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Another chapter in Angel's answer to Tyrone's question, "Why Can't a Man Be More Like a Woman?"
That's not me Mommy!

By Angel O'Hare
Fred, Janet, and Gwen were asking questions and each explaining answers in their turn. Fred wanted to know what Mary Beth was going to need for just a summers worth of being a girl. Janet and Gwen took turns adding items and the explanations of why Mary needed this and that. After about ten minutes of this, Fred just said, "Enough, ok, I get it. Just know that when I go and get my clubs and shoes, Mary Beth is coming with me."
Janet Laughed and added, "Sure Honey, that just means that you have to stay with Mary Beth while we shop and maybe you can help pick out a few things as well."
Fred groaned and then just chuckled looking in the rear view mirror at his new daughter. Mary Beth was still in a semi-shocked state from hearing all the items that were going to be bought for her that his Mommy and Gwen rattled off to his Daddy. The reasons they gave for the items were just as bad as the items themselves!
Trish seeing her little brother's state gave him a hug and said, "Don't worry so much, I will help you all I can, and it really isn't all that bad. Just think about it Terry, this time next year this will all be just a memory. One other thing, you do look pretty, and that fact is, you're prettier than I am. I'm jealous, but I'm also real happy to have a little sister for awhile.
Terry, Mary Beth looked at his sister and returned her hug. "Thanks Trish, I needed that. Why do I have to act like a little girl? Even before this, everybody thought I was a little boy. Nobody believes me that I am eleven years old."
"Mary Beth, I think it's because you are so short and skinny. Face it, just look at me, I'm only a few inches taller than you and I just got out of training bras a few months ago. I'm finally a full A cup. Ok, look at it this way; compare yourself with the other kids. How many of the kids you know your age that are your size?"
"Um, none".
"Ok, now the kids that are your size, how old are they?"
"Oh crap Trish, there only five or six".
"See, you answered your own question. That's why everybody thinks you're a five year old. You just aren't as big as all the other kids your age".
They pulled into the huge shopping mall and Fred chose the valet parking as the easiest and safest way for parking. His Lexus would be safer in the private secured lot and they all would gain easy access without any fuss into the mall. They also would have help with, as he knew by experience, the many bags his wife, daughter, and now partner in shopping Gwen would be filling. Fred chuckled once more as he handed his keys to the valet along with a ten spot. The valet was quick to compliment him on his beautiful daughters.
Into the mall they went as Janet took hold of Mary Beth's hand and headed straight for the "Salon of Beauty" as Trish smiled knowingly. She held her little sisters other hand and whispered, "It's all over now Mary Beth; this is where they make you into a real beauty".
Gwen had a big smile on her face as she motioned Fred to go ahead of her into the salon. Fred just smiled as he looked down at his former son and just shook his head. He thought, "He is so pretty now, I can just imagine what he will look like when they are done with him here. At least he will be a very convincing looking little girl. I just hope he doesn't freak out on us".
Janet holding onto a very scared looking Mary Beth walked up to the desk and confirmed her daughter's appointment.
"Yes Mrs. Slothrop, we have everything ready and Rose will be right with you." With that said the receptionist left and soon returned with a beautiful woman about the same age as Gwen, she had the carriage of someone in control and one, others listened to without question.
"Hello, I am Rose Winthrop and welcome to my 'Salon of Beauty.' You must be Janet and this must be Mary Beth. Oh my, you are a little beauty!"
Janet made the introductions of her husband, Trish and Gwen as Rose led them all to a very posh seating area. Rose could not take her eyes from looking at Mary Beth. It was as if she were studying her. As they each took a seat, Rose had Mary Beth come to her, and soon Mary Beth found herself sitting in Rose's lap. Fred was at a loss as to what he should do, so he just sat there smiling away.
Rose started the conversation off with what Janet had requested over the phone when she had made the appointment earlier. "Now Janet, I have everything you requested, but now that I have met and seen our little beauty here why don't you leave everything up to me? You go do a little shopping and Jenny my receptionist will give you a beeper to let you know when our little beauty here will be ready to be picked up alright?"
Janet was thrilled and Gwen just smiled even bigger if that was possible. Fred was worried and it showed on his face. Trish started to pout and said, "This isn't right, why can't I get a make-over?" everyone looked toward her as Rose once again took the lead.
"Of course we can't leave our other beauty out of this can we?"
Fred smiled knowingly and said, "Of course not! Trish needs to look especially nice since she will be coming with us as well and I won't have one daughter getting more attention than the other."
Poor Fred, Trish launched onto his lap giving him a big hug and a kiss, unfortunately for Fred, she used his crotch as a landing pad! He let out a grunt as his facial expression changed to that of severe pain. This caused the women to all chuckle knowingly. Janet asked Fred if he needed some ice. This caused Fred to blush and straighten up as he said, "I will be fine thank you". Forcing his hands to his sides, he also forced an unfelt smile to his face.
Trish looked worried, figuring out what she had accidentally done and whispered, "I'm sorry Daddy". Mary Beth saw what happened and after she first gave a sympathy grimace, she began to giggle. Her father gave her a look that stopped the giggles right then and there!
Rose once again took the lead as she called to one of her staff. "Kim, please take Trish to the prep area and begin with a shampoo and conditioning. I will be doing Mary Beth myself, so once you have done the prep come and get me."
Kim replied "Yes Ms Winthrop, Hi Trish, we are going to have a lot of fun. Come with me Sweetheart and let's begin ok?"
Trish had a few ideas of just what she wanted done. She wanted to try a more mature look this time. Her mother always had them give her the little girl look and Trish being a teen now, wanted something different. Kim and she were discussing this as they walked away. Mary Beth just rolled her eyes at her sister and still looked very scared as her Mommy gave her a kiss and told her to be good for Ms. Winthrop that added with a sterner look.
Pager in hand Janet led the adults out of the salon as she looked at Fred. "Honey, do you still want to wait for your clubs and shoes or would you like to get them now? We really can't shop for the girl's clothes when they are not with us.
Fred grimaced as he took a few steps and hoped the pain in his groin would ease soon. Janet gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. "You alright Honey? Do you need to sit down for awhile?" Gwen chuckled as Fred turned a little red and said, "I will be ok Darling, I just have to walk it off".
"Ok, well the golf shop is on the next level and toward the other end of the mall. I can get you a discount of twenty-five percent their Fred."
That made Fred smile and he thanked Gwen. "Lead on then Gwen, I think that was the medicine I needed. I feel much better already. The three laughed and off they went.
Rose noticed how scared Mary Beth was as she led her into the private salon area. Only the most exclusive clients were treated in the private area. Rose picked Mary Beth up and gave her a hug as she explained a few things.
"Mary Beth, or should I call you Terry?" Mary Beth jumped hearing this, so startled that Ms Winthrop would know she was really a boy.
Rose laughed and continued. "Honey, I am the best in the business and it took me awhile to spot you as a boy. Your Mommy has already told me the story, so just relax and know your secret is very safe with me ok?"
Mary Beth relaxed, just a little and said, "Ok Ma'am".
"You can call me Rose alright pretty one?"
” Ok Rose, but I'm not pretty".
Rose laughed, shaking her head as she patted Mary Beth on her bottom. "Honey, you are prettier than your sister, but we won't tell her that ok?"
Mary Beth turned red as a beet not knowing what to say to that.
"Ok Sugar, first we have to get you undressed and into this smock." With that said, Rose undressed a very nervous Mary Beth right down to her diaper pants. That is what they were in reality, several layers of sewn together cloth diapers covered by a layer of white vinyl with a pink nylon layer sewn onto that.
Rose just smiled and then frowned when she saw Mary Beth's injury. To Mary Beth's surprise, Rose gently and carefully removed the rest of what Mary Beth was wearing including the sanitary belt and napkin. Mary Beth now stood on the salon table completely nude and beet red.
"I have the perfect remedy for that scratch Princess. Here, slip this on and I will be right back."
Mary Beth was now wearing just a thin yellow flowered print vinyl smock that Rose tied loosely at the neck and waist. Rose returned shortly with a few bottles, brushes and a big smile. She set them down on a table with wheels, picked up Mary Beth, and set her down on a salon chair. She adjusted the chair so Mary Beth was almost lying flat and then folded back Mary Beth's smock revealing her most private area.
"Mary Beth, this is called a liquid bandage. First, I am going to clean your boo-boo real good and then I will brush this over your cut. This will make it waterproof and hold it together better than all this tape and gauze. A little semi-permanent make-up and you will look just like new."
She had Mary Beth roll on her side and spread her legs so she could reach the entire long shallow cut. All the cleaning stung a little, but when Rose started brushing on the liquid bandage Mary Beth started to giggle and squirm.
"I know it tickles Sweetums, but it will be over soon. That is, if you can hold still." Mary Beth stopped wiggling and just giggled. It took some effort on her part because it sure did tickle!
That accomplished, Rose covered Mary Beth's tiny member once again and the real tasks began.
Trish was in heaven! Her hair now shampooed and conditioned, wrapped in a yellow terry cloth hair turban. Kim led her toward the private salon area. It was then that Rose came out to gather the liquid bandage and special make-up supplies. This saved Mary Beth more embarrassment as Rose instructed Kim to just go all out and do her best. Kim was now in heaven because this was the first time Ms Winthrop had trusted her with a complete makeover. She was determined to do her best and couldn't resist giving Trish a hug and saying, "Oh Sugar, I am going to transform you into a Prom Queen!"
Trish laughed and answered, "No way Kim, I want something mature, but easy to take care of. I play many sports, but that doesn't mean I don't want to look my best playing them. Mary Beth is the one who will be looking real pretty. I bet Rose turns her into a Princess".
Kim said, "Knowing Rose the way I do, by the time she is finished with your little sister, she will be able to win any beauty contest". They both laughed as Kim led Trish over to a changing room and had her get into a long pink smock.
The golf store Fred, Janet, and Gwen entered had Fred speechless! It was huge and the selection was the best he had ever seen. The women chuckled as they saw the look on Fred's face. Janet turned to Gwen and said, "Just like a little boy in a toy store with a fist full of dollars". They both laughed aloud as Fred took off toward the club section without a grimace or hitch to his step, the groin injury now forgotten. This made the women laugh more as they followed. Gwen tapped Janet on the shoulder and nodded to the junior's department. Janet chuckled and they left Fred to his own devices as he was swinging a club with a huge grin on his face. A salesperson was approaching him as the women noticed the cutest girl's golfing outfits. Fred could take Trish and Mary Beth golfing and teach them his favorite sport. Janet thought this surely would help him share even more of his limited time with the 'girls'.
Rose turned on the privacy light letting everyone know not to enter until the light was off. She smiled to herself picturing Mary Beth's new look as she approached the tired looking child. "Now you just relax and close your eyes Sweetheart just enjoy all the pampering you are getting ok?"
"Ok Rose, just don't do anything that can't be changed back ok?"
Rose chuckled and answered, "Don't you worry Honey, I know your secret remember?"
"Ok Rose, I trust you."
Rose chuckled even more, she knew Terry would have to start school as a girl and she was going to make sure he looked the part, PERFECTLY! She had spoken to a few of her customers, and was surprised to hear of a pretty little girl who, it was said, promised to save the Tiny Tot's Tennis team this year. That, and was a good player as well. She also learned from a few of the teen girls from the town softball team that they had a pretty little girl mascot. (The girls were there because of the photo session the next day.) When Janet had called to set up an appointment and then told her all about the how and why's of Mary Beth's transformation she was filled with excitement she had not felt in years! Yes, Mary Beth would be the prettiest little Princess this town ever saw! The grin on Rose's face became even larger as she began to shampoo Mary Beth's hair.
Fred was having a great time with the salesperson. It turned out that he was a retired golf professional working at the store for a bit more spending money. They bonded quickly and soon set up a date to go golfing together. Michael, in his late sixties, was telling Fred the funny story on how he got his nickname 'Blue Doggie' and their laughter could be heard throughout the store. It was a very funny story! (Authors Note: I would have to change the rating on this story if I included it here. That's why I didn't.)
Janet and Gwen fell in love with a couple of the tennis outfits. One was a dress and the other was a blouse and skirt combination, the range of panties they could select for these outfits had started them giggling like schoolchildren. They had picked out several of the frilliest ones on display. They would bring the girls back to try on the outfits, but the panties they decided to purchase right then and there, without delay! They were that cute, several with row after row of pretty lace on the bottoms and around the leg and waist openings. The other panties, covered completely in contrasting colored lace. Mary Beth would have to try hers on because of her diaper pants. Janet wanted to make sure they fit her well. The outfits would have to be hemmed a little to make sure those pretty panties would show just a little.
Trish was now sitting under a dryer as Kim was giving her a manicure. Trish's head now filled with row after row of curlers was looking at Kim working on her nails. In truth, Trish always had a hard time doing the fingernails of her right hand. Being right handed, she easily accomplished the nails on her left hand, but when she switched the brush to her left hand things got a lot harder. Kim had promised to show her a trick to make it much easier.
Rose marveled at Mary Beth's hair, no boy should ever have hair like this! Baby fine and soft, but so full and thick, she could work with this hair for days and be very happy.
Rose's vision of Mary Beth made her task a much more daunting task, than Kim has with Trish. Mary Beth's hair, though longer than most boys' hair, was not long enough for what Rose wanted done. The first task was to add extensions. Rose selected a close match to Mary Beth's hair color as she could, and starting from the sides, she then worked to the back. Forty-five minutes later, this task was completed. The extensions, knotted and glued would last for a minimum of six months. The next task was to cut and shape the hair. After that, she had to color Mary Beth's hair so the extensions and her natural hair matched. Rose chose a strawberry blonde coloring to which she would add a special reflective treatment as highlights. This was not a color, but an actual chemical coating that would reflect more light off the treated strands of hair.
Mary Beth was getting more nervous as the minutes past and she saw the glue gun being used on her hair. She felt the strands being knotted and then glued in place. More than once Rose had to admonish her to keep her head still as Mary Beth tried to see what she was feeling. Mary Beth had two words repeating themselves over and over in her head. "Oh god, oh god, oh god...”
Rose smiled at Mary Beth and began talking to her about tennis. Rose loved to play tennis herself, so the conversation was not just polite talk. This tactic worked well and soon Mary Beth was chatting away about a sport she loved to play. All the while, they were chatting, Rose shampooed and conditioned Mary Beth's hair. It was now time for the coloring and Rose used a pre-coloring wash that made the hair more receptive and absorbent to the treatment. Hair now dried, Rose added the strawberry blonde, rinsed, and then sectioned Mary Beth's hair for the reflective highlighting. Mary Beth wondered what all the aluminum foil was for as she felt it being applied to her head in sections. The chatting continued keeping Mary Beth distracted enough and at ease enough for Rose to complete this task unchallenged.
Kim showed Trish a selection of decals for her toes and fingernails that had Trish pausing and deciding on one and then another, only to change her mind once again. Kim decided to limit her choices down to the pretty butterfly, which Trish liked, and the Raggedy Ann Doll, Trish didn't like. The choice was made, and soon Trish was having butterflies applied to all her nails.
Janet and Gwen wondered what they should do next as they were waiting for the pager to summon them to the salon. Gwen smiled and a mischievous look was on her face that made Janet chuckle and ask her, "Out with it Gwen, what are you thinking of?"
"Janet, you know those special panties are diaper pants don't you?"
"Yes, Gwen, I figured that out while I was comforting Mary Beth in her bedroom. I patted her on her bottom and noticed the thickness and then I felt the covering."
"Well, Janet, the real Mary Beth had a wetting problem and since she had never worn these pants I thought it would help hide the little bulge our new Mary Beth has and also add that little extra to her hips. It does give her that girly shape and smooth front. You know Janet, Terry's little bottom is shaped like a girls, and I can't believe he's eleven years old".
"You're right Gwen, and I do love the look it gives Mary Beth. She looks so cute and babyish. It makes her look so much younger and will make it easier for her to play her roles.
As for the way Terry looks, it started when he was only two. He kept loosing weight so we took him to the pediatrician and they did some tests. It turns out it was his thyroid gland. There is no medication that is safe enough to give a baby and still nothing really safe to give him now. Not until he is out of puberty and fully-grown do they have anything safe enough Fred and I will let them use. The problem is, his condition prevents him from growing as fast as the other kids his age. We are worried about it because it is affecting other glands as well. There just isn't anything anyone can do without jeopardizing his health. The treatments they have cause complications and those complications can often be deadly. Fred and I just won't take that chance".
"Oh Janet, I didn't realize how serious this was. I am so sorry, is there anything I can do to help?"
Janet gave Gwen a hug and said, "You are doing it Gwen, and I feel much better now that I have confided in you. You can help the most by helping Mary Beth cope, if her gland problems persist, she just might have to remain being Mary Beth".
"In that case Janet, we best make sure Mary Beth has the best time of her life this summer and fall. The more fun and success she has as Mary Beth, the better things will be all around".
"I agree with you Gwen, now let's get those diapers and plastic panties shall we?"
The both chuckled and Gwen took the lead saying, "The store is only three shops away Janet and I think it best we purchase the prettiest ones we can find".
Off the women went, but first stopped to tell Fred they would be back soon.
Once the reflective solution was added to all the sections Rose had chosen and had been rinsed, it was time for the special perm solution made safe to use for newly colored hair. But, first the curlers! Mary Beth groaned seeing all the pink hair curlers in the big bowl next to her. One after the other Rose wound very tightly each one to Mary Beth's head. Soon the bowl was nearly empty and Rose put a special headband of cotton around Mary Beth's head and tucked it behind her ears.
"This will protect your eyes and ears from getting any of this stuff in them Mary Beth." Rose did not want to use the word perm in case Mary Beth knew what a perm was. She didn't need this gorgeous child becoming even more nervous. Rose tilted the chair back once again and slowly covered each curler.
As Mary Beth was soon sitting under a dryer, Rose began the pedicure soon to be followed by the manicure. Then as Mary Beth relaxed and closed her eyes would come the ear piercing. She had the prettiest set of posts for her. As a gift, she was going to give her the matching necklace and rings. That is, for being such a good girl for her. Yes, Rose was a very happy woman.
Mary Beth started squirming and had a look of discomfort on her face as Rose looked up. "What's wrong Beautiful?"
"Um, I have to pee Rose."
"Oh Honey, you can't move just yet, I just finished the second coat on your toes. Can you hang on a little while longer Sweetie?"
"UM, I have been hanging on Rose."
Rose chuckled as she reached for an empty jar on the table and as a shocked Mary Beth looked on Rose lifted the cape and held his little member aiming it into the jar.
"Ok Honey, you can go pee-pee now". It took a little while, but her need was great and soon the pee-pee flowed almost filling the jar to the rim before she had finished. The look of relief on Mary Beth's face set Rose to chuckling as she put the jar aside and patted Mary Beth's little member dry with a small towel. She covered her up once again and then washed her hands.
Rose checked Mary Beth's hair and it was ready for the comb out. A good half an hour later Rose was ecstatic over the result, Mary Beth was a new girl! Strawberry Blonde, with shining curls from front to back with a pretty face now framed to perfection. Only the bottom half of her ears showed, and they would be addressed soon. Rose had Mary Beth toss her head from side to side and she was pleased to see that everything held to perfection. The curls just bounced from side to side and fell back in place when Mary Beth stopped tossing her head. With just a few brush strokes each morning and when needed Mary Beth's hair would stay just as it appeared. Rose knew Janet would be as pleased as she was.
Rose began the manicure, and decided Mary Beth's nails were a mess, she needed just a little bit extra to protect them and easily keep them nice. Rose chose acrylic nails with one-quarter inch extensions. Not to long to complicate Mary Beth's playing ability, but long enough to cover her poor conditioned nails. Once applied it would be months before Mary Beth would need new ones or have these filed away. Rose chuckled to herself as she applied the glossy top coat to the now 'pink pearl' colored nails.
Rose began speaking in a very soft voice to Mary Beth, "Now Precious, you just lie back and let me give you a facial. You will really enjoy this part and if you want to, just drift off to sleep. I know you are tired little one."
Mary Beth did just that as Rose was massaging her face with a cleanser and moisturizer cream. Rose took that moment to use a Lidocaine laced solution to each of Mary Beth's earlobes. This numbed them completely and by hand, not using those awful ear-piercing machines, pierced each of Mary Beth's lobes twice. In went the plastic keeper sleeves, treated with anti-biotic solution. These would keep the holes open and free from infection and then she inserted the pretty studs with the pink pearls. She slipped the rings on the soundly sleeping Mary Beth, one on each ring finger and pinkie of each hand. Rose then finished the facial and applied the barest amount of make-up on Mary Beth. She applied the lipstick using a lip brush, first outlining Mary Beth's lips with a slightly darker shade of pink with a lip pencil. Two coats of ultra long lasting gloss over the pink colored lips and she was ready to wake up her sleeping beauty. First, though, carefully she curled Mary Beth's eyelashes and brushed them out with tinted mascara. She then applied a few thin adhesive strips to Mary Beth's eyebrows. She would remove them after Mary Beth was awake and the result would be very feminine shaped brows for Mary Beth. Rose just couldn't resist a temptation to look at this sleeping beauty completely.
She ever so carefully slid the cape off Mary Beth and just gazed in wonder at this lovely creature. It was only then that she noticed the redness and rash all over Mary Beth's front and bottom. Well, she had a remedy for that. Often the elderly clients of hers would have areas like these and her special cream worked wonders for them. It should work wonders for Mary Beth as well. Rose thought 'The poor child has enough to deal with without worrying about a case of diaper rash'. Rose gently covered Mary Beth and let her sleep for a few more minutes as she went to check on Kim with Trish's makeover.
Trish was standing in front of a mirror admiring her new look, she was very excited as she exclaimed, "It's perfect!” Kim was standing nearby and the other patrons were all smiling at this pretty girl's excitement over her new look. Her hair was a mass of free flowing red waves. The shape held well with the help of the 'ULTRA PERM' made especially for athletes. Her freckles now hidden with just a hint of make-up and her lips matched her nails and hair color. Fiery one would call it. Her looks now matched her bouncing unlimited energy. One word described her, ELECTRIC!
Rose took one look and smiled; she praised Kim on her work and then took Trish over to the jewelry case. She made her a present of four butterfly earrings, a matching necklace, and rings. Rose was thinking she couldn't have a jealous big sister making a scene. This way each of the girls would have received gifts and each would be happy.
Rose went over to the desk and addressed her receptionist, "Hope, would you please buzz the Slothrops for me, their children are ready to be picked up".
"Yes, Ms Winthrop, I will do that now".
Rose took a small cup of flower scented, but sweet tasting mouthwash to Mary Beth. She shook her gently awake and had Mary Swish and swallow the sweet drink. Mary Beth looked around a little confused at first and then remembered everything before she fell asleep.
Rose spoke softly and gently, "Hi there beautiful, welcome back. You are all done, but we have to cover your special bandage with a little make-up first ok?"
"Ok Rose, I'm all done really?"
"Yes, Princess, all we have to do now is make your liquid bandage seem to disappear and we won't have to use those ugly gauze bandages anymore. First though, I want you to look straight ahead and hold still ok?"
"Ok Rose".
"Rose, why did you hurt me?"
"Oh Princess, I had to do your eyebrows and this was the fastest and least painful way to do that. Would you rather I chose to pluck them out one by one with tweezers?"
"No, it would have been better if you didn't do them at all Rose!"
Rose chuckled and answered, "Honey, you had bushy eyebrows and no Princess of mine was going to leave here with those bushy things. Not after all the trouble I went to making you the most beautiful little girl anyone has ever seen".
"Oh Rose, I'm not beautiful. I'm a boy dressed up as a girl".
"We will see about that after we make your bandage disappear and get you dressed. I think your Mommy will have a different opinion than you do pretty little one".
Janet and Gwen were surprised at the selection of diapers and vinyl pants the medical supply store had on hand. They found out that they could order custom-made items as well. It seems there is a big market for these because of the many bedwetting pre-teens and even older children. The selection for adults was much plainer, but they were here for Mary Beth. The little girl's section had the most choices and the women were happily finishing their selections when the pager started buzzing.
Betty was the salesperson that was helping them and she advised Janet that all she had to do was bring in any covering she chose and they would happily sew them onto any diaper pant she wanted. They could have the vinyl covering or not. Betty recommended the waterproof covering for obvious reasons. She also recommended using powder, oil or an ointment, recommending using a combination of oil and powder. She said, "Save the ointment for times of rashes or irritation".
Gwen and Janet knew Mary Beth wouldn't be using the diapers for their intended purpose, but Janet asked Betty anyway. "Betty, if Mary Beth stays dry, do you really need the oil and powder?"
"Oh yes, Janet, the child will sweat and this very quickly causes redness and a rash to develop even if she doesn't wet. It is very important; to always use the oil and powder to prevent this. If you do not, she will very quickly become uncomfortable and the irritation can cause the child to become irritable and very cranky. You add wetness to this and it becomes very painful. The oil and then powder is a very important step you should never skip."
Janet and Gwen were worried now. Mary Beth had been wearing the diaper pants for hours without powder or oil being applied. Janet purchased several of each of the three recommended products Betty showed to them adding a few packages of baby wipes as well.
Off they went hoping Mary Beth had not developed any redness or rash. They first went to the nearby Golf Center.
Janet and Gwen left Fred still shopping for a couple of more clubs with his new 'best bud' Michael who he now called 'Dog' for some strange reason the women had no clue to. He still needed to purchase his shoes as well. Janet, and Gwen after being introduced to Michael, now known as 'Dog', left to pick up the girls, promising to return shortly.
As they walked toward the salon, they peeked in the bags holding the pretty panties and the pretty diaper pants. They giggled together and were still at it as they walked in the salon. Janet saw Trish first and asked, "Where is my daughter Trish? I don't see her anywhere."
Trish, still full of excitement ran over to her shouting, "I'm right here Mother! It's me, don't I look beautiful?"
Janet laughingly answered her, "No, you can't be my daughter, you are much to pretty and my daughter has freckles, you don't have any".
"MOTHER! Kim used make-up on me and it hides my freckles, I am Trish honest!"
Janet and Gwen along with everyone else knowing this little game laughed as Janet scooped her daughter into a big hug and told her how beautiful she looked.
It was then that Rose poked her head out and asked for Janet, asking that Gwen and Trish remain behind. Janet, seeing Roses expression became worried and rushed over.
"Janet, it is nothing to worry about really, but I wanted your permission before I treated Mary Beth's rash."
"Marry Beth has a rash, I was afraid of that. How bad is it Rose?"
"Come on in and see for yourself Janet. I think the thick panties caused it. I have something here I use for the older women that works very well and soothes the discomfort immediately."
Janet entered and seeing her son, now daughter first looked for the rash before noticing her make-over. His little penis and scrotum was a little swollen and red. She touched her there and Mary Beth winced.
"Rose, I have some ointment I just purchased at the medical supply store the woman there told me works well on these type rashes".
Janet then addressed Mary Beth, "Are you ok Sweetie?"
"I'm ok Mommy; it's hot, but only stings when I touch it."
Rose spoke up then and said, "That stuff you bought is just zinc oxide cream Janet. It won't relieve the discomfort or pain, but it does treat the rash and works well to get rid of it. I have something much better my elderly clients swear by. It does the same thing that cream does and also relieves the pain and itch. It cools the area as well. Why don't you try it first and see if it doesn't help Mary Beth. If it doesn't we can remove it and use the cream you bought. I warn you though; it is very sticky and stains what it comes in contact with. You should keep the area covered with something you don't mind getting stained or throwing away after you use it. Here, put these disposable plastic gloves on first Janet. I will give you a bunch to take with you if this works."
Rose then gave Janet a pair of gloves and a big jar of the pink sticky cream.
Janet asked "Rose, will this hurt her cut?"
"Oh no Janet, I used 'liquid bandage' on her cut. It is clear and is much better than a regular bandage or gauze. Once we have her panties on I will use a little long lasting waterproof make-up to hide the cut that still shows."
Janet was impressed at Roses thoroughness and caring attitude. She smiled and began applying the cream to Mary Beth's rash. Mary Beth sighed in relief as the sting and hotness went away very quickly.
Rose whispered in Janet's ear, "This stuff really numbs up the area it is used on Janet. Mary Beth might tinkle on herself without knowing it at first."
Janet's eyes rose a bit and she just smiled. "Rose, she has a pair of diaper pants if you didn't notice and I just bought her a few more pairs".
"Oh, that solves the little problem then Janet. I think it worked, Mary Beth seems to be discomfort free."
"Does that feel better Honey?"
"Yes Mommy, much better."
"Ok, let's get you dressed and we can finish our shopping ok?"
"Ok Mommy."
Now Janet began noticing all that had been done to Mary Beth and before getting her dressed she turned her new daughter around in a circle. "
"You are beautiful Mary Beth! Look at you! Your hair is gorgeous and you have very pretty new nails and a pedicure. Oh, you have pierced ears now. Well, they look really pretty Honey, two pink pearls in each ear. Oh my, rings and a necklace to match as well, you are a real Princess now darling."
Mary Beth looked shocked as she felt her numb ears. Yup, two earrings in each ear. Oh god, oh god, oh god! How can I ever be a boy again she thought.
Rose helped Janet dress Mary Beth as they first slipped her diaper panties on. Rose worked her magic with the make-up and Mary Beth's cut disappeared from view.
Completely dressed now, the three left the private salon, which drew the attention of everyone else there. They knew only special clients were done in that room. Oh, and look at that little beauty! She is so precious! Several women called to Rose to bring over that beautiful Princess. They all wanted to see her. Mary Beth had no choice, but to go from one section to the other as the women gushed over her telling her how beautiful and precious she was. They complimented Janet on her two very pretty daughters. Janet was pleased to no end!
Trish seeing her new sister was stunned to stillness. Getting over this quickly she ran over to her, gave her a hug and a kiss telling her how pretty she looked. Mary Beth blushed a deep crimson as everyone chuckled at her shyness.
The four of them left the salon after making an appointment one week from then. Rose mentioned touch ups and a check over. Janet hoped the rash would be gone by then.
Janet and Gwen just could not believe the beautiful transformation of the two girls. Trish was showing Mary Beth her decals on her fingernails and her new jewelry. Mary Beth kept feeling her ears and looking at her hands. Trish was full of energy and excitement, as Mary Beth looked shocked and was quiet.
Janet addressed her children "You two hold hands and stay together girls. No wandering off and pay attention to where you are going. You almost walked into that woman carrying her baby".
"Yes Mommy". The two answered in unison to both Gwen and Janet's delight. The women enjoyed seeing the two walking together hand and hand, two very pretty girls out shopping with their Mother. The two women chuckled hearing Trish tell Mary Beth, "Smile Mary Beth, you are to pretty and you have to smile".
Trish began tickling Mary Beth and soon had her giggling and smiling. The women smiled even bigger as they were the happiest women at the mall this day!
The four entered the Golf Shop and found Fred still with his new bud, Michael, oops, 'Dog' and as they approached the two men who looked up at them, Fred's mouth hung wide open and 'Dog' smiled seeing the pretty girls.
"You didn't tell me about your beautiful girls Fred".
This brought Fred back to his senses and he said, "Oh, sorry Dog. This beautiful lady is Trish, my eldest. The very beautiful little lady next to her is my baby, Mary Beth. They both have just been to the salon, and it was Mary Beth's first time and I can't believe it. They are even more beautiful and I didn't think that possible, I am spellbound by their beauty".
The four adults chuckled as Trish said, "Daddy, look what they gave as presents for being real good".
She showed them him her new jewelry and then pointed out Mary Beth's newly pierced ears and earrings as well. Fred's eyes got a lot bigger, but seeing the scared look an Mary Beth's face awaiting his reaction, he smiled and told them both how beautiful they were and how proud he was that they were so good that they received presents.
Mary Beth seemed to relax then, and she smiled she felt so relieved. She looked up and said "Thank you Daddy that means a lot to me".
Fred scooped them both up in his big strong arms and they exchanged hugs and kisses. This started a giggle fest and the adults just laughed.
"Girls, my name is Mr. Swanson, but since I am a good friend of your Daddy's, you can call me Mike, ok?"
The girls giggled together and Mary Beth said, "Oh no Mr. Mike. Our Daddy and Mommy always told us to call old people Mr. and Ma'am".
This started Gwen and Dog laughing as Janet and Fred turned red with embarrassment.
Janet jumped in and said "Girls! We did not say 'old people' and you know it".
Trish jumped in to defend her sister and said, "Yes you did Mother, you said if we talked to anybody as old as Nana and Papa, we should always say Mr. and Ma'am first, ALWAYS!"
Janet threw up her hands in resignation as she turned to Dog and said, "Mike, I am sorry, those were not the words I used, but they are my children's honest interpretation of what I did tell them".
Mike still chuckling answered, "Don't apologize Janet, you should be proud of these two beautiful girls of yours. They actually listen to their parents and do as they are taught. That is a very rare thing these days".
He looked at the children, smiled and said, "That would be perfect little ladies, Mr. Mike it is, and you are correct, I am sixty-seven years old. That is old isn't it?"
The girls looked up with large eyes and answered together, "Yup, that's old!"
Everyone laughed then, Mike laughed the loudest.
Janet took charge and informed Fred the girls would be trying on a few golfing outfits and she wondered if Fred wanted to teach his daughters golf.
This set Trish of into one of her ELECTRIC moods and Mary Beth got very excited as well. They both had wished they could join their Daddy when he went off to golf almost every Saturday morning.
Fred was surprised at the girl's reaction. He had thought no children would want to go golfing. He was wrong, he smiled and said, "I would be happy to teach them Darling, are you girls sure you want to learn to golf?"
The two girls caught up in the moment started jumping and down excitedly yelling, "Yes, yes Daddy".
They hugged him real tight as he said, "Well you had better go with Mommy and Gwen then. I won't have two ragamuffins be seen with me on the golf course". The girls ran to their Mother and off they went to try on girl's golfing outfits. Janet and Gwen noticed Mary Beth really liked the idea. No longer, the scared and worried little boy dressed as a little girl, but a beautiful little girl happily shopping for new clothes.
The group went off hand in hand as Mike, oops, Dog signaled to one of his coworkers. "April, there are two women and two pretty girls shopping for golfing outfits and a starter set of children's clubs. Could you give them a little help dear?"
"Sure will Doggie Dear, and thanks a bunch for asking me".
"You're the best when it comes to kids stuff Honey, so do me proud and give them your best".
"You can count on it Doggie, and thanks again".
April went over and introduced herself. She fussed over the girl's and soon had them giggling and eager to try on outfits. The promise of their own sets of clubs, shoes, and golf bags had them over the top in the excitement category.
Fred groaned thinking of the huge dent his plastic was taking this day. What the hell, he thought; I have never seen the kids happier even if my son is now my very beautiful daughter for the summer. He mused, summer hell, it looks like well into the school year and that means for the whole school year. I hope Terry holds up. Shoot, judging by today, he will hold up and then excel.
Mary Beth looked over and saw a very pretty little girl near him. He smiled and the girl smiled at the same time. He waved and the little girl waved at the exact same time. Mary Beth shook her head and the little girl did that as well.
Janet seeing her antics walked over to her, "What are you doing Honey?"
Mary Beth pointed at the little girl who was also pointing at the same time towards Mary Beth, "That's not me Mommy!"
"Oh yes it is Honey, that's a mirror, and that beautiful little girl IS you".
"Oh God, oh God, oh God, that can't be me Mommy".
"Come here Mary Beth, let's get closer and you can see for yourself that you are a very beautiful little girl".
They walked closer to which turned out to be a three sided mirror. Mary Beth was stunned. She was beautiful and she turned side to side looking back and forth into each of the three mirrors. Her hair and even her eyebrows perfectly shaped. The slight make-up and the shiny pink lipstick, her eyelashes looked very long and full, curled so prettily. Her earrings enhanced her overall look along with the pretty matching necklace. Mary Beth reached up and touched her necklace, which showed off her perfectly manicured nails, which made her fingers look dainty and very pretty, the rings sparkling from the lights made the look complete.
"Mommy, that pretty girl is me!"
Janet smiled and gave her a hug and a kiss saying, "Yes, Princess, that very beautiful little girl IS you".
Mary Beth smiled real big blinking her pretty lashes as she hugged and kissed her Mommy.
"Thank you Mommy, I'm going to be the bestest girl for you and Daddy and keep all my promises, and I'm even pretty!"
Janet chuckled and happily returned her new daughter's hugs and kisses as she stood up taking Mary Beth's hand in hers and went back to join the others.
The others including Trish witnessed what went on and heard the exchanged conversation all smiled as Trish went over to Mary Beth, gave her a big hug and a kiss as she whispered in her ear, "I love you little sister and you are very pretty." They both giggled and joined the others.
April was a little confused. She looked at Janet and asked, "Your daughter didn't think she was pretty?"
Janet replied, "No April, she always has thought she looked like a little boy".
April, now stunned looked at Mary Beth and said, "You have got to be kidding! I have never seen such a beautiful little girl as her. She thought she looked like a boy?"
April started laughing and added once she could breath again, "Impossible, there is no chance anyone would ever think she was a boy!" That started them all laughing and giggling, if she only knew...
April noticing the bags and one from this very store offered to put them up while they shopped. Janet told her she needed Mary Beth to try on the panties to make sure they were the right size. April loved the ones Janet had purchased earlier and led the way to the changing lounge.
Gwen and Trish were choosing a few outfits for Trish to try on as Janet and Mary Beth were busy trying on the fancy tennis panties.
Janet helping Mary Beth undress was hanging up her dress when Mary Beth gasped, and then whispered, "Oh no Mommy, I wet myself. Mommy, what's wrong with me?" Mary Beth started to cry as Janet hugged her and explained. "Don't worry about it Honey, it's not your fault, the cream we put on you is very strong and that is why you don't feel any pain from the rash. It is so strong that it numbed up your little muscle inside that controls when you go pee-pee. This will only happen until the rash is gone in a few days Sweetie. It's really my fault Honey, I just learned today that I should have put some oil and powder on you before you put on your special panties. They caused you to sweat and that caused the irritation and then the rash. This won't ever happen again Princess, ok?"
"But, Mommy, I will ruin all my clothes if I go pee-pee all the time."
"No you won't Honey, here, feel the outside of your panties. Are they wet on the outside Honey?"
"No, they are dry Mommy, how come?"
"These are very special panties Princess, and I even got you a dozen more pairs today while you were at the salon. They help you look like a girl by making your front smooth with no little bump and they make your hips wider just like little girls. They also have a waterproof cover that keeps the sweat and even pee-pee from leaking out and they protect your clothes and other panties from getting wet ok?"
"Ok Mommy, but I won't wet anymore after a few days right?"
"Yes, Honey, once the rash is gone and you don't hurt anymore we will use the oil and powder. You will know when you have to pee-pee so you won't wet yourself anymore".
Mary Beth took this all in and knew she could trust her Mommy. She gave her Mommy a hug and a kiss. Janet told Mary Beth to hang on a sec while she went and got the bag from the other store. It contained the other diaper pants and baby wipes. Janet switched a few things from another bag so she had an empty plastic bag to take back with her. Gwen smiled, but added a questioning look.
Janet whispered to her, "I will explain later Gwen", then, quickly returned to Mary Beth.
The cleaning off the cream Rose had given her turned out to be more difficult than Janet had thought it would be. It took over twelve baby wipes, but soon Mary Beth was clean and Janet applied more of the cream. The area was a bright pink with reddish tint, but the rash looked less raised and Mary Beth felt no discomfort. She was soon in another diaper panty, this one with little flowers on them all in different pastel colors. Mary Beth was embarrassed at first having her Mommy clean her up like that, but her Mommy just smiled like it was no bother at all, so Mary Beth was soon comfortable with the situation. She had no choice really and to tell the truth, she loved all the special pampering she was receiving now.
Janet was glad Mary Beth was wearing diaper pants. The ones she has taken off her were stained a bright pink inside. She had her try on the pretty lacey panties and they fit well. Snug, but not to tight and they covered the diaper pants completely. Mary Beth looked adorable wearing them.
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Sweet and funny but with a sad undercurrent IMHO
What is the oath doctors take, something like "First do no harm."
Well none of these adults or the salon lady could ever be a doctor.
Let's see, the lady in the salon KNEW he is a boy pretending to be a girl. He asked she NOT to do anything permanent.
So hair extensions that last six months. Eyebrow shaping that will take months to grow back, likely longer with his health problems. FOUR ear piercings and that mantra of "well all the guys have them now" is a crock! Not that she said it but I HAVE to believe sit would have been said if he'd complained after. He's just too damned polite for his own good I fear.
-- snicker --
Then the diapers causing a rash treated with a powerful cream intended for elderly ladies or at least used by one . God knows if it has estrogens or something other than a healing agent and lidocane in it. But whatever it is, the very same mother who refuses drug treatments for her sons serious thyroid problem because there were dangerous possible side effects has condemned him to diapers and wetting due to the anesthetic properties of the cream. The diapers caused the problem in the first place and the damned cream to treat it makes it necessary to use dippers. Well at least THAT guarantees the diaper maker and the cream maker repeat business. Kind of like illegal drug makers in a way.
-- Arrrg! --
What is funny and what is simultaneously sad is no one listens to the child. It is not as if they mean to be cruel but how does it go? " The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
They do things that will embarrass or possibly harm the child, at least his esteem and mental health if not his body and rationalize it as for his good or for his protection. If they stood back and examined this all dispassionately not knowing it was him would they not say this smells of child abuse or at least poor parenting?
Poor kid.
I look forward to more and hope our hero comes out of it alive, well and a boy soon to be a man.
I mean it is not that many more rationalizations to "for your safety we are putting you on blockers and female hormones . That way there is less risk someone will find out you are a boy. Isn't THAT great news!" Or worse, "Honey you are groggy because you just had surgery to have breast augmentation and full SRS plus some plastic surgery to make you even more beautiful and feminine. Once healed only a doctor could tell you weren't born a girl. See now you never need fear being beat up because you're a boy pretending to be a girl."
-- GRIN --
Yah, WAAAAY extreme example but stranger thing have happened in real life.
So well written. But am I watching a happy comedy or a looming train wreck? IE will this be a happy memory years later for HIM or a case of HER "... gaining the World but losing your soul..."
Nice stuff Angel. Really. Maybe I'm seeing things here that are not, seeing malice or unintended consequences where none is intended or desired but whatever the *truth* an excellent tale.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa, every one has an opinion...
It is their right to have them and even express them as they so wish to do. Anyway, as I said before I respect and love reading your comments. You can imagine anything you wish, but your imaginations and opinions always remain your very own. Comprehension is the key word for any author wishing to convey a story and all of its little elements to their readers. They can only hope the readers comprehend what the author is trying to convey in their writings.
Reading ahead is commonplace even though the words have not been posted yet. What will the future bring for the main character? Now that is the big question the readers need to have answered and in their own way they write their own versions of my story to answer or fulfill their own wants and desires for the main character.
Fantastic! I couldn't ask for anything more from the readers! This process gives a reality to my fictional events and characters! Thanks again John in Wauwatosa! Keep commenting and keep your visionary skills honed and ready!
Huggles John in Wauwatosa
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I tend to agree with John,
its not just his imagination. And I don't think he's reading things into the story that aren't there. The diaper issues are bad enough, but a perfect stranger grabbed Terry's genitals and instructed him to urinate into a jar. That's not sweet. That's not being helpful. That's touching a child's privates, and watching them pee. I'm sure I'm not the only who noticed that.
Crys Talia, Thank you...
...for your comments.
Huggles Crys Talia
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Why Can't a Boy be More Like a Girl? Part 3
What if all of these treatments given him/er has adverse effects? Why do the adults seem to want to make Terry stat as Mary Beth? Do they not see the danger medically and physically if outed?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Mary Beth
I only have ONE Question? Are we going to get more then Three Chapters to this great story of yours from years ago that just seems to be incomplete?
Ask this question in a PM and I might answer it!
I'll PM you with my reply!
Huggles Richard
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Boy be More Like a Girl?
More readers should come aboard,Mary Beth is starting to believe in her new self. I believe this old story will travel new places.
I hope Angel carries the story forward. She has developed many characters and several avenues for the story to travel and stay fresh.
Hugs to Angel,
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors