Got a nice comment from my sister-in-law

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My sister-in-law posted a very nice comment on my Facebook page about my essay, "What is my transition about?", and I want to share it with all of you:

"Just reading as you suggested. I agree your happy with yourself as Dorothy and much kinder to yourself. Your more outgoing and forgiving of yourself too. I do have to wonder about your evidence that you buried her along with the memories of rape, since as you posted just looking at the Dorothy name take pushed back the flash back rather then encouraged it. You seem to see yourself far less of a failure as Dorothy then as Todd. By either name, shape, clothing, you are loved and always have been, sometimes I think more by others then by yourself."

Not bad. Not bad at all.


Dear Dot,

That comment is very nice and very affirming to you. I'm glad that Sister-in-law is becoming a supporter and can see the good results of your transition. I'm happy for/about, that good things are happening in your life.

More in a PM.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Ready for work, 1992. Renee_3.jpg

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

I note her last remark, dear one...

Andrea Lena's picture

By either name, shape, clothing, you are loved and always have been, sometimes I think more by others then by yourself.

I think she's onto something there. Maybe someday soon you'll see yourself the way we see you? God bless you, my dear!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Your brother too maybe


If your sister-in-law took the time not only to read your Facebook Page, but to comment positively, including her concluding line, it is most likely, her husband, your brother, either agrees with her regarding you his, sibling (maybe he can not accept you as his sister - even if he accepts your female identity)or is no conflicted enough by it to interefere with what she did and said.



Dorothy's Sister-in-Law

That's great! Another supportive family member... Very understanding comment.

Lisa Danielle
Bailey's Angel and
member of Team Dorothy

Thank you,Dorothy,


To me,acceptance from a genetic girl is wonderful and I am so pleased for you and I
agree with Andrea's comment.Have faith-----in yourself!