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Season of The Witch -
Part Fifteen by: Enemyoffun
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Author's Note: I tried to get this one written sooner but every time I went to do so something came up. I finally sat down last night and told myself I was going to finish it, no matter what. I achieved that goal :) I'd like to thank djkauf and Indy for the magical editing and everyone for enjoying this universe :)
“You let the other one escape?”
“I was a bit preoccupied.”
Two voices woke me. I blinked and looked around the room blurry eyed for a moment, not raising my head. A quick look was all I needed to tell me I wasn’t at home. Blinking again, my vision came into better focus. The room was big; the furniture I could see looked really old. Instead of the canopy above me, there were four posts. It should have frightened me---passing out and waking up somewhere else but I knew this room. I’d been here before, albeit very briefly. It was the room in the Crowley Manor, the one I stayed in when I was a guest here last week. I couldn’t help but groan at the implication. When I collapsed, whoever found me must have brought me here.
“Preoccupied” said the familiar one of the two voices. “I thought you knew what you were doing.”
I knew that voice, it was hard not to recognize.
The Inquisitor.
“Would you rather I left the girl in the street?”
The other voice was a man, possibly the one who picked me.
The two speakers lowered their voices after that, seemingly drifting off.
I raised my head slightly and realized that they weren’t actually in the room. With that little bit of info, I sat up fully. The first thing I noticed was the shifting of my breasts. I looked down and gasped. What were once tiny A cups, easily concealable, were now back to the C cup size of before. I was thrilled and surprised at the same time. It must have been the necklace or rather removing it. I’m not sure what happened exactly but it looks like by breaking the charm, the rest of my female self broke through. I confirmed it quickly with a hand between my legs; I was fully girl down there as well. I wanted to be elated but the situation I was currently in was keeping me from hopping up and down.
I quickly took stock of the situation.
Last night came back to me. The party, having a good time, then Jack ruining it all. I can’t say that I really blamed him. We both got a bit caught up in things and it went too far. I should never have danced with him then none of this would have never happened. No, that’s not true. If I’d told someone the other day about those asses trying to grab me then none of this would have never happened. No matter how I look at it---no matter the scenario---it’s my fault. I couldn’t help but feel a bit stupid. I’m still not sure why I didn’t run to someone and tell them. It was one of things in the back of my mind but every time I went to do so it was as if something was keeping me back. Not something, I knew what it was: foolish pride.
I slipped out of bed, my pressing need to go to the bathroom overwhelming. I looked around the room, finding another door off in the corner. I rushed to it but found a large closet. Cursing, I looked around. The room was rather big, definitely bigger than my room back at “home”. Last time I was here I didn’t really get much time to explore it now I was starting to see how limited it really was. There didn’t appear to be a bathroom for one thing. Most of the room was taken up by antiquated furniture, pieces from a bygone era. I paid little attention to that and went to the window, pulling open the large curtains. The morning sun poured into the room, nearly blinding me with its brightness. After the spots disappeared from my eyes, I took a look outside.
My room had a great view of the courtyard and the gardens. Lots of brightly colored flowers made it look like a beautiful menagerie down there. I looked for a few minutes, followed the cobble stone path with my eyes until it led to the road. Beyond that, I couldn’t see anything because it was obscured by trees. This place was a mystery and I think that’s what made it so appealing. It was a shame that I only came here when something bad happened, though. It was so beautiful here; if I were Maggie, I would never want to leave home.
I turned away from the window and decided I really needed the bathroom. I rushed across the room to the door only to find it locked. I twisted the handle a few times then banged on it more than once but it was no use. Why the hell would they lock me in? Defeated I returned back to the bed and sat down in a huff. Was I a prisoner here? Was that what that conversation was really all about? They were clearly talking about the incident in the alley, the one that ruined my birthday. A birthday I sadly didn’t even really get to enjoy. If I ever saw either of those guys again I was going to flay them alive.
I felt my anger start to rise, my body tingled. All the lights in the room started to flicker, the tips of my fingers started to spark. I gasped in surprise, forcing myself to calm down but not before one of the light bulbs popped.
Just then, the door chose to open. Melissa stepped into the room. I’m not sure if she saw the bulb pop or not but she frowned as she entered. “I see you’re awake, I also see what the others were talking about.”
I jumped off the door, still angry. “Why is the door locked? Am I a prisoner now?”
My anger caused the lights to flicker again.
“Calm down before you bring the room down around us,” she snapped.
There was authority in her voice, power too. My anger ebbed away in an instant. I felt like a little kid who touched a burner and got scolded by an angry mother. Double burned if you will.
I dropped back down on the bed. “Sorry.”
“That’s better,” she said as she shut the door behind her and walked into the room. “I see that that anger of yours is going to be a real problem.”
“How would you feel if you woke up and found your door locked?”
I nodded, tearing up slightly. Stupid hormones. Melissa came over and sat down next to me, pulling me into a hug. She held me for a minute or two as I cried. They were little tears though and over pretty quick. When I was down, she tried to smile but it kept turning into a frown.
“You really know how to stir things up don’t you?”
“How bad is it?”
“The one we found in the alley was pretty torn up. I’m not sure what happened but whatever you did to him shattered nearly every bone in his body. He’s in a magically induced coma right now, you’re lucky you didn’t kill him.”
I felt no love lost for him. “I wish I had. He’s Black Cross.”
Melissa’s eyes popped open. “You sure?”
I nodded. “He’s one of the two guys that tried to grab me back home. They tried the same thing Friday morning before school.”
“And you didn’t say anything?” I lowered my head in shame like a dog. “Damn it Kelly, how can I protect you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”
Once again being scolded like a child.
“I’m sorry,” I said, tearing up again. “I wanted to tell you, I just… I messed up. I’m not sure what happened. Things got out of control then it was my birthday. I was going to call you yesterday morning then this necklace came…”
“What necklace?”
I reached into my shirt and showed her. “This one.”
Melissa’s eyes popped again. He hand then flew at my neck, snatching the beaded accessory. She tugged with a strength that I didn’t expect. There was a slight burn and then the necklace snapped free. She flung it on the ground. I watched in amazement as it caught fire and turned to ash.
“What the hell?”
“It’s a Snake Charm,” said Melissa, clasping shut the hand she used to pull it off with. “A particularly nasty one too. I’m not sure what it would have done but they’re used by a lot of Dark Magic users. You’re lucky I got to it quickly or else the damn thing would have never come off.”
I rubbed my neck. “Why is this happening to me?”
Melissa pulled into another quick hug before saying. “This is definitely getting out of hand” She pulled away, taking a quick look at her hand before continuing. “Here I thought it was another isolated incident of yours but there’s a lot more to it than we thought. I need to go for a bit but I promise to be back later. Is there anything you need before I leave?”
I nodded. “The bathroom.”
She smiled. “C’mon, I’ll take you.”
The bathroom was just down the hall. I peed quickly and then found myself standing in front of the mirror. I was staring at my neck, more specifically at the spot where the Snake Charm had been. There was a slight red mark there now, I’m not sure if it was from Melissa pulling it off my neck or from the burn I felt before she did so. I reached up and started rubbing, hoping it would go away but it didn’t. I frowned and cursed my stupidity. Thanks to my parents, I’d heard about a lot of things, Snake Charms were bad. They were used by a lot of dark magic users just like Melissa said. What she didn’t say was that they came in all kinds. They were usually items like rings or necklaces and usually created for a specific purpose.
What the hell was I thinking? I should never have put that damn thing on. What the hell was wrong with me lately? First, I neglected to tell anyone about the almost kidnapping and then I stupidly put on a necklace from an unmarked package I got in the mail. Was I losing my mind or was I just being so damn careless that I was missing the little things.
I groaned and splashed some water in my face before leaving the bathroom. Melissa was outside the door and led me back to my room.
“I have to go and talk to a few people but I’ll be back later, ok?”
I nodded and she left.
When I walked into the room, I wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Maggie sitting on the bed. Her eyes locked with mine for a second then she rushed me, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. She got me crying again, which fit in nicely with her own. We stood like that for a bit before she let me go.
“Never a dull moment with you around is it?”
I shrugged. “I don’t plan these things Mags.”
“You sure?”
I sighed. “I wish I knew.”
She nodded, falling silent. Her silence didn’t last though. “Well it’s a good thing I came to cheer you up.”
She rushed over to the side of the bed, dragging a large garbage bag. She opened it up and I caught sight of what was inside: presents.
“What girl leaves her own party before opening her gifts?”
I couldn’t help but smile, at least I could be happy for the moment. I’d deal with everything else when it came but here and now, I wanted to spend some time with my friend.
We spent an hour opening all my presents. Most of them were cards with gift certificates but some of them were actual gifts. Lots of jewelry and other things. It was nice that people I didn’t know went out of their way to get me something. I surprised myself a bit, as the two of us went through it all. I was giddy with excitement, something I couldn’t remember ever being. I’m not sure what exactly came over me but I was enjoying this. Even when we were all done, I was still having the best time of my life.
“Five hundred and sixty dollars” said Maggie with a smile. “And that’s just the gift cards; I haven’t even counted the cash.”
“Cash? People gave me cash?”
“Hey you’re popular now.”
Popular? How did that even happen? If someone were to use me and popular in the same sentence last month I would have laughed at them. Then again, if I told myself last month I was going to be a girl the next month I would have had myself committed.
“What do you mean popular? No one knows I’m there.”
“That’s part of your mystique apparently. I was talking with a lot of people last night and they all told me you’re cool because you blend in. Everyone knows who you are because of it.”
“That makes no sense.”
She shrugged. “Hey this is high school, stuff isn’t supposed to.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. When did Maggie become the great sage of all things teenager and how did I miss it.
We spent some time counting my actual cash; I pulled in another five hundred bucks. I guess I was definitely a lot more popular than I thought. My eyes were as big as saucers as I looked at it all. I don’t think I ever had that much cash in my life. Well at not that much at one time. Sadly, any money I made in the past went to video games and comic books. I had an extensive collection of both actually but looking at this cash now, I felt like I needed to save it. What I was saving it for I didn’t know but I’d been frivolous with my money in the past, blowing it all like a kid in a candy store.
We started sorting my things into piles. Maggie had a duffel she was going to lend me so I could take my stuff home.
“It’s a shame you didn’t get to go to the rest of your own party,” she said as we were finishing up.
“After what happened, I don’t think I was in a partying mood.”
“It worked to your advantage though. When you disappeared everyone thought you were doing it on purpose, adding to the mystique.”
Great, that’s what I needed. More perverse popularity.
Only in Ravencrest.
Neither one of us wanted to talk about last night. Sure, we could talk about the party but we didn’t want to brooch the alley incident. After I came into the room earlier and she wrapped me in her death hug, we discussed it briefly. She told me how worried she’d gotten last night when I stormed out of there. She also told me she was no longer talking to Jack because of it. She didn’t know what he did but had been convinced he was the cause. He definitely wasn’t my favorite person either. I was trying to enjoy my party and I really was until he butted his head in. The whole thing with Jack was kind of strange to begin with. I couldn’t deny that I felt something for him but I’m not sure why I ended up acting upon it though.
“Jack is public enemy number one for a while,” I said, making it well known.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
We laughed a bit. We would have continued to do so if not for the knock on the door. Maggie got up quicker, rushing to the door as she did so. When she opened it, I could already feel all the fun sucked out of the room. On the other side was Melissa holding a white dress, a sour look on her face. Behind her was the Inquisitor. The woman looked as nasty as ever, even more so today than before.
“Kelly” said Melissa before my favorite person interrupted.
“Miss Daniels” she said with some contempt. “It is my duty to inform you that you have been hereby summoned to a council with the Coven.”
Why didn’t that sound like tea in the sunroom again?
Melissa took charge again. “This is an official meeting so you must wear this” She held up the dress.
A dress? I guess it was all in now. I hadn’t really thought about wearing a dress. Sure, I kind of liked this whole girl thing now but I was hoping to take it one step at a time. First shorts then maybe a skirt and finally after several weeks a dress.
“What’s it for?”
Melissa smiled. “It’s the dress that Novices wear.”
“So I’m a Novice now?”
I couldn’t help but feel a bit excited at that.
The Inquisitor scoffed. “Hardly. All young women are required to wear the dress when in official presence of the Coven.” She turned to Melissa. “You have five minutes; I’ll be outside the door.”
She turned and left, leaving me alone with Melissa and Maggie.
“Did someone pee in her cereal?”
Maggie laughed. Melissa smiled.
“Grace is a bit intense. You should have seen her when she was babysitting me as a kid. Even back then she was a bit…well…let’s just say she shouldn’t be in charge of children.”
“Scarlet is cool though” added Maggie “how she ever got that way with a Mom like that.”
The Inquisitor had a daughter, would wonders never cease.
“Ok, cut the chatter,” said Melissa with a sigh. “I need you in this and you need to do something with her hair.”
The two of them moved quickly. I barely had time to take a breath before they were furiously stripping me. I’ve never had someone else take my clothes off before but I could see the rush. When I was down to my underwear, Melissa pulled the dress over my head. It was surprisingly light and airy. I’m not sure what it was made out of but it was really soft too. I found myself absently running my fingertips along the fabric. While I was doing that, Maggie was attacking my hair with a brush. I had to say that hurt quite a bit----I don’t think I ever brushed it. Hell I haven’t really been a girl that long. There were a few tearful moments as she got stuck on a really bad snag.
When the five minutes were up, I was presentable as I was going to get.
“It’s not great,” said Melissa with a sigh. “but it will have to do.”
“Thanks, I think” I said, not sure how to take her words.
“She didn’t mean it like that,” said Maggie, shooting Melissa a glare. “It’s just that with a little more time we could have made you look gorgeous.”
Gorgeous? Did I want to look gorgeous?
“You’re a lot like my sister Darcy,” said Melissa as she put her hand gently on my shoulder. “You’re both really pretty girls but you just don’t know it.”
I couldn’t imagine anyone in Melissa’s family not thinking they were pretty. Melissa was gorgeous; I would kill to have shiny hair like hers. If her sister looked anything like her then she was clearly blind if she didn’t think she was pretty too.
A knock on the door interrupted the moment. Maggie didn’t need to rush to the door to open it. The door opened on its own and the Inquisitor stuck her head in.
“Time’s up ladies” she said, opening the door all the way.
I felt butterflies. They weren’t the good kind either.
“Go, we’ll be here when you get back,” said Melissa giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze.
Maggie gave me an encouraging smile before I took a deep breath and nodded toward the Inquisitor.
The walk with the Inquisitor took me through a lot of narrow hallways and down a few staircases. When we finally got to our destination, we were at the end of a long hallway. Before me was a solid looking wooden door, very ominous and threatening. I would have been less frightened but it’s not every day one gets walked down a corridor that was lit by actual torches. The light only extended a little beyond the torch’s range then it was nothing but darkness. If I didn’t feel like I was in a horror movie before I definitely felt like it now.
The Inquisitor took something from her pocket and laid it gently on the door. I never saw what it was but the door clicked.
She stepped aside as the door opened. “You have to enter first.”
I nodded and took a slow step forward. The room I stepped into once I crossed the threshold surprised me. It was bigger than I thought, rounded on the sides too. There were torches dotting the walls like the corridor and a strange bleacher like structure in the back. The benches there were empty. I turned away from that to the large podium like structure on the other side of the room. I saw seven robed figures sitting there; one was sitting more forward than the other. I locked my eyes on this figure, releasing that it had to be my grandmother. The figure’s head followed me as I walked further into the room, slowly approaching the single chair in the center of it.
“Sit down Kelly,” said the front figure, even though I knew it was her, the voice sounded nothing like hers.
It made me shudder a bit. I dropped into the chair quickly.
The Inquisitor walked into the room. “High Councilor, Members of the Coven. I bring you one Kelly Daniels.”
My grandmother---the High Councilor nodded. “Kelly Daniels, you are brought here today to answer for your actions. Do you have any words before we begin this tribunal?”
Words? “I’m not sure I understand what’s going on? Am I being accused of something?”
One of the other members spoke. “Did you not willingly use magic in the presence of Norms?”
“Are you talking about Troy?” There were murmurs and nods. “You know about that. I thought I was already punished for that.”
“You were. This tribunal will take into account all your actions,” said my grandmother.
“Tell us of the events from last night,” asked another one of the figures.
I sighed. I took a deep breath and in as much detail as I possibly could, I told them what happened. I didn’t start with last night though, I started with back home. I told them about the two men in the car trying to grab me and how I narrowly escaped. Then I told them about the second attempt in the street when Tommy came to my aid. I went into detail about the college, my controlled friend and the chase to the airport. When I jumped ahead to the other day---to the kidnapping attempt on the way to school---I was interrupted.
“You knew these two men were in the town?” asked one of the Members.
I nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t report them. I’m not sure what happened…I wanted too but…”
There was more murmurs.
“You admit to willingly keeping this information from us?”
I shook my head. “I wasn’t keeping it from you. Like I said I wanted to tell someone but I couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
What the hell were they accusing me of? Did they honestly think that I would willingly keep this from them? Why the hell would I want to keep my attempted kidnaping from them?
“Yeah sure” I said sarcastically. “I wanted to keep this from you so they could come back and try to grab me in a dark alley.”
“The sass is unnecessary”.
“So are the stupid questions?” I snapped.
I knew it was a dumb thing to say but I was starting to get a bit peeved. I was the victim here and they were treating me like I was the bad guy. I could already start to feel my anger rising. I could feel the power at my fingertips, tingling and itching to be let loose.
The Coven didn’t like my snappy reply. They started murmuring again. I found it hard to believe that underneath those robes they were a bunch of elderly women. Well except for Cassie of course. I tried to find her among them but with the dark shrouds covering their heads she could be any of them. Searching their faces, I could feel them probing mine; most likely looking for whatever it is they thought I was guilty of. Was it truly the use of magic when Norms were present---something I knew was a big No No--- or was it something else.
“Miss Daniels” said my grandmother, speaking above the murmurs. “Will you please continue with your retelling of events?”
My anger slowly subsided. I took a moment or two to collect my thoughts before continuing. I told them everything about last night, making sure I let them know how excited I was to have a real birthday party and how upset I was that I couldn’t get to truly enjoy it. They probably didn’t care about that stuff but they seemed to care an awful lot about my retelling of the fight. I really piqued their interest when I talked about tearing off their precious necklace and the wave of backlash it caused when I did so.
“These men” said one of the Members, she had a gentler tone. “They were the very same who tried to abduct you in California?”
I nodded. “Scar Face and Baldy. They both have Black Cross tattoos. I think Mom and Dad thought they were only after me to get to them but that’s clearly not what they wanted.”
“Inquisitor, did you interview the witness?”
Witness? There was a witness?
“I did, High Councilor. I spoke to Mr. Locke for a long time. He told me about being at the party protecting his charge and how he overheard the fight. When he got there, Miss Daniels was already wiped out from the use of magic and one of her assailants had fled. He chose to aid Miss Daniels instead of pursuing.”
She said that last bit with some contempt.
So one of the Lockes rescued me. He must have been the guy who carried me.
“Would he testify this in front of this Coven?”
“The Were is outside if you wish to speak to him. I think it unnecessary” said the Inquisitor “but if you must speak with him.”
She waved her hand and the door opened. I snapped my head around to get a glimpse of him. I could sight of a tall figure, his face hidden in the shadows. I did get to see one of his arms though and noticed a particularly interesting tattoo, long and black wrapped around the whole of his arm. I’d seen guys with simple ink; it was kind of cool actually. I couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“That won’t be necessary Inquisitor,” said my grandmother “I have already spoken to Mr. Locke. He has told me everything that he knows.”
The Inquisitor nodded.
“Miss Daniels, is there anything else you wish to add to your story?”
I shook my head. “I told you everything I know.”
My grandmother nodded. “This Coven has heard all the evidence. What say you?”
“Severe punishment” said one, she had a shrill voice. “This girl has proven herself unworthy of her gift. She deliberately attacked a human in broad daylight in front of several others, she willingly kept important information from us then engaged in another event that cost one man his life and allowed the other to escape.”
Cost him his life? No that wasn’t possible. “He was alive when I left the alley,” I snapped, jumping from my chair. “I didn’t kill anyone.”
“Sit down Kelly” snapped my grandmother, for a moment her spelled voice failed and a bit of her true voice broke through.
It sent shivers down my spine. I dropped back into my chair.
“Your magical signature was all over the alley,” said the Inquisitor “The strength of it was unbalanced. You could not have known what something like that could have done. You murdered the man but it was not your fault.”
I shook my head, tearing up. “He was alive. I heard him groan, saw him move.”
“Accidents happen Kelly” she spoke in a gentle tone, placing her hand on my shoulder.
I shrugged it off.
“I know what I saw.”
“The girl is distraught,” said the very same shrill Member. “Clearly she does not have the prowess to handle the responsibility of her gift. I vote we bind her magic and be done with it.”
A Binding. I felt sick to my stomach. I knew all about bindings. When Black Magic users were captured, they endured either one of two punishments. The really bad ones were killed on the spot, they usually didn’t get trials. The others were given elaborate trials but it always led to the same thing: a Binding. But they had to be unanimous. If they weren’t, then the Vote of Binding could not go through. I knew that much at least.
I stared at all the Members, trying to read which one would dare vote for it.
I knew my grandmother’s hands were tied. Once a petition of Binding was set forth, a Vote had to be made. There was no denying it. However, if four of the seven ruled against it, then the Binding couldn’t go through. I’m not sure what happened after that. It was rare to call a Binding, more rare to call one on a non-black magic user.
“What say you on Binding Kelly Daniels?”
I watched them again. My eyes were on them all. I wasn’t the least bit surprised when the shrill one voted for it. I was surprised when she got another companion to side with her. I felt my anger rise a bit, the tingling tickling my fingers. As the Vote went around though, my anger quickly subsided. First one then another voted against it. Soon it was four to two. I let out a big sigh of relief after that. I visibly relaxed. The Binding Vote had failed. Even if my grandmother were to rule for it, it still wouldn’t pass. Four to Three always one. I couldn’t help but smile though I was still scared. I’d never heard of anyone ever beating a Binding. I’m sure it happened but it wasn’t common knowledge about what happened afterwards.
“The Vote has been made” my grandmother said, “The Binding will not proceed.”
I heard very audible grumbles. I also heard what sounded like relief in my grandmother’s voice. That surprised me a bit. I was certain she would be the first person who would have wanted me Bound.
“With the Binding off the table, there is only one course of action I see fit,” said The High Councilor with triumph. “It is the decision of this Coven that Miss Daniels learns to control her gift.”
There was a scoff. It was ignored.
I’m not sure I understood what that meant.
“Miss Daniels” my grandmother continued. “From this day forth you are now a Novice under this Coven. You will be given a book of your mother’s, a teacher and taught to control and contain your gift. That is the ruling of this Coven and it is final. Blessed Be.”
“Blessed Be” murmured the others.
A Novice? Me?
Now that I didn’t expect.
Author’s note: As I’m sure all of you know, comments are life blood to an author. I’m not begging or demanding, but I certainly would appreciate anything you have to say (or ask). It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just give me your reaction to the story. Thanks in advance...EOF
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Twists and more twists
So Kelly dodges a bullet, is back in full girl mode, and has been drafted. All in one morning, or afternoon.
And she has some less than friendly 'friends' now, too in the Coven.
Got to get that anger under control, for sure, and why do I think her protests about Jack are a little too loud here?
There are too many "adults"
There are too many "adults" in this that seem to have urine contaminated cornflakes. Trying to punish Kelly for any of this seems rather arbitrary. The time with Troy she didn't even know she had magic. And in the recent alley incident, she was acting in self defence against known bad guys, while being hampered by charm imposed on her by the coven. The call for binding seems entirely unreasonable.
True, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of it was internal Coven politics rearing its ugly head.
Hey this is high school, stuff isn’t supposed to
Love the quote, enjoying the story.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Internal Politcs
I have to agree with you Elsbeth, I've seen my share of that. She's probably jealous of Grandma's position.
And maybe Mary will be jealous as well???? (And cause other problems)
Now maybe Kelly will settle down and accept her new position in life. I look forward to see how you unfold the story for us. Great story. Keep up the good work.
“You’re a lot like my sister Darcy,â€
is this the same Darcy that just acquired a raccoon?
there is obviously more still going on here. lots more. who killed the black cross? at least Kelly will now get some proper training.
great chapter, thanks
That is the same Darcy---she's Melissa's little sister :)
So very cool
After all of the Drin they have put this poor kid through the council needs to apologies to her for there lack of cohesive action deep seated Dud a phobia and in a couple of cases hatred of a victim. Rule of the highest position in a witches life and existence is WITH HARM TO NON DO AS YOU WILL. Followed by the realization of the law of three in which what ever you do for good or bad is returned to you Three fold. Some couple of voices need to duck.
Misha Snarling Wolf
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Maybe I missed it
But did she mention the Snake Charm?, did she want to mention the snake charm?....
Wonderful story as always
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Snake Charm
I see someone caught its omission :)
Season 15
Poor Kelly. If it isn't one thing, it is another. Perhaps she would have seen less action if she'd gone with her parents.
I wonder what her cousin will say about Kelly being trained
It's lots of fun watching Kelly be angry, but ... it's pretty clear that the Coven could handle anything she tossed at them, so that tends to blunt the edge of the anger a bit. It would be more fun if we weren't sure that the Coven was in complete control of the situation.
The Coven certainly remains inscrutable. Shadowy enemies whom one cannot confront directly are definitely scary. The threat of the Binding seemed ... a bit too ... obvious I guess. There wasn't really a point when I (as a reader) felt that it would actually occur. I'm not sure what you could have done to build up the possibility and create more ambiguity though. Perhaps an interview with the Inquisitor (prior to the actual meeting of the Coven) where the concept of the Binding was ominously foreshadowed. That might be a bit too obvious too though. Perhaps you don't want it to be a more credible threat, but from my reading of it, I felt it lacked teeth.
I felt the review of the fight left a bit to be desired. Did Kelly actually kill one of them, or not? It wasn't really clear what we were supposed to take away from that. It's clear that the Coven thinks someone died. It's clear that they think Kelly is responsible. It wasn't clear if Kelly really did kill that person, and was in denial over the fact, or if there was something else that killed him and Kelly has just taken the blame. Is the reader supposed to be confused about what happened? Or is the reader supposed to assume that Kelly is in denial?
And ... obviously, we're still waiting on "The Boss" to step in from stage left. Did Kelly actually tell the Coven about "The Boss"? It wasn't explicitly mentioned. At this point in the story, I would REALLY hope that Kelly has learned to tell the authorities about this kind of stuff. There's obviously at least one more physical confrontation to go, although it seems as if you're giving Kelly a few lessons on magic first. Are we going to see some time dilation?
I liked the anger stuff best. Watching the clash of personalities and emotions was fun. It seems like there's a couple of shoes left to drop however. What did Kelly do to piss off the members of the Coven who dislike her?
Anyway ... looking forward to more.
There was meant to be a bit of confusion over if she killed one or not. When she left the alley though, he was alive so its implied someone else slipped into the alley after her and finished the job.
I think the thing about "The Boss" kind of slipped her mind. You begin to wonder how much she processed or heard in the heat of the moment there. It come back to her later though. When that happens, I'm sure she'll tell someone. I think she's finally learned her lesson about that :)
*adopts a dubious expression*
So ... what you're saying is ... "no, she didn't tell anyone about 'the boss'", right?
Excuse me if I'm a bit skeptical whether she'll remember in time for the information to be of any use, within the narrative structure :P ;)
I guess I'll just have to hope that the Coven is at least smart enough to realize that since one got away, a threat still exists and that they'll take appropriate precautions to protect Kelly. Although ... I guess that means that the protector would end up being killed, injured or otherwise incapacitated when the final confrontation occurs. Hmm... Well, that doesn't sound pleasant for whatever character it ends up being.
Hmm... that could be rather tragic, not that that would necessarily be bad for the structure of the story, but it would be a depressing turn. Thematically, it could also be an opportunity for Mary to get some comeuppance ('cause ... she sure deserves some IMO).
Well... I guess we'll find out, eventually.
How is it clear they could
How is it clear they could deal with it? It seemed to me that the most they were doing is the equivalent of a slap to get her attention. Relative power levels don't enter into that equation.
Sheer presence and experience could explain most of it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Well... I suppose...
I suppose it depends on how you view the situation.
Certainly I got the impression that the Coven felt confident that their combined strength was more than sufficient to deal with Kelly either temporarily or permanently should they so decide to. From my reading of the situation, both Agatha and Kelly also felt that way.
During the more "friendly" meeting (friendly being a relative term, I don't happen to be too fond of the mis-directive shenanigans the Coven seems to like) they simply handed Kelly a magical item, and it just "fixed" the gender situation: *poof* That indicates a fair amount of temporal power available to the Coven. Clearly also, the pendent was considered a relatively trivial thing by them. Obviously whatever is going on with Kelly over-powered it fairly quickly, but I really didn't get the impression that it represented the Coven extending itself in any egregious way. They also seemed to think that Kelly was just going to turn permanently into a girl anyway, eventually. So no matter what, the pendent they gave Kelly was only considered temporary.
The impression I got was that the Coven could easily either permanently remove all of Kelly's innate magical ability, or kill her, should they so choose. Whatever magical talent Kelly has might be strong (although all we know for sure is that Kelly is innately stronger than Mary, NOT how her power might stack up against say ... Agatha), but I doubt very much if uncontrolled, youthful strength would be much match for the years of training, experience and finesse the Coven appears to possess. I suspect that if we'd actually seen Kelly lose her temper and lash out (magically) at the Coven, they would have slapped her down so fast her head would have spun. Had that occurred, that also would have been more than sufficient justification for a "Binding" at the very least, and quite possibly a more "permanent solution".
They are stronger when they combine their magic that's for sure. I'll talk a little bit more about that in the next chapter. There's going to be a lot of magic stuff revealed then.
Arrogance is NOT the same as
Arrogance is NOT the same as confidence, despite being mistaken as such sometimes. The Coven were _arrogant_.
I didn't get the impression that the necklace was a quick 'we just knocked this off for you'. In fact, there wasn't much there at all, other than "This is supposed to put you back to normal". It could have taken twelve witches an hour to build it, for all we know.
That said, keep in mind that power is a function of two things. 1) Pressure, and 2) Time. (there's a lot of other things to toss in there, but I'm trying to keep it simple). If it takes four people five hours to fill a barrel with water, that's their 'power level'. 1 barrel per five hours :). Now, if Kelly can fill that same bucket in _three minutes_, how does her power level equate to theirs? They both filled a barrel with water, right? So they MUST be equally powerful. *bzzzt* wrong.
If you have 10 people with a strength level of 4, they are additively a strength level of 40 (assuming no synergy). Therefore, 10 people with the strength level of 4 would be able to lock down someone with a strength level of 20. If they've never run into someone with a strength level of, say, 60, then it would be understandable for them to assume that there's no such thing as anyone with a strength level above what they have already encountered. In fact, it would make sense that they overplan. Normal strength level would be, say, 4 to 12. So, if you know that you have a 'normal maximum' of 12, you make sure that you have at least three times that available. If your people have strength level of 4, you'd need three to match it, and nine to be sure to overwhelm. If it's worked for them for decades, they're unlikely to remember the rare occasions it doesn't work, especially if they simply added more more people to be 'sure'. So, you have a wildcard, who is three times stronger than normal - they wouldn't know how to judge it! Thus the intimidation. That probably works better than any sort of strength of power competition, especially if you have people that have been top of the heap for generations. That level of arrogance and certainty can lead to quite a strong will, even if it is false strength.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I meant ...
I meant "confident" as in the sense of "certain" or "assured". I'd certainly agree with you that they were arrogant as well, but that wasn't really what I was talking about.
As for the necklace, they hand it to Kelly and say, "here you go, this'll fix you up". They don't bother to discuss how difficult it was at all. People do that when a thing is trivial to them (or, if they're trying to be duplicitous, when they're trying to make it seem like it was trivial). If it had represented a substantial outlay of resources it would have been reasonable to expect them to have attempted to impress upon Kelly how valuable it was (valuable in that it took effort to create). The Coven doesn't do that, they're almost dismissive of it. What I take from that is that they felt it was a trivial thing.
As for power, you're looking at a very simplistic model. In one corner, lets put a 25 year old olympic heavy-weight weight lifter. He's huge, he can lift 900 pounds. He has enormous amounts of raw muscle power. Who's he facing? Why ... it's a man in his 50's, he's a foot shorter than our weight lifter, and looks to be 200 pounds lighter. He looked like he's in decent shape for his age, but our weightlifter's arms are bigger than his thighs.
Now, if they fight, who's going to win?
Oh, did I mention... the middle aged man holds a black belt in 7 different forms of martial arts? I'll be more explicit, we're talking the so called "hard" styles, the ones specifically about combat. We'll include Judo, and Akido in there too, the ones specifically designed to use an opponent's strength's against him. Let's throw in Krav Maga too, it's a really dirty, nasty style designed to incapacitate an opponent and consequences be damned. I'll be even more explicit, for all his strength, our weightlifter hasn't ever studied any martial art.
Okay ... now I'm going to give the old man 6 friends, they're all martial artists too.
Now who's going to win, should they fight?
Raw power isn't everything, even if we knew what Kelly's actual power level was which we do not.
The Unseen have a lot of enemies. Enemies that want them dead, in as grisly a manner as possible. The Unseen survive (as much as possible) by remaining "unseen" as much as possible, and fighting only when necessary. The Coven appears to me to be the people who's job it is to defend the dependents of the Witches in specific (whom Kelly qualifies as one of) and the Unseen in general (whom Kelly also qualifies as one of). The Coven's job is to stand on the bulwarks and repel boarders. That has the potential to make them hard, uncompromising people, who have seen a lot of hardships in their lives. It has the potential to make them tough people who are willing to make hard choices and execute them without flinching.
If one of the witch dependents is standing down in the powder magazine, lighting matches then the Coven is likely to come down on that person like a ton of bricks, they're busy fighting a war, they probably don't have a whole lot of patience for juvenile tomfoolery (or janefoolery as the case may be).
I was _trying_ to be
I was _trying_ to be simplistic. I even said so. You're trying to overcomplicate it.
I see magic as being like any other form of energy. It's stored, there's a maximum capacity at any particular time, and there's a maximum amount of energy that can be used at any one time. You can put energy back in from difference sources, which take different amounts of time. I.E. if you use up life energy to try to replenish your magic, it's fast, but you run the risk of running out, and it's a difficult process to convert BACK to life energy. (I would call that a speciality of the 'healer' talent, to convert magic back into life energy. Anyone can do small amounts, but it takes a talent to do it large scale) If you use nothing but the natural energy around you, it's slow to rebuild internally, but doesn't affect your life. If you use some sort of special source, such as entreating a god/spirit, or sitting on a ley line, you can rebuild your storage much faster, but with other risks. (the being might want something in exchange, a ley line might run the risk of toasting yourself with too much energy, if there's a surge).
So, let's go back and throw away your example. We have two people. Both are stuffed into barrels, and have the top nailed down. One is 5' tall, and weighs 98 lbs. The other is 6' tall,and weighs 275. Which is more likely to be able to _push_ the top off?
They're discussing a binding - that means sealing off the magic so that the person can't use it. That implies that you have to be strong enough to contain the other person's magic, and then push it into a bottle - then seal the bottle. I don't care how talented you are, if you're not strong enough to contain the magic and push it back (like trying to shove water uphill), you _won't succeed_.
As for the necklace? Why would they even say it? They _want_ to be seen as all powerful. Their entire existence is based upon rumour and reputation. Everything is probably shown as being 'easy' to those 'not in the know'. They simply made a bad assumption that Kelly's mother kept everything from him, just because he was a dud. I also suspect that a few other people are looking the other way to see how far they can shove their heads up their rectums before giving a swift kick.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Well, I'm not really sure why you think your analogy is more effective because it's simpler. The story is modeling a complex social situation involving a teen (with an unfinished brain, and a history of behavior to underestimate potential threats), and a shadowy group of authority figures. It's not a simple situation.
We as readers do not understand the specific limits of the Coven's formal authority. Neither do we as readers have any idea how much actual power they may or may not have to back up that authority. This is EoF's universe, on top of that, it's EoF's own story within that universe. What we know about the universe comes from two sources: What EoF chooses to tell us explicitly, and what we can infer from the scenes we actually witness. Further more, it needs to be pointed out that due to the tight, first person focus, our perception of this world is filtered through the perceptions and knowledge of a 15/16 year old person, who freely acknowledges at the beginning of the story that he (at least at that point in the story) was only granted a limited amount of knowledge about that world due to his "dud" status.
You seem to have some distinct perceptions of the Coven as a group that has limited power and survives on reputation and fear. I agree that they use deception, reputation and fear as tools in maintaining control, but I disagree that their power is as limited as you seem to believe.
The Coven discusses "Binding". You've decided you know what that means. It's entirely possible that you may not be correct. Speaking purely for the purposes of example, "Binding" might well be an operation similar to a lobotomy, permanently excising elements of the body used to control and channel magic. What we do know from the story is that both Agatha and Kelly think of "Binding" as a permanent thing.
You're also making a lot of assumptions about the Necklace they gave Kelly. All we actually know is that they treated it as a trivial thing and that it was fairly powerful magical item (regardless of the fact that whatever is happening to Kelly overpowered it). We've seen that Kelly is stronger than Mary, and we've seen that Agatha is stronger than Melissa, but we have no idea how Kelly compares to Agatha, or to any other member of the Coven, or to the Coven's combined power. We do have EoF's own comment that the Witches are stronger when working together. Additionally, we know that the process of training a Witch is something that takes years, meaning that it's a perfectly reasonable assumption that Witchcraft is just exactly that, a craft, where practice, knowledge and skill play a crucial part in proper execution. Practice, knowledge and skill are things we know that Agatha (and the other members of the Coven) have, and which we also know that Kelly does not. Hence my analogy of the weightlifter and the martial artist.
The Unseen face a lot of risks in this universe, there are a number of groups who dislike them strongly, and are willing to perpetrate violence against members of the Unseen they catch. Violence up to, and including mass murder in the case of the Locke women, as told in For the Fairest. There are plenty of good reasons for the Coven to obscure their actual power levels regardless of whether they're as strong as I believe them to be, or as weak as you seem to believe them to be. Smart people always want their enemies to underestimate them, and the Coven doesn't seem like it's composed of idiots.
Additionally, look at the earlier scene involving Agatha and Mr. McClintock. Mr McC complains, and Agatha counter challenges. Mr McC backs down, not because he's afraid of Agatha's reputation, but because he's afraid of Agatha. No one in Ravencrest wants to piss off the Witches, and many of those people have considerable power of their own and memories that go back hundreds of years in some cases, and they still have a healthy respect for the Witches (at the very least) and outright fear in some cases.
Kelly acting stupid
Did it occur to anyone that someone might be causing Kelly to forget to tell the Coven, or to blithely put the stupid necklace on?
It really looks like a 'spell of cluelessness' has been cast upon her. "Abracadabra! You now have selective attention deficit disorder!"
I would have let loose in the chamber with everything I had to see what would have happened. My cat is less curious than me.
Considering the level of the
Considering the level of the magic, I wonder if perhaps a binding would have _failed_.
I mean, the original necklace was obviously a type of binding, and she tore that to shreds.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
The Binding
Its interesting to think about but I guess we'll never really know for certain. I think everyone knew that they weren't going to succeed in binding her though...the story would have been over if they had.
waiting for the next part
now that finals are over, gonna finish you can't escape from justice part 03
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Nah. If anything, being
Nah. If anything, being 'bound', then breaking loose, would give a whole new set of plot complications.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
That is assuming
that the binding would have succeeded. :-) I could see a lot of interesting things happening if they attempted the binding and it failed, either immediately or over time, or maybe after a number of events.
But this story looks like it's going to be really interesting the way it's going. :-)
So what would warrant a 'Dud' getting such interest?
Even before becoming a magic user he was already being chased by them. That would have piqued my curiosity if I were an investigator. So does the Coven have a magical troubleshooter with some smarts? Special forces? Currently they barely register as a bunch of little old ladies who just happen to have some magical power who only use it reactively instead of proactively.
The Coven does not even go into it but I hope Kelly's stupidity is just due to that snake charm or some other undue influence but she almost got a Darwin Award. And she would have deserved it.
The Coven
I think one of the problems with the Coven is that for years there hasn't been any need for them to meet. Remember what Maggie said, its the most she's seen of the Coven in a long time. It all ties into the events of Elsbeth's story, what happened there has caused a ripple that is finally getting to Ravencrest.
It all ties into the events of Elsbeth's story
"It all ties into the events of Elsbeth's story" Cool! It will be interesting to see how the events in "The Otherside of the Forest" tie into the events happening to Kelly and the other new girls of RavenCrest.
They seem to be making
They seem to be making a big deal of Kelly stepping on a turd. While I can't see her killing just for fun, she has to be permitted to defend herself from capture and real or perceived imminent harm. It would be stupid to allow yourself to be killed or severally injured because of some kind of moral stance or rule to remain hidden.
Yeah, I know the whole don't scare the muggles because there are more of them than there are unseen but you can righteous yourself into extinction.
Moral Stances
Moral stances are really easier to take if you are not the one on the line. I suspect several of the Coven would not be particularly upset if Kelly were to be taken out in some form or fashion. They are intent on preserving their own power and likely perceive Kelly as a threat.
God, I hate the term Muggles! This is not Harry PotterLand! Just my two cents.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
In the DRU, The Unseen call humans "Norms" :)
I may have misunderstood, but
it sounds like someone is trying to hurt, kill or suppress Kelly. I wonder if it was screechy? It's obvious the Snake Charm was sent by someone with malicious intent. I wonder...
Doing Her Harm
It does indeed look like someone is out to get her :)
I'm thinking the screechy member of the Coven's just jealous and covetous of Kelly's power.
She's like a nuclear power plant with very few control rods. The training will help her channel her gifts, but the more and more is found how powerful she *really* is, the more she's going to be the target of those who want to either take her powers away, or enslave her somehow into order to utterly control her.
Speaking of Jea;lousy
How is Mary gonna take Kelly being trained....
Annoy at your peril!
I was seriously pissed at the end of this chapter. Who the hell gave the coven control of Kelly - Grandma? I suppose if might makes right they can get away with it . . . this time. I hope when Kelly gets full control of her potential she disassembles the Coven, brick by brick. It's way past time for this feudal leadership to fall and something better to take it's place.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
*scratches head*
What the... I could have sworn I commented on this when it was first posted... I don't really recall what I apparently failed to comment last night. So I'll just say good job and leave it at that.
Have a delightfully devious day,
good story
still wonder why they were chasing her or him when he had no power until his cousin did that spell on him.
I know that we've only seen the coven, what? Once, twice at most before this and I'm already wanting to smack no small number of them around a bit for being, if you all will pardon my bluntness here, complete bitches.
An excellent chapter and another character gets caught severly off guard. I can't wait to see how Kelly will handle this. :3
Peace be with you and Blessed be
The "bitches"
Are the only two who wanted Kelly bound & the one who asked "couldn't or wouldn't?" those are the two who need to be bound & kicked off the coven & then slapped silly.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Keep in mind that the Coven
Keep in mind that the Coven has stayed hidden, for the most part, because one on one, they're no match for any of the other Unseen. Physically, they're normal humans, so even a weresquirrel would probably be able to pull one apart. (not in squirrel form, of course)
In group action, especially with prior planning, they're next to unstoppable. When the status quo has been 'Coven rules!' since the Lockes were butchered, I don't see it strange that they would develop a sense of superiority. With Cindy and the Grail, that's already been shaken a little bit, as they weren't able to contain a single magical artifact. I'm suspecting that there will be a lot more exposure of Witch families in Ravenscrest (to the other Unseen), as well as general shakedown, before this all ends. It'll do them good.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I think the time for secrecy---especially with The Coven---is coming to an end.
About time
Kelly lern how to controle her gift. & who ever it was that called for the binding should be removed from the coven Kelly did what she had to do to save her own life & as for telling anyone she figured who would beleave her. I hope her teacher be her mother as grandma has had NO luck with Mary of course it could just be Mary.
I wonder what the black cross wanted with Kelly obviously it has something to do with her parents & the snake charm what was its pouprous in all of this?
Look foward to the next chapter:)
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Her Teacher
She will be revealed in Ch. 16 :)
Something is rotten in the state of Coven
Okay, THAT Shakespeare misquote doesn't work BUT I wonder, just politics or given the hidden nature of the coven the robes, hoods and all have they been infiltrated?
Are there willing saboteurs within their ranks? Substitutes/dopplegangers for the real office holders? Or possessed witches?
Would explain a lot!
And why if Mellissa reacted with horror to the snake charm necklace did Mary not notice anything?
My two cents.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
She didn't know what the necklace was. She's a Novice after all. The only reason Kelly knew was because her mother probably talked about them.
I suspect that Kelly was destined to
I suspect that Kelly was destined to change into a girl when she turned 16 to begin with. Could this be more of the workings of Lady Moon of some other deity? (Well this Ravencrest after all.) Or did she have an enchantment placed on her to make her male and a dud as an infant for her protection, which expired on her 16th birthday when she came into her power? It looks like when Mary first cast the spell, which was only supposed to only make Kelly appear to be a girl, not actually change her into one, it unintentionally triggered Kelly’s impending transformation prematurely.
If she was under an enchantment, then who did it to her? Why doesn’t Kelly’s parents, Grams or the coven seem know? Or do they and they’re hiding the truth from Kelly so that they can use her as bait to draw out the bad guys? The coven has played this kind of game before with Tracy in “For the Fairest.†Could they be doing it again?
It’s obvious that Kelly is going to one powerful witch and it would seem that the Black Cross, or the person/s whom they’re working for, knows something about this and is looking to capture her in an effort to try and bend her to their control and use her for some evil purpose.
That the coven didn’t even bother to bring up the failure of their necklace to hold Kelly to her dud male form or the fact that she is now permanently female during the hearing/trial, it seems like the coven’s necklace was only intended as a temporary block on Kelly’s transformation and emerging power until her birthday. They knew it would fail and so were not concerned by its failure.
Great story and I’m enjoying the fun ride. Can’t wait for the rest of the story.
"I couldn't"
I'd say Kelly should have a complete magical examination and diagnosis: if, indeed, she couldn't tell anyone about the Black Crosses (as opposed to wouldn't), it suggests that during one of their previous encounters a non-disclosure spell was placed on her, probably also with a tracer spell. The necklace may have contained (among other things) a more specific tracer spell that led the two assailants to the alley.
The death of one assailant also raises questions: given he was alive when Kelly passed out, either his injuries got worse or someone else finished him off. I'd side with the latter since he was apparently in a magically-induced coma at the time.
Hopefully once they get back home, Agatha will lighten up a bit and fill Kelly in on some background - possibly even reveal information she may have hidden from The Coven...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Season of The Witch Part-15
Whoever the shrill voicer is must be in league with Black Cross
May Your Light Forever Shine
Very interesting take
On Magick.
In reality I'm sure there are both male and female witches, or users as some of us call them. But apparently in this universe witches are predominantly female. That'd kind of suck for all those guys who use magick xD I bet they're glad it's not like that for them xD
Still this is a pretty good story, I've read it non stop from part 1 to 15 xD I think i need to take a break though
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D