Legacy of the Anari - 10

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Legacy of the Anari

by Ashleigh Blayze

Chapter 10

A big apology to everyone for the lack of individual responses to their comments. A big thank you to you all for your thoughts and thank you for reading. I promise normal service will be resumed straight away just real life has been a bit of a mare. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the next chunk of Ashai's misfortunes!

Poftan was well into the formation of the new identity for Ashai. So far everything had gone well. First he flagged her palm print in case any one else should access it. His flag was unnoticeable but would warn him of potential trouble. After that he had begun the formation of a plausible history for the human woman. Hmm girl seemed more appropriate, but really he guessed she was somewhere in between, perhaps a little socially shy or naíve, despite physically being adult.

Hacking the firewalls around some of the Administration's databases was surprisingly difficult. Either they had gotten new software or he was out of practice. Still he had just about finished constructing the viral data packet that once released would tag to Ashai Lennox' palm print and then begin inserting a history of internet use, a financial history complete with banking and nominal credit facilities, nothing flashy just functional, with a small balance that would not excite any alarms. For education the common basic schooling for humans on Yasm was included as well as a work history, nothing extensive but that wasn’t unusual for a 24 year old, and a family history in addition.

That was where the art came in, Ashai was born on Yasm, so she needed parents, and despite their being non existent, presumably dead, they needed to exist electronically as well, otherwise while an automated search program would accept her, a skilled comp technician would flag her up as a ghost, and at that point the search would begin and his work could be undone. Poftan was he admitted a perfectionist. The girl said she wanted to get off world, so probably these levels to her ID were unnecessary but Poftan wasn’t going to take the chance. He was just about finished with his art, and had already got the supposedly hack proof ID card that Yasm citizens carried loaded with the data.

The audible alarm interrupted his concentration, what was that for? Shit. Poftan swore in his native Ecktan for 2 minutes solidly as his flag showed a whole series of data search imprints from... the trace came back...a terminal off the main server in the Sec Bureau, and her palm was now linked to additional files...one a photo....head shot only but it was enough to identify her…double shit… and the remainder was a link to a case file? Hmm I guess this is the trouble she was worried about.

Five minutes later Poftan snapped his attention back to the trace program, his mind still trying to grasp the images of a bloodbath, amputated limbs, lethal hand strikes, and bodies either decapitated or chests blown through by blaster fire. There was a note on the file that was added by an Intelligencia Officer Gantol detailing his analysis of the fight scene. The note suggested the combatant was much faster and stronger than a human, and was possibly either a gene mod, some cyborg type, or using heavy duty bionics. The notes included Gantol’s speculation as well as to possible concealment and the reasons for that.

Pafton knew how Intelligencia Officers thought, they were thinking of an assassin. Reading further the news got worse. Security had been ordered to a higher level everywhere and Ashai's photo and palm print had been distributed to all security points. That tore it, his work was now useless. It didn’t even matter if the human was a cyborg assassin or not, the Intelligencia would assume the worst case. They would assume that a bunch of 8 thugs had managed to stumble across a deadly secret, ending up dead for attempted rape, robbery, murder or possibly all three.

Intelligencia would want to know what operation the assassin was on. A covert operative on an unimportant world like Yasm demanded explanation and they would pursue her anywhere on Yasm. They would come after Lennox, and in doing so would find Poftan and Foithar as well. By human or Korkiran standards Poftan was very old, and it made the Eckt shudder when he remembered again the girl noticing his slip into a defensive stance earlier in the shop front. The files he had seen, made it terrifyingly clear that had he attacked, neither he or his beloved Foithar would have walked away.

Poftan wasn’t certain what the girl's plans had been, but he assumed she wanted the ID to head into orbit and then away from Yasm. That was no longer possible. Even as Poftan was thinking that he didn’t want to be involved any further, he realised that they were already committed to helping the human. Lennox would be coming back to TEI, was due back shortly in only 20 minutes or so, and in all likelihood Sec Bureau and the Intelligencia would be following close behind.

The girl's presence here in, of all places, an entertainment shop would be suspicious and the Korkira authorities would dig to find out why. It was time to leave. Damn Lennox, damn Haskins, why the fuck did he have to send her here? Foithar, were was his love when he needed her? She was the brains in their team. Poftan reached for his com.

Ashai was aware of the increasing security for a little while. She surprised herself by actually enjoying her little shopping expedition, buying a basic wash kit, some women's combat style pants in a dark green and black armored boots , a knee length leather jacket that was similar to her lost herders jacket, but cut for a woman's figure. It was stylish, practical and didn’t interfere with getting her weapons. The coat was gorgeous black leather from an animal she wasn’t familiar with, and when she saw it, Ashai knew straight away she was going to buy it.

The clothes trader seemed to have realised as well, but the Korkari’s service had been excellent and Ashai wasn’t regretting the cost, 400 creds, at all, that leather was sweet. A couple of body suits for general use, some underwear. That had been a little bit of trial and error, the female assistant understandably bemused by the young woman who had no idea what she wanted, what would fit. Ashai came up with a lame story about losing most of her belongings during the recent raids, and having recently had a growth spurt. The assistant had still been a surprised but she’d been very sympathetic and helpful and got Ashai organised with the basics. Some cotton shorts panties, socks and a pack of coloured sport tops that would restrain her breasts. Key had explained that Hound was automatically supporting her figure, but agreed it was practical to have the basics. Ashai had left the store with more packages and her head spinning. Some of the underwear the store sold looked beautiful, some scandalous, her mind had been bouncing all over. Key had been laughing gently with her though, a reassuring presence.

She was making her way back to TEI, and wasn’t far away when she saw guards in the distance. They were reinforcing the security check points and obviously armed. That didn’t look good. Ashai wasn’t sure they were looking for her, but the swarm of troopers that were spreading out to checkpoints were sure as hell looking for someone, and she had to be a good bet. Ducking into a shop next to her let her avoid the first troopers who moved past heading further north up the concourse.

A glance as three security troopers went past, had been enough for her to see they all carried images of someone's face. The angle wasn’t right for her to see more clearly, but Ashai had seen what looked like platinum hair and that was enough for her.

Maker’s Balls, now what do I do?

Aware of a Korkari looking quizzically at her, Ashai glanced around to see what kind of shop she was in. Got to be more aware of where I am she chided herself. It was, she noted disgustedly, a Korkari curios shop, so there was no good reason to be here. Time to think quickly.

“Sorry, Ser Trader, I’m meeting a friend outside, what time do you close?”

As she spoke Ashai realised there was no one else in the shop.

“I close at 6pm human.”

The trader hadn’t moved from his position next to a variety of stock he was busy putting on the shelving. Ashai made her decision and hoped it worked out okay. The trader froze mid movement as he found himself looking down the barrel of a very large pistol, that seemed to have magically appeared in the strange human's hand, as her packages were dropped to the floor.

“I’m sorry Ser, but you’re going to have to close early. Quickly now, come and lock this door.”

Ashai gestured to him with the Makatov. “I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to use your back exit.”

“But…” The trader began to protest.

“No talking. The door. Lock it now.” Her tone was more forceful now. Ashai had visions of more troopers walking past the shop and just happening to see her brandishing a weapon at the Korkari. It wouldn’t be good. She moved to the side of the door and was glad the small shop was filled with crap from floor to ceiling. The windows were blocked so she wasn’t visible from outside now. The Korkari moved now, obviously shaken at this turn in his day. Inserting a small key in the control box on the door frame, he turned it and the security door slid closed, all the while he stared up the barrel of the Makatov, held steady between his eyes. With a click the door's locks engaged and Ashai relaxed very slightly.

“Now what human? You rob me? Kill me?” The Korkari's tone was bitter, obviously expecting the worst.

“No Ser, and I apologise again for this inconvenience. I’m going to restrain you, and disable your comm temporarily, and then I’m going to leave through the back. I’m not going to rob you, or harm you in any way. The restraints are only so that you can’t get free immediately and raise the alarm, as I’m in a little bit of trouble as you might have gathered.”

The trader was surprised at the respectful address and polite tone, and Ashai found herself grinning at the mild insanity of events.

“What is your name please Ser?”

“Daytrih human.”

“Well then Daytrih please move back to your office. Slowly now...Thank you.”

She moved Daytrih into his office with no difficulty, Ashai going first, but keeping the Makatov on target. There was no one else in the office, and the small corridor behind the office led to Daytrih's back door, which he used on the morning to open up and bring in stock. Ashai opened her pack and withdrew the strong but light survival cord that had been part of the Rijkard's gift to her. She had Daytrih kneel on the office floor with his arms behind him.

“Remember please Daytrih I don’t want to hurt you. This will be tight but you’ll free yourself in time, or will be freed. Don’t fight me or I will have to hurt you.”

Daytrh swung his head to look at her, thoroughly confused, “You’re truly just going out the back?”

Ashai grinned and nodded.

“Then go ahead human and tie me up. I won’t resist. If nothing else you give me a good story to tell.”

Daytrih remained docile as she tied his hands behind him, before tying his feet as well. That forced the trader to sit back to stay balanced, lastly with another length of the cord Ashai tied his two sets of bindings together. She knew little about knots but figured it would keep Daytrih busy for a while at least. She glanced down the corridor to the back door. Code locked of course. Worry about that in a moment.

A quick trip back to the shop space and Ashai had her packages. The door was locked, windows covered.

“Hound go passive.”

Seconds later she was naked again as the armour vanished into her pores. She knelt down and ripped open her shopping pulling on the cotton boy shorts panties, and a crimson coloured athletic top which restrained her breasts which she immediately became aware of again.

Heh, I guess Hound really does give me all the support I need.

The green combat pants were next, then socks and boots. Everything fit well and was comfortable.

She slipped the sword scabbard into place behind her and once more donned her holster and belt. Lastly almost reverently, she pulled on the black leather coat, pausing to smell the leather. That coat had really made her day even if she was on the run. Stuffing the spare clothes, and her other purchases into the pack she picked it up, thankful that girl's clothes took up so little space compared to her old stuff, and headed back to the office.

“The back door code please Daytrih.”

For a second Daytrih pondered giving a false code which would set off an alarm in front and back of the shop, but decided against it. His visitor was being very polite and hadn’t made any move to take his stock or creds, and he was still alive. He suspected if the alarms went off that merciful mood would evaporate as fast as the hand cannon she carried fired. He took note of her new attire and gave out the 8 digit code, repeating it to ensure it was correct.

Then Daytrih shook his head in bemusement as the human got him a drink of water and helped him drink his fill, before gagging him, and apologising one last time. She took his com unit and removed its battery, before bidding him farewell, and vanishing down the corridor. He heard the code being entered, and the sound of the door opening and closing, and the sound of the door locking again.

It would be less than an hour before an assault by a team of security troopers blew in his shop's armoured door with explosives. After he was released from his bonds and his story was given the Sec Bureau forces would fan out again.


Foithar arrived back at the shop within minutes of Poftan's very short urgent comm demanding she come back, that Sec Bureau were after the human. Hearing his anxious tones the Foithar abandoned her chores and headed back South down the concourse at a fast walk, senses alert now to the increasing levels of heavily armed security forces being stationed across the Port. She noted that the local gangs were also reacting...to the security increase? Foithar didn’t know but her instincts told her that the gangs were looking for the human as well. Certainly there were more gangers than normal on the concourse proper. Normally they were down in the basements.

She locked the front door behind her as she came back into TEI, and headed for the office.
Poftan was at his keyboard, tapping away furiously, dexterous fingers a blur.

“There are security everywhere, and gangers as well. Where’s the human?” she asked.

“I don’t know dearest, but we couldn’t comm her even if we had a code for her which we don’t. Intelligencia and Sec Bureau would track it back to us. We must prepare to leave Yasm, it is time to find another base for our business.” Poftan carried on working as he talked.

“What?! What does Intelligencia have to do with this? What are you talking about Poftan, what is going on?” Foithar was stricken but her mate merely looked miserable before turning back to his equipment and bringing up files which he gestured her to examine. As Foithar read, Poftan carried on working on his equipment. By the time Foithar was finished the Eckt’s normally mauve skin had acquires a greyish hue she was so shocked.

“How could that human be so dangerous Poftan?” Foithar normal fluting tones had acquired a strident edge. “She’s the one the newscasts are all about? What are you doing now Poftan?”

“I’ve just finished moving funds and changing what assets we have here to cash that I can, and requested that Emydia be fueled and prepped for launch. We must leave Yasm. The Intelligencia will link her to us, and that will undo us.” Poftan carried on working as he gave Foithar instructions.

“Foithar you must pack quickly for us. You don’t have much time as Emydia will be ready shortly. We might need to take the girl with us as well.”

“Take her with us? After all she has caused? No Poftan this is crazy.” Before the brewing argument could even be started it was silenced by the buzzer for the TEI warehouse.


Ashai found she was in the supply tunnels that ran behind the shops on the concourse. She turned right towards TEI and started running. These passageways ran everywhere, their walls covered in piping and cables, ceiling low with ducts and more pipes. She just hoped she would not meet anyone before she got there, TEI wasn't far. The passageway opened into the rear end of a loading dock that serviced the lower floors. It ran high across dock's back wall, suspended from the ceiling, above the crews of workers who took little notice of a running figure above them. For her part Ashai ignored the figures below and kept going. She spied the TEI warehouse sign a small distance further along the passage and headed for it. As she got there, she saw a code pad, and a buzzer. Pressing the buzzer she could hear the buzzer sound in the warehouse. The side door opened and Foithar beckoned her inside. Ashai breathed a sigh of relief and walked through the door which clanged closed behind her.


Everything was pain. Pain was everything. Like steel slivers in his gums, where they had pulled out teeth. Jarring, grinding agony in his hands, from broken fingers and knuckles. The pain flared terribly and died down each time the broken bones were wrenched by his tormentor. He couldn’t see them any more, his eyes had swollen shut, the bones of his eye socket felt crushed. More pain. He screamed again, voice hoarse now, vocal chords strained past their limit as electricity surged through his weakening frame. Anything! Anything! Tell you anything! His muscles contracted in spastic motion as the current flows through him, held down in the Chair.

He remembers vaguely seeing the chair when he arrived. Now it’s the Chair. Where his pain started, and stayed, and stayed and is still...His body slumps down as the current stops, too tired to scream again now as the movement jars his broken hands again. He manages a whimper as the demands start again. INFORMATION. He can’t remember who he was before he was broken, what else can he tell them, what will stop the pain? Fire flares in his genitals, more agony than even before as the electricity flows again. WHERE DID YOU SEND HER? A name flashes through his consciousness, two names. They mean something? Will it stop the pain? He is screaming with the electricity. Poftanichek. Foithariveic. POFTANICHEK. FOITHARIVEIC. The pain stops. He cannot stop screaming. POFTANICHEK. FOITHARIVEIC.......WHERE?........WHERE?. Port. PORT. PORT. PORT. PORT. Cannot stop screaming. PORT. PORT. Mind gone. PORT. PORT.

GUNSHOT.... Silence.

“Find them, and get rid of this trash.”


The Port District's main security station, was located just outside of the South point Entrance, and was linked into the Terminal's network of monitoring equipment. The orders to go to a higher state of readiness and security arrived from Sec Bureau accompanied by Ashai's picture. Immediately the high priority alert and orders to reinforce the security stations were broadcast throughout the Port, along with orders to issue heavier weaponry. The watch officer had the image printed and ordered its distribution immediately to all personnel.

All on duty officers were dispatched to their stations and off duty units were called in for backup. In minutes, the station’s armoury and locker rooms were a hive of activity as heavily armed Sec Bureau forces were dispatched. Minutes after the orders went out, the substantial processing power of a full secondary data core was allocated to taking that digital image and begin running comparison checks against the imagery being recorded real time by the Port's security systems.

Unknown to the Sec Bureau officers, 2 minutes before the program started to run, Ashai had seen the increasing security and begun to head for TEI. It was a close run thing, but mere seconds after Ashai entered Daytrih's curios shop the security systems for that section of the Terminal were retasked to searching for her. Within 2 minutes the secondary data core reported that there was no sighting of the Ashia Lennox in the Port. Across the Space Port Sec Bureau forces kept watch and waited.

The Korkari watch officer was pondering the allocation of his troopers when he realised that they hadn't yet searched earlier security data. Immediately he accessed the system and ordered the data core to search the day's recorded data. After which he returned to the task of organizing the security station. The data core followed its programming and began the systematic search of all its stored data from the monitoring devices across the Port, starting at 00:00:01 local time.


Poftan had a large energy weapon aimed at her. It was ... the information flashed into her head...a Kyon Starbeam mrk2 Plasma Assault Carbine. A fully automatic weapon, 200 rounds a minute, with a power pack good for 500 rounds. The Starbeam was focussed for short to med range urban combat and wasn’t accurate at long range. And it was loaded. Poftan was standing carefully out of her reach right now, but he was still close.

“Stay very still human, if you are human. I doubt you can kill me before I can fire. I know what you did, why they are after you. Who are you?”

“Poftan please put the gun down. I don’t mean you any harm okay? I need your help. Please.”

Ashai tried to sound calm, to sound reasonable. It was easier than she thought it would be, given the circumstances. .

“Because of you human, our lives on Yasm are over. Security Bureau and the Intelligencia are after you. Your image is all over, security is on high alert. They think you're a fucking assassin. Not surprising since you left 8 bodies in the slums. They will come here. You have fucked it all up girl. SO WHY SHOULD I PUT THE FUCKING GUN DOWN?” Poftan's finger was right over the firing stud.

“Because I have done nothing to you? I know nothing about you? Haskins sent me here, so why have I fucked anything up for you? I'm in the shit and I just want to get out Poftan, please put the gun down, I’m not a fucking assassin okay?” The combat primer was filling her head with possible tricks and tactics. She used an ancient trick instead. “Besides you still have the safety on.”

It was a fraction of a second that his attention was diverted, eyes glancing down involuntarily, the movement to check shifting the barrel slightly off target but Ashai was ready for it and Poftan was not. Time slowed again. Ashai had all the time in the world to wonder how it was that this increase in her reactions was so easy, to plan and execute the gliding motion that took her forward and sideways. Poftan had realised his error, was trying to get back on target, his face taking on a shocked, horrified expression in such slow motion. As Ashai's left hand forced the Starbeam's barrel up and wrenched the gun out of the Eckt's hands without a shot fired, her right brought her Makatov to a stop with the muzzle of the barrel pressed against the side of his head. And the world resumed normal motion.

“And if I wanted to kill you, you couldn’t stop me.” Ashai’s voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

There was a pregnant pause before Ashai fluidly holstered her weapon and safed the Starbeam.

“Go and help Foithar.”

Poftan moved to comfort his mate, who was standing by the warehouse door still, shaking in fear, her composure now well and truly shattered..

“I...” The Eckt hugged his mate, while looking at Ashai in disbelief, at the speed, at the strength as she wrenched the gun from his grip, at being tricked, at being alive. Poftan shuddered before seeming to search for words.

“Why? What are you?”

“Why aren't you dead?”

Poftan nodded.jerkily.

“Because you’ve done me no harm, and tried to help me Poithar. Lots of reasons, perhaps its because I understand your fear if you know why I’m in trouble. Maybe its because I need your help, and I need some friends. Maybe because I’m not an assassin and never had any intention of hurting you. If I’d known my presence would cause you such problems I wouldn’t have come. All of those are reasons why you’re both alive, and hopefully will stay that way.”

Ashai could feel her anxiety rising and forced it down. Looking at the embraced Eckt, she felt quite alone. Poftan gave Foithar a comforting squeeze and then slowly stepped towards her, keeping his gestures non threatening.

“I’m sorry Ashai, for my ...hostility. I have been reacting to these sudden events and I was afraid. We were distressed by the files we saw, were about to argue when you rang the buzzer. I grabbed the weapon and just reacted when I saw you.”

“I understand I think Poftan. As for what I am, that’s a long story, which I might tell you. Now, how do we leave?”

The direct question seemed to stir the male Eckt, who shook his partner gently.

“Foithar my love, go and pack for us. Quickly we must leave. There is no choice.” Foithar looked at her mate and nodded. She looked at Ashai and seemed to be about to say something before she turned and fled back to the offices to gather what belongings the Eckt had there. Poftan turned his attention back to the human.

“We need to leave soon Ashai. I’m surprised that Security hasn’t arrived yet but they won’t be long. Foithar and I have a ship called the Emydia. It’s a small fast vessel, which we have owned for many years. In many ways Emydia is our home and this place and our apartment are just temporary. There's no time to gather our belongings from the apartment but there’s nothing of importance there. The ID I was constructing for you was almost complete, but it’s now compromised. It’s of no use to you at all, if you use it anywhere on Yasm, an alarm will immediately flag up in Intelligencia and Sec Bureau. So will your palm print, and the name Ashai Lennox. I expect that the Intelligencia will update their data across all Korkari systems and worlds, so I’m afraid that anywhere that Korkari own you will most likely be pursued.”

“But all I did was kill gangers who were going to rape and kill me.” Ashai felt her frustration and fear spilling through into a pleading tone. “It was self defence.”

Poftan looked sadly at the human, who suddenly looked and sounded very young and overwhelmed by the speed of developments.

“Ashai, it’s not what you did, but how you did it. Your very appearance, a young girl combined with abilities you shouldn't have, causes the Korkari Intelligencia to fear the worst. They assume you are an assassin of some kind, your covert status betrayed by the last acts of idiots. I expect that the violence of the deaths you meted out would be regarded as a punishment for blowing your cover. And so they will come for you regardless.”

Ashai sat lightly on her pack and held her head in her hands. The whole world seemed like it was going mad around her.

So much for having time to think and plan. Even her thoughts felt bitter.

Poftanichek is likely correct in his analysis. If this Intelligencia is chasing you believing you an assassin they will not be likely to stop.

“I was going to get an ID and then see if those mercs who were hiring would consider taking me on. I thought it would be a good start in getting training, making contacts. And now that’s screwed because of Carlo the rapist and his crew. Now what do I do?”

That was simply one plan Ashai, you react and you make another. Deal with the situation as it presents itself. If nothing else the fight with the Cobalts showed your idea of using VAL chips was a good one and a success. The training in it is being integrated well. So there is a positive. The data in the Tyrellian primer was very comprehensive. By the standards of most combat units you may be considered highly trained already once that data has finished integration.

“So I must deal with it then? Okay if the Eckt have a ship maybe they can get me out of here.”

Indeed. It will be interesting to discover why the Eckt are so concerned about the Intelligencia, and Sec Bureau. There is more there than meets the eye.

Poftan watched the girl, as he waited for Foithar to grab the few important things in the office. His work on the data systems was complete. He had downloaded their files to an encrypted chip and the data core was busy scrubbing right now. Now all he had to do was work out how to get to Emydia. There were many tunnels, and maintenance passageways aplenty in the bowels of the Port. Getting through them might be possible. There would be less security presence, but the gangs might be a problem. The human looked up at him.

“Poftanichek, your ship Emydia, do you have room for one more?”

Decision time then. Ally with the human the Korkari Intelligencia were searching for or separate? Before Poftan could reply, Foithar trotted back into the warehouse, carrying a small case in one hand and her own weapon, a las pistol in the other. Her carriage was strong and confident, very different to the fearful female that had fled a short time before.

“You come with us human.” Foithar's fluting tones sounded more robust than previously.

“I apologise for being witless before. I’m not as young as I once was, and it takes me a little longer to adjust to events these days.”

“It’s good to see you awake my love.” Poftan grinned at his mate, and then also at the human who was watching Foithar curiously.

“Well Poftan I was getting bored on Yasm any way. Come on let us be off.” With that the female Eckt headed for the door controls.


For the criminal gangs in Talont the Space Port was prized territory, and fought over hard.. Different gangs had footholds in across the sprawling complex of structures that made up the Space Port, but three gangs in particular had carved out large domains. The Krayt controlled most of the smuggling of narcotics and other exotica in and out of Yasm. Their domain was mainly limited to their control of the landing pads and cargo control facilities. The Blue Tanto controlled the prostitution that is endemic anywhere there are males wanting to get laid, and they ruled the Port’s nightclubs and whorehouses. The central Concourse itself was the domain of Heti's Reivers. Protection rackets, robbery, murder, slavery were her main trades.

The gangs had heard about the Cobalts’ misfortune and the offer of appreciation in creds for anyone with information on the demon or whatever it was that had slaughtered Grinder’s thugs. The general reaction amongst most of the gangs was that they didn’t give a shit one way or the other. The Cobalts were a bunch of xenophobic human slum rats, so who cared what happened to them. The gangs did take notice of the general increase in security. Suspecting that the Sec Bureau where preparing to conduct raids, the gangs made their own preparations and started tooling up. The three main gangs that ruled the Space Port maintained an uneasy truce, but the increase in firepower being carried around started to make that look more temporary buy the minute. It was just a matter of time before something kicked off.

Heti wasn’t interested in anything Grinder wanted. Her attitude changed with word that Grinder was interested in Poftanichek and Foithariveic. She knew her domain and TEI was in it. Over the years the Eckt had been occasionally useful to Heti. Poftanichek was a hacker with skills, and the couple occasionally smuggled interesting hardware into Yasm. They didn’t clash with Heti’s business, paid their protection money on time and generally kept their nose clean. So what did Grinder want with them?

The conversation she had with Grinder was enlightening, as was the Sec Bur data and pictures he shared with her. If Grinder's demon or monster was actually a cyborg assassin or something equally exotic, then what was it doing going to the Eckt who did a bit of cyber crime but not much else? Or did they? Was it possible the Eckt did far more but were skilled enough that they had remained under her radar. Heti had survived as gang boss of the Reivers for 15 years by being smart, as well as ruthless and a complete sociopath.

In that time she had taken over the entire concourse and made her Reivers the largest gang in the Port. She didn’t like puzzles, and the Eckt’s involvement was a puzzle. Her mind made up to investigate, Heti decided to send one of her more ambitious lieutenants to find out why the Eckt were involved. They would go tooled up and ready to rumble. Fortax was particularly ambitious, and had his own crew, loyal to him. Heti regarded him as a threat but gang politics meant just killing him was unwise. So if Fortax got killed chasing Grinder’s demon then so much the better.

After giving Fortax her orders to go to TEI and pick up anyone there for her to question, Heti went back to fucking the brains out of one of her slaves. Fortax was well aware that his boss would shed no tears if he got killed, but that didn’t faze him at all. After all he had built his own crew up and they were all solid. Gathering his crew of 15 he told them to grab their biggest guns and come running.


“Okay, first thing is to get outside the Sec Bureau's control.” Foithar explained their plan to get to the Emydia “We need to head for the lower levels where Heti's Reivers have control. They might cause us difficulty. If they do then we need to deal with it quickly because a firefight down there will bring every Reiver running, and once they figure out what’s going on so will security.” Ashai nodded her understanding as Foithar continued.

“The orders to detain you are strongly worded so expect Security to be persistent. As soon as we see a security camera we can assume that we’re all targets. Unfortunately Poftan and I don’t have much in the way of armour or weaponry, so any fights will mostly be down to you in Ashai. Once we’re in the lower levels we need to take the maintenance tunnels that lead to the launch pads. The pads are Krayt territory and they won’t appreciate us being there or leading anyone else to them. Do you understand Ashai?”

Foithar was efficiently gesturing on a map the best route to follow as she spoke. Poftan meanwhile was keeping watch down the passageway. It was perhaps the reverse of what Ashai had expected but she nodded her understanding before opening her pack and taking out the other Makatov 50, which in seconds was strapped in place. Poftan saw the second heavy blaster and visibly winced, making Ashai grin. At the same time she held a conversation with Hound.

“Hound, when I say, I want you to activate the armour to the body suit default, but I want you to make the body suit transparent. I want the armour under all my clothing. Assign a new code to this configuration of the armour. Code is Hidden Suit. Do you understand?”

Hound sent back a series of images showing a transparent body suit covering Ashai's body under her clothes.

“Excellent. Activate Hidden Suit. Thank you Hound.”

Under her clothes the armour flowed like liquid glass in seconds from her pores, with only a slight tingling sensation as it spread over her skin. The body suit reformed under her clothing and Ashai felt better knowing she now had a significant level of protection. Glancing down she confirmed that all her clothing still appeared normal, and turned to Foithar.

“I’m ready Foithar.”

Foithar nodded and gestured down the South passageway and the trio began a quick walk away from TEI through the supply tunnels. Shortly on their left they got to a maintenance stair well which would gave them access into the lower levels. After quick glances up and down the passage to check for security they headed down. The trio would descend two levels here before heading back North, and dropping down a third level about half way up the North side of the concourse. This would lead to a transfer depot, where stocks where brought in from the landing pads and cargo warehousing. Follow the access tunnel out of the transfer depot and head to Pad 41B. Simple.


The secondary data core reached 11:53:47 on the time stamp of the day's recorded data before it successfully matched the picture of Ashai Lennox against imagery recorded at the Southern point entrance. Immediately it notified the watch officer who grabbed a technician and had the data core start tracking the image at high speed. In seconds the technician and watch officer followed Ashai's attempts to find TEI, and her eventual success.

“TEI what's that?” The technician asked.

“Talont Entertainment Industries” replied the watch officer who was wondering why the human had gone there of all places. It obviously wasn’t on a whim as they watched her search for that particular place. It was enough to merit a search. The watch officer beckoned over the ready squad's sergeant.

“Hanotz, take your squad, and raid TEI. The priority target went there earlier today. Go fast and heavy, I’m not worried about objections and protests today.”

The heavily built Hanotz knuckled a salute and set off at a run. The technician carried on the trace speeding through the data. Soon the human showed again, embarking on what looked like a shopping trip. The locations of her shopping places were passed to the nearest security points and heavily armed security forces began a sequence of raids. Tracing the owners of TEI was simple for the technician who quickly located the details of the Eckt couple. After bringing them to the attention of the watch officer, she was ordered to start investigating the Eckt to try and find any possible links. The data was passed back to the main Sec Bureau offices, and also to the Intelligencia, and as Poftan had expected the digging and searching began.


The Reivers base was located almost centrally under the concourse, on the 2nd Basement level. From here Heti ran her empire with precision, and her troops could quickly make their presence felt throughout the terminal. Fortax's crew geared up and left their base, immediately heading at a run up a level before turning south towards TEI, following the Eastern loop tunnel on basement level 1. The hammering of boots on the concrete floors preceded them along the tunnels. Below them on the 2nd basement level the trio of Ashai, Poftan and Foithar, looked up at the ceiling as thudding went over head. They didn’t know who was making the noise, but all three guessed the activity was aimed at them. The trio picked up their pace slightly.

Fortax crew quickly made their way to the ground floor access tunnels for the Concourse and thudded South towards TEI, the occasional worker in the tunnels scattering to make way for the band of armed aliens. Arriving outside TEI the gang crouched ready, and then at Fortax's hand signal, a portable grenade launcher in the hands of a hulking Togan fired and obliterated the warehouse door. The gangers poured in.


Hanotz's ready squad of eight Security Bureau Troopers entered TEI through the front door, using blasting charges to ensure fast access. The troopers charged in before hurling their armoured forms through the stands of merchandise and heading for the office. Sec Bur forces didn’t have access to powered armour, but the ceramic and silksteel armour they were equipped with was the heaviest available in the local armoury. The troopers were equipped with a mixture of plasma carbines, grenades, and stun weaponry. Securing the shop, and then the office, the squad quickly spread out to check the small lounge that Poftan and Foithar used occasionally, and then the warehouse.

Hanotz had just begun examining Poftan's scrubbed data core when the warehouse entry detonated inwards in a shower of alloy shards and debris. The squad's linked comm system was immediately filled with “Hostiles! Hostiles!” before Hanotz regained control and had his squad return fire, and assault the enemy by fire and movement. A volley of grenades from the three squad members already in the warehouse, was quickly followed by plasma fire from the remainder of the squad charging forward to reinforce their colleagues.

Fortax's crew charged through the warehouse entrance even before the smoke was clearing, charging to get to the Eckt and human before they could respond. The first notice they had of the plan being badly fucked up was the volley of micro frag grenades that covered the warehouse entrance in a shower of shrapnel, shredding the lead ganger into bloody meat, and wounding three others. The hardened gangers quickly responded in kind, looking for cover in the warehouse, and opening up with everything they had from a combination of shotguns, a variety of assault weaponry including projectile and energy weapons, the grenade launcher that destroyed the warehouse entrance, and two flechette cannon. The battle was well and truly joined.

Hanotz immediately called for reinforcements as his squad took their first casualty, telling the Sec Station he was under heavy attack from unknown forces. Neither side truly had the advantage of surprise, but the Sec Bur forces held the edge in equipment, training and comms. Unfortunately for Hanotz’s squad the gangers had the tactical advantage, able to bring more of their weaponry to bear on his squad, and also the advantage of numbers.

Fortax didn’t know what the Maker was going on, but he wasn’t backing down from a fight. It was more than a minute into the fire fight before he was able to work out the incoming fire was coming from Sec Bur troops, and wasn’t from the Eckt and human he was after. Fortax cursed, he didn’t know how many troopers his crew was facing, but he was damn sure there were more on the way, and they wouldn’t be long. The first minute of the shoot out cost him five dead, and left another three injured although they could still shoot.

Hanotz knew he was fighting Heti's gangers now, after he recognised their gang tattoos. Reivers, Hanotz cursed to himself, fucking thugs with guns, although they had a lot of them. The thugs didn’t have much in the way of armour, so when they were hit they generally went down, and stayed down. The incoming fire was diminishing now, probably down by a third. That reduction had cost two of his squad were dead, and another three were seriously injured, but at least they’d managed to take out the Maker Damned flechette cannons.

The sheer volume of fire the cannons had put in the air had been serious, and the flechettes could pierce parts of the troopers’ armour. Now with the cannons out of commission the fight was more one sided, and with a savage grin Hanotz ordered his squad forward, accepting the hits and fragments from grenades and the lighter weaponry in order to get shots with the plasma carbines. Another minute of firefight and his squad was mopping up. A couple more minor injuries in exchange for 7 more dead gangers and the remainder all too wounded too fight. From the way they were bleeding it looked like there would be fifteen dead Reivers for his losses.

Fortax fled. His entire crew had been mauled, they weren’t prepared to go up against an armoured Sec Bur squad. His arm was mangled and he was losing blood. Right now he wasn’t sure if he would make it back to Heti's place. It would probably be better for him if he didn’t. Heti didn’t tolerate failure. Trying to staunch his bleeding Fortax looked for somewhere to hide up.

Hanotz let the reinforcements finish dealing with the Reiver dead and wounded, while he saw to his squad's wounded. The medic had patched up his two walking wounded and managed to stabilise Kris the most seriously wounded. She was badly shot up and was critical but stable, at least for now. The tech he had summoned after the firefight examined the data core and pronounced it irretrievable. Whoever had scrubbed it was a pro.

Hanotz was pissed, he had dead and wounded, missing Eckt, a missing human, and no further information, other than the Reivers were interested as well. Without more information he wasn’t about to go blindly blundering around in the lower levels. Catching gangers by surprise was one thing. Hitting territory where they were dug in hard was quite another. Still swearing Hanotz headed back to the security station, looking for someone to kick the shit out of.

Fortax found a maintenance closet to hide in. He broke in and counted his blessings at the sight of first aid kit. It was going to be difficult to tend to his mangled arm one handed but at least he had a better chance now. After locking the door behind him, he opened the medical kit, and first reached for a hypodermic labelled as a pain killer, before with difficulty managing to bandage him self. It would have to do for the time being. Last but not least he reached for his com unit and contacted Heti. Her reaction to the death of his crew, and the failure to locate the Eckt or the human was unpleasant but Fortax was expecting that. At least she didn’t tell me I’m dead he thought. He turned back to the medical kit to see what else it held, wondering how long it would be before Heti had other lieutenants after her prey.

The sounds of weapons fire echoed along the passages, bringing the trio to a halt as they listened. No wiser as to the cause, but glad not to be involved as it sounded like a vicious fight the three moved on. According to Foithar, they were actually close now to the area used by the Reivers as their home. While there was no direct passage from the Reiver hideout to this passage, they did face a much greater chance of running into them in this area. Still the ramps down to the lowest Sub level were not far off. They moved carefully now, walking to avoid the echoing sounds that running feet would cause.

There was a junction up ahead. As they headed North a side passage joined from the West. Foithar consulted her map as they paused before pointing it out as a maintenance tunnel that linked the Western and Eastern loop sections. Halfway along the tunnel was a passage north that led to the Reiver's hideout. They planned to skirt past this maintenance tunnel and carry on north for a 100m or so where they would find the access ramp to the lowest levels. Nearing the tunnel, Ashai could hear and feel the deep thudding bass of music playing in the Reivers’ den.

Gesturing to the Eckt to wait Ashai crept forward to the side of the Western tunnel, pressing herself against the wall. As the trio made their way through the tunnels, Ashai had scouted the junctions, and so far they had been lucky. Taking a breath, she calmed herself, and then sneaked a peak around the junction, to find herself looking at a trio of Reivers walking up the tunnel towards her, no more than 5m away. From the startled expressions she knew all had seen her, at that distance it would have been hard not to.

“Run!” Ashai yelled at the Eckt.

Swinging around the corner Ashai had the Makatovs in her hands in an instant and energy erupted from the muzzles to puncture through the left and right Reivers, one Togan and a Korkari who both fell in heaps, while the middle Reiver opened fire with lightning reactions. Ashai noted the Reiver was an Immit, a furry humanoid that looked vaguely feline and had superb reactions to match, far faster than those of the Korkari or Togan. Armed with a large calibre automatic autogun, the Immit screeched for help and let loose a shatteringly loud 3 round burst of Armor Piercing slugs at Ashai. Each of those rounds held sufficient kinetic energy to burst through an armoured door, or most medium armour plate. Time seemed to slow once more and Ashai could see the individual heavy slugs coming towards her, spinning from the rifling of the autogun's barrel.

“Shit this is going to hurt.”

The primer cycled through possible movements, taking into account her momentum from swinging around the corner. Whatever else she did at least one of those heavy slugs was going to hit her in the torso. Hound was already increasing the armour’s thickness, but she knew it wouldn’t be quick enough to deflect the slugs. The combat suit would probably have stopped them dead, but in its hidden configuration there was not enough protection. Ashai wasn’t sure how she knew that, probably Hound giving her the information, but it wasn’t really relevant. Right now all that mattered was staying conscious to target the Makatov's and put the fucking Immit down hard, other wise she would be really very dead.

The slugs were getting closer but everything was still moving incredibly slowly. Ashai concentrated going on instinct. Key had taught her to adjust anxiety levels, now she adjusted her pain threshold, forcing the level way up, so the agony to come wouldn't stop her. Finally she chose the primer’s best tactical choice, a slight twist and sway movement. The first round would miss, the second would hit to the right of her navel, and the third round would either miss or graze her left arm. Best I can do. That sucks. Ashai concentrated on staying conscious. Time moved again.

The twist of her waist evaded the fist slug, and her sway was enough that the second round would no longer hit her centre mass, but instead would impact around waist height near her ribs to her right hand side. Ashai was bringing the Makatov 50s on target when the second slug hit her. The armour was extremely effective but in a minimal mode it couldn't offer enough protection. The bodysuit tore under the coring action of the armour piercing slug.

The heavy slug was barely slowed, beginning to deform as it tore a hole through her body, smashing the lowest of her reinforced robs, glancing sideways and upwards off the internal armour protecting her Core before exiting through her back below her right shoulder blade taking more reinforced ribs, muscle and tendon with it, punching its way through the body suit again in a gout of blood and gore.

It wasn’t mere pain. It was fiery agony, lancing through her body. Even as the first inkling of agony hit, the third round ripped through the meat of her upper right arm, cutting a fiery line across her. Ashai stayed conscious and wished she’d died, she could feel the agony of the large entry wound and the crater of the exit wound in her back. She knew the torso wound would be fatal for a normal human. The hydrostatic shock the huge slug delivered was enough to destroy normal internal organs as well as cause massive cardiac arrest. The armour reinforcements to her organs and skeleton were enough to stop her organs liquefying from the shock, and Key’s brute force control of Ashai’s hearts forced them to continue beating preventing cardiac arrest. The wound to her arm was a scratch by comparison.

Her wounds should be fatal she knew, but she wouldn’t allow that and she wasn’t a normal human, first though... The Makatov 50s spoke, Ashai keeping them both on target, even though her body was being jerked like a rag doll by the heavy slugs hitting her. Twin blasts, wiped the Immit's head and chest from existence.
Ashai could feel herself being thrown backwards by the impact.

“Fuck it hurts, do something. Please Key.”

Key analysed the damage to Ashai’s body. Serious but not life threatening, no critical organ damage, just skeletal and flesh damage. Right Arm partially impaired, movement not impaired. Combat effectiveness reduced slightly from damage to right arm. She instituted emergency circulatory control measures, directing the damaged blood vessels to pinch and restrict any blood loss to a minimum while a flood of nanos were directed to the wounds to begin repairs. The repairs would need energy.

Key sensed a change in the Core. Hound was doing something. It was widening the warp portal? In a fraction of a second the portal trebled in diameter. The energy of the warp that sustained the armour, Key and Ashai poured through, a gushing jet, where before there was the smallest trickle.
The Prime's body would heal extraordinarily quickly but even faster with the additional power. Key directed as much of the extra energy to the nanos as she could and redirected the remainder to Ashai to damp the pain and give her the boost she needed.

Ashai stayed conscious as she landed on her back, the pain bringing a scream from her throat. She was conscious as Key catalogued the damage and told her she was still able to fight and she was conscious as Key implemented her emergency procedures to stem the flow of blood from her body. Ashai felt Hound widening the Core portal and the flood of energy blossom in her. Strength surged through her wiping away the last vestiges of the shock from her wounds. Glancing down the passageway she saw the Eckt fleeing towards the ramp they needed to take. Over the sounds of the thudding bass music she could hear the sound of many heavy feet.

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