I know I've been a bit of a Negative Nelly lately, and as good as it might be to get those kinds of feelings out on paper (or on computer screen, as the case may be, its past time for me to start focusing on the positive. So, I'm going to list all the things for which I am grateful.
In no particular order, I am grateful for: My mom. Her acceptance of me as Dorothy is a tremendous gift, and I cant thank her enough for it. My job. No matter what happens to it in the future, I have had an opportunity to be the real me in a public setting, and I've grown as a result, so I give thanks. My daughter. She may not understand what I'm doing, but she loves me, and that's a great thing.
My home. Hey, I have one, its not bad at all, with food in the fridge, and best of all, a computer with internet access, what could be better?
My country. Few other places on Earth are as tolerant to trans people as mine is. I've never been so much as bothered when I go out, even when I use the ladies room. How many other countries could you say that about?
My health. Despite the odd ache and pain, I'm pretty well off, and a lot better than some.
my writing. Thanks to it, I've gotten a lot of my darkness out, and have made real progress in dealing with it.
My friends here and elsewhere online. I've been blessed with an amazing group, and to every member of "Team Dorothy" I can only give my deep and sincere thanks.
And lastly, but definitely not least, this crazy place. Erin and her team of magical elves are simply amazing, to have created this wonderful environment where I can do so much more than just post stories, I can make a home, so thank you all.
Merry Christmas, everybody
Merry Christmas to you too! ^_^
So what's the opposite of "Negative Nelly"?
- - -
Merry Christmas from BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ^_^

Positive Polly?
[email protected]... I couldn't resist that.;0
Anyhow, glad to see that Bobbie's post made you re-focus?;0 The positive parts are what gives me hope. I have a Loving family; even if they don't know 'Me'.
You have Loving offspring.;) That's something I'll never have.
You do have Hope;) And Friends, and Love.;)
Always Your Friend,
[email protected]
People who see
the glass half full rather than half empty tend to do better in life and be more contented. We rarely count our blessings and accept our shortcomings, rather we condemn other's shortcomings and covet their blessings.