There are a lot of clubs in the world. There are dance clubs, and country clubs, athletic clubs and book clubs. And then there is this club. Some famous people are members. Oprah is, for example. Its not exclusive, but it sure can cost to be a member. But once you're in, you belong for life. There isn't a secret handshake, but some members say they can recognize a fellow member without them saying a word.
What is this club?
The sexually abused.
One club nobody ever wants to join, but estimates say 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will become members.
Some come out okay with only minimal help, some recover with a lot of therapy, but many, sadly, never fully make it.
As anyone who has read my blog for any length of time knows, I'm a member. That famous thousand-yard stare that you sometimes see in the eyes of victims, I see in the mirror on occasion.
But I'm getting better.
Its been a long, slow process, but step by shaky step, I'm leaving behind what happened to me.
And with the help of the amazing members of "Team Dorothy", I'll make it the rest of the way.
Team Dorothy
Some of us are happy to be on the team, Dorothy. You're worth it...
I'm usually a very laid back, non-violent person. But abusing kids, especially sexually, is one thing that makes my blood boil.
It can't be an easy thing to battle. I'm glad you're getting better. Focus on that when you have a bad day or a flashback.
Lisa Danielle
It's not an easy thing to admit to...
...even when you remember that you're the innocent one; something with which I still struggle. But it would be interesting to learn how many of us have been hurt in this way. I'm always happy to be on your team, but it's a painful sorority of which to belong, aye. Love you, kid!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Yes, I think you will!
I can never undersatand the things you have been through, and I won't pretend to. I do know, however, from reading your work, that you have the heart and courage (OKAY! As I saw this, I realized the Oz reference, so yes, the brains, too!)to get through this obstacle.
Just remember-one day at a time. Survive, Learn, and Overcome. I believe in you, hon, and that's the truth,
Cheering for you from my l'il corner!
It's shocking, the numbers of Abuse Victims
Then you see a news story on CBC's The National fer crisakes about these little girl, like just over a year old, little girl Pageants and the hypersexualizing of children. and i understand that some of these pedos are wired that way, but it doesn't help when there are shows like Toddlers and Tiaras on the air and these so called innocent contests. The CBC piece scanned the audience of the pageant it was covering and aside from the 'mothers' of the contestants and the 'judges' the audience was filled with an assortment of creepy men, the likes i have never seen.
I can only imaging the suffering you and other survivors of abuse go through Dorothy. And i curse the media and these stage "Mothers" who plaster this... drug in front of potential abusers. Goddess help us all.
Angry and sad now...
Big Healing Hugs to any survivors, especially my Sister Angel, Dorothy.
Yes i used quote marks around mothers and judges as i feel anyone encouraging this vileness is subhuman