Dilation school

Ok, girls take out a pen and paper and be sure to jot down notes. Test to follow.

So, I spent a delightful morning at the Gyno docs while she taught he how I might get myself out of my pruned up Vagina problem. You see, I have been a bad little girl and stopped dilating about 2 years ago, and now I don't think a rabbit could do me.

So, I got acquainted with the stirrup table and was so small that they couldn't even get a small speculum in. So, if you can picture Two interns and a doctor mulling over the problem. They finally digitally dilated me, and I must say that even in the Doctor's office I can now see how having a loving partner rod me out gently could get to be most agreeable. Sigh...

So, moving right along, she did prescribe some Estrogen creme to um soften things up and then a gradual proceedure to open my love pot back up in 6 to 12 weeks. Wow.

So, the question begs, will the Estrogen creme in my vagina get absorbed into my bawdy? In the past I have demonstrated a propensity to go barking mad if I take too much Estrogen. Will that happen with the creme?

She did say that if I get a partner, he is going to need to be very patient, gentle and loving. Wow, whoda thought?

More on the 6:00 AM News.


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