I had forgot to mention a little incident that happened between my ex and my mom on Thursday night. They had a open house at the school my daughter will attend next year, and after a presentation, they were supposed to take a tour in small groups starting with the people at the back of the auditorium. My ex, my mom, and my daughter were at the front, but my ex grabbed my daughter and ran to join the first group, leaving my mom behind. Unable to keep up, my mom decided to skip the tour entirely and went to her car to wait. When my ex finally came out, she yelled at my mother, and even said she wanted to hit her for disappearing on them. Now, my mom has forgiven her, and as a Christian I must as well, but I'm not really happy with the ex for this.
She's lucky
she's not MY ex... >:(
*Hissy Kitty* D:
You can teach people maners,
Dorthy, but you can't teach them grace: They either have it or they don't. It would appear your ex is lacking!
God bless you,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
What a witch!
Jeeshus girl, you're better off without that relationship if you ask me! It's too bad you still have to deal with her for your daughters sake, and it's unfortunate you can't get your daughter away from that woman's nasty influence.
I suppose we can only pray that your daughter recognizes her mothers behavior for what it is and vows personally to never be like her.
Abigail Drew.
Sounds familiar
Had issues kind of like this with my wife's ex. Let it go and go
on with life. Now my daughter is grown and loves the way we raised her and never spoke bad of her other family. They spoke bad of us to her and although see chose to live with them sometimes in high school. She now is much more my daughter then ex. Keep on being strong people like that will pay in the long run.
Brenda Sands