh now he's just rubbing it in! ~
"Of course, Your Highness," Keri said.
"Then I am in your debt," Marc told her "Please have a seat and we'll get started."
There was only one chair left, at the opposite end of the table from Marc. Keri was quite certain he had arranged it that way on purpose, so she would be forced to look at him the entire time. The damnable thing was their eyes did meet as she sat down and it was she that looked away first.
~ That's because I have a guilty conscience, and I should. ~
"The first order of business is the Regent's message recalling me," Marc said. "Master Talisin, you've reviewed the order. Is it legal?"
The old sage nodded. "By issuing a declaration stating your life is at imminent risk, the Regent is legally able to order Sir Marcan to return you to the Palace."
"And if he doesn't, what happens then?"
"Well, despite her threat, the Regent cannot have him arrested," Talisin said, "unless something were to happen to you. In that case, Marc would be subject to arrest, and quite possibly execution."
"It's ridiculous," Marc seethed angrily.
Keri noticed a slight breeze in the chamber which quickly subsided as Marc closed his eyes for a moment. She caught Aliana looking at her and almost laughed out loud when her friend winked.
"The Princess's…," Marc began, his eyes widening as he realized what he was saying. "My life was in danger the moment I left the Palace on this Royal Progress. I recall that Sir Marcan opposed my attending the festival on those very grounds, yet the Regent not only allowed it, she pushed me into it. As much as it grieves me to say it, I have to consider my aunt's actions suspect."
"I agree … Highness," Keri said. "We have to assume that you would be in as much, if not more, danger in the Palace."
"I must agree as well," Baron Iefan said.
Master Talisin didn't speak immediately, and when he did he hung his head as he said, "As do I."
"As I see it, we have two options," Marc said. "I can remain here at Highkeep and gather as many loyal units as possible to me, or I can proceed to the festival as planned as though nothing was out of place."
Keri didn't know which option Marc was leaning towards, so she quickly interjected, "Highness, if the Regent is planning to make a play for the throne, to remain here could force her hand. The army has been subject to her orders for six years, and she could convince many otherwise loyal units that you're being held here against your will. Trimaria could be plunged into civil war."
"Going to the festival is also quite dangerous," Talisin said. "Whoever is after your life is not likely to give up no matter what course you follow."
Rodin cleared his throat and said, "Forgive me, but might we not be reading too much into all this? The orcs could have easily learned of the route for the Progress, it was hardly possible to keep it secret. Do we have any real evidence that treachery is involved?"
"Yes we do," Keri said, earning her a surprised look from Marc. "First, it's apparent that the orcs were able to mass for their attack far too quickly. The most recent reports had them scattered about the kingdom in small groups. The only way they could have gathered at Amurga was by using the spires."
"And since spire keys can only be provided through the Palace, someone there must be in collusion with the raiders," the Baron said. "I've sent several communiqués to the Regent suggesting this very threat, but have received no response to any of them."
"That is at best tenuous evidence," Master Talisin said. "The reports of the number of raiders could be in error."
"There's also this," Keri said as she took a small object from her belt pouch. She slid it across the table to the sage, who held it up for all to see.
It was a long, thin crystal attached to a crude leather thong. Within the crystal was a thick braid of golden hair.
"A tracking charm," Talisin said. "Where did you get this?"
"From the corpse of the assassin that tried to kill the Princess," Keri said. She tried very hard to hide the outrage in her voice as she continued, "Someone had to go into m … Her Highness's chamber to collect that hair. Then a mage, a fairly powerful one, had to craft that charm. Since orcs can't manipulate the aether, it had to be crafted by a human."
"That explains how the assassin followed Ali and … me to the Star Stones," Marc said.
Keri nodded. "I think the attack was just a ruse. The orcs were supposed to press us until we were forced to evacuate the Princess. They knew we would send just a small escort so they could move quickly and relatively stealthily to the spires, where the assassin was likely waiting in ambush. But their infantry got impatient and rushed to charge before the gunners could reduce our numbers."
"And when the charm indicated the Princess wasn't heading towards the spires, they followed," Talisin said, "fortunately giving you the chance to reach her in the nick of time." He turned to Marc and said, "I hope you realize that your actions placed the future of the kingdom at great risk."
Marc's eyes were fixed on Keri as he said, "Yes, Master Talisin, I do."
Keri shifted uncomfortably; glad she was dressed in one of Marc's doublets rather than his full armor. It seemed to be getting very warm in the chamber, but then she saw Marc close his eyes again and the temperature lowered.
"We continue as planned then?" she asked, thinking she was probably lucky she hadn't burst into flames. Marc nodded and she continued, "I would suggest we remain in Highkeep until the day before the festival."
"Agreed," Marc said. He turned to the herald before continuing, "I'll need your guild's assistance Journeyman Rodin. I need to know what units are loyal to me. Every unit has heralds with it. Can you get word to Master Otellan without alerting our enemies?"
"Easily, Highness," Rodin said with a grin. "We have several codes for passing information. I can encrypt a message into my regular report."
"Excellent," Marc said. "Inform Master Otellan that I need him to poll the heralds with each unit; have them try to gauge the loyalties of the officers."
"Perhaps it would be a good idea if I took a journey to the Academy as well," Master Talisin said. "While I feel certain the guilds will support you, Highness, we would be advised to measure the degree of that support."
"Thank you, Master Talisin," Marc said. "I had the same thought myself." He shifted his gaze to Baron Iefan and paused for a moment before continuing.
"Your Excellency, please forgive me for asking this, but I must. I want to avoid conflict, but if it comes to that, can I count on Highkeep? Are you certain all of your troops are loyal?"
"I admit I have considered that question myself, Highness," the Baron said. "There were attempts to coerce me into exchanging officers with other baronies, but I refused. I have no question that all of our knights are loyal. There are men within the ranks that are not from the barony, but I am certain that the vast majority of the troops will defend you with their lives."
"Let's sincerely hope it doesn't come to that," Marc said. "Now, if there is nothing more, we can adjourn. I'm still a bit drained after my ordeal I'm afraid."
Keri almost sighed with relief. Everyone expressed their understanding and took their leave. She turned to leave as well but was halted by her own voice.
"Sir Marcan, please stay a moment," Marc said. "I'd like to speak to you in private."
~ Shards! ~ Keri thought. She wouldn't get away unscathed after all.
"Highness, might I have a word?" Master Talisin asked. His tone made it plain he would not take no for an answer.
"Certainly, Master Talisin," Marc said. He turned to Lessanna and Wynetta and said, "You girls can retire, Aliana will attend me."
The girls executed a synchronized bob and nod and left the chamber. Once the door had closed, Master Talisisn turned to Keri and looked her in the eye.
"Did you really believe you could fool me?" he asked. He turned to Marc and added, "Either of you?"
Keri looked at Marc and then at the old sage. Her shoulders slumped and she dropped back into her chair.
"No, Master Tally, I didn't," she said.
"How did you know?" Marc asked.
"You both performed well, I'll give you that," Talisin said. "There were a few verbal stumbles, but I seriously doubt anyone else is the wiser. I've known you both for too long to miss the differences, however. I also noted that … Her Highness … nearly lost control of her magic more than once, something that hasn't been a problem for some time. When I recognized the Amulet of Kessil, the pieces fell into place."
Marc looked down where the amulet rested between his breasts, but immediately lifted his eyes and started blushing.
"He's been doing that a lot," Aliana said with a grin. "He refused to look in the mirror while Nara and I helped him dress."
"Master Tally, I intended to tell you," Keri said, "I just didn't want to do so until Marc was awake. We haven't even had a chance to talk privately yet."
"I'll let you get to that, then," Talisin said, placing a hand on Keri's shoulder for a moment. He walked to the door, pausing to add, "I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."
Marc waited until the old sage was gone before turning his gaze back to Keri. For a long moment he just stared at his own body. He had never thought himself particularly handsome — he had always felt the scar on his face, received when he had saved King Toranon's life — would cause any woman to look elsewhere. It would have been simple enough to have it removed by magic, but it was customary in the armies of Trimaria for a warrior to keep a scar from a particularly noteworthy action as a badge of honor.
So he was quite shocked, and more than a little disturbed, to find that Keri found him quite handsome, and Aliana did as well. Memories of conversations the two had shared surfaced unbidden, and he was even more shocked to know that Aliana had even considered trying to seduce him. He shook his head sharply to banish those thoughts. Keri, unaware of his inner conflict, took it as a gesture of anger.
"Marc, I know your upset with me, and you have every right to be," she said.
"Upset?" Marc told her, practically hissing. "This goes far beyond upset … far beyond angry. I am furious with you."
The table began to dance ever so slightly, and Marc closed his eyes and silently played the song Mistara had sung to her daughter in his head. The power subsided but the emotions remained raw.
"I know saying I'm sorry isn't enough, but I am," Keri said. "I never intended for this to happen … it was just an accident."
Marc sprang from his chair and gestured with his hands to the body he inhabited.
"You think this is what I'm worried about!" he cried. The tears were starting now, and he knew there was no way he'd be able to hold them in, so he didn't even try.
"Keri, you almost died!" he sobbed. He turned to include Aliana. "Both of you could have died. Besides Stilnar, you two are the only family I have. Did you ever once think about how I would feel if you got hurt … if … if…."
The sobs became so violent he could no longer form words. He started to sway unsteadily but before he could collapse Keri was out of her chair and by his side. She pulled him close and guided him over to the sofa against the chamber wall. Aliana sat down on the other side of Marc, her hand on his shoulder as he clung to Keri.
"I love you, both of you," Marc sobbed, his face buried in Keri's chest. It felt odd but for the moment too comforting for him to care. "I could never forgive myself if something happened to either of you."
"I understand, Marc, really I do," she said. "When I came to my senses and saw that orc standing over Ali, and you standing there bleeding in my body, I knew I'd die if anything happened to either of you. When I faced the other orcs all I could think was I had to win because if I didn't you'd die. I promise you, I've learned my lesson."
"I feel the same way," Aliana assured him.
It took several minutes for Marc to calm down. He had tried to prepare himself for seeing Keri but when she had entered the chamber in his body it had almost been too much. After wiping the tears from his face with a cloth Ali provided he took a deep breath.
"We'll put that behind us then," he said. "It's only for a month. I can handle that, though I don't know how you stand these emotions … or having these melons on your chest."
"They're not as big as melons!" Keri protested.
"Small melons," Aliana suggested in a helpful tone. She looked at Marc and then amended, "Well, medium sized melons... maybe on the large side of medium."
Keri gave her an icy stare — a tactic that was far more effective with Marc's face. Aliana suddenly found it vital to remove an apparently invisible piece of lint from her gown.
"What about me?" Keri asked, turning back to Marc. "This body is fragging huge! I keep hitting my head on lintels. And then there's this thing between my legs that keeps making its presence known at the most awkward times!"
"Is that huge too?" a wide-eyed Ali asked. They both glared at her and she said in a small voice, "I was just curious."
Her expression was one of such innocent curiosity that first Keri and then Marc began laughing. Aliana joined in, pleased she had managed to avert what could have become an ugly moment. They were all still on edge, and it was best to keep things as light as possible.
"All right," Marc said once his giggles had subsided. "Ali explained to me that I have to keep the amulet on." He held up his right hand and wiggled the finger on which he wore Keri's chastity ring. "She also told me about this."
"I wish you'd never had to learn about that part of me," Keri said.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Keri," Marc said. "Your grandmother had the same problem when she was your age, although from her accounts she didn't try to suppress it."
"You should read her journals," Keri laughed.
"I have now," Marc said. "At least I remember some of what you read."
Keri turned serious again as she said, "That could become a problem. Ali and I have no secrets, so we weren't worried about sharing our memories."
"But you and I might learn things about each other we'd rather not share," Marc said. "All we can do is try not to pry. Memories are bound to surface … they already have. I think we have to agree that if something does bother us, we'll talk about it."
"All right, that sounds like a good idea," Keri agreed.
"Oh, I did forget to tell you about that emerald dangling in your navel," Aliana said.
"I know what it's for," Marc told her. The baubles were quite common, and he had actually been relieved when he realized it was enchanted to prevent pregnancy. He had no intention of putting it to the test, but he was glad Keri had taken the precaution.
"Good. Now that we've all made up, it's time for you to get some sleep, Princess," Aliana told Marc. "It's been a long, emotional day and you look exhausted. I need to brush out your hair and get you ready for bed."
"One thing I could definitely get used to here is the pampering," Marc said with a thoroughly Keri-like giggle.
"Enjoy it while you can," Keri told him. "On the next full moon, I want my life back!"
"You know this is the first time we've made love here," Enara said with a contented sigh as she snuggled close to Elyssa.
Elyssa nodded, pulling the covers of her bed up over them. The only light in the room was from the stones in the hearth, which filled the chamber with a warm, romantic glow.
"It's much better than a hayloft," she laughed. "Oh Nara, I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too," Enara said.
"But you're happy at the Palace with the Princess."
Enara bit her lip and nodded. "I am happy there. Keri has been so wonderful to me. That doesn't mean I don't think about you all the time."
"I'm glad you're happy, you deserve it," Elyssa said. "So tell me about the Princess, what's she really like?"
For the next hour Enara shared stories of her time at Lockeleigh Palace and all the things she had learned. Elyssa was especially impressed when she related the events of the attack on the Tuatha farmstead. She was also extremely interested in Aliana and how she defended the Princess at the Star Stones.
"She sounds like an interesting girl," Elyssa said. "She's obviously been well trained."
Enara nodded. "She said she was taught by a woman named Alvina."
"Mistress Alvina?" Elyssa asked.
"Yes that's her. Do you know her?"
"Only by reputation," Elyssa said. "She's the principal of the Courtesan's Guild."
Enara looked confused and asked, "Why would Ali have been taught to fight by a courtesan?"
"That's what I love about you, Nara, you're so innocent," Elyssa laughed. "The Courtesan's Guild is about more than sex. They produce some of the finest spies and assassins on Andarel."
"You think Ali was trained as an assassin?" Enara asked. Her eyes grew wide as she recalled Aliana's promise that Darsia would never live to sit on the throne if she made a move against Keri.
"It's not at all uncommon for a handmaiden to be trained that way," Elyssa told her. "Think about it — who is closer to the Princess? She's always at her side and she obviously loves her very much. I imagine those orcs were mightily surprised by her, and she used that to her advantage. I doubt combat was all she learned either."
Enara giggled and said, "Ali is very good at seduction."
"She's probably very good at pillow talk too," Elyssa said. "Men will often say things after sex that they shouldn't. It's funny though, from what I've heard the Princess and her Maid-of-Honor are having an affair."
"They're not," Enara said. "They'd like to but … oh, I shouldn't be saying things like that."
Elyssa laughed. "It's all right, love, I don't expect you to divulge any secrets. I do have another question about the Princess though. Do you think she would be open to a woman applying to the Royal Guard?"
"I'm sure she would," Enara said after a thoughtful pause. "Of course she would leave the final decision to Sir Marcan, but if the woman was capable I believe she would support her. Is one of your Rangers interested in joining the Guard?"
"Actually I was speaking of me."
Enara stared at her lover, unable to believe what she was hearing.
"But Lyssa, the Rangers! You've worked so hard to build their ranks. I've even heard Serjeant Garith say he'd rank them with the best warriors in Trimaria."
"Yes, I have worked hard to make the Rangers what they are," Elyssa admitted. "And I'm confident that they'll continue without me. Gemma is more than ready to take command."
"You're not considering this because of me are you?" Enara asked. "I'd never ask you to give up the Rangers to be near me."
Elyssa kissed her on the lips and said, "I know that, love. Yes, you are part of the reason, but I'm doing this for myself as well. I love the Rangers, but I'll never be considered for the Chivalry if I stay with them."
Enara considered her words. It was rare for a shield maiden to be knighted, but it wasn't unheard of. The last she knew of from her history lessons had been Riala, who was knighted long before she became queen. Sir Marcan had remarked once that Riala had considered that to be her greatest accomplishment, and that because of her royal status she had had to work twice as hard to be recognized.
There was a problem, of course. The Princess wasn't actually the Princess currently. The body swap was going to make broaching the subject difficult.
"I'll speak to her if you like," Enara said. "It would be best if we wait until after the festival though. She's very nervous about having to face all those suitors, and I'd rather not put too much on her right now."
"Of course, I understand," Elyssa said. "I'd be horrified in her place, especially knowing I had no intention of marrying."
"Have you ever thought about that?"
"Thought about what, marriage?"
"Not so much marriage, but being a mother," Enara said. "I think I'd like to have children someday, but, well I don't like men, not in that way."
"Same sex pairings may not be common but they do happen, Nara. All you'd need to do is find a suitable, willing man to be the body father. It's much harder for male pairs than it is for females, they have to find a woman willing to carry the child. Personally, I think you'd make a wonderful mother, and I'd be proud to raise many children with you … that is if you'll have me."
Enara raised up on one elbow and looked down into her lover's eyes.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Elyssa nodded. "Yes, Nara, I'm asking if you'll be my bond mate."
"But your father…."
"Has given me his consent, if not his blessing," Elyssa told her. "Frankly, Father was very disturbed by what your parents did. I think it made him reexamine things and realize if he persisted in trying to change me, he would lose me."
"I always thought he was a wise man," Enara said, her voice catching. She bit back a sob and then fell into Elyssa's arms.
"I didn't mean to make you sad," Elyssa soothed. "I know it still hurts."
"I just want them to love me as much as I love them," Enara said in a small voice.
"We can't choose our parents, Nara, but we can choose who we hold dear. You've chosen very well, little one, and that does my heart glad. All that matters to me is that you’re happy, even if you don't want to be hand-fasted to me."
Enara rose up again and said, "But I do, Lyssa, I do! Yes, I'll be your bond mate and I’ll love you with all my heart for all my days."
"That makes me so happy, little one," Elyssa said. "And I will love you and protect you for all my days."
"I can't wait to tell Keri and Ali!" Enara said. "It's funny, but when Father took the appointment at the Palace, I thought my life was over. Now it turns out it was the best thing that could have happened. I can't imagine what we would have done otherwise."
"Oh I had a plan for that," Elyssa told her. "As soon as you turned eighteen, I was going to spirit you away."
"You would have given up the barony for me?"
"Without a moment's regret," Elyssa said.
Enara kissed her again and then asked, "So when would we announce this?"
"I'm glad you asked," Elyssa said with a sly grin. "Since you're certain and I'm certain, I don't see any point in waiting. If Her Highness approves, what do you think about pledging our troth at the Grand Ball?"
"I think that would be … grand!" Enara laughed.
It wasn't until just before she drifted off to sleep that she realized it would be Marc announcing her betrothal and not Keri. She hoped her adoptive sister would understand.
When Enara told her friends of Lady Elyssa's proposal two days later, Aliana squealed with delight and hugged her. Marc and Keri's reactions were much more subdued, though both were obviously happy. They each gave Enara a slightly less enthusiastic hug and congratulated her.
"If you would rather wait until after the full moon to make the announcement, I understand," Enara told them.
"I won't deny I'd like to be the one to make the announcement," Keri told her, "but I wouldn't dream of making you wait because of that. If Marc has no objections, then I don't either."
"I don't," Marc said. "It makes sense to use the Grand Ball for the announcement. Most of the nobles of the kingdom will be there, so word will spread very quickly."
"Are we being too … provocative?" Enara asked.
Keri and Marc both laughed at the notion and then looked decidedly uncomfortable. Aliana shook her head and grinned.
"I think they both agree that being provocative is not something the Princess is concerned about, no matter who's in her body."
"You'll offend some people undoubtedly," Marc said. "Your status as a member of the Royal Household and Elyssa's as heir to the baronial coronet is more than sufficient to keep them in line."
"The important thing is this is what you both want," Keri said, giving Marc a glare for his coldly analytical assessment. "As long as you're happy, what others think isn't important."
"This will scare some on the Council of Barons too," Aliana said. "They won't like seeing an alliance by marriage between House Lockeleigh and Highkeep."
"Well, as long as we're shaking the pillars of Trimarian politics, there's one other thing I'd like to talk about," Enara said. As she told them of Elyssa's interest in joining the Royal Guard, Marc and Keri shared a thoughtful look.
"We have talked about this in the past," Marc said.
"Not Elyssa specifically," Keri explained. "I asked Marc why there were no shield maidens in the Guard once."
"I've never had any objection to it," Marc said. "Since I've been Captain, none have applied. There aren't as many female warriors as there once were."
"There might be something more Elyssa could do for us," Keri said. "She's forged the Rangers into a formidable unit, and with the raider problem it's an example that could be of great benefit throughout the kingdom."
"You're thinking we could offer her a commission in the Guard and have her oversee the militia training?" Marc asked. Keri nodded in confirmation. "I think that could work well, but I would like to handle that after we're back in our proper bodies."
"I agree," Keri said. She paused for a moment, and then said, "Well, I must see to my duties."
Even though the Princess was in Marc's body, Aliana could sense the sadness in her friend. She doubted either Marc or Enara noticed it, but to her it was so palpable that she felt as though her heart had been pierced. It had to be so very lonely for the Princess — she could only spend fleeting moments with her friends without drawing undue attention. Every evening while Aliana and Enara attended Marc, Keri retired to her small chamber down the hall, alone.
She rose from her seat next to Marc and walked over to Keri, wrapping her arms around her waist. She pressed her head to the broad, muscular chest — she didn't even come up to the shoulders — and tightened her embrace.
"Ali…." Keri started. She looked at Marc and he just grinned and nodded.
"Just shut up and hold me for a minute," Ali told her.
She felt Keri's arms enfold her, tentatively at first and then with more force. She could hear her love's heart thumping in her chest, strong and steady. Then she felt something swelling between Keri's legs, pressing against her abdomen. The Princess tried to pull back then but Ali just held on tighter until the pressure subsided. Finally she relaxed her embrace and looked up into Keri's eyes.
"I love you, whatever body you're in," she said.
Keri stroked her hair gently and told her, "Thank you, love, I really needed to hear that."
For the rest of the morning Aliana and Enara helped Marc familiarize himself with the credentials of the suitors for the Grand Ball. Fortunately Keri had studied them thoroughly, so it only took a cursory examination to jog those memories for Marc.
"This is ridiculous," Marc said, gesturing with the patent in his hand. "This one is only thirteen!"
"Oh yes, Lord Lucan, Keri didn't want to disappoint him," Aliana explained. "It's not like she planned to seriously consider any of them."
"Certainly not Earl Lohan," Marc sighed. "He's nearly a hundred years old."
"Oldenkeep is the oldest city in the kingdom," Enara said. "It would have been an insult not to include him."
"Those two are the extremes," Ali told him. "Most of them are handsome enough that they should be pleasant company for the evening."
"I suppose, if I were Keri," Marc said.
Aliana shared a look with Enara before saying, "In case you haven't looked in the mirror lately, you are Keri."
"I look like Keri, but I'm still me inside."
"But you feel things the way she would," Enara said. "There's no reason you can't make the most of the ball and try to enjoy yourself, just as she would have."
"She had no intention of doing that," Marc pointed out. "That's how we got into this predicament."
"Marc, you know that's not entirely true," Aliana said.
Marc sighed and nodded. It was true; Keri had already made plans to attend the festival, and if it hadn't been for the Regent she would have been perfectly happy to attend the Grand Ball where she no doubt would have danced the night away. But he wasn't Keri, even if he was in her body, and he wasn't sure what Aliana and Enara were trying to tell him — or maybe he was and he just didn't like it.
"Exactly what is your point?" He asked with some irritation. "So I experience emotions, I feel things like Keri would. I still know who I really am."
"That is the point," Ali said. "With the amulet keeping your sense of self anchored, you're free to experience what it's like to be Keri without losing who you are. I know you didn't know what the amulet did, but don't you think Toranon and Mistara used it to learn more about each other … to experience things through each other?"
"I knew exactly what the amulet did," Marc said. "By the time I became Toranon's squire they had used it many times, and they were so good at assuming each other's roles that I couldn't even notice a difference. But they kept no secrets from me."
"So you know they let themselves experience life from the other side," Ali said.
"True, but their situation was very different. They were husband and wife; they wanted to experience all this. I don't want to know what it's like to be Keri or any other woman; I just want this to get through this as painlessly as possible."
"That's understandable," Enara said. "I know I would feel the same way in your place. But what you have to ask yourself is this; what will make this less painful for you?"
"I'm not sure what you mean?"
Aliana took his hand and said, "What she means is you can fight this, you can struggle with the feelings and emotions you'll naturally experience and make yourself miserable, or you can relax and try to have fun."
"I'm not sure I can do that," Marc said. "It feels wrong."
"We're not going to pressure you, Marc," Enara said. "Just think about it, please?"
"I will," Marc promised.
"That's all we ask," Ali said. "Now I think it's time we brought Stilnar in."
Marc's face clouded and he said, "If we must, but I swear if he laughs at me again I'm going to hit him!"
"He promised to be good," Enara said, rising and walking to the door. "We really don't have any choice if you're going to learn to dance."
"I know how to dance," Marc grumbled. "I just never expected to have to do it backwards and in high-heels."
When Stilnar entered the sitting room he wore a carefully neutral expression, though he appeared to be struggling to maintain it. Marc gave him a glare of warning as they assumed positions side-by-side in the center of the room. Stilnar held his left hand up and Marc laid his right on top as Ali started the music box.
The open position, processional-style dances were easy enough. The only thing Marc had to remember was to step in the opposite direction he was used to whenever they were facing one another. Knights were expected to be proficient in the courtly as well as military arts, and as Marc's squire Stilnar had been required to learn as well. It wouldn't have been that bad but Marc was certain his cousin was enjoying his predicament.
Though processional dancing was not practiced that much anymore it was traditional, and there would be several such dances at the Grand Ball. Most of the dances, however, would be free-form in the closed position, and it was these that made Marc most uncomfortable. With his left hand on Stilnar's shoulder and the squire's right hand on the small of Marc's back they had to stand very close together. Here the major concern was letting Stilnar lead, with Marc following his cues as they moved about the floor. They practiced several variations of the basic waltz at different tempos until Marc was comfortable being led around the floor.
"Very good, both of you," Ali said as they finished the last dance. "Let's take a short break and then we'll try the valse again."
Stilnar groaned and said, "My feet still hurt from her stepping all over them yesterday."
Marc glared angrily at his cousin for his choice of pronouns and the squire pretended not to notice.
"Stil, if you hope to spend anymore time with Deenara on this trip you'll behave," Ali threatened. She smiled smugly at his look of surprise over her knowledge that the pretty young handmaiden had been the squire's frequent bedmate during the Royal Progress.
The valse was similar to the waltz in timing but it was danced at a much faster tempo and the dancing pairs were in constant motion, spinning about the dance floor at dizzying speeds. Change steps were used to alter the direction of spin from clockwise to counterclockwise, and adding to the difficulty for Marc were the embellishments such as underarm turns and spins that he had to learn as the female partner.
"Now Marc, this is one of those times you need to let go a bit," Ali said as they returned to the dance floor. "The valse is Keri's favorite dance and she's very good at it. If you let it, her body will remember how to move."
"I'll try," Marc said.
Surprisingly it went quite well. Marc avoided stepping on Stilnar's feet and when he took Ali's advice and let go, he found his body moving into the dance steps quite readily. There really wasn't enough space in the sitting room to properly move about but they managed well enough. By the end of the dance Marc was actually enjoying himself, so much that as the music ended he added a formal curtsey to his partner in thanks.
"Well danced, Your Highness," Stilnar said as he lifted Marc's hand and kissed it.
"Don't get lost in the role, squire," Marc said, yanking his hand free and turning away. Aliana and Enara both saw the grin on his face, however.
Highkeep was situated atop a rocky plateau that formed the base of Mount Thornbarrow, providing the city with a very formidable natural defense. With the towering mountain behind the keep and a sheer drop of over a thousand feet on either side, the only viable approach for an assaulting army was up the steep, grassy slope that led to the valley below. The city's outer curtain wall was thick and in good repair, as was the keep itself, and there were ample stores to sustain the population through a long siege.
The defensive armaments were another matter. They were obsolete at best, and antiquated was actually a better description. Atop the walls were several dozen polybolos, a type of ballista that was fitted with a box-shaped magazine which held eight bolts the size of large spears. The mechanism was manually cranked, feeding a bolt into the firing well automatically and giving the weapon a much greater rate of fire, but it was still slow compared to more modern, magically powered weapons. On the ground behind the wall were several large trebuchets which could hurl huge, enchanted rocks that exploded on impact. They could be devastating weapons, but they were virtually useless against a fast moving force and though their range was considerable in a siege the enemy would simply stay well beyond their reach.
"Why weren't these weapons upgraded?" Keri wondered aloud. She and Garith had been touring the defenses and neither was pleased with what they found.
"They were," Garith said. "The Regent ordered the calliopes here transferred ta the frontier. The Baron had these brought out of storage."
"He was wise not to have them destroyed when the calliopes were installed," Keri said.
Calliopes, named for the musical instruments they resembled, consisted of two rows of eight steel tubes. Each tube had an interior diameter of six inches and could be loaded with a variety of projectiles. Their magically propelled projectiles had three times the range of a trebuchet and they could also be employed at very close range to devastating effect.
"One more thing to fix," Keri muttered.
"These weapons may be old but they'll give anyone that comes at us pause," Garith told her.
"If it comes to that," Keri said with a resigned sigh.
"We've seen what we needed ta see here," Garith said. "What say we find a place ta tilt back a few mugs. They make a fine lager here in Highkeep."
"I can't," Keri said. "I have to…."
"The evenin' watch is set and yer entitled to some free time," Garith said. He lowered his voice and added, "Ya know the Captain doesn't spend all his time in his quarters when he's not seein' ta you."
Keri grinned and said, "All right, lead the way Serjeant. I assume you already know of a proper establishment."
"That I do, lad, that I do," Garith chuckled.
The proper establishment was a pub not far from where the Royal Guard was being quartered. There were several off-duty guardsmen there when they arrived and the proprietor had the happy smile of a man whose business had seen a sudden upswing. He obviously was familiar with Garith, and even though Keri knew neither she nor Marc had ever seen the man before he greeted her, or rather Knight-Captain Marcan, enthusiastically by name and ushered them both to a table in the back.
As they made their way to the table the guardsmen present raised their mugs in greeting. Keri acknowledged each with a curt nod. She knew it was what Marc would have done, and she couldn’t help but think about how different it was living his life. If she had walked into a tavern filled with people she was as close to as Marc was to his men she would have greeted each with a hug and at least a bit of conversation.
"Men," she muttered after they were seated.
"What's that?" Garith asked.
"Nothing," she said. There was no point in getting into a discussion over the differences between men and women.
"What are we really doing here, Garith?"
In answer the serjeant's eyes shifted towards the door. Keri followed his gaze and saw Stilnar entering the tavern. She sighed as the squire caught sight of them and hesitated for an instant before continuing to the table. He still hadn't forgiven her for being in Marc's body.
"I'm surprised to see you here, Captain," the squire said as he sat down. "You haven't been much interested in socializing lately."
"I've had a lot on my mind," Keri said.
"I'm sure you have."
A barmaid arrived with three pints of dark lager. Her eyes remained focused on Keri as she set the mugs down, and when she placed one in front of the Princess she bent low, making it impossible for Keri not to get a good look at the ample bosom that was barely contained within the bodice of her bright red dress. When Keri reached for her belt pouch the maid smiled and shook her head, making her curly raven hair dance.
"Your coin is no good here, Sir Marcan," she said as she straightened up. "If you need anything at all, just let me know. My name's Safira."
Keri smiled and thanked the girl. She may not have had much experience being a man, but she knew there was much more to the bar maid's offer than just drinks. She had no intention of taking advantage of what was being offered, but there was no point in being rude either. When Safira left them she turned to Garith and shook her head.
"I had no idea Marc was so popular," she said. "The owner greeted me like we were old friends too, but I'm sure Marc has never met the man. I don't understand it."
"That's not surprising," Stilnar said.
Keri lifted her mug and took a big gulp of the cold lager and found it surprisingly good. Her taste went more to wine, but Marc obviously had great appreciation for a good brew.
"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked as she set her mug down rather forcefully. She'd just about had enough of the squire's attitude.
"You don't have any idea whose body you're walking around in," Stilnar said. "If you'd paid any kind of attention you'd know Marc is a hero in this kingdom. Have you forgotten he saved your father's life?"
"Keep yer voice down, lad," Garith warned. He cast a cautionary glance at Keri as well.
Keeping her voice low Keri replied, "I've forgotten nothing. I know what Marc did, now more than ever because I remember it like I was there. In case you've forgotten, the last time I was allowed to travel more than a league from Lockeshire I was barely twelve. I know he's well liked at home, but I've only seen him in public with me."
"So naturally you assumed it was all about you," Stilnar said. "You've never been anything but spoiled and selfish — how disappointed your parents would be if they could see you now." He saw the stricken look his words caused Keri and shook his head in disgust.
"Are you going to slap me again, or is the Princess going to start crying like a little girl now?"
"That'll be enough outta you," Garith said, slamming his mug to the table. "Speak like that again and it'll be my fist that knocks out a few o' yer teeth."
Stilnar directed his attention to his mug and Keri did the same, draining it in three huge gulps before signaling for Safira to bring another round. She knew what Garith was up to now — he had arranged this meeting in hopes that she and Stilnar could work out their differences. The problem was she couldn't in her heart fault the squire for the way he felt. She was halfway into her second mug before she spoke again.
"You're right, Stil, I have been selfish," she said. "You have every right to hate me, and there's nothing I can say that will make it any better. I never wanted to hurt Marc, or you, and I hope someday you can forgive me."
Stilnar's expression softened somewhat, but it was apparent he wasn't ready to forgive her yet. There was nothing more Keri could do, however, so drained her mug and then rose to her feet.
"I'll say good night then."
"We'll see ya in the morning, lad," Garith said.
Keri left the tavern and made her way back to the Baronial Manor. Her quarters were just down the hall from the Royal Suite, a tiny room that seemed all that much smaller because she was in Marc's body. The guardsmen stationed outside the 'Princess's' door snapped to attention as she passed and Keri acknowledged them with a nod. She could hear the sound of laughter from within and it felt like a dagger in her heart.
Once in her small room she removed her sword belt and stripped out of her doublet, then sat heavily on the bed. She ran her hands through her close-cropped hair and thought how much she missed her own long golden mane. She missed her body, her emotions, her life, but most of all she missed her friends. All her life she had been surrounded by people almost constantly, and though she had often times complained loudly about the lack of privacy, she knew she really craved that attention.
With a resigned sigh she rose and finished stripping down for bed. She put on a long nightshirt and then slipped beneath the covers and closed her eyes. It was a long time before she finally drifted into a fitful sleep.
Roughly eighty miles southwest of Lockeleigh was Crater Lake, a deep, lozenge-shaped lake almost twenty-five miles long and half that wide. Surrounded on three sides by the towering rim of the great crater formed when a large fragment of the shattered moon Manthra crashed to earth, Crater Lake was the home of the Academy, which was constructed on the thirty square-mile island in the lake's center.
Besides being Trimaria's premier center of higher education the Academy was home to the guild halls, and this was why Master Talisin had returned. He had met with the principals of most of the guilds over the past two days and received assurances that they were all firmly in support of the Princess. Only one meeting was left, but it was arguably the most important.
"Tally, it's so good to see you," Guild Mistress Sybilla greeted the old sage as he entered her study. "You're away from the academy so much these days."
Though well into her eighth decade, the principal of the Guild of Mages looked like a woman barely into her forties. While magic couldn't significantly extend one's lifespan significantly it could forestall the visible manifestations of time and it was only considered a minor indulgence of vanity to do so. Quite frankly Talisan found no fault in a woman as lovely as Sybilla preserving her beauty.
"It pleases me to see you again as well, Sybilla," Talisin said as he lowered himself into the chair she offered. "I assume you're aware of the purpose of my visit."
"I haven't been spying on you with my crystal ball," Sybilla said with a melodious laugh. "I do know you've met with the other guild masters to gauge their support for the Princess, however. You know the Academy is a hotbed of gossip."
"Quite," Talisin said. "You understand I mean no disrespect with my inquiries. Recent events have caused the Princess concern, and she seeks to know where the guilds stand, especially your guild."
Sybilla nodded, well aware that her guild was considered to be the most influential. Trimarian society relied heavily on magic, far more than any other realm on Andarel, save perhaps the kingdom of the elves which was more legend than fact. Because of the abundant veins of manthracite ore within Trimaria, more than any other kingdom in the known world, virtually every Trimarian had at least some magical aptitude.
"The Guild of Mages supports the Princess completely," Sybilla assured him. "She is not only our liege, she is a member of our guild. Surely you didn't doubt that?"
"No, I didn't," Talisin admitted. "It is good to hear you affirm it, however. These are dark times, and I fear they may become darker still."
"So why have you really come to see me, old friend?"
Talisin reached into his belt pouch and withdrew the tracking charm. He passed the crystal to Sybilla and allowed her to examine it for a moment. When she turned a questioning gaze to him, he explained its origin.
"That was recovered from the body of the orc assassin that tried to kill Her Highness. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me all you can discern about it."
The mage's face darkened as she immediately realized the implications of the charm. She studied it more closely, taking a magnifying lens from her desk to view it better. After several minutes she set the glass and the charm down and sighed.
"It appears to be a manufactured quartz crystal," she said. "It's too perfect to have formed naturally, though I'd have to consult with Master Jared of the Jewelers Guild to be certain. The lock of hair was magically infused into the crystal rather than having the crystal formed about it, a process that requires a great deal of skill. Have you positively determined that the hair is Her Highness's?"
Talisin shook his head and said, "It seems unlikely it could be anyone else's."
"Did you by chance bring some strands to compare?"
Talisin smiled and produced a small vial with several strands of hair. Sybilla took the vial and emptied the contents into one hand then grasped the crystal in the other. She closed her eyes for a moment, silently reciting the words of an incantation. A brief flash of light manifested within her closed fists as the spell was cast.
"It is the Princess's hair," she said. "If you'll allow me to hold onto this charm I can try and determine who may have enchanted it. When will you be returning to the Princess?"
"Not for several days," Talisin said. "I have some research to conduct in my own hall. Do you think it likely you can identify the enchanter?"
"Magic does leave a residual imprint unique to the caster," Sybilla said. "We have records of these signatures for mages that have been disciplined in the past for violating the laws regarding the use of magic. If this was made by one of them I will find out. I should have an answer for you one way or another in three days at the most. I'll handle this personally … it would be best to keep this discreet I believe."
"I concur," Talisin said, rising from his chair. "Please forgive me for rushing off, but I do have quite a lot of reading to do."
"Of course," Sybilla said, rising as well. She walked over to the sage and kissed him on the cheek, then drew back and smiled.
"If you have the time, would you join me for dinner this evening?"
"It would be my honor," Talisin said. He took Sybilla's hand and bowed slightly and then turned and left the office.
Now that the political part of his mission was accomplished he could turn his attention to the real reason he had wanted to return to the Academy. He knew a great deal about the Amulet of Kessil; it was he who had originally identified the artifact for Queen Mistara, but there were many questions that had never been answered. None of the tomes he had consulted those many years ago had contained any information on the origins of the amulet — who had created it and for what purpose.
It seemed inconceivable that there could be no record of who had created such a powerful item. There were other records, within the sealed archives of his guild hall, which might provide more answers however. But if they were there, then they had to have been sealed for a reason, and that was what Talisin had to find out.
Once he was inside Sage Hall he made his way to the archives located in the basement. He passed through row upon row of books until he reached the back of the huge chamber. Set into the wall was a large ironwood door that literally hummed with magical energy. Talisin took an ornate key from his pouch and inserted it into the lock and then disappeared into the room beyond to find the answers he sought.
Their last day at Highkeep was a busy one as preparations were made to travel to Wallkeep. There was little concern over safety — the only really dangerous part of the trip would be the ride to the transport spires. Because the mountains that the keep was nestled in were rich with manthracite the spires were over three leagues away. Though the spires used the currents of magical energy created by the veins of ore that ran beneath the soil of Trimaria, particularly dense deposits disrupted the pathways. To ensure no orcs that may be lingering in the area dared challenge them they would have an escort of a full battalion of infantry and heavy cavalry to the Highkeep spires.
Marc spent much of the afternoon with Keri, drafting a response to a second demand from the Regent that the Princess return to the Palace. They worded it very carefully, stating that in the opinion of the Royal Heir the situation had not changed. The countryside was no more or less dangerous than it had been when the Royal Progress was proposed, and since the Regent had seen fit to support it at that time, her request was respectfully denied.
"It's hard to believe it's been barely a week," Marc said after they had finished the letter.
"Sometimes it feels like years," Keri said.
Marc put a sympathetic hand on Keri's arm and smiled. It was almost as if he could feel her pain. He had noticed over the days since their swap that he seemed to be more empathic, but whether that was because Keri had some innate abilities for reading emotions or simply because as a female he was more in touch with them he wasn't certain. At any rate he didn't need any special insight to know she missed the life she was so used to. If she had swapped with Aliana as they had intended she would still have been very much a part of it, but now she was on the outside looking in.
"I'm sorry, Keri," he said.
"For what?" Keri asked. "I have no one to blame but myself for this mess."
Marc shook his head and said, "You're wrong, it's as much my fault as it is yours. If I hadn't been so obsessed with keeping you safe, if I had just given you some space, none of this would have happened."
"No, you were fulfilling your duty to my parents," Keri said. "Even though I haven't said it nearly as often as I should, I do appreciate all you've done for me."
"I've always known that," Marc said. "You're right, I was fulfilling my oath to your father, but what I failed to realize is that oath died with him. I should have been fulfilling my duty to you."
"I guess we both have our own reasons to feel guilty," Keri said. "Let's make a pact. When this is over we start fresh. For my part, I promise there'll be no more deception, and that I'll become the Princess I should be."
"And I promise to let you be the young woman you are," Marc said, "Within reason, of course."
Keri smiled but it looked very forced.
"I need to check on the troops," she said as she rose. "I'll see you in the morning."
Later that evening Marc and Aliana had a quiet dinner in the sitting room. He had shooed Enara off so she could spend the evening with Elyssa and all but one of the handmaidens had been dismissed for the night.
"Bealla, would you excuse us please," Marc told the young woman after she returned from placing the cart laden with dirty dishes in the hall. "I have something to discuss with Aliana in private. I'll send for you when we're finished."
"Of course, Highness."
The handmaiden curtsied and left the chamber. Aliana looked at Marc expectantly, wondering what he wanted to talk about.
"I'm worried about Keri," Marc said.
Aliana nodded solemnly and said, "I am too. Not to belittle what you've gone through, but I think this is much harder on her."
"I agree completely," Marc said. "I've also given a lot of thought to what you said about relaxing and letting myself enjoy this as much as possible."
"I think it would be very good for you," Aliana told him. "You'll be much less stressed."
"I think the same thing applies to you and Keri."
Ali cocked her head to the side and looked at him curiously. "I don't understand."
"This has been just as hard on you," Marc said. "I may be in Keri's body, but you know I'm not her. You've been a wonderful help to me, but I know you miss her as much as she misses you. It makes it even worse that she's so close all the time and yet so far away."
"It's not like we've ever been … intimate," Ali said.
"That's because Keri is so terrified to take off this ring," Marc said, holding his right hand up and wiggling the ring finger. "She wants to be with you and at the same time she's afraid to."
Aliana nodded. "Sometimes I think she's afraid she'll be like me. You know I have a well deserved reputation for, well, sleeping around."
"And how much of that is because you can't be with the person you want?" Marc asked. Aliana didn't answer, and he reached over to squeeze her hand.
"Keri isn't here, Ali. She's in my body."
"Marc … what are you saying?"
Marc squeezed her hand more tightly and said, "I'm saying go to her. I know how lonely she is, how strange all this is for her. And I know it's just as lonely for you. She needs you, and you need her."
"You can't be serious," Ali said. "Are you giving us permission to … to…."
"To experience your love like you may never be able to again," Marc said.
"Marc, I appreciate the offer, but Keri will never agree," Ali told him.
Marc gave her a mischievous grin. "Come on Ali, you were trained by the finest courtesan in the kingdom. I seriously doubt she could resist you."
Despite herself Aliana grinned and said, "You know I have entertained thoughts of trying to seduce you … when you were yourself. I couldn't do it of course."
"Now you can," Marc said. "I'll be left with the pleasant memory of the encounter when we swap back, without the guilt of having actually been part of it."
"So you're saying I would have succeeded?"
"Absolutely not," Marc said, "but I would have been tempted. You can't tell me you haven't thought of the possibility since we swapped."
"Maybe once or twice," Ali said. Marc cocked his head and looked down his exquisitely shaped nose at her in perfect mimicry of Keri's 'stink-eye' and she shook her head and laughed.
"All right, I've thought of almost nothing else."
"Then get out of here!" Marc snapped playfully. "We won't be leaving for the spires until tomorrow afternoon. I'll send word to Garith and let him know Knight-Captain Marcan will be off duty until noon."
Aliana rose and walked over to him, bending down to kiss him on the cheek.
"Thank you, Your Highness."
Keri was just about to climb into bed when the door to her room opened. She turned to see who had the temerity to enter without knocking but there was no one there. She knew that the door had not just opened on its own, however, and made a quick move for her sword as it swung shut.
"You won't be needing that, love," a familiar voice said.
An instant later Aliana became visible as she dropped her invisibility spell. She had a long cloak wrapped tightly about her and her chestnut hair was loose, flowing about her shoulders and framing her lovely face. The only light in the room was from the hearth stone, its warm glow creating a romantic atmosphere.
"Ali what are you doing here?" she asked. "Is Marc all right?"
"He looks fine from where I'm standing," Ali said with a coy grin. "As for the Princess, she is just fine."
"Then what...?"
Ali let the cloak fall away, revealing that she was dressed only in a short chemise that barely reached her knees, not that it mattered. It was made of a diaphanous material that was almost transparent, revealing her lithe body. She walked over to Keri slowly, her hips swaying provocatively.
"Ali, what are you up to?" Keri said, backpedaling in surprise. "If Marc finds out…."
"Marc knows," Ali said. Keri stopped in her tracks and stared in disbelief.
"I'm here by Royal Command you could say," Ali continued as she stepped closer. "I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too," Keri said, placing her hands on Ali's shoulders to stop her, "but we can't do this."
Ali stopped, reaching down with one hand to Keri's crotch. There was no hiding the evidence there, and she looked up with a smile.
"Your mouth says no but this says yes," she giggled. She gave an experimental squeeze and added, "Maybe not huge, but very, very large."
"I wouldn't know, I don't have your vast experience to compare it too," Keri said. She instantly regretted the words as Ali tuned away, but not before the Princess saw the hurt in her eyes.
"Ali, I'm sorry. I'm just … I'm just confused. I didn't mean it."
"Do you love me?" Ali asked without turning.
"Yes," Keri told her. "You know I do."
Ali turned, tears trailing down her cheeks and said, "Then show me! When the next full moon comes you'll be back where you belong, and that fragging ring will keep us apart. It could be years before you're ready to take it off. I want to be with you while I can."
Keri moved close and placed her hands on Ali's shoulders again as she said, "But this isn't me."
"It is, in here," Ali said, pressing her hand to Keri's chest. "When I look at Marc in your body, I feel nothing. But I feel you, right here, right now."
Keri was silent for a long moment as they stared into each other's eyes. Finally she said, "You know I've never … I mean not even in my own body."
"Marc has," Ali said. "It'll come to you. We'll take it slow and we don't have to go any further than you want. If it gets to be too much, just tell me and we'll let things cool off."
"I … I don't know," Keri stuttered. "Shard knows I want you, Ali, but I don't know if I can…."
Ali rose on her toes, pulling Keri's head down and silencing her with a kiss. Keri was hesitant at first but Ali didn't let up, and soon the Princess felt herself growing warm. Her hands seemed to rise of their own volition to cradle Ali's head and she bent low, returning the kiss with increasing passion.
She felt Ali pulling her towards the bed, their lips never parting as they lowered themselves down until they were sitting. It all felt very surreal and yet so very right, and any lingering concerns the Princess had were rapidly dwindling as the fire of passion kindled within her.
"I'm glad you don't have a hairy chest," Ali said as she slipped her hand through the V-neck of Keri's night shirt and caressed the smooth, hard muscles. "I never cared for hairy men."
They kissed for a long time with increasing passion, Ali letting Keri proceed at her own pace. Eventually she slipped her right hand down and began to caress Ali's soft, round breast through the fabric of her chemise. Ali moaned in pleasure as Keri brushed her nipple.
"That's right, love, slow and gentle," Ali whispered.
Emboldened, Keri slipped the chemise off Ali's shoulder and then lowered her onto the bed. She began planting soft kisses on and around the nipple, flicking it with the tip of her tongue as it hardened under her attention. Ali continued to moan and whisper words of encouragement, arching her back and thrusting her breast into Keri's mouth as she began to suck gently.
"Oh yes, Keri, just like that love!" Ali cried.
As their foreplay continued, Keri found it less and less strange. Marc was no stranger to sex, and Keri had explored her own desires in private many times. Her knowledge of what a woman liked and Marc's experience in lovemaking, coupled with Ali's increasingly enthusiastic responses drove her on, banishing any lingering awkwardness.
As she continued her oral ministrations, she slipped Ali's chemise off her other shoulder and then pulled the garment down, tossing it away as Ali pulled her feet free. She lowered her right hand slowly, tracing a line down Ali's abdomen until she found the soft, moist folds of flesh between her legs. Ali's eyes snapped open and she let out a long cry of pleasure as Keri's finger slipped inside her.
"Don't worry," Ali told her breathlessly when she saw the worried look on her lover's face. "I put a barrier around the room so no one will hear us. I can get pretty loud."
Keri grinned and turned her attention to seeing just how loud she could make Ali get. The throbbing of her maleness was quite distracting, demanding that she quench it, but her female instincts told her to wait, that it wasn't time yet. More than anything, she wanted this to be enjoyable for Ali so she continued teasing, probing, driving her lover to greater heights.
A memory of Marc's surfaced, both disturbing and inspiring. She shook off the questions for another time and began kissing her way from Ali's breast, down her stomach, pausing at her navel to tease the enchanted bauble that dangled there. When she reached her vulva and began licking at the soft folds Ali's vocalization reached a new height.
"Shards Keri," she cried. "That feels so … so good."
Keri felt Ali's hand on her head, grasping her by the hair almost painfully. Her lover's back arched and she let out a series of inarticulate cries as she climaxed. Ali's body tensed as the orgasm washed over her, causing her to shudder repeatedly. Then her cries subsided into soft moans and she released her grip. Keri pulled herself back up and kissed Ali, her hand drifting back to where her lips had been a moment ago.
"Oh no," Ali said, pushing her hand away, "now it's my turn."
With practiced ease Ali grasped the hem of Keri's nightshirt and pulled it up over her head. Now it was Keri's turn to moan in pleasure as Ali emulated her, kissing her way down the muscular chest and abdomen of Marc's body. When her soft lips began tenderly kissing Keri's semi-rigid member the Princess sucked in a sharp breath as she was flooded by sensations unlike anything she had ever felt. Then she felt her manhood surrounded by warm wetness and watched in surreal awe as Ali's head bobbed up and down, coaxing her to full erection.
In short order Ali ceased her oral stimulation and crawled up to straddle Keri. She reached down with her right hand to adjust the position of the Princess's stiff member until its tip was poised at her wet, ready opening. Then she lowered herself slowly, her eyes widening and her mouth forming an O.
"It's better this way for the first time," she said. "You really are … big."
Keri barely nodded, her mind awash with pleasure as she entered Ali. She had imagined their first time on numerous occasions but had never dreamed it would be like this. As Ali began riding her, the Princess noted with some interest that it no longer felt in any way strange — she still knew who she really was but for now she felt totally and wonderfully male.
Ali began working herself faster and faster as her vagina became accustomed to the size of Keri's member. The Princess reached up and fondled her breasts, then pulled her lower so that she could kiss and suck them. Ali's cries of pleasure became screams of bliss, culminating with her second climax. She collapsed onto Keri's chest as her vaginal muscles clenched repeatedly.
Without breaking contact Keri rolled them over and began thrusting, gently at first but with increasing force and speed as Ali encouraged her. Despite her exertions she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the expression on Ali's face, the look of pure, primal joy in her eyes. Knowing that she was causing that gave her a sense of profound pleasure that went far beyond the physical sensations she was feeling.
She could tell that Ali was close to a third orgasm, and she felt her own climax near. Her entire world seemed to compress into that building pressure, every sensation focusing on her maleness. They reached their peak together, both crying out in unison and for an instant Keri couldn't discern where she ended and Ali began as their bodies truly became one flesh. She convulsed as her seed flowed into her friend and lover, and with that release came an awareness she hadn't known since the transfer. She felt the aether, full and unfettered as though she were in her own body. Ali felt it too, her eyes growing wide as she cried out and gripped Keri's back so hard that her nails bit into the flesh.
The moment was both eternal and fleeting, and when it passed they collapsed together. They lay with their sweat soaked bodies entwined for several minutes, gazing into each other's eyes in wonder. Even if they could have found their voices, there were no words to describe what they had just felt.
Aliana finally spoke, her words still punctuated by heavy breaths.
"Keri that was … that was…." She struggled to get the words out but her body shuddered again and she closed her eyes and moaned.
"Did I do all right?" Keri asked.
"All right?" Ali giggled. "Love, you were amazing! The question is, how did it feel to you?"
"It was incredible," Keri said. "For a moment there, I didn't feel strange at all. I mean I want my body back, but for a time it didn't seem to matter so much. And when I climaxed I felt myself fully open to the aether again."
"And now?"
"It's distant again, but not as much as it was before," Keri said.
Ali raised up on one elbow so she could look down into Keri's eyes.
"Do you think you're spirit is affecting Marc's physical connection to the aether?"
"Probably," Keri said. "I imagine my body is doing the same thing to Marc's spiritual connection."
"I suppose that makes sense," Ali said. "Early magic training focuses on strengthening the weaker of the two connections to the level of the stronger. If you two stayed in each other's bodies long enough, Marc could end up as powerful as you."
Keri rolled her eyes and said, "That is not going to happen. Even if I was willing to do that for Marc, he would never agree to it, and I want my body back. This has helped me make a decision though."
"Oh really," Ali said, snuggling down against her lover's chest. "What's that?"
"I want to be with you in my own body," Keri said. "I'm not talking about waiting until I grow out of my elevated sex drive. I know I can trust you to not let me get totally out of control."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Absolutely," Keri told her.
"That makes me so happy," Ali said. She lifted up again and kissed Keri before continuing.
"For now, though, you are in this body, and the night is still young…."
For the first time since the night of the full moon, Marc felt almost normal — almost. Gone were the soft undergarments and long dresses, replaced by the glittering armor of the Princess of Trimaria. He had been quite pleased when Keri had told him her intention to enter Wallkeep in full battle regalia. The city was the staging point for the war after all, and it was only fitting that they see that Trimaria had a true Warrior Princess.
Of course, it wasn't exactly like his own armor. The sculpted breast plate of manthracite steel only emphasized the curves that were still so strange to him, and even clad in matching articulated gauntlets his hands looked terribly small and delicate. The armor was also considerably lighter than the chain of the Royal Guard, even with the breast plate. The magical enchantments woven about it made it both light and durable — though extremely pretty the armor was not just for show. The only piece missing was the full face helm, which wasn't appropriate for the occasion. In its place he wore Keri's most elegant coronet, made of silver trimmed in gold, its eight points inset with large Trimarian rubies.
It was the coronet that bothered him the most — it just didn't feel right that he should wear it. Despite the body he was in, he was not the Royal Heir, and wearing her coronet was contrary to everything he had devoted his life to.
~ It can't be helped, so I'll just have to deal with it. ~
Just ahead of him Keri sat astride his warhorse, Garith and Stilnar to either side. That was something else that felt odd — sitting in the saddle of the Princess's much smaller thoroughbred. Keri's body was long-legged enough that he could have ridden a war horse, but that would have been out of character. Unlike the horses of the Guardsmen, the runner bore no barding, just decorative purple and silver livery emblazoned with the Royal Arms.
Keri turned and gave him a smile and Marc felt the oddest sensation of all. He had never considered himself particularly handsome, but as he looked at his own body, he saw it as the Princess saw him, as a woman saw him, and it caused a stirring within that was most disturbing, and yet imminently — satisfying.
~ I suppose I make a rather dashing figure after all. ~
Keri made a signal with her hand and she and the vanguard of twelve Guardsmen plus the standard bearers moved forward from the staging area near the Wallkeep spires, followed by Marc and behind him the rest of the escort. The city actually surrounded the spires and a wide stone roadway led to the keep itself. As they began moving the clack of shod hooves on stone reverberated from the surrounding buildings and sent a thrill through him that caused Marc to shiver.
Like most of the other baronial fortresses, the keep itself was not very large. What was unique about Wallkeep was of course Riala's Wall. The keep was built around the Great Gate, which was the only access through the wall. Over the years the city had grown up around the keep, eventually encompassing the transport spires. The population was around ten thousand, which didn't include the troops assigned to man the wall or the units that were regularly rotated from the frontier for rest.
It seemed as though every citizen was lining the streets cheering. Thousands of small Trimarian pennants waved in the hands of the people, and Marc was not ashamed at all as he felt tears on his cheeks as he was overwhelmed by the display. He knew it was really for the Princess but that didn't lessen the emotional impact.
The parade route took them along Wallkeep's main thoroughfare, through the gate in the outer curtain wall to where the Baronial Manor sat atop a small rise. From the towers of the Baronial Manor it was possible to see over the wall, allowing a commander to manage the defense of the city.
As Mark reached steps of the Baronial Manoy he reigned in his mount, wheeling to face the people of the city. He drew the longsword sheathed at his right hip and raised it above his head, spurring the horse and pulling back on the reins. The thoroughbred responded, rising on its hind legs and pawing the air with its front hooves as it neighed shrilly. A thunderous cheer rose from both the civilians and the troops behind him.
It hadn't been planned; but the reaction of the crowd told Marc it had been the right thing to do. The Princess had been hidden from her people for too long, and he had been a party to that. In his desire to fulfill his oath to protect her, he had done the people of the kingdom a terrible disservice.
Marc sheathed the sword and dismounted as a tall woman with fiery red hair descended the steps. She dipped low in a formal curtsey then rose to face him, her amber eyes seeming to burn like coals.
"Welcome to Wallkeep, Your Highness," Baroness Gisells Olivara said. "Your presence honors us beyond words."
"The honor is mine, Excellency," Marc said. "Wallkeep has long guarded the borders of Trimaria, and it is past due that I should pay my respects."
Marc tried to read something, anything, in the baroness's eyes that would give him a clue as to where her loyalties lay. He couldn't detect anything beyond a hint of amusement perhaps, and he knew that Keri would likely have been able to discern more. If the Baroness was an enemy, he certainly couldn't tell just by looking at her.
"Your quarters are ready, Highness," the Baroness said. "I'm sure you must be fatigued after riding so long in that armor."
"I find it quite comfortable," Marc said with a smile. "It would be nice to get settled, however."
"Of course," the Baroness said. "My chamberlain will show you the way."
He resisted the urge to turn and make sure Aliana and Enara had fallen into step behind him as the chamberlain led them into the manor. He knew they were there, and to look might be interpreted, quite rightly, as if he were feeling insecure. After entering the foyer the chamberlain led them to the right, down a wide corridor to a set of large double-doors. Two Royal Guardsmen assumed positions on either side of the doors as Marc passed through into a spacious hall and followed the chamberlain up a set of stairs to the third floor.
Wallkeep was a more modern city than Highkeep, and as such the Baronial Manor had been built with quarters specifically for the Crown. The entire north wing was set aside for such, and the accommodations on the upper floor were nearly the equal of the Royal Quarters at the Palace. While the handmaidens set about arranging the large sitting room, Aliana and Enara accompanied Marc into his bedchamber. As soon as the door was closed he turned to them, a pleading look in his eyes.
"Get me out of this armor, please!" Marc begged as he pulled of his gauntlets. "My tits feel like they're being squashed flat!"
Ali and Enara looked at each other wide-eyed for a moment and then both burst into laughter. Marc glared at them for a moment before giving in to his own laughter. The vulgarity of his words was so unlike the behavior of a proper Princess — and so very like Keri.
"I would have thought you'd like that, considering how much you've complained about them," Enara said as she started working the buckles of the breast plate.
"I'd like them to be smaller," Marc said between giggles, "not flattened for hours in a steel box. It's very uncomfortable."
"I don't doubt it," Ali told him. "Keri had this made over a year ago and she's … expanded a bit since then."
"Then why By the Fragment didn't she have a new one made?" Marc asked, letting out a sigh as Ali and Enara removed the breast plate. "Don't answer that," he continued before Ali could speak. "She didn't because I insisted she didn't need armor … that it was too dangerous for her to go anywhere near the fighting."
"You were just concerned for her safety, Marc," Ali said, motioning for him to sit on the bed. Once he was seated they removed the steel vambraces from his forearms and then he raised his arms above his head and leaned forward so they could pull the chain mail hauberk off, eliciting a squeal from him as some of his hair caught in the links.
"And she just wanted to see her kingdom and her people," Marc said as he righted himself. "Ali, if we … if I hadn't been so insistent on keeping her locked behind the walls of Lockeleigh, do you think we'd be where we are now? Please be honest."
"I'd have to say no, I don't Marc," Ali admitted. "But remember it wasn't just you. The Regent felt the same way, at least until recently."
Marc didn't answer, knowing how the Regent's actions made her look. For six years she had adamantly argued against the Princess leaving the area around Lockeshire, and Marc had supported her. It was one of the few issues they agreed on. In light of the attack, her sudden decision that Keri should attend the festival and her approval of the Royal Progress made her look very suspect. Marc adamantly refused to believe she would ever seek to harm her niece however.
Enara loosened the laces on his leather jerkin and pulled it off and Marc fell back onto the bed, rubbing his breast and sighing once more. He quickly realized what he was doing and sat back up, blushing brightly.
"You're a little chaffed," Ali said. "I've got some salve that will take care of that."
As Ali went to get the ointment, Enara took Marc's hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
"I know I've only been around for a short time," she said, "but I believe you had only the Princess's well being in mind. What's done is done, Marc, all we can do is learn from things and move forward."
"You're right, of course," Marc said. "You're pretty wise for seventeen."
"Eighteen!" Enara protested, and then smacked him on the shoulder when he grinned to show her he really hadn't forgotten that her birthday had been just before they left on the Progress.
Ali returned with a small jar in hand and set it on the table next to the bed. Then she and Enara helped remove his boots, greaves and finally the mail pants and the leather trousers beneath them. Marc didn't even protest as they pulled away his sweat soaked braies — he just settled back on the bed again, his arms raised over his head as the cool air caressed his body. It just felt so good to be naked he pushed aside his usual discomfort and enjoyed it.
"I think he's just happy he got to wear boy underpants for a change," Enara giggled.
"If I hadn't I'd be chafed on my … backside too," Marc replied.
"You should bathe before I apply the salve," Ali told him. "I'll fill the tub for you."
"That sounds nice," Marc said with another sigh.
Two hours later Marc was dressed in a simple but elegant dress sipping tea in the sitting room when Master Talisin arrived. The old sage had a very serious expression on his face as he entered the Royal Quarters, and was carrying a large, leather bond tome. Marc dismissed all the girls except for Ali and Nara, and then sent for Keri. Once she had arrived, the sage gave them a full report of his meetings with the guild principals and that all had pledged their support to the Princess.
"I wasn't really worried, but it is a relief to hear it," Keri said.
"I have more news as well," Talisin said, patting the tome in his hands. "I did some research in the sealed archives, and I found this volume which records the origins of the Amulet of Kessil. This book was locked away over eight hundred years ago by order of the Crown, with the endorsement of the Council of Barons and Guilds."
"That's very unusual," Keri said. Trimaria was a society not accustomed to state secrets.
"There was good reason for it," the sage told them. "The order explains why I did not uncover this information when I researched the amulet for your parents. Once I had found the description of its function, and found no indication of any danger, I didn't pursue the matter by examining the sealed records. That was a grievous over-sight on my part — I should have been suspicious when there was no indication of who crafted the amulet."
"Did you discover some danger about the amulet?" Marc asked, his hand rising to clutch the artifact. "Is that why the records were sealed?"
"Not directly, no," Talisin said. "The amulet was created by King Alanon, a powerful sorcerer."
Keri made a snorting sound of distaste. "He was also somewhat of a pig I'm ashamed to say. His reign was a blight on our family tree. He was … well perverse is putting it kindly."
"Indeed," Talisin said. "His affinity for young women, even after he was married and on the throne, was not that unusual, but his behavior with them was."
"I remember from your lessons that he was a very ineffective ruler," Enara said. "The kingdom was nearly ruined financially due to his excesses. I don't recall anything else though."
"He reveled in torturing his bedmates," Keri said with disgust. "It's not exactly secret knowledge, but it's not something we like to talk about. Why did he create the amulet though?"
"That is where the story gets interesting," Talisin said. "You see the Alanon we know from history is not the real Alanon at all."
They all waited in anticipation as the sage opened the book to a marked page. He studied the text for a moment, shaking his head in wonder.
"Apparently Alanon had never felt comfortable as a man," Talisin said. "From the time he was a young lad, he expressed a desire to be a girl."
Ali looked surprised and said, "That's rare but not unheard of. There are spells available to help people like that."
Keri shook her head. "Not when they're the heir to the kingdom. In his time succession was through the eldest male. It wasn't until about two hundred years later that the law was changed to allow the sovereign to choose which child, regardless of gender, would succeed them."
"Precisely," Talisin said. "Alanon had no male siblings, so abdication was out of the question. He was forced to live his life in a body he loathed."
"You're saying that those stories of his many mistresses were really him?" Marc asked. "He used the amulet to swap with them so he could be female?"
"It appears so," Talisin said. "Afterwards, he used a spell to erase their memories of the amulet and the exchange, so that they believed they had been the female all along. His queen, Naioma, knew of his activities, and helped him keep everything secret. It all would have been fairly harmless had he not met a young woman named Tishia.
"Tishia was not particularly adept with magic, but she had some modest talent. She was also very ambitious. Once she and Alanon had swapped, however, she had access to far more power. She used that power, and the King's greater knowledge. After removing the amulet she cast a spell that erased Alanon's memories of his true self. She then sent him away from the Palace and set about living his life. She also erased Naioma's memories, not only of her exchange with Alanon, but of everything regarding the amulet."
"So it was her, not him, that nearly ruined the kingdom," Keri seethed.
"And ruined many lives," Talisin said. "She was undone, however. Perhaps Alanon's spirit was too strong, or perhaps she had made a mistake in casting the spell. Whatever the reason, Alanon's memories eventually began to resurface. He wisely didn't confront her directly, but approached the Mage's Council, and after magical examinations his story was confirmed. The Barons and the Guilds took action, quietly deposing the King in favor of his eldest son. Prince Gregor was born before Alanon used the amulet with Tishia, so the line of succession remained unbroken."
"What became of Alanon and Tishia?" Enara asked.
"They were never restored to their proper bodies," Talisin replied. "The usurper was stripped of both power and mind by the Mage's Council and left to live out his days as little more than a child in the body of an adult.
"As for Alanon, by the time he recovered his memories, he had lived for many years as Tishia, and had married and borne several children. I suspect that even had Tishia not removed the amulet and broken the spiritual anchor, he would still have chosen to remain as he was. By all accounts, the new Tishia had a quiet, happy life and lived to a very old age."
"It's no wonder the records were sealed," Marc said. "If this were known, it could call into question the entire line of succession. Even though Gregor was born before the swap, someone would have surely tried to use the incident to cause trouble."
"That is exactly why our current situation must be kept hidden," Talisin said. He hesitated for a moment and then continued, "There is one more important detail. As Tishia, Alanon married a young warrior named Pytor Demos … your ancestor Marc. While you and the Princess aren't related by blood, you are by spirit."
A long uncomfortable silence fell over the room. Marc's face was impassive while Aliana and Enara bore expressions that alternated between amazement and shock. It was Keri who finally broke the silence.
"I think I've felt that all along," she said.
Marc smiled and nodded. "I feel the same." His smile became a mischievous grin as he added, "Only my real little sister could have been as annoying as you."
"So the amulet was locked away in the Palace treasury until Mother found it?" Keri asked.
"No, it resurfaced again in the time of Queen Riala," Talisin said. "As you know, Riala had four children, all male and all likely from different fathers. Her oldest sons, Tristin and Leronel, were killed in battle during the orc wars. After the Wall was completed she had two more sons, Lornis and Baltor. Lornis was the eldest, a powerful mage while Baltor was a warrior like his mother."
"Lornis was also quite mad," Keri said. "He feared that Riala intended to name Baltor as her successor, which she probably did, and he plotted to have his brother killed."
"That is what is recorded in the official records," Talisin said. "What really happened is Lornis tricked his brother into swapping bodies with him by claiming the Amulet of Kessil would make Baltor an invincible warrior. Once they had swapped, he over powered Baltor, bound and gagged him and then waited for the assassins he had already hired to come for him. Since he knew of the attack it was quite easy to thwart, and the two assassins were captured. Under questioning they revealed who had hired them, and Lornis brought his brother back to Lockeshire where he was tried for treason."
"But Lornis was banished for his crime," Marc said. "Are you saying it was really Baltor?"
"Fortunately no. Of course Baltor had been loudly proclaiming his true identity but no one believed him, except for Riala. She knew her favorite son too well, and Lornis was not able to fool her. They were returned to their proper bodies and Lornis was driven through the Great Gate in Riala's Wall."
"With all the trouble it caused, why wasn't the amulet destroyed?" Enara wondered.
"It's not that easy to destroy something so powerful," Keri said. "It can be quite dangerous in fact — artifacts like the amulet are imbued with a lot of power."
"At least Lornis got what he deserved," Ali said. "Camron was infested with orcs then, and they would have had no love for a son of Riala. I imagine they made short work of him."
"I'm afraid not," Talisin said. "Mistress Sybilla was able to identify the mage that created the tracking charm. There can be no doubt it was enchanted by Lornis. He is alive and apparently seeking to undermine the House of Lockeleigh."
"Well, I don't think we can pack another thing in the coach," Grand Master Odon said as he entered his wife's office at the back of her shop.
"And less than half of it is ours," Grand Mistess Elena said with a smile. The smile faded quickly, however, and she added, "I wish we could have left days ago."
"As do I," her husband said, his large hand gently caressing her shoulder. "Ali and Keri are fine, though, and we'll see them at the Grand Ball in five days."
Elena pressed her cheek to Odon's hand and closed her eyes. She knew he was right, but she was a mother and couldn't help but worry about her children. Even though she hadn't given birth to the Princess, she loved Keri as though she had, and when she had heard of the attack she had wanted to rush to her as quickly as she could. It had been impossible of course, even with the transport spires the journey to Highkeep would have taken days.
A soft knock at the door drew her attention, and at her invitation one of her apprentices entered the office.
"Forgive me, Mistress," the girl said. "Lord Chamberlain Fenril is here and would like to speak with you."
"Please show him in, Anissa."
The girl opened the door wide to admit the elder chamberlain and then closed it behind her as she left. After hugs of greeting were exchanged Elena ushered Fenril to a chair and sat down next to him.
"What can we do for you, old friend?" she asked. "Time for some new doublets?"
"I'm sure it is, but my business is more urgent I fear," Fenril said. He quickly related the conversation he had overheard the morning after the attack from the secret passage behind Duke Terlen's office.
"That is very disturbing, Fenril," Elena said.
"Disturbing yes," Odon agreed, "but hardly incriminating. If we knew what these plans he spoke of are it would help."
"I fear I can answer that," Fenril said. "I have continued my clandestine activities, and overheard another conversation this morning."
"Fenril you risk too much," Elena said. "If you were caught…."
"I would gladly give my life for Her Highness," Fenril said, somewhat defensively. "I love the child dearly."
"Of course you do, old friend," Odon said. "What did you overhear?"
"The Duke was using his crystal speaker," Fenril said. "I didn't recognize the voice of whomever he spoke to, nor could I make out much of what was said. What I did hear was enough, however. The Duke said, 'Be certain you remove the amulet before you kill the Princess'. Then he deactivated the crystal and walked over to a portrait of Queen Mistara. He stood before it and said, 'Soon, Mother, soon I will have my revenge.'"
Elena exchanged a glance with her husband, both their eyes worried.
"I would have gone to the Regent…," Fenril began.
"But we can't be certain she can be trusted," Elena said. She rose from her chair and paced for a moment before saying, "We have to get word to Keri."
"How?" Odon said. "The orb stations are controlled by the Palace. Any warning we sent to the Princess that was clear enough to be of use would immediately be reported."
"We won't reach Wallkeep until the afternoon of the ball!" Elena said. "That's five days away."
"Neither will the assassin," Fenril said. They both looked at him quizzically and he explained, "Remember the crystal speakers have very limited range, and the Palace itself is shielded to prevent communications from passing beyond the walls to prevent eavesdropping. Whomever the Duke was speaking to had to be within the Palace. At the very best he could only have left within the last two hours."
"Then we leave immediately," Odon said. "If we push hard, we can cut several hours off the journey and be in Wallkeep the morning of the festival. It will mean traveling without escort though."
"We have no choice," Elena said. She clasped Fenril's hands in hers and squeezed them as she said. "Thank you, dear friend. We will reach Keri in time."
They said their goodbyes, and once the old chamberlain was gone Elena turned to her husband. Her face was lined with concern, and he nodded in understanding.
"The amulet the Duke spoke of," he said. "It can only be the Amulet of Kessil. I thought it was lost with Mistara."
"We all did," Elena said. "She kept it with her always. If she left it behind it can only mean she had a premonition."
"Then why would she not say something?" Odon wondered.
"You know what she always said," Elena sighed. "Foresight is a two-edged blade. Often times by seeking to avoid the future, one only succeeds in making it come to pass. Right now I'm more concerned with the present. If Keri has the amulet, there's only one person she would use it with."
Odon nodded again, his face red with rage. "Terlen knows about the amulet and its power. He means to kill our child, and trap the Princess in her body."
"Not Terlen," Elena said with a shake of her head. "He may look like the Duke, but from what Fenril said he isn't. There are other ways besides the amulet to assume another's identity. It appears Riala's banished son has returned to Trimaria."
On the fifth day of the festival 'the Princess' made an appearance at the children's carnival. It was strange for Keri as she watched Marc with the children — he seemed to really be enjoying himself, just as she would have. She had never truly understood how Marc's duties kept him on the outside of her life, watching but never really a part, and she couldn't help but feel a little jealous now.
"She has a way with the young 'uns," Garith said.
"Yes, she does," Keri agreed.
There were too many people about for them to speak freely, so they had to maintain the ruse that she was Marc. She couldn't keep the longing expression from her face though, and Garith patted her arm reassuringly.
"Have ya noticed anything strange since we've been here?" the serjeant asked.
"Not especially," Keri said. "Why?"
"By my reckoning, there's only one division o' reserve troops in the area. I talked to an old friend in the garrison here and he told me there're only two regiments on the wall."
"Two regiments per watch you mean," Keri said.
Garith shook his head. "Two regiments total."
"There's supposed to be two full divisions! Did your friend know where the rest of the troops were sent?"
"No," Garith replied. "They were given orders ta report ta the spires but they weren't told their destination. One thing is certain; they weren't sent ta the frontier 'cause they woulda just marched out the Great Gate. He also told me just before we arrived the detachments at the milecastles were reduced to bring the number of troops in the city proper up ta normal strength."
"So the Baroness wants us to think the full garrison is here," Keri said. "That means we've got almost a hundred-thousand troops unaccounted for somewhere in the kingdom," Keri said.
As Princess she had received regular reports of troop movements, but she had paid no more attention to them than she had other affairs of state. She silently cursed her own naivety, even though she was fairly certain she had never seen anything mentioning a reduction of the garrison at the Wall.
"The Regent will be here in three days," Garith suggested.
"You don't honestly think she'll provide any useful information?"
"Not to you, but she might if the Princess demanded to know why the troops were moved."
"We'll tell Her Highness," Keri said, thinking she was never going to get used to referring to Marc that way. "Confronting the Regent without more information is premature though."
They remained at the carnival well into the afternoon and afterwards spent some time browsing the wares of the vendors in the merchant's sector. Keri had to struggle to remain impassive when she wanted to examine many of the fine fabrics and jewelry closely, and no doubt Marc was finding it as difficult to feign interest. At one point their eyes met and they both nearly started laughing.
Once they had returned to the Royal Quarters Keri had a moment to inform Marc of what Garith had learned. He was equally disturbed by the information but agreed that it was best to avoid confronting the Regent until they knew more.
"I'll have Rodin inquire about any unusual troop movements," he suggested. "Even if the units are secretly deployed that many troops have to have heralds to handle communications and logistics."
Keri nodded in agreement. Her father had told her many times that an army could march a hundred leagues without food or water, but it couldn't take a step without heralds to handle the bureaucratic details.
After leaving the Royal Quarters she went about the tedious details her temporary role required. This was the time she felt the loneliest — Garith and Stilnar couldn't be with her because as the Princess's personal bodyguards their place was outside the Royal Quarters. As Captain of the Guard she had to receive the reports from her subordinates, which primarily concerned the rotation of guardsmen so that everyone would have time to enjoy the festival.
It was after dark when she returned to her quarters after seeing that the night watch was in place. Aliana was waiting for her as she had been nearly every night since they arrived at Wallkeep. They didn't make love every night, but this night Keri was feeling especially down and Ali accepted her advances without question. Afterwards, as Ali snuggled close to her in the bed, Keri thought she had never felt more content in her life. It wasn't that she had any desire to remain in Marc's body, but the last few weeks certainly had been an eye-opening experience.
"This is getting to be a habit," she said softly as she stroked Ali's hair.
"Marc doesn't seem to mind," Ali said. "But don't worry. I'll be very happy when you're back where you belong."
She reached up and traced her finger gently along the scar on Keri's left cheek. Her touch tickled slightly, causing Keri to make a face that elicited a giggle from Ali.
"I've never really understood the warrior tradition of keeping special scars," she said. "I always thought this made Marc look … rugged though. I know he got it defending your father, but he never says more about it than that."
"It was in the Black Forest, on the western shore of Lake Falstrom in Camron," Keri said. "That's well beyond the current frontier; it was six years before Father pulled our forces out of Camron and started making peace overtures to Merdia. The army was encamped there to protect the mages that were building the Camron transport spires. Of course the Merdians were not too happy about that; the spires were the same size as those here in Wallkeep and could transport two hundred troops at a time.
"Our troops were under constant harassment and morale was pretty bad. Father liked to get out and talk to the men, without the spectacle of a big escort, so he had slipped away from his guards to tour some nearby camps."
"Ah, so you come by it naturally," Aliana laughed.
"I guess so," Keri said with a smile. "Marc was only seventeen at the time, he'd only been Toranon's squire a short time, and he saw Father leaving the Royal Encampment and followed him. Of course he knew Marc was following, and once they were clear of the camp he called him forward. They were on their way back around sunset when the attack came — a small group of Merdians had flanked the lines and were approaching the encampment from the rear.
"There were only a dozen Merdians, just a scouting party for the larger force, but one of them had a bolt-thrower and he brought Father down with a bolt to the leg and another to the shoulder. Father still managed to get of a spell that killed the gunner and disabled his weapon. Then he told Marc to run, but instead he drew his sword and then took Father's as well and stood over him."
Keri closed her eyes, the memories as clear as though she had been there. It was extremely confusing at times; trying to keep straight what were her memories and what were Marc's.
"He was so scared, Ali, but he stood his ground as the Merdians closed in. By the time the Royal Guard arrived, he'd killed half of the scouting party and the rest fled. Toranon was weak from blood loss, but he refused to let the healers treat him until he knew the incoming attack had been thwarted. Marc never left his side, and it wasn't until they told him that Father would be all right that he collapsed. He hadn't let anyone know how serious his wounds were — he almost died."
"He loved your father very much," Ali said.
"I know," Keri said. "His mother died in childbirth, and he was only six when his own father was killed. My parents were really the only family he ever knew."
"What's bothering you?" Ali asked. "You're wearing Marc's brooding face."
Keri didn't answer immediately. It felt like she was invading Marc's privacy, but she couldn't stop the memories from surfacing. She imagined he was experiencing similar feelings, but she was fairly certain that he wasn't learning anything particularly disturbing about her.
"It's another memory," she said finally. "Marc and my aunt … they were lovers, Ali."
"I … I never had any idea," Ali said.
"They were very discreet," Keri told her. "After Marc was hurt he was sent back to the rear to fully recover. Aunt Rayna was working at the medical encampment."
"I'd almost forgotten she trained as a healer," Ali said.
"Mother always said she had a natural ability to soothe the hurting," Keri said. "She wasn't that good with magic, but just her touch seemed to bring comfort. It's hard to imagine she was ever like that."
"So they fell in love while Marc was recovering?"
"Well Marc certainly did," Keri said with a wistful smile. "Once he was healed he went back to the frontier. It was months before they saw each other again. They kept their relationship secret, at first because of the difference in their stations. Aunt Rayna was a duchess and Marc just a squire. After Father made him a knight, there was still the war and they were apart more than they were together.
"Then Marc was appointed my personal guard captain and he came back to Lockeshire. I never knew this before, but Father was already planning to end the war, and he was afraid that I might be in danger once that was made known."
"Danger from within the kingdom," Ali said.
Keri nodded. "Many of the barons had large holdings in Camron, and Father knew the only way we could have peace was to abandon them and withdraw from the region. The only person he trusted to protect me was Marc. Of course being back at the Palace meant he and Aunt Rayna could see each other frequently, but they still kept their affair hidden. I suppose they were just used to it by then. Marc finally did ask her to marry him though, and Aunt Rayna accepted. They were going to tell Mother and Father when they returned from signing the peace treaty with Merdia."
"But they never did." Ali said.
"No," Keri said, her voice taking on a hard edge. "When Rayna was made Regent, Marc told her it was over. He said his duty was to me, and that as long as she was Regent, he couldn't be with her."
"That explains why they've been so … confrontational," Ali said. She noted the hard expression on Keri's face and added, "You're angry with him."
"Shards yes!" Keri roared. "He broke her heart, Ali. She was still devastated by Mother's death and he abandoned her. I can't believe he would do something like that, and worst of all, he did it because of me!"
"You have to talk to him about it," Ali said. When Keri started to protest, she pressed forward. "You both agreed to talk if a memory surfaced that bothered you. This will keep eating at you until you deal with it."
"You better get back to your chamber," Keri said, looking away from Ali. "This isn't Highkeep or the Palace. It wouldn't do to get the gossips started."
"Don't do this, Keri. Don't shut yourself in like Marc would."
Keri sighed. "I'll talk to him, I promise."
The Regent's impending arrival on the day before the Grand Ball was something Marc had been dreading almost since the moment he awoke in Keri's body. Fortunately there hadn't been much time to fret over it during the last week; his schedule had been filled with appearances at a dizzying array of activities, and even though it was extremely hectic he found it oddly satisfying as well.
Greeting Grand Duchess Rayna would have been uncomfortable enough but with the issue of their refusal to obey her order to return to Lockeleigh Palace it was bound to be a tense encounter. Fortunately she wouldn't arrive until late in the afternoon, and his only obligation for the morning was to attend the Champion's Tourney, an event he was looking forward to. He was actually in a fairly good mood as his attendants helped him dress — until Aliana informed him that 'Knight Captain Marcan' wished to speak to him in private. The carefully neutral expression on Ali's face told him all he needed to know.
After the handmaidens were dismissed, Ali went to get Keri and Marc settled onto the sofa of his sitting room. He wanted desperately to run and hide and he hoped that he could fight off the urge to cry. When Ali arrived with Keri, Marc hoped she would stay — he had come to depend on the Maid of Honor very much over the past two weeks — but she didn't. She gave him a sympathetic look and then left them alone. Keri sat down next to Marc on the sofa and waited, unable to look him in the eyes.
"So you know about Rayna and I," Marc said. "I'm sorry, Keri, I should have told you days ago."
"Why didn't you?" Keri asked.
Marc sighed and closed his eyes, fighting to maintain control over his emotions.
"Honestly I hoped I wouldn't have to," he said. "I hoped you wouldn't find that particular memory. I … I was afraid."
"I suppose I can understand that," Keri said. She paused for a moment before asking the one question she had come to ask, "Why?"
"I would think you'd know that," Marc said. "You have my memories."
"The memories don't help me understand," Keri said, her voice rising. "They don't tell me what was in your heart. Did you ever really love her?"
"Very much," Marc replied.
"Then help me understand," Keri pleaded.
Marc rose and began pacing, wringing his hands as he did. As he turned to face Keri he felt the first tears and he hated them, but that didn't keep them from falling.
"I begged Rayna not to accept the appointment as Regent," he said. "You know the law; the Regent is appointed by the Council of Barons and Guild Masters and is answerable to them. I swore an oath to your father that I would protect you, but more than that I … well you had secured a place in my heart long before Rayna."
"So you're saying I came between you and Aunt Rayna."
"That is not true!" Marc cried, his eyes flashing angrily. "She came between us. Rayna wanted revenge for the death of her sister, and the Barons wanted war to regain the lands Toranon had surrendered. She became Regent solely to sate her need for vengeance and left me with a choice to make. I did the only thing I could, what my heart told me, I chose you."
Keri stared at him long and hard. He had given her that same probing look many times and now realized just how unnerving it was. Then the Princess sighed and looked away. Marc walked back to the sofa and sat down next to her.
"You think my choice is what made Rayna grow cold, and you're right," he said, looking down at his knees and feeling very small and alone. "How you must hate me now."
Then he felt Keri put her arm around his shoulder and pull him close. Marc settled his head onto the broad shoulder of his own body.
"I could never hate you, Marc," Keri said. "Hate is what got us here. I love you, and I always will. I just wish … I just miss Father and Mother so much."
"I miss them too," Marc said. He looked up at Keri, staring at his own face — strong and impassive as always. He knew that inside Keri felt the same emotions he did, however, and that her pain was just as real.
"You want to cry, don't you?"
Keri nodded. "But you know I won't."
"Then I'll cry for both of us," Marc said. He stopped fighting and let the emotions flow as he sobbed for them both while Keri held him. It was eerily similar to the day six years earlier, when he had told the then thirteen-year-old Keri that her parents would not return.
They didn't have long, but they took what time there was to sit there and embrace one another. Aliana returned after a few minutes and gave them both a hug, then took Marc into his bedchamber to fix the damage to his makeup.
"Ali, I love you very much," Marc said once his face was again presentable. "I don't think I've ever told you that before."
"Having an especially girlish moment are we?" Ali asked with a grin. "I love you too, now get that Royal ass moving, we're late!"
Marc stood and laughed as he said, "I'm the Princess - they can't start without me. Besides I've never known of a tourney that actually started on time."
As they joined the escort waiting in the hall Marc couldn't help but smile. His short time as Princess had already given him a unique insight. He understood now the impatience Keri often felt — it was simply impossible for her to go anywhere without it becoming a huge affair. While it was true he was with her whenever she went out in public there was a huge difference. He was able to get away from it all; when he was off-duty, he could walk the streets of Lockeshire unnoticed, but Keri could never escape being Princess.
They traveled by coach from the Baronial Manor to the tourney field which was located on the flat, grassy plain just outside the city proper. As Marc had predicted their late arrival had not delayed the start of the tournament - it was almost an hour after they were settled in the Royal Box before the trumpets sounded. A herald marched to the center of the tourney field, his magically amplified voice booming out from stone-speakers around the spectator stands as he announced each of the participants.
One by one the contestants entered, clad in heavy plate, their faces hidden behind full helms. They trotted around the field to the cheers pf the crowd before stopping in front of the Royal Box to pay their respects to the Princess. As was Keri's habit, Marc slipped a silver ring onto the lance of each participant, a gesture showing that the Princess favored all. Several of the warriors also stopped in front of their own ladies, who tied a ribbon to their champion's lance.
When the herald announced Lady Elyssa of Highkeep there was a brief moment of silence before the crowd erupted in cheers. It wasn't unheard of for a shield-maiden to participate in a tourney but it had been many years since it had occurred. As the others had, Elyssa stopped before the Royal Box to receive the Princess's favor and then shifted her lance over to where Enara sat on Marc's right. The Lady-in-Waiting took a red ribbon from her hair and tied it to the lance before blowing a kiss to her love.
As Elyssa moved off to join the other combatants Marc noticed that Enara was trembling. He knew it was likely both from excitement and fear — injuries on the lyst field were rare but they did happen. Marc knew what Keri would do, so he did the same, reaching over to grasp Enara's hand.
"She'll be fine," he told her. "I'd wager Elyssa is a better rider than most of the men down there."
"I know she's ridden in tournaments before," Enara said. "I was never there to watch though. My father wouldn't allow me to attend the tournaments at Highkeep."
The procession continued for some time — even with so many warriors away because of the war the presence of the Princess had drawn a large field. Several of the entrants were among the suitors that would be presented at the Grand Ball, no doubt hoping to impress the Princess with their martial prowess. Marc had to smile at the thought. He had ridden in tourneys and fought in war and knew there was little in common between the two.
The first event was the rings; the course consisted of several wooden arches from which were suspended small rings. The riders would charge down the course, attempting to snag each ring with the tip of their lance. With each round the rings grew smaller, until the last where they were only a quarter-inch in diameter. At the end of the event there were two names tied for first place — Lady Elyssa and a young nobleman, Lord Valin of Talmere.
"I'm not familiar with Talmere shire," Enara said.
"That's not surprising," Marc told her. "It doesn't exist anymore. It was in Camron, but it had to be abandoned when our forces withdrew. The landed families retained their titles but only a few actually had holdings within Trimaria."
After the rings came the quintain, a dummy mounted on a post with arms extending out to either side. A shield was attached to one arm and a bag of sand hung from the other by rope. When the lance of a charging rider struck the dummy's shield it would spin about, swinging the bag around. The rider had to duck quickly to avoid the bag, and any contact would result in a deduction of points. If the rider were unseated by the bag they were eliminated from the rest of the event. With each subsequent round the rope was shortened, causing the dummy to swing faster. Elyssa was clipped on the shoulder in the final round, dropping her to second place behind Valin as they moved to the mounted archery event.
"No one in the kingdom can best Elyssa with a bow from horseback," Enara said excitedly.
Her words proved true. The heir to the Barony of Highkeep was truly a gifted archer, consistently hitting closest to the mark as she sped past the targets. Several times she scored bulls-eyes, bringing the crowd to their feet each time. Lord Valin was competent but no match for Elyssa, and by the end of the third event he had dropped to second place.
The final precision event was tent-pegging. It was similar to the rings, but instead of the targets being suspended from an arch they were on the ground. The event was inspired by a common harassing tactic in which a cavalry unit would ride through an enemy camp, using their lances to pull out the pegs securing the tents. It was much more difficult than the rings, requiring the rider to bend low in the saddle to hit the target. Several riders made the mistake of letting their lance dip too low, driving the point into the ground and literally catapulting them from the saddle.
At the end of the tent-pegging event Elyssa maintained the lead, though the title of tourney champion was still within reach of any of the contestants. The main purpose of the preliminary events was to seed the contestants going into the joust. As one of the top four, Elyssa would skip the first round of the joust, giving her and her mount a valuable rest.
The first riders up donned their heavy plate armor as a long, low series of rails were set up on the field. In short order the first pair were charging towards each other, their war-horses churning up the turf. At the center of the field they met, the lance of one of the riders scoring a hit on his opponent's shield. The lance shattered explosively on contact and the crowd roared with approval.
"The lances are enchanted," Marc told Enara, noticing how she flinched as the riders met. "They literally disintegrate into dust on imact."
"It still looks like they hit very hard," Enara said. "Are riders ever knocked from the saddle?"
"Very rarely," Marc said. "The impact is jarring, but if the rider is properly braced it's not a problem."
The field was large and by the time the early rounds of the joust were completed it was past noon. Elyssa was defeated in one of her matches, but the tournament was double-elimination and by the end of the semi-final round she was in the finals. It was by then no surprise that she would face Lord Valin, who had passed through the preliminaries undefeated. A short break was called so the finalist could rest and get something to eat.
"Elyssa's form is very good," Marc commented as the handmaidens served lunch. "It was bad luck that she drew Sir Nassir so early. He's quite skilled but the years are beginning to take their toll. She would have taken him easily later on — he could barely keep his lance up."
"A common problem with many men," Ali said, grinning evilly. She glanced over to where Keri stood guard in Marc's body and added, "There are some with exceptional stamina though."
"You are a wicked girl," Marc said, unable to prevent his face from reddening. He didn't know whether to be flattered or shocked so he chose the former.
They turned their attention back to the tourney field as the trumpets signaled the start of the final round. Unlike the previous rounds, which consisted of a single set of up to three passes, the finals were decided by the best of three sets. Valin took the first set in two passes but Elyssa rallied in the second to tie the match.
The crowd was on their feet as the third set began, and a thunderous cheer arose as both lances shattered on the first pass. Elyssa had missed the mark, however, her lance tip impacting on Valin's breastplate, so the point went to the young nobleman. On the second pass she was right on target and the score was tied at one point each.
Marc felt Enara gripping his hand tightly as Enara and Valin readied themselves for the third and final pass. As the marshal signaled for them to begin, both their horses reared, pawing the air before launching themselves forward. The cheering of the crowd reached a deafening crescendo as they drew closer. At the last instant Valin shifted his lance slightly, neatly deflecting Elyssa's shaft as the blunt tip drove into her shield, shattering the lance. Enara's grip relaxed and Marc turned to her.
"Elyssa did marvelously, Nara," he said. "She has nothing to be ashamed of."
"I'm just glad she wasn't hurt," Enara said.
The victorious Lord Valin galloped around the arena to receive the accolades of the crowd. His circuit brought him back to the Royal box, where he dismounted and stepped forward. Marc rose and stepped down from the box with Enara and Aliana close behind. As they drew near the nobleman removed his helm and handed it to his page.
Marc felt his face flush with warmth and his heart begin to beat faster. There was no denying Lord Valin was extremely handsome. Even soaked with sweat his shoulder length brown hair danced in the breeze. He couldn't have been more than a year or two older than Keri but his blue eyes shone with an intensity that seemed contrary to his youth. He lowered himself to one knee, his eyes never leaving Marc's.
For a moment Marc was overcome by the very feminine reaction of the body he was in. All thought of where he was and what he was doing was lost as he gazed into those eyes. Then Aliana elbowed him gently in the ribs and his attention snapped back to the present. The Maid-of-Honor handed him the Champion's Medal, a large gold medallion suspended from a heavy gold chain. Marc placed it around Valin's neck and then stepped back.
"Congratulations on your well earned victory, Lord Valin," Marc said. "I am honored to name you my champion, and bestow upon you this small token."
Marc paused, certain he was supposed to do something else but unable to recall exactly what it was. Valin's blue eyes kept breaking his train of thought and he stood there at a loss until Aliana nudged him again.
"Your hand," she whispered.
Marc started and then extended his right hand to the nobleman. Valin took it and kissed it, sending a tingling sensation up Marc's arm. The nobleman maintained his grip on the hand as he rose, until he was looking down into Marc's face.
"To look upon your beauty is reward enough for a lifetime, Highness," Valin said.
Marc felt his face grow very warm and despite the extreme conflict his reaction caused within he managed to smile. He heard the herald's voice booming through the arena as he read from the scroll proclaiming Valin the Coronet's Champion, but the words didn't register. It wasn't until they were in the coach and on their way back to the manor that he fully regained his senses.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked Aliana, aware that she had been speaking to him.
"I was asking if you're all right," Aliana said. She looked at Enara and shook her head. "I believe Her Highness is smitten."
Enara regarded him for a moment before nodding. "Definitely smitten."
"I am not!" Marc protested. "I just … I mean he …."
"We're just teasing, Princess," Aliana said. "He was very handsome, wasn't he?"
Marc heard a chorus of suppressed giggling from the handmaidens and resisted the urge to glare in their direction. He knew Keri wouldn't be troubled at all by the feelings Valin had evoked — she probably would have giggled happily along with her handmaidens. But despite his appearance, he wasn't Keri, and being so affected by a man was quite disturbing.
"I suppose he was attractive enough," Marc allowed, hoping it sounded as though he were trying to be aloof. He didn't expect Aliana or Enara to be fooled, but he had to be cautious with the other girls so near.
Aliana and Enara wisely chose not to pursue the subject any further and the rest of the short trip was made in silence. Once they were back in the Princess's quarters Ali shooed the handmaidens away and then she and Enara began helping Marc out of his dress.
"I don't understand why I have to wear something different for every function," he said.
"Because it's expected," Aliana told him. "Besides you don't want to be dressed so formally when you greet the Regent."
"I'd say your appearance made an impression on Lord Valin," Enara said, her tone carefully neutral. "He certainly made an impression on you."
"He certainly did not!" Marc snapped, pulling away from them.
Neither of the young women appeared surprised by his outburst. He glared at them both for a moment and then sat down heavily on the bed.
"I'm sorry," he sighed. "I just … my reaction to him caught me off-guard."
"I'm sure it must have felt very unnerving," Aliana said as she sat down next to him. "It's nothing to be ashamed of though."
"Even I thought he was very handsome," Enara added.
Marc smiled in appreciation and stood back up so they could finish his wardrobe change. He had to admit Ali was right; if he had to meet the Regent in a dress he would much prefer it to be more comfortable than the tightly laced gown he had worn to the tourney.
"Think of it this way," Aliana offered as she took the gown and hung it in the wardrobe. "What you felt was a perfectly natural reaction for the body you're in, but the fact that it bothers you means the amulet is maintaining your connection to the real you."
"I suppose you're right," Marc said.
Once he was re-dressed they went back in the sitting room to wait for the Regent's arrival. Ali poured Marc a glass of wine and was about to sit down next to him when a knock sounded from the door. She walked over and opened the door a crack to see who it was, then swung the door wide to admit Keri.
"Are you all right," Keri asked once she was inside.
"You noticed my performance too?" Marc asked.
"Well, yes," Keri admitted. "I could, well I could feel that you were really distressed over it too."
"You could actually feel Marc's emotions?" Ali asked.
Keri nodded. "I could then, but it's passed now."
"That's odd," Ali said. "Your mother didn't mention anything like that in her writings about the amulet."
"It's the first time I've experienced it since we swapped," Keri said.
"I've felt it before," Marc said, his face reddening. "When you and Ali are … when you're together at night … well I can feel it."
"Why didn't you say something?" Keri asked.
"Yes, Marc, you should have told us," Ali agreed. "We won't keep meeting if it's bothering you."
"I didn't say it was bothering me," Marc told them. "It was a little strange the first time, but it's not unpleasant." He looked into Keri's eyes and added, "I've felt your loneliness too … and it makes you so happy when you're with Ali."
"Is this a normal part of the transfer?" Enara wondered.
"I don't think so," Keri said. "Mother would have mentioned it. It probably has more to do with my magical affinity."
"That makes sense I guess," Ali said. She looked at Marc and grinned. "So, how does it feel? I mean, do you feel it like you're in your own body … you know, like a man?"
Marc shook his head. "I feel it, well like this body would. I, um, I've even experimented a bit." He looked at Keri to see if she was angry but she only smiled.
"Well I'm glad to hear that," she said. "It would be hardly fair if I was the only one expanding my horizons."
"Shouldn't the ring prevent this though?" Enara asked.
Keri shook her head, looking embarrassed. "It only acts if another person is involved. It doesn't prevent the wearer from, well from…."
"I think we all know what it doesn't do," Marc interrupted. He really didn't need or want to go into any more intimate details.
Another knock sounded at the door and Keri walked over to answer it. Marc could hear Garrith's voice clearly even though he wasn't speaking loudly, so he knew what the message was before Keri turned back to face him.
"The Regent has arrived," she said. "I'll be right outside if you need me."
Keri fought to keep her face impassive even though her heart was pounding as the Regent and her guard approached. Her aunt didn't even look at her as she waited to be announced which was a relief; though Knight-Commander Jaris maintained an irritating smirk on his face the entire time the Regent was in the Princess's quarters. The meeting was surprisingly short, and though Keri could sense Marc's apprehension there was no shouting. When the Duchess returned to the hall she did look at Keri, her eyes smoldering.
"I wish to speak with you in private, Knight-Captain," she said before turning to go to her own quarters.
Keri turned to Garrith and said, "If the Princess requires my presence please inform me."
"Aye, Captain," the serjeant replied.
The Regent's suite was located one floor down and the walk there was made in utter silence. Keri wasn't particularly worried about whatever threats her aunt was about to deliver, but she still concentrated on thoughts of maintaining her emotional control. The incident with Stilnar still troubled her and she knew she had to be careful. While Marc was much less prone to outburst than she was, he did have a temper.
Jaris accompanied them into the Regent's sitting room, that same smug look seemingly glued to his face. As soon as the door was closed the Regent turned, extending her hand to the Knight-Commander. Jaris removed a folded parchment from his doublet and handed it to her. She immediately passed it to Keri.
"This is a warrant for your arrest," she said as Keri unfolded the document.
The warrant listed several charges, chief among them hazarding the life of the Royal Heir and treason, both of which were punishable by death. Keri knew the treason charge would be nearly impossible to prove as it required evidence of intent. It amounted to little more than a threat, though there was no denying it was a serious threat.
"It appears to be in order," she said as she returned the parchment to the Regent. "It carries no weight without the endorsement of the Princess, however."
"That will protect you only as long as my niece remains safe," the Regent said. "Should she be harmed in any way because of your refusal to carry out my order of recall, this warrant will be served."
Keri considered carefully before speaking. Knowing that her great uncle Lornis was involved in the attempt to kill her had actually been somewhat of a relief. His involvement diverted suspicion from her aunt, but only somewhat. There were still aspects of the Regent's recent behavior that were questionable.
"You were the one who arranged for the Princess to attend the festival," Keri said, "despite knowing that the raider threat was far more serious than is generally known. You also made it public knowledge with this ridiculous idea of her entertaining suitors, and despite my concerns over security you also approved the Royal Progress."
"At the time the risks seemed acceptable," the Regent countered. "The attack at Amurga changed all that."
"You knew there was a possibility of a stronger raider presence in the area," Keri said. "You also knew that Baron Trilarn was concerned over the security of the transit spires. Even after the attack on Tuatha, you failed to bring those concerns to my attention."
"I investigated the Baron's concerns," Jaris said. "There was no basis for them. You know that spire keys are enchanted for specific destinations and are only useable for a limited time. The raiders would need a master key to travel freely, and those are accounted for."
That much was true, Keri knew. The only master keys were those of the Regent and the Princess. Keri knew where hers was — safe in the pouch on her belt. As Captain of the Royal Guard, Marc had always carried her key, just as Jaris carried the Regent's.
"Her Highness informed me she intends to return to Highkeep after the festival," the Regent said. "I want to know why."
"Because I am not certain the Palace is safe," Keri replied.
"You're treading a fine line, Knight-Captain," the Regent said.
"My duty is to tread that line," Keri said, locking eyes with her aunt. "I stand between Her Highness and any who would threaten her."
"Shard it, Marc, you can't believe I want to harm Keri!" the Regent shouted with exasperation.
Her eyes softened and Keri saw desperation there. Like Marc, she didn't want to believe her aunt could be plotting against her, but despite Jaris's insistence that it was impossible, she knew the raiders had to be using the spires. As Regent, her aunt could have arranged to have another master key made.
"I make no accusations," she said. "There are many unanswered questions though. I would like to see a detailed report on the deployment of our military forces."
"That information is beyond your responsibilities," Jaris said.
"The safety of the Princess is my responsibility," Keri replied. "Her safety and the security of this kingdom are one and the same."
"If Her Highness wishes a full report, she will have it," the Regent said. Something in her tone caught Keri's attention. It wasn't exactly fear, but she was definitely not happy.
~ She's hiding something. ~
"Good," Keri said. "As for her intentions after the festival, the Princess will remain in Highkeep until she is ready to return to Lockeshire and assume the throne in three months, unless she informs me otherwise."
In truth, Keri had no intention of remaining in Highkeep that long, but it was best to maintain that appearance until after she and Marc had returned to their proper bodies. Mistara's journals made no mention that she had ever revealed the existence of the amulet to her sister, but it was best not to reveal that they would be returning after the next full moon. Lornis certainly knew about the amulet, and if her aunt was somehow involved with him they had to be very cautious.
The Regent sighed and said, "She always was far too stubborn for her own good, a trait she inherited from her father." Her eyes narrowed and she looked hard at Keri as she continued, "See to it that no harm befalls her, Knight-Captain. You will be held accountable should you fail."
"I will, as I always have," Keri said. "Was there anything else?"
The Regent shook her head and Keri turned and left the room. As she returned to the Royal Quarters she tried to put together everything she knew. By the time she reached her destination she had a theory, but she didn't see how it could be right.
"Well I see yer head is still attached," Garith quipped as she approached.
Keri grinned and knocked on the door, motioning for the serjeant and Stilnar to follow her into the sitting room when Aliana opened the door. She was relieved to see Master Talisin was in attendance, as his wisdom would be invaluable.
"Was it bad?" Marc asked as she entered.
"No worse than we expected," Keri told him. "It appeared that your meeting with her went well."
"It did, actually," Marc said. "She seemed genuinely relieved that I … that you had recovered and I think she was very distressed over the attack."
"I assume she told you of the arrest warrant."
Marc nodded. "As you said, we expected as much. Did you get the sense she was suspicious of anything?"
Keri shook her head. "I'm fairly certain Mother never told her of the amulet. Aunt Rayna isn't very adept with magic and Mother told me when they were younger she was quite jealous. They usually didn't speak about magical concerns."
"Keri, I don't believe she's involved in what's going on," Marc said.
"I'm not certain myself," Keri admitted. "She is hiding something though." She told them about the discussion regarding troop deployments and Jaris's words about the spire keys.
"Jaris is right," Marc said, "the orcs would need a master key."
"They'd need more than that, wouldn't they?" Ali asked. "I mean orcs can't channel the aether. Even though the keys are empowered magically, it still takes someone with some affinity to use one. Using a key is much more complicated than that tracking charm."
"There have been sightings of men with the raiders," Garith offered.
"That still doesn't answer the question of the master key," Stilnar said.
"I've thought about that," Keri said. "There is one master key that isn't accounted for … my father's."
Marc looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head, causing his long golden locks to dance across his shoulders.
"Even if the Merdians recovered Toranon's key, they couldn't use it," he said. "Just like yours, that key was encoded to specific individuals. Only the King and his senior officers could use it."
"I know," Keri sighed. There was no need to add that all of those officers had been lost along with her parents.
"What about Lornis?" Aliana asked. "He's of the Royal bloodline; could he use the master key?"
"No, it has to be encoded to specific individuals," Keri said. "I couldn't even use father's key."
"Well, actually you could right now," Marc said. "I was one of those authorized to use it."
"The crucial bit of information we need to unravel this mystery is who," Master Talisin said. "Who is behind all this? The Regent seems a likely candidate, but she could hardly act alone. Even if something prevented the Princess from taking the throne, the Regent would not be installed in her place."
"Darsia?" Keri snorted derisively. "She doesn't have the wit or the gall to attempt to usurp the throne."
"Nor does she have the access," Talisin said. "Someone could see her as a preferable alternative to you, however. If the Regent is not behind this, it has to be someone close to her."
"Jaris," Marc said. "He has access to all areas of the Palace."
"And you really don't like him," Keri said. "How could he manage to get a master key made? He'd need my aunt's approval."
"A conspiracy requires numerous participants," Talisin said. "We simply don't have enough facts to reach any conclusions."
A knock sounded from the door and Stilnar, who was closest to it, answered. He turned to inform Marc that Journeyman Rodin had news, and Marc nodded for him to admit the herald. Rodin entered with a thick leather binder in one hand and a cylindrical case slung over his left shoulder.
"Highness, I have some information you need to hear," he said.
"What is it?" Keri asked, forgetting she was technically not the Princess at the moment. Rodin regarded her with a slight grin.
"Please continue, Rodin," Marc said.
The herald removed a sheet from the binder in his hand and passed it to Marc. "This is a list of units and where our heralds estimate their loyalty lies. As you can see, well over half the commanders are believed to be loyal to the Crown."
Marc studied the list, confirming that it indeed said what the herald reported. The news was not entirely positive, however.
"Most of those units are on the frontier," he said. "Of the units within the kingdom, the majority are suspect, with their allegiance either to the Regent or the Council of Barons."
"You must realize that this information is subjective at best," Rodin said. "Most of those units are considered suspect simply because their commanders were commissioned after King Toranon was lost. At any rate, many of them may not be within the kingdom much longer. As you can see, a significant number of units have been moved to Westkeep. There are also a large number of ships assembled in the harbor. They're all steamships, very large and built over the last two years."
"The Regent is mounting an amphibious assault," Garith said. "Toranon used ships to get units behind the Merdian lines several times during the war."
"Not on this scale," Marc said. "Four full divisions have been garrisoned in Westkeep — over two-hundred-thousand men, including the missing troops from the Wall. Are there enough ships to transport that many?"
Rodin took another paper from his binder and studied it for a moment before passing it to Marc. It listed the specifications of the ships — they were over six-hundred feet long with four side-wheels for propulsion as well as auxiliary sails. The engines employed magically heated boilers that drew water directly from the sea and as a by-product produced large quantities of sea-salt, a valuable commodity. Unfortunately he had little knowledge of ships, and despite having access to Keri's memories couldn't easily estimate how many men such a vessel could carry.
"How many men could a ship like this hold?" he asked, passing the paper to Keri. Her eyes widened as she read the specifications.
"I’d estimate two-thousand plus the crew," she said. She had seen plans for such ships in the Palace archives but didn't realize any had been constructed.
"Our reports indicate there are fifty at anchor in Westkeep harbor," Rodin said, "along with numerous smaller vessels."
"Enough to transport two divisions," Marc said, "then return and bring the other two."
"How could that many ships have been built without word getting out?" Stilnar asked.
"The Regent controls the spires and the orb stations, and thus the flow of information in the kingdom," Marc said. "She was able to hide the severity of the raider attacks easily enough."
"It's my fault," Keri said, her face growing red with anger. "She may have been able to control the flow of information, but the funding for all this had to have passed right under my nose. I blindly signed everything she asked me to. To make matters worse, that pompous ass Baron Denford whined about my slighting his barony by not coming to Westkeep, all the while knowing he had an invasion fleet in the harbor. He knew if he made an issue of it I would be certain not to go there out of spite!"
Too late she realized her mistake — Rodin was not privy to their situation. Marc was staring at her, wide-eyed, but the herald displayed no shock at her outburst.
"You can't blame yourself, Highness," he said. "And you need not fear. You can count on my discretion, even when it comes to reporting to Master Otellan. My loyalty is to you."
Silence fell over the room, until Master Talisin broke it with a hearty chuckle.
"It's very difficult to fool a herald," he said.
"We are trained to be careful observers," Rodin said.
"How many others might have noticed something though?" Marc wondered.
"I have the advantage of being in frequent contact with you both," the herald said. "I doubt anyone has noticed anything amiss in your public appearances."
"What about others in the Royal entourage?" Keri asked.
"I haven't gotten any indication that any of the girls suspect anything," Aliana said. "I've made sure they all know that anything they see or hear is not to be gossiped about."
"It's still my fault," Keri said. "I should have taken more interest in what's been going on regarding the war. I should have insisted upon being included in any planning, and By the Shard I should have paid more attention to what I signed my name to."
"What's done is done," Marc said. "The Regent would have still found a way to keep you in the dark if she wanted to. Is there any indication of the target of this assault?"
"The Istan Peninsula," Rodin said.
"For what purpose?" Garith wondered.
Keri pointed to the leather cylinder slung over Rodin's shoulder and asked, "Did you bring a map?"
The herald smiled and nodded. He withdrew a large map from the tube and unrolled it on the low table in front of the sofa. Keri knelt down and studied it for a moment before speaking.
"According to the information my aunt provided after the attack on Tuatha, it's believed the Merdians have established a port somewhere along the southern shore of Camron. The Istan Peninsula has a sheltered bay that would make an ideal harbor. From there, ships could carry the raiders to the south coast of our western reaches."
"So she intends to end the raider threat by taking the port," Marc said.
"That would be my guess," Keri said. "I suspect there's more to it than that, however. The harbor likely has defenses, so if I were planning the assault I'd land the troops on the eastern shore of the peninsula, and then send the ships back for reinforcements. They could make the trip in about four days I'd estimate, and it would take at least two days to march the invasion force across the peninsula. The second wave would be brought around to assault the harbor directly as the attack from the east commenced.
"Once the port is secured, our forces can march inland and cut the Merdian supply lines. The Merdians will have to weaken their line along the frontier to deal with the threat to their rear, at which point our forces on the frontier will push forward That's why so many units have been sent to the frontier."
"Won't the Merdians just send more troops into Camron?" Enara asked.
"Undoubtedly they'll try," Keri said. "Merdia is much larger geographically than Trimaria though, and they don't have transport spires. It will take them weeks to mobilize enough troops and march them to Camron."
"By which time our forces could easily push the frontier west, well beyond the peninsula," Marc said. "The Merdian forces along the frontier will be forced to withdraw entirely to prevent their being surrounded. It's an audacious plan but it could well succeed in recovering the territory that was abandoned when our forces withdrew from Camron."
"At what cost though?" Keri asked. "The casualties will be staggering."
"Keri, there's nothing we can do to stop it," Marc said. "Do you have any idea when the assault is planned to begin, Rodin?"
"Not anything definite," the herald answered. "The indications are soon, however."
Keri despaired at the thought of the losses the offensive would cause on both sides. It was an escalation that could well make it impossible to end the war, at least anytime soon. But Marc was right — there was nothing they could do to stop it. If they made an issue of the plans, if they tried to expose what the Regent and the Council of Barons were up to, they would only succeed in placing the troops at greater risk.
"Whatever her involvement, my aunt will have a lot to answer for," she said, her voice bearing a hard edge.
"As Marc said, there's nothing we can do for the moment to stop this," Talisin said. "For now, I believe we had best concern ourselves with the immediate issue of the Grand Ball tomorrow evening. You will both be under far more scrutiny than any time since the transfer."
Marc looked up at Keri and sighed, "I really didn't need to be reminded of that."
There were many who called Baroness Gisella Olivara ambitious, at least when they were being polite. At other times — always when out of earshot — they would use words like ruthless or even cold-blooded. She was not a woman prone to being intimidated, certainly not by some witless child like Princess Kerialla, or even her aunt, the Regent.
The Regent's consort Duke Terlen, however, was different. Despite his ever pleasant demeanor she saw in him a kindred spirit. She knew his impeccable courteousness was simply a well placed mask which hid someone who was far more ruthless than she, and his presence in her council chamber was uncomfortably intimidating. She felt like she had so many times in the presence of her father; Terlen had the same calm and infuriatingly condescending tone that the late Baron of Wallkeep had used to belittle her constantly.
"You're quite certain the Princess is not aware of the status of the garrison here?"
"I've made certain the troop strength within the city is at normal levels," Gisella told the Duke. "The remainder are scattered over the length of the Wall at the milecastles. Unless she decides to inspect the Wall there's no way she'll notice that the garrison is under strength."
"Very good," Terlen said, walking over to a large map on the wall. "I doubt we have to worry about Her Highness touring the Wall.
"I take it the ships are ready to depart from Westkeep?"
"The troops are being loaded as we speak," Terlen said as he studied the map. "They'll depart tomorrow under cover of darkness and should reach the peninsula in two days."
"And if all goes well within six weeks the Merdians will have been forced back to the western end of Camron," Gisella said. "The holdings I lost when that fool Toranon withdrew our troops will be restored."
"It may be a short lived restoration," Terlen said. "Her Highness has made it plain she intends to put an end to the war when she takes the throne."
Gisella hesitated before saying, "If she takes the throne."
Terlen turned, a grim expression on his face. "That, my dear baroness, borders on treason."
The Baroness laughed and said, "The same could be said of Her Grace, the Regent. Falsifying reports to the Royal Heir on the seriousness of the raider threat and our troop deployments, not to mention the misappropriation of funds."
"The Princess's signature is on every document pertaining to the disbursement of funds," Terlen said.
"I'm sure it is," Gisella told him. "Of course you know as well as I do that none of those orders mentioned anything about the construction of an invasion fleet. You've done quite well, ensuring that all suspicion will be directed at the Regent."
"You would do well to refrain from speaking so openly," Terlen warned.
"And you'd do well to employ better assassins!" Gisella snapped. "Those bumbling orcs nearly ruined everything."
"That mistake will be rectified soon," the Duke told her. "Just see to it that you do your part."
"It's well in hand. One of the city engineers has been well paid for his cooperation, and you need not worry about him talking. He'll be dead shortly after he does his job. Are you sure your men can handle their task?"
"It won't be a problem, will it, Kragin?" the Duke said.
A tall man with ragged, black shoulder-length hair emerged from the shadows. There was an ugly scar on the left side of his face, stretching from just above the eye down almost to his chin. His left eye was white, sightless orb and his face was hard and cold.
"No problem at all," the man called Kragin said. "I hope the Princess enjoys the ball, because she'll be dead before she can return to the manor."
The sun was sinking towards the western horizon as Grand Master Odon signaled for his apprentice Weslin to bring the coach to a stop. They were less close to the village of Sangre and its transport spires and he was tempted to press on, but the horses need to be rested. He guided his mount back around to the side of the coach and dismounted as his wife emerged along with the two apprentices that were accompanying her to the Grand Ball.
"How far to Sangre?" Grand Mistress Elena asked as she stepped to the ground.
"About a league, maybe a little more," Odon replied.
"I'd hoped we'd be in Wallkeep by this evening," Elena said.
"Well we're at least a day ahead of the caravan," Odon told her. "Probably more; they've probably encountered more delays than we did at the spires." He turned as his other two apprentices approached the coach and waved them down from their mounts.
"Get your horses watered but keep an eye out," he instructed. "There's been some raider activity in these parts."
"Girls, please get some refreshments for the men," Elena told her apprentices. She walked over to stand next to her husband as he arched his back with several audible popping sounds.
"We'll need to have a healer see to that back when we get to Wallkeep," Elena said as she reached up and began kneading Odon's shoulders and neck.
"It has been a while since I've spent so much time in the saddle," he admitted.
"Do you think we'll make it in time?"
"We should get to the Sangre spires before they shut them down for the night," Odon said. "We'll spend the night on the other end at Granfeld. If we leave at first light we can reach the spires south of Neville's Pass by noon. From there it's all spire travel. We'll be in Wallkeep by late afternoon."
"There's an orb station in Granfeld," Elena said.
Odon shook his head. "There's too much risk a message would be intercepted at Wallkeep. I don't trust Gisella — she hated Toranon for withdrawing our forces from Camron."
"You're right of course," Elena sighed.
"We'll make it, love," Odon assured her.
Once the horses were sufficiently rested and watered they resumed their journey, heading northwest towards Sangre. Odon and one of his apprentices rode a short distance ahead while the other trailed behind, checking frequently to be sure no one was approaching from their rear. They had been traveling for about thirty minutes when Odon caught sight of a cloud of dust ahead of them. He took a pair of field glasses from his saddle bag and scanned ahead, uttering a curse when he saw a half dozen orcs galloping hard towards them. He wheeled his mount and galloped back to the coach.
"Raiders," he said as his wife stuck her head out the window. "They're between us and the spires."
"What do we do?" Elena asked.
"We ride as hard as we can right for them," he said, turning to Weslin where he sat at the reins. "You get every bit out of those horses you can, lad, and don't stop for anything."
Weslin nodded and snapped the reins, urging the four-horse team forward. Odon spurred his mount after the coach as the apprentice trailing to the rear galloped to catch up. The big tailor drew his sword and urged his horse on faster. He tried to signal his two apprentices to hang back and protect the wagon but they both shook their heads and drew their own weapons.
Odon was a big man and as such his mount was a war horse. He used that to his advantage, steering his mount for the center of the six raiders and coaxing every bit of speed out of it he could. The orcs were momentarily caught off-guard — they had expected their prey to try and flee instead of charging straight for them. That bought Odon and his apprentices precious seconds to close the distance, but the orcs recovered quickly and drew bolt-casters from their saddles. A cloud of smoke erupted as they fired but the projectiles were all well off the mark. Before they could fire again the three craftsmen were upon them.
Odon drove his mount straight at the horse of the lead orc and the creature tried frantically to maneuver its much smaller mount out of his way, causing him to collide with the rider to his right. Then Odon's mount crashed into it — just a glancing blow but with nearly a ton of war horse under him it was enough to take both orcs down.
The coach barreled through the midst of the orcs as Odon wheeled his mount, lashing out with his sword at the nearest orc. The creature parried the blow with its bolt-caster but the weapon was smashed in the process. The east snarled, dropped the firearm and drew its own sword. As Odon continued to turn his mount the orc attacked, the tip of its blade slashing across the tailor's left shoulder. One of his apprentices charged forward, his sword impaling the orc and driving it from the saddle.
Odon knew they couldn't hope to defeat the orcs; they were tailors, not warriors. He saw one of his apprentices, a young lad named Keevan, barely more than a boy, knocked from his saddle. He killed the orc responsible with a thrust to the back and then shifted his sword to his left hand, extending his right to the bloodied Keevan as he struggled to his feet. The boy grabbed the put stretched arm and Odon swung him up behind him.
The two orcs he had knocked down were trying to chase down their mounts while the remaining two were pursuing his other apprentice, Shamis, as the young man rode for all he was worth to the north. Odon pulled his horse up alongside Keevan's mount and the boy crossed over.
"Can you ride?"
"Yes, Master," Keevan replied.
"Catch up to the coach," Odon ordered. "I'm going after Shamis. We'll meet you at the spires but tell Mistrss Elena not towait."
The boy nodded and spurred his horse forward. Odon set off after Shamis and the other two orcs, shifting his sword back to his right hand.
Behind him, one of the orcs on the ground gave up trying to catch its panicked mount and walked back to retrieve its blot-caster. It raised the weapon to its shoulder, taking careful aim at the back of the big tailor before squeezing the trigger.
Odon felt a hammering blow from behind and pitched forward in the saddle, his sword flying from his grasp. He looked down and saw the tip of a bolt sticking out from the right side of his chest. He fought to stay in the saddle as his war horse charged across the uneven terrain, but it was a losing battle. As he felt his strength ebbing away he lurched to the right, slipping from the saddle. The last thing he saw was the ground rushing up to meet him.
Marc had never cared for formal affairs, but his male attire was nothing compared to dressing as a proper young Princess. Just the everyday gowns he had been wearing since the transfer were more elaborate than any formal doublet and trousers, and now he was faced with getting ready for the Grand Ball. Worse, he would be without the support of Aliana and Enara for much of the process because they both had their own preparations to make.
It began immediately after a light breakfast with a bath. Scented oils were added to the steaming water and his waist length hair was washed with fragrant shampoo and then dried with the aid of a cantrip. After that he met Ali and Nara in the sitting room as their hair was styled and their nails were manicured. Marc's long tresses were first braided and fine chains of gold and silver were woven about the braids. Then the long cords were arranged in intricate coils and loops that reached no further than his shoulders. Aliana and Enara were both finished much sooner as their hair was considerably shorter than the Princess's, and by the time Marc's was done it was time for lunch.
The Princess generally ate a light mid-day meal, but not today. A platter laden with a dizzying array of food was brought for the three - meat rolls and cheese pasties and a variety of fruits and raw vegetables with creamy dips.
"Don't stuff yourself but eat well," Aliana told him. "Once you're laced into your gown you won't be able to do more than nibble at the ball."
Marc took her advice and ate heartily. After lunch they had some time to simply relax until it was time to get dressed. Aliana and Enara went to their own bed chambers, and Marc was attended in his by Lessanna and Wynetta.
They helped him out of the house coat he wore and then assisted him in putting on sheer stockings of fine silk woven from the fleece of silk-sheep from the south of Trimaria. The stockings were dyed lavender to compliment the purple of the gown Ali's mother had made, a detail Marc found a bit pointless as they weren't likely to be seen. There was a matching garter belt to support the stockings and a pair of tight fitting panties that seemed to be made of less material than a handkerchief. He wore no brassiere as the gown itself would supply all the support he needed.
After the undergarments came a skirt of translucent gauzy material with two bone hoops to maintain its shape. The hoops were not as large as some, intended primarily to keep the outer gown away from the legs for dancing rather than fashion. Over all this went a full chemise of silver silk, the material for this harvested from the silk-strand willows that grew in the cold heights of the Malmorrow Mountains. Marc had gotten somewhat used to feminine garments by now, and he couldn't deny that the way the cool, wispy fabric felt against his soft skin was delightful. It was also a relief to at last be fully covered as he was still quite uncomfortable standing nude in Keri's body.
Next came an inset made from the chromatic dragon hide. The hide had been kept at its full thickness for the inset, which was basically a tight fitting bodice with a short skirt attached. The material had been carefully treated with magical dyes that darkened it's base purple to indigo so that it would stand out against the outer gown..
Once the inset was in place, Lessana pulled up the neck-line of the chemise beneath it so the lace trim showed above the scooped neck of the bodice. Then she reached beneath both garments and arranged Marc's breasts, causing him to blush reflexively, so that a generous amount of cleavage was displayed. While Lessana held his breasts in place, Wynetta tightened the side laces of the inset.
"Forgive me, Highness," Lessanna said. "I know this is uncomfortable for you."
The look in her eyes gave Marc cause to wonder if she suspected something. Lessanna was the youngest of the handmaidens, but she was also by far the shrewdest and most perceptive. She was also the one Marc liked best because while she remained respectful at all times she didn't treat him with awe bordering on fear as the others did.
When the inset was sufficiently tight to support his breast, Lessanna gave them a final adjustment and then removed her hands. Then she and Wynetta each took a side and cinched the laces even tighter, until Marc's already small waist was constricted further and the bone stays of the bodice gave him a figure that narrowed sensuously from his chest down to his waist. The effect made his hips look very round and full as they swelled out from his tiny waist.
Finally the handmaidens helped him don the outer gown. The dragon hide for this had been shaved down until it was half its original thickness. The gown had an open V front that came to a point at knee level and was loosely laced across the abdomen to prevent it from gaping too much. The V front was trimmed in rich silver brocade with gold embroidery and accented with glittering pearls. The sleeves were puffy at the shoulders then narrowed tightly over the upper arm, flaring out once more at the elbows. The forearms were tightly fitted and laced along the inside of the arm and ended loops that fitted over his thumbs to hold them in place. Slits at the elbows and shoulders allowed the silver chemise to show through, and the handmaidens took a moment once the gown was in place to pull the silvery material through the slits for better effect.
The last part of the outfit was a pair of dark purple court shoes with three inch heels. Marc had been wearing heels frequently over the past two weeks to get used to them, but he was still found them decidedly uncomfortable. Fortunately, he had adapted to them quickly, largely due to Keri's body being already accustomed to such footwear, so he wasn't too worried about stumbling. The heels were actually less than what most women wore — Aliana and Enara would both be in five inch heels for the ball, but the Princess was already quite tall, and with the shoes Marc stood just over six feet, which was still several inches shorter than his proper body.
Lessanna looked at the clock on the mantle and said, "We're doing well. Just a few more touches and you'll be ready."
Marc was led to a chair and once he was sitting, Lessanna began painting his face. The Princess usually wore little makeup, but this was a formal occasion and required a bit more. While Lessana was working on his face, Wynetta painted his nails with dark purple polish. After the makeup was applied Marc was adorned with several additional rings, silver chains about his neck and long dangling earrings. Last of all the Royal Coronet was placed on his head and carefully pinned in place.
At last it was done and Marc walked over to the full length mirror in the corner. As he gazed at himself, his eyes grew wide but he managed to keep his jaw from dropping open in shock. The image that stared back at him was that of the Princess of Trimaria in all her royal beauty. He was flooded with a conflicting array of feelings. On the one hand, he found it hard to accept that the beauty in the mirror was actually him. It was contrary to everything he was. As it was supposed to, the gown made his breasts very noticeable, displaying a generous amount of cleavage and the way his creamy flesh giggled when he moved was disturbing. But despite that resistance from his male spirit, his female body and psyche was delighted with the way he looked.
He turned to the handmaidens and smiled warmly. "Thank you both, you've done a wonderful job."
"It wasn't hard, Highness," Wynetta said. "You look exquisite without any help at all."
"I imagine the suitors will be quite intimidated tonight," Lessanna said with a mirthful twinkle in her eye. "They'll all look ever so dreary next to you."
Marc was even more certain the girl knew something, but there was no way he could verify that suspicion. He settled for giving her an intense but friendly stare.
"Now off to get yourselves ready," he told the handmaidens. "We'll meet you out in the hall when we’re ready to depart."
The girls executed an informal curtsey and left the bed chamber. Marc went back to the mirror and gazed at himself once more, then shook his head in wonder and went out into the sitting room.
Aliana and Enara were seated on the sofa as he entered, and they both smiled broadly when they saw him. Their gowns were nearly identical to his, with slightly less ornate trim and far less accessories. Aliana's brown hair was bound up by a by a caul of fine silver netting. The only other ornamentation she displayed was the jeweled pommel of her bodice dagger, nestled between her beasts. Enara's black hair was arranged in a single thick braid and on her head she wore a circlet of entwined gold wire adorned with a single ruby. Around her neck she had a golden torc, the ends capped by intricately sculpted dragon heads with eyes of glittering rubies.
"Keri you look incredible!" Aliana squealed. Her glee was short-lived as she realized what she had said.
"It's all right, Ali," Marc told her. "When I saw myself in the mirror … well for an instant I forgot who I really am. You both look lovely as well."
"How do you feel?" Enara asked.
Marc shrugged. "Nervous, frightened, a bit light-headed and just a little, well, excited."
"That's not unexpected," Ali said. "You know for all her resistance, Keri would have had a marvelous time tonight because she really does love these occasions. I think the main reason she wanted to switch was to get back at her aunt, even if only we knew it."
"You're wrong, Ali," Marc said. "I have her memories you know — she wanted it to be you wearing this gown. She wanted you to be the center of attention this night. I still think you were both foolish and reckless, but I understand what she was trying to do, and I wish she had succeeded. You deserve this and so much more."
"Thank you, Marc," Ali said.
"I am more than a bit uncomfortable about these," Marc said, his eyes drifting down. Every time he breathed his breast swelled upward, giving him a full appreciation for the term heaving bosom. "I'm afraid everyone will be looking at them."
"That's the idea," Aliana said, looking down at her own chest with a grin. She was not was well endowed as the Princess, but the design of the gown made her seem much more buxom.
"Just remember to try and relax," Enara said. "You really do look lovely, and if you allow it, I think you'll have a fun evening."
Marc nodded. "I wouldn't have believed it possible - it still feels so strange to be in this body - but I really am excited about tonight."
Aliana's eyes twinkled as she said, "Let's see if you still feel the same after spending a few hours in those shoes."
Marc felt very regal as they made their way to down the halls of the Baronial Manor a short time later. The bone stays of the tightly laced bodice made it impossible to slouch, forcing him to walk very erect. Though the manor had a ballroom, it wasn't large enough to host the Grand Ball. Instead a huge pavilion had been erected on the field on which the tournament had been held the day before, just outside the city. Because of the number of people who would be awaiting a chance to see 'the Princess' it had been decided they would walk the short distance.
The autumn air was cool and Marc was glad for the warmth of the matching dragon hide cloak Aliana's mother had made. The Royal Guard had formed a corridor down the main street to the city's edge, and Marc was accompanied by two guardsmen in addition to Keri, Garith and Stilnar. He threw himself into his role, waving to the cheering crowds that lined the street.
The pavilion made an impressive sight, glowing in the fading light as though the moon Kessil had descended to the earth. The walls were supported by tall poles and ropes, but the roof was literally floating. Magical blowers pulled in air from outside, warmed it and then blew it into the pavilion. The air pressure kept the light fabric of the roof from collapsing. At each of the four entrances long, rectangular foyers had been constructed with doors at each end to maintain the pressure within the pavilion.
Once inside the foyer of the main entrance they paused for a moment to arrange everyone for their entry. Then the doors were opened and Rodin stepped into the pavilion, his powerful voice ringing out.
"All rise and pay homage to Her Royal Highness, Princess Kerialla Astriala Lockeleigh, Princess of Trimaria!"
It was without doubt Marc's most uncomfortable moment since he had awakened in Keri's body. As he passed down the center of the pavilion he was gripped with fear, certain that every person in attendance could clearly see that he wasn't really the Princess. It was silly of course, and yet he had great difficulty shaking the feeling off. He was so distracted that he forgot the necessity of lifting the back of his skirt as he sat down. Fortunately Aliana was ready, stepping forward to assist him and averting the disaster of having the front of the hoop-skirt fly up. She did it so smoothly that no one noticed anything amiss, and Marc gave her a grateful smile.
Once he was seated the music began and the Grand Ball officially commenced. As couples began to make their way onto the hardwood dance floor Marc received gifts from various groups and individuals. Rodin and Aliana had constructed a meticulous schedule so that he wouldn't be constantly approached, and the first hour passed fairly quickly.
The last presentation was from Lady Elyssa. The shield maiden was dressed in a doublet of rich, purple velvet and black trousers, all carefully tailored to leave no doubt as to her gender. She approached carrying a long, cloth bundle and as she stopped at the foot of the dais Enara stepped down to help unwrap the package. Inside was a magnificently crafted side-sword similar to those favored by the Rangers and a matching dagger.
"A small token from the Rangers, Highness," she said as she presented the weapons to Marc. "And with them, my gratitude for the kindness you have shown Lady Enara."
Marc accepted the weapons with thanks, commenting on the exquisite workmanship. The double-edge sword blade was thinner than a longsword but still sturdy. Both the sword and dagger had elaborately etched basket-hilts which would encase the wielder's knuckles and served as both protection for the hand and a means to deliver a devastating blow in combat. When Marc wrapped his hand around the grip he could tell that the blade was well balanced and he felt the distinctive tingle that indicated the weapon was enchanted. Even the purple leather scabbards and matching belt were finely crafted and embossed with intricate patterns and accented with silver.
"I am truly honored by these gifts, Lady Elyssa," Marc said. "I will bear them with pride."
In truth the sword was much better suited to Keri's body than the longsword she generally used. The lighter blade would be very quick and was equally suite to both cutting and thrusting. The dagger was designed for parrying, with quillions that curved towards the tip to catch an opponent's sword.
"I take it you knew about this," Marc said to Enara after the blades had been sheathed and placed on the table behind him on the dais.
"Of course," Enara said. "The Rangers all contributed what they could to commission them."
Marc lowered his voice and said, "I'm extremely jealous that I won't actually get to use them. They'll serve the Princess well if she ever has need of them though."
After the presentations Rodin called forward Baron Iefan and Marc rose to stand beside him on the dais. He linked his arm through the baron's as they faced the crowd, and after motioning both Elyssa and Enara to join them he addressed the people.
"Some months ago I was extremely privileged to welcome a young woman into my household," he said. "The Honorable Lady Enara had become as dear to me as any sister could be, and I am extremely pleased to stand here with Baron Iefan and announce that she has accepted a proposal of bonding from baron's heir, Lady Elyssa. Please join us in congratulating them on their engagement."
If there were any in the pavilion who found the announcement scandalous they kept their feelings to themselves. The applause were loud and enthusiastic as Elyssa slipped a beautiful ring of white gold set with a heart shaped ruby on Enara's finger. Marc embraced them both as did the baron, and as he hugged Enara, Marc could hear what he whispered into her ear thanks to Keri's exceptionally keen elven ears.
"I will be truly honored to call you daughter," he said. "Can you forgive an old man for being a fool?"
"Gladly, Excellency," Enara replied, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.
The festivities resumed, and for the next three hours Marc entertained a steady stream of would-be suitors. Because there were so many each encounter was kept brief — one dance and then a few minutes of chatting before the next one was called forward. Marc was relieved that only a few actually attempted to work their dubious charms. For most the ball was simply an opportunity to meet the Princess and while he felt awkward at first, Marc soon found himself actually having fun, much to his surprise.
The last was Earl Lohan of Oldenkeep, the most senior of the suitors. As its name implied, Oldenkeep was the oldest city in Trimaria and the earldom was home to many very influential families. Marc was afraid the elderly earl was going to collapse during their dance — he was more than a bit intoxicated — but that was fortuitous as it gave him an excuse to escort Lohan to a seat so he could catch his breath, thus avoiding the necessity of listening to him babble for another five minutes.
His feet were throbbing painfully and Marc turned to head back to the dais, thankful that his obligations were fulfilled. All he wanted to do was sit down and have a glass of wine and perhaps nibble on something sweet. He was very glad Aliana had encouraged him to eat well at lunch, but that had been hours ago.
"That was rather rude of Earl Lohan to leave you unescorted, Highness."
Marc turned at the sound of the voice to find himself staring up into the blue eyes of Lord Valin. The young nobleman was dressed in a shimmering silken doublet of hunter green with jade trim, matching trousers and knee-high leather boots. The outfit was well tailored to emphasize his broad shoulders and chest and Marc felt that same dizzying sensation he had the day before on the tourney field.
"I'm afraid that saltarello was a bit energetic for the Earl," Marc said, somehow finding his voice. "I insisted he sit down."
"Would it be presumptuous of your champion to request the honor of a dance?"
"I shouldn't think so," Marc said, trying to will his racing heart to slow. "It seems only fair."
He allowed Valin to take his hand and lead him towards the dance floor, all the while hoping the next dance would be something simple but lively and impersonal. The valse that the musicians began playing was certainly lively but it was far from simple, and with his left hand on Valin's shoulder and his right clasped firmly but tenderly in the nobleman's hand it was certainly not impersonal.
Their dance started awkwardly and as they spiraled about the dance floor it only got worse. Marc was actually an accomplished dancer; knights were expected to be familiar with the courtly arts as well as the military, but he was used to being the one leading. Now he had to follow Valin and do everything backwards and in high-heeled court shoes. Aliana and Enara had of course worked with him regarding that very matter, but they had only had two weeks. Aliana had provided the musicians with a list of specific dances for each of the suitors, but this was completely unplanned, and the valse was one of the most complex dances. He practically stumbled through the first few bars as he frantically tried to concentrate on what he was supposed to be doing. In his rising panic he almost caused them to collide with another pair of dancers on the crowded floor and he despaired, thinking that what had been a pleasant evening was about to end in utter embarrassment.
Then he looked up into Valin's blue eyes, saw the warm smile on his face and his fear vanished. For the first time since the swap he let himself go. Keri's body knew what to do; the valse was one of her favorite dances, so Marc let her body take complete control. He felt the tension drain away as he arched his back and let Valin guide him as they glided across the hardwood floor. At his partner's cue Marc removed his left hand from Valin's shoulder, executing a perfect spin before returning to the closed position. The dance floor seemed to grow less crowded as they swirled about but Marc hardly noticed, unable to tear his eyes away from those pools of crystal blue that gazed down at him.
As the dance came to a close Marc twirled out again, his right hand never leaving Valin's grasp as he dipped low in a formal curtsey. It was only when he raised back up that he realized they were alone on the dance floor. A spirited round of applause erupted from the onlookers and Marc felt his face flush with warmth. Valin bowed low and then kissed Marc's hand, sending the same thrill through him he had the day before at the tourney.
"Her Highness is as graceful as she is beautiful," the nobleman said.
"You're very kind, Lord Valin," Marc told him. "I nearly sent us both to the floor."
"It's always a bit awkward getting used to a new dance partner," Valin said as they walked back towards the dais. "It will be much better next time."
The handsome young lord's words proved true. Marc danced with him not once but three more times. No doubt it caused some jealousy on the part of the official suitors, and technically it was a shameful breech of protocol, but Marc really didn’t care as he was enjoying it too much.
~ Besides, Keri would have done the very same thing. ~ he thought as Valin escorted him back to the dais after their fourth dance.
"Well someone is certainly having a good time," Aliana said as she handed Marc a goblet of wine. "I do believe you were flirting with Lord Valin."
"I was not … was I?" Marc protested, unable to suppress a grin. "All right yes, I enjoyed dancing with him very much."
"Good," Ali said. "Of course when you wake up tomorrow you're going to be horribly shocked at your behavior."
"Probably," Marc agreed after sipping his wine. "Right now I just don't care."
"Are you about ready to go?" Ali asked. "You know Keri likes to make a quiet exit."
Marc nodded; the night's excitement was starting to take its toll. Valin's attention had temporarily distracted him from the throbbing of his feet, but they were now screaming to be released from the court shoes. He didn't know how Aliana and Enara could stand their much higher heels, not to mention the stifling confinement of their tightly laced gowns.
"It will be a relief to be able to take a deep breath," he said. "I was afraid I was going to pop out of this bodice more than once."
"No one ever pops out of one of Mother's gowns," Aliana scolded playfully. Her expression turned to concern as she looked around the pavilion.
"I'm sure your parents were just delayed," he told her. "There was probably a lot of last minute spire traffic."
"You're probably right," Ali sighed. "I'll let the boys know you're ready to leave."
"You'll do nothing of the sort," Marc said. "I haven't seen you out on the dance floor once tonight. You always manage to drag Sir Marcan out for a dance at least once you know."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure," Marc said. "I've got Garith, Stil and two other guards to escort me, and Lessanna and Wynetta can help me out of this gown as easily as they helped me into it." He saw that Enara and Elyssa were already moving onto the dance floor and added, "The rest of you can follow in a bit."
"You're the Princess," Ali said with a laugh as she rose to get Keri.
Marc waited until the dance had begun before rising as well. He collected the two handmaidens and had them gather up the gifts on the table and then informed his guards that they were leaving. Garith and Stilnar both looked like they wanted to protest but he silenced them with a slight shake of his head. They slipped out the back entrance of the pavilion without fanfare and started back to the Baronial Manor.
"All right what's wrong?" Aliana asked as she and Keri danced. The musicians were playing a waltz, similar in timing to the valse but with a slower tempo.
"What do you mean?"
"You're as stiff as an ironwood tree," Aliana said. "Something is bothering you."
"What was he thinking, dancing with Valin like that?"
"She was just having a good time," Ali said.
"Well she was practically fawning all over him," Keri replied.
"I don't think the amulet is working right," Ali said. "You're starting to act just like Marc."
"I am not!" Keri protested. "It's just that any rumors he starts are going to be about me."
"Like you've ever worried about people talking," Aliana said, rolling her eyes. "Besides, we've done far more than dance."
"That was in the privacy of a bedchamber," Keri countered, her face growing warm. "Half the nobles in the kingdom are here."
"You're jealous," Ali said.
Keri started to protest but stopped, grinning as she said, "I suppose I am."
"This has been hard on both of you, but everything will be back to normal soon, love," Ali assured her. "The full moon is less than two weeks away."
"He … she was having a good time, wasn't she," Keri said with a smile.
"Almost as good a time as we've been having," Ali agreed as the dance came to an end. They were about to head back to the dais when Ali caught sight of a familiar face entering the pavilion.
"Look, there's Mother," she said. She slipped her arm through Keri's and they started towards the main entrance.
"I don't see Poppa with her … I wonder where he is?"
As they drew closer she could see that while her mother was dressed in a gorgeous ball gown it looked as though it had been hurriedly donned. Her hair was a bit unkempt and she wore no makeup, but it was the expression on her mother's face that sent a chill down her spine.
"Mother, are you all right?" she asked. "Why are you so late? Where's Poppa?"
Her mother's lip quivered as she reached out and touched Ali's face. Aliana felt a cold chill in her stomach and started shaking as fear gripped her.
"Something terrible has happened, Ali," her mother said, tears streaming down her face.
"I should catch up to her," Enara said when she and Elyssa returned to the dais and found it vacant.
"She couldn't have left more than a few minutes ago," Elyssa said as she gathered Enara's cloak and slipped it around her love's shoulders.
They slipped out the back of the pavilion and started towards the manor, walking hand-in-hand beneath the glittering night sky. The glows mounted atop tall poles on either side of the road gave off a gentle light that was quite romantic, and when they were a short distance away from the pavilion Elyssa pulled Enara into her arms and kissed her passionately.
"Are you happy, little one?"
Enara smiled and nodded. "I've never been so happy in my life."
Elyssa was bending down to kiss her again when all the glows along the street went out, as well as almost every other light in the city and in the pavilion behind them. Then the darkness was rent by a shrill scream from somewhere up ahead.
"Marc!" Enara cried without thinking. Elyssa stared at her in confusion.
"I'll explain later," Enara said as she grabbed Elyssa by the wrist and started towards the noise at a run.
Marc's first indication that something was amiss was a tiny prick in his right breast. He absentmindedly raised his hand to swat away the offending insect and found instead a small dart sticking from the dragon hide bodice. It had barely managed to pierce the thicker material of the inset, but it had been enough. As he pulled the dart free and tried to cry out a warning his mind became thick and sluggish and he couldn't seem to remember how to form the words. Then they were plunged into darkness and he heard one of the girls behind him scream in terror.
Shadowy figures emerged from alleys on either side of the street and set upon the guards. The two in back were down before they even knew what was happening. Garith and Stilnar were quicker to react and were soon locked in combat with at least five men. Marc felt the hands of Lessanna and Wynetta on his arms, dragging him off to the side as his drugged mind tried to comprehend what was happening.
Garith took down one of the attackers with his poll-axe and was turning to face another when a third brought the pommel of his sword down on the back of the burly serjeant's head. Garith crumpled to the ground and Stilnar was left to face the remaining four alone. He furiously parried their thrusts and slashes as he moved to position himself between the attackers and his charge. Marc felt something hard and unyielding against his back, a wall he assumed, and the two handmaidens tried to pull him to the right. They were thwarted when his legs gave out and he sank to the stone walkway.
Stilnar fought valiantly, but the attackers were no mere street thugs. They were obviously well trained and they had the advantage of numbers. Despite the numbness of his mind Marc gasped as one thrust his sword into Stilnar's abdomen, the dress doublet he wore offering no protection at all. The squire swatted the blade away and then lashed out, the tip of his sword opening the man's throat. The assassin staggered back, blood spraying from the wound, as Stilnar crumpled to the stones at Marc's feet.
The remaining three assassins advanced as Wynetta started sobbing hysterically at Marc's side. Lessanna was trembling with fear as well, but she was not cowed by the attackers. She let out a bloodcurdling scream and leapt at one, raking his face with her finger nails only to be clubbed viciously to the ground.
"That'll teach you, bitch," the man snarled. He then leaned close enough for Marc to see his face before snatching the Amulet of Kessil from around his neck. Then he quickly stripped Marc of the rest of his jewelry, including the chastity ring on his right hand.
"I know you," Marc said, his voice little more than a whisper. "Kragin."
"I'm surprised you can even speak, let alone remember me, Princess," the man said. "You were naught but a child when I served your father." He rose, turned to his men and said. "Kill her and the other two."
The two assassins stepped forward, one lifting his sword high to plunge it into Marc's breast. As sturdy as the dragon hide gown was, there was no way it could stop a full sword thrust, but try as he might Marc couldn't make his limbs move.
Just as the sword started down Stilnar stirred, lunging forward to cover Marc's body with his own. Marc eyes locked with his cousin's, the squire's body jerking as the blade entered his back, passing through his body until it was stopped by the thick dragon hide of Marc's bodice. Stilnar struggled to push himself up but failed. Then his head sagged onto Marc's breast and he was still. The assassin yanked his sword free and raised it to strike again.
Rage as hot as Andarel's sun exploded within Marc, and with it came power. The fog seizing his mind cleared in an instant and the three assassins recoiled in fear as an unearthly light shone from his eyes. A scream of both anger and anguish welled up from the depths of his soul.
The cry rushed out as a wave of pure, magical energy. The flesh of the two men in front instantly blistered and a wave of force lifted them into the air and sent them flying across the street. Kagin was shielded from the brunt of the magical outburst but he was still carried along with his men and slammed to the ground. He pushed their charred bodies off of him, his own clothes smoldering as he scrambled to his feet and ran off in the direction of the transport spires.
Marc struggled to roll Stilnar over, cradling his cousin's head in his lap. The squire's eyes fluttered open and he coughed, blood trickling from his mouth.
"Hold on, Stil, help we be here soon," Marc cried. He tried to staunch the blood flowing from his cousin's wounds as he searched Keri's memories for a spell that could heal his wounds. He knew it was futile, however; even a master healer wouldn't have been able to save the mortally wounded squire.
"Not soon enough," Stilnar said weakly. His eyes grew distant and he whispered, "I would have liked to be a knight."
"You are a knight," Marc told him. "No one ever served his Princess so well as you."
Stilnar managed a smile and said, "You made a good Princess." He sucked in a pained breath and then whispered, "Tell Keri … tell her I'm sorry."
The squire let out a last, gurgling breath and then he closed his eyes and was gone. Marc could hear Wynetta whimpering beside him and he wanted to do the same, but he didn't have the time. He lowered Stilnar's head gently to the stones, touched his cheek lovingly, and then bent down to kiss his forehead.
"Good bye, cousin."
Shaking off the grief, Marc turned his attention to Lessanna. The handmaiden was stirring and he helped her to her feet and then went to check Garith. The serjeant was still breathing but he was bleeding badly from the back of his head. Marc searched Keri's memory and found a healing incantation. He knew the Princess would have been able to utilize it with just a thought, but he had to recite the words several times before he felt the aether coursing through him. The flow of blood from Garith's wound lessened but didn't stop.
"Are you all right?" Marc asked Lessanna.
The handmaiden touched her swelling cheek and nodded. Then she knelt down and ripped a strip of cloth from the hem of her gown and wadded it into a compress, which she applied firmly to Garith's wound.
Marc walked over to where the gifts from the ball had been dropped and retrieved the sword and dagger Elyssa had given him. He fastened the sword belt about his waist and slipped the scabbards for the side-sword and dagger into their frogs, then snatched up his cloak from where it had fallen. He then returned and knelt beside Lessanna.
"Stay with him," he ordered. "Help will be here soon."
Marc started to rise but the handmaiden grasped his arm and whispered, "You can't go alone, Sir Marcan."
~ Frag it, does everybody know? ~ Marc thought.
"I have to," he said aloud. He pulled the coronet from his head and handed it to Lessanna. "Tell the others I'm following a man named Kragin, and that he has the amulet and the key. He's heading for the spires."
"Be careful … Princess," Lessanna said.
Marc squeezed her hand and then rose, setting off after Kragin as fast as he could in those damnable court shoes. As he entered the narrow alley Kragin had fled down the city's lights flickered to life. It was a small comfort; in Keri's body he was able to see in the dark almost as well as he could in daylight.
He could hear the spires hum as he neared, and he arrived just in time to see Kragin vanish. Without hesitation Marc rushed forward to follow him before the spires powered down. He was almost to the towering monoliths when he heard someone approaching from behind. His hand flashed to the sword at his right hip and he drew the blade, whirling on his pursuer. Lord Valin skidded to a halt, his hands rising as Marc held the tip of the blade just inches from his throat.
"What are you doing here?" Marc demanded. Any physical infatuation he had experienced before was gone now, and he was immediately suspicious of the nobleman's intentions.
"I arrived at the scene of the attack just as you were leaving and I followed," Valin said. "Highness, what are you doing?"
"Following a traitor," Marc said.
"I can't let you go alone," Valin said as Marc turned back towards the spire.
Marc shook his head but said, "I don't have time to argue. Follow me if you must but if you try to stop me I swear by the Shard I'll cut you down."
Without waiting to see what the noble decided, Marc plunged into the glowing swirl between the spires. For an instant he felt absolutely nothing as blackness surrounded him and then the world reappeared around him. He immediately noted that it was somewhat warmer and the air was much more humid. He looked around quickly and saw Kragin and another man on horseback by the spire's hitching rail. They set off to the east at a gallop without noticing his arrival.
Marc was stepping off the stone base of the spires when Valin appeared behind him, just before the hum of the spires ceased. He didn't wait for the nobleman as he started up a small hill to get the lay of the land. Valin caught up to him as he reached the top and looked around in the darkness. Thanks to Keri's elven vision he could see quite well, but he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
The spires were situated in the middle of a small clearing that was surrounded by a thick forest of towering blackwood trees. The giant conifers were over two hundred feet tall and it was from them the area derived its name.
"This is Camron," Marc whispered. "We’re in the Black Forest, over two hundred miles behind enemy lines."
End of Part Two
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Epic Tale with a Transgender Twist
I am so enjoying this. If you stop writing I shall be quite heartbroken, quite heartbroken indeed.
Please fair sire, continue this wonderful tale of magic, honor, duty and love. I will be faithfully awaiting its completion. *sigh*
- Terry
Well Done!
I just finished reading this over at StarDust and don't know how I missed seeing it over here. This a wonderful action, adventure story, with TG stuff as well as a terrific fantasy backdrop! Well done Scott!