Hard at Work

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One down. More to go.

I am planning on getting a few more things worked on over break. This should help those who have been missing my writing. I am not sure which story is next on my list but something is going to be worked on and uploaded.


I've missed your writing,

I've missed your writing, but considering your other issues, I'd rather that your writing didn't get in the way of things like your health.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I am glad to be getting the

I am glad to be getting the rest of the stuff out. I want to finish this story and some others. I have some Whateley stuff I am working on as well.


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

I am definitely focusing on

I am definitely focusing on getting that chapter done by the time I start classes. I already have stuff written.


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

I second Kimmie's motion!…

I'm wondering, how are the Greenfelders doing?

When you create characters like these, we just gotta care about 'em!

The Rev. Anam Chara+

Anam Chara

Well, the next chapter does

Well, the next chapter does deal with family fun, so you will find out. :)


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

Hard at Work

TY for the story.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine