Legacy of the Anari - 14

Legacy of the Anari

by Ashleigh Blayze

Chapter 14

Apologies for the delay....join me now for the final chapter of Ashai's first tale.... Will Ashai get back to Neti? Will Shatrtick and Gantol get their asses kicked? What will those mercs do?

Ashai ran along the secondary access tunnel to the Reiver's base as she heard the noise of Intelligencia troops in the tunnels, and Sec Bur getting closer. With the depot locked down how was she supposed to get back to Neti? Damn, how was she supposed to get paid? The only route left was going above ground through the Concourse and then out to the Docking Bays. That meant she had to get out of Sec Bur's security sweep before they got established thoroughly. Telling Hound and Key to give her maximum sensor coverage Ashai ran. She was accelerating hard as she left the small tunnel, jinking rapidly in a blur as she avoided the Krayt squad milling around with their Reiver prisoners. The startled gangers barely had time to see her let alone move before she was around them and away, sprinting North, through the Concourse's maintenance system.

Ashai passed the first stairwell up almost before she realised it, even with Key's warning she barely had time to glance and confirm it was empty.

“I've gotta slow down a bit, no good running straight into Sec Bur.”

I doubt Sec Bur would appreciate it if you did run into them Prime. Not for long anyway.

“Very funny Key.”

Ashai slowed from a sprint, halving her pace to a run that would put an Immit to shame and was faster than any human had a right to move.

“How am I gonna get back into the Transfer Depot Key? If anyone sees me there's gonna be a huge fight and I still need to get back to Neti.”

Key saw with satisfaction that her Prime was worried for her young charge than about the prospect of another fight. The protective instincts of a parent were valuable for a Prime, and a much healthier source of motivation than pure revenge on the Dtilla. Her neural chemistry was definitely adjusting to a parental role, and her lack of fear of another confrontation with the Korkari forces was down to increasing confidence in her new form and skills. All in all, Ashai’s adjustments were going well.

Well if it's a bad idea for us to go to Neti then we must get the Krayt to bring her to us, Prime.

“Hmmm, that sounds like a plan Key. Okay let's find somewhere to hole up and comm Shatrtick.”

I believe the maintenance stores bay coming up should be suitable Ashai.

The dark maintenance stores bay off the side of the passageway was locked with a length of dirty heavy metal chain through its chain link fencing, and Ashai looked at the rusty chain speculatively, wondering how strong it was. Only one way to find out. Grabbing the Di Kat she slid the blade through the 10mm thick links and stabbed the sword’s point into the frame, before taking up the slack in the chain. Slowly Ashai pulled, hoping the chain would give before the Di Kat. She needn't have worried. With the added force of her augmented muscles, the Di Kat carved through the chain link. The link fell apart easily, allowing the rest of the chain to slide loose.

Quickly, she stepped into the darkened bay before securing the fencing again with the chain and a handy pry bar. The store’s light came on in murky illumination in response to her presence. She looked around, finding nothing more useful than cleaning equipment and chemicals plus an assortment of tools as well as a couple of lockers. Spotting the switch for the weak overhead lighting Ashai quickly turned it off. Her enhanced vision was more than adequate and the last thing she wanted to do was attract attention as she rifled through the lockers. Inside she found a dirty orange work suit that was far too big for her, with it's accompanying hard helmet, a well used tool belt and a cred stick she ignored. Ashai glanced again at the work suit as an idea began to form in the back of her mind.

“Key I need a disguise to get us out of here, and I think a technician carrying a tool case sounds about right. Go anywhere and do anything and you're just part of the scenery right?”

There was a small pause as Key examined her idea.

That sounds workable Ashai. It has been my experience in the past that looking like you belong is the simplest way to hide, and it should allow us to get close enough to the Depot and Krayt that we can work out our next move.

“Good then this is what I want...”

The process of disguising her combat suit took a while. Ashai and Key worked up the images of the work suit and then Hound set to work. The colour changes would be the last thing to do, just before Ashai risked more travelled areas. Down here in the basement levels she would stick with broken greys and browns. The tight, sleek and sexy armoured body suit took on first the appearance of heavy duty fabric liberally patched with leather protection for knees and elbows, before filling out as Hound added more armour to fill out her torso and make her curvy figure less obviously female and far less distracting or noticeable. The way the armour now flattened and squashed her breasts was definitely uncomfortable but she just had to cope with it. Additional layering in the arms and legs gave her a heavier more muscled appearance. Once they were happy with the general appearance, Hound began distressing and dirtying the suit, while Ashai liberally wiped her arms and thighs with accumulated grease from the workbench leaving the marks of a worker wiping their hand clean. Her armored gauntlets similarly became disguised as heavy duty work gloves.

“Okay we're getting there, but I still need a hard hat.”

Hound can form a hard hat but you won't be able to remove it. It will offer substantially head protection, and your disguised suit also gives more protection than normal.

“I like being protected Key, but it looks so damn ugly and it’s not comfortable either.” Ashai complained referring to her flattened bust.

If you would like the work suit in a fetching shade of purple it can be arranged. Key twitted her, and Ashai laughed quietly despite the circumstances.

“No I think we'll stay like this and then move to greasy orange and dirt brown as planned. Nice idea though, and I’ll just put up with being a little squashed for now. We do need to do something about my hair though, it’s too distinctive.”

No problem Prime, we can just change it too something less striking. My nanites are throughout your body and hair. I can use them to modify the reflective properties of your hair and alter its colour temporarily.

“Wow. That sounds like a very useful trick Key.”

It's been used by Guardians and Primes for disguise many times Ashai, as well as simply for self expression.

“Hmm, can you change my skin as well as my hair? Make it so I look older?”

It’s possible although again the effect is only temporary, as it involves counteracting many of your nanites normal maintenance functions.

“Okay, Key can you show me what I look like in the work suit?”

In Ashai's mind a sharp image of how she looked appeared.

“Is that really how I look?” she asked surprised, “I look different somehow.”

That's because normally you only see yourself in a mirror Ashai, not how the outside world sees you, and it reverses the image.

It was a weird experience, but Ashai found it fascinating.

“How bizarre. Okay Key, I want you to show me what I would look like with dull brown hair, and make me look older, rougher skin, can you manage that?”

Of course Prime, I hope you're not too shocked at the results.

Ashai laughed mentally, then stopped abruptly as the image in her mind suddenly changed and aged 20 years. It made her look like a very good looking woman past her prime who had a hard bitter life, her full lips thinner and cracked, her skin's pores more visible and with a pasty complexion, with hard lines around her eyes. It was an image of a hard life gone badly wrong and for a moment she found it quite disturbing. Key's reassuring voice reminded her that the disguise would only be temporary.

“Okay Key how long would it take to do this?”

Only about 6 minutes.

“Okay then start the process please and change my face and hair, but have Hound leave the suit colour as it is for now.”

Confirmed Prime, commencing.

Ashai felt a strange tingling in her scalp and face. It was a little uncomfortable but not painful at all. Satisfied that the disguise problem was being solved she decided that it was time to talk to Shatrtick. Reaching for her comm, Ashai hunkered down in the darkness behind the lockers to wait for her disguise to complete.


Shatrtick picked up his comm, and took a breath before answering the call.

“I am pleased you succeeded Human. Are you well?”

“I'm just fine Shatrtick. I got your warning comm. What's the situation now?”

“Sec Bur forces are reportedly searching the Concourse for you in strength, they have been observed with your picture. Intelligencia Squads have taken over the Transfer Depot, and secured all the access points above and below ground to the Landing Pads. They have not yet begun searching Krayt territory, but I suspect that will not be long. They are already approaching the Krayt and Reiver prisoners I have trapped behind their blockades. I have instructed my Krayt to surrender. They are not equipped or trained to deal with Intelligencia forces.”

“Okay Shatrtick, I understand that. Has the shuttle landed yet?”

“Yes Lennox it has, and your contact's name is Dveina Thurti. She has made the arrangements to take you off Yasm, along with your juvenile. The Landing Pad is under heavy surveillance at the moment though.”

“Oh? I thought you were being discrete Shatrtick.” Lennox's voice was surprised.

“I am Human.” Shatrtick replied, growling softly in irritation. “The Intelligencia team is watching the Mercenary detachment who have been recruiting from Pad 14. Apparently, they have been associated with you already and are therefore suspect.”

“I suspect you would prefer it if we didn't meet in your base.” Lennox sounded thoughtful but as she was correct about his worries Shatrtick was happy to agree.

“You understand the situation well Human, I have no wish to have Intelligencia and Sec Bur finding us together.” Shatrtick replied. There was a pause before the Human spoke again.

“Then you're going to have to bring Neti and my gear, and my pay to me, very quietly, and meet near Landing Pad 14.”

“That would not be wise Lennox not with Sec Bur and Intelligencia all around!”

“I don't care that it's not wise Shatrtick. You will bring me Neti, my pay and belongings. You, yourself so I know there is no deceit.”

“There is no deceit and what you ask is too dangerous. I will not Human.”

“You will Togan. If you don't want me to come to you, then you must come to me.” There was a slight pause before Lennox's voice continued on the comm, but the change in her tone and the threat it carried was undeniable. “Or would you rather I begin clearing a third Gang from Talont City?”

Shatrtick's anger and fear at the threat made his fur bristle as he replied coldly. A threat for a threat.

“You threaten me Lennox? When I have you juvenile so close at hand? That is...unhealthy.”

There was another long pause, but Lennox's voice when it came was tone dead and flat, seemingly patient as Lennox spoke. In Shatrtick's mind he remembered the human, fully armed, in his command centre, the tiny shifts in body weight as she prepared to unleash slaughter around her.

“Shatrtick, let me make myself plain. You thought I couldn't deal with Cobalts or Grinder and I have. You thought I couldn't cope with Heti, and your description of her cybernetics was sadly lacking. Heti's dead and the Reivers are no more so you have the chance you wanted to control the Concourse and the Landing Pads, all because of me. I've completed my half of the bargain, and now you personally will complete yours. If any harm comes to the girl then I will revisit that pain on you fiftyfold. I will take your feeble band of smugglers and I will gut them. And lastly, I will gut you. I will not care how many die as I come to get you, and I will level this entire Port if I have to. Now make your choice Togan before I lose my temper and declare our bargain void and everything you hold dear forfeit.” Lennox's tone turned cold and vicious as she finished her promise of retribution.

There was a moment of quiet as Shatrtick recoiled from the deadly promise in the Human’s words and hastily weighed up the the situation. Looking down he noticed his hands trembled slightly with his anger and fear. He was caught in a web made of his own ambition, and it shamed him to realise that the trembles were more from his fear then anger. There was no choice, the Intelligencia were bad, but the thought of Lennox ripping through everything he had built....He was caught on the Gatchi's back with no way off except to do as Lennox demanded.

“I...I will comply Lennox. When and where?” The Togan asked, eyes closed in resignation.

“Good. This is what I want you to do...”


Dveina Thurti closed the comm call from Shatrtick and wondered what the Krayt boss had gotten into. Intelligencia and Sec Bur were both looking for the cargo he was smuggling aboard her shuttle. There wasn't anything she could do about that now, she'd agreed and that was that. If Shatrtick failed to get the cargo to her, then she was not at fault, but if he succeeded then she had to ensure the Shuttle got off planet. Honour and economics demanded it, plus Yasm would be a piss poor place to be detained, it was a dump. Thinking intently, Dveina cast her gaze over the Launchpad Bay 14. Her crew were busy unloading the cargo they’d brought down into Yasm's gravity well. Talont Spaceport technical teams were moving around the shuttle, performing routine maintenance tasks. Across the Bay, in the shadows cast by the early afternoon sun, a group of mercenaries were clustered around the bay's portabooth. Giving the mercenaries a closer look, Dveina decided that the veterans looked competent enough, while the recruits looked mostly hot and bothered in the stifling Docking Bay atmosphere. Thinking about the potential issues with her unknown, but Human cargo as well as the Human mercenaries in the Bay, Dveina decided a chat with the mercenary officer was a necessity.


Lt Resnij looked up as Banks escorted the Shuttle's loading officer into the portabooth's tiny office. Waving a hand at the only free seat, Resnij wondered what the Shuttle's officer wanted. Looking about with her species's characteristic rapidity, the female Immit waited for her escort to leave, then she closed the door and sat. The Immit reached into her pocket and withdrew a small pyramid that appeared to be made of ceramic. Resnij's eyes widened slightly as he realised the small device was a sonic muffler. The Immit pressed a button, which recessed into the top of the pyramid and the air around them took on a shimmery quality as the muffler ensured that the conversation would not be overheard. Leaning back in his seat Resnij waited.

“Hello Human, my name is Dveina Thurti, and I'm the shuttle's loading officer. According to my manifest you are Lt Resnij of Narwhat's Fourth?”

“That's correct Officer Thurti. What can I do for you?” Resni asked.

“I have a problem.”

“I had guessed that.” Resnij replied as he wondered if Immit understood irony. “What does that have to do with me?”

“I am told the Port is being searched by the authorities. I have been asked to assist a cargo off Yasm, and I am concerned that the heavy security may prevent this.

Resnij snorted. “Yeah security is tight, as well as Intelligencia surveillance.”


Resnij laughed and explained about the not so subtle surveillance his detachment was under and Intelligencia's suspicion of the mercenaries. All because he had picked up Lennox when Sec Bur had asked him to.

“Is Lennox your cargo?” Resnij asked bluntly.

“I do not know. I was advised the cargo would be a human and a human juvenile. They are being brought here, but if there is an issue because of the security then my honor is threatened. I wished to get your assistance in ensuring my cargo's safety once it arrives.

“Why would you ask us?” Resnij asked. The Immit female cocked its head at him in apparent confusion before responding.

“You are Human. Your mercenaries are Human. My cargo and the juvenile are Human. You will help yes?” The Immit’s tone clearly asked what else was necessary?

Resnij sat back and gazed at the Immit waiting impatiently. He thought briefly about trying to explain that Humans were not like Immit with their extended clan family system. Honor alone would compel an Immit to offer assistance. Sadly, in his experience, Human honor was more flexible. Still, it didn't seem right that this person and child would be prevented from leaving Yasm because the damned Korkari were hunting for Lennox. It didn't seem likely that the cargo was Lennox, not with a child being mentioned. Resnij doubted that Lennox was old enough to have a kid anyway, which was another reason why the Korkari hunting her made no sense. There was no way that young girl could be everything Sec Bur claimed. That hadn't stopped Sec Bur and Intelligencia from utterly fucking up his mission on Yasm. He was nowhere near quota and Narwhat was gonna kick his ass once he reported in. Resnij nodded as he decided. Fuck the Korkari, fuck Sec Bur and fuck the Intelligencia, he would help, it was good karma, and would sooth his frustration at the Maker damned Korkari.

“Yeah, we'll help. What do you want me to do?”


Ashai carried the large toolbox which she'd liberated from the maintenance bay, as she walked calmly through the Concourse. Sec Bur were everywhere and she had been stopped several times as she made her way up from the basement levels. To her amazement though, the Sec Bur troopers had simply compared her face to the photo they had, decided she couldn't be the terrifying human Ashai Lennox and let her go. All Sec Bur forces had a photo, and all of them seemed to think that was all that mattered. If the person in front of them didn't match the photo they couldn't be the person they wanted. It was ridiculous but she wasn't going to complain. Maybe the Sec Bur didn't think Humans were devious enough to change their appearance? Maybe it was related to the Korkari use of scent primarily for identifying each other? After the first few checks where Sec Bur troopers compared her face to the photo, Ashai had simply relaxed and looked bored, wishing she had realised it could be this easy earlier.

Before setting out through the basement passageways, Ashai thoroughly searched the maintenance bay. She found a clipboard with a sheaf of paperwork on it, as well as filling her tool belt and hiding her weapons in the toolbox under more tools, but so far no one had even opened the tool box, or asked for ID. It was complete idiocy and she almost felt like jumping up and down and waving at the squads of Sec Bur troops scanning the crowded Concourse. Still, there was no reason to tempt the Maker's sense of humour, so instead, she kept her head down as she joined the throng of Port workers heading to hundreds of destinations. Working her way up to the ground floor had been simple, and now she stepped out into the sunlight of mid afternoon to queue for one of a stream of automated buggies that were shuttling ship crew, ground staff, passengers and many others back and forth between the Concourse and various Docking Bays.

As she waited Ashai glanced at the large board displaying the map of the Landing Bays, knowing that Key would store the data, before looking along the wide covered plascrete strip that marked the pathway out to the Bays.

“Key display the Landing Bay map please.”

The map appeared over her vision, and Key highlighted her current position, her destination Landing Bay 14A, and the Krayt's den which was displayed at the other end of the Landing Bays.
Studying the map for a moment, Ashai decided that the Landing Bay 16, which was the neighbouring Bay closest to the Krayt's den would be where she would head. A few minutes later she reached the front for the queue for the buggies and hopped on the next one as it arrived, along with a half dozen others. Punching in Bay 16 on the keypad next to her seat, Ashai stowed the tool case under the seats and sat back to wait. The buggy's electric motors soundlessly pulled it away from the queue, Ashai sat and carefully watched around, Key and Hound filling in her map with every scrap of relevant data. Security positions, armour and weaponry, surveillance systems, power lines, as Hound's sensors detected items Key would analyse and display it, while the buggy soundlessly moved through the Landing Bay network. Once she was off the buggy, she would comm Neti.


Neti squeaked in surprise as Ashai's voice suddenly spoke directly in her ear. Her new Momma had given her the little comm bead and told her to put it in her ear. Neti had obeyed immediately and waited anxiously to hear from her. The day had been boring so far. She had stayed in the room the gang had given her Momma, except when she needed to pee. One of the Krayt had brought her a small meal, which had tasted okay, but mostly she'd just been waiting.


“Hi Baby, are you all right? Sorry I didn't speak to you sooner hun.”

“That's okay Momma I know you're busy.”

“Yeah but I'll be finished soon. Did you put the comm unit in the bag like I asked?

“Yes Momma, everything is packed, and I have that bead in my ear. You surprised me Momma.”

Ashai's voice laughed gently and Neti could feel the humour and love in it.

“Sorry about that hun, is the bead comfortable? I need you to keep it in your ear if you can.”

“It's fine Momma and I checked in the mirror like you said, you can't see it unless you really look hard. I hid it with my hair as well.”

“Good girl, are you ready to go? Did you hide the stunners like I told you?”

“Yes. I just need to grab my jacket and I'm ready. The stunners are hidden in my jacket pockets and the cred stick is in the inside pocket like you said.”

“Good girl Neti. Okay, in a while the Krayt are gonna come and get you so they can bring you to me. Be a good girl for them but make sure you bring everything okay, we won't be coming back to the den afterwards. I will keep the the channel open so if you need to tell me anything you can do, just whisper okay.”

“Okay Momma.”

“The Krayt are going to bring you to me near Landing Bay 16 and then we can get our shuttle. Don't let them know you can hear me if I speak to you and someone is there okay.”

“Yes Momma.”

“Okay baby, if anything else happens just let me know if you can and be brave okay, I'll be with you soon. Love you.”

“Love you too Momma.”

Neti sat back on the bed to wait, smiling quietly to herself. It felt good knowing her Momma could hear everything and was looking out for her. She pulled the jacket on and grabbed her Momma's carrysack. Now she was ready to go.


Ashai leaned back against the pile of crates and storage containers, letting her emotions settle, the love she felt for Neti, the sense of protectiveness just seemed to get stronger all the time. She felt anxious being away from the youngster, relieved to know she was all right at the moment, and proud of her all at the same time. It was a little overwhelming in the intensity of it all but Key was there reassuring her everything was well.

The buggy ride had gone smoothly and she'd got off at Bay 16. As the buggy moved past Bay 14A Ashai had seen a half dozen Sec Bur troopers on guard as well as technicians at work. She hadn't been able to see inside the Bay itself though. There was a lot of cargo stacked outside Bay 16 but only a single guard.

Looking around when she got off the buggy, Ashai saw a power junction box on the wall behind one of the large piles of metallic storage containers of cargo waiting to be shipped out. Above the Bay's entrance hatch a large status screen showed that an arrival was due in a few hours, so there was no one else around outside the Bay except the single guard who wandered across.

“What they got you doing Tech?”

Ashai waved the clipboard of paper at the Sec Bur trooper.

“They got me stripping down the damn box power junction box, on my own as well, it's gonna take hours.” Ashai made to offer the trooper the clipboard of paper to inspect but the Korkari just chuckled and waved her away.

“On your own? You must of pissed the supervisor off! Good luck with that Tech.”

Ashai made a disgusted noise. “Phah, you said it, I have another on Bay 23 as well.”

The Korkari trooper gave a pained grunt of sympathy and headed back to his post, ignoring her as Ashai walked behind the pile of metal out of his view and opened her tool case for appearance's sake, before quietly comming Neti.

Now, the call to her new daughter complete, Ashai began inspecting the power box, and taking a good look around the area. In a few minutes she would give Shatrtick his instructions.


Katx had been waiting calmly down the tunnel for hours. Every hour he would comm Gantol with an update and check if the Intelligencia officer had any new instructions, but so far he'd nothing new to do except wait for the Krayt to make a significant move. It was boring but it wasn't as though it was the first time he'd been on surveillance. The buggy he had requisitioned was parked behind a pile of cargo and his position was in the shadows so he was satisfied he hadn't been spotted. Not that it would change much if he was. Sec Bur could do what they wanted. Katx was busy thinking about which of his department's young female administrators was due to come onto season next when movement along the tunnel caught his attention. Raising his low light monoscope to his eye the scene jumped into focus.

A couple of Krayt had appeared out of the maintenance tunnel that was their access to the Krayt base. The Krayt spoke to the guards on duty then one walked back in while another trotted up the tunnel around the bend. A couple of minutes later a hovertruck appeared around the bend and pulled up alongside the tunnel. The driver got out, and vanished inside the tunnel. Katx wondered whether he should comm Gantol that something was happening but as he reached for his comm a large Togan male appeared. Focusing on the Togan, Katx recognised him as Shatrtick, the leader of the Krayt. The Togan got into the hovertruck, and a Korkari Krayt appeared escorting a much smaller figure to the truck. A human female? A juvenile female? Why in the Maker's name would the Krayt have a human juvenile in their base, and why would Shatrtock himself be escorting the juvenile somewhere? Hurriedly taking his seat in the buggy, Katx pressed the power button as he commed Gantol that he was following.


Gantol sat back as Katx finished his comm. A Human child? That was new information and possibly vital. Lennox was still on Yasm and after what his Intelligencia squads had found there was no doubt she'd been working for Shatrtick. The discovery of the cyborg's burnt out body and its severed hand had been a shock, but it answered some questions and asked more. Obviously Lennox had killed the cyborg although how was unknown. The Reiver's body had been taken for an autopsy but apparently had suffered massive burns. His Intelligencia squads had captured a number of Krayt and Reivers at the end of the connecting tunnel to the Concourse. The Reivers were unarmed and apparently prisoners but the Krayt had surrendered peacefully as well. Gantol assumed that Shatrtick was counting on his businesslike relationship with the Intelligencia to secure the release of his smugglers. In the meantime, the Reivers had been beheaded and removed as a power in the gang war for control of the Port District. Shatrtick was now in a powerful position, assuming Gantol decided not to intercede.

Was this female child why Lennox hadn't left Yasm already? Gantol would readily concede he wasn't an expert on Humans, who would want to be? He didn't think Lennox was old enough to be the juvenile Human's mother. Possibly a broodkin? Did this explain why Lennox was on Yasm in the first place? There was no obvious reason why Lennox would be associated with the juvenile other than being kin. The chances of the juvenile not being anything to do with Lennox at all? It was possible Gantol conceded to himself, but it was such an odd thing to be happening at the same time Lennox was at large, and for Shatrtick to be involved as well. The odds of coincidence were vanishingly small. In that case if Shatrtick was taking the Human juvenile to meet Lennox where would they go? Gantol instincts were talking to him and they were saying Lennox was ready to leave Yasm now. He still didn't know for sure why Lennox was on Yasm, but if Shatrtick was moving the Human juvenile then as far as Lennox was concerned the work had to be over. Assuming his assumption that the juvenile was brood kin was correct. Gazing into space Gantol nodded to himself, there was no proof but it felt right. So Shatrtick would be taking the Human child to…. Could the mercenaries really just be a coincidence? Only one way to find out. Picking up his comm again Gantol issued new orders.


Katx listened to Gantol's update with savage interest. Finally something was happening, and the boredom would cease. He closed up the distance behind the Krayt hovertruck. Gantol would rely on him to close off any escape when the trap was sprung. As the Krayt leader moved deeper into the Landing Bay's tunnel network, Katx wondered whether Gantol's analysis of the situation was correct. He had decided that the gang leader would be heading for Landing Bay 14A, and was deploying forces to ensure that Shatrtick was not able to get there. Which just left the question of where Lennox was and what the Human would do when it became obvious that her plan had collapsed. Not long now.


Ashai looked up from where she was working in the guts of the power supply junction box then back down as she cursed mentally at the sight of a dozen heavily armoured and armed Intelligencia troopers running past her stacks of crates and cargo containers. One of the two squad leaders gave orders and quickly the Korkari pulled apart a pile of metal cargo packs and formed a makeshift barricade. Grimly, Ashai approved of the ambush's placement, the barricade was just behind the tunnel corner, it would only be visible at the last moment, and just as anyone was forced to slow down by the piled cargo stacks. The Intelligencia troopers took up their positions around the barricade and levelled their weaponry through the gaps, to wait for their prey, while their squad leaders conferred briefly with the lone Sec Bur guard.

The guard pointed across at her and explained she was repairing the power system. The squad leaders briefly watched her before returning their attention back to the Sec Bur trooper. Half a minute later both squad leaders walked back to their men. Ashai breathed a quiet sigh of relief at not being discovered just yet. She had worried the Intelligencia troops would be more perceptive, but it seemed that knowing the Sec Bur trooper had 'cleared' her was enough. Now all she had to do was wait and work out what to do next. Hound and Key had already analysed and highlighted the Intelligencia's equipment and Ashai was satisfied that she could deal with them. The odds weren't that great though. Lights moving on the tunnel walls in the distance announced the imminent arrival of the first to discover the hasty barricade.

The lights turned out to be another of the silent electric buggies that moved through the tunnel network. It rounded the corner and braked to a sudden halt. In front of the containers making the metal barricade. Half a dozen surprised and alarmed Korkari were quickly checked out and waved on in seconds, three troopers moving to allow the buggy through the staggered crates of the barricade, all under the weaponry of the remaining Intelligencia troopers. Ashai wondered how long it would be before Shatrtick ran into the ambush.

“Should I try and warn Shatrtick Key?”

I do not think so Prime.

“But Neti could be hurt if he tries to escape the ambush!” Ashai argued, concerned for the little girl.

Analysis of Shatrtick's behaviour so far would not suggest any likelihood that he would be willing to get involved in combat with the authorities. He is a businessman, not a warrior. His most likely reaction would be to surrender, and wait to see what happens next. If we were able to provide him with sufficient warning that he avoided the ambush, all it would mean is that either he would retreat back to the Krayt base, or would try to find an alternative route here. Either way means that we are not in a position to assist Neti, and we may be delayed or prevented from escaping Yasm. You might warn Neti that the ambush is coming but anything else would be counterproductive.

Ashai growled in frustration before acknowledging the validity of Key's analysis. She was worried for Neti and having to wait and do nothing was not sitting well with her. Hound's sensors warned her of another buggy coming along the tunnel but this time from the nearer Concourse end. She ducked her head back down and covertly glanced to see who was in the vehicle.


Gantol hopped off the buggy as it rolled to a stop just short of Landing Bay 16 and behind his two Intelligencia squads' barricade. Katx had just informed him the Krayt boss was only a couple of minutes away at most, and had shown no sign of stopping short of Landing Bay 14A and the Mercenaries waiting there for their shuttle off Yasm. He had no proof, and the surveillance at Bay 14 had shown no sign of anything suspicious but Gantol was sure in his gut that his guess was correct. Shatrtick would soon prove that one way or another. He strode over to the barricade and casually answered the salutes of his men.

“Everything ready?”

“Yes Officer Gantol. The barricade is in place, and Bay 16 is empty. Just a single guard here and the technician doing repairs to the power junction over on the far wall Sir.”

Gantol looked where his trooper pointed. The orange clad technician was hard at work repairing a power junction. Gantol's suspicion flared momentarily as he realised the dirty tech was a Human female, but another look showed her to be decades older than Lennox, with dirty brown hair and a much heavier build. The technician was well out of harm's way so he decided to leave her be.

“Excellent. Remember, I want them captured unharmed if possible, especially the human juvenile. Sec Bur Serageant Katx has informed me our targets are almost here so be ready.”

The squad leaders returned to their troops, urging them to a higher state of alertness, and Gantol stepped back into the enclosure around the armoured hatch to Landing Bay 16. Despite his suspicious nature the Intelligencia officer missed the twitch the Human technician gave as he mentioned the juvenile.


“Neti, stay silent. You are about to be stopped by troopers. Do what they say, and stay alert. When I say so, use the stunners. Remember to close your eyes hun. Cough once if you understand hun.


“Good girl.”


Shatrtick peered down the tunnel as the buggy neared the last corner before Bay 16. Lennox would be near and the Togan felt nervous. The situation was out of his control now and his nerves were jangling from the tension. The juvenile Human coughed in the back of the truck, and then was quiet again. The hovertruck slowed as his Krayt driver braked for the corner, and then swung the vehicle into the corner. The truck's headlights swung around the corner and the driver braked as the piles of cargo containers suddenly came into view. Shatrtick rocked forward under the truck's braking, and he braced himself against the hovertruck's dash. Finally the turning truck's headlights swung further and the driver cursed as he slammed the brake all the way down, to try and dump the slowing hovertruck's remaining inertia. Shatrtick went to curse the driver then his gaze caught the barricade in front of the truck, the weaponry aimed right at them, the heavily armoured troopers swarming to the hovertruck.

Shatrtick sensed more than saw his driver begin to move for his weapon.

“STOP.” The driver looked at him, as Shatrtick glanced in the truck's rear view screen. The sight of a buggy immediately behind their vehicle blocking their escape, settled the decision.

“We're caught Idfari, no point in getting killed as well. Leave the weapon.” Shatrtick ordered, his voice calm.

Outside the truck the troopers surrounded the vehicle, and the amplified voice of a Squad Leader boomed out, ordering that the truck be powered down. Shatrtick nodded and the driver complied, the hovertruck settled down to the ground. Armoured hands ripped open the truck's cab doors, and pulled the Togan boss and Korkari driver out of the vehicle. Shatrtick glanced left and saw another Intelligencia trooper throwing open the rear of the truck, before gesturing into the truck. A trooper prodded Shatrtick to move and he obeyed, looking around, trying to work out what to do next. As the Intelligencia troopers moved him through the barricade, Shatrtick caught his breath as he spotted Gantol. That Maker cursed spy. How? This wasn't random, he was here waiting for them to arrive. Maker Damn him.

The troopers stood Shatrtick against a pile of containers as one quickly and efficiently searched him and removed his weapons and comm, while another trooper kept his plasma carbine aimed at him. A second pair of troopers searched the driver and then stepped back. The driver submitted to the search with ill disguised anger, but obeyed Shatrtick’s example and stood beside the Krayt leader when the search was finished. Another trooper escorted the Human juvenile out of the truck. The Human did as the trooper asked, sitting against a pile of cargo crates, with her arms wrapped around her carrysack. The trooper obviously considered taking the carrysack from the juvenile, then decided he had nothing to fear from the Human girl and let her keep the sack as she sat with it between her knees. Shatrtick tried to decipher the juvenile's expression but it was difficult. She didn't behave in a manner that suggested fear, in fact the Togan concluded the juvenile appeared to be waiting, looking calm and alert, almost expectant. Shatrtick's thoughts were interrupted as another Korkari walked through the barricade, this one dressed in Sec Bur uniform, and Shatrtick realised this must be the driver of the buggy that blocked the hovertruck's only escape.

“Ah, Katx, well done.” Gantol congratulated the Sec Bur Sergeant. “ You timed that very well. They had nowhere to go and no time to escape. We detained the Krayt leader and also the human juvenile you saw. Now we will be able to dictate what Lennox does next. When she tries to contact Shatrtick we can step in and force her to surrender.”

Shatrtick couldn't help it, he snorted his laughter at Gantol's presumption. The Maker Damned spy was so smart and yet he was going to provoke Lennox. Gantol and Katx turned as they heard his snorts, and seeing their indignation made the Togan laugh harder, ignoring the weapons trained on him completely.

“Something amuses you Shatrtick?” Gantol's tone was cold.

“Nothing much Gantol. Just listening to your plan to force Lennox to do what you want. You haven't even the faintest idea of what that means. You're going to take a Gatchi and piss it off. All Lennox has been trying to do is get off planet, with her juvenile, and to do that the mad Human has ripped the crap out of two whole Gangs. And you're going to make her mad at you deliberately? Crazy.” The Togan laughed some more but his tone was bitter.

“That human assassin is on Yasm for a reason and I will find out what.” Gantol declared loudly.

“Lennox slaughtered Sec Bur troopers and she's going to pay for that.” Katx promised angrily.

Shatrtick shook his head as he sneered at the Intelligencia officer.

“Officer Gantol of our revered Intelligencia, I'm no expert, but Lennox is planning on leaving today, and would have been gone already if not for the deal she made with me, so whatever the reason the human is here on Yasm it's already completed. I'm sure you would have heard if some high ranking member of the Administration had vanished or turned up dead."

The Togan turned his loud angry scorn on Katx.

“I know all about Lennox slaughtering your precious Sec Bur thugs, Katx, and you want to give her more bodies to cut her way through? Arrogant fool. Lennox killed Heti single handed and barely broke a sweat. Heti was a fucking psychotic bitch but she used to be an Imperial Assault Reiver. The only reason the Reivers had a hold on the Concourse was because Sec Bur was too scared to try and go in and get her. So now Heti's dead and you want to match Sec Bur and Intelligencia thugs on our little backwater against the Human that killed her? The Administration will hang you both for incompetence, assuming Lennox leaves enough of you in one piece to hang.”

Katx's moved, the enraged Korkari going to strike the Togan. Shatrtick's blistering mockery was enough to infuriate the Sec Bur Sergeant beyond his short temper's already strained limit. He lashed out with a big fist, Shatrtick taking the heavy blow to his midriff with a grunt. The Krayt leader sneered again as the Intelligencia troopers guarding him raised their weapons, and Gantol ordered the Sec Bur Sergeant to stand down after second heavy blow to his torso.

“Enough Sergeant.” Gantol barked.

“You're very brave Katx,” Shatrtick taunted, “attacking an unarmed Togan with plasma carbines pointed at him. You Korkari hit like Togan kits.”

“Sergeant Katx!” Gantol voice was like a lash, halting Katx as he raised his fist again.

Gantol also found the Krayt boss's mockery hard to stomach but even as he forced his own anger down he was analysing Shatrtick's words. The Togan had contradicted some of his own assumptions. He implied that the reason Lennox was still on Yasm was the juvenile not some other operation. If the Human was only interested in getting herself and the juvenile off world, then could Shatrtick be right? By capturing the juvenile could they have just made themselves Lennox's main target? Or would she cooperate with threats to the juvenile's safety? Caught in a rare moment of indecision Gantol wondered whether it would be better to just let the juvenile go and let Lennox leave Yasm unhindered any further. Katx and Sec Bur would never go for it, the deaths of their troopers had to be avenged, but Gantol came to the unwilling realisation that the vast majority of the deaths inflicted by Lennox had helped not hindered the Administration. Disposing of the Cobalts and destroying the Reivers had made the situation in Talont and the Concourse overall far easier to control.

Of course, none of that answered the questions about exactly who or what Lennox was, and the Intelligencia's concerns ran somewhat deeper than Sec Bur. Was Lennox a threat to Yasm or the Administration in general? Why didn't any record of her exist? Where had she come from and how? He shook his head in frustration. It didn't matter if Lennox was only trying to leave, there were too many questions that he, that Intelligencia, needed answered. His thoughts had only taken a couple of seconds, and Katx was still waiting for instructions.

“Shatrtick, I think your attitude will be improved by some time in Intelligencia's cells. I've lots of questions to ask you.”

Shatrtick blinked slowly and if the Togan was intimidated he didn't show it, instead Gantol thought the Krayt leader almost looked relieved.

“That might just be the safest place in Talont for me.” Shatrtick muttered bitterly, thinking of Lennox's promised wrath.

“Sergeant Katx, take Shatrtick and his driver back to Intelligencia for me. Take a couple of my troopers for security as well.”

Katx knew an order he couldn't avoid when he heard one, and saving his grumbling for when he was out of Gantol's sight, grabbed a couple of troopers and gestured for the two captives to walk in front of him back to the buggy. Gantol waited until the buggy was out of sight then detailed a trooper to remove the hovertruck. He glanced around, the lone Sec Bur trooper was still on guard, the technician was still busy, and he had nine Intelligencia troopers still on guard at the barricade. With a trace of worry, Gantol wondered whether that would be enough. Intelligencia troopers had better training than Sec Bur but he would never consider sending only nine troopers after an Imperial Reiver. With a quick comm call he ordered his remaining Intelligencia troopers to reinforce his position immediately. It would take almost 10 minutes, but shortly he would have another 3 full squads on hand.


Ashai peered round the cargo containers and swore quietly as she overheard the Korkari officer giving orders on his comm. From the way he spoke, it sounded like he had at least another couple of squads on the way. Whatever she was going to do would have to be quick. Neti was only a few metres away and Ashai felt very proud of her. She looked calm, not scared like Ashai was sure she would have been in Neti's situation.

You forget Prime that you didn't have a Warp Avatar as a personal protector. Neti knows you will come for her, and she knows you are close, how else could you have warned her about the ambush. She is smart, and I think resourceful and brave.

“I know Key but I'm still proud of her. It looks like Gantol is going to ask Neti some questions. If he hurts her...”

I’m sure the spy knows that would be foolish, especially after Shatrtick's comments. Key reassured her.


Neti leant her back against the cargo containers and wondered what the big Korkari was going to ask her. The Korkari had been giving orders to everyone else so she guessed he had some power, but he didn't look scary. The Krayt boss had been led away and had gone quietly, in fact the big Togan had sounded relieved. Neti grinned to herself, Shatrtick was probably glad to be away from her Momma's anger, she wondered whether this Korkari had any idea how much trouble he was in. Momma was close and would be here soon.

“What is your name Human?”


The big Korkari male, crouched down before he spoke again.

“Neti, my name is Officer Gantol. I work for the Administration, and I need you to answer some questions for me. You understand?”

Neti cocked her head at him for a second, then nodded.

“Good. I am looking for a Human female, called Ashai Lennox. Do you know her?”

Trying not to roll her eyes, Neti nodded again. This Korkari was being polite but she was sure he must already know that or why else would he have stopped Shatrtick?

“Do you know where Lennox is Neti?”

She shook her head and the Korkari's expression changed slightly. Neti wasn't sure if the Officer believed her or not, he looked disappointed maybe, or was that worried?

“If you know where she is, you must tell me Neti, Ashai is in a lot of trouble.”

“I don't know.” Neti answered verbally for the first time. The Korkari flared his lips in irritation.

“Well you will be staying with me until I find Lennox.”

“I don't think that's a good idea Ser Gantol.” Neti said respectfully.

“Oh and why is that Human?” Gantol sneered.

“Because you want to take her away and she won't let you. If you make her come and get me, she'll get mad. If you try and stop her you'll die.”

Neti looked up at the Korkari as she spoke, and locked gaze with the big male. There was a long pause before the Korkari looked away and strode over to the troopers at the barricade. Neti watched the Korkari leave and grinned. Momma was coming for her and Ser Gantol was in deep shit.


Gantol took the status report from the squad leaders almost on automatic. He would never admit it, but the Human juvenile's piercing gaze had worried him. She was so...certain. Again the treacherous idea of letting Lennox go, flicked through his mind. Was this going to be worth the cost?


Ashai grinned at Neti's bald declaration to Officer Gantol. The Korkari's body language was decidedly unhappy. Well shortly the Korkari would be more unhappy. First to spirit Neti away, then deal with Ser Gantol. Moving back into cover behind the Cargo containers she heard the Intelligencia troopers being ordered to change position to cover the tunnel in both directions. The combat primer was pointing out to her that they should be moving her as well, but the Korkari complacently continued to ignore the Human technician, as they moved around efficiently. Hound and Key plotted their movements and new positions, and Ashai checked over her plan. It was spotting the hatchway in the tunnel floor that had sparked the plan. Hidden behind the cargo piles the hatchway was simply marked as Conduit Beta Hatch 16. Pulling up the hatch as part of her repairs on the power junction box was simple, and revealed a small dark tunnel running in both directions along the tunnel, and a junction that led toward Bay 16.

While the squads of troopers had waited Shatrtick to arrive at the barricade, Ashai had rapidly explored the conduit, discovering that it also had access links to other Bays further along the system, and that the exits were operable from inside with the assistance of a basic hydraulic system. Ashai wondered who it was intended for as Korkari would find it very cramped, but supposed there were plenty of other species who would fit. The plan was simple, she would give Neti instructions by comm, then free her and get her into the conduit. Neti would then get herself into Bay 14A to the shuttle, and wait for her there. Ashai would provide a distraction for Gantol and his Intelligencia squads, before joining her in time for lift off. Neti would hopefully be safe and they would be off world. Whether or not Gantol and his troopers were alive was up to them. Ashai had finished her preparations including planting a pair of armed detonators in the repaired junction box. Show time.


“Key how long to shed our disguise and change back to the combat default? I'm sick of looking like this.”

The nanos are still active Prime so the hair colour will only take seconds. Approximately a minute for Hound to reconfigure the armour, and just under 4 minutes for the facial disguise.

“Good. Okay begin the changes please Key, while I speak to Neti.”

Ashai ducked back into hiding behind the cargo pile and reached for her comm, whispering into it as she felt the strange tingling in her face begin again, and the orange colour in the armour leached away to blackness as her combat suit began to reform.

“Neti, you're doing really good baby. Stay there and I'll tell you what I'm going to do. When I tell you, I want you to call Officer Gantol to you. Give a small nod, if you remember how to use the stunners I gave you....good girl. Okay this is what we're going to do...”


Gantol checked his chrono, the first squad of reinforcements were only a minute away and he felt the tension beginning to loosen in his neck. He could still almost feel the Human juvenile's gaze on his back, following him around as he talked to the troopers. As an experienced Intelligencia Officer, he felt irritated with himself for being nervous and tense. That same tension communicated itself to his men, so now he had almost two squads of nervous troopers. Being in these damn tunnels didn't help. No Korkari liked it, but sometimes you just had to get on and deal with it. Still with another 3 squads he would feel a lot less exposed.

“Ser Gantol?” The juvenile called him, and Gantol peered round the corner. The Human was leaning against the cargo boxes, waiting calmly with her carrysack slung over her shoulder and hands in her jacket pockets.

“What do you want Human?”

“There's a message for you Ser.” The juvenile spoke respectfully and was looking away to his right behind the stacked containers.

“Message..what message?” Gantol started around the containers towards the Human and the pair of troopers followed him, dragged by the sudden urgency in his voice. The three Korkari cleared the stack, and Gantol looked where the juvenile had been staring. There was nothing there, and he turned back to the Human, irritated at being mocked.

“You should have let me go.” The juvenile spoke as she pulled her hands from her jacket, flicking small objects away from her as she clamped her hands over her ears, screwed her eyes shut and opened her mouth all in one seamless movement. Gantol's mind was hurrying to catch up with his instinctive glance to see what the objects were when ear shattering THUMPS of sound and blinding flashes of light went off in his face.

He couldn't see.....he couldn't hear......He pulled himself off the ground, staggering, disorientated, daggers of fiery blinding pain behind his eyes …..and retched helplessly propping himself up against something. Tears streamed from his eyes as Gantol frantically blinked to try and clear the after image on his retina from the flash. Rolling he put his back against...he realised it was a stack of cargo containers...his vision started to return, blurred and eyes streaming but at least he wasn't blind anymore. Looking around he stumbled against the trooper that had been on his right....his head was lolling at an unnatural angle.....the trooper on his left was slumped against the cargo stack, arterial blood pouring from a wound under his arm....Maker's Mercy ...How long was I out? Seconds...minutes? He grabbed one of the plasma carbines lying on the tunnel floor. The Human juvenile was gone...Lennox was here somewhere...How had this happened? Did the juvenile have the stunners on her or had she been given them....by the other Human? The Human technician was gone from where she had been working...was she part of Lennox's support team? Another coincidence?

Gantol's ears were ringing now, and he stumbled out from the cargo stacks, there was light shining down the tunnel to his left around the corner and he guessed it was his reinforcements arriving, but where he should be able to see barricade and one of the squads, the barricade was down, and he could see the feet of another body. He spun right looking down as he sensed a movement, his balance still off and his ears ringing. A fist smashed into his face and his jaw exploded in pain and darkness took him again.


Resnij stood beside Banks and glared at the Korkari surveillance team. They pissed him off and he really wanted to make that clear but so far nothing untoward had happened despite Dveina Thurti's concerns. He shook his head, and idly scratched at the stubble on his jawline. His squad had been repositioned slightly in case of action, with the new 'recruits' kept off to one side and under cover in case of a fire fight. Orders had been given in case of action but it wasn't looking promising so far.

“Okay Banks just keep an eye on those fuckers for me, while I kill some more frigging paper.”

“You got it..”

The two mercenaries were interrupted by the sudden sharp cracks of a pair of stun grenades in the distance. The sound was muffled by the tunnel and across the Docking Bay but even then it was loud, and very distinctive. Resnij was moving before the reports had finished echoing. Seconds later there was another two stun grenade detonations followed by a brief burst of weapons fire.


The mercenaries chatted idly amongst themselves as they casually lounged around in the shade. The veterans either bullshitted each other or hazed the newbies depending on their mood. All the while maintaining a lazy alertness that was very deceptive. Most of their personal gear had been stacked away waiting for loading aboard the shuttle, but since Lt Resnij had spread the word, the various trips back and forth had inconspicuously managed to ensure the squad had their weapons and were loaded. As the sounds of weapon fire caused consternation amongst the various beings in the entrance to the Docking Bay the mercenaries exploded into action.

The squad had been together for a long time and immediately slipped into their well worn roles. Each mercenary fought with a buddy, firing and manoeuvring, and providing fire support and first aid if necessary, while the squad itself fought as pairs of elements, with manoeuvre elements as well as heavier support weaponry. With the grace and speed of long experience the casual lounging around dissolved into the fire support elements setting up a lethal crossfire zone while the manoeuvre elements sprinted to secure the entrance to the Docking Bay. The Armoured Docking Bay Door was the focal point of the tactical situation and Lt Resnij was damned if he was going to allow the Korkari to secure it while his ride off Yasm was stuck on the ground.

He watched with quiet pride and satisfaction as the elements performed their roles, while Banks dealt with comms and he maintained oversight. The 'technicians' that were spying on the mercenaries suddenly found themselves overwhelmed and roughly disarmed before the smaller but armed Humans used zip ties to secure the spies as prisoners. Outside the Docking Bay the pair of Sec Bur guards turned at the disturbance, and found themselves outmanned and outgunned. They surrendered, and were immediately disarmed, then zip tied while their comms were disabled. The Mercenaries then bundled the two guards into the Docking Bay along with the genuine civilian techs and loaders who had been outside the Docking Bay when the Mercenaries secured it.

With the immediate situation dealt with, a manoeuvre elements dealt with the prisoners while the remainder of the Squad rapidly advanced and began dragging the cargo containers outside the Door into makeshift fortifications and setting up new fire zones while they waited to see what happened next. As Lt Resnij began to make contingency plans, there was a thunderous roar, much longer and louder than the sharp cracks of the stun grenades. He winced as he recognised the sound of military grade explosives. Wherever that detonation had been was now rubble, and the stakes had just risen. There was a flicker and all the power in the Docking bay died, before battery powered emergency lighting came on. From outside the door his elements reported a blinding thick wave of dust and smoke that surged down the tunnel from the direction of Bay 16.


Someone shook him roughly awake and Gantol groaned at the thumping ache in his head and the pain in his jaw, then coughed and snorted the dust from his lungs. A none too gentle toe in the ribs flipped him over onto his back, and a Human face with long hair that somehow was shining platinum in colour despite the dirt in the air looked down at him with a frown. Strange, Gantol thought, Lennox looks older than her picture. The Human female held out his comm to him.

“Tell the rest of your reinforcements to back off Gantol. I don't want to have to blow them up as well.”

Gantol's mind swam as he tried to piece together what had happened.

“Blow them up?” He muttered to himself. Lennox heard him and answered coldly.

“I brought the tunnel down on your first squad, you're not getting any help from the Depot. Now unless you want me to do the same for the Concourse end tell them to stand down.”

Shaking his head to try and clear it, Gantol looked at the Human again, she looked younger than before. Lennox must have hit him harder than he thought, Gantol mused.

“Do it.” The order was unmistakable and despite himself Gantol was impressed at the force of command in the Human's voice. His hands shook slightly as he accepted the offered comm. He felt too stunned by how quickly his command had been shattered to do anything else except obey her commands.

“This is Ser Gantol. All units hold your positions and await orders. Confirm.”

The voices of three squad leaders confirmed his orders although the third sounded furious, and he realised that was the squad from the Depot.

“Yostar, Ser Gantol. What's your situation?” Gantol asked tiredly.

“I have two casualties Ser, and the access tunnel is collapsed. It’s totally impassable. We haven't been able to retrieve the bodies yet.” The anger and grief in Yostar’s s voice was palpable.

“Understood Yostar.” Gantol sighed.

Following the human’s instructions galled him. There had to be something he could do, but he felt at a loss for what that could be and not get him or more of his people killed.

“Stand down, and hold position at the Tunnel's exit. Get any medical needs dealt with and wait for Sec Bur to relieve your position. Get a tech team to start clearing the rubble while you get patched up.”

“Ser.” Squad Leader Yostar signed off.

Gantol pushed himself into a sitting position, noting he was filthy. Not exactly how Intelligencia Officers were supposed to look. Lennox was damn strong to have dragged him across to the doors of Bay 16. It was very dark...No power...The only light was coming from emergency lighting.

“What did you do Lennox?”

“Blew up the power junction.” The human shrugged.

“With what?” Gantol demanded outraged.

“Blarcht Suprex Detonator. Two actually. Cut the main power circuit and brought the tunnel down.”

“How many of my troopers have you killed?”

“Thankfully just those that were with you here.”

“Just? Just! Maker's spawn you Human bitch those were Intelligencia troopers. Nine troopers...”

“You forgot the Sec Bur guard.” Lennox's voice was arctic cold. “You forced this situation Gantol. None of this had to happen. You could have just let us leave, and you shouldn't have stopped Shatrtick from delivering my daughter to me.” Lennox voice was heavy with contempt.

Gantol blustered at the Human. “Murderer, you have slaughtered too many for us to just let you go.”

He shifted back at the sudden angry expression that flitted across Lennox's face.

“Murderer? All I've tried to do is get off this dump, and defended myself. You put the manhunt on my ass, you think I'm some enhanced assassin and yet you still send your piss poor Sec Bur thugs after me. If anyone's a murderer Ser Gantol it's you for throwing bodies that had no chance against me. Your arrogance and incompetence has murdered your men. If you think I'm going to go easy on you when you have my daughter you're a fool.”

Gantol looked at the angry Human standing over him and tried to work out what to say, what to do. Lennox's biting comments sounded all too similar to his own thoughts.


Neti stumbled down the tunnel with the torch the woman in orange had given her. Her Momma had given her instructions over the comm, and everything had gone as her Momma had said. She dropped the stunners and clamped her hands over her ears remembering to keep her mouth open, and screwing her eyes closed. It was so loud but she was expecting it and stumbled towards the woman in orange as Momma said. The woman took the other two stunners from her and gave her a torch and a very quick hug. There was a hatch open in the tunnel floor and quickly she climbed down the ladder and turned right, flicking on the torch. The hatch closed behind her and Neti felt a jolt of fear but her Momma had told her to be brave. She was only small so there was plenty of space for her to run.

Past the first junction off the small dark passage, she ran onwards. Distantly she heard another two sharp bangs, and then what sounded like someone firing a weapon. Neti ran onwards. There was a much larger bang behind her in the distance and Neti screamed in fear, crouching as vibrations reveberated through the dark passage. Dust swirled around her, and the torch light had difficulty getting through the haze. Nothing else happened and with a whimper she picked herself up and carried on running, quickly coming up on another junction and turning left following a sign for Bay 14A on the wall.

She soon found a ladder on the wall with a short climb and a hatch above her. There was a long lever on the wall with an arrow pulling down beside it and Neti followed her Momma's instructions, pulling on the lever with her full weight. Nothing happened for a few seconds, and she fought down panic. Planting her feet against the wall, Neti grabbed the lever and pulled with all her strength, pushing against the wall with her legs as well. With a sudden squeal the lever jerked loose and then moved smoothly down, and above her a hatch opened. Overhead Neti could see blue sky and anxious to be out of the dark she hurriedly clambered up the ladder towards the daylight.


Lt Resnij paid careful attention to the comm channel as his detachment's element kept up a steady stream of reports. So far everything was quiet, and after the initial explosions and weapons fire the dust had begun settling outside the Docking Bay in the access tunnel. Catching movement with his peripheral vision Resnij glanced out towards where the shuttle lay, its sleek form nowhere near filling the Docking Bay. What was it he had seen? There! On the far side of the shuttle a hatch had opened near the periphery of the Docking Bay, hard to see because of the shadows. Someone's head popped up and looked cautiously around, and Resnij watched as a young girl, pulled herself out of the hatchway pulling a carry sack with her, looking uncertain for a moment before she did something and the hatch closed again. The girl then disappeared deeper into the shadows into the piles of baggage waiting for loading.

Resnij considered the cargo Dveina Thurtin had mentioned and decided the girl was most likely part of that cargo. There weren't likely to be many other people sneaking into the Docking Bay.

“Banks, you take over here, I need to go and pick up a stray.”

“Got it Boss.”

Leaving the portabooth, Resnij walked around the Bay's exterior, taking his time but keeping the girl's hiding place in view. It took a couple of minutes but soon he was near the baggage pile where he thought she was hiding.

“You can come out of there now kid, you're okay, it's safe.” Resnij called.

There was silence and nothing moved. Resnij stopped moving and kept his distance not wanting to freak the girl out.

“Dveina Thurti already asked us to look out for you. Tell me you're okay and I'll go and get her for you.”

There was a pause and then he saw a young girl's face in the shadows after she peered out from between a big cargo sack, and a pile of luggage. She appeared to listen for a moment then spoke.

“I'm okay. What's your name?”

“Lt Resnij. What's you name kid?” He wanted to put the girl at ease, but being around young kids was not something Resnij had a huge amount of experience of. He watched and the girl seemed to be listening again. Her next words confirmed that.

“My name's Neti, and my Momma says she'll be here soon. Momma asked you to get Dveina Thurti and take me aboard the shuttle. She won't be long but thinks it would be wise to be ready to leave as soon as possible.

“She does huh? What's your Momma called Neti.”

The youngster gave him an impish grin. “She says hi and that you've already met,” Resnij stiffened as a chill ran down the back of his neck at the sudden certainty of what Neti's next words would be.

“Her name's Ashai Lennox.”

“Aw crap, Narwhat's gonna kill me.”


Ashai grinned to herself as she heard Lt Resnij's exclamation over Neti's comm.

“Neti, could you give Lt Resnij your comm please. I need to talk to him.”

“Okay Momma.”

“Good girl.”

“Momma wants to speak to you.”

“Umm, okay.... Hello?” The mercenary Lt's voice sounded uncertain.

“Hello Lt Resnij, it's good to speak to you again, what's your situation?”

“Complicated, thanks to you Lennox.” Lt Resnij sounded irritated.

“Why so stressed Lt?”

“Simple Lennox, you're wanted as a mass murderer by the Administration here. Not good for me if I help you, and my Commander is gonna have my balls.”

“The Administration here believes I'm an assassin Lt and want me dead. I'm not and all I want is to get the hell off Yasm with Neti. Last time I saw you the Administration didn't seem keen to deal fairly with you, so don't help me, just stay out of my way. I'd rather not have to shoot my way through you as well. I'm dealing with the Administration problem at the moment, and then I can get off Yasm. I'll be at the Bay soon, just make sure Neti is on the shuttle.”

“Unfortunately for me I'm already committed to helping, mostly because the Administration screwed us over. Dveina Thurti asked my assistance in ensuring her cargo was able to leave Yasm, and I said yes. I have control of the Docking Bay and its access, and I have....restrained the surveillance team and guards who were on duty.”

“Fair enough Lt, you didn't know you were helping me, that's fine as far as I'm concerned. Just make sure your squad holds fire when I get there, or this mess gets a whole lot more complicated.”

“I hear you Lennox, believe me, simple sounds best.”

“I'm very glad you feel that way Lt Resnij.” Ashai said sincerely. “Can I ask you to get Neti to Dveina Thurti?”

“Yes Miss Lennox you can. Your little girl is safe and sound and will be aboard in a couple of minutes.” Lt Resnij's tone was friendlier as he got over the surprise of her involvement.

“Thank you Lt. I suggest you make preparations for a quick departure.”

“Already ongoing, but thanks for the thought.”

“Okay good. Could you hand the comm back to Neti please.”

“You got it, speak to you soon Miss Lennox.....here you go Neti your Mom wants to speak to you.”

There was a small pause and Neti's voice came back on.


“Hi baby. I'll be there soon. Lt Resnij is gonna take you to Dveina Thurti and get you on the shuttle okay, so be good for him.”

“I will.”

“Good girl. I have to go now. Love you.”

“Love you too Momma.”

Ashai looked at the comm unit in her right hand as Neti's voice clicked off. So much had happened, and Neti was so unexpected but already she couldn't imagine being without her. Taking a breath and clearing her thoughts she looked back at the Korkari who was still sat where she had put him, not willing to risk her reactions with the Makatov aimed at him with her left hand. Ashai pondered what to do next before reaching a decision.

“Get up Gantol.”

The Korkari looked at her for a moment then pulled himself to his feet.

“Start walking.”

“Where to Lennox?”

“The next Bay down. 14A.”

“I cannot let you go Lennox.”

“It's not like you can actually stop me Gantol. Just be quiet and keep walking, and I might not even kill you for getting your men slaughtered.”

“You won't get away with this.”

Ashai laughed briefly.

“Gantol, Yasm is a backwater with no space fleet, and no defences after the Maker damned Dtilla finished with us. The nearest thing to an elite soldier in Talont was the rogue Reiver I killed earlier, and frankly nothing else here has a hope in hell of stopping me. You've already wasted plenty of lives Gantol, and all I've ever wanted to do is leave for the Maker's sake, so just shut up, keep walking and this will all be over soon.”

Ashai thought for a moment the Intelligencia Officer was going to say something else, or even try and stop her physically but after the faintest pause, the Korkari kept walking.


Gantol kept walking, images of the bodies of the troopers killed outside Bay 16 in his mind. Lennox was a demon, and his emotions were demanding that he attack and try to best her, but he knew he was totally outclassed. The Human bitch had put it quite accurately, the best hope for stopping her had been the outlawed Reiver Heti. He swore to himself though that this wouldn't end here. She could leave Yasm and even Korkari space but he would track her down and settle the score. Bitterly he thought to himself it was only Lennox being merciful that had left him alive...not that would help him when the Administration was through with him....his career was probably over.

They rounded the bend in the tunnel and Gantol could see Docking Bay 14A up ahead, but only because of the emergency lighting. Where are the Sec Bur guards? As they got closer he saw movement, but not the Sec Bur figures he expected. What the? Those smaller figures were Humans...They were the mercenaries that had been recruiting in Bay14A....They'd taken control of the Bay...

Gantol felt his anger rising again bubbling volcanically.

“So you were working with the mercenary scum all along...I knew it.” He crowed caustically at Lennox.”

“Keep walking Gatchi bait. They have nothing to do with me, and once their Lt found out I was coming he just about shit himself, worrying about your fucking bureaucrats.”

“Is that so Lennox? So why are they holding the Docking Bay and where are the guards?” Gantol demanded.

“Ah well Gantol I believe that your.....Sergeant Katx was to blame for that.”

“Katx?” Gantol sputtered confused, and Lennox continued talking amiably as she walked behind him.

“Yeah, your Sec Bur fuckwit screwed the mercenaries over during the Dtilla raids. Deployed them, cost them, and then refused to pay. I guess they're not feeling so well disposed to the Administration at the moment, but nothing to do with me.”

Gantol groaned internally. It was news to him, but not really surprising given how Sec Bur viewed mercenaries. Still he was going to burn that unit as far as working in Korkari space.

“Stop here Gantol.” Lennox ordered him as they reached the Docking Bay, where the Human mercenaries covered their approach professionally.

“Ashai Lennox. I'm expected.” Lennox called out before stepping out from behind him. The mercenaries held their fire and Gantol breathed a sigh of relief.

“Come on in Miss Lennox. Who's he?”

“Gantol. Intelligencia Officer and the idiot who's being telling people to hunt me. I have a small job to do before we're ready to leave. The tunnel back behind me is collapsed so you can move your fire zones, but we won't be here much longer. Ask your Lt if he wants to pull you back yet as I'm gonna collapse the tunnel in the other direction as well.”

“Yes Ma'am.”

The Mercenary got on his comm while Gantol swore mentally. She was cutting the Bay off completely, short of climbing in from above which was just asking for a massacre with dug in mercenaries below, not that he had the time or resources to arrange that. Or a comm unit.

Gatchi shit!”.


Corporal Vance watched as the tall woman walked away, quietly amazed at himself for managing to stay professional and not start drooling. He remembered the first time the mercenaries had met the girl and she was hot then, in that tight fitting bodysuit. She was different now though. It had only been a few days, but the Lennox that strode away seemed much more confident, and her stride was graceful but definitely predatory. Vance's danger meter was singing out loud. The armoured body suit the woman was wearing was sexy as hell, and the sight of a woman with a pair of blasters and a sword of all things did it for him, but it was the way she carried herself. The experienced merc ran through the last few seconds in his mind, before he realised what one of the signs was. Lennox's eyes had never stopped moving, the professional unconscious scanning for danger that spoke of highly developed training and skills. She also walked on the balls of her feet, constantly ready for danger. Quickly, he commed the Lt and gave his observations. Lennox, the girl, might have looked sexy as hell at the lake. Lennox, the woman, was still sexy as hell but way dangerous.


Ashai left the Korkari under the guard of the mercenaries confident that he wouldn't be dumb enough to get himself shot, and trotted further down the tunnel. The tunnel itself was empty so it must have been evacuated by the Korkari after the explosions. After a couple of hundred meters in the distance she could hea Korkari voices talking. Hound quickly interpreted the noise as multiple sources just further along the bend.

“I guess this is far enough . No point in attracting another fight.”

Are you sure Prime you seem to enjoy them at times. Key teased her.

Ashai moved to the outside of the tunnel and placed the two detonators she had left together against the wall on top of a cargo container. Arming the detonators she moved back a safe distance, then drew a Makatov. 30 metres was an easy shot. The big blaster gave its thunderous crack of energy and the tunnel wall erupted as the explosives detonated simultaneously. With a booming rumble the ceiling and wall collapsed and sealed off the tunnel. With a satisfied grin Ashai trotted back to the Docking Bay Door, as Key laughed in her mind about Ashai enjoying large explosions far too much.

“The tunnel's sealed.” Ashai told the Mercs.

She walked past them and gazed at the Korkari where the Mercenaries had him sat outside the Docking Bay.

“Gantol, you are going to be left outside in the tunnel for your Administration to recover, I don't suppose it will take them too long to get through to you. Leaving you alive is not the wisest decision as far as I'm concerned, I'm sure you have some idea of seeking revenge, but I'm going to do it anyway. I simply can't be bothered to kill you. I'm leaving Yasm and I don't expect to be back anytime soon. It would be best if you just let me go and get on with your life. If you don't and we meet again, I promise you will regret it.”

Ignoring Gantol sputtering behind her, Ashai walked into the large Docking Bay. It was a throng of activity, the loaders had been freed and were rapidly moving the piles of luggage and loading crates of cargo onto the shuttle. The shuttle itself had various species scurrying around it checking over equipment and bits of the vessel itself. Looking around Ashai saw a group of restrained Sec Bur guards being watched over by a pair of mercenaries.

On the other side of the Docking Bay there was a portabooth where she saw mercenaries moving in and out, packing and loading their equipment to leave. They were almost finished loading. Behind her she heard the sound of men struggling to close the heavy access door without power. Over it she could hear Gantol's voice cursing the mercenaries and herself. The Korkari's voice was abruptly cut off as he was locked outside the Docking Bay, and the heavy portal was sealed.

There was a quick burst of weapons fire and she jerked around to see a mercenary holstering a heavy pistol, and the control panel of the access door smashed beyond repair. Ashai grinned at the merc's choice of locking gear. Not subtle but effective. Glancing back at the shuttle she saw the tall figure of Lt Resnij walking down the shuttle's loading ramp and headed towards him.


Resnij walked off the shuttle's loading ramp and moved to check the porta booth had been cleared. The update from Vance made it clear that it would be best to leave soon, and the sound of explosions as the tunnel was sealed had reinforced that idea. He glanced around and stopped dead at the sight of Ashai Lennox strolling across the plascrete Docking Bay towards him. Vance was right he thought, she looks sexy as hell in that armoured body suit, and if she's half as dangerous as the damned Korkari make out she'd be a hell of an asset. The politics with the Korkari would be an absolute bitch though, Narwhat might even veto recruiting her to smooth things over with the Korkari Administration. He turned his thoughts back to the present as Lennox arrived.

“Hello again Lt Resnij, thanks for your help.” Lennox said with a warm friendly smile.

“I guess that you're welcome Miss Lennox, although I have no idea how much shit this is gonna cause. Did you deal with the Administration problem?”

“I've done what I can, but I'm not sure how much good it will do, Gantol seems to think I'm to blame for everything. Is Neti safe and sound?”

“She is, come on I'll take you to her and introduce you to Dveina Thurti as well.”

Resnij turned away and led Lennox up the ramp, into the bowels of the shuttle, while Lennox followed. His back itched as his professional paranoia screamed at letting a dangerous threat behind him, but mentally he told it shut up and keep walking. For now at least they were on the same side.

A couple of minutes later he brought Lennox to the cabin where the shuttle's passengers sat on the ride into orbit. His new recruits were mostly already sat, their personal belongings locked away. There was an excited shout of “Momma!” and the small girl he had taken to Dveina hurtled past him into Lennox's arms, crying with relief. Dveina Thurti's comments about humanity sprang to his mind again and with a smile, the somewhat jaded mercenary found he couldn't manage to be upset over causing the Korkari Administration difficulties any more. Lennox picked up the youngster easily and carried her as Neti pointed out their seats. She deposited Neti in her seat and then sat down in her own, ensuring Neti's restraints were properly closed, before tending to her own. With a nod Lt Resnij turned away and headed back to the shuttle's exit. He found Dveina Thurti there, supervising the final loadout process.

“I see you Lt Resnij. My assistants tell me my cargo has arrived safely. Your men have been a big help, securing the Docking Bay.”

“It is an unusual situation Dveina Thurti, but we’re happy to help. I don't believe the Administration will appreciate the Shuttle leaving so early.”

“Then the Administration should make sure that their Docking Facilities are not the site of gunfire and explosions. I am not allowing my shuttle to be damaged by their incompetence. Hence your assistance in securing the Bay. The shuttle is ready to launch, call your men in please Lt Resnij and we can leave this mess behind.”

“As you wish.”

The alien loading officer turned away to head for her station in the Shuttle's command cabin, while Resnij commed his troops.


The Docking Bay looked empty, the prisoners locked in the porta booth which was then sealed for launch. Normally, warning klaxons would blare out a warning, but with no power they stood silent.

The mercenaries had quickly and efficiently withdrawn to the shuttle at the last moment, covering each other in their long practised buddy system. With a whine that was felt in the bones first before it became audible, the shuttle's power core was brought to full power for lift off, and the shuttle's paired repulsor plates began to glow as power surged through them, fighting and then conquering Yasm's gravity. With a crescendo of noise the shuttle's flattened ovoid form lifted its landing gear from the plascrete before accelerating into the sky, hurtling spaceward under high gee, its fragile living cargo and crew safely enveloped in the shuttle's internal grav field. The shuttle tore through the atmosphere and into orbit before its engines nudged it towards its parent vessel, a short journey away in high orbit.


Ashai sat and tried to relax, as Neti cuddled into her, sleeping quietly. Overhead a view screen showed Yasm dwindling in space as the Wayflyer moved away from orbit, the shuttle locked against one of its many ports. Once the shuttle had reached orbit, a female had introduced herself as Dveina Thurti and explained she was going to ensure that Ashai and Neti got out of Korkari space safely. Dveina spent a few minutes with Ashai and Neti talking about shuttle procedures before leaving the pair alone to collect themselves. Ashai was sure that her face must show her complete ignorance of space travel, and her confusion and awe at being in space. The sight of the planet below her had been truly strange. Still, she tried to appear calm and collected for Neti and the mercenaries' benefit. She mostly succeeded.

Neti took a few minutes to decide she was safe and secure before cuddling in and falling fast asleep. Ashai fondly looked on and wished she could do the same as easily, but with the end of the fighting; her emotions were surging. She found herself reliving the massacre at Rijkard’s Hold, grieving again at the deaths of her friends, thinking about her time in the caves, her unwanted changes, and this new life. It was over for now and Ashai wanted to cry and let the stress go, but she couldn’t do that near the Mercs. It would wait for privacy so she spent the time reflecting, glad of the little girl cuddled in beside her, her faithful armor and Key that gave her this new destiny, and turned her life upside down.

Her old life was over, and she still had little idea what this new enhanced life held, other than the certainty that her future was no longer as a herder, and that she now had a daughter to care for. With a body she was still adjusting to, physical abilities that scared the crap out of her when she had time to think about them, Ashai had a lot on her mind, not least wondering whether that idiot Gantol would follow her off world, and how to deal with being the Anari prime. With a sigh, she leaned back in the seat and watched the display of Yasm shrinking gradually as the Wayflyer accelerated away to the system's jump point. Hours later the huge bulk cargo carrier slowly braked to its nominal jump velocity, and its navigational systems aligned it on the distant star that would be its next destination. Deep in the leviathan power was diverted and shunted to jump emitters. With a spike of energy Wayflyer’s emitters warped spacetime, tore a hole in it and the huge ship jumped, vanishing in a burst of light and radiation.

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