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Season of The Witch -
Part Nine by: Enemyoffun
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Author's Note: Things are starting to move a little faster with this story now. I promise in the next chapter that things will pick up even more. I'd like to thank djkauf and Indy for the magical editing and everyone for enjoying this universe :)
The next few days in school were pretty slow. The day after the lunch room incident people were still talking about it. I think a lot of people liked to see the school heroes get knocked down a peg or two. No one remembered what really happened before the “incident”---like who was involved but everyone knew that Troy was completely humiliated. I was kind of glad they left me out of it actually, the less I was in the spotlight the better. The best part about it was that it suddenly drew all the attention away from the new girl slut rumors from the day before. That’s what I loved so much about high school, rumors came and went. As soon as something new came around, the latest thing was forgotten in an instant.
Not thinking about my reputation helped me think about other things. Mainly the index card and this mysterious Dud Club.
Once I got home that night, I did some of my own checking. The Drakes were almost as big a family in Ravencrest as us. Well, a family of witches that is. Meeting Cassie was interesting to say the least. It was kind of fun to finally put a face to the woman from all of Mom’s stories, even if she hadn’t painted her body green and protesting God knows what. Charlie interested me more though. On the way back from the Drake’s I was able to find out that he was just like me---that is a Dud. I guess that didn’t surprise me, after all it was next to impossible to have a male magic user in the family. Knowing that little bit of info. I was able to figure out the Dud Club fairly quickly.
The second day after the lunchroom incident---my fifth day of school---things had completely died down. School almost seemed normal, believe it or not. The lunchroom thing was all but forgotten and the new school slut was yesterday’s news. I guess it paid off to lay low and keep out of trouble. The guys in my Gym class still hassled me but I think Troy and his goons were bidding their time, waiting for the perfect time to strike. I was feeling pretty lucky though, safe in the knowledge that as long as I did nothing too stupid I was scot-free.
Sadly, nothing seems to work out that way.
Day 5 was Friday, finally the end of a very stressful week. I was in Math class when it happened. I was trying desperately to pay attention to the Algebra on the whiteboard when I felt a little lightheaded. I shook it off and it went away for a minute or so but it came back just as quickly. My vision started to blur and the kids around me started to turn into a swirl of colors. I closed my eyes, hoping that maybe whatever it was would pass. When I reopened them, I expected things to be back to normal but unfortunately, things were only worse. Everything was a swirl of colors and the room felt like it was spinning. I bit my lip, forcing back the bile I could feel rising up my throat.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this way before.
I shook my head again but no amount of shaking seemed to get rid of anything. Added to it was this sudden gut wrenching feeling in my stomach. I groaned. I didn’t want to be sick, I couldn’t be sick. Not on my first week of school. It was bad enough people had labeled me first as a girl, then the slut girl I definitely didn’t want to be known as Betty Blow Chunks or something. I tried to talk myself out of it but there was no way that was going to happen. I could feel it, the ick rising through my body, trying desperately to take over. I couldn’t let it consume me; I wouldn’t let it consume me. I tried to soldier on, push through it. It kept getting worse, my entire body started to ach and I think I was starting to sweat. Once again, I tried to fight but it was definitely getting the better of me.
I hoped that no one would notice but that didn’t work out so well.
“Kelly you ok?” asked a voice from somewhere.
I turned and saw a blur; I think it was a person. I tried nodding but I don’t think I did a very good job.
“Miss Ross” said the voice. A girl’s voice. “I’m taking Kelly to the nurse’s office, she doesn’t look so good.”
I groaned but I was too out of it to correct her.
I didn’t hear Miss Ross’s answer. The next thing I knew the girl was helping me from my chair. I remember grabbing my stuff, making sure I had all of it before leaving. Everything was kind of hazy. We talked or rather she tried to get me to walk. My entire body felt like it was jelly except my feet, which felt like they weighed a ton. I’m not sure how long we walked but we stopped way too soon. I knew for a fact that my math class was on the other side of the building from the nurse’s office.
I heard her voice again. “You’re not going to make it.”
She tugged on my arm---at least I think she did.
The next thing I knew I was on the floor, my face in the bowl of a toilet. I threw up, more than once I think. Each time I did so the pain and dizziness went away. On the third or fourth time, the world stopped being so fuzzy. By the fifth time, everything was back to normal. Well as normal as it could get. I leaned back slightly, grabbing some toilet paper to wipe my mouth. As I did so, a cascade of long hair fell in front of me. I froze at the sight of it, my hand on the toilet paper roll. My other hand reached up and grabbed some of the hair, hoping that it was my imagination. It wasn’t. I wiped my mouth and flushed then stood up. I let my hood drop and when I did, I felt the rest of my hair. Sure enough, it was much longer than before.
Then I looked down. There were two slight bumps tenting my hoodie a bit. I cursed.
I was a girl again.
There was a slight knock on the door. “You OK in there?” asked my companion.
I took a deep breath before answering. “Fine.”
Shit, even my voice was different.
Why in the hell was this happening? Did Mary dose me again? No, I made sure to watch everything I’d been eating and drinking. I’d been watching Mary, too. Ever since arguing with her that morning, the two of us barely looked at one another, let alone spoke to one another. We only stayed in the same room for seconds at a time so there was no way she had time to do this. Besides I overheard my grandmother threatening to turn her into a mouse and feed her to Nic if she did anything more to me. So if it wasn’t Mary then who was it? Not my grandmother, she was hell bent to get me back to the way I was. A cure that apparently failed miserably.
I opened the door and saw the smiling face of a girl I didn’t know. At first, I thought she was just some random person before I realized she must have been the one who brought me here. She was pretty enough I suppose with shoulder length brown hair and freckles. I smiled back before pulling my hood back up or trying to at least.
“Leave it,” she said, grabbing my hand. “You have really nice hair; you shouldn’t try to hide it.”
I smiled weakly. “I like hiding it.”
I pulled the hood up and she frowned. How do you tell someone that you’re really a boy and that she was mistaken?
I walked over to the sink and washed my hands thoroughly. I tried to avoid looking at the girl in the mirror but it was hard not to. There she was, staring back at me again. It was a face I never thought I’d see again---a face I shouldn’t be seeing again. What happened? Why didn’t the fix work? I tried to go it In my head but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure it out. Did they do something wrong, did Mary mess it up? I knew that she wouldn’t be stupid enough to mess it up on purpose but maybe because she was a Novice.
“You’re really pretty you know” the girl said as she walked up next to me, leaning against the sink. “You shouldn’t hide it so much.”
“Thanks” I said, hoping she’d go away.
“I’m Katie by the way but my friends call me Kat. We should hang out some time.”
“Sure whatever.”
She smiled brightly. “You going to Dominic’s party next weekend?”
I shrugged. I just wanted this girl to go. Couldn’t she see I was better now? “Who’s Dominic?”
She laughed. “He’s one of the hottest guys in school. Everyone is going to be there. You should come; it might help you meet new people.”
Katie seemed to have one of those one track minds. It was almost as if she completely forgot why the two of us were in here.
“Ummm, I think I’m going to head to the nurse’s office now,” I said, hoping it would give her a hint.
“You’re better now right?” she asked, I nodded. “Good, I was hoping you weren’t sick sick because I sit next to you and that’s the last thing I need.”
She definitely wouldn’t be winning any humanitarian awards anytime soon that’s for sure.
“I think I’m going to go to the bathroom first then head out. I’ll see you in class on Monday?”
“Sure” she said with a smile as I turned around and headed back into the stall I just vacated.
I stood in there and listened. The sound I wanted was her leaving the bathroom and I got it a minute or two later. As soon as she was gone, I left the stall. I was halfway to the door when I realized that I’d been in the girl’s bathroom the whole time---the lack of urinals was a big giveaway. It smelled a lot better though, which was a big plus. I still groaned though, hoping that this was the last time I’d ever visited one. I left the bathroom after that, disappearing into an empty hall. Katie was probably on her way back to class. I turned in the direction of the nurse’s office, carrying my pack on my shoulder as usual. I moved fast, partly because I didn’t want to get caught out in the hall and partly because if anyone could help it was Melissa.
It took me about five minutes to get there. When I walked through the door, I was relieved to find her sitting at her desk alone. She was reading a magazine but looked up when she saw me.
“Kelly is there something wrong?” she asked with concern.
I scoffed. “You could say that” I said, dropping my hood and shaking my long hair.
The look on Melissa’s face said it all.
She was just as shocked as I was.
“You can put your shirt back on,” said Melissa as she removed the stethoscope from my bare chest.
She didn’t have to tell me twice. I grabbed my shirt and quickly pulled it over my head, trying desperately not to look at the two foreign bodies. I did get a quick glimpse and was shocked at what I saw. They were bigger than I thought, bigger than I wanted. I suppose any girl would be proud to have breasts that size but I wasn’t any girl. I didn’t want to be any girl either. I wanted to be me again.
“So what’s wrong with me?” I asked, grabbing my hoodie.
Melissa shrugged. “You’re a perfectly healthy teenage girl.”
I think she realized what she said because she laughed a few seconds later.
“There’s nothing healthy about me.”
She sighed. “I thought something like this might happen.”
“Something like what?” I asked, my voice raising an octave.
“Well after your incident I did some reading. I wanted to see if something like this has happened before and I was actually surprised to find that there have been a few cases over the years. The last one was in the sixties actually. That one turned out OK though, the recipient returned to their natural gender without a problem but there was a case in 1932 that wasn’t so lucky. Just like you, the victim was a young male and just like you, he was turned into a woman by a similar spell. The caster was caught, punished and forced to turn the man back. Everything seemed to go according to plan but a few days later, he turned back into a woman.”
I groaned. “How did they fix it?”
She shook her head. “They didn’t, at least not as far as I know anyway. The man kept turning back and forth until eventually; he got stuck as a woman. Each time he changed he lost a little bit of himself until there was nothing left of his maleness.”
I felt like I was going to cry. “So I’m going to be stuck like this, until I’m stuck like this?”
I waved my hands over my chest angrily.
Melissa sighed. “I wish I knew. The reversal spell your grandmother used should have fixed your change.” She bit her lip. “I’m going to have to contact the Coven.”
A cold chill ran down my spine. “Why?”
“Malicious intent or not, this needs to be reported. The first time was a prank gone wrong but the fact that it happened again is magic unchecked. You might not be now but you could become a danger to yourself or others. I need to inform them about it and see what they want me to do.”
“You can’t” I whined. “They’ll lock me up, dissect me.”
She laughed. “I think you’ve been watching too much TV.”
Melissa left me sitting on the cot while she walked over to her desk. She turned her back to me as she picked up the phone. While she was dialing, I pulled my hoodie over my head. I looked around the room, finding my pack near the door where I left it. As much as I knew she was trying to do the right thing, I was terrified by what that meant. I bit my lip, trying to decide if it was really the right thing, though. There was so much about witchcraft I didn’t know or trust. I understood some of it from what Mom told me but because I was a Dud, they kept me in the dark about a lot of it. I used to hear stories about the Coven growing up and they used to scare the hell out of me. The idea of seven masked figures, sitting there, staring and judging, kind of freaked me out. I’m not sure I wanted anything to do with something like that. I knew it was the right thing to do---going to them but at the same time I had this sinking feeling that if I did that then I’d never get to see the light of day for a long time.
I took a deep breath and made my decision.
While Melissa was on the phone talking---I’m not sure who it was---I made a mad dash for the door. I managed to grab my pack and pull it open before she shouted. I was out it before she reacted. I’m not sure if she followed me or not, I just took off down the hall as fast as I could. I heard someone shout my name, I’m not sure if it was Melissa or not. I just continued to run. It was stupid I know but I definitely didn’t want to go the Coven.
At end of the hall, I saw a teacher. He saw me too, running toward him.
“Hold it right there young lady” he said in a stern voice.
Class was still going so he probably thought I was roaming the halls. I’m not sure why I didn’t stop. Instead, I put on more speed and charged. He tried to stop me by throwing himself in my path but it didn’t work out so well. I’m not sure how I got past him. I just barreled right into him, shoving my elbow into his chest as I did so. Maybe it was how hard I was running or the way I hit him but he went down like a ton of bricks. Me, I kept on going, not even winded. I whipped around the corner after that and made another dash toward the front entrance.
There was no one there to stop me.
I pulled open the front doors and ran down the steps to the bike rack. When I got there, I got the biggest shock of my life. Melissa was standing there, her arms folded in front of her. She frowned and shook her head.
“You can run, I’ll give you that.”
“How in the hell?”
She smirked. “You didn’t honestly think that you could outrun me did you?”
I sighed. “I’m not going to the Coven.”
“I was never going to send you to them. I just had to inform them about what has transpired. They may want to meet with you in the future but you’re free right now.”
I nodded but I still wasn’t sure if I believed her or not.
“So what happens now?”
She shrugged. “That’s up to you I suppose. I could march you back into the school and you could finish out the rest of the day.”
“I’m not going to class like this” I whined.
“Or” she continued. “You and I could hang out for the rest of the day. I’ve already told Mr. McC that I have a family emergency to attend to and he’s given me the rest of the day off. You want to go into town with me?”
I found myself nodding, to which she smiled.
“Stop fidgeting” said Melissa as she stopped the car.
I couldn’t help it. No matter how hard I tried, there was just no way the sports bra was comfortable on me. “I think it’s too small.”
She frowned at that. “Well it will do for now.”
After she stopped me from running, the two of us got into her car. It was a Ford Focus, a nice little car, I suppose. She drove us a few blocks away before stopping and getting a gym bag out of the trunk. She made sure that we were some place where no one was around then made me put on the sports bra she had in the duffel. I tried to refuse but she threatened to drive me home if I didn’t put the bra on so I had no choice. I climbed over the seat and managed as best as I could. I was overly embarrassed when she checked.
Now the two of us were stopped again, outside of a little bistro. I’d seen it a few times when riding to school. It was a quaint little place, kind of quiet too. It definitely didn’t look like the spot that many teenagers would go to eat at though. Maybe that’s why Melissa chose it---after working all day with kids I wouldn’t want to be surrounded by them either. Not that any of that mattered now because everyone was still in school. I felt a little naughty about that, like I was breaking some huge rule.
Melissa gave me a once over. “Before we go in, can you do me a favor?”
“That depends?”
“I want you to lose the hoodie.”
“No way!”
She sighed. “Kelly, until we figure things out, you might be stuck like this for some time. If not this, you’re going to be turning back and forth a lot more frequently. I understand you’re scared but hiding away isn’t going to stop that. You need to embrace this and learn to live with it.”
I bit my lip. “Everyone will think I’m a girl.”
She laughed. “News flash honey, right now you are a girl.”
“That’s not what I meant” I sighed. “This hoodie is baggy enough for me to hide, so that people don’t guess. They see it and me and they wonder but they don’t pry. Its comfortable, it keeps me safe.”
“It’s a crutch,” she said with a heavy sigh. “I think you hide behind it because you’re a lot more scared than you think. You’re afraid of who you are, that’s why you let people guess. I look at you now and I see girl, albeit one in a baggy purple hoodie, but I saw the same thing before, too. You’re too ambiguous in that thing. If you really want people to see you for who you truly are, you need to lose the crutch and let them see.”
I bit my lip. I suppose she was half right but I’m not sure if I was ready.
“Ok tell you what, you take off the hoodie and I won’t tell your grandmother about you skipping school.”
“You were going to tell her?”
She shrugged. “I guess you’ll never know now.”
She gave me an evil smile. I knew that smile, Mary had that smile. I had to wonder if Melissa was the one who taught it to her.
“You have to give me more than that.”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to promise that you won’t tell anyone about this, any of this. The changing back and forth thing, the possibility of being stuck. I want to wrap my mind around it before I tell anyone.”
Melissa sighed. “Kelly, people are going to find out.”
“Eventually” I said “but I want to keep it a secret as long as I can.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“I haven’t figured that part out yet.”
“Fair enough” she said with a smile. “You take off the hoodie; I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
I took a deep breath and quickly pulled it over my head like ripping off a band-aid. AS soon as it was off, I felt kind of naked. I was wearing a peach colored t-shirt, one that we actually got from the little kid’s department. It fit perfectly fine before but now with my new assets and changed frame, the shirt was kind of snug. My breasts also pulled it up a little more, showing a bit of my bellybutton. I gasped and tried to tug it down but there was no use. Melissa laughed; I think she was enjoying it. After a minute or two, she got me out of the car. In the street, it felt like everyone was staring at me. I wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere. I rushed quickly into the little restaurant. When I got inside it was worse because people did stare. There was only a handful of patrons but it felt like all of their eyes were burning into me. I turned to run but Melissa was behind me and stopped me, pushing me into the place.
“Take a deep breath,” she whispered gently. “You’re going to be fine.”
I did as I was told as the two of us found a table in the corner as far away from the prying eyes as we could.
A minute or two later, a pretty young blonde waitress came to the table. She looked to be about the same age as Melissa.
“Karen, it’s been awhile,” said Melissa, greeting the girl. “How’ve you been?”
“Alive” she said with a laugh.
Melissa laughed too. “Hey, how did that Harper thing go?”
“Better than expected.”
They talked for a minute or so more before Karen took our orders. I couldn’t help but wonder what the Harper thing was. There were a few Harpers in my grade. I had English with a Chris Harper and his cousin was on the cheerleading squad I think. Maggie was talking about her during lunch yesterday. I didn’t really know much about the Harpers, much like the rest of the elite in town. I did know they were pretty well off though, I think they owned the newspaper or something.
When she was finished with the orders, Karen looked at me oddly. “Who’s your friend?” she asked Melissa.
“This is Agatha’s granddaughter Kelly.”
I couldn’t help but wince at that. However at the same time I found myself pushing some of my hair behind my left ear. I smiled at Karen, trying to show her that I was as normal as normal came. Inside I felt like I was going to puke, my insides jumping up and down.
“You must be Becky’s daughter?”
I nodded.
“I didn’t realize Jess had a younger sister,” Karen continued.
“Kelly’s a bit of shut in, spends most of her time hiding away. When I found out, she was staying with Aggie I knew I had to try dragging her out of her shell. That’s why we’re taking this little school break.”
Karen smiled. “You want some coffee girls?”
I shook my head but Melissa nodded. Karen left for a minute and came back with the pot. As she was pouring, I noticed something different about her. I’m not sure why I didn’t see it before but it was as if she was glowing. It wasn’t very prominent or anything but she definitely had a slight glow about her. I couldn’t make out the full color but it was there. It was just like the sorority house the other day but not as bright and this one didn’t go away when I blinked. I looked around the room, wondering if anyone else glowed. Sure enough, other people were glowing as well but none of them shined quite like Karen. When my eyes fell on Melissa, I realized she was glowing as well.
What the hell was going on?
Melissa gave me an odd look. “Everything ok?”
I blinked and the glow vanished. Weird. “I’m good, just a little tired.”
“It’s called too much work honey,” said Karen with a laugh. “I get like that all the time.”
Karen left a moment later, leaving the two of us alone.
“See that wasn’t so bad” said Melissa a few seconds later. “In fact, I think you’re a natural. The way you blushed like that then tucked your hair behind your ear.”
I blushed some more, which Melissa laughed at.
We spent the next several minutes talking. She wanted to know about the work Mom and Dad did. I was just thrilled to be able to talk about it without having to lie all the time. It was kind of refreshing to talk to someone and tell them the truth. I was on our trip to the Himalayas when Karen arrived with our food. I shut up quickly, switching topics.
“Don’t stop on my account,” she said with a wink. “My mother used to regal me with her adventures when I was younger. Did you know she actually apart of the team that went and protected Nessie?”
“Wait, what?”
Melissa and Karen laughed aloud.
“Kelly, Karen is a Holden.”
I felt like kicking myself in the ass over that one. There were seven major witch families in Ravencrest, the Holden’s being one of them.
Mom made me memorize things like that, just in case it ever came up. She said it was good to know who your friends were. There were a total of one hundred and sixteen witch clans out there, and the seven at Ravencrest were pretty damn important. The Crawfords were at the top of the list. It was said that our family could trace their origins all the way back to the Middle Ages----we weren’t the oldest family but there were very few who could go back that far. I didn’t really know how far back the Holden’s or even the Williams could go. I didn’t really know much about them at all actually. The families weren’t enemies but they weren’t always forthcoming either. It always amazed me that such a diverse group lived so close together and that a member of each family sat on the Coven. It must have sucked not knowing which one of your colleagues harbored a nasty grudge on you because they hid under those cloaks of theirs.
“I wanted to be a Magister when I was younger but I didn’t have the stomach for it,” continued Karen with a sigh. “Instead I’m stuck here, bussing tables and making my way through college.”
I often forget that Mom and Dad had an official title like that. Their organization was spread so thin these days that most people didn’t even remember names. At one time the Magisters were big, there used to be one in every town. The world was changing though; more and more Unseen were either going into deep hiding or extinct. There was less demand for Magisters now. There were probably no more than thirty of them left now. It was kind of sad really. Like Karen, I used to dream of being one too. I knew it was impossible though unless I became a Warden.
Duds weren’t allowed to become Magisters.
Karen left us to our food. We ate quietly. Melissa kept smiling at me every now and then though. It was kind of freaky. Me, I tried desperately to see if I could see more glowing. Sadly whatever it was had all but faded now. It was kind of strange though, it just appearing like that. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was another one of those strange Ravencrest things. I tried not to dwell on it too much though, hoping that if I waited long enough it might come back.
“I think you’re a natural,” said Melissa as we were finishing up.
“A natural what?”
She laughed. “A natural girl, silly.”
I’m not sure I liked that.
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” she said quickly. “It’s just that looking at you, sitting across from me. It’s hard to imagine that only a short while ago you were in fact a boy.”
“I’m still a boy,” I added defensively. “And will be again as soon as we fix whatever is wrong with me.”
Neither one of us had anything more to say for a while.
We finished our meal and headed back to the car. I retrieved my hoodie as Melissa drove us back to the school. We got there just as the final bell was ringing which was amazing timing on our part. I pulled the hoodie over my head, hoping to avoid any more talk as I got out of the car. Melissa didn’t seem to be done though because she got out with me. She followed me to the bike rack, dogging my heels the whole way.
“You can’t just ignore this you know,” she said, trying to keep her voice down.
“I’m not going to ignore it,” I said quickly. “I’m going to pretend it never happened.”
She frowned. “I thought we were making progress. What happened?”
“I’m not some kind of experiment. You think I want to be like this” I could feel tears burning my cheeks. I snapped around to face her. “I want to be normal; I want to be a regular guy. It was nice to pretend earlier but I’m not a girl, I’m never going to be one. I might look like one and currently am one but I’m not nor am I ever going to actually be one.”
“Kelly I never…”
“Leave me alone ok,” I snapped.
As soon as I did, I heard several loud pops. I snapped around and watched in awe as every bike tire on the rack popped one by one, like a domino effect. It was the freakiest thing I’d ever seen but there was more to it. There was no way all of them could have gone like that, not unless….I shook my head, that wasn’t possible. Melissa on the other hand was looking right at me, with the strangest look. The look lingered for longer than I would have liked, followed a few seconds later by a slight smile.
“I think you and I need to talk about things some more” she said after a moment or two.
“I’m done talking,” I snapped, my anger rising again.
Melissa held up her hands. “Ok not right now. How about Monday. You come by my office first thing Monday morning and we can figure this out. By then I might be able to find some way to reverse whatever it is that’s happening.”
“Fine” I snapped.
I climbed onto my bike and groaned because like the rest, its tires were now flat.
“Let’s put it in my trunk and I’ll give you a ride.”
All I could do was nod. I helped her secure the bike then got back into the car. There was something wrong with me; my emotions were all over the place. I was fine earlier and now I felt like I could bite someone’s head off. What the hell was wrong with me? Was it an influx of emotions or something else? As Melissa got into the car, I tried to concentrate on other things but my mind was all over the place. I found myself looking at the rear-view mirror as we drove away. I watched all the cars behind me, wondering if their drivers had as many problems as I did right now. Melissa was talking but I didn’t notice, I was lost in my thoughts.
So lost I didn’t even notice the black car that was a few cars behind us.
Author’s note: As I’m sure all of you know, comments are life blood to an author. I’m not begging or demanding, but I certainly would appreciate anything you have to say (or ask). It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just give me your reaction to the story. Thanks in advance...EOF
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Who is Kelly really?
I do wonder wether Kelly's in denial about being a girl at heart or that he really is just a boy. It would explain why he doesn't try looking more like a guy (not cutting his hair, the hoodie reference Melissa made that he was hiding his body with it, making people confused). I think in one of the first chapters he actually said he liked confusing people by dressing and looking androgynous. But I'm not entirely sure...
Did the other guy in 1932 also have magical powers? If he didn't, does that mean There's more going on with Kelly than just a spell gone wrong?
I do like the fact he's not immediately accepting the girl thing, even if he really is one at heart. Reminds me of my own struggle trying to figure out where I belonged on the gender scale.
grtz & hugs,
Sarah xxx
Kelly's situation is different from the one in 1932, I can't really say why but it will be revealed eventually. As far as him not accepting the gender change, I like that aspect better. A lot of my characters are reluctant participants in their new found girlhoods, most of them being perfectly happy and healthy guys to begin with. I like the conflict the gender change causes and their struggle to deal with it, whether to deny it completely or eventually accept it :)
I also enjoy when a non tg character becomes tg and has to deal with it, I'm tg and have been my whole life, and going through the feelings of being in the wrong body, seeing the wrong person in the mirror, the pain of people perceiving you in a way you don't want, it keys into something in me that gives the character depth. Finding a character who just rolls over and runs to the mall for a marathon shopping session, is so false and unreal that I lose interest rapidly. The fight to keep who you are, how you are, and sense of self makes for really good reading. Keep the battle going for Kelly, and you'll keep me reading as long as you write. Plus the fight usually brings respect from those others that surround the main character, even when they want them to just give in already, and accept the change that they believe is to the superior gender. Remember, that both genders are superior from certain perspectives, and at this point for Kelly, a relatively normal guy, being a guy is the superior position. Great story so far, more please!
Couldn't agree more
That's pretty much my primary objection when people write stories about unwilling transformees who just roll over and accept their new gender.
Here this site is, dedicated to people who've felt some kind of gender dysphoria (to a greater or lesser degree) all their lives. This is a community of people who should understand how persistent, how invasive feelings of gender identity incompatibility are and/or can be. Yet there are an awful lot of stories on this site where the main character (who does not begin the story with any sort of gender dysphoria) is transformed and as a result, becomes transgendered. That character then goes on to acclimate to the new gender almost instantly and painlessly and ... it just reads as being completely wrong to me.
Now, to some extent, I can understand why people write those kinds of stories, it's a kind of wish fulfillment. But my persistent objection is that an unwilling transformee is the wrong subject for that kind of story.
EoF himself provided the perfect example (of the situation being presented correctly) in his story: I Am The Night. In that story the protagonist is transgendered to start with. When he/she does transform she's thrilled with it. (although, despite that, she remains rather tomboyish). The main character in that story is a perfect example of someone who would be thrilled to spontaneously change genders. The protagonist starts the story as a transgendered person, and then transforms, thus ceasing to be transgendered.
At the same time, having the character acclimate to the new gender eventually is also a kind of wish fulfillment. Some of us (myself included) don't intend to go through the pain and difficulty of gender reassignment. For us, the idea that it's possible to acclimate to your physical gender and live a reasonable, decent life is also a storied goal. So, watching someone who begins the story as a normal person and who is transformed into a transgendered person but then instantly acclimates to the new physical gender is disappointing to me, because it doesn't match my personal concept of how persistent gender related identity issues are.
Seeing an eventual acclimation is something I hope for, because for me that's the wish I want to see fulfilled.
And mind you, I'm speaking in general. With regard to Season of the Witch in specific, I think EoF is doing a good job of presenting someone who is not comfortable with the change.
Me too...
I mean it makes sort of sense that someone who was gender ambigious or androgynous in the first place might find herself thrilled with it after some time, even after an unwilling transformation. I think that's actually believable.
I really don't see that happening with the random normal guy. I really can't believe one of my guyfriends who really relishes in his maleness would just roll over and start liking to be a girl. He's someone who thinks getting hurt is part of playing football. (european) I totally can't see him starting to wear dresses, love makeup and mindless chatter after he grew a pussy and boobs. He might call it a fate worse than death.
On the other hand a truly transgendered person couldn't be happier.
Or you might havve someone like me who tests as rather gender androgynous - I don't know if becoming a girl would be nice or a horror trip. Thinking about it, it would become a very long list of plus and minusses.
Anyway, what is gender? Is it something in our soul? Or is it maybe a switch in our brain that makes us adapt and conform to the behavior of the people of one gender? Can you actually change the setting of said switch?
I guess with magic transformations it would be possible to just switch that switch to female and have your manish guy slowly transform into a girly girl. It might be a real horror trip for the person though. I mean if your identity is totally tied to your gender that would be a horror story like some of those identity death thingies. The result of the transformation might only share the same memories as the original, but really be another person.
How can such a person be totally happy wih the transformation? That's more like major denial. I can't imagine anyone being happy with getting most of your personality replaced - It probably wouldn't be that bad, but who knows.
Actually I hate it when it is too easy or too fast with the involuntary transformations. I also dislike stuck, I prefer if the character has a serious choice in the end. If they prefer to stay female, ok. But the option should be there. (I guess that's just my personal wish for stories ^^)
About this story: I'm not sure about his happyness. It seems like Kelly went out of his way to be androgynous. He could have easily appeared more manly - if he wanted to. I'm wondering if that's just an act of defiance towards the people who tease him for being girly, or if he unconciously likes to be girly. Even if the latter is the case that doesn't mean he wants to be a girl.
He doesn't seem happy about the change, but I can understand that Melissa (I think) suspects he wants to be a girl. The way he dresses and looks makes it easy to fall to that conclusion.
I kind of hope he gets to be his male/androgynous self and not stuck as a girl.
EOF, thank you for writing this captivating story,
Great chapter. I really do
Great chapter. I really do think that Kelly is not a dud anymore, even when s/he was back to being a male, I think that he caused that mishap to the bully. Cannot wait to read the next chapter.
and the plot thickens
well your mind is not asleep you have a great talent for story telling and it shows....
thank you for this chapter.. looking forward to the next ....
Peace and love XO XO Rone Welles
Season 9
I would hazard a guess that the dud is now very active and it seems very strong. Looks like there is a male with powers after all, if he manages to get back to stay. Otherwise, there is another new powerhouse in town. Wonder if they are being set up to protect the unseen from a new enemy.
"Magic Unchecked"
OooOOoo that doesn't sound good.
However, that on-again-off-again thing we're seeing from Kelly sure sounds like unchecked magic. I hope it isn't bleeding away Kelly's "life force" or whatever it is that witches "burn" when they cast spells.
I like that this story seems to be focusing directly on Kelly. While I liked For the Fairest a lot, one of the problems with it seemed to be that there was a focus conflict between what was happening to Trevor/Tracy and what was happening to Tobias. Trevor/Tracy had a very personal issue going on, which was affecting both him/her and his/her family. However, a lot of the drive behind the story was the attack on Tobias, and Tracy was only a peripheral element of that (at least at first). That made for something of a disconnect in the plot structure.
This story on the other hand seems to be much more tightly focused on the protagonist. Kelly has a problem, but Kelly's problem seems to be the thing that's going to be a big issue for everyone else too.
While I can certainly understand Kelly being in denial on the whole issue. I'm really rather skeptical that Agatha isn't going to notice that her grandchild has spontaneously changed into a female again. It's going to be a little difficult for Kelly to avoid the Coven when his/her parent/guardian is a premier member. (Mind you, I don't know that for a fact, I'm simply guessing at how important Agatha is in the Coven).
Also ... we've seen a goal that Kelly is interested in which ... might become possible if Kelly had magical ability. Although, it's not clear if Kelly really does have any personal magic, or if what we're seeing are the side effects of being a font of "magic unchecked".
The whole idea of Kelly having become a font of wild, unchecked magic is more than a little disturbing. No matter how scary and/or disturbing the process might be for Kelly, the more wild, uncontrolled magic goes on around him/her the more likely intervention by "the Coven" is going to be indicated. Regardless of whether it makes Kelly uncomfortable to be poked and prodded.
I'm a little skeptical of Melissa's insistence that Kelly face the world as a girl. I can grasp that Melissa is curious personally, and might even think it's a good thing to get Kelly acclimated to from a professional perspective. However, we have the issue that Kelly is clearly caught up in some sort of magical roller coaster where his gender is likely to flip-flop and what that will ultimately end up being remains to be seen. I question the wisdom of having Kelly walk around town openly "as a girl". This is a small town, and witches are "unseen", having someone from an unseen family who is obviously swapping genders doesn't sound like a wise idea from a public relations stand point. Especially given how small the town is, in a big city, it might matter less, but in Ravencrest?
On the other hand, most people think Kelly is a girl anyway, so ... I guess it might matter a bit less. It still seems a bit on the not-well-considered side for Melissa.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Season of the Witch Part - 9
You know how to tell an interesting story. I wish I had your ability. This story is excellent.
Thank You
for a bright kid
Kelly can be a little dense at times. oh well, that too shall pass.
great chapter, thanks
He is a teenager. They're all dense at times, no matter how smart.
It begins...
Yay, we're finally making some serious progress in the story! We're in for some serious tension; I'm really looking forward to the next few chapters. As a side note: are we ever gonna see the return of Tommy eventually? I really liked him.
move a little faster?
The pace has been perfect, the background and information has made each chaper a joy to read.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Great Story
Great Story as usual. I've been reading the comments and no one has mentioned that when the mysterious men in black were chasing Kelly early on by the bridge, the said something to the effect of "where is she"? This was obviously way before the transformation and obviously, they knew something that she didn't. Leads me to conclude that perhaps Kelly was always a girl and was being protected by her parents by a spell that made her appear to be a boy. Perhaps the mojo that Mary put on her disrupted the spell.
EOF, I LOVE your writing. Can hardly wait to see it my insight was right on or right off.....Adoy
Not necessarily
If the 'men in black cars' had been following Kelly's family around to work out if they were the people who were their enemies, then all they would have seen of Kelly was someone who appeared to be female.
Unless they actually went and looked at the paperwork they would take what they see as the truth, just as everyone at his/her present school does. (And even then they might not believe the paperwork.)
I know that the 'men in black cars' were dealing with a family that included witches but they would probably not have assumed that their teenage child was of importance. Such a child could be useful as leverage, though, hence the original attempt at abduction.
If Melissa were in any other school
then she would be legally bound to go directly to Kelly's parents or grandmother about that issue immediately. As an officer of the school she has en loco parentis responsibilities and Kelly really has no choice in the matter being a minor.
That said, well our little witchling-in-waiting is going to have to make a conscious choice to understand his predicament and understand the benefits and of course the unfortunate gender drawbacks of his change. I wonder how much instinctive power Kelly has? What is the basis the differences in power levels between practitioners?
Oh and I have to laugh
When Kelly complained about the sports bra being too small and Melissa frowned LOL
Of course that means Kelly is bigger than Melissa so there is definitely hunk of chagrin and annoyance at the 'newcommer better than me syndrome'
Need More to story... must resist addiction... PLEASE WRITE IT NOW!!!
My pet Kelly theory
We all got one :)
Kelly is a girl, but for some reason probably to do with a prophesy (There's always a prophesy) her mother did the transformation thing when she was born to turn Kelly into a boy. But the girl is showing through.
Mary's blown spell just helped the original spell break down. When it was cancelled Kelly returned to her transformed boy state, but the damage to the original spell was already done.
Part of mom's original spell also blocked Kelly's magical ability, so that blockage is undoing as well.
Well, it's a theory :)
Yahhhhh she's back
Kelly girl is back I'm so happy even if she isn't lol. The balck car & her being lost in thaught is not good the black cross is back maybe hunters too. I just hope her mom & dad are ok :(. I think if anyone can help its grand ma & Sharion, Mellissa will try but Sharion is a shrink after all & Kelly really needs her right now to talk about things.
I hope Kelly sees the black car & well fixes them for a bit with her anger anything is likley to happen lol :).
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Kelly isn't happy with the
Kelly isn't happy with the situation but it may just be a denial of what he/she really wants.
Another interesting chapter...
Although, I am worried a bit by the emotional flip-flops. If I didn't know any better, I'd say (s)he was bi-polar.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
So lost I didn’t even notice
Wait, how did Kelly notice if Kelly didn't notice?
Heh, just kidding! Great chapter as usual. I check BCTS daily for a new chapter of Season of the Witch, so I'm happy that there's a new one. Thanks!
Those details are exactly why I struggle with first person narrative. I stick to third person just for simplicity's sake.
That Line
It should probably be tweaked. I didn't realize how it looked until it was pointed out. I'll have to see if I can fix it :)
It COULD be Mellisa is really a girl ...
and the parents used a spell to make her a boy to protect her based on some ominous prophesy. Just given her parents *jobs* their child was a *target*, a magic gifted one more so. Making her a boy would lock up her magic until someday when it was safe to restore her. Thus Malice's spell restored the child to HER rightful body. HER being a bit of an odd fish boy and his slight build could be proof of his really being born female. Her rejecting the restoration is simply due to all those years raise as a male and all the expectations of becoming a man.
BUT it could just as easily be he was born male , which would be an explanation of why HE is so upset at becoming a female again. He might not have been a conventional or popular male but he was HIS man, well almost a man. His changing back into a girl could imply that his being a dud of a powerful witch family the magic potential of his female *version*was immense. It's a bit of a *troupe* but in many TG magic tales a man transformed into a woman is far more powerful/in tune with magic/mystical forces than the male could ever be.
In this option HER magical potential is overwhelming HIS male genetics, HIS own wishes and grandmother's powerful counter spell ... that's assuming grandmother really DID give it her best shot. Hard to figure her out. Does she hate men or is she just rude to everyone? But then she is the top witch and must carry an aura of command.
The first attempt to reverse Malice's spell did not work completely as the former dud now had access to powerful, instinctive magic and the longer hair seemed a clue as well. This seeing then not seeing magical *auras* is odd. A sign of the male and female aspects in her fighting it out? HER coming into her powers?
The men-in-black could have simply sensed powerful magic being used -- the belt breaking, her re-transformation and the bike tire popping incident and were trying to locate it or even were looking for something else and accidently were near her. Though his/her recollection after the fact implies they were following her.
I assume she will become permanently a woman in spite of her wishes, the magical potential of her feminine side is too great. But she need not embrace it. She need not go all girly, just accept it. IE she can chose to say/feel "I'm a woman, BIG WHOP !" then move on. She can be a female he if she so wishes. She can be her own female just as he tried to be his own kind of male.
She need NOT ever accept Malice's *heartfelt* or are they crocodile tears of sorrow for what she did to him. And what of that loathsome boy she made a girl? Hasn't he suffered enough? I would think grandma would be up in arms over that blatant display of magic. I haven't seen Malace getting any real punishment for her misuse of magic.
And why the heck would Mellisa ever like/trust grandmother? She confuses me. How much is her and how much is image, a *front* necessary for her duties at top witch? And his/her*aunt* has some explaining to do.
Plus what of his/her parents and their latest assignment?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I think you mean Kelly
Melissa is the school nurse :) Unless you know something about Melissa that EoF does not yet ;-)
Kelly NOT Mellissa ... DOH !!!!
Um, thanks
-- John says sheepishly --
Baaaaaa !
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Its Ok :)
I wrote both names so many times this chapter that I kept confusing them as well LOL
Kelly's predicament
I'm not buying the conspiracy theory that Kelly was born female but transformed by his parents into a boy. If that was the case, surely the spell would have been more effective? I think either androgynous genetics are more likely (hopefully EOF isn't using the well-worn intersex trope), combined with a passing resemblance to the 1930s case where the victim flip-flopped for a while before eventually settling on a female form.
I say passing resemblance because we don't know any further details of that case - did they look very masculine in male form, what was the spell used, what attempts were used to reverse it etc. - and there's been no hint it awakened any latent magical ability in that person, as it appears to be doing with Kelly (although at the moment it seems to ebb and flow - perhaps being more noticeable when he's emoting strongly).
As for Kelly's emotional state, the flip-flopping doesn't help - it's one thing to accept the spell has permanently, irreversibly turned you into a female; another to know that there's a possibility it's reversible (as evidenced by the temporary reversal performed on him earlier). In a way, even in male form, he could perhaps be compared to an F2M in that his mind is definitely male whereas his body is androgynous to the point of appearing female when clothed - so almost everyone he encounters considers him to be female - and it was even mentioned in an earlier chapter he doesn't bother to correct them any more as it's futile - even if they're aware of his true gender it's instinctive for them to revert to female pronouns.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Looks like maybe...
Looks like the Black Crosses may have caught up with Kelly.
Great chapter can't wait for more.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Season of The Witch Part-9
Kelly wants to be Kelly, not some gender switcher thanks to his sister who needs to be punished for her actions. THAT could be why things happen when Kelly is mad
May Your Light Forever Shine
Mary is NOT his sister.