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Off to Seek a Wizard...
-11- Lost? by Erin Halfelven |
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"This is like the ending to Lost, isn't it? I've been dead all the time?" I asked Chuck Wood, the marmot.
"I don't know what you're talking about but you're scaring me!" said the rodent, his big soft eyes looking at me sideways.
I giggled. Perhaps incipient hysteria, I thought, so I clamped down on the urge to laugh. "No, I mean... I'm not sure what I mean."
"You still didn't tell me, boon or bane? I rescued you from the mud and... And...." He trailed off with a hiccough.
The poor thing really was scared of me!
"Oh, boon, boon!" I said. "You'll always be stronger than anyone thinks you are." A bell rang somewhere, a single note like a big clock on the far side of town striking one.
Chuck's eyes got enormous and he looked pleased with himself. Though to be honest, it was sort of hard to read a lot of expression into such a hairy face. "Oh, thank you, Princess Stephanie!"
"I...." Well, what harm would it do to let him think I was a fairy princess? "Could I ask another favor? Is there some clean water nearby where I can wash off this mud?"
"Oh, sure," said Chuck. "There's little springs all over this dale."
I blinked. Of course I knew that my other name meant small valley but I had never heard it used that way outside of a song or the Bible.
Chuck started into the thickest part of the greenery and I had to follow closely or be overwhelmed by the shrubbery springing back to block me. Again, his strength impressed me, he simply bulled his way through where even the slenderest twigs seemed much stronger to me than I would have thought just to look at them. Of course, Chuck's legs were as thick as my whole body, so I guess it wasn't too surprising.
He kept calling, "This way," and "Right through here," and a couple of times he waited for me as we crossed tiny clearings. I would have gotten lost if he hadn't made it easy to follow him. We saw a few other animals, something I took for a field mouse, and numerous insects, and there were always birds overhead but nothing else spoke to me. I felt thankful for small favors.
We had climbed a slope for most of the way, then we went down a step bank and were in another little glade like the first one. But the little stream was much bigger here and the pool was lines with stones, so no mud. A second stream emptied the little pool and flowed away down the slope in a kind of gully.
"This is Kendall Spring, the cleanest water on the hill," said Chuck. He trotted right over and lapped up a mouthful like a dog or a cat. "Good stuff," he said.
"It's pretty!" I said, surprised. Pink flowers with blooms as big as my head lined one side of the pond while the side we came up on had grass right down to the stones.
"Thank you," someone said, a voice that was neither Chuck's nor George's.
I turned to look and saw a man standing near the opening of a sort of a burrow. He looked tall, I would have judged him to be over six foot if I were still my original five foot three. He had smooth brown hair and bright blue eyes and a smile with dimples. While his skin looked ordinary flesh color, the joints of his shoulders made me think of a robot, with a visible ball and a tube that turned into his upper arm.
I looked lower and he looked even more like a flesh-colored robot the lower I looked. More visible ball sockets for his hips and nothing at all between his legs except smooth plastic. My gaze jumped back to his face.
He was still smiling and now he looked more familiar. "Oh," I said. "Not Kendall Spring, Ken Doll Spring."
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{spoiler removed}
Ouch. Bad Erin! Bad! Mind you, I think I had this dream after too many peanut-butter pickles...
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Off to Seek a Wizard -11- Lost?
When will she FIND her way to the Wizard?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Oh dear.
*groan* That was just awful. Bad Erin! Bad pun indeed.
So if the cowardly lion is the marmot, then Ken is the tin man I'd guess. I just hope what he's looking for is a heart and not the body part that most people associate Ken Dolls with having missing otherwise that could be an awkward conversation... ;-)
Another enjoyable, bewildering and bewitching chapter Erin.
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
And I thought my puns were bad. So Ken is looking for his um - wotsit - is he? The scarecrow is going to be interestink, yes, very interestink, said Alice. (Okay, I lied).
Good job, go get a cookie...
You actually made me scratch my head this time. That doesn't happen very often Erin, so congradulations. That's a good thing, I promice. I did not see this one coming. Please keep up the good work. But that was very naughty of you to play such a puntastic trick on us. >.<
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Fairy Princesses and {spoiler removed}
Well Stephanie might be a fairy able to do magic but is she a princess or just dressing up?
Ken doll? I'm not even going there...makes you wonder if there's a desert named after Barbie.
didnt catch the oz reference as Im not a big fan
judging by the bell tolling she must be a fairy then
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Oh I know, I know
She must be in Malibu :)
I give up on trying to figure out who the Scare Crow is gonna be. But one more pun like that and that will be the last straw ;)
Edit: And we all know she will only stop with the puns as long as we cough up a sufficient donation to make that happen. That's it! It is just a new donation raising ploy! ;-)
After that one...
...and all the Aussie stuff here, there's only one solution: we'll have to have a barbie.
Thank you, Erin,
'but you should be punished for that! Steph has the best idea,let's have a Barbie,Oz style.
The boys usually attract a few dolls and if Erin cracks anymore punnies we can drive a
steak through her heart!:)
Recipe of Metaphors
This is quite mixed up. But I like it. Yes, I do. Just add a dollop of craziness and a pinch of wonder and mix well.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
You just HAD
to finish this chapter with a pun. lol.
Great story hook
So she's a fairy, previously in a green dress, and when she grants a boon, a bell rings. Perhaps this isn't Oz or Wonderland but someplace else, a land I never would have guessed.
Yes, a large talking rodent and a creature who's only half a man, this does seem a lot like the folks one would meet when first arriving in Narnia.
Ken Doll
"If I only had a..."
Ken Doll Spring? So are we
Ken Doll Spring? So are we going to find a Barbie Pun? Chuck seems quite attracted to Stephanie.
So where is this going to end up?
-- Daphne Xu