Three things:
1) If all you've got to say about a story is complaints about formatting or mechanical parts of the writing, like paragraphing, punctuation or spelling, don't do it publicly. Send such critical comments as PMs, that is EXACTLY why PMs are provided here. Click on Write to Author instead of Add Comment. There are two reasons for this. The first is most important, beating someone up in public may be fun but it ain't friendly and if you read the terms of service here at the top of the front page it says, "A friendly place...". The second reason is that you look an utter prat if someone fixes things and posts the improved version right over the top of the old one. Serves you right probably. :)
2) Don't make policy change suggestions that take away something from someone else in public without discussing them with me ahead of time. And if you have discussed them with me, and I said no, don't go ahead and make such an unfriendly suggestion in public anyway. You can't go over my head to anyone else 'cause the buck stops here.
3) If someone makes a political post and you feel the need to answer it, don't keep beating the horse you rode in on after you have made your point. That's basically starting an argument and a violation of the TOS mentioned above. Let other people have their say without a second round of public refutation from you and take it up with them privately if you feel the need.
Hugs to all, even people I am slightly annoyed with at the moment, :)
I'm almost frightened to say!
Well said Erin, we all love you and bigcloset!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
*Great Big Hugs*
You are so awesome for putting up with us all:)
Bailey Summers
*Blushes from hugs*
I can't say I have a perfect record. You are indeed a tolerant and forgiving and wonderful woman. *Big kitty-cat eyes*
*HuggleSnugglePurrKissLickyourface* =)
*Returns to edit and correct own spelling!*
What she said
Absolutely! I second that emotion (lol). Well said.Â
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I have...
Done the first in the past... though I think I've been doing a good job of restraining myself recently.
Don't think either of the other two have even crossed my mind... For one thing, I'd never even imagine suggesting ANYTHING about policy. The latter I try to restrain myself from even posting at all on politics.
Thanks for making a reminder though... It should be common courtesy, but, well, sometimes people slip.
Abigail Drew.
I wanted to write a comment criticizing your punctuation and...
Hey Erin,
The reason I didn't, is that I wasn't sure how upset you were. I mean, I could live with most normal types of punishment like death by hanging or firing squad, BUT I know how inventive your mind is and I wasn't quite sure my imagination was up to figuring out the various tortures you might develop for me. SO, I put strong chains on my editorial criticism.
We all love you and thank you for keeping this site up and friendly.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
1 and 2 and 3
Dear Erin
Thanks for posting reminders for us to behave. I think most of us do, but once in a while, I guess we all make mistakes.
I think I'm good on 1. On 2, I think I'm good and on 3 if I have been bad, I appologize.
I fifth that sentiment... (I'm sure I'm at least the fifth by now... Perhaps the eleventeenth...)
Thank you,
1. Being mildly dyslexic I tend to ignore things like that although I have found that I would probably be a very good editor.
2. Not being a policy maker on this site I don't go there...
3. When I see political stuff I tend to plead Article 32 and just not reply at all. The only exceptions would be if someone were to actually ask others of their opinions. Then, in that case I might respond with the proviso that it is entirely my opinion. If I want to have a lively political arguement with anyone I will fight with my brother and no one else (we are siblings, we are supposed to fight... I am the oldest so I am always right :))
Well I'm not afraid to say ...
Well said Erin!
... and that's from sombody who HAS had her knuckles rapped.
(She's ever so firm, but I like her!)