Well, I would like to take a break from my regularly scheduled whining and remember all the gifts i have been given this Christmas. These are in no particular order, but here goes:
1: my home. In a time when far too many have none, i have a safe, warm bed, a fridge full of food, lights, TV, internet, and i can dress how i please in it
2: My mom. Her acceptance of me as Dorothy has simply amazed me, and gives me such comfort when i am struggling.
3: My daughter. I love that bundle of energy more than i thought i could love anyone, and i know she feels the same about me.
3: my car. Living where i do, i would be seriously limited if i used the buses. Instead, i can go where i need to when i need to get there. Best of all, my car has had no major problems to worry me.
4: my health. despite some creaky knees, I am doing pretty good health wise, and I am grateful.
5: my small but growing stash of Dorothy clothes. It feels pretty good to be able to choose an outfit and actually have a choice.
6: my job. despite the odd bad day, I am glad to have a job i like, with a boss who likes me, and has even made some indications that i could maybe transition when i am ready.
7. my progress in dealing with both my rape and my gender issues. I know i get frustrated with how far i have to go, but i should remember how far i have actually come in a very short time.
8. My ex. I may never be able to live with her, and she frustrates me in terms of her opinion of my struggles, but the fact is i have my daughter because of her.
9. my country. It is one of the most progressive nations anywhere, especially when dealing with gender differences. I can go about in my dress and get no more than the odd dirty look, despite the fact i dont look very female.I could marry a man or a woman as i pleased. We have good health care, and lots of other benefits most places would kill for.
10. my friends, here, elsewhere online, and in real life. I am so blessed to have so many people who care about me.
11. My Lord and my God, and His Son, Jesus. who gave his life for me, and without whom the rest of this list wouldn't mean a dam thing.
And ...
I am thankful for you. I hope each day of the coming year (it really started on the 21st) is better than the previous one.