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"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit ..." she repeated as she hyperventilated. She ran into her bedroom and stared at the piles of clothes. The mess was one thing, but how could she explain all the male clothing? "I'll just tell them I have a boyfriend," she reasoned aloud, "And he's out of town ..."
Christopher Chase stared at the clock on the wall. The second hand rounded twelve yet again, and Bill was now officially running forty-five minutes late for his shift. Of course, this wasn't a surprise.
The first thing Chris had done when he'd returned from Oak Grove was take the night shift at the convenience store across the street from his apartment. Bill's shift started at eight o'clock in the morning; the same time Chris' ended. In the month Chris had been working at the store, Bill had yet to arrive on time. Forty-five minutes, however, was a new record.
An old man in a rumpled hat and a trench coat came to the front counter. He paid Chris for a cup of coffee and a copy of El Diario, the local Spanish language daily. Chris yawned, "Thank you for shopping Handi-Mart." Taking almost no notice of Chris' remark, the man rushed off to work. Chris had seen the man dozens of times before, but they had never actually spoken.
Chris had assumed that working nights would afford him opportunities to go on interviews during the day. It was a fine plan, but in the month he'd been home, he had yet to go on a single interview. It was probably for the best; Chris still hadn't recovered from his nearly month long stint as Christina Chase. His eyebrows were still delicate arches, and he retained his long golden mane. He couldn't bring himself to spend the money for a haircut unless it was right before an actual job interview. Worse than that, his waist had yet to resume its former masculine shape. Chris spent every day hiding his feminized body in baggy jeans and loose fitting sweat shirts.
None of this actually mattered. No one in the city actually looked at one another. It was a rare occasion when Chris would actually make eye contact with a customer. It was amazing just how quickly life had changed; Chris had gone from being the center of attention to invisible, overnight.
The speaker mounted on the front door beeped three times as Bill rushed in through the front door with the hood of his navy blue parka drawn tightly over his head. He pulled off his coat and tossed it into the back room. "Dude!" he yelled. "I totally slept in this morning. Sorry man."
"Bill ... forty-five minutes." Chris complained as he shuffled groggily out from behind the counter.
"Yeah, I know. My old lady comes home last night, and she was like we gotta talk and shit. You know what I'm saying man? Woman kept me up until three, talking about our situation."
Chris wandered into the back room where he took his oversized leather coat off a nail hammered into the filthy drywall. "I don't care about the situation," Chris yawned.
"I know man, I'm on the same wavelength!" Bill shouted. "She was all like you got no future ... and you smoke too much pot ... I'm thinkin', keep talking bitch- you just make me want to smoke more!"
Chris pulled on his coat and picked up a brown paper shopping bag off the floor and walked back out into the store front. "I can't keep covering for you Bill," Chris complained with a depleted voice.
"Yeah, but you did man," Bill said enthusiastically. "And I'm not gonna forget that. You're okay, Karl."
Walking towards the door, Chris said, "Chris. My name is Chris."
Bill replied, "Right dude, I knew that!" He then put on a pair of headphones, and was dead to the world.
The door beeped again as Chris left the Handi-Mart. He shivered in his leather coat; not only was it not suited to winter weather, it was far too large to provide any serious insulation. Chris watched the sun as it sat low in the sky over the neighborhood through bloodshot eyes. A month of working midnight to whenever Bill showed up was taking its toll. It was almost enough to make him miss working insane hours for Mr. Patel. There was at least some measure of dignity in his old position. Seeing the sunrise every morning was positively demoralizing.
Chris forced his aching legs to carry him three blocks to Roland Medgar's pawn shop. He knocked on the door, and a short, angry, balding man pointed to the "closed" sign in the barred window. Chris knocked again, and old Roland took notice of who it was. He unlocked three locks and a large bolt and let Chris in.
The man limped across the cluttered room to a large metal fence. He locked himself on the other side and stuck his head out the hole made for the counter. "I don't need any more televisions or couches," Roland sneered. "I barely moved the last one you brought me."
"No couches," Chris yawned.
"And no stereos neither."
Chris walked to the counter, reached into the paper bag, and pulled out a luxurious fur-lined coat. He asked, "How about this?"
Roland took the extravagant garment and ran his thumb down the seams. The stitching was perfect. He inspected the fur and found it was in excellent condition.
He snapped, "I'll give you fifty for it."
That insult was enough to wake Chris up. "Fifty? Come on, this is worth way more than fifty dollars!"
Roland dropped the coat on the counter and shoved a bony finger in Chris' direction. "You can't come in here with hot goods and expect market value!"
"It's not stolen," Chris insisted.
"Fifty!" Roland repeated.
Chris grabbed the counter with his hands and said, "I paid four hundred dollars for this coat!"
Roland eyed the coat and asked, "And why did you need an expensive lady's coat?"
"I didn't steal it. It was a gift ... for my sister."
The old man picked up the coat and felt the fur again. "Your sister, eh?" he asked suspiciously. "Why don't she got it anymore?"
Chris gritted his teeth and said, "She got run over by a bus."
Roland spat, "Well you should have buried her in it, cause in here it's worth fifty dollars."
Taking the coat, Chris said, "Forget it."
Roland reached through the fence and grabbed Chris' hand. "Seventy-five," he said, "and there ain't anyone else who'll take it off your hands."
"Fine," Chris sighed.
Roland pulled the coat into his pen and counted out a stack of five-dollar bills. He slid the stack to Chris who suspiciously counted it. "This is only sixty," Chris complained angrily.
Roland closed the door to his cage and said, "I know it is! You still owed me fifteen dollars for the men I sent over to pick up the couch!"
Closing his eyes, Chris muttered, "Fine." He crumpled the brown paper bag and tossed it on the floor. He then zipped up his leather coat and tensed his shoulders in a vain attempt to hide his neck and chin under the thin collar.
After a ten-minute walk through the freezing winter morning, Chris arrived at the front door of his apartment building. Unlocking the door, he ignored his mailbox. The only thing that could be in there was bills, and he certainly wasn't going to pay them today. Mentally chastising the architect of his building for omitting an elevator, he started on the six story trek up the creaky stairs. Chris could barely stand by the time he got to his floor. He dragged himself down a deserted hallway. He thought it had been strange when he used to come home so late that almost everyone in the building was already asleep. It was equally bizarre to arrive so early that no one was home.
The old, worn lock struggled with Chris' slightly bent key but eventually gave in. Chris practically fell into his apartment and cursed the light that pierced through his dirty windows. The front room was nearly completely bare of furniture. The marks on the scratched floor were the only evidence of Chris' sofa and two chairs. The table in the corner and his old television were also gone. The only item left was a hutch against the far wall. He'd only kept that, and a folding chair, to act as a makeshift desk for his computer. He still needed some way to scan the job boards.
The light on the answering machine next to the computer flashed relentlessly. Chris didn't bother to check the messages; he knew who they were from. Nina had called at least twice each week. Alek and Misha still called every Sunday like clockwork. Chris never answered the phone, nor did he call his family back. It was all part of his clean break strategy. He knew that eventually he would have to change his phone number.
The bedroom was a miserable sight. The two blankets were bunched up into a mound in the middle of the bed, and the floor was covered with piles of dirty laundry. Chris sat of the edge of his hard mattress and looked at the stacks of cardboard boxes. Those were all of his girl clothes. For weeks, he had kept them safely locked away. Ever since he'd returned to his apartment, he'd stopped his practice of wearing female attire to bed. Though his girl pj's were far more comfortable than his male clothes, he'd made a promise to himself to regain his manhood. Still, it took him weeks to bring himself to sell any of it off.
Keeping his feminine wardrobe fed his delusion that his next visit to Oak Grove was just around the corner. It was a crutch, and it had to stop. The coat was the first item he'd sold. That was somehow fitting; It was the last thing he'd bought as Christina Chase, and it was certainly the most frivolous.
As Chris looked at the boxes on the floor, he was forced to admit to himself what he'd been hiding from for a month. The truth was, that being Christopher Chase didn't quite feel right anymore. He'd sold off nearly everything in his apartment rather than his clothes.
Chris took off his jacket and tossed it onto a pile of dirty laundry. Reaching under his sweatshirt, he traced the outline of the delicate silver cross that hung around his neck. It was the only piece of Christina Chase left; it was the only part he would allow to remain. That tiny cross reminded him that somewhere there were people who still loved him, even though they were impossibly far away. Chris took off his necklace and placed it next to his alarm clock. He vowed that no matter what he had to sell or what he had to do to get by, he would never part with the necklace his uncle had given him.
After kicking off his pants and releasing his hair from its ponytail, Chris got into bed and pulled the blankets over his shivering body. Realizing that if he intended to keep the heat turned down, he'd have to invest in more blankets. Even though Chris had been working the night shift for the past month, there was still something unbearable about going to sleep while the sun was up. Reaching behind his head, he pulled a pillow over face and went to sleep.
The alarm clock blared to life at five in the afternoon; the dreary beginning of Chris' inverted day. Sitting up in bed, he mashed the button on top of the clock. Never getting much real sleep in his rock-hard bed, Chris had developed permanent bags under his eyes, and it seemed as though he was always yawning. He picked up the same jeans he had taken off that morning and put them back on. Ignoring the bathroom, he went into the kitchen and poured a bowl of dry Cap'n Crunch. Taking the bowl in one hand, he popped a few pieces of cereal into his mouth with the other. He chomped as he walked into the living room and sat down at his computer. This was how he spent most of his inverted days, searching in vain for jobs. He managed to send out a few resumes each week, but between the poor job market and his lack of experience, no one had responded.
Chris' fruitless search was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. He ignored it and steadfastly clicked from one job description to another.
When answering machine picked up, Chris heard Nina's voice. "Christina?" Nina called, "Where have you been? I have to talk to you- it's really important I've got to talk to you right now! ..."
Chris had been ignoring Nina's calls for a month. He didn't want to, but he couldn't think of any other way to make Christina disappear. Though Chris was able to avoid taped messages, but he couldn't bear to ignore Nina while she was begging him to answer. Picking up the phone, she said, "... Hey Nina ...."
"Where have you been?" the girl cried. "I left you a hundred messages!"
"I know Nina," Chris said guiltily. "I've just been so busy with stuff lately. I wanted to call you back, really. I just got in the door right now. I was on a big interview today ..."
"You still don't have a job?" Nina asked in a worried tone.
"No, not yet. I had a few offers," Chris lied, "but you can't just take the first thing that comes along. I'm sure I'll have something soon though."
Nina said gravely, "Christina, Mom found the money."
"About that ... I just couldn't take that money from you and Andrei. I know you wanted me to have it, but-"
"No, you're not listening," Nina interrupted, "MOM found the money."
"You left a thousand dollars in the kitchen, and Mom found it." Nina took Chris' silence as in indication that she didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation. "In an envelope with NO ONE'S NAME on it ... So she opened it ..."
"Nina, just put your mother on the phone and I'll explain everything."
"Christina, you don't understand! Mom made us tell her what that money was for. Mom and Dad KNOW that you don't have a job, and you don't have any money."
"It'll be fine, just put her on."
Ignoring her older cousin, Nina continued, "She was absolutely furious, and she sent Dad to get you."
"... She did WHAT?" Chris gasped.
"She sent Dad and Andrei to bring you home."
Chris' brain froze. He made sounds into the receiver that were meant to be words, but they never quite achieved that status.
"Christina, we haven't heard from you since Christmas! And Mom knows you don't have a job. What did you think she was going to do?"
"Put your mom on the phone right now!" Chris pleaded.
"She's not here," Nina explained, "She's running the store."
Christina panicked. "Well they can't come here!" she shouted.
"It's too late. Dad left this morning."
"Oh my God," Chris gasped, "What time is it?" She scanned the room three times before realizing there was a clock on the answering machine. "Nina, this is super important- What time did Uncle Alek leave the house?"
"I'm not sure ... ten? Not later than eleven, I think."
Chris counted out the hours on her fingers. "Oh crap!" she squeaked "That puts them here in another hour ... two if I'm lucky. Nina I gotta go!"
"Go where? You haven't said a word to me since you left," she said angrily. Chris' body burned with guilt, but it was nothing compared to what she felt when Nina said, "I miss you."
"I miss you too Nina, but I have to go right now. I promise, I will call you as soon as I can."
"Okay," Nina said in a hurt voice.
"Bye Nina. I love you."
Chris hung up the phone and pulled on the strands of flat, greasy hair that framed her face. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit ..." she repeated as she hyperventilated. She ran into her bedroom and stared at the piles of clothes. The mess was one thing, but how could she explain all the male clothing? "I'll just tell them I have a boyfriend," she reasoned aloud, "And he's out of town ..." It was no good. Her uncle would never approve of her living with a man. All of it had to go, she realized; it was the only solution.
Chris hurried into the kitchen and grabbed the box of trash bags from under the sink. Running back to the bedroom, she began filling bag after bag with all of her masculine possessions. She stacked the bags in a giant pile in the middle of the floor, then moved on to the bathroom. Men's razors, deodorant, shaving cream; none of it belonged in Christina Chase's apartment. After sliding everything off the sink and into a trash bag, she ran into the kitchen.
She searched the kitchen and the living room; anything that vaguely suggested that a boy lived in the apartment was tossed into trash bags. Dragging the bags back to the bedroom, she added them to the rapidly expanding pile on the floor. She then stripped off every stitch of clothing on her body, and shoved the garments into the top bag. Convinced that nothing escaped the purge, she opened the bedroom window and stuffed all of her boy things onto the fire escape. Once every bag was hidden, she pulled down the window, locked it, and dropped the shades. Standing naked, except for her silver cross, Chris was shaking both from the cold and her anxiety.
Examining the bedroom, Chris felt her heart pounding in her chest. Christina Chase's apartment is clean, she thought. The apartment had to be spotless before her uncle arrived. Running back into the kitchen, Chris filled a dingy plastic bucket with soap and water. She frantically swept and mopped every square inch of exposed floor in her tiny apartment Twenty minutes later, the floors could almost pass as clean. Though Misha would have noticed the shoddy job, she gambled that Alek and Andrei might not. Grabbing a bottle of Fantastic, some rubber gloves, and a roll of paper towels, Chris performed a cursory cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom.
Returning to the bedroom, she looked at her alarm clock and saw that an hour had already past. "Fuck me!" she shouted in desperation. One by one, she opened the cardboard boxes containing her girl clothes. She filled the closet with her impressive array of dress and blouses. Every drawer was stuffed with bras, panties, sweaters, and all manner of female attire. She arranged her vast collection of shoes in neat rows on the closet floor. When every nook was filled, it dawned on her that her girl wardrobe was so large, that it couldn't fit in her tiny bedroom. She folded up the empty boxes and stacked them behind two filled boxes of clothes that had nowhere else to go.
Chris rummaged through her dresses. Her uncle would arrive at any moment, and her only hope was to talk him into letting her stay. She didn't just need to look like a girl, she thought, she needed to make herself pretty; it would give her an edge in what was going to be a very difficult negotiation.
Running her hands through her hair in frustration, Chris looked at the split ends between her fingers and her heart sank. Her hair was a travesty, and her nails were jagged and chewed. Feeling her legs, she felt the beginnings of hair. Something had to be done.
Pulling on her waist cincher, she was shocked to find that it nearly slipped off of her waist. She wondered, was it possible that she'd lost that much weight? Taking the cincher off, she threw it into her closet. She then pulled out a white cotton bra and panty set and a pair of socks. She slipped these on and then bent down beside her bed. Pulling out a box out form under her bed, she took her breast forms and stuffed them into the cups of her bra. Not bothering with the gaff, she folded her penis between her legs and stumbled painfully to the closet. She took out her favorite pair of jeans, and a thick green sweater. Next, she grabbed her sunglasses from the nightstand and ran into the bathroom. Putting on the glasses, she fussed with her hair in the mirror. She was not yet pretty, but she was unquestionably Christina Chase.
Christina rushed into the living room and threw on her oversized leather coat. She dashed out of her apartment and ran down the stairs so quickly that she almost fell several times. As she ran out the front door, the cold air nipped at her cheeks and nose, but she didn't have time to notice. Looking around anxiously, she saw no signs of her uncle. Convinced the coast was clear, she jogged across the street to the Handi-Mart. She took one last look at her reflection in the window, and adjusted her sunglasses and hair. She had taken to wearing her long hair back in a ponytail; with her greasy blond locks obscuring her face, and her dark sunglasses hiding her eyes, she prayed that no one would recognize her.
As Christina slinked into the Handi-Mart, she kept her head down, maneuvering past the few people in the place to the stand of toiletries near the back. She grabbed a can of shaving gel, a package of pink razors, and a stick of women's deodorant. As she moved down to the next shelf, she selected the most expensive shampoo and conditioner the Handi-Mart had to offer. She scanned the counter looking for other essentials; certain there were more things she needed, but Christina was short both on time and money.
Bending down further to the bottom shelf, Christina winced when she saw the box of tampons. She reached out but stopped short of touching the dreaded item. There were both tampons and maxi-pads. Some of them were "super" others were "light." Some of the pads had "wings." Some of the tampons had "easy" applicators. "Do I need a fucking decoder ring?" she whispered angrily. It was a humiliating nightmare. Amy had sent Christina to the store for such items in the past, but always with specific instructions. Christina knew that she was supposed to have these items in her apartment, but she had no idea which ones. Flustered and running out of time, Christina swiped four boxes off the shelf and headed to the counter. She stacked all the items next to the register and looked around; there was no one behind the counter.
"Hold on, I'm coming," Bill's voice echoed over the sound of a flushing toilet. He walked slowly out of the back room, adjusting his belt along the way. As he took his place behind the counter, he lazily scanned Christina's items.
"Bill?" Christina squeaked, "What are you still doing here?"
"I'm pulling a double shift today," he said this as though working a double shift at the Handi-Mart was a herculean task. "Gotta make the bucks, you know what I mean?" Sizing up the grungy, but attractive girl in front of him, he asked, "Do I know you?"
"Uh ... no ... you don't know me," Christina shrugged. "You know what it is? I bought coffee in here this morning."
"'kay," he replied.
"... and I saw your name tag- Bill," Christina said, pointing to his chest.
"I don't know ... I woulda remembered you," he said with a tepid grin. Bill scanned each item until only the stack of feminine hygiene products remained. "Damn, looks like Aunt Flo came back with a vengeance."
Feeling insulted on a number of levels, Christina sneered, "Yeah. Just ring it up."
"Whoa kitty, retract the claws!" Bill flirted. He gave the girl a smirk he thought was charming, not realizing that his bloodshot eyes and scruffy goatee advertised his stoner credentials to the world at all times.
Christina paid for her girl supplies and skulked out of the store in abject humiliation. Back on the street, she scanned the area for any signs of an old green truck. Still nothing, she thought. She jogged across the street, and ran up all six flights of stairs. As she surmounted the last step, Christina tripped and crashed painfully onto the floor. Her bag slapped onto the ground, and all her purchases scattered. Rolling onto her butt, she groaned in pain.
"I got it," muttered a strange and gritty voice.
Looking up, Christina saw a gaunt man in dark blue jeans. His dirty green shirt hung open, exposing the stained muscle shirt underneath. He was an older man with gray speckled stubble, thin eyebrows, and sunken eyes. Christina vaguely recognized him as the creepy guy who lived four doors down. She had become aware of his presence only recently, as he was one of the few people who was always home during the day. Rising to her feet, Christina watched the stranger lethargically stuff her shopping bag with the spilled items. The man wordlessly held out his hairy, tattooed arm and handed the bag to Christina.
"Thanks," Christina choked. She was sure the stranger's dull eyes were stalking her as she went down the hallway to her apartment, and a shiver ran down her spine. Her hands trembled slightly as she tried to fit her key in the lock. Once she landed the key, she quickly opened the door and leaped inside her apartment. Locking and bolting the door, she waited for her heart to stop pounding. "Focus," she told herself. She didn't have time to freak out about Mr. Creepy living down the hall. She also couldn't afford to let anyone else see her dressed as a girl.
Christina took her supplies into the bathroom and started putting them away. When she got to the feminine products, she opened one box of pads and one box of tampons, throwing a couple items from each box into the trash to simulate use.
With everything stowed away, she ran a hot bath. Letting the water run, Christina returned to her bedroom. She stripped out of her clothes, and put her breast forms back in their box. Next, she put on a soft pink bathrobe, grabbed the box of her female parts, and returned to the running water. She put the box on the toilet seat and let her robe drop to the floor. Arranging a few towels, the bag of pink razors, and the shaving gel next to the tub, Christina turned off the faucet and stepped gingerly into the invitingly hot water to soak her legs. After waiting a few minutes, Christina raised her left foot out of the water and lathered it up with shaving gel. Taking one of the razors out the package, she carefully shaved the scant blonde hairs off her slender leg. She dipped her leg back into the bath water, and repeated the process on the underside. Half-expecting her uncle and cousin to burst into the apartment at any moment, Christina did her best to relax during the process.
Satisfied with her now completely smooth leg, she repeated the process on her right leg. With both legs shaved, she sat up and examined her chest. Like the other parts of her body, there was only a slight blonde fuzz. Christina lathered up her chest and removed the few hairs that were there. She stood in the tub and looked into the mirror. She didn't have any hairs on her back, and she found only a few on her belly; which were easily removed as well.
The girl took a deep breath then turned her attention to the blonde bush between her legs. The hair had yet to fully recover from her last professional waxing, but there was enough there that Christina felt something had to be done. She lathered the area and meticulously shaved it with a fresh razor. It was the first time Christina had ever shaved her bikini area, and she didn't want to make any mistakes. That spot alone took as long as both of her legs. The ordeal complete, Christina sat back down in the tub and washed between her legs. Rolling over, she reached between her butt cheeks with her fingers. Examining between her cheeks and around her rosebud, she found no trace of hair; her backside had never recovered from Lucille's brutal Brazilian waxes.
Christina pulled the drain on the tub and stepped out. Grabbing a bottle of hand lotion from the shelf, she sat on the edge of the tub, working the lotion into her chest, legs, and her bikini area. It did very little to quell the itchy sting, but she knew it would be worse later if she did nothing. With the heavy lifting out of the way, Christina faced herself in the mirror. She was depressed to realize that even without makeup, she still looked like a girl. She examined her chin and found nothing that could have been mistaken for respectable stubble. Still, she lathered her face with pink gel and shaved.
With her body now baby smooth, Christina stepped back into the tub and ran the shower. She wetted her long blonde hair and massaged strawberry scented shampoo into her scalp, taking the time to soak and caress every strand of hair on her head. This was very different from her showers as a boy. They were short and functional affairs. Christina Chase, however, was engaged in a very serious beauty ritual. She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and repeated the process. Finishing with one last round of conditioner, she stopped the shower.
Standing in the shower, Christina pulled a bath towel off the rack, and gently patted her naked body dry. Then she towel dried her hair, stepped out of the shower, and stood in front of the mirror. Picking up the hair dryer and a large brush, she blow dried her hair though she didn't style it just yet. Even though it was still a mess, Christina's hair was more lustrous and voluminous than it had been in weeks. She'd forgotten just how good truly clean hair felt after a hot shower.
Now it was time for the last step. Christina pulled her artificial vagina out of the box and held it up to her crotch. Squeezing her tiny penis into the attached gaffe, she pulled it back between her legs, applied some adhesive gel to her bare crotch and pressed her counterfeit sex between her legs. After counting out one hundred and twenty seconds, she let go.
Next she pulled out two mounting pads from the box. She applied the adhesive gel to the back of one of the pads and expertly aligned it on her chest. She repeated the procedure on her left side and returned to the box for her lifelike breast forms. Attaching them to the pads, Christina carefully fitted the seams until they blended into her own flesh. She cupped her breasts and held them for two minutes then let them go, feeling the familiar weight of her bosom.
Christina examined herself in the mirror again. Christopher Chase was lost. From her slender shoulders down to her dainty toes, Christina Chase was a girl. She turned and examined her waist in the mirror. Between diets, waist cinchers, and eating next to nothing for the last month, Christina had a naturally waifish look; she no longer needed any help to give her a feminine figure.
Christina returned to her room and riffled through the dresses that hung in the closet. She selected an extremely feminine, white floral dress that she had worn to church with her family. It had a wide neckline that would expose her chest, though not much cleavage. Christina laid it out on the bed then selected a white satin and lace panty, bra, and garter set. She put these on and searched for a pair of nude stockings. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she rolled the stockings up her long, hairless legs. After clipping the stockings into place, she stepped into the dress. She zipped up the back of the dress, and tied the attached pink sash behind her back in a large bow. Ruffling through her drawers, she found a long pink ribbon. She held it to her waist to see whether it would match the sash as she mindlessly stepped into a pair of heels and walked back to the bathroom.
With a heavy wooden hairbrush, Christina sculpted her long blonde hair into a feminine style. Since her hair had only grown longer over the last month, she had to modify her normal look so that less hair was falling in front of her face. Leaning back, she wrapped the pink ribbon around the base of her head, and tied it into a bow so that it crowned the left side of her forehead.
Christina was now dressed, adorned by pink bows. Looking at herself, Christina thought that the ribbon in her hair made her look as though she was only sixteen, but, as Richard had astutely pointed out, Christina Chase was a daddy's girl. Christina knew she had to play that part if she were going to manipulate her uncle into allowing her to continue living on her own. The only thing to do, she thought, was to plead and pout her way out of this mess. Decorating herself in bows and lace was all part of the strategy.
Fetching her cosmetics bag from the bedroom, Christina stood in front of the only mirror in her apartment. Things would have been a lot easier if she'd brought her vanity back with her, she thought. As Christina reached into her bag and found a pair of tweezers, she frowned. Somehow, plucking her eyebrows was more demoralizing than shaving her legs or even her privates. After a month, her eyebrows had only just lost a slight bit of their sculpted look. Now, here she was plucking them yet again into delicate arches.
With the painful plucking behind her, Christina went to work on her face. It was hard for her to remember a time when she didn't know all the female mysteries of lip gloss and blush.
As Christina put away her makeup and took a step back, she saw Christina Chase, in all her glory, standing in the mirror. She was like a bright star shining against the backdrop of the dreary apartment. She pouted at herself in the mirror, and twisted a strand of her long hair with her finger.
After a few moments of pouting practice, Christina lugged her makeup bag back into her room. She spritzed herself with some perfume and finished off the transformation by clasping her silver cross around her neck. As she went to the living room, Christina thought the sound of her own heels echoing through the empty apartment was bizarre. Stopping at the thermostat, she turned the heat up. She didn't want her uncle to know that she was skimping on the heat to save money.
Christina sat in the wooden chair in front of her computer and daintily crossed her legs. As she stared at the door, she realized her uncle wasn't about to burst in at any moment. Somehow, it was very anti-climatic; she'd spent hours rushing against the clock, and her uncle and cousin were nowhere to be found.
Christina booted her PC and fired up minesweeper. The suspense was maddening. Maybe they got lost, she thought. Maybe Nina was wrong; maybe Alek and Andrei realized this was crazy and had turned around. Oddly, that last thought made Christina feel a little disappointed. Though she didn't want to deal with the situation, she found that a part of her was actually looking forward to seeing her uncle and cousin.
Christina clicked nervously around the minefield and died for the third time; Minesweeper wasn't a game you could play when you were on edge. Her eyes darted repeatedly to the clock in the taskbar. It was almost nine o'clock now. She was going to have to work quickly to persuade her uncle to leave. She wondered how it would be possible to accomplish that feat and somehow turn back into a boy in time for her midnight shift at the convenience store.
And then, the buzz from the intercom cut through the silence of the empty apartment. Christina's heart skipped a beat as she hurried to the tiny metal box on the wall and held down the button. "I'll be right there," she called. Grabbing her keys, she rushed out the door, moving as quickly as her heels would allow down the six flights of stairs. As she reached the vestibule, she saw the familiar, towering silhouettes in the doorway. After taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door, and smiled broadly.
"Andrei!" she gushed, throwing her arms around her cousin.
Andrei gave her a squeeze, lifting her off the ground. "Hey," he replied as he put his younger cousin back onto her feet.
As Christina saw her uncle, she realized just how much she'd missed him. She forgot all of her pouting practice, and her bottom lip began to quiver. She whispered, "I missed so much Uncle Alek," as she wrapped herself around her uncle's thick torso and rested her head against his chest.
Alek stroked the girl's long blonde hair with his thick fingers and said, "Tina sweetheart, why did you not tell me you needed help?"
As Alek released her, she explained, "I didn't want you to worry. And I can explain about the money; Nina and Andrei were just trying to help me out, but honestly, I don't need it."
Alek took Christina's tiny hands in his and studied them. He saw that the girl's arms were thin and weak. Holding Christina's chin, Alek moved her face from side to side. His niece's face was tired; he could see the bags under her eyes through her makeup.
Christina could tell what the older man was thinking. Turning her head away in shame, she insisted, "I've got everything under control Uncle Alek. I'm sorry you had to come all this way for nothing."
Looking disapprovingly around the paint peeling off the walls, Alek commanded, "Let us go upstairs and see where you live."
Christina nodded, and she led the two men up the ancient stairs. "I've been kinda rearranging things lately," Christina said as she led them down the dark hallway. "It usually looks a lot better than it does right now."
"I'm sure it's great," Andrei offered cheerily.
Christina unlocked her door and stepped inside. As she turned on the light, her uncle and cousin followed her inside. Alek's look was one of concern.
Andrei looked around the empty apartment in shock. "Nice place you have here ..." he quipped.
Christina's cheeks burned with shame, and she didn't dare look either man in the eyes. "It's not like this all the time," she insisted.
Alek walked around the front room, inspecting as he went along. He noticed the marks warn into the floor where the couch and chairs had once stood. He asked, "Where is your furniture Tina?"
Christina shook her head nervously and said, "I'm rearranging things right now."
"Where?" Alek demanded.
Christina stared at the floor and whispered, "I sold it."
Andrei was still looking around the room in shock. It was completely empty save for the computer station. As he walked around the room, he noticed that the only items adorning the walls were pictures from Christina's first visit to Oak Grove.
Christina raised her eyes slowly to her uncle's and took note of the look on his face. It wasn't remotely angry; it was wracked with worry.
Moving into the kitchen, Alek continued his appraisal. The kitchen was clean, but humble; four wobbly chairs framed a small circular table. Opening a few cupboards, he found a meager collection of cups and plates. It appeared as though his niece owned only three bowls, none of which came from the same set.
Andrei was still looking around the living room. He looked out the window and drank in the view of the alley below, seeing a dark labyrinth of pipes, brick, and fire escapes.
Alek pressed on to the bathroom, then to the bedroom. Christina quietly trailed two paces behind her uncle. Facing his niece, Alek asked, "This is how you have been living?"
"Uncle Alek," Christina said, "It's not this bad all the time. I just need to find another job." She bit her lower lip then insisted, "I'm doing okay."
Alek looked around the bedroom. And repeated, "Doing okay." As he walked around the room, the old floorboards creaked under his weight. "Why did you sell your furniture, Tina?"
Christina shrugged and lied, "I just wanted to try something new."
"Tina ..." he demanded.
Hanging her head, Christina admitted, "I needed the money to make rent."
"And what about next month?" Alek asked.
"I've got that taken care of. Almost," Christina said, recognizing that this was not going at all as she'd planned. "I do have a job," she offered hopefully. "I'm working at the Handi-Mart across the street. It's enough for now, and I'm working nights so I have plenty of time to look for a real job during the day."
"You are working at night? At a convenience store?"
Christina gritted her teeth, realizing she'd just made a fatal misstep.
"Andrei!" Alek called.
Andrei came into the bedroom and quickly took stock of the meager bed and night stand.
"We are staying here tonight," Alek explained to his son, though the man's eyes were trained on Christina. "Tomorrow," he said as he motioned around the room with his hand, "we will pack all of this into the truck, and we are taking Christina home."
"Uncle Alek!" Christina pleaded.
"No, Tina," the man said firmly, "I will not allow you to live like this."
"Hold on a minute!" Christina begged. "Can't we at least talk about this?"
"No," He said gruffly. "I will not have you living alone in this ... place. The city is not safe. And you are not to work one more night at that convenience store."
Christina whispered, "I have to be there at midnight."
"You are finished, as of right now," Alek boomed.
"If I don't go, there'll be no one to run the store," Christina explained submissively.
Alek squinted his eyes as he put the pieces together in his head. He asked, "Are you saying that you have been working at that store by yourself?"
"Yes sir," the girl squirmed.
"Tina!" he boomed. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Alek threw his hands up in the air and paced angrily. "What sort of people hire a girl to work all alone! And in the middle of the night, no less!"
"Uncle Alek," Christina pleaded, "I have to go."
"I forbid it!" he said with an air of finality.
"Yes sir," Christina frowned. Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, she said, "So, I'll quit working at the convenience store, and I'll find another job."
"Tina," Alek said tenderly, "You cannot ask me to leave you here."
"But this is where I'm supposed to be," Christina's lower lip quivered. "I know it doesn't look like much, but this is my place. I worked really hard for it."
Alek said, "I know you did. But, you should not be on your own. You are so young."
"I can take care of myself," Christina insisted.
"By selling everything you own?"
Christina sat down on the edge of her hard bed and hid her face in her hands. Sitting down next to her, Andrei reached his long arm around her narrow shoulders and pulled her close to him.
Looking up at her uncle, Christina begged, "Why don't you just sleep on it? Stay the night, and we can talk about it in the morning. I know my street looks scary in the dark, but it's really not a bad place to live. And yeah, I sold off my crummy, old furniture, but I'm going to have a new job really soon. This is just a bad time, you know?"
Alek looked unmoved.
"I mean, if you came here a few months ago, you would have been so impressed; you would have been so proud of me."
Alek said, "I have always been proud of you, Tina."
"Please, don't make up your mind until tomorrow. Okay?"
"Tina," Alek answered, "I am not going to change my mind."
"So then you don't have anything to lose," Christina countered. "It's late, and you've got to be hungry." Pointing towards the kitchen, she said, "I'll make a nice dinner. You can see that everything isn't as bad as you think."
"I'm starved," said Andrei.
"See?" Christina said to her uncle. "I'll fix something right up," she said as she looked back and forth between her uncle and cousin. "We can have a nice meal ... and take some time to think about things before we do anything hasty."
"Fine," Alek conceded half-heartedly. "But you are not going to work tonight."
"Right," Christina agreed quickly. "Absolutely. I'll quit that job, I promise. There's lots of other places I can work."
"And I will make my final decision tomorrow," Alek added.
"Yes. So, you and Andrei just make yourself at home, and I'll just go fix something in the kitchen."
As Christina rushed nervously into the kitchen, Andrei followed faithfully, taking one of the creaky chairs. He spun it around backward and sat at the kitchen table.
Christina filled a glass with tap water, and placed it in front of her cousin. She then went immediately to her cabinets trying to find something to cook for her guests.
Andrei looked over his shoulder, watching his father enter the bathroom. Turning his attention back to his cousin, he took a drink from his glass, then choked loudly on the hard city tap water and pushed the glass away.
Christina didn't even notice Andrei choke; she was too busy searching every nook and cranny of her kitchen in desperation. As she gave up, she held her hand to her forehead in frustration.
"What's wrong?" Andrei asked.
Christina's eyes fluttered nervously. "I don't have anything in the house," She explained. "I'll have to run to the store and get something."
"Good," Alek said as he entered the kitchen. "While you are there, you can tell them you quit."
Christina frowned, but she did not dare challenge her uncle.
"Andrei," Alek commanded, "Go with your cousin."
Andrei stood up, but Christina shook her head testily. She rushed to the front room and took her leather coat off the hook on the wall. Slipping into the coat, she complained, "I can handle going across the street by myself." As Christina opened the front door and stepped out into the hallway, she froze dead in her tracks upon seeing the stranger she had bumped into earlier that day. He was standing in his open doorway holding a half-empty beer. She gasped and quickly retreated into her apartment. "Andrei!" she called, her voice wavering. "Come with me."
Andrei picked up his glass to take a drink before leaving. He took a hard look at the slightly cloudy water in the glass, then quietly put it down. Putting on his coat, Andrei rushed to Christina's side and escorted her down the hallway.
Taking Andrei's hand, Christina squeezed it tightly as they passed the stranger's door. When he caught sight of Andrei, the frightening man hurriedly went back inside his apartment .
Andrei and Christina walked across the dark street, hand in hand. As they went to the convenience store, Andrei surveyed the area. He reluctantly let go of Christina's had as they entered the Handi-Mart. Christina went over to the meager selection of dry foods while Andrei wandered around.
Andrei had always been curious about his cousin's life away from Oak Grove. He'd known, from the day he'd first met her, that she had secrets she felt she couldn't share. It had to be something terrible, he'd thought. Something that explained the sadness that always lurked in her eyes. He'd studied every inch of her apartment, and now he was scrutinizing her workplace. He scanned everywhere for clues.
Christina searched desperately for something she could make for dinner. Bending over, she surveyed the options on the lower shelf.
A familiar voice said, "Very nice."
Christina turned around and saw that Bill was ogling her ass. Standing up, she gave Bill a disgusted look. "Come on, Bill!"
"I had a feeling you'd be back," Bill flirted.
"Bill! What are you doing here?"
"Double shift ... remember?"
"Right." Christina muttered. "I dunno when you grew a work ethic; you're never on time in the morning."
"Yeah, well you know ..." Bill squinted and looked Christina over from top to bottom. His eyes went wide, "Karl? Is that you dude?"
"Oh shit," Christina whispered to herself.
"Karl, you're a chick!" Bill said in awe.
"My name is Chris," the girl whispered angrily.
"Dude ... you're a babe! Man, maybe I do too much weed after all."
Christina looked at the man in disbelief. She wondered, could he have been that stupid? Or had he merely fried his brain?
Bill continued, "Man, I never realized you're a ... well you know, that you were a ..." He traced Christina's curves in the air with his hands and said, "Hottie."
"Okay, don't say that word ever again," Christina sneered.
"Hey, so since I'm workin' here all day anyway, why don't I, you know, hang out with you tonight?"
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah, or maybe we could hang out later. There's gonna be this party on Fourth Street this weekend ... Some pretty cool people are gonna be there ..."
Christina couldn't believe she had to contend with Bill's advances on top of everything else that was happening that day. "Bill, you have a girlfriend, remember?" she objected,
"Ta hell with her, she's not as fuckin' hot as you. Besides I'm not saying we gotta get married an' shit. You know, just start with some fucking, and see how it goes."
Christina's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe that Bill talked to girls this way. She also couldn't think of a way to tell Bill just how utterly repulsive he was.
Andrei walked up beside Christina and stared menacingly at Bill. "You're talking to my cousin," he said gruffly.
"Yeah? So what?" Bill said.
Andrei narrowed his eyes at Bill and threatened, "Stop."
Taking a few steps backward, Bill muttered, "Yeah, whatever. That's bullshit, man." He went behind the front counter and loudly complained, "Yo, I dunno where you come from, Smirnov Ice, but in this country, that's not cool."
"Thanks Andrei," Christina whispered.
Andrei smirked and asked, "What are we getting?"
"I was thinking spaghetti, if that's okay."
"Sounds great," Andrei said cheerfully as he grabbed a few boxes of spaghetti from a shelf.
Christina picked up a jar of spaghetti sauce and scanned the counter for spices. There was nothing present beyond salt and pepper.
Andrei escorted Christina to the front counter, and they placed all of their items in front of Bill. Bill silently rang up their purchases and Andrei paid him over Christina's objection.
"Do you run this place?" Andrei asked.
"No, man," Bill said. "If you got a problem, you're gonna have to take it up with Mike."
Andrei said, "Call Mike and tell him that Christina quit."
"Call him yourself, man," Bill shot back defiantly.
Andrei said nothing; he merely stared at Bill.
Bill shrank away and muttered, "Yeah fine. I'll tell him. Doesn't fuckin' matter to me."
Christina felt a stress headache coming on and rubbed her temples. Why did Andrei have to say 'Christina' instead of 'Chris?' It was all too humiliating. Then she realized it didn't matter anymore; now that Bill thought she was a girl, there was no way she could keep working here. She reached for her bag, but Andrei insisted on carrying them back to the apartment.
Christina spent the next twenty minutes cooking for Alek and Andrei. The men took two of the chairs from the kitchen and sat in the living room while Christina stayed in the kitchen. She could see them discussing something, but she couldn't hear what it was. She shot suspicious glances at them while she took the boiling pot of spaghetti off the stove and strained it in the sink. After setting three places at the table, she called the men into the kitchen. Alek and Andrei returned with their chairs and the three of them sat down to an awkward meal.
Christina said, "If I had known you were coming, I would have made something nicer."
Andrei wiped his mouth with a folded paper towel that served as his napkin and said, "This is really great."
Alek said, "You would have known we were coming if you would answer your phone." Alek phrased the words with concern rather than accusation.
"I'm sorry Uncle Alek. I've been really busy."
"I know Tina," Alek said. "But you have made us all so worried."
"I'm sorry," Christina frowned.
"But everything Is turning out to be okay," said Andrei optimistically, breaking the awkward silence. He stuffed his face with a forkful of spaghetti as though this was any ordinary family dinner.
Christina didn't eat much. She sat in silence watching her cousin and uncle. Alek ate what was in front of him. It must not have been as bad as she thought, as Andrei went through three helpings before he was full. When the family was done, Christina collected the plates and mismatched silverware, and started washing them in the sink.
Alek stood up and announced, "We should all get a decent night's rest. We will leave early tomorrow morning."
Christina finished with the dishes and said, "You mean, we can talk about it tomorrow."
Alek exchanged a concerned look with his son and said, "Yes Tina, we will talk first thing in the morning."
"Okay," Christina said dejectedly. She walked into the hallway and pointed to her bedroom. "You and Andrei can share the bed, and I'll sleep out here."
Alek went to his niece and put his large hand on her tiny shoulders. "You will sleep in your bed Tina."
"That's not right, Uncle Alek," Christina objected. "I want you to be comfortable, and it's the only bed I have to offer." Seeing that her uncle was unmoved, she insisted, "At least take the pillows and blankets."
Alek kissed his niece on the forehead and said, "Go to bed, Tina. We will be fine."
Knowing better than to argue, Christina went into the bathroom and took off her makeup. After her face was clean and her teeth were brushed, she went back to her bedroom and put on a pair of purple thermal pajamas. It felt strange to be back in girls' bedclothes after a full month of being a boy, but there was something relieving about it as well.
Christina climbed into bed and lay awake under the covers for a long time, even though it was oddly comforting knowing that Alek and Andrei were sleeping just in the other room. In spite of that fact, her stomach was in knots. She was ashamed that she couldn't have offered her uncle and cousin a proper meal or a decent place to sleep. She was also terrified that her uncle wouldn't change his mind in the morning. As much as Christina missed her family, she knew she couldn't go back with them.
As Christina checked the clock on the nightstand, she saw that it was already midnight, and she'd never approached a state that resembled sleep. She pulled back the blankets and tiptoed into the living room. Alek and Andrei were sleeping on the floor, using their coats as makeshift pillows. Christina sneaked over to Andrei and nudged him gently.
Andrei awoke from his troubled slumber and focused his eyes on his cousin. "Christina?" he yawned.
Christina answered only by placing her finger against her lips. She motioned for Andrei to follow her, and he rose from his spot on the floor. He trailed Christina into her bedroom and sat on her bed. Christina leaned her head out the door and checked to see whether her uncle was aware of her activities. Convinced she was undetected, she closed the door and sat on the hard mattress next to her cousin.
"What is it?" Andrei asked.
Christina whispered, "I need your help." Andrei nodded sleepily, and Christina continued her pitch. "I need you to take my side tomorrow. You have to help me convince your Dad that I can stay here; help me convince him I have everything under control."
Andrei asked, "You're kidding, right?"
"No I am not kidding Andrei!" Christina whispered angrily.
"Then you're crazy. This is the worst place I've ever seen."
Christina made a wounded frown.
Andrei held up his hands and corrected, "Not your apartment. I can only be jealous of your apartment. But this place is awful."
"It's not that bad."
"Not that bad?" Andrei snorted. "When we got here tonight, I saw two people shooting crack in your parking lot."
"Okay," Christina mocked, "You know, you don't shoot crack, you smoke it."
"Fine. I'm not a crack expert, but they were doing something. Right downstairs. And I saw where you work; I heard what that guy said to you. Those are the kind of people you have to work with?"
"I swear to you," Christina pleaded, "He never talked to me like that before."
"Dad is right," Andrei insisted. "We can't leave you here."
"You have to."
"I won't! Do you think I'd be able to sleep at night? Thinking of you here? Walking down these streets, all alone at night? No way."
Christina stood up and clenched her fists as she paced back and forth in front of her cousin. "You have to stop treating me like I'm a helpless girl!" she fumed.
"I didn't say you were helpless."
"I'm not a girl!" Christina shouted under her breath. "Do you finally get it? I am NOT a girl! Why can't anyone figure that out?"
Andrei said, "I know you're not a girl."
"You do?" Christina asked in shock.
"Yes," Andrei said seriously. "You are a grown woman, and you can take care of yourself."
Christina's shoulders sank as she sat back down next to her cousin.
She whimpered, "You don't understand."
"Let me ask you this," he posited, "What if Nina was living here, all by herself?"
Christina answered, "Nina's fifteen."
"Pretend she was thirty. Would you let her stay?"
"No," Christina whispered.
Andrei said nothing, letting the silence make his point for him.
"It's different," Christina insisted. "I can't go home with you. I don't belong there. I can't be the person you want me to be."
"I just want you to be yourself," explained Andrei.
Christina shook her head and frowned.
Andrei asked, "Why is coming home so bad? Don't you want to stay with us?"
"Of course I do," said Christina. "It's not like that at all. I miss you guys all the time." She leaned over and took a picture off her night stand and handed it to Andrei.
Andrei smiled and asked, "You keep a picture of you and me there?"
Christina laughed, "You started it." She put the picture back on her nightstand and explained, "I keep your picture there 'cause it's nice to know that there's one guy in the world who I can always count on. Right now, I really need you to help me."
Andrei squeezed his younger cousin and said, "I'm going to help you, but that means taking you home." Christina started to speak, but Andrei cut her off her objection. "I know you don't see that right now, but it's for the best." Andrei stood up and left Christina in her bedroom.
Christina realized that it had been foolish to try to recruit Andrei. Everything he said made perfect sense. If their roles were reversed she wouldn't have let Andrei stay in her lonely apartment, much less Nina. But Andrei didn't understand. He didn't know what he was asking her to do. Christina climbed back into bed and did her best to fall asleep. She had one last chance to make a stand against her uncle in the morning.
Edited into coherence by Holly H. Hart.
Thanks to Sephrena Miller for taking an early read.
Hope you enjoyed it. If you liked it or hated it, please leave a tasty comment.
Krunch Away!
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Spittin' in the wind
Actually, around here the phrase is a bit more, well, "earthy"; but I'm sure everbody gets the idea. Christina is fighting a losing battle. She'll no more convince them to leave her behind than I'll convince the IRS to give me a big refund. She might as well make the best of it.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way."
College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
There is no way to hate this story
I have read hundreds of ts tg fiction storys and very few have I enjoyed reading as much as "being Christina Chase".In thirty two chapters I haven't been let down once and every week when I finish a chapter I wish the next one was ready and dread the weeklong wait.Amy M
Oh, I am gonna miss this when in hospital
Yep, looks like I will be going to finally have my knee surgery -- again, so I will miss the next few episodes in the coming weeks. I will have a lot to catch up on.
This story is Number 1 -- top of the class. (Wish I could write that good. -smile-)
Billie Sue Pilgrim
Billie Sue
`Let's cut to the Chase here? Please.
Picture a young woman standing in your living room, Her tiny fists are clinched and tears are streaming down her face. She's jumping up and down. "Uncle Alek, I am not a woman"
I just can not deal with this suspense any more! Please do something? I'm sorry but I am not a good suspense person.
I had hoped that Richard would have shown up and had gotten her plumbing sorted out.
It is not that I do not love your writing. I love your writing and that is the real problem for me because the story seems so real and sensitive and and it just worms it's way into my heart. Can't you see that mine is breaking? I want the best for Chrissy and I want her problems to be over and I want her to be held captive in Richards arms until she swoooooonnnnss out of her mind.
Ok, I will sit down and be quiet now. Sorry.
Christina Chase
Very well done.
I wonder if Chris will realize even if he convinces his uncle that he is a boy, he still will not allow him to stay there. If Chris knows what's good for himself, he will remain quiet and go along with them. I am sure he will survive even if he tells them the truth about who he is.
I feel Chris will eventually realize he is mentally a woman. Will he tell them about selling his coat to the hock shop?
I feel for her/him, he really needs to get his head examined, for it is dead obvious he is not making it as a male, in this town. One more month and he would have been out in the streets, for he would not have had anything left to sell, and probably not had a job either.
Wow what a problem. Go back with his relatives and have a warm roof over her/his head, and not starve and have the love of a family, or stay and be a nobody, with no help forth coming. Duh; to me it is a no brainer, Chris better wake up fast, or he or she will not survive, especially now that the creepy neighbor down the hall thinks Chris is a girl living by herself. It looks like he wants a peice of that girl as does that pot head Bill. It is now going to be tons more dangerous for him now.
Looking forward to the next installment.
Joni W
Chasing Christina
Oh I agree there is no way they are going to abandon her right now. If she tries for shock treatment and visually displays the truth of the matter, well maybe. Family is family to folks like that. If by some miracle she does stay that creepy guy and Bill the pot head will be big problems. At that point I would fear for her life. Even as Chris things were slowly falling apart as piece by piece he had to sell stuff just to survive. The episode with the clincher definitively shows her health is declining, because she wasn't that big to start with.
There is a great need for her to have someone she can open up to. Hopefully a caring mental health professional to help sort out Christina and put Chris's old traumas to rest. As for her family let's not forget that someone knows from her very first night where she was undressed and put to bed. I don't have a clue how poor Christina is going to deal with this in far away Oak Grove. There is also the possibility of Christina's Mom getting a nasty gram from the Levenko's about the way she has treated her daughter.
Great story Krunch.
Please consider after taking a break and breather of course of continuing to write please? You have real talent. The next piece doesn't need to be this long or even TG but consider?
wow again
Remarkable chapter.
A comment about his small equipment and his minimal need to shave despite no treatments to his face or taking any hormones make me wonder. Is he really completely a man? His mom has long been diapointed in him and step dad belonged to the beat him into a man theory of childrearing. Is Chris intersexted but mom and/or the first dad wanted a boy and second dad saw the feminine side of him/her coming out and tried to force him to be manly?
Has he ever gone in for a proper evaluation of why he is so feminine in appearance before the waist cinchers and all? They are guys with small equipement and little beard growth but then sexuallity is not just XX XY, it is far more complex, so many things can go wrong as a child developes. Is that clinic the lawyer metioned coming into play?
Hoping for the best fo Chris/Chistina, probably way off the mark plotwise. Loving it.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Exactly that condition
This is just a wonderful story. I had not thought that occurances like mine were that common and most people don't believe it really happened.
I was raised as a girl by my mom, and when she married the evil wizzard of the north, he tried to beat her out of me, by his own admission to my siblings. He terrorized me so much that I was afraid that if I was not masculine enough he would kill me. And what little child does not try to please the parents.
It is an interesting idea that Chris may be at least partially intersexed.
I believed that of myself enough that I actually paid to have an ultrasound done to search for ovaries and womb. No such luck. I can't afford the Chromosome testing that is so telling. I am sure there is a very high posibility that my Chromies are mixed up some how. There are literally hundreds of variations posible.
No, Admiral Krunchie is a very smart operator and there is no doubt at all who the master of this story is.
Mom must know for sure.
Following your train of thought, Mom has to know since there is no way that she would allow Nina to strip a man almost her age.
Maybe Chris's close resemblance to Anastaisia triggered something in Momma or Alek. Maybe it is a family with a great unhealed wound and Chris is the solution?
It also appears as if the family originated in eastern europe or even Russia and who knows what sorts of interpretation of an even they could make. Long time Americans seem so pragmatic about things.
I love this story. There were only two other stories that hooked me like this and neither author has plans on any more stories. Good heavens, if this keeps up I shant have an untorn bodice left in the house. Shades !!!!!
An alternative might be ...
... that Alex and/orAndrei makes Christina go job hunting and SHE has no trouble getting a much better and much better paying job. The guys help her get a much better appartment, too.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Better apartment
I could see her going to work in the clothes shop in Oak Grove -- no one knows more about fashion, after all. And then Steph offering to share her apartment above the salon, because she's always wanted a roommate, anyway. This means getting up to go to church with her family as they come by to pick her and Steph up, then taking them out to the house for Sunday dinners. Perfect setup, since Steph will soon be her cousin-in-law.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? Wait, no, that was God. Sorry, common mistake...
...and live with Steph who Chris has had a crush on since seeing her the first time.
No problems at all there.
Caught up...
...with this again this morning, one of the excellent serials running here.
This episode surprised me a bit but the end for Chris can't be far off. Then Christina can really begin to live.
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
Your new chapter
This chapter is very heady stuff just like all your other ones. You truly draw the reader into the story and makes me anxiously wait to read the next one so I can see how Christina progresses. I honestly believe she does not understand that she is meant to be a woman and needs to just go with it. Janice Lynn Miller
So Chris has to go?
Some commenters here seem to share the belief Chris has to let go of Chris and be Christina all the way. But, when did Chris ever let on he himself would rather be a girl or should be a girl? Where, in this story, was there a claim of Chris he has been born in 'the wrong body'? I can't recall one.
Oh sure he has everything going for her to be the belle of Oak Grove, but as much as it may help every mtf transgendered to be conceived in their true sex, up till now his scrawny looks were only counterproductive to Chris. At best it was helpful to continue a charade he feels he has to continue to spare everyone's feelings but at no point he expressed some sort of want or need to be Christina. Or become.
So, now I wonder if Chris will show and/or develop traits regarding this seemingly inevitable change in gender? To transpose a comment from Laika in Camp Kumoni
I don't see any innate tendency within Chris toward needing to be Christina. And having loving relatives would be a lousy reason for such a drastic change.
Or will Chris assert himself?
I love this story Admiral, it made me shed tears a number of times, and I can't wait to read how you'll resolve the dichotomy or give fresh breath to Chris.
As she goes, Admiral :)
That's Right!
We really haven't seen the angst and pain that usually goes along with being TG, TS or CD with Chris. What we have seen that as Christina she is loved and spoiled in a way Chris never was. Yes there was a tough time during Christmas but that was mostly Christina trying to return the love she felt she'd received from her Uncle's family.
Chris however at the very least never got that kind of love or acceptance from his mom and certainly not from his step dad. A good argument could be made Chris is doing all of this to get the love he has never gotten before. There is the point of his enjoying the softer feel of feminine night clothing, but I've obseved that most high end and expensive Male articles are made from similar materials. Examples are the infamous Hugh Hefner silk PJ's so there is nothing unusual with liking the 'good' stuff most can't afford it.
That is one reason why I've said that Chris/Christina really really needs someone with a kind ear to talk to. I know that this is just a story but our Admiral has done such an outstanding job on developing this story and characters it's hard to remember that some times!
Great stuff!
That is the 64 dollar question ...
Is Chris so starved for love he will be led down the garden path to feminization and eventual SRS just for love inspite of his personal attaction to women? He as Christine seems to be becoming attracted to Richard, is it play acting gone too far, gratitude for helping his family, the desire for accepance/love at any price or is Chris more complex that he thought? Poor Chris would sell his soul to the Devil for the love his cowardly ex-girlfriend and so-call mom/stepdad havce deneyed him.Chris is too giving for his onw good as is Christine. Whichever they choose to be, they need a break and not to be manuvered.
He needs an honest evaluation, medical and mental before he goes irrevocably dowm the pink lace path no matter how loveing his relatives are. It took Alex being hit over the head by many metaphorical 2X4s before his pride alowed him to ask Chrisine's forgiveness. Maybe that same love will be given to the boy so desparte for love he willing let himself live as a girl for those scraps of love.
That is the ultimate proof of how bankrupt his mom and foster dad are when it comes to love. They have none for their only child, even the mother. What made her so cold? If he becomes Christina forever just for love it will be bittersweet. I hope for the Disney ending, he regains his manhood and finds a good woman, maybe Richard has a sister? Or he truely wants without any coersion to be a woman and didn't realize it when he was trying so hard to prove HE culd make it to his nasty dad and and his cold, disaproving mom.
A great and complex web you have weaved. Please don't be cruel, un-huh, thankyouverymuch.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Chris or Christina
I have truly enjoyed Being Christina Chase, Admiral, and I look forward to Fridays to get to read the latest chapter. So many people have written that already that it seems a big cliched, but it is true.
Let me join the conversation on Chris/Christina's angst. He/she hasn't gone through the typical angst because he/she isn't trying to be a male or a female. He is Chris. When he's with his family he is playing a role, Christina Chase. Now, we've seen that there is more to it than that, but he hasn't. I remember having to play Santa Clause once as part of a job I had. Playing a role might be embarassing, but it doesn't cause an identity crisis. I never wondered if I were, in fact, really Santa Clause.
Chris is probably in for a crisis of identy and gender at some time or other, but the only real push toward that he's had has been his reaction to Richards kisses, and he's blown that off, although a little mystified and mildly concerned by it all.
My feeling is that his crisis could come soon because after this episode, I don't think he will have any boy clothes. He's put everything he owns that is slightly male in some trash bags and put them on the fire escape over night. If they are still there, I will be very surprised and a btt incredulous.
Then, no matter what happens, if his uncle takes him back to Oak Grove or if Chris stays in the city, he will be Christina Chase because her clothes will be the only clothes she has. She might get a job in either Oak Grove or the city, but she will still be Christina and will have a more difficult time telling herself that this is only temporary. When he has to decide if he is going to be Chris or Christina for, what may appear to be, the rest of her life and Christina is the obvious choice for practical reasons, he could be pushed into the identity/gender crisis.
Of course, I've thought I had the next step in this story sussed out several times, and I've always been not just off, but way off.
Thanks, Admiral for an engrossing story.
Hi Everyone
I'm glad people are enjoying the story. It's great to get all the comments and stuff. Just bear in mind that I'm a terrible writer and you really ought to be thanking Holly Logan who rephrases every sentence I write and keeps me honest on continuity and Seph who's kind enough to correct all the spelling and grammar errors you'd think I should have been able to spot on my own.
I’d side with the last few
I’d side with the last few posters here in that I don’t think it’s a clear black and white choice in going the Christina route. In fact, at this point, I don’t believe Chris is even considering the long term possibility of being Christina. He can see why everyone else thinks it’s the way to go, but of course they are all lacking a vital piece of information. For Chris, in his mind, this has all been about gaining a family and their love.
However, however, however….. there have been some rather obvious signs that Chris has conveniently ignored, or just decided not to consider, that that isn’t quite the end of it. Not cutting the hair, the keeping of the clothes while pawning off practically everything else (what about his trusty car?), and what appears to be a complete lack of maintaining or establishing any social life back home as Chris, all point to something a bit deeper. Also, I’m not real impressed with Chris’ job search – it doesn’t seem like he’s made a particularly great effort at anythig beyond low level subsistence. Nor is there any mention of applying for unemployment (I guess he has/had a job that would make him inelegible, but I somehow doubt he’s getting much more from that job than he would from unemployment, and he would have the advantage of being able to job hunt full-time. If I was in that situation, I think I’d really be putting in a big effort to find something better – Chris may lack much education and experience, but he does seem intelligent and has the ability to impress the people he’s around with his capability (remember Mr Patel did give him the oppurtunity way back in the first chapter to handle more responsibility). He needs something better than a mini mart job for someone to see that.
I just kind of get the feeling of him subconsciously taking things to a breaking point. Maybe he needs to do so to satisfy himself that the Christina is the only option, that circumstances just force him to be Christina, as opposed to doing it by choice.
I’m not really sure Christina could find a job in the city (I think this is in reference to a comment by Jezzi) due to a lack of a job history – I mean he can’t use any of Chris’ references, meager as they may be and Chris still lacks any Christina identification, though that may be less of an impediment than one would think. However, in Oak Grove, I don’t think Christina would find much problem securing work based solely on the friendships she has developed there already.
And finally, the freaky (I’m sorry, that should be “creepyâ€) guy down the hall….has he gotten a bum rap here? After all, he was nice and helped pick up her things and Chris didn’t actually see the guy eyeing her, she just felt it. Perhaps he’s a nice guy just down on his luck, whereas I don’t think that’s possible with Bill….
The Last Goodbye
I have no doubt that Chris will be dragged back to Oak Grove though I wonder how sorry he will be to leave the city now that his neighbours have seen Christina.
I'm just wondering how long it will be before Christina starts working for Richard as a secretary? Richards comment that he had something big in the works implies that this will bring more work to his practice. Oak Grove doesn’t seem to be the type of place that have a computer savvy work force in abundance.
Loving the story by the way. Well written, thought provocing and bags of fun!
This has got to be the best
This has got to be the best serial on the net !! Please keep in going I look forward to it . Thanks!!!
The Wonders of Weed
I just discovered this series and have been eagerly working my way through it. The scene with the pothead co-worker saying "You're a chick!?" was priceless. Great work, Admiral!
You dumb girl!!
Don't you know you have nothing there and a loving family that wants
to be there for you!! And you may not have the right parts, but you
are a girl!! Your heart and actions prove that!! You may not like it
but you will be happy that they took you home!! You may have to tell them
that you are not 100% girl, but that can be fixed!! I know!! Just allow
yourself to be your true self and be happy!!
On the one hand, Chris still identifies as male and is convinced that is where his future lies.
On the other hand, Chris' life outside Oak Grove has been on a downward spiral for months, with no sign of recovery, and at the store he didn't even get the illusion of appreciation he got at his IT dogsbody job.
Conversely, while he's convinced Christina is illusory, she has relatives, friends, a possible boyfriend, love and acceptance (albeit no job). Somehow, he's got to reconcile his two personae and start accepting help and support from others.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
She gave them her address?
And she never thought anyone would make the trip?
I think Christina may be lying to herself. Just maybe.
— Emma