Well, yesterday was a pretty tough day for me. It went well until I got a phone call from my ex asking me where my mother was with Sam. I knew mom was taking her to a show, so I told the ex they probably are running late, maybe picking up some food for supper. Now, I was supposed to go to my ex's and pick her up and take her to her job at the doctor's office at 6, and she phoned twice more before then, getting more angry that my mom hadn't shown up with every call. So I go, and I find her gone, and come home to a message from my mom saying she had stopped to drop Sam off, and my ex decided to make her do the doctor trip, without phoning me. Then, my ex called again, asking me to take her side in her argument with my mom over not calling because they were running late. Then mom came home, fuming for being yelled at while doing the ex a favor, and yelled and vented for more than an hour. By the time I was supposed to leave to go to work, I had a serious headache, and actually called in sick rather than try and go. Ah, well.
Hi Dot,
I wonder why you take the trouble to help you ex, since she's so nasty to you.
Do you have a legal divorce settlement with rules about visitation, etc? If you do and do have some visitation rights.... Well, I can't remember if you do or not, so I shouldn't get into this. You've probably told us this info in your blogs already.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,