The Club

There are a lot of clubs in the world. There are dance clubs, and country clubs, athletic clubs and book clubs. And then there is this club. Some famous people are members. Oprah is, for example. Its not exclusive, but it sure can cost to be a member. But once you're in, you belong for life. There isn't a secret handshake, but some members say they can recognize a fellow member without them saying a word.

What is this club?

The sexually abused.

One club nobody ever wants to join, but estimates say 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will become members.

Some come out okay with only minimal help, some recover with a lot of therapy, but many, sadly, never fully make it.

As anyone who has read my blog for any length of time knows, I'm a member. That famous thousand-yard stare that you sometimes see in the eyes of victims, I see in the mirror on occasion.

But I'm getting better.

Its been a long, slow process, but step by shaky step, I'm leaving behind what happened to me.

And with the help of the amazing members of "Team Dorothy", I'll make it the rest of the way.

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