Return to Sender - Part 14

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Return to Sender
by jennifer Christine

Part 14

“The news tonight opens with the announcement that the carbon dioxide levels are still rising, but the heating effect has leveled — Scientists are unsure why the enthalpy or total heat is stabilised, but hopes that the trend continues. Some are suggesting outside influences are in action. Others are dismissing the claims that global warming was anything more than a tax trick to start with.

Some cults are springing up on the back of claims that only extraterrestrials could have any effect and it signals the end of the world. Nibiru and planet X have been at the forefront of these claims and people are outside at night searching the night sky, waiting for the projected planet to appear.
In other news, a high flyer was in the news today when the welfare system or Nanny state had to issue a writ to inspect a multimillion dollar apartment to see if it was suitable for children to be brought up in.

This newsreader says, half their luck to be living in such lovely accommodation and what good fortune that the press were invited to the confrontation to witness the ludicrous scene of two police officers and three social services officials trying to explain their motives to the press and ultimately to the state. We tried to communicate later with the minister for Social Services who declined to comment on the fiasco. This can do no good for the incumbent premier who has tried to justify the interference in private household’s affairs as for the common good.”

“That’s funny,” Paul smiled and Ruth grinned as they snuggled up next to me on the sofa.

“I wonder what they’ll try next, to get me to fall in line.” I thought vocally and the kids looked at me, waiting for the answer. I had no idea.

The next morning I got a phone call — heralded by Molly. *There were a lot of meetings going on last night Helen, things are stirring. Someone wants you pilloried and others want to congratulate you.*

When I answered the phone, it was the local political party in opposition. “Would you consider standing for parliament?” It was briefly asked and the padding was very short.
“We think you have the most excellent credentials — and we think you have the presence to do a lot of good for your fellow citizen.”

I told them I’d think about it. The kids were floating about the house, practicing their landings — touch and go… Andy was back stop — saving the ornaments from dire peril.
Every so often Andy would be in the wrong place and one of the children would contact a piece of furniture and a piece of glassware or porcelain would head for the deck to disappear before it hit the ground and reappear in its proper place.

*Enough, children, I’ve better things to do than chase crystal ware for you.* Molly complained.

The children flopped — literally - into the sofa and giggled, their eyes lit up with the excitement.. “This is fun.” Ruth squirmed up onto her bottom and slipped to the floor to try running across the room — every so often she’d overbalance and instead of hitting the ground she’d hover about 6inches from the deck and right herself then carry on. Pretty soon her balance was pretty much spot on and only now and then did she totter one way or the other.

“Don’t —“ I shook my head *Molly, let me know if they’re doing any damage to their bone structure by walking so much so early in life.*

*There’s no harm in it Helen, I’m monitoring them bio wise as well as chaos wise.* I could hear the smile in her voice, she loved the kids as much as I .

*Thanks Molly, you’re a treasure.*

Her voice changed to a drone, *By — Your — Command.* I snorted and continued to think about the offer as I watched the children explore their surrounding on an ever deeper level.

It seemed like their intelligence soared during this time — they were getting stimulus from many sources and Molly and Andy were mines of knowledge and experience.

Within a few months they were practically self sustaining — as long as Andy was about to cater to their every whim.

They were learning their alphabet and doing the basic sums on the children’s programmes quite adroitly and whilst their hand eye coordination was still off, it was improving fast and their mental as well as aeronautical agility was incredible.

It was becoming less about Helen’s future now asit was about the children’s.
Helen thought about pre school and kindy which would be well into the future — and was immediately ruled out since the children were already at grade one level and would be past grade school by the time they were 5 anyway.
Beaurocratically it was going to be a nightmare when they had to register for school. They would be so far ahead as to be finished before they started.

I also needed to have some more children — a few dozen more apparently or my presence would be useless.

Maybe I needed to have a different lifestyle — out in the wilds where my life could be out of the public eye.

Maybe buy a boat and settle for the hippy style and move from port to port until I was lost to beaurocracy and my children could then grow up anonymously. Desert Island?
Or maybe do it the other way round — have child prodigies and lead a public lifestyle as a member of local parliament — doing good and making things better for everyone.

Quandary after question after dilemma. There was no easy answer.
Maybe disappear of the map and visit the other stars in the federation and have some amazing things to have as experience.

I took the opportunity to have a bit of a holiday and went off to visit Molly for a week or two. It seemed a good idea and I could perhaps do some research on ways to tweak humanity towards a brighter future.

I prepared the concierge and had my apartment closed up as if I was going on extended holiday — the kids were excited and I went out of my way to invent an itinerary that would be hard to track and that would be safe to not be found on. No one would deem my disappearance as dangerous and start searching for me — I realised that short of touring Canada on skis with a dog sled, I was going to be noticed and reported unless the kids weren’t with me to start with — like I should leave them with an auntie.

I decided when we got to Luna base that a more elaborate scenario was called for. So while we were there, I set out to find a better lifestyle for the longer term — I loved my apartment, but it was more conducive to the long term as a settled individual — which I most certainly could not be during the next few hundred years. That still made me squirm.

Molly had a ball with the kids and the kids learned heaps from Molly and the bots in the various parts of the base. I didn’t worry about them as Molly was able to watch them perfectly ably 24/7 and they were pretty much invulnerable to all but the vacuum of space. They knew not to go outside and Molly wouldn’t let them anyway. They spent a lot of time using the external cameras to see the surface though.
Once in a while a satellite would come over and whilst I knew that Molly was scanning for radar etc, it made me feel a bit like a frog in a bio lab — about to be pinned to a table.
In the time we’d been up there, only the one that the Russians had overflown with had been close and Molly had wiped it and made it crash on the dark side of the moon.
The Russians did wonder about it as it had been working perfectly until it suddenlydied — they though it must have been a micro meteorite.

Back to the plan.

I’d kept up the visits with my parents who had accepted me as a friend of Ian’s (who was no longer with us!!) I thought it might be nice to leave the kids with them for a while. But it was difficult to rationalize — no one leaves their kids with strangers when they’re one year old.

I would have to take them with me — and the only way I could do that was to have a man around.

Andy was fine as a butler but could he hack it as the skipper of my yacht? Could I disappear from the boat for days at a time to relax on the moon — would I need to?
I decided I could — but maybe didn’t need to if I was on a decent yacht.

I looked around for one for weeks as the summer ground to a close.
I found a 30 metre (100 foot) sail boat that was set up to be handled by two people and had molly import some handy gadgets to improve the safety aspect.

I bought a gun. As we would be in international waters, and piracy was still quite a problem particularly in the Indian Ocean, I thought it prudent that I was known to have a gun on board. Indeed more than one. So I ended up with a shotgun, a handgun (357 magnum) and a rifle in .243 (6mm). I would never use them except as a demonstration of my prowess, but they would be part of the ship’s compliment. It made for a less risky tour.

My biggest problem would be as a single person with children on a big boat, I wasn’t afraid personally, but it would look like a simple job to hijack a large yacht if there were only two people on it and that would be very public.
I decided I didn’t care and that the sea was big enough to hide dead pirates — because I wouldn’t be merciful.

Part 14
We set sail from Manly Jetty with intentions to travel up to the start of the great barrier reef and thence up into warmer waters.

The boat had a capacity of 8 but there were only myself and Andy (who took no space at all as he never even sat down. He was pretty much a part of the navigational equipment) and the two babies who were independent of surroundings as Molly would pull them if they were in danger. As she would any of us.

This was an excursion of convenience. To get out of the public eye for a time. There were other things to sort and I wanted to have a way to spend some time Luna side whenever I felt like it. This was an ideal way.
Molly could keep an eye out for intrusion and andy could steer the boat and make it seem inhabited.

Molly even sent down some droids to look like crew.

The water wasn’t unpleasant on the first day but it was ruffled by a South Easterly cool breeze and the swell was increasing making the boat corkscrew slightly as it bore North.
The children soon got bored and were chasing each other up and down the halyards and braces.

“Children, get back on deck immediately — you are visible from the coast”. I turned and looked and the coast was a blur — but I didn’t like the thought of them actually being seen from another boat inadvertently.

“Aw mummy, please let us play, we need to exercise.” Ruth whined pouting — nothing like a 1 year old pouting!

*Molly, do we have any craft in our vicinity including submarines and unmanned?* I asked on broad wave so the kids could hear.

*Oddly enough, there’s a submarine about 2 miles to seaward of you.* Molly sounded perplexed. *I’m accessing orders.* she added.

*Collins class submarine, asked to keep an eye on you by coastguard. ‘Report any unusual contact or occurrences.’

I sat down suddenly stunned and the children sensing my alarm, set down beside me one each side.

*Did they see the children up the mast?* I asked urgently.

*Doesn’t look like it Helen, there’s no reporting going on and the internal comms system has not been used to communicate anything — I’m monitoring now.*

*Keep me updated Molly, this is a dangerous precedent.*

*I think it is drug related ma’am, you’re a person of interest with a large fortune with no income related to it.* Molly surmised. *I’d expect a passing interest, in that you are short crewed and have no solid itinerary.* I’ll inquire of the submarine database more thoroughly.*

Helen sat a while, feeling that the trip had taken a bit of a turn for the worse and may instead of being a fun time, it would turn into a spy vs spy thing.

*The submarine has sent a message that their stern seal has a problem and they will be returning to port.* Molly communicated briefly.

*Turning away now*

Paul turned and was about to wave in its general direction. “Don’t you dare. Little man you have a wicked sense of humour. You’d have them puzzling whether you had seen them or if you had special powers. THAT’S THE LAST THING WE NEED!

Paul grinned. “K mummy.” And slipped off the bench onto his feet and waddled off to find Ruth who’d zipped below deciding not to use legs for the time being.

*Any surveillance on us now?*

*No Helen.*

*Beam us up.*

The children found themselves at my side in the transporter room.

“Cool as mum.”

“This is on the understanding that should there be any circumstances like Coastguard or Navy we need to be ready to return and for you to be normal 1 year olds.”

“Yes mummy.”

Three days later, we returned to the boat as it neared Airlie Beach.

It was a nice rest and we moored up near the boat club and lowered the rubber ducky (Zodiac inflatable) into the water to use as a tender.

Before we’d had a chance to even contemplate popping ashore we were met by the local customs boat and asked if we had any contraband or firearms. I showed my international waters license and they asked to see the firearms. I showed them — locked away with the firing systems missing so they were rendered safe. They confiscated them anyway giving me a receipt.

“You can radio us when you are leaving and we’ll return them before you sail.” The customs man looked unapologetic. I didn’t really care. There was a duplicate set on the next deck in a concealed locker. And Molly could zap anyone long before they got a chance to board anyway.
It all seemed so paternalistic and silly. Andrew remained aboard with the kids — I went ashore for a walk. I bought a cocktail on the main street and watched the tourists enjoy their holiday. The odd pickpocket was persuaded to take the day off. It was generally a nice place and few were out to do harm. A lot of the tourists were backpackers and were just youngsters having a great time.
I felt a few eyes on me now and then and wondered if a dalliance might be on the cards.
I got no offers though. I was a bit out of their league. My sunhat was worth more than their ensemble. I smiled at the thought of taking on a small crew of one for my trip along the Great Barrier Reef. No — I valued my solitude too much.

At last I decided to return to my erstwhile home and headed back along the quay.
I had to remain moored outside the breakwater. There was no weather due to befall us so I wasn’t perturbed. Andy could keep anchor watch.

I watched the sun set over the hills and sipped a pina colada from my poop deck. Andy was putting together some comestibles — and it was a nice relaxing evening.

The children were reading together. A small boat went past and I got a wave from the couple returning to their modest 40 footer moored astern of me. “Hi there! Staying long?”

“No,just overnight — heading North tomorrow.” I answered.

“So are we, would you like to flotilla up?” I nodded — “See you at daybreak.”

The Coastgaurd came alongside at daybreak as we’d registered our plans to travel on the morning tide. They returned our gear to us and cautioned us about ‘practice and unauthorized use in National Waters’ then wished us a good trip.

An air horn and Andy’s voice brought me topside (that’s the upper deck) as I felt the anchor chain clunking solidly into the locker fo’rard. Anchor’s aweigh Helen!

“Right kids, we’ve got company today so please remain as children rather than seraphim floating round the mast.” I cautioned my little imps as they giggled from their seats in the cockpit. The jib was flapping as the wind caught it then I felt it slam taught and the boat heeled slightly as it brought its head to wind. A soft whirr and the self furling mainsail slipped from the mast and within a minute we were close hauled to a brisk onshore breeze on our starboard bow.

The boat that had hailed us the night before was a few hundred yards up water of us and we settled in slowly overhauling it until we sat on his Port quarter within hailing distance.
A wave from our travel companions and a squawk from the radio with a voice of friendly camaraderie, “Good morning boaters, we are the MacClean family aboard the “Claymore”- Over.”

I picked up the mike from its cradle, “Good morning Claymore; we are the ‘Kookaburra’ out of Brisbane. Cartwright family and Capt’n Andy at your service. Over”

“We’ll be heading North by North East until we clear Cone Island then North East to Townsville. Over.”

“We’ll shadow, thank you Claymore, out.” I didn’t feel the need to chat — maybe we’d moor up together in Townsville overnight or maybe not. In the meantime we’re just a safety boat for each other.

The water rushing over the bow and the gentle sway of the hull over the swell lulled me into a soporific calm. *Helen, word of caution.*

*Go on Molly.* I jumped but only a little — my eyes slid round to the twins — reading from a kindle together. *What’s up?*

*MacCleans are bogus. Their boat is owned by the Ministry of Defence, Australia.* Molly sounded like an efficient secretary and then I realise that’s probably exactly what she is.

*Thanks Molly, noted.* “Did you hear that kids?” I switched my attention to the youngsters.

“Yes mummy.” Ruth nodded solemnly. Paul’s quick nod and frown looking out of place in a one year old. They weren’t visible in the base of the cockpit in the shade of the mainsail to any outside the boat.

“Anything unusual from the Claymore Andy?”

“Not really Helen, but they do scan us with their binoculars quite regularly.” Andy replied. He didn’t need to use binoculars, his eyesight far exceeded any human specs (specifications not spectacles; pay attention).

“ I think the man on the other boat has been watching us a long time, I felt his attention last night when you came back from the shore.” I jumped — Ruth had uttered those words.
I looked at Andy with my eyebrows raised. He shook his head as if to say — ‘I don’t know where she got that from.’

I turned to the children, “Thank you for that, it helps me know what is going on. How did you know he was looking at us particularly.?”

“I read his mind, he was only a few hundred yards away.”

I was staggered. These babies were a phenomenon far beyond where I’d expected at one year old, even if they were superpowered.

“What else did you learn from them?” I quizzed. I was not used to trying to gauge allthe other people in my vicinity all the time. I had realised to do so would have been tiring and pretty boring. But the kids had latched on because they were unoccupied with anything else.

“They were sent to watch us all.” Paul intoned. He looked a bit anxious. “All four of us. For anything unusual, no specifics.” They never cease to amaze.

“Were they in the harbour when we arrived Andy?”

“No ma’am they arrived about an hour behind us. I had observed their sail ‘hull down’ all yesterday before you transported back to the yacht.”

*Molly, search ASIO mainframe for reference to us please. This is a bit odd to say the least and I feel isolated.” I looked across the water at the Claymore, it had sidled a little closer to us and lay over a few degrees so I could see into their cockpit. Family they may be, children they had not.

I sat and thought, they’re only out to watch, but why? What had put them onto us?

*Searched their database Helen, this is off the record. No one has anything entered on us.*

Yet the boat belonged to ASIO (Australian Secret Service).

*Shall I disable their vessel Helen?*

*No, we’re being watched, not assaulted.*

“I sense something about to happen mummy, I think they are going to fake an accident.”

We’d just passed Cone Island and were behind the barrier reef proper we were about to bear over to North West to run up the coast.

“Andy, I’m going to ask you to jibe in a minute.”

“Right ma’am. Heading?”

“Reverse Course.”

“Jibe, Andy”

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This is strange... do they

This is strange... do they have some information on her, or is this just a training operation that hits her by chance`? That would be kind of fun imho.

Ah well... Helen's life rocks. Ruler of the world one moment and having a party life the other. I hope she hasn't damaged child services too much with her media stunt or she might feel quit guilty in the future.

thank you for writing,

Return to Sender - Part 14

Has the U.N. chosen to keep an eye out for her?

May Your Light Forever Shine

First a submarine,

now another sailboat which just happens to be registered to the ASIO.

Need an excuse to board? Child endangerment.
Need another? Try having no visible source of income but lots and lots of money.

Why would this interest have started so heavily?
Publicity about Child Welfare and her apartment, for one.
Tentative overtures to a seat in Parliament for another.

The seat in Parliament being the one which would trigger an investigation since an active party would not want someone Sitting in their name who might have a ‘shady’ shall we say, past.

Recorded past seems a little ‘thin’? Best to keep that individual under observation.

As to the children.... At approximately one year of age, it is not possible to 'child-proof' an ocean going sailboat such that a child might not fall off into the ocean. Even if that one year old was an exceptional swimmer, he or she could not 'tread water' in the ocean long enough to survive by the time that sailboat came about to try to offer help. Even if the child had been noticed to go 'overboard'. We know this is not a problem in this case but every other adult in the world doesn't.

And now the ASIO sailboat is preparing to claim a 'problem' of some kind in order to either require assistance from 'an available vessel' (Maritime Law (I think), or perhaps just good moral character on the part of the 'rescuer' or persons rendering assistance).

Either way, the people on board the ASIO vessel obviously intend to gain admittance to her ship for purposes unknown at the moment. Obviously nothing good.

The only 'out' I can see at the moment would be to re-write all land and air and satellite-based observation records which showed the two boats near each other. Making whatever 'problem' the ASIO vessel claims to be an actual problem for them. And vanishing to another area of the ocean some five hundred nautical miles away with the appropriate re-write of the above records to show the two went in differing directions upon leaving the harbor.

This would mean the only passengers and crew who 'saw' the larger craft vanish would be in the minority. They would likely also need to explain why they were so far away from the vessel they were supposed to be observing.

Somehow the above is probably a little more difficult than a 'mind-wipe' of every person on board the ASIO vessel. Somehow, I think there is a rather large 'crew' compliment below and out of sight.

This is getting to be quite sticky.


If There Were More People... the vicinity, even below deck, it's hard to believe Molly doesn't know about them. and that the one-year old wouldn't have learned of their existence, either by detecting other minds or "seeing" their presence in the thoughts of the couple on board. Besides, our heroine seems to have learned that there wasn't anyone else on board when she "looked" for children there, and Molly says they're not under surveillance from anyone else.

It's true, though, that the agents ought to be able to get backup from somewhere if they find their way on board and get threatened; the onboard arsenal is a matter of public record. They don't know that the "crew" are drones, so as far as they're concerned they'd be outnumbered if they boarded.

Seaplanes on alert, maybe? Parachutists? (Helicopters would take too long, I think, though I'm not sure how far they are from land.) Aliens affiliated with the MacCleans who can beam in? (If the MacCleans themselves were aliens, Helen and the others ought to have noticed; Helen spotted the last one with little trouble.) No reason to assume that last idea.

Sort of astonishing, though, that she can't understand why she's attracting government attention when she tries to sail off for parts unknown.

And it seems to me you're quite correct that if she's in territorial waters, the authorities shouldn't have much trouble finding an official reason to board. Nanny state or not, anyone letting one-year olds run free on a yacht is endangering them, even if they're in custom life vests. (And they might not be, since these particular kids don't need them and Helen apparently didn't anticipate their vessel coming under observation while at sea.)

Anyway, if Helen's yacht is under suspicion now, a sudden change of course ought to confirm those suspicions.

As you note, she and Molly have the capacity to create enough confusion to solve the current crisis. (Heck, given their powers, they could probably sink the MacCleans and the Claymore, incommunicado even by radar or sonar, into the Great Barrier Reef, never to be seen again by anyone except deepwater bacteria.) But it's unlikely to be easy or convenient to do change all the records and cloud everyone's mind who might have come in contact with records of the Claymore, since government is involved, even if the mission is off the record as this one seems to be.

And the overall problem -- Helen's inability to be inconspicuous in trying to change the world -- can't be solved that way, short of Helen going invisible and then kidnapping her future sex partners as she needs them.


2 things

I think going to school would be important as the kids need to socialise with other children their own age.
I also wonder if the goverment hasn't really found Molly and she just didn't detect it.

Dear Jen...

Way Too Short!!!

Sorry about that; I think it's the 1st time I complained about chapter length, to anyone. It's just cool sci-fi and as soon as something starts to happen, it's over!

To other readers; IMHO, I think Helen and kids think/know/whatever that they are superior beings and socialization with humans is only for specific tasks, like begetting more super-kids.

I wonder if Mollie can take some guy and change all his DNA (or just in his sperm producers) to be a fitting mate for Helen. Maybe Mollie could clone someone, change his DNA, and quickly grow him to adult size. If his fast grown brain doesn't result in a supersmart/good personality and all psi tricks Helen has, Mollie could give him some advanced bio-computer implant to help.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

The attitude you describe is

The attitude you describe is really dangerous. They're supposed to be guardians of earth and humanity, but behave worse than your run of the mill royal family. If they ever show their attitude in public they're bound to earn resentment. Who wants "guardians" who are too good to talk to you? Who wants "protectors" that keep technology to themselves so they can feel superior and manipulate you like a puppet.

I think after they've solved the current crisis Mollie should just release the technology to humanity or Helen and the kids are bound to become tyrants. Power always corrupts and intelligence doesn't change that. Helen already has absolute power and if she's got the female hypergamy problem she might be utterly incapable of finding a mate. She might only find boytoys.
She has potential to do good, but the potential for doing evil is even greater.


Better and better

Valcyte's picture

This is a great read. Forget the tg stuff. Luv it!!!!
I can't wait for more. On to Chapter 15.