The Wild Side: Love Letters Part 3

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Sioned and Owen's story continues.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. None of the characters, places, or anything else is meant to be represented by anything in reality. Duh! Fiction, get it? I the author reserve the rights, so please don't go posting this anyplace else without my permission. A very special thanks goes out to Cathy and all the others out there in BCTS land who have encouraged and inspired me to write and keep writing. Another round of thanks goes out to djkauf who is the fastest proofer I've ever encountered. Any remaining mistakes are all mine.

The Wild Side: Love Letters
Part 3

I showed up at the girls’ place. “So what's up?”

This was Saturday and I had the morning and early evening off. However, I was still blurry eyed from working late Friday night, and tonight was going to be busy too. Pizza delivery at a college campus during the weekend? You bet! However the tips were good.

Kimmie ushered me in with her usual smile. “Oh, you'll see!”

I suppose I should be concerned, but I did trust them. Since they lived off-campus because of their relationship, I was a little less worried about being seen no matter what they did. Besides, they only had a couple of hours to do their stuff. I'd made it very clear I had to work tonight.

One of the reasons I had even this much time available to me is that I'd finished a commissioned piece I gotten though my Deviant Art account early. That was going to be gas for the next week. I might even be able to afford food that wasn't left over pizza from work or ramen noodles.

It was all part of the burden of school. My Dad claims it builds character, but I'd observed that both of my brothers got a free ride. The difference was they were on athletic scholarships while mine was in art. For that matter my scholarship covered more than theirs did, but that didn't cut any mustard with him.

Any career that didn't involve sports or busted knuckles were beneath a real man according to him. My own paint stained, clay roughened fingers wasn't enough. Trust me, real art was tough on the hands.

Although recently, I'd made much more of an effort to take care of them. Sigh, Owen.

“She's here,” Kimmie yelled out the soul of discretion.

Following her in, I wondered if I'd wandered into a beauty parlor. “She's here,” I asked repeating her words.

Bouncing on her toes in excitement, Kimmie grinned. “Yah! All of today you're a girl. We're going to give you the works!”

“You've never experienced what being an Earth girl is all about,” Angel said coming into the room. “If you're really a girl under the skin then you'll feel it no matter where you are.”

Okay, now I'm nervous!

“Changing your major again?” I inclined my head at all the beauty parlor stuff.

“That's my girlfriend,” Kimmie giggled. "The Beauty School dropout!”

That earned her a thrown towel from her lover.

“Here take this and follow the instructions.” Angel handed me a basket filled with bottles. “This is a hair remover, but watch out for the sensitive places. It is an acid, so be careful. Don't bother doing your hair, but do shave very, very close.”

At my I-can't-do-that expression, Angel gave a trying one in return as she rolled her eyes. “Oh please, it's just body hair. It'll grow back.”

Just under an hour later I was back shivering under the robe they left me. It surprised me how much being smooth reminded me of being Sioned. Weird that being without that body hair made that much of a difference.

They were waiting for me and I think my apprehension went through the roof. I wanted to run away, but I also wanted even more of this all at the same time. It didn't make any sense, but what about any of this did.

Sitting down, they got to work. I know they talked, I talked, but I can't remember a word of it. It did feel good as they did my hair. Normally, I wore it on the long side which was something that drove my Dad nuts. That was part of the reason why I did it, along with being too cheap to get haircuts. The ironic thing is that I'd seen pictures of him at my age and his hair was even longer than mine. Parents and double-standards, go figure.

“Don't worry,” Kimmie tried to calm me. “This stuff washes out and you can hide the style with your normal ponytail.”

Style? Gulp!

I guess my efforts at taking care of my hands must not had been very successful, because when Kimmie started work on them she just glared at me.

Personally, I was more concerned about whatever she put on my nails. Maybe, LBGT's weren't persecuted on campus, but that was a hell of a long ways from acceptance. On the other hand, I kind of liked my hands looking nice.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “Artists are tough on their hands. I've tried to take care of them, but I guess I didn't do such a good job.”

Intent on trimming cuticles, Kimmie just sniffed.

“Perhaps you could give me some tips?” I asked, trying to make nice.

Looking up, her face beamed in delight.

I learned more about nail and hand care than I ever knew existed. Moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize again were her advice.

While that was happening, Angel started on my eyebrows. “You know you should have two and not one, right?”

Finally they were done, and got me dressed. The outfit wasn't too very girly, but it did have a denim skirt, blouse, and sandals.

With the Gate, one step I was John and on the next I was Sioned. This was so different that by the time I was standing in front of the mirror, I was a nervous wreck. It was like looking into a shattered glass at all the distortions. Every imperfection glared out at me. My Addams apple, the overly strong jaw, and that brow of mine said male, but at the same time it felt so much more natural to be dressed this way. I felt pulled in two directions at once.

Kimmie was on one side while Angel was on the other. They were staring at the girl in the mirror too.

“Wow, you're pretty, Sioned.” Kimmie played with my new bangs.

Angel was more subdued. “That blouse isn't quite right for you.” Leaving she came back with another that had a higher lace collar. She had the old one half off me before I realized what she was doing revealing my stuffed bra.

What hit me was how embarrassed I was over that fact. Still trying to digest how much I felt I should have breasts, Kimmie helped keep the new blouse makeup free as Angel dressed me like an oversize doll.

Fluffing up the collar, she stepped back satisfied. “Now, that's better.”

Trying to make my wits work, I saw my Adams Apple no longer peeked out.

I still painfully saw all of those flaws, but I also saw someone else, a girl, me, Sioned.

The first tear fell before I knew I was even crying.

“See I told you, the waterproof mascara was worth it.” Kimmie triumphantly announced as she passed me a tissue.

“Happy tears?” Angel whispered as she held me.

I couldn't answer. There was too much trying to get out again. All I could do was feel.

Many tissues later, I finally found my voice. “So what do we do now?”

“I'm afraid in the long term that's up to you.” Angel replied. “However, for today we'd planned just to take it easy the rest of the afternoon and have some girl time.”

“Yeah!” Kimmie exclaimed. “We'll watch some movies and just hang.”

“That sounds like pretty much what guys do.” I said, back finding my humor.

“Ah, grasshopper, that's because you haven't seen the movies she's picked out!” Angel smiled. “However, it's time to fix your makeup. Here, we'll show you how.”

“Yep! All part of being a girl.” Kimmie enthusiastically guided me back to the mirror.

Maybe because of my artist’s eye, it didn't take me long to get the idea. It was far from expert, but I didn't look like a clown either. When we got back to their living room and tidied up from my makeover, Angel just kept looking at me.

Smoothing my skirt before I sit, I finally asked, “Okay Angel what's up? Am I doing something wrong?”

“Wrong?” She laughed. “Oh no, you're doing it right! That's why I'm staring. Hell, I think you're doing it better than I ever did.”

Kimmie giggled flopping down next to me. “We're lipstick lesbians and enjoy looking feminine for each other. Besides I like being a little girly and silly. It helps me from going crazy dealing with economics professors, and business forecasts.”

She wrapped an arm around me. “Angel being who she is let's me express a side of me I might not be able to otherwise.”

“And her being silly and ditzy sometimes helps remind me not to be so serious,” Angel smiled at her partner. “However that doesn't mean I get into all that being a Lady crap my Mom used to push at me. I picked and chose which ones I could live with and the ones that went into the no thanks, no way basket.”

You could see the love and care they had for each other.

“But you do the whole graceful thing without even thinking about!” She almost sounded jealous. “And like just now when you smoothed your skirt before sitting down unlike my so elegant partner who just fell into the sofa like a sack of potatoes.”

“That's a really cute, sexy bag of potatoes!” Kimmie stuck out her tongue.

“Well, I did spend two weeks as Sioned with Owen during spring break.” I defended myself. “I arrived dressed really femmie, and honestly had no real desire to wear anything else.” Blushing very red I added, “He didn't complain.”

“I bet he didn't!” Angel smiled, I think as much at my blushing as at my statement.

Kimmie poked me in a ticklish spot. “What she's trying to say is that you pass very well.”

“Yes you do.” Angel said. I guess it was her turn to blush. “I've seen other gurls and many of them try too hard to get it right.”

“Forced,” Kimmie added her two cents.

“You're so natural with everything it's as if you grew up a girl.” Angel said still blushing. “If you were still available I would seriously considered that threesome we used to joke about.”

“But I'm not, but thanks for the compliment.” I felt my face grow even warmer if that was possible. While I might have been tempted before Spring Break, but not now. I'd confronted my feelings about Owen. For better or for worse, I was in love with him.

“What she said,” Kimmie gave me a wistful smile. “It's kind of a shock to find yourself attracted to someone you weren't the day before. However you'll always be our friend, but now it's even better than before!

“How's that?” I asked still feeling euphoric and yet angsty about all of this.

“You're our best guy friend we can talk to about clothes and stuff!” She excitedly bounced up and down on their sofa.

“And stuff?” I asked with a grin.

“And stuff.” Angel solidly confirmed.

Then after a moment of the three of us smiling silly at each other Kimmie, never one to be distracted for long exclaimed, “Movies!”

While I like action flicks, the so called chick-flicks aren't bad either. All that really matters is if they have a good story or not. Kimmie might act brainless, but I knew her grade point average said otherwise. Her viewing picks proved that. All in all I enjoyed her selections.

Of course, I kept looking at the clock. I knew that my temporary testosterone reprieve had an expiration date. It wasn't something I was forward to. The last time was when I'd kissed Owen goodbye and stepped though the Gate.

It had not been pretty. Finding I was back as John had been … difficult. Andrea helped me name it, depression. While she hadn't insisted I see a doctor, she was really hinting, if you know what I mean.

Wanting to be functional to work tonight, my reaction to what happens when Sioned goes back into the closet concerned me.

The girls had been checking the clock too, but I really just put it down to keeping track of 'Pumpkin' time.

Then the doorbell rang.

The girls jumped up which made me really suspicious that they were expecting someone. Now, that made me nervous. I might be comfortable dressed this way, but the fear of being revealed, outed, was very strong. You want to try terrifying?

“Oh, I wonder who that is?” Kimmie sing-songed making me certain I'd been set up.

Who could it be? Chuck or maybe Andrea, both of which would be okay if not cool since they knew my secret already.

“Why don’t you get it, Sioned?” Angel suggested. Now I knew I'd been set up.

Dreading and yet forever hopeful, I walked to the door. It couldn't be him, I argued. The three of them would have to planned this and I couldn't see how they could've managed it. I mean just because I have him on my mind all the time.

No, no, no it can't be him!

Opening the door, my breath stopped as reality failed to agree with my reasoning.

“Sioned,” Owen said with a small pottery of live flowers in his hands.

I vaguely recall the giggling of my so evil friends, but I had eyes only for the man in front of me. I didn't care what I was, I knew what I wanted. Wrapping myself around him, I saw his blue eyes just as full of passion as mine.

As he inclined his head to kiss me, my inner voice was silent. My lipstick covered lips seemed to burn as more words failed both of us. My only regret was not being a full woman on this side of the Gate because I wanted him so bad.

“Yr wyf i yn dy garu di” He whispered in my ear translating. “I love you.”

I had all I wanted.

Happily nuzzling my Dyn, I hugged him tight.

To be continued

Notes: According to my research, "Yr wyf i yn dy garu di," is the very old fashioned and stilted Welsh translation of 'I love you.' That works very well for High Elvish in my opinion.

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Return to Wild Side


Another great chapter. Sioned knows what she wants, is she will to return to the wild side to get it. It doesn't seem that she will be able to resist much longer. We still need to know what Owen is keeping hidden from her.

Looking forward to seeing how you continue this fun story.

As always,


As always,


Thank you Dru!

She's a lot of time to think about it, and absence does make the heart grow fonder. She's also learning about herself, and experiencing those revelations of her first therapy sessions.

As for Owen and his secrets there are more to come.



it looks like girl skills that come so natural now may have carried over. will she always come back as John or will she come back as female if she wants it badly enough?
great chapter, thanks

Wanting it bad enough doesn't

Wanting it bad enough doesn't matter, in the beginning of the story it was mentioned lots of tg folk went though the gate in the hope of coming back as female. It's random, it could happen to him but chances or very small.

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

You're right Sarah.

It is random, and you would have to 'adjust' to a female to begin with which is not guarantee either. More TG girls and guys do gender switch than non-TG, but no sure thing.

This is not just another world but another reality. Figuring out the rules tend to make the physics guys drink a lot and start brawls!

Thanks for the comment and kind words!
grtz and hugs to you too!


is a very effective learning tool even if just for two weeks. How much of that may have been a part of the 'adjusting' is unknown. As another commentor pointed out the 'cross-adjusting' is rare.

I kind of look at it this way.

Imagine Earth's reality as a stodgy old accountant. Things are the way they are and don't confuse things and mess up the books. The Wild Side is an impulsive artist who would know a box if she saw one (Ie thinking outside the box.) Hey, what would happen if we do this!

If he absolutely has too Earth will change his ledgers, but not with out a lot of grumbling and complaining. The Wild Side of course is different.

Thanks for your kind words and that comment, LongWolf.


I'm sure...

... she wants it badly enough.... What a lucky boy... soon to live as a lucky girl I think. Much appreciated! G x

The magic of the Wild Side has a strange *logic* to it

She MIGHT change permently on a trip soon.

Almost certain she will move to the Wild and emigrate.

What of her parents?

What of the hot looking bitc* and her pals?

What of her good lesbian friends?

Or is simply living a good life "revenge* and *reward* enough? And grandkids ARE grandkids.

Hum, WHO is her love really?

They way he is treated reeks of high nobilty, say the younger brother to the heir to the throne as the heir might be more restrcited in where he/she coes or who he/she dates/marries. I notice he has no obvious body guards.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

You got me John!

You as always made some good points. I almost drenched my monitor with Mountain Dew at the "And grandkids ARE grandkids!" remark. LOL

I'd just finished writing a scene with the parents in it, so I could see their reaction to that so very clearly. LOL! I might have to include that mental image somehow. :)

Thanks for your comment my friend!

LIke an Onion?

You keep pealing of the layers and there just seams to be more there to see. Just how did those two set this reunion up? Looking forward to the next chapter.



Isn't that Ogres?

I thought they were like onions? I'm afraid you have my old game mastering days to blame for the layers thing. When world-building if you don't cover the angles some player most certainly will try and take advantage.

As for how our girl got set up, well, that's coming! ;)

Thank you so much for your comments and kinds words.

"I had all I wanted."

lovely chapter. Sweet, oh so sweet ...

thank you for sharing it.


You're welcome Dorothy.

I do enjoy the sweet stuff too.


Great chapter. So John became

Great chapter. So John became Sioned on earth too ;) It's kind of amazing that she goes from unibrow dude to beautiful girl, but whatever ^^
I can't wait to see how this will develop. Who is Owen really and what happened to those gods?

Thank you for writing, I can't wait for the next chapter,

The Letter L

terrynaut's picture

I didn't see any love letter in this chapter but it was lovely.

This comment was brought to you by the letter L, for love.

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry

Of course there-

was a letter. Owen sent himself!

Thank you Letter L for your sweet words and comment!

Ah! Sweet Romance

joannebarbarella's picture

Lovely, rotten bitches of friends matchmaking,,,,as if they had to!

So you think those Welsh are Elvish too? I agree that they're not really human and probably escaped from the Wild Side. I mean, who else could write a chapter a day for over four years and dash off a slew of other stories besides? Witches, the lot of them.

Now I'll have to go and hide so that they don't cast a spell on me. Please, please, nice Welsh ladies, whatever you do, please don't turn me into a girl,



Well, the girls are rather concerned about their friend who is head over heels in love with this very mysterious curious traveler. Can you think of a better way of meeting him?

As for them Welch Elves, well, I didn't have a lot of choices. I needed a language that was a real tongue twister, but easy enough I could borrow a few words to give the story an exotic air. Mandarin Chinese and Xhosaian were out because I didn't have a clue how to phonetically pronoun any of them.

Since I haven't ended up transformed, I'm going to assume that I haven't mangled the tongue too very badly. Either than or they're not reading this one! :)

You gave a lt of possible hints, Grover

Though which are real or not...

From the little you've said so far the parents seem okay. Perhaps they might even be relieved their artistic son, well daughter has found someone, not exactly the old Jewish American joke of *the nice young doctor* but damned close.

Her Lesbian friends are priceless and clearly the Prince or whoever he is loves her.

And grandkids are often energetic little elves anyway.

Hum IF she does have children would they revert to human on Earth or being Wilde side but from a former Human.... my mind is spinning on this one. on both side Physically, as she is her heart and soul now, I wonder IF her self image matches something compatible with the Wild Side might it not change her permanently. It seems to me in the changes it picks out may be based on what your inner self is... unless I am totally bonkers here. He inner self is Sionid now, even if it is just the wig, dress and makeup her friends just gave her.

As much as I want that mean spirited gal to pay, maybe she is just immature and we someday *grow up*. To trap someone in a body they do not want is cruel as our heroine has now reaized about herself.

If I recall her Earth and Wild art is much improved since her transformations. A successful, beautiful even by Earth standards child producing grand kids...

Unless one or both parents are homophobes or zenophobes...

"This is a picture of our daughter, husband and four kids. Don't the girls alll have her eyes and hair? And the boy will be so handsome, like his dad.

Yeah, it hurts we can't see them as much since her brother-in-law died and her husband became king but she's happy so who are we to complain. Imagine, our daughter a Queen!"

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Hints, John.

You are jumping the gun a little. Grandkids? They've just gotten to second base, but are trying to steal third. You've gone way, way pass where I am! LOL

As for Mary, well, she's that attractive girl who has that teasing mean streak. Typically she'll end up marrying for money, and end up very unhappy in a divorce.

Angel and Kimmie are two characters that has really grown on me. I've been asked what they would 'adjust' to on the Wild Side, and I have to say I don't know. They won't tell me! I really think my muse is secretly up to some mischief with those two!

Now we're back to the Grandkids again. Sigh...

Should I start making some remarks about a certain Joanie and a senator's son? :)

An Idea Just Struck Me

But it didn't hurt at all! 8)

Now, all know that I'm way not John from W, but, somehow, my thoughts drifted.

What if Owen wanted a real Sioned here as well as on the Wild Side? Maybe if she started transitioning, he or his kin could turn her into a GG or one who would be a GG when she crossed back. The Wild Side has plenty of powerful magic and Gods, at least, could change genetics. Maybe the Elvish research has found out how their magic could do this, too.

Maybe, for some political or family reason Owen wants his kids born on this side. In fact he might want to immigrate; maybe he likes our constitution or capitalism (hope not) or something on the Wild Side might be unsafe for whomever. He probably has huge wealth, in Earth value, that he could smuggle over here!

So, anyway......

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Not bad Renee

but you're not quiet there. In theory her transitioning here, statistically speaking does help the odds. They are still very, very long ones. I hope my reasoning makes sense, but we will soon see.