well, I had a good session today at the rape center, and I fell as good as can be, considering. We talked about my nightmares, and my therapist said it actually represents some signs of progress, because in each dream, I intended to act, rather than simply freeze. Baby steps, I guess.
It's strange but I don't remember my dreams or nightmares. I certainly remember the rapes and abuse but if I ever dreamed about it, I could never recall them.
Maybe it's some sort of psychological compensation or block or whatever but I don't care. I don't sleep very well anyway. But that's more to do with drinking too much coffee and tea plus a bladder problem. (Duuuhh! I'm 66.)
If it ain't broke don' fix it.
All first steps
All first steps are baby steps, and sometimes you need people to hold your hand (like your friends at BCTS) to do so. But, eventually we learn to walk more confidently and eventually run. I bet you'll be running a marathon ;-), real soon.