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Season of The Witch -
Part Thirteen by: Enemyoffun
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Author's Note: See right back to Season just like I promised. Everyone seemed to think I was abandoning this story lol. My Dearest Daughter was something I had planned for a while actually, I was just waiting for Maggie to finish Cindy's story before I could write it. i'm afraid not a lot happens in this one but I promise to have some action in the next. But now that that's out of the way I can finally get back to Kelly. I'd like to thank djkauf for the magical editing and everyone for enjoying this universe :)
It was hard to look in the mirror now and not see my female self. Even now that I was back to being a boy, I could still see her. It didn’t help that after this last change back, my hair was longer again and my face was even softer. I almost had to squint now to not notice it. I still looked a bit like me but there was a lot of her there as well. Even now as I stood here without my shirt, I started to notice other changes as well. My nipples looked bigger and my body was a lot thinner than before. I never really had any muscles to begin with but those I did have were now different. I can’t really explain it. Then there was my hips and butt both of which looked definitely bigger.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was happening. It seemed every time I turned back I was losing a part of myself to her.
That wasn’t the scariest thing about all of this either. The scariest thing was the fact that I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. It’s been nearly a week since my grandmother and the Coven gave me that necklace and so far it’s been working. I’m me again, the boy I was meant to be. I thought that by changing back things would finally be different. For the most part they were. Everyone at school who thought of me as a girl no longer did, I was back in boy’s PE and Jack had finally stopped hitting on me all the time. In fact, he had started to pursue someone else. My grandmother told me the Coven took care of all that. I’m not sure what they did but it was like the girl me never existed. I thought it would be absolutely perfect, finally being able to be myself. I got to be myself through Thanksgiving, got to sit there and wonder about my parents and worry. Got to be a bit envious of Mary too, she was happy and I felt off.
I felt empty.
My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on the bathroom door. I quickly pulled my shirt on, even though my hair was still pretty damp from the shower. Upon opening the door, I found Mary.
“You know you may be a guy again but you sure spend a lot of time in the bathroom.”
She was back to being a bitch again.
I didn’t respond. Though we were speaking to one another again, we didn’t really have much to say. I think Mary was more thrilled than anyone to see that I was back to normal. It was clear that throwing her down the hall like that really pissed her off. I guess I couldn’t really blame her. I would have been pissed too, especially if my previously Dud cousin was the one who did it. I couldn’t help but sigh a bit, as I thought about it though. For a very small moment, I had magic. The thing I’d dreamed about my whole life and now it was gone. Of course, I tried doing some after I changed back, I tried for hours but there was nothing. So as a girl, I was a powerful witch and as a guy, I was a nothing.
Thanks a lot Powers That Be.
After I finished getting dressed, I headed into the kitchen. My grandmother was sitting at the table, coffee cup in hand.
“Have you thought about what you want to do for your birthday?”
Wow. I never thought I’d hear those words out of her mouth. Sure, my grandmother always sent me a card on my birthday with some money but I couldn’t remember the last time she actually showed up to one of my parties. Frankly, with everything that had been going on, I almost forgot it was coming up. Sure it was in the back of my mind but without my parents around. I figured it was going to go ignored this year.
Mom and Dad talked about a big party with all my friends. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I didn’t really have any.
“Can I have a party?” I asked.
She set down her coffee and stared at me for a minute or so. “If that’s what you want.”
“What does he want?” asked Mary as she came into the room, drying her hair.
It amazed me how quickly she took a shower.
“Your cousin’s birthday is this weekend. We were discussing what he wanted to do for it.”
It was strange to have such a normal conversation with these people. It was almost like we were a real family and actually liked one another.
“So he gets a party?”
“We were just discussing it. Before you complain, I seem to remember you not wanting a party for your 16th birthday, something about Sweet 16’s being clichéd and overrated.”
“But he gets one” she snapped. “He’s a guy.”
For a split second I almost shouted, “I am not” until I realized what she just said. She called me a guy, not a girl. It was a rarity for me. I was glad I stopped myself though because for a split second I actually forgot I was a guy. That little bit scared me. Over the past week, I kept catching myself doing things---like almost walking into the girl’s room, looking at myself in the mirror more. I even mistakenly started gossiping with Maggie at lunch the other day. I got a strange look from both her and Misty and an even stranger one from our new table buddy---Jack. What was worse was the fact that none of them remembered the girl me. Whatever spell the Coven used, it made everyone in town---except me and the witches---forget about female Kelly.
Sadly, I couldn’t forget and that was part of the problem.
“So Kelly, the choice is yours”
A real party, with actual friends.
“I can invite anyone?”
“It is your party.”
I smiled. “I think a party would be great.”
Of course, I didn’t know the first thing about parties. Back at home, most of my birthday parties consisted of me and Tommy sitting around playing computer games. We’d have dinner with my parents, cake and ice cream then a sleepover. It was like that year after year. We did the same thing when Tommy’s birthday came around. Every once in a while his parties would have some of his family but it was usually the two of us, best buds for life. Well it used to be that way. I was pretty convinced that this year was going to be different. It was already different. Tommy was born in July so when his party came over the summer, he neglected to invite me. Not that I would have wanted to go, it was one of those big boy girl parties. Lots of music and dancing---something I wasn’t really interested in.
“We should make a list” sad Maggie as the two of us walked down the hall.
“What for?”
She rolled her eyes. “For your party. Tell me who you want to invite and put them on the list.”
“You, of course, and the other Duds. Misty definitely” I sighed. “I really don’t know that many more people.”
By that time, the two of us had walked into the lunchroom. We got in line, slowly moving along as usual. It was definitely a strange day but no different than the ones I’d been having all week. Though I looked more like a girl than ever before, everyone thought of me as a guy. Whatever magic spell was used to change their minds was amazing. Weeks ago I would have been thrilled by that prospect but for some reason I felt a little let down. I’m not saying I didn’t want to be called a boy---that was a dream come true actually---I was just a little surprised that no one thought of me as a girl anymore. I was so used to it that I didn’t know to react otherwise.
We went through the line and found our usual table. Jack was already there with Misty. He was pouring on the charm like usual. Misty didn’t seem too impressed by it though.
“One date”
“C’mon” whined Jack, trying to woo her with puppy dog eyes. “You might really enjoy my company.”
“You’re not my type.”
Misty had come a long way from the cold and quiet girl hiding in the back of the classroom. She was still a little cold but I think making friends with her helped a lot. She didn’t dress as masculine now, either. She wasn’t wearing a skirt of course but she had ditched the hoodie. Surprisingly I did as well. There was no reason to hide myself away now that everyone thought I was a guy. The hair bothered me a bit though---I currently had it pulled back in a ponytail. The strange thing was that no one seemed to notice or they thought it had always been that way. Mary kept scoffing at it though, she being one of the few who remembered what had happened.
When we got to the table, Jack turned to me. “Dude, Kelly, tell her what a great guy I am.”
“I can’t because I’m not prone to lying.”
Maggie and Misty laughed.
“That’s cold dude.”
“Ok guys” said Maggie after she was done laughing. “It’s Kelly’s birthday party this weekend and you’re both invited.”
“Count me in,” said Jack.
“I’m not sure if…” Misty turned and looked across the lunchroom, toward the table Mary was sitting at.
“Screw her,” I said, “she’s not in control of things in our house.
You’re my guest and I want you there.”
Misty smiled at that. “I’ll try to make it.”
After that, Maggie got up and started making the rounds. Ever since the first day I’d met her, she was starting to open up a lot more. She’d been moving through the inner circle of geekdom in Ravencrest High. I was happy for her, too. Maggie had been such a quiet, shy girl at first but now she was really opening up. I found her currently talking to a group of guys I knew from Gym, two of them---Takeshi and Wallace---sometimes sat with us. From there it was onto a table of girls---Ashley, Leslie and Jan. They were a bit outside our social circle but I saw what Maggie was trying to do. She knew that I didn’t really know a lot of people so she was trying to get me as many friends as possible. The last table she went to of course was Mary.
Mary cast me a nasty glance. One of these days, I was going to have to get to the bottom of her malfunction.
Eventually Maggie came back to us.
“Ok so mission successful. I’ve managed to secure Takeshi and Wallace, Ashley is a definite, Leslie and Jan are maybes. Greg said he’d be there and Tracy too but I think your cousin might try to talk them out of it.”
“You think Charlie and the others would come?” I asked, hopeful.
Charlie and I didn’t really hit it off but I was hoping to change that.
“I can ask,” said Maggie, giving me a hopeful smile.
Ok so I wasn’t sure how many people would eventually show up but at least my first successful birthday party was well on its way.
The ringing of my cell woke me. I was lying on my back again---something that I’d been doing since after changing back. I guess those nights as a girl, trying not to squish my breasts had ingrained something in me. When I felt the weight though, I thought for a split second that they’d actually come back. As soon as I opened my eyes, however I was slightly disappointed to see that it was in fact Diamond. Yes, disappointed. It was hard to even think that but it was the truth. What sane, normal guy was disappointed to not wake up with breasts?
I tried to force that thought away as I scrabbled for the night stand. I grabbed my cell, glad it was still ringing.
“Hello” I croaked in a groggy tone.
“Oh sweetie, it’s so good to hear your voice.”
I snapped up instantly in bed, Diamond flew across the room. I think there might have even been a thud when he hit the wall.
“Mom” I gasped, instantly awake.
“I didn’t wake you did I?”
“Yes, but I don’t care” I said, finding tears running down my face. “It’s just so good to hear your voice too, I’ve really missed you.”
I could hear the tears in Mom’s voice too. “I’m really sorry about all this sweetie. Your father and I are glad you’re safe. We were a little worried these last few days. Your grandmother called us after…well after what happened.”
“I’m fine Mom. There was a little strangeness for a bit but it’s better now. I’m back to my old self.”
I felt a bit hollow saying that though.
“You don’t’ sound so sure. Is everything ok?”
I wanted to lie to her but I couldn’t. She was my mother after all; she could always tell I was lying. So I told her the truth, told her about my confusion, about my fear. I finally admitted to her and myself that I kind of liked being a girl. I’m not saying I wanted to be one but something about it felt right. That was the real part of all of this that I was afraid to admit. I was scared of what saying that might mean, I was still scared telling her too. I let it all out though. All my fears, all my joys. It was scary sure but it was a bit liberating too. All week it had been bottling up, most of it I didn’t really understand until it came out of my mouth.
It was so simple though. I was a guy who felt better as a girl.
“Can I ask you one question honey?” she asked when I was finished.
“It’s not bad is it?”
She laughed. “Not at all” I sighed before she continued. “What I want to know is do you feel happy when you’re a girl?”
I wanted to say yes right away but I gave myself some time to think.
Mom took my silence to mean something else.
“It’s OK that you’re unsure. You need time to think about it and I understand that. You and I can discuss it more when I get back.”
“When are you getting back?”
“Soon I hope.”
“Does that mean you caught them?”
Mom took a moment then sighed. “No, it’s strange. The last time we were here they went out of their way to try and stop us but now…” her voice trailed off. She laughed. “You don’t want to hear about this. I don’t want to talk about it either. I called for a reason. My baby is turning sixteen tomorrow.”
“Mom” I groaned at being called a baby.
She ignored it of course. “Your father and I are a bit upset about not being there but I promise we’ll make it up to you when we get back. I’ll throw you a great party. How does that sound?”
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that my grandmother was already doing that so I told her it sounded great. Hopefully that was one of the lies that she didn’t detect.
After that, she wanted to know everything about my time as a girl. I gave her the cliff notes version. I think she rather enjoyed it. I tried to leave nothing out. I even made the mistake of telling her about Jack. She got a kick out of that one. She laughed for quite a while which was not embarrassing for me in the least. When I got to the part about the magic though, she went real quiet. For a moment, I thought she’d actually hung up on me.
“Mom, is everything OK?”
“I suppose it makes sense,” she finally said. “You had no gift as a boy but of course as a girl your magic would have to manifest itself. I tell me you didn’t do anything stupid?”
I lied again. I’m not sure she believed it or not but she didn’t say anything.
“Mom” I said after another long moment of silence. “I’m kind of scared. I’m not sure what’s happening. I…I…wish you and Dad were here.”
The tears started flowing again.
“I wish we were there too, baby,” Mom was crying again. “When I get back, I’m going to want to braid this new hair of yours.”
“As long as there’s no bows.”
My phone beeped after that, signaling the fact that the battery was low.
“I love you Mom,” I said, hoping it didn’t die before I got that out of my mouth.
“I lo…”
The phone went dead.
I held onto it for a while, crying. I’m not sure what I was crying about more though. The fact that I missed my mother so much or that I was never going to be a girl again, the one I just realized I liked being. I sat there and cried for a while. When I finally stopped, I got up and put my phone on the charger. With that out of the way, I started my morning routine. In the shower, I found myself taking the time to wash my new delicate and much softer hair. As I was doing that, I couldn’t help but notice that my nipples were a lot more tender than usual. I was transfixed by them the whole time I was in the shower. When I finally got out and looked at myself in the mirror, I realized them were a bit puffy too.
Must be the hot water.
Going to my room to get dressed, I found my pants a bit tight too. It wasn’t that I was gaining weight but it was almost as if my hips had gotten wider. I finally have up on the boy’s jeans and went to one of my shopping bags. It saddened me that Maggie didn’t remember going shopping with girl me. I pulled out one of my pairs of jeans and put them on. It scared me how well they actually fit. It also scared me that I enjoyed wearing them. Thankfully, my shirt went on without a problem. Before leaving, I stopped to grab my hoodie. I realized then that not only did I not need it, I didn’t really want it either. I left the room and headed down the stairs. When I walked into the kitchen, I felt lighter than air.
Mary was sitting at the table. She gave me a strange look when I entered.
“What the hell is up with you?”
“My Mom called,” I said happily, dropping into my usual chair.
“That’s great but the perky is freaking me out.”
Our grandmother came into the room after. We discussed the party, what I wanted to do and what she was willing to give me. It came down to the basics---at least on her end. I was to provide anything else. I was surprised when Mary said she’d help, she could get Tracy to lend us some high-end entertainment equipment. With that settled, breakfast was kind of quiet. After breakfast, the two of us headed outside to get our bikes. I was surprised though when a car pulled up with Tracy behind the wheel.
“Later loser” said Mary, running to the car.
When she opened the passenger door, I heard Tracy say. “Doesn’t Kelly want a ride too?”
Mary responded “No” and closed the door.
So much for things being different.
I went to our garage to get the bike Tracy had so nicely lent me. As I was taking it out, I noticed both tires were flat. I cursed. A small part of me was convinced that Mary did it out of spite. She said she hadn’t wanted a sweet 16 party but she sure was pretty pissed when my grandmother offered me one. I just never thought she’d go as low as popping my tires. Mary was out of control, someone really needed to put the little bitch in her place.
If I still had magic, I would definitely do it.
I could stew on things that might be though. Right now I had to worry about the here and the now. The here was school and if I didn’t get to it I was going to be in deep you-know-what. School was usually a fifteen minute ride by bike every morning, sometimes faster if I wasn’t being so lazy. I’m not sure how long it was to walk but I knew if I didn’t start moving, I was definitely going to be late. It was Friday; I didn’t want to be late because I might end up with Saturday morning detention or something. I know, it’s usually three strikes but that whole stunt of Melissa’s---taking me out of school like that, well it had some repercussions. Sure, I was with her but she did it without permission so we both got penalized for it. I got off with a warning but was told if I did anything like that, again I was going to be punished. I liked McC but he tended to be a little harsh when it came to things like that. It was like the man was an old man living in a younger man’s body; his methods already way out dated.
I stopped thinking about punishment and started walking.
I just hoped that that crazy Ravencrest thing didn’t kick in now. All I needed was to make it to school an hour after I left home. I asked my grandmother about it the other day and at first, she pretended she didn’t know what I was talking about but I pressed her further. She finally confessed it had something to do with the nature of the town. The town itself was built on some kind of magical vortex, that’s the reason there was a large concentration of Unseen here. Any one place in the world has Unseen but Ravencrest had one of the largest populations. There were other magical vortices like this too but not necessarily in the same form. She mentioned a town in New England for example, a place I’d heard my parents mention once or twice.
My grandmother’s explanation made me wonder about this place. Did that mean Ravencrest chose who to screw with? It was strange that one day it would take ten minutes to get to some place and the next it would take forty-five. Or was it just that some people had all the luck and others were just unfortunate enough to get screwed. It was something interesting to ponder but definitely not something to think about as you were trying to get to some place fast.
I picked up my pace, hoping that maybe I could get there at a brisk walk. The worse part of it though was the fact that after leaving our little neighborhood, everything was up hill for about five minutes. Well, five minutes by bike, it was probably going to be more like ten on foot. I tried not to think about that as I pressed on, huffing up the hill. At the top, I could see the school in the distance. I cursed because there were people slowly filing their way inside. Usually a lot of the kids milled around outside for a while and didn’t really start ushering in until it was close to the bell ringing. Seeing the large group going in now told me that I was definitely going to be late.
I started run down the hill as fast as I could.
I was halfway down when I heard the car. I didn’t think anything of it at first because there were always cars coming over the hill. It wasn’t until it got a bit closer that I stopped to take a look. It was the revving of the engine that made me pause. What I saw sent a horrible chill up my spine: it was a black car, a very familiar black car. It was barreling toward me pretty fast, too fast. I cursed and unfroze, putting on speed. The car revved its engine; I could hear it pick up speed. It was those fucking bastards but how did they know I was here. I thought we lost them at the airport, I thought that I was supposed to be safe here.
How safe was this?
I ran as hard and as fast as I could. Sadly, only The Flash could actually out run a car. Any minute I was certain they were going to slam their bumper into the back of my legs and then it was going to be all over. I could feel the car, it was right behind me. I could almost hear those smug bastards laughing. I closed my eyes, tears running wildly down my cheeks. I didn’t stop running though; I just knew it was inevitable. But it didn’t happen. I forced my eyes open. The car whipped past me, barreling down the road a bit before it came to a screeching halt. I knew their plan. They didn’t want to kill me; they were just trying to grab me. It was just like before, back at home on the bridge. I had no idea what these guys wanted but it was clear I was part of their plan.
I came to an abrupt halt as well. I was at the bottom of the hill now; they were about hundred feet ahead of me. The passenger side door opened and Scar Face stepped out. Seeing him sent a sudden chill up and down my spine.
“End of the road kid” he said loudly as he started walking toward me. “Let’s not make this any messier than it has to be.”
I didn’t say anything. Instead, I looked around, trying to find some way to escape. If I could just make it past them, I could definitely run the rest of the way to the school. But they had their car turned sideways in the road. The only way forward was to get past them and that was out of question. Calling for help was out of the question too because stupidly my cell was back home charging. One of these days, I was going to remember to charge it beforehand.
“This is stupid,” said Scar Face, he was almost on top of me now.
“There’s nowhere to go.”
I snapped to the left. The great thing about this particular stretch of road was the fact that there was woods on either side of it. I heard rumors of kids taking shortcuts through them to school all the time but I never really bothered with it because I always had the bike. Now though it seemed like the only option open to me.
Scar Face was within ten feet of me now. I could see the smug look on his face, as he got closer.
I took a deep breath and made a break for the woods. I heard him curse loudly and then he gave chase. I reached the woods first, crashing through the underbrush. A few seconds later, I heard him do the same. Thankfully, the woods were to my advantage. This particular section of it was heavily overgrown and a lot of the trees were closer together. Where I could squeeze through the gaps with ease, I could hear him cursing. It didn’t take long for me to realize he was no longer chasing me but I didn’t stop. I pressed on, tears flowing, heart pounding. When I finally found the end of the forest, I burst through.
I was on the east lawn of the school. The building was looming right in front of me. I took a moment to stop and catch my breath. Then I put whatever energy I had left into run and made a break for it. When I got to the building, I pulled the door open and practically threw myself inside. I stopped and caught my breath for a moment, wiped my tears and headed to class.
That was close. Too close.
Author’s note: As I’m sure all of you know, comments are life blood to an author. I’m not begging or demanding, but I certainly would appreciate anything you have to say (or ask). It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just give me your reaction to the story. Thanks in advance...EOF
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Can't wait for the next two parts, I hate your love of cliffhangers EOF
Kelly should also have immediately gone to Melissa
I'm not allowed to post theories :)
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Apparently the spell is just blunted. It seems his change is just more prolonged now.
I think those hunters came to the wrong town though :) I doubt Cindy would take too kindly having crap like that in town after getting rid of the other bunch.
I wonder if the amount of magical power a witch may wield may be dependent on how well she can tap into the vortex, kinda like being in resonance with it.
I love Diamond being on his chest again. Pulling a gag more than 2 times is not suppose to work very well according to comedians but I think this is an exception to the rule.
I suspect the birthday coming up will be very interesting.
They're not hunters
They're black crosses -that's why Kelly's parents have not seen them.
Don't see how that makes a major difference
Apparently they have a thing for going after unseen too.
The Black Cross
They usually go after witches. Its all about consolidating power for them. You'll learn a little more about their motives later :)
Poor Kelly
How confusing life is at the moment.
I like it!
I have loved Kelly's adventure, but this particular chapter had something that struck a odd sounding chord. But i still loved it.
I am curious, I thought the comment about wanting to braid his hair was a little odd.... she should have said something along the lines of "I've always imagined if I had a daughter I would be able to braid her hair" ... and somewhere in the conversation of his adventures as a girl.... rather than after he has been "cured" by the coven.
I think it seems strange that as a "guy" his mom wants to braid his hair....
It just struck a funny note in the story is all.
next please
This one took too darn long! I am enjoying this and Susannes cousin claire please continue soon.
Too Long
I didn't mean to take this long but writing has been a bit slow as of late. I'm hoping to get Ch.14 out sooner :)
taps fingers....
"I'm hoping to get Ch.14 out sooner :)"
Well? I'm waiting...
Giggle couldn't resist.
Well, I guess I'm going to be the only negative nancy here (what else is new). I don't really care for the turn of events here. The constant switching back and forth is a bit annoying. It doesn't seem to advance the plot so much as throw a wrench in the spokes and slow it down. Every time something is about to happen Kelly changes genders and spends half a chapter reflecting.
Although, I do acknowledge that the entire problem lies with my own impatience. I'm sure if I were reading this as a complete series and not one chapter every 9 to 13 days I'd feel different. It's a compliment, really, that your writing is good enough to cause such impatience. :)
I really didn't like the whole "mass mind alteration" thing. It seeme a little too convenient. It let the main character off the hook without having to deal with any earlier piece of development in the plot, namely the shtick about his unknowable gender.
I'm sure something is coming to spin everything all on its head but I think I'm going to wait until you (hopefully) completely finish this story before I continue reading. I just get far too impatient reading things in segments.
Good luck!
Am I
The only one that expected Kelly to say, "The hell with this." and yank of the necklace when the Black Crosses showed up. I figured she would whip it of and surprise them with her power.
I kind of expected that, too.
Same here.
Thanks for your story!
Good things come to those who wait :)
I totally expected her to yank off the necklace to get her mojo back.
Mary is a brat, but it's grandma that pisses me off. I expect more from a matriarch, she's a real sorry excuse for a human being who is responsible for the well being of young people. She needs to get her heart out of that safety box and back in her chest.
I like this story because it's different. Usually in TG fiction once a character get Ka-changed! into a girl, that's it, you're stuck buddy! No so with this one. Kelly got changed back and we got a comparison of what he did and didn't like about it all. Now we have him slowly changing back.
When he got the magic thingie that transformed her back to him, I half expected at some point for it just catastrophically fail bringing the girl back. This slow change I think is better. I'm getting the feel of flood waters lapping over the top of a dam.
Of course we have Kelly's sixteenth birthday coming up too, and as we all know for the Unseen that's a big thing.
The bit with the spell wiping everyone's memory of girl Kelly bothered me too, but from a writer's POV I can see why. No one except for a few knows at all, but the one it matters to the most is Kelly. He has the chance to see how things are with him as well, a he and then as a she. And then back again to a he. We're clearly seeing Kelly missing being a girl.
The whole thing with Mom wanting to braid his hair seemed fine with me. I got this intimate but playful teasing about her wishing she'd been there, and he being willing to pretend when they got back together because he misses his family so much.
What can you say about Mary? We have two views of her. One is the tough tomboy who makes her own rules and you cross her at your peril. Number two is the one Kelly knows. The vindictive, jealous, B...err witch who abuses her powers. Even petty given if she really did flatten those bike tires.
The Black Crosses is easy compared to all the rest of this. For some reason they want Kelly. See easy! That more than anything else tends to make me think there is something more to Kelly then this accidental change. That yes, the Black Crosses know something, and apparently, everyone else, parents, Grandmother, does not. Whatever the reason it is important enough that they dare chase her to Ravencrest.
That brings up the question that this may be a sting to catch the BC's but I really doubt that. It doesn't seem right. Another question is what is there about Kelly that is causing this attention. One, they might just want her as a hostage. Useful yes, but chase her into the lion's den of Ravencrest? I think not. Two, it could be they need her for some kind of ritual because of her heritage, but again why? There should be other Duds out there easier to snatch. That leaves three, there's something special about Kelly.
What is special about her that they know and no one else does as far as we can tell? Perhaps she is a powerful black sorceress and they want to make her their queen? That's why Mary is so jealous perhaps? LOL
Only EOF knows for sure!
PS: Please forgive my rambling!
Its all about POV of course. Whereas Tracy is her best friend, she would see Mary differently than Kelly would. Kelly only knows Mary as a bit of a bully, someone who used to play pranks on him when he was younger and someone who appears to be a tad bit jealous of him know that they've grown. Might there be more to her behavior revealed later...I guess you'll have to wait and see. I'm just glad that someone else isn't dumping on her :)
Great Story as always. Mary obviously acts differently around her friends which is not unexpected. There might also be a little bit of sibling rivalry as well. (cousin rivalry?) Still I love Mary and all of her foibles. :D
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Re: Mary
Oh come on, that's hardly fair. You're the one who's positioned her as an antagonist for Kelly.
We're seeing the story from Kelly's perspective, and Mary is being REALLY nasty to Kelly. No matter what else there might be to it, we don't get to see Mary's perspective. All we see is the constant antagonism with no explanation as to why. Mary isn't communicating, nor is she trying to work out a solution (with Kelly) to whatever her problem is.
It's much more obvious in this story that Kelly doesn't know all of the details of what's bothering Mary, but at the same time, it's hardly fair to be disheartened by people's reactions to Mary when you're the one who shaped our perceptions of her.
Mary's POV
What an interesting idea ;)
well we know why mom can't find the bad guys. just not why they have such a hard on for Kelly.
good chapter, the next looks to be eventful.
Why were you fibbing to us
Wow there was a lot in this it had everything, least I think so great chapter
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Ahh, I loved this one, even
Ahh, I loved this one, even though you've misled us by saying that nothing exciting was going to happen. I especially like the inner conflict and introspection. Contrary to others that say the flip flopping is a distraction, I think it's the emotional core of the story, and the Black Cross plot is nothing but a distant mystery. I do agree though that I get impatient waiting for a new chapter, because it's just that good.
I'm extremely curious about the mention of "New England". Isn't Dunwich of the Whateley Universe located there? Or was that the setting for "Other Side of the Forest"?
New England
That's actually where Skogshaven is---the setting for Other Side of the Forest :)
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
I'm starting to get worried about Mary. She certainly is a very scary person and apparently not happy at all. I've got the same feeling towards Grandma. Can't figure out why she is so cold towards her Grandson. I'm sure you will enlighten us shortly.
I'm looking forward to Kelly's birthday and I think it will be quite the event. Who knows, changes, Scar-face and what has Mary up her sleeve?
Looking forward to the next chapter.
As always,
As always,
Getting better and better EOF
Getting better and better EOF :)
I'm glad Kelly's mom called. It sucks that Kelly never got to talk to dad thou :)
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Have a mew of a day!
I'm almost ashamed of myself here...
I almost forgot about the Black Crosses being after Kelly. Though I am wondering why (s)he hasn't said anything about them to anyone in Ravencrest yet. Either way, great chapter and I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out EoF. Please keep up the good work. :)
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Hopefully Kelly won't keep it secret like he did when it happened at home...
Have a delightfully devious day,
Ok why does the black cross want
Kelly for ? It has to be connected with his/her mom & dads work they want to get her hurt her to get to them & kill them . They must be with the order & look to kill ALL the unseen :(
Kelly's moms call was welcome & I think she needs to be called again on this & get her back home ASAP.
A sweet 16 party & Mary is jelous because she didn't get one she wanted it but said she didn't & she didn't get. I think that's part of Mary's problem & she has to live with her Auint & not her mother.
Now I think Kelly girl will be back & for good that is truly who she is a girl & slowly she is changing back to Kelly girl.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
IMHO Kelly who was a total dud as boy, magic wise is ....
the equivalent of a magical superstar as a girl. I think HER magical potential is so strong it overcame the first change back to a boy after Mary's botched potion let the female *genie out of the bottle* and is now is overcoming the powerful talisman the witches came up with. An arrogant bunch they are too, well many of them or so they seemed.
I think whip it off or the clasp breaking it does not matter, HER magic will come out in spite of it. The necklace cannot stop it. Mary is a powerful teen witch, I mean she transformed the boy into Missy almost instantly and no one has caught on to it. Grandma is a powerful senior witch. The aunt is powerful. Kelly's mom has considerable potential, thus her job. Who knows about women on the father's side and if they have magic. Seems to me Kelly is from a long line of major spell casters and may well be the strongest in ages. I wonder if the Black Crosses have a prophesy about this?
I REALLY do not like Mary, she is a spoiled BITC* and has a mean streak or is it an irresponsible streak a mile wide. I wonder is this because she is orphaned and being raised by grandma? I see hints that grandma, the coven leader, is not as cold as she tries to put on. Is she *cold* because it is expected in a leader of witches and compound that with losing her child. I assume Mary's mom was her child. Does she see more than a bit of her dead daughter in Mary thus she tries to distance herself? Bad enough to be a teen but a teen with power who doesn't feel she is loved? Is it rivalry or is it she wants what Kelly has, loving parents . How old was Mary when she lost hers? And were they murdered?
Still Mary needs to learn a lesion. I still find it hard to believe the coven didn't punish her for turning that creepy boy into the rather nice Missy. Plus this ditching Kelly without a ride to school, flattening the bike tires -- I assume they were fixed after the magical blowouts at school? -- put him in grave danger. It may have been a funny prank but it almost got him/her kidnapped or killed. Funny NOT! Hope she catches hell for this or better yet feels guilty. Often we punish ourselves far better than others can punish us.
Wouldn't it be a hoot is Missy has magical potential now? Would serve Mary right if Missy got something back at her. He was a jerk but to continue punishing HER after transmuting him into a girl?. But then sometimes Mary does the right thing so who knows? Jury is out.
And BTW I fear the parents will not come home alive. Unless they now realize Kelly is the target and they were tricked. Kelly has GOT to tell grandma or at least his aunt at school ASAP about the Black Cross attack.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Well worth the wait for this chapter.
John in Wauwatosa
This chapter had an odd feel to it.
Kelly's reaction to having been turned back into a male, missing being female is one of the things that seems odd. I can ... sort of understand that. As a boy, Kelly seems to be kind of neuter, there's an element to his personality that's missing. It wasn't something that Kelly really had a visceral understanding of prior to his transformation. Kelly-the-girl on the other hand, seems to be a complete person. She has the element of her personality that boy-Kelly was missing. So ... I can sort of understand Kelly realizing that he's missing something that girl-Kelly had, but ... his realization that he misses being female seems a bit abrupt to me. I think it's something that perhaps should have taken him a bit longer to realize, although working with a story medium, there are obviously some time constraints. It still feels a bit jarring to me.
It also begs the question of whether there was actually something "wrong" with him as a boy. Was he just a "late bloomer"? Or was there more to it?
The continued animosity between Mary and Kelly also feels a bit odd. Mary's reactions feel ... extreme to me, and I really don't get a sense of what's driving her. I really disliked Tobias in For the Fairest, but he was never presented as a sympathetic character. There was an implication that perhaps Tracy's perspective on Tobias was a bit too narrow for her to be making the judgements she did, but even with that we actually saw him do things that I personally consider unforgivable. Mary was presented as being a sympathetic character in FoF, ornery perhaps, but sympathetic nonetheless. However, here in SotW, Mary is definitely an antagonist. Kelly's perspective on Mary seems more limited than Tracy's perspective on Tobias. Or ... maybe that's the wrong way to say it. Tracy knew less about Tobias and what he was doing, but what she did know for a fact was exceptionally damning (in my opinion of course). Kelly knows more about Mary than Tracy knew/knows about Tobias, but I get the impression that Kelly understands Mary less well than Tracy understood Tobias.
The Black Cross guys showing up was a good segway into the next situation. You changed the paradigm and threw something new at Kelly, that felt about right. I think I'd have gone a bit further though, at SOME point, they have to actually catch Kelly, if they keep appearing and never catching Kelly, then they lose some of their impact. At some point we have to actually have the physical confrontation. I guess it's a few chapters too soon for that though. Whatever is going on however, is obviously centered on Kelly. Kelly's parents clearly thought that they were going after Kelly as an incidental thing in an attempt to get at them. Whereas it now looks to me like Kelly may have actually been the focus of the attacks.
Looking forward to more.
Love the cliff hanger element
Interesting to see the Black Crosses pop back up.
This chapter might be my favorite chapter, yet.
I'm still not convinced Mary is entirely as bad a person as some perceive her to be. She was "badass" in a good way in Fairest of the Fair, but I do wonder if she's putting up somewhat of a front with Kelly. And maybe there's somewhat of a sibling rivalry going on between the two. Maybe she's somewhat threatened that Kelly in female form has magic like her, rather than being a dud, and maybe somewhat envious that Kelly still has his/her parents.
But I do think there's more to Mary than what Kelly sees, and vice verse, and there are some like Tracy who see that. But that's just my opinion.
And this chapter seems to lean in the direction that maybe grandma isn't nearly as cold in her feelings toward Kelly than Kelly suspects.
As for Misty, I was thinking for a while that the change had made her a more sympathetic character and could understand Kelly wanting to be her friend ... but after reading Dearest Daughter, I'm not so sure. Maybe there is a good reason Mary would prefer Kelly stay away from her rather than a pure dislike for the person that Mike Curtis was.
Enemyoffun, thanks for the ride you're giving us. Look forward to the next chapter.
I've been debating her for a while actually. You see her in My Dearest Daughter but remember its only been a few days since her transformation. I know Season of the Witch starts only a few days after that but I have an idea to possibly write a Misty story, telling about her drastic change of character in Season from her appearance in Daughter.
She's definitely a different kind of person in Season though.
Well I just finished
doing a re-read of 1-12 and finally 13. I obviously am not the only one that expected her to whip off the medallion and blast those crosses. I now wonder if Mary didn't used to be a guy also. The personality changes, the half memories, the bit of confusion over the differences Kelly comes up with are a bit much. I half expect they both were girls to start, but were changed to protect them, after Mary's parents were killed when she was a child. (Possibly her change was an accident, and she is very bitter.) The changes, even wearing the blocker, are too significant to be otherwise. Her nature is starting to exert itself. Grandma is probably pissed that Mary's screwing around has unleashed the power hidden away to protect it. I expect that's why the coven is so concerned also. They tried to make light of it at the "hearing", but I felt it was too glossed over to be real. I wondered when the crosses were gonna show back up. They had to know about Ravencrest, from the family history, and that nexus has to be strong enough to be felt by those seeking nexis out for the power they can tap into. I really hope Kelly is not stupid enough to try to hide this also. There are way too many lives at stake in this. The whole fam-damily is at risk, as well as her friends. They may be after Kelly, but will step on anyone that gets in the way. And Mary needs a good swift kick for not using her head. She may be honked off, but that is just crude for her to do, and in hindsight, very dangerous. I also just checked and this was just posted a couple of days ago. Is the next chapter done yet? Please sir, may I have some more?
Next Chapter
Yep its done. I'm hoping to post it soon. :)
Thank you
kind sir.
So evidently...
...the Black Crosses have turned their attention to Kelly. Somehow I think if he has many more incidents like that, he'll be forced into a situation whereby either (a) he rips off the necklace as magic's the only way to save him, or (b) he builds up such an emotional high that he overwhelms the suppressant abilities of the necklace and unintentionally lets loose with a powerful magic blast.
Somehow I doubt his sixteenth birthday party will go without incident - that in itself may be a trigger for latent magical abilities to surface and overwhelm the necklace.
Meanwhile, nice to see a couple of tie-ins to other stories: namely a brief mention of Takeshi, Tracy and Greg, plus the New England town with another magical vortex (i.e. the location of Elsbeth's tale) :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Season of The Witch Part-13
Why are they after Kelly?
May Your Light Forever Shine