Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch - Part I

Lily Florette
J.K. Rowling’s

The Curse of the Emerald Witch


The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy’s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled outside, rattling the window panes.

The room was rather cluttered. Clothes, books and sweet wrappers were scattered across the wooden floor giving the dormitory a classic schoolboy charm. The desks were piled with towering stacks of books along with empty inkwells and broken quills. Their trunks were left wide open, their possessions hanging out from the sides like an overflowing bucket of water.

Harry Potter was in a twilight state of mind, moving slowly by the waking world, half way into unconsciousness. His head was buried in his pillow, nothing to be seen but half of his long nose, his left eye and messy jet-black hair which stuck up at the back.

Across the room by Seamus Finnegan’s bunk was a soft toy, a cymbal-banging monkey with beady, lifeless eyes and a terrifying smile that would scare the living daylights out of any child. A fine purchase of Mr. Finnegan’s from Zonko’s Joke Shop. It sat still, its expression and motion inanimate, cold and disturbing. Then, by itself, its arms slowly moved apart and then smashed the cymbals together. Nobody moved or awoke from their sleep. It began to pick up speed, clapping faster and harder by the second. Pages, posters and notes on the notice boards began to flap about as if a gush of wind had entered the room. The oil lanterns flickered on and off, the ham radio buzzing to a feedback frequency. Ron groaned as he rolled around in his bunk.

‘’Shut up Fred!’’ he groaned, snoring directly after.

Books began to open, pages flapping rapidly as the monkey continued to bang harder and faster. An unnatural breeze that felt cold yet, somewhat warm engulfed the room, almost everything inanimate moving about the place eerily.

Neville awoke, quickly sitting up, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. He looked around the room to find that everything was completely normal and that it must have been a dream that everything had just started moving. He turned his head around to see that the rest of the boys were fast asleep. His lazy, tired eyes closed again as he flung back down to his pillow, immediately falling asleep.

For a while, nothing happened. The room was silent and still. The only sound to be heard was the wind outside, not even Ron’s snoring. And all that could be seen was the parts of the room the moon had lit up. Everything was normal.

Then, all sound was drained out of the room and everything began to move about again but in complete and utter silence. The chilling breeze returned caressing Harry’s skin softly and ruffling his hair. His eyes suddenly opened and he sat up in the bed.

The door leading down to the common room was half open. Bright shining light was seeping through, illuminating the entire dormitory. It created flares of light across the sleeping room, waking nobody but Harry himself.

He rubbed his eyes, not believing what he was seeing. He didn’t take his eye off of the light as he reached for his glasses. He crookedly placed them on his face and slowly slipped out from beneath the covers. His ears ached as the pressure in the room increased, as if he were hundreds of miles up in the air. He walked towards the door, the hairs standing on the back of his neck as his mouth hung open. He was scared but his curiosity got the better of him. He looked around the room at the moving objects, the books flapping, the monkey banging, the sheets caught in a draft and the lights struggling to turn on. He tried to say something but he could hear nothing but his own muffled voice.

He approached the door, the incredibly bright light leaking into the room. He flung it wide open to see, rather be blinded by nothing but brightness and a loud droning horn that sounded like a ship. Harry’s heart was pounding through his chest as his breathing became more and more panicked. He backed away, not blinking an eye.

Then, the light vanished, the dormitory returned to normal and all sound was back.

Harry had no idea what he just saw. An expression of pure shock and awe was on his face. He licked his lips, feeling the dryness of his mouth, letting out a heavy sigh.

‘’What was that?’’ he wondered.

There was no way that he could possibly go to bed. He wanted to find out what the light was so he scurried to his trunk and pulled out his invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map. As he stepped into his shoes and crept towards the door, he wondered if he should wake Ron. He decided not to because there wasn’t enough time to wait for him.

He left the boys dormitory and swiftly ran down the spiral staircase. His breathing was paced and adrenaline shot through his body. He ran out into the dark common room to see an energy orb of white light floating around, leaving wisps of light trailing behind. It moved gracefully, like a ghost. Harry’s eyes watered just to look at it because it was simply dazzling. The orb then zoomed around the room twice, Harry’s eyes following it as it did so. It then raced through the portrait hole leaving the common room pitch black.

‘’Lumos,’’ mumbled Harry.

The tip of his wand ignited a bright blue light. He moved through the common room, his heart pounded by the nanosecond, wondering why he was following the strange light. He didn’t know where it would take him, perhaps somewhere dangerous? He did not know but that didn’t stop him.

He climbed out through the portrait hole. The Fat Lady caused a scene by protesting against Harry’s ‘rule-breaking’. She rambled loudly about how disrespectful it was to dishonour the schools noble Headmaster and how Harry would soon get caught. He knew it was useless trying to shut her up so he threw his invisibility cloak over himself.

‘’Oh,’’ said the Fat Lady, shocked and a little startled, ‘’where did you go?’’

Harry walked through the corridors, hidden from view like a cat burglar slithering about the place. He wondered what time it was and he wondered if he had lost the strange orb of light. He tapped the Marauders Map with his wand whispering, ‘’I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.’’ Black ink began to spread across the old piece of parchment, forming a perfect map of Hogwarts.

Suddenly his eye was caught by the footsteps donning the name tag of Argus Filch, rapidly approaching where Harry was standing. His heart skipped a beat as a lump formed in his throat. He looked up ahead seeing nothing but darkness yet Filch was nearing him. He dimmed his wand and backed up against the wall, covering his mouth, daring not to breathe. He could hear the footsteps echoing louder and louder, along with the deep sultry purring of Mrs. Norris, Filches faithful cat.

‘’What is it my love?’’ muttered Filch.

The cat meowed as it brushed up against the wall towards Harry. Her big red eyes and fixed expression gave the cat a demonic demeanour. Harry had a strong urge to kick the cat if it came any closer.

Then, Filches dirty old face loomed out of the darkness, his watery eyes bulging as he looked at where Harry stood suspiciously. His heavy breathing unnerved him and he was thankful that there was a cloak between them because he didn’t fancy smelling his breath. All he could do was stay still until he went away.

Filches upper lip curled as he reached out towards Harry with his hand. He ducked down, ruffling his cloak in the process. Filch looked confused as he looked into the empty space. He also looked a little disappointed that he hadn’t caught any students out of bed yet. His right eye twitched as he grunted and turned away.

‘’Come Mrs. Norris,’’ he grumbled.

However Mrs. Norris did not follow as she scratched on Harry’s cloak, knowing that he was there for definite.

Harry panicked, knowing he couldn’t say anything or he would be detected so he gave Mrs. Norris a good hard kick, something he had wanted to do for years. She leapt into the air, hissing with fright and defence. Harry got up and ran the opposite direction as fast as he could, not able to see a thing due to the darkness.

It wasn’t long before he was out of Filches radius. He took a deep breath and decided it was best to go back to bed. He was about to give up but then his eye caught the white trail of the orb going in the opposite direction. His heart began to pound again as he followed the light. It streamed around the castle corridors, jeering Harry on, wanting him to follow it. He had a strong urge to speak to it but he couldn’t or he’d he heard for sure.

The orb of light swerved around a corner and sped up leaving Harry falling behind.

‘’Wait!’’ cried Harry, covering his mouth as he realised that he had just shouted.

The orb flew through a suit of armour, passing through the thick wall behind it. Harry ran up to the suit, cursing himself for being so stupid. He was already feeling regretful for following the light. He knew he had to get straight back to the common room before he was discovered out of bed.

Then, he was distracted by something else. The bright light shone from behind the iron suit. He didn’t know why but he took his cloak off and looked behind the armour, seeing nothing but blinding light. He moved the suit to the side with great difficultly, stepping into a bright lit passage he had never been through before. He covered his eyes from the light with his arm as he walked through the tunnel.

‘’Who are you?’’ he said. ‘’What are you?’’

The blinding light dimmed down and a young girl appeared out of nowhere. Harry stepped back, alarmed at the sudden appearance. She was pale, blonde-haired, and beautiful, dressed in full Slytherin uniform. She was smiling innocently at Harry as she walked towards him. He was completely lost for words as his mouth hung open at this sudden vision of beauty.

‘’W-Who are you?’’ asked Harry.

‘’I am you as you are me, together,’’ she said softly.

Her voice was so soft it was hypnotic. Harry’s mind was swimming, feeling bewitched because of the girls contagious voice. She approached him, standing very close and staring straight into his eyes. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say. He found it difficult to look into her eyes so he looked down, his eyes drawn to an emerald diamond amulet, draped around her swan-like neck, shimmering and glowing in the bright light.

She leaned in closer, forcing Harry to look into her deep green eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek and pressed her soft lips against his. He then felt a jolt shoot through is body, penetrating his very heart to the ends of his fingers and toes. They broke apart, leaving Harry in a paralytic state, gasping for air. The girl just watched him as he fell to the dusty ground, falling, falling and falling. He had blacked out.


‘’So, let me get this straight -,’’ said Hermione, ‘’ — last night you awoke to a bright shining light in YOUR bedroom, nobody was woken but you and you unwittingly followed it through the castle corridors, out of bed, breaking at least ten different rules, and almost getting caught by Filch. You followed this ‘’light’’ through a secret passage and you encountered what?’’

‘’A woman -,’’ said Harry, ‘’ — she was young and was — she was err dressed in uniform and then she — she kissed me!’’

‘’Harry that sounds absolutely ludicrous!’’ stated Hermione. ‘’Are you sure you weren’t just dreaming the typical boys fantasy? You were in bed after all!’’

‘’Hermione, something happened last night that I can’t explain and if you won’t believe me then I don’t know who will!’’ said Harry.

Hermione gave a weary sigh, leaning on the table with her elbows.

‘’Look, it’s been a long day. I have loads of homework and study to do and it is important that you do the same,’’ said Hermione. ‘’It is important that you don’t dwell and these sort of things in an exam year.’’

‘’Don’t dwell?!’’ said Harry, not believing his ears. ‘’Hermione, I don’t even remember going back to the common room last night!’’

Hermione didn’t say anything back. She just looked down at her food plate, not in any mood to eat. Harry exhaled a deep calming breath.

‘’I’m going back there tonight you know,’’ he muttered, not looking at Hermione, playing with a pillar of salt.

‘’No you are not!’’ she said strictly.

‘’Yes I am,’’ replied Harry.

‘’No, you are not!’’ repeated Hermione fiercely.

That night, as the sky turned pink and the sun began to sink down behind the tall Scottish mountains, Harry snuck out of the common room just as curfew started. He threw his invisibility cloak over his body and carried his trusty Marauders Map under his arm.

Night rapidly engulfed day into darkness as stars began to scatter across the dark navy sky, the sun vanishing below the horizon. The corridors became chilled and breezy. Harry’s breathing fogged up his round glasses from the warmth beneath the cloak. He walked briskly, keeping his eye constantly between where he was walking and the map. Luckily, there was nobody to be seen and he arrived outside the same suit of armour from the night before.

He looked up at the intimidating armour, its empty shell causing the hairs to stand on the back of his neck as it looked down lifelessly upon him. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his excitement soared. He stepped up on the platform, awkwardly moving behind the armour and climbing through a small hole. The secret tunnel was dark, dusty and very dirty in comparison to the blinding light before.

‘’Lumos,’’ muttered Harry, his wand igniting the blue aluminous light.

He took off the cloak and moved through the passage way, his excitement and fear escalating more by each step. His breathing became more strained as he inhaled excessive amounts of dust. He walked for a few moments reaching a presumed dead end. His heart sank with great disappointment as he realised the passage was just an old shortcut to the Ravenclaw tower entrance.

He opened his map to see that the tunnel was displayed on it. He decided to give in for the night, cursing himself and everything for not getting any answers. Who was the mysterious girl? Why did she kiss him? Was she real? Was it a dream? And why did she lead him here? He tried to rack his brains to remember what happened after she kissed him.

‘’Think Harry, THINK!’’ he said to himself over and over but it was useless. There was no way that he could ever discover what happened. It was like trying to remember what it was like before he was even born. He gave a weary, disappointed sigh and decided to go back to the common room to do his homework.

As he walked through the dusty tunnel, a lightening jolt penetrated his entire body from head to toe. He dropped his map and wand to the ground, feeling his body beginning to tingle and shake. He began to breathe rapidly as he broke out in cold sweats. He fell sideways against the stony tunnel wall, trying to keep himself standing.

After that, he couldn’t remember a single thing.


The next morning Harry awoke on the cold, hard dusty ground of the tunnel. He groaned, feeling his body ache and his insides gurgling. It took him a few minutes to pick himself up. His head was pounding painfully. He straightened his glasses and dusted himself off. He couldn’t even bring himself to think about what had happened as he trudged through the tunnel, wobbling as he walked feeling a sharp ringing in his ear.

As he approached the suit of armour he stopped in his tracks to hear the hustle and bustle of students on the corridor. He was late for class! He threw his cloak over himself, climbed through the passage and stumbled like a drunken man out onto the corridor. Nobody could see him but he bumped into people leaving them frightened and confused.

‘’Buzz off Peeves!’’ snapped Pavarti as Harry walked straight into her.

‘’Sorry,’’ he said lowly as he walked around them.

Pavarti looked astounded as she could have sworn that Peeves had said sorry to her.

Harry was bewildered as he walked through the wedged corridors confused and distraught. Then, he saw Hermione walking up ahead, alone. He chased after her, knocking over an innocent first year girl in the process. He caught up with Hermione and whispered in her ear.

‘’Don’t panic, it’s only me, Harry,’’ he said. ‘’I’ve got the cloak on. Follow me to the courtyard!’’

‘’Harry?’’ she whispered back. ‘’What on earth are you doing? Why weren’t you at your classes this morning?’’

‘’It doesn’t matter!’’ snapped Harry. ‘’Follow me!’’

‘’I don’t even know where you are!’’ said Hermione, trying to keep her face as normal as possible despite the fact that she appeared to be talking to no one.

The two went out onto the empty courtyard and he whipped his cloak off, looking around to see if anyone saw him.

‘’Harry, this is gone beyond a joke! What is the meaning of all this?’’ asked Hermione who seemed to suddenly take on the role of a concerned mother.

‘’It happened again last night!’’ said Harry. ‘’I went to the tunnel but I didn’t find anything. Then — then I passed out and I woke up, b-back there!’’

‘’Harry, calm down!’’ said Hermione, looking a little frightened.

Harry quietened down, suddenly realising how crazy he sounded. Hermione looked scared but her expression was quickly replaced with concern.

‘’Look, I believe you. I never said I didn’t but we can’t talk about this right now. Its three o’clock and I need to get to my last class of the day,’’ said Hermione.

‘’But you -,’’

‘’And you should contact all of the teachers explaining why you didn’t show up today!’’ said Hermione, cutting off Harry mid sentence.

She then left for her last class, leaving Harry looking rugged, exhausted and untidy by himself in the courtyard. He began to wonder why Hermione was acting so strangely. She had become incredibly stressed over the O.W.L.S which weren’t even on for nearly eight months. She spent all of her time doing her homework in the common room and when she wasn’t doing that she was in the library studying until dark. Harry couldn’t help but think why this mystery didn’t excite her as they usually did. Then again she did say she’d speak to him later.

He left the courtyard, making his way back to the common room and dreading the process of explaining to his teachers why he was absent all day. Then his mind drifted to the girl who kissed him. It made him feel frustrated and annoyed that he didn’t know anything about her or what even happened. He let himself fall onto the comfy couch by the fire in the common room. He closed his eyes and continued to think about the situation. Why did he pass out two nights in a row and why was it driving him insane. He drifted into an easy sleep, gently snoring against the crackling of the fire.

‘’Where the bloody hell were you all day?’’ said the voice of Ron.

Harry jumped. An electric sensation jolting in the very pit of his stomach as he did so. He was startled by Ron’s sudden appearance, his eye caught by the clock atop the mantle. It was six o’clock already and he only closed his eyes for a few minutes.

‘’Wha — s-sorry what did you say?’’ asked Harry confusedly.

‘’Where were you today?’’ he repeated. ‘’And last night, and the night before!’’

‘’I was — err — I was -,’’ Harry couldn’t think of anything to say. He didn’t want to go through the entire story with Ron so suddenly. ‘’ — I was at Hagrid’s.’’

‘’Hagrid’s?!’’ Ron blurted. ‘’What were you doing staying at Hagrid’s?’’

‘’Look it doesn’t matter Ron, he needed help with something and well I — I can’t really say!’’ said Harry, beginning to boil under the pressure.

Ron looked at Harry as if he had two heads.

‘’You alright mate? You don’t seem to be yourself?’’ he said concernedly.

Harry sighed as he stood up and stretched.

‘’I’m fine, just a little sick,’’ he lied.

He knew Ron didn’t buy it but it gave him the message clearly.

‘’Well you’re gonna have to not be sick for the next two hours because the Gryffindor tryouts are on!’’ said Ron.

‘’What?!’’ bellowed Harry. ‘’I completely forgot!’’

‘’How could you forget when you’re the bloody captain?!’’ said Ron.

‘’It doesn’t matter!’’ snapped Harry. ‘’We have to get down to the pitch right now!’’

Ron nodded, ‘’Yeah, good idea!’’

Harry was beating himself up inside as he and Ron made their way to the Quidditch pitch. How could he possibly forget? Then again, his mind was set on more important matters over the past few days. He carried his gear bag over his shoulder and kept his Firebolt underneath his arm.

There was an easy, gentle breeze in the air and the sky was a shade of murky white as clouds gathered around the castle. Harry thought it to be suitable weather for flying and within fifteen minutes he kicked up off the ground, soaring into the air, zooming in and around the tower stands like a free bird. His team followed him as they flew dozens of laps around the field. He was supposed to be testing their speed but he was much too occupied with his own personal enjoyment as he rose high up into the air. He climbed several feet, higher and higher into the air as he sped up, his team trailing with difficulty behind him. He zoomed up as high as his broom could take him, then letting him fall back down towards the earth along with the rest of the team. They all screamed with joy as thrill pumped adrenalin into their bodies. For a moment it felt like play time but as soon as they reached the pitch once again, Harry ordered a test for keepers.

It wasn’t long before he decided who would join his team. Ginny Weasley and Demelza Robins replaced Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet as Chasers along with Cormac McLaggen and Dean Thomas as beaters, Harry as seeker and Ron Weasley as keeper. He was happy with his choices as he made his way back to the common room later that evening. He chatted to Ron about his plans for the team as they trudged up the stone steps along the mountainside and over the wooden bridge. Ron was starving so he went to the Great Hall for some tea however Harry decided to continue his way back to the common room.

He walked with a slight smile of satisfaction but it quickly vanished as his mind returned to the incidents the previous nights. The dark dreary day came to a close as night began to drown out the remainder of the day as the sun sunk down. It became dark very, very quickly and Harry began to feel an odd sensation spread throughout his body. He began to walk faster as he entered the corridors. He began to panic, breaking into a sharp run down the corridor. He quickly noticed that the faster he ran the more the tingly sensation accelerated. It penetrated his entire body, from the pit of his stomach to the very top of his head to his toes. He knew that he had to try not to pass out this time.

Stumbling into the abandoned girls lavatory, Harry groaned as the sensation reached its peak. He thought he was about to black out but he didn’t. He dropped his gear and broom to the ground, beginning to feel dizzy and sick. He looked down at his hand to see that his skin appeared to be melting.

‘’No,’’ he gasped.

He watched the hair on his arms suck itself back into his body as his skin smoothened all over. He nearly fainted, falling down on his hands and knees. His hands were shrinking yet his fingers were growing longer and slenderer, his nails sharpening too.

‘’What is this magic?!’’ he groaned.

For a moment he thought he was changing into a monster but it quickly became evident that he was not. His muscle vanished from his legs, arms, stomach and chest, shrinking away until he was bony and frail. His pelvis began to expand out, hugging his pants tightly against his growing behind. Layers of thin fat formed around his legs and arms, covering all the areas of a female body. His stomach pressed inwards, as if an invisible corset was strapped on making it hard for him to breathe. His tummy began thin and curved along with his hips and behind.

‘’No more!’’ he roared.

He twisted his neck around as it lengthened, his shoulders shrinking and his chest expanding. He attempted to stand up, instead leaning against the sink, bent double and gripping his sides. Two mounds grew on his chest, forming a pair of perky breasts.

He couldn’t remember a thing after that.


Harry’s eyes slowly flickered open. He took a deep breath through his nose. His head was thumping painfully once again and for a quick moment he thought he was in the common room but he was not. He had passed out on the cold, metal grates that surrounded the sink island in the abandoned girl’s lavatory. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts as he splashed his face with water.

‘’Am I going crazy?’’ he asked his reflection. ‘’Or did I turn into a — ‘’. Harry shook his head. ‘’I couldn’t have,’’ he whispered to himself.

Then, he realised that he had probably missed classes yet again! He picked up his stuff and raced out onto the corridor to see that it was empty. The sun was just rising, casting rays of light through the stained glass windows. He sighed with relief yet again and headed back to the common room.

He was nearly at the Fat Lady portrait when he bumped into the last person he wanted to see, Professor Snape. His lip curled into a devious grin as his eyes lay lifeless and black.

‘’Hello Potter, returning from somewhere after the long night?’’ he said coldly.

He had completely caught Harry off guard and he had no excuses prepared whatsoever. He just shrugged lazily and broke eye contact.

‘’Tell me,’’ said Snape, ‘’were where you for my class yesterday?’’

‘’I was ill,’’ lied Harry. ‘’I didn’t go to any classes all day because I was sick.’’

Snape’s eyes widened.

‘’Oh really?’’ he said sarcastically. ‘’And can you explain why Madam Pomfrey already explained to me that you hadn’t seen her?’’

‘’Maybe I didn’t want medical attention,’’ said Harry, beginning to boil over as he stared back into Snape’s black eyes. ‘’All I needed was bed rest. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for school.’’

Harry tried to get past Snape but he stepped aside.

‘’Truancy is a serious crime here at Hogwarts Potter!’’ snarled Snape. ‘’I suppose you and your father didn’t realise that!’’

‘’Don’t you dare -,’’ started Harry.

‘’You’re just like him, lazy, arrogant and nothing but trouble -,’’

Harry had a powerful urge to curse Snape at that moment but he restricted himself from doing so.

‘’Fifty points from Gryffindor,’’ he sneered. ‘’And on top of that you can have detention in my office this Saturday night!’’

‘’But sir you don’t — ‘’

‘’Don’t question my authority Potter,’’ he snarled. ‘’You’re lucky Dumbledore hasn’t heard of his perfect poster boy deciding to not attend classes. I’m sure he’d be very, very disappointed if he found out.’’

And then Snape whipped his cloak and swerved around Harry like a dark ghost, gliding down the corridor. Harry was left standing there, his fists clenched, his head pounding and confusing thoughts swirling about in his mind.

For Harry, the next eight hours of school was torture. He was so tired that he felt himself doze off a few times during Transfiguration and he forgot half of his supplies. ‘’What is wrong with you today?’’ whispered Hermione to Harry during potions. He didn’t reply and just shrugged. And to top it off because he didn’t make it back to the common room he wasn’t able to do any of his homework therefore receiving several detentions from his teachers. The day wore on very slowly but surely. Harry was itching to tell Hermione everything about what he remembered from the night before. He couldn’t bring himself to tell Ron though because he felt embarrassed about the incident.

As soon as Harry finished his dinner in the great hall, he left Ron, Neville and Seamus to go find Hermione. There was no doubt that her head was stuck in some book within the library on the fourth floor. He walked through the large wooden doors into the huge expansive library. It was eerily quiet and there was little to be heard but coughing and distant echoed footsteps. He looked around the study area to find Hermione hunched over a book, her eyes darting back and over the page by the second. Her hair was frizzed and bushy which signified her stress. He walked briskly towards her sat down on the chair beside her.

‘’Hermione,’’ he whispered.

She jumped as Harry startled her from her reading.

‘’What?’’ she said, looking annoyed.

‘’It happened again last night but this time I remember more, much more,’’ said Harry, feeling a little excited.

‘’Oh Harry maybe you’re just a sleep walker!’’ said Hermione, turning her head back to her reading.

‘’Shhh!’’ hushed Madam Pince.

‘’Sorry!’’ said Hermione, turning red as she looked over her shoulder.

Madam Pince pursed her lips, her eyes piercing and strict as she turned back to push her trolley

‘’Harry, I know I promised I’d talk to you about it last night but you didn’t even show up!’’ stated Hermione.

‘’Exactly,’’ said Harry, ‘’because something really strange happened!’’

Hermione closed her book and turned to Harry.

‘’I’m listening,’’ she whispered softly.

For the second time that day, Harry was put on the spot. He didn’t know how to phrase it properly. It was bizarre. It was strange and he couldn’t form the words to explain it so he just blurted it out

‘’I turned into a girl Hermione!’’

There was a brief silence, followed by laughter from Hermione.

‘’What?’’ she laughed.

But the colour soon vanished from her face as she looked into Harry’s eyes. She knew he was telling the truth. He seemed to be very serious.

‘’Harry — h-how is that even -,’’

‘’I don’t know,’’ said Harry a little more clearly in using his words. ‘’I think it has to do something with the girl from the last night!’’

‘’Harry I — Did somebody slip you polyjuice or —‘’

‘’No Hermione, listen to me!’’ said Harry, loudly cutting across her.

It was a miracle that Pince didn’t kick them both out because they were talking rather loudly now. Hermione’s face turned a sickly pale.

‘’What is it?’’ asked Harry.

‘’Meet me in the common room tonight before dark,’’ she said, leaning in close.

‘’Why can’t we — ‘’

‘’If tonight is like the last few nights you will pass out again -,’’ said Hermione, ‘’ — and you might even change!’’

Harry stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder.

‘’Don’t tell Ron,’’ he whispered.

Hermione looked up at him, her eyes bulging. She knew how Harry felt about the situation.

‘’Fine,’’ she said softly.

‘’And Hermione —,’’ Harry added, ‘’thanks for helping me.’’

Harry sat anxiously in the common room, his eye constantly on the clock upon the mantle. He kept shuffling in his seat, impatiently awaiting Hermione’s arrival. The dormitories were quite full because a storm raged outside so the entire castle was wedged with students. Ron talked consistently, not realising that there was something wrong with his friend. Harry was most certainly not in the mood for chatting. It took short while for Ron to cop that something was bothering Harry so he did the comforting thing and offered him a pie from his bowl. Harry just shook his head, muttering, ‘’I’m not hungry.’’

‘’What’s up with you mate?’’ he asked after swallowing a pie. ‘’You’re not yourself the past few days?’’

‘’I’m fine Ron,’’ Harry mumbled. ‘’I’m just — I’m just fine.’’

He looked up at the clock again. He had been sitting in the noisy common room for over two hours.

‘’Come on Hermione. Where are you?’’ he said under his breath.

He feared that if she didn’t show up, he’d have to run off by himself again.

Finally, after excessive amounts of sitting around waiting on Harry’s behalf, Hermione arrived, clenching a pile of books to her chest and looking exhausted. She plonked her stuff down on the coffee table in front of the fire. She looked at Harry and mouthed, ‘’let’s go!’’. He nodded back at her, looking at Ron from the corner of his eye. He stood up and looked at the clock to see that it was nearly seven o’clock. He didn’t have much time, so he left the common room with Hermione.

‘’Where are yooh bodth gowing?’’ said Ron, his mouth filled with pie.

‘’We’ll be back soon Ron,’’ said Hermione, grabbing her coat.

Ron got up and followed them out the door and through the portrait of the fat lady to see them walking away briskly away from him. He stared at them innocently like a child left behind as the cold stab of jealousy dawned upon his face. His brow arched down, his ears turned pink, and his eyes looked hurt and tearful. He turned around and vanished back through the passage as the canvas door closed.

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione waited in the abandoned girl’s lavatory. They just stood staring at each other nervously and anxiously.

‘’It’ll be soon. It’s always around this time!’’ stated Harry.

Suddenly, a loud splash echoed across the lavatory as Moaning Myrtle soared out of her toilet, flooding the stall and seeping out onto the ground. She wailed and howled like a banshee as she zoomed around the sink island, screeching so loud that she’d break a pane of glass.

‘’Potter and Granger sitting in the loo doing what they shouldn’t do!’’ she sang mischievously. ‘’Well, well Harry you do look, - different from what I saw last night,’’ she said as she floated around the sink station.

Hermione looked confused as she looked at Harry.

‘’It was here, last night, where - where I changed,’’ said Harry moodily.

‘’Not being a naughty boy playing with polyjuice potion again Harry?’’ said Myrtle softly as she glided around Harry, eyeing him from head to toe.

‘’No I — Hang on? How do you know that I transformed — ‘’

‘’ - Into a girl?’’ finished Myrtle. ‘’Oh I saw you Harry. You were screaming your head off, writhing around the soaked floor like a little confused fish. It was awful but now your back so -,’’

‘’Do you know anything about this?’’ asked Hermione.

‘’Well if it’s not polyjuice then I have no idea what happened to poor Harry last night,’’ replied Myrtle, grinning rather psychotically.

Suddenly, the sharp tingly sensation spread throughout Harry’s body. This time more aggressively than ever. He gripped his sides, bent double and straining to not scream his head off.

‘’Harry!’’ screeched Hermione, running to aid him.

‘’No, don’t touch!’’ bellowed Harry, gritting teeth in pain.

Hermione stood back, her chest moving in and out as she breathed rapidly with panic and fear.

His body began to change. His skin bubbled all over as it became softer, hairless and delicate. His muscle shrank away leaving him look like a skeleton before thin layers of fat inflated around his hips, behind and arms. He howled like a wolf as his shoulders dropped, decreasing rapidly in broadness. His hands shrunk, his fingers grew longer and slenderer, his nails sharpening like a cat. His gasped as his stomach pressed inwards, forming an elegant feminine frame.

Hermione was near tears as she covered his open mouth with her hands, trying to follow Harry’s orders to not touch him. Myrtle zoomed around the bathroom howling and wailing tragically before finally diving into a toilet, creating a huge watery splash.

Harry looked up at the ceiling, gasping as his neck lengthened into a soft swan-like state. His face softened, his nose shrunk into a cute button nose whilst his lips inflated slightly along with the smoothening of his jaw and chin. Thick lashed burst out above his widening eyes as his thick black hair unrolled down his back like a curtain. His shoulders were forced back as two mounds began to grow, stretching the chest of his school jumper and popping the shirt buttons until two perky breasts formed. His thighs continued to widen as his behind forced stuck itself out.

‘’Oh my Harry, please let me do something!’’ cried Hermione.

He stumbled onto the sink as the final touches of the transformation took place. His new long black hair hung down over his face, acting as a curtain for the horrifying reveal. His panted heavily as if he had just ran a marathon. His head was buzzing and he began to feel the effects of his new centre of gravity. He looked down, vaguely seeing breasts through his hair, feeling the sudden weight of them.

‘’Harry?’’ said Hermione, softly, approaching him closely from behind.

His heart was in his throat as he raised his shaky hands to his hair, splitting it down the middle to reveal the most pretty, girly face he had ever seen. He quickly turned, his round glasses, now too big for his smaller head, nearly falling off.

‘’That’s not me!’’ he gasped in a high pitched voice. ‘’Ahhhh!’’ he croaked. ‘’My voice — my voice! It’s — I-It sounds like a — like a -,’’

He turned back to the mirror, immediately turning away again. He couldn’t look at himself that way.

‘’Oh Harry,’’ said Hermione, not blinking an eye nor drawing a breath. ‘’Harry look at you!’’

‘’I c-can’t — I — I was hoping that it was all a dream! I hoped that last night had never happened!’’ said Harry, shocked, shaken and stirred.

He felt dizzy and overwhelmed at everything that had just happened. He stumbled back onto the sink, his behind leaning up against the porcelain.

‘’Hermione,’’ he said, shaking his head, ‘’what am I going to do?’’

‘’I-I have never seen anything like this nor have I read about it in any books before!’’ said Hermione, astounded by what she just saw. ‘’It must be some sort of curse passed on to you by that girl who kissed you the last night! This could be a newly discovered curse!’’ said Hermione excitedly.

‘’I’m glad — ‘’, Harry stopped. He still wasn’t used to his new voice, ‘’ — I’m glad that you find it so exciting!’’ he said sarcastically.

There was a silence between them, just the dripping of taps and the rain outside to be heard. Hermione examined Harry from head to toe as if he were a science experiment. He stopped leaning up against the sink and he attempted to walk, feeling as if they were his first steps all over again. He had a new feel of gravity due to his new height, body shape and chest. He kept hold of his now-to-large pants with his right hand while he felt his new thin waist with the other. He walked around the lavatory trying to get used to his new body as he stroked his hand down his arched back down to his larger buttocks.

‘’Oh my — what the?’’ he whimpered, gripping his buttocks with his smaller hands.

Hermione couldn’t help but giggle at this despite the situation being very serious.

Harry then brought his shoulders back, looking at the two lumps poking out from beneath his school jumper. He gripped his new breasts and squeezed them but stopped when his pants began to slip down his legs. He looked at his new tiny hands, his nails longer, and pointier. He felt like vomiting as he thought of staying as a girl forever but then again it was the world of magic so anything could happen. There had to be a cure. He looked over at Hermione whose smile vanished the second he looked at her. Her face returned to its worried, concerned expression.

‘’Well,’’ said Harry, ‘’what do we do now?’’

‘’Hmm, I - I think we should go to the library to find some information,’’ she said, walking closer to Harry, ‘’to see if there is such a curse in existence.’’

Harry nodded gently, still panting heavily. ‘’The restricted section?’’

Hermione nodded, looking into Harry’s eyes. Her hand slipped into her robe pocket and she drew her wand. She raised it and pointed it at Harry.

‘’W-What are you doing?’’ asked Harry in a panicky tone.

‘’You can’t go out into the school like that! Your uniform is much too large for your new physique and you need to blend in!’’ said Hermione. ‘’It’s just past seven o’clock and the corridors will be flooded with students coming back from study, look your pants are practically falling down!’’

‘’But -,’’

Before Harry could say another syllable, Hermione bellowed a spell he had never heard before. ‘’Boutiqimai!’’ she cried in a clear tone of voice.

Nothing seemed to happen until Harry’s legs were forced shut together, making him wobble on the spot.

‘’Hermione, what did you do?’’ he said angrily.

His grey trouser legs fused together, forming one tight leg. He struggled to keep his balance as it began to shorten up his ankles, over his shins, and above his knees. He looked down in awe as pleats formed around the line of the newly formed school skirt. His white shirt shrunk in size, hugging his arms, breasts and back tightly as the fabric softened into a lovely cotton blouse.

He wished that Hermione didn’t have to watch him in such an embarrassing situation. His cheeks turned scarlet as he blushed furiously.

His grey jumper shrunk in size, fitting snugly against his new bodice, chest, waist and arms. The v-neck lining expanded as the white blouse collar folded itself out around the neckline. The blouse sleeves poked out at the ends of the jumper sleeves, folding themselves out as they formed into stiff cuffs. The blouse tucked neatly into the pleated skirt as it pulled itself up over his hips, zipping itself up. His black socks turned a lighter shade of grey as they slithered up his shins, stopping right below the knees. He looked down at his runners as the laces formed into two straps, buckling themselves as a slight heel grew at the back, forming a fresh new pair of schoolgirl shows.

He couldn’t look at Hermione who seemed to be trying to look as serious as possible. He turned, his skirt flaring with him as he paced around the lavatory

‘’Come on we have to get going!’’ bellowed Hermione’s echoed voice.

He hid behind the sink island, feeling ashamed that his friend had to see him so humiliated.

‘’I’m not laughing Harry!’’ said Hermione. ‘’This is really serious and you can trust me!’’

Harry felt an odd sensation under his skirt as if his underpants were suddenly softer and snugger. His breasts pushed themselves up as a bra appeared, uncomfortably strapping itself around his shoulder blades, encasing them in padding. His round glasses also shrunk to fit his smaller head whilst a red hair-band appeared, tidying his hair back.

Harry shyly stepped out from behind the sink.

‘’You didn’t have to go to these elaborate measures!’’ he said moodily.

‘’It’s necessary for you to blend in because nobody has ever seen you before! Now come one we have to get going!’’ said Hermione urgently.

He felt a cold wave of nerves hit him as Hermione stuck her head out of the bathroom door.

‘’I should have brought the cloak,’’ mumbled Harry under his breath.

‘’You ready?’’ asked Hermione, noticing that Harry still had the lightning bolt scar. ‘’Oh no, come here!’’

She took out the hair band and put it inside her robe. She fixed Harry’s new thick shiny hair into a fringe doo, hiding the scar from all eyes. She took him by the hand and led him out of the bathroom. She let go the second they were on the corridor. Harry didn’t know what Hermione was thinking but he thought that the current scenario was disturbing for him to experience.

‘’To the library?’’ said Harry.

‘’To the library,’’ repeated Hermione, nodding.

They broke into a swift stride down the hallway. Harry, who was still not used to his new centre of gravity walked differently without knowing, his hips swayed back and forth and his arms were kept closely against his sides. The gentle breeze of the corridor felt different against his new skin as it gently gushed up his skirt. Hermione was right; a lot of the corridors were filled with students and teachers at this time of evening. Nobody paid any attention to Harry because as far as they were concerned, he was just a regular Gryffindor school girl. But then again why would they suspect a thing? To them it most certainly was not Harry Potter and nobody would guess that in a million years unless they took the glasses into account.

Harry looked around himself uncomfortably, constantly pulling at his skirt. Hermione gave him a threatening look and he stopped. They took the stairs to the fourth floor. As they approached the library doors they ran into Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas.

‘’Howya Hermione, who’s yer friend?’’ grinned Seamus cheekily.

Dean laughed uncomfortably, nudging Seamus in the ribs as if to say, ‘’Shut up you twat!’’

‘’Buzz off Seamus,’’ sighed Hermione, pushing herself by him. ‘’We’re in no mood.’’

Harry didn’t say a word, instead looking down at his shoes. He followed Hermione into the library, looking at the ground shyly, staring at nobody and feeling incredibly out of place. He looked back over his shoulder to see Dean and Seamus checking out her behind. They quickly looked away, whistling as if everything was normal, once they noticed they were caught. Harry’s cheeks turned scarlet red. He didn’t say a word. He just let the disturbing nature of everything burn up inside him.

Within a few minutes they were lurking through the tall, dark, towering book cases of the restricted section. It was a huge risk without the invisibility cloak but the library had just closed. They had no lantern but Hermione lit up her wand as they searched through various bookcases and shelves.

As they looked at a book together Harry noticed that he was now slightly smaller in height compared to Hermione. He also noted that she seemed to act more feminine with him, particularly in her mannerisms as she gently touched him on the arm when she spotted something. He didn’t want to point it out in case she got embarrassed or defensive about it. Hanging around with two boys the whole time must have left some tomboy marks on her.

They searched non-stop for two hours straight with no luck in finding what they wanted. They didn’t even get close. Harry was beginning to feel worried at the thought of the curse getting worse and maybe having to spend the rest of his life as a girl. He tried to brush the negative thoughts away from his mind but it was impossible when he was in full girl form. He hated it.

They both left the library two unhappy girls. Hermione just felt bad for Harry who was incredibly miserable. He was truly frightened deep down. He felt the emotional need to cry but he couldn’t do it in front of Hermione. She had seen enough of his embarrassment for one day. He also realised that he had nowhere to sleep for the night. He couldn’t go to the boy’s dormitory because of the protective gender charm and there were no spare beds in the girls. He then remembered the Room of Requirement. He and Hermione walked to the bare wall in silence. He thought clearly and truthfully, ‘’I really want a bed!’’ and the door suddenly appeared. He and Hermione entered the room to find a large king sized bed tucked into a bedroom set in the corner of the massive room. They walked over to it and sat on the bed together in silence for a few moments before Harry spoke.

‘’What am I going to do now?’’ he said softly, choking back his emotions with all his strength.

‘’I suppose you’ll have to go see Dumbledore tomorrow,’’ sighed Hermione. ‘’Either that or there is nothing else we can do.’’

‘’I don’t want to be —,’’ He stopped mid sentence, not wanting to finish it because he knew it sounded crazy.

‘’Don’t want to be, what?’’ said Hermione
Harry looked down at his body. His breasts, his long hair draped over his shoulders, his skirt and his hands. His lower lips began to tremble but he exhaled, holding back his emotional maelstrom.

‘’It’s okay,’’ whispered Hermione, ‘’let it out. It’s not good for you to keep it all locked up inside.’’

Harry shook his head. ‘’No, no I will because that means I’m giving in and I will not let this beat me! The battle has only begun!’’

Hermione slid closer to Harry and put her arm around him, squeezing him tightly.

‘’It’ll be okay,’’ she whispered. ‘’We’ll get to the bottom of this. We always do.’’

Within five minutes, Harry was under the blankets wearing a blue night gown that came with the room. He was absolutely exhausted. Hermione pulled the blanket over him more as he yawned, tucking him in. She then sat on the side of the bed like a worried mother with her sick child.

‘’Are you going to tell Ron?’’ asked Hermione.

‘’Not until I get a verdict on what’s wrong with me,’’ mumbled Harry as he closed his eyes.

‘’Okay. Tomorrow’s Saturday so sleep well, I’ll be here to wake you in the morning,’’ said Hermione as she touched Harry’s arm, ‘’Good night.’’

She then left the room, the lights turning off behind her as she walked closer to the door, leaving Harry in complete darkness. He dozed off within a matter of minutes, wondering what the next day would have in store for him.


Deep within the complexities of Harry’s mind, a voice called to him in a deep, sultry whisper. He tossed and turned in his bed, breaking out in cold sweats, unable to wake up. All he could see was an emerald green light, blinding his vision as the whisper grew louder and louder in his ears.

‘’Come, to me,’’ it hissed. The voice was warped, distorted, monstrous yet beautiful but the message was clear. ‘’Come to me Harry Potter, and I will make you live!’’

He woke up immediately, feeling his body ache and the dryness of the inside of his mouth. He put his hand on his chest to find it bare and flat. He sighed with relief, sat up in the bed and noticed that it was morning. He felt his head, his messy hair was back. He looked down between his legs. It was all there! But his head pounded with pain. He slid out from under the blankets to see that he was still wearing the night dress. He felt incredibly foolish and was just about to rip it off his body but he was interrupted by the doors opening. It was Hermione. She crept in and walked across the room towards Harry.

‘’Your back!’’ she smiled brightly.

‘’I was never gone,’’ he groaned as he stood up, stretching his stiff arms and legs.

Hermione looked as if she was about to burst out laughing because of Harry’s ridiculous nightwear but she contained herself. She held a brown ruck-sack in her left hand.

‘’What’s in the bag?’’ asked Harry.

Hermione reached in and pulled out a set of male clothes, Harry’s clothes. She threw them at him and smiled.

‘’Thanks,’’ he mumbled.

He finally had the pleasure of ripping off the night dress in the hope of never having to wear one again.

Hermione looked away as he put on a black hoody, blue jeans and sneakers. He felt good to be back as his male self and he was ready to go see Dumbledore. He and Hermione left the Room of Requirement and made their way across the castle. Students were spread all over the grounds enjoying their weekend.

Professor McGonagall was taking the third years to Hogsmeade and the Slytherin’s were holding their Quidditch tryouts down at the pitch. Hagrid was carrying huge logs of wood out of the forbidden forest and Thestrals flew around the castle towers invisible to the eyes of most students. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, cold but not freezing as the sun shined rays of light through the grey clouds.

Harry and Hermione stood outside the golden phoenix statue, entrance to the headmaster’s office. He began to feel nervous wondering if Dumbledore would believe him but then again why wouldn’t he? He has known and trusted Harry for years.

‘’I’ll see you later,’’ said Hermione, patting Harry on the shoulder.

Harry waited until Hermione was out of sight before uttering the password, ‘’Sherbert Lemon’’ under his breath. The golden phoenix statue began to rotate revealing a spiral stair case leading upwards to Dumbledore’s study. He climbed up the steps, one by one, his heart racing faster by the minute. He stood outside the large wooden door, raising his hand to knock.

‘’Enter,’’ said Dumbledore’s voice from behind the door.

Harry couldn’t help but smile as he turned to knob and entered the study.

The office was the same as always, bright, warm and filled with all sorts of instruments, trinkets, magical objects and decoration. The faint relaxing sound of sparkles sounded giving the room a magical atmosphere. It was truly wondrous to behold.

Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his hands raised and joint together, looking as wise as ever. His long white beard hung below his face, his thin lips smiling gently, his half moon spectacles perched upon his crooked nose and his bright blue eyes shone like two twinkling sapphires. He wore an old purple hat and matching robes.

‘’Ah Harry,’’ he said softly, ‘’to what do I owe the pleasure?’’

Harry didn’t know how to introduce himself with his problem so suddenly. Yet, he didn’t have to say anything. Dumbledore gestured him to take a seat in front of the desk. He sat on the cushioned chair, facing the old wizard sitting proudly yet modestly on his elaborate chair.

‘’Harry, I sense that something is troubling you,’’ said Dumbledore, looking over his spectacles with a faint smile.

‘’Sir, what I’m about to say may sound sort of strange but I — I couldn’t think of anybody else to go to,’’ he stuttered.

Dumbledore nodded for him to continue talking. Harry sighed, gritting his teeth as he racked his mind on how to put his predicament into normal words without sounding completely ridiculous.

‘’Harry whatever is troubling you I suggest you say it in the simplest of terms first,’’ said Dumbledore.

‘’Okay -,’’ sighed Harry, ‘’- the last night when I was sleeping I was awoken by something rather odd, something strange — It was a bright light, illuminating the entire dormitory, waking nobody but me s-so I followed it out into the common room -,’’ Harry looked at Dumbledore in the eyes, ‘’ — then out onto the corridors. The light guided me — to — to a secret passage -,’’

Dumbledore was listening intently; hanging on Harry’s every word as the smile slowly vanished from his face. The office suddenly became a dark gloomy place.

‘’ — it was there that a met a girl — a strange but beautiful girl who gave off a sort of — she was producing an unnatural light, l-like a ghost or something. Then she kissed me and I didn’t remember anything after that.’’

Dumbledore stood up, his face white and expressionless. Harry’s eyes followed him as he walked around the desk and towards the door, placing his hand upon a pillar.

‘’You changed, didn’t you?’’ he said darkly, ‘’into the opposite gender?’’

Harry jumped up off of the seat and walked over to Dumbledore, feeling anxious and scared yet thankful that he didn’t have to say it himself. Dumbledore’s back was turned as he wiped his face with his old withered hand. He turned and walked briskly by Harry.

‘’This is beyond anything I’ve ever imagined,’’ he said as he sat down on the steps.

‘’Sir, what exactly happened to me?’’ asked Harry worriedly, knowing that Dumbledore knew something.

It took a moment for Dumbledore to answer as he just looked at Harry, wearing an expression of care, concern and even a little fear.

‘’You were cursed,’’ he said.

‘’Cursed?’’ said Harry, beginning to feel a mixture of fright and curiosity, ‘’by — by what - by who?’’

‘’By a phantom,’’ said Dumbledore, his eyes wide open and watery.

‘’What’s a phantom?’’ asked Harry, beginning to feel scared.

‘’A phantom is an evil fragment of a dark wizards soul. When one wizard passes on he or she chooses for their essence to live on in some form,’’ said Dumbledore.

‘’What, you mean l-like a ghost?’’ said Harry.

‘’Similar in ways, yes, but they are very rare and much more dangerous. It’s a mystery how one even managed to penetrate the castle walls,’’ said Dumbledore, taking off his hat to rub his head.

Harry stood, rooted to the spot, soaking up everything Dumbledore said. He knew by the look on the old wizard’s sunken face that the worst of news was yet to come. All he could hear was his own breathing.

‘’What’s happening to me?’’ asked Harry, seeking the direct and straightforward truth.

Dumbledore looked up at Harry, his mouth open and his eyes refusing to blink.

‘’This is beyond my abilities Harry, I trust you know that, but it is near impossible to tamper with such a curse without making it worse,’’ he said seriously. ‘’It will get worse and it will take over your body, eventually shaping you into a different person.’’

Harry’s chest began to move in and out, the revelation crashing upon him like a sharp cold wave of water. He stumbled backwards onto the seat, stiff, shaken and unable to speak. It seemed that all sound was drained out of the room as he listened to his aching heart, beating and thumping expressing its deep sorrow more so than himself. Dumbledore looked down at the ground, a look of sadness dawning upon his face. Harry tried to calm his anxiety but it only seemed to get worse.

‘’Why!?’’ bellowed Harry. ‘’Who has done this to me?’’

Dumbledore shrugged and gave a weary sigh. ‘’Alas, that remains a mystery,’’ he said, closing his eyes and shaking his head sadly. ‘’All I can say is that you don’t have much time before you remain a young witch permanently.’’

‘’Oh well that’s great news!’’ said Harry sarcastically.

‘’Harry,’’ said Dumbledore, raising his voice slightly. ‘’It is essential that you don’t let this curse control your emotions. You must remain strong as you always have been. I’ve seen courage in your eyes Harry, a very valuable trait that will help you cope with the difficulties that lie ahead.’’

Harry jumped up off of his seat, fuming with anger and unable to spend another minute in the office. He wanted to be alone to think.

‘’I’ll be off now,’’ said Harry. ‘’I need to be alone.’’

Dumbledore called him before he opened the door.

‘’Harry,’’ he called, ‘’No matter who you change into, you will always be Harry Potter.’’

Harry froze, choking back his anger and rage. He looked over his shoulder and then turned to open the door. Dumbledore sat still, staring at the space where Harry had just stood.

‘’I’m so sorry Harry,’’ he hummed softly.

Harry walked briskly through the corridors, looking aggressive with in movement and expression. He felt letdown by the only one he thought could help him. He felt furious with everything that was happening to him, yet at the same time he felt the strong need to break down completely.

What’s happening to me? He thought.

He couldn’t think straight underneath the layers of anger and rage. But above all else, he felt scared. Fear, was an attribute that Harry rarely felt but even he could not comprehend the overwhelming prospect of becoming the opposite gender.

He walked into through the passage which led into the common room, the Fat Lady commenting on his weary appearance. He moved through the hall and moved into the warm cosy common room. Hermione was sitting down on the couch by the fire, sitting straight and looking stressed.

Harry stood, looking at her, wondering what she would think of him as he joined her gender for good. She looked over to see Harry standing, looking bitter and upset. He didn’t have to say anything. Hermione read him instantly and she began to tear up. She jumped up and flung her arms tightly around Harry.

‘’Oh Harry!’’ she cried. ‘’I’m so sorry!’’

They embraced each other for a few minutes, Harry listening to Hermione’s low sobbing. He was more heartbroken for her than himself.

‘’We’ll help you through it Harry,’’ she whispered.

Then, Ron entered.

‘’What’s all this then?’’ said Ron, looking outraged and hurt.

They immediately broke apart and looked at Ron, shocked. His ears and cheeks were pink with rage.

‘’I knew you two were up to something!’’ he bellowed.

Harry started, in absolutely no mood for a row with him. ‘’Ron, nothing is going on between me and -,’’

‘’No, it’s alright. You don’t have to say anything. I’ll leave you two alone. I understand,’’ he said darkly.

‘’No Ron, you don’t understand, Harry just received some bad news!’’ shouted Hermione.

‘’Oh yeah?’’ said Ron sarcastically. ‘’Its okay I’ll step aside while you two talk about it!’’

‘’Tell him Harry!’’ cried Hermione.

‘’Tell me what?!’’ bellowed Ron.

Harry looked around the room to see that almost everyone was listening in on the fight. It was as if somebody had poured cold water on his burning inards.

‘’Come on, I’ll tell you somewhere private,’’ mumbled Harry.

Harry, Ron and Hermione left the common room and walked downstairs in silence. Harry led the way whilst Ron strutted moodily behind him along with Hermione who had that same look of concern, worry and fright on her face as she did the previous night when Harry changed. The trio walked into the large, stone cobbled courtyard at the other end of the school. Not a student to be seen. Ron looked annoyed with all the secrecy but he remained curious as to what Harry had to say.

‘’So you going to tell me?’’ he said.

Harry looked at Hermione and she nodded. He took a deep breath and blurted out everything he knew and experienced from the past few days. He studied each of Ron’s reactions to parts of the story. As both he and Hermione expected, Ron was speechless. They stood in silence looking at each other. Harry breathed in and out as the length and detail of the story took it out of him. Ron’s mouth was open with shock and then it formed into a big toothy smile. The last reaction Harry and Hermione had expected. He began to chuckle.

‘’So you changed into a girl?’’ he laughed.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, shocked by Ron’s behaviour.

‘’Ron this is serious,’’ said Hermione. ‘’Harry may have to spend the rest of his life as a — as a -,’’

Hermione didn’t want to finish her sentence, noticing the look on Harry’s face.

Yet the lack of words made Harry feel like a huge weight was dropped down on his tiny glimmer of optimism and hope for a cure. He wished she had just said it rather than keep it all awkward. However, Ron stopped laughing and the smile completely vanished from his face. His cheeks turned a sickly white.

‘’You’re joking!’’ he said, trying to form a smile again. ‘’This is a joke right?’’

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, then at Ron, nodding.

‘’How is that possible?’’ said Ron.

‘’Its magic, nothing is impossible,’’ muttered Harry, feeling the silliness of the innocent remark.

‘’I dunno what to say mate! I mean — so you - so you’re going to be a girl from now on?’’ stammered Ron.

Harry nodded. ‘’It’s looking like it,’’ he said.

Ron gave a heavy breath as he felt the heavy news pile upon his back.

‘’Well don’t worry Harry, you know Hermione and I will always be here for ya,’’ he said, punching Harry’s arm.

‘’Yeah thanks,’’ said Harry, forcing a thin crooked smile.


That evening Harry, Ron and Hermione stood in the abandoned girl’s lavatory waiting for the sun to go down. Ron came across as so scared that he looked as if he was going to faint. Hermione however stayed calm as did Harry, he had changed twice or maybe three times, he couldn’t remember anything from the first night he was cursed.

The sun went down and disappeared over the horizon sending light plunging into darkness. Harry began to change into a girl yet again. He stood over the sink as his body shifted and changed, shrieking in a horrific roar of pain as long black hair rolled down his back. His thighs widening, his legs becoming longer and slenderer, his face softening, his eyelashes and nails growing, his chest expanding two breasts and his waist forcing itself inwards as his behind pushed itself out.

‘’We have to help him!’’ bellowed Ron.

‘’No Ron! There’s nothing we can do!’’ cried Hermione.

Within a few moments Harry stood in front of his two best friends in full girl form looking amazingly prettier than before. His long shiny black hair hung down over his shoulders, his perky breasts stuck out through his hoody, his hourglass figure, his wide hips, his dashingly pretty features that would make any boy faint. Ron looked dazed and confused but he managed to ask Harry how he felt.

‘’How do you feel mate?’’ he asked, seemingly more scared than Harry.

‘’Very different,’’ said Harry, his voice soft and feminine.

End of Part I

Written by Lily Florette  ©

All characters and settings are the property of J.K. Rowling  ©

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