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Legacy of the Anari
by Ashleigh Blayze
Chapter 8
A slightly shorter 'chapter' but the action is hotting up.
The next few hours passed in a blur for Ashai. As a child of the slums Rin had been fairly smart, but lacked any formal education after his parents vanished. Apart from the Rijkards, no one had ever really cared enough to offer Rin a chance. Now Ashai not only had a huge incentive to learn, but Zazt was working hard to impart as much information as he could. The old Korkari was a fountain of information, some useful, some useless about this and that topic, weapons, materials, products, and methods. Ashai was again surprised at the improvement in her faculties, she was soaking information up effotlessly, and enjoying learning as well. During a small pause Zazt dug out a battered but serviceable VAL projection unit, and then rummaged around looking for VAL chips while Ashai familiarised herself with the unit.
Visually Assimilated Learning was a wonderful method of teaching that was developed by the Hanrup, a species that to humans resembled bizarre walking jellyfish. The Hanrup were scholars and for them any method that improved learning was a boon. Various species had experimented with the technology. Information was converted to an electronic format then transmitted at a fantastic rate through the body's optical sensors, and essentially downloaded directly to the brain. The system had pros and cons of course, nothing that useful ever has no downside.
Some species found that they couldn’t use the techniques at all due to physiological differences. The Markot had discovered to their sadness that VAL induced a catatonic seizure, with no reason ever found as to why. Humans sometime complained of headaches and for them the retention of information depended on the motivation and mental capacity of the individual. VAL were normally only used by humans to enhance training, as without working the data through it was essentially like loading an unread book into your mind, heavy but useless without assimilating the information. Other less publicised problems with VALs for humans included everything from urban myths of subliminal programming to the causing of stroke like symptoms and death. It was fair to say therefore that Val chips were not for everyone. Still as far as Ashai was concerned if the chips were right it might well be worthwhile.
Zazt turned up a variety of chips that had been through his stall reader. Quite a few were for a variety of alien species and no use at all to Ashai. Zazt had managed to find a general use small arms encyclopaedia, mathematics courses, and basic science chips. He had also found a chip that covered human biology in detail- it looked to have belonged to a mission school for refugees that had shut down in Talont 20 odd years previously. Last but not least the Korkari had rummaged around in his office safe and found an infamous Tyrellian combat primer.
The primer had been big business amongst human mercenaries based on Tyrell two decades previously. That all came to a crashing halt, when a mercenary group was contracted against a Tyrellian government outpost and discovered they weren’t able to fire their weapons. Casualties were understandably one sided and near total. Once the news leaked out it was discovered that the Tyrellian government had secretly used the VAL chip to implant hundreds of very deep and very strong command suggestions, suggestions that would have given it an army of mercenaries.
Unfortunately for the Tyrellian government who had intended to use their human refugees as deniable and highly capable army, a delay that was supposed to have been built into the programming failed completely totally derailing the project. They also soon discovered a major oversight in that there was no suggestion preventing programmed individuals from contracting unaffected groups to target Tyrellian interests. It was an extremely messy episode in Tyrellian politics that still rumbled on in some of Tyrell's hive worlds. The Primer itself had become infamous. The warnings on the chip were detailed and to the point. Haskins had shown Ashai the combat primer reluctantly, pointing out its problems but it seemed to her that this could be her best chance for survival. After all as long as no one knew she was using the Primer, it couldn’t be used against her, but if some one did she would be in deep trouble.
“Key we need a solution to a problem. This chip will give me many of the skills I need to survive, but it is contaminated, and Haskins thinks it’s very dangerous. I don’t want to be left vulnerable to suggestions and commands hidden in the information. Is it possible to filter the information as it is processed?”
I’m fully bonded into your neural network Ashai, as well as your optic process. You have vast amounts of capacity to store information that is not used. The visual transmitter that downloads the data can be used in either a mono or binocular mode. If the information is downloaded in a mono mode it will take longer but I can divert the information from the visual process in use, store and filter the data in a portion of the brain neural net that is not used at present, essentially placing the information in quarantine. Then as it is cleared of any hidden suggestions I can copy the information across to portions of the brain necessary for use. You may experience some discomfort, and will be essentially blind in the eye that I have rerouted until use is returned after the chip is completely loaded.”
“Good we’ll do that.”
“Zazt, I’m going to have to chance the combat primer. I have to risk it if I want to see tomorrow.”
“Very well Ashai. I think your logic is correct but I deeply regret I have no alternative chip. Let us proceed then.”
The weapons trader pulled out a collapsible work top and set up the projector and reader unit on it before inviting Ashai forwards. She explained she felt better using the slower mono load facility and Zatz configured the unit accordingly. Pulling out all the chips that Haskins had found that were usable Ashai loaded the combat primer first. Ashai grabbed a seat, leant forwards and placed her chin into the support on the projector stand. Haskins swung the optic holoprojector into position, its complex emitter resting millimetres from her left eye. Finally he began counting down from 10.
Optical process diversion commencing now.
Ashai suppressed a whimper as she went totally blind in her left eye instantly.
“2...1...Activating VAL.”
She couldn’t see anything of what was happening with her right eye, the projector was designed so there could not be any bleed of information. Instead she concentrated on just breathing calmly while information was loaded into her brain. Just not to where its makers had intended.
“Initiation sequence completed.” The electronic voice of the projector was supposed to be reassuring. But at least it let her know how much longer the chip would take.
“Primary load begun......”
“Primary load complete... Secondary load begun...”
Minutes passed.
“Assimilation matrix initiated....”
“Assimilation matrix complete in 5...4....3....2....1......”
“VAL Chip title Combat Primer version alpha 42.8 complete. You may sit back user.”
“Well Key, I don’t feel any different, how did it go?”
The files are downloaded and they are being cleaned now. Extensive programming detected. Suicide commands detected. Loyalty modification protocols detected. All subversive programming isolated and deleted. All Combat primer files are now safe. Assimilation and data moving commencing.
Keys voice was grim as she told Ashai how dangerous the VAL chip had been, but her normal tone returned as she confirmed that the download had been successful and that Ashai could continue with the remaining chips, which Key would treat in the same manner as a precaution. The assimilation of the combat learning would take some time, but would seem to Ashai like she would just know what to do and how to do it when necessary.
Meditation and consciously working through the information would improve the process but that was for later. Ashai finished the remaining VAL chips she had set aside as useful, before telling Haskins she was going to rest for a while and meditate. Then she assumed a lotus position in a corner of the stall and within moments was in a trance like state.
It was a vast amount of information to take in, and the assimilation process was nowhere near complete but Ashai had roused herself and working with Haskins started checking over his stock of weaponry for equipment that would be suitable. She was immediatley aware of a huge difference. Now as she looked at a weapon, it was like a curtain was drawn back in her mind, and its name and statistics, maintenance and repair, guide to field stripping and modification, how the weapon worked, became clear, that she could use it and when she needed to fix it would be able to do so. The general encyclopaedia was comprehensive and there was information on virtually all of Haskins stock, as well as general physics and chemistry principals, and tactics of use.
“From your expression Ashai I’m guessing you know a lot more about these weapons than most women would find healthy now. Correct?” Zazt chuckled at her stunned expression as the capability of the downloads started to become evident.
Ashai this exercise of examining the weapons on sale is assisting with your assimilation of the combat primer as well, so please continue. The combat primer will take longer to assimilate as it is far more involved than the encyclopaedia or other chips in that they are essentially databases of information and the primer is the equivalent of a thorough course of military training.
“Um yes Ser, I can honestly say that I never expected to know so much about for example this Ditr-Amanj 32 gauge shotgun. Piece of crap that it is compared to some of the stock you have.” Zatz laughed and nodded his agreement.
“Good, it sounds like you’re able to judge the merits of some over others already, correct?”
“Yeah Zatz, it’s weird but I know exactly why this knife is a premium weapon compared to that terrible vibro blade I brought in earlier. Wow, this is such a strange experience.”
“Good, good, quickly then let us find you appropriate equipment.”
Ashai realised quickly as she pondered her equipment choices that with her increased strength she could now carry far more than would look ridiculous, not to mention suspicious on one woman. So she had to be selective, rather than inform the world she was unusual. Now would it be better to use ammo based or energy based weapons? Deciding that because a great many energy based weapons had standardised energy packs they would be easier to reload, as well as less bulky to carry, Ashai decided to focus on energy based weaponry if possible.
In general her choice would mean heavy pistols or larger for the type of weapon. Energy based weaponry manufactured as small as a solid slug thrower was hideously expensive, not to mention that Haskins didn’t have any. Most of his stock was ammo based, as you would expect in a poorer, less populated colony in early stages of development. Still Haskins did have a few pieces worthy of a look. Pulling out the pieces she was interested in, and conscious of Zazt watching from the side, Ashai gave her selection of a dozen weapons some serious scrutiny.
Her eyes were drawn to a pair of blasters, but deciding that just because they looked sweet didn’t mean they should get priority, she examined the others first. A Ditr-Amanj Pulsed Phase Assault Rifle and scope was the first to get examined. With unconscious precision Ashai checked the weapon over before reaching over to Zazt's work desk, grabbing a multi tool and stripping the weapon down, learning as she was doing so, the feel and names of the components, how they should function, signs of damage to look for. The primary capacitor for the weapon was not functioning correctly and she realised would seriously affect its range and power. Telling Haskins the problem, she reassembled the gun and down checked it, scrapping it off the list of possibles.
Next she picked up a Viko Emag Pulse Shotgun, a nice weapon against droid adversaries, but not much use against a thug with a hand cannon. Ashai checked it over and stripped it anyway, judging the time doing so was worth it for the help it gave her assimilating her new training. As she worked, Ashai found herself idly considering best ways of approaching droid targets with the Viko. It was working fine and she placed it on one side.
The Erickson Plasma 12 gauge was a powerful weapon but short ranged and slow firing Once it was stripped down and reassembled, she had confirmed it was in working order but Ashai discarded it to one side, she wanted more firepower. She had ruled out all the larger weapons, leaving only a selection of pistols. Checking them through on the way to the matched pair she noticed at the start, all the pistols were in working order, but none of them squared up to the paired blasters.
The blasters were Makatov 50s, designed to give a combination of heavy firepower, good range, and could fire rapidly, until their charges were exhausted. This pair also boasted customised ports for an external power source. Ashai felt they looked intimidating as hell. 50mm big bore emitters produced half again the power of the Qualkon 21 which was the only other pistol there in the same league. Ashai knew would be expensive but after testing the balance, decided they were perfect for her.
“Okay Zazt I’ve got a winner, this pair, their holsters, and clips plus maintenance kits and charging unit, how much?'
“Well you have learned your weapons all right Ashai, and you've expensive taste, very good taste but expensive. Each one plus the accessories is 6000 cred.”
“Maker’s breath, no Zazt, I’m a friend! 9000 the lot.”
“I can’t take less than 10250 Ashai, what I paid for them.”
“Done. Okay now I need a close combat weapon, and a secure cred stick.”
“No problem Ashai let me see what I have.”
Zazt vanished to gather equipment from various shelves before coming back with a crate full of weapons. There were knives, a couple of swords, a chainsword, maces, clubs, a flail, stilletos, stun sticks, staves, as well as Korkari clubs. The selection was quite astonishing. Zazt laughed at her expression.
“What do you expect? This is the slums after all Ashai, down and dirty is how it goes here. Bullets cost money and a knife can be quiet. Anything you like the look of?”
“I want a sheath to go with that big Bowie blade I had hold of earlier, that will do for a general use knife, but also I think I’m looking for a sword Zazt, clubs and stuff, just not my style. No elegance.”
“You know how to use a sword Ashai?”
“No, but I’ll learn real fast. What’s that blade there?” Ashai pointed out a blade hidden at the back of the crate.”
“It’s called a Di Kat I believe. Magnesium Tungsten Carbide Alloy blade, I was told by the guy who left it in place of a debt that they are made on Lofthar, modelled on a type of ancient human weapon apparently. Deadly but not easy to master. Don't know any more about them myself.”
“How much you want for it, and the Bowie?”
“500?” Haskins sounded a little uncertain for the first time.
“You can have 450.”
*** f
A short time later Ashai left Haskins Armouries. Her new Di Kat held in a sheath strapped to her back. The Makatov 50s were in thigh holsters, with fully charged clips loaded. Spares also fully charged clipped to her utility belt. The rest of her purchases were in the pack which she slung once more over her shoulder. She’d been in the Armouries all day, and the afternoon was rapidly giving way to dusk. She had been sorry to leave her dishevelled Korkari friend, wondering if she would see him again. She made sure to give the ageing alien a big hug of thanks, as well as the formal bow more appropriate to a Ser.
Now she scanned the market, with a new sense of awareness. There was no sign of Carlo or his thugs which was worrying, Zazt had been sure he would be hanging around waiting for her, and Ashai couldn’t imagine the Cobalt thug was going to leave her be, so he had to be somewhere. The combat primer was mostly assimilated now, and Ashai found herself unconsciously checking vantage points. It was a different view of the world around her that was a little disturbing.
Totally different from the streetwise instincts of a Slum dweller, or the innocence of a girl newly exposed to the outside world. This was like ingrained trained highly developed paranoia. It was the knowledge that the world is a vastly more dangerous place than you imagined previously. When you know the tactics of urban warfare, what is possible in a confined space with an improvised explosive, was more than a little scary. Ashai checked with Key that everything was okay with the Combat Primer, to be soothed in response.
“It's okay Ashai, the Primer is clean and assimilating very well. The Tyrellian government was thorough though, they wanted their mercenaries to be capable and the training in the primer is highly comprehensive. Everything is fine.
Ashai walked back towards the Hab 27 Hotel, she knew it after all and it was cheap enough, as well as being on a direct line out of the slums district. Ashai was still worried about Carlo and the Cobalts trying to jump her, but so far so good, and it was not far to go now to the Hotel. It was the sudden lack of other people on the street that cued her first. Rin had seen the same thing in the slums as a kid, how the street emptied before it kicked off. The wind was blowing a just little colder it seemed, as she stopped.
There was an alleyway 10m ahead that was the perfect spot for an ambush, and there had been another a little way back behind her as well, perfect for a blocker to hide in. A glance back confirmed it. Three Cobalts, completely unbothered about showing their colours as they went to commit a crime. They were on their turf. One looked like he had a pistol, and the others had a flail and a stun club. The three had spread out behind her, 10m or so back. They stood there laughing and sniggering. The one with the pistol waved her on down the road.
“Go on bitch, C is waiting for your fine ass.”
Looking forward Ashai saw Carlo and four more of his crew swagger out of the alley ahead of her. Carlo had his shotgun, Machine Pistol was there as well, plus the giant thug Musclebound and 2 others she decided to call the idiot twins one and two. Rin had never been in a situation quite this fucked up, but Ashai’s emotions shocked her. She thought she should be scared and instead she felt very angry, but terrifyingly glacially calm. Carlo had fucked up big time, he just didn’t know it yet.
The Hive Mart's boss wolf whistled at her. “You're a fine looking bit of pussy bitch. I told you you’d be my girlfriend and would play with me. You disrespect me in my place? Now me and all my boys are gonna play with you, and then when you are good and broken in, I am gonna sell you to one of the Red pimps. A stuck up bitch like you will make some good creds. Don't got no big gun anymore whore? Don't you worry, my gun is big enough for you.”
Ashai very deliberately yawned at him. “Oh it's you Blue. For a minute there I was worried it was someone scary. I already told you hun, you can’t afford me. Go on home with your boyfriends while you’re still alive moron. If they’re so anxious for a fuck, let them use your ass, you know you want it.”
Carlo was incoherent, spluttering with rage. “GET THE BITCH! FUCK HER UP!”
With a roar the Cobalts charged.
It seemed like there was all the time in the world to Ashai. Hound was there at her call, was available if she needed it. Key faded to the back of her mind. It was like playing a hologame. A fight game with the action paused while she decided what she needed to do next. How did she feel? Should she shoot them? Engage them hand to hand?
5 in front, 3 behind. Key informed her as the Combat primer displayed possible responses, hand to hand combinations, dirty tricks. The cold angry part of her decided that she wouldn't be leaving enemies behind her. It wasn’t wise, or efficient. Then Ashai moved.
The Makatov 50s leapt like quicksilver into her hands. A useful time to discover you can genuinely two gun, and are now ambidextrous. Left hand fired. Right hand fired. The idiot twins died first, coherent blasts of energy punching through leather armour, skin, muscle and bone, turning human flesh to vapour as the bolts burned through before carrying on down range.
Makatov 50s are a lot of gun to use on a person.
3 front 3 rear.
Hound's sensors kept track of the Cobalts while Key relayed their numbers and the primer told her the pistol carrying thug behind her and Carlo, are the main priority now. She spins left. Right hand fires as she tracks past Machine Pistol, the blaster bolt punches through his breast bone and hurls him backwards. Still Spinning left. Right Hand holstering. Left Hand tracking. The smug thug with the pistol behind her loses his head, the body falls, spine and neck cauterised and steaming from the bolt. Left Holstered.
Leap forward. Closing the distance on Flail in a flash. Glide pass on Flail's left, blocking Stun Prod's possible attack. The Primer provides a good combination. Sudden intimate knowledge of human anatomy flares, guiding her strikes. Closed fist right to outer knee. Knee joint permanently disabled. Rising left fist to groin, crushes Flail’s genitals to bloody mush. Gliding around Flail's left side. Right hand knife strike to kidneys. If Flail managed to survive he would piss blood for weeks. Not that he was going to survive. Flail howls in agony, cut off as left hand strikes his trachyea from the side, shattering his Adam's apple. Force of the strike rupturing his carotid artery. Flail is dead before he hits the floor.
One attacker is close, with Musclebound and Carlo closing. Stun Prod has closed to range. Swings. The primer shows the evade and the follow up attack. Ashai ducks and glides in to attack. Stun Prod just has time for his face to register fear as his attack misses. Ashai's right fist hammers into his sternum. The Breast bone disintegrates into fragments under impact, shock stops his heart. Left hand follow up palm strike drives nasal cartilage into brain.
Stun prod is dead as he’s falling backwards, falling between Ashai and Carlo taking the force of Carlo’s shotgun blast in his back. As the shotgun rises under recoil the Di-Kat seems to magically appear and strike high low, leaving Carlo with a stump. Arterial spray jets from the wound, the shotgun still recoiling away with its triggering hand attached. A low spin and Musclebound loses his right leg below the knee.
0 viable targets remaining. Time elapsed 7.9 seconds. The information passes through her mind unnoticed.
There is a moment of silence then. Carlo hasn't felt the loss of his hand and wrist yet, although he's staring speechless at the blood spraying in thick red pulses from the wound. Musclebound starts to make a mewling sound, down on one knee and a stump. Ashai feels the glacial rage still roaring in her. She looked around looking for more enemies, but there were none.
She put Muscles out of his misery first, the anatomy lesson going on in her mind marking the exact point to sever the spinal cord with a clean stroke between the vertebrae. The giant’s beheaded body slumped slowly to the ground. She flicked drops of blood off the sword, before turning back to face Carlo. Carlo knew he was dead, could see his life spraying away from his arm, heart pumping frantically under a massive adrenalin hit, trying futilely to compensate for falling blood pressure as he bled out. Ashai crouched down and pulled Carlo's cobalt bandana off his head, before wiping the sword blade with it.
“Sorry Blue,” She muttered as the light went out in his eyes. “I told you I was the most dangerous thing in there.”
I didn't believe it myself though.
Her mind went blank then and the survival instincts that the slums had bred kicked in. Moving at a speed that was now merely human, but with rough and ready efficiency, Ashai rifled the bodies of valuables, claiming the firearms, cred sticks, and any valuable she could find. Then running on autopilot, her mind elsewhere, she carried on, walking rapidly out of the slums.
Ashai was busy crying and throwing up. The bathroom stank of vomit, and stomach acid. She was not bringing anything up, just dry heaves but so far she couldn’t stop. She had managed to make it all the way back to the Hab 27 Hotel and up to the bed in her room before her defences broke and she freaked. She’d just killed 8 gangers in massively brutal ways. The shock and remorse she had been suppressing had surfaced in a flood of tears of self recrimination before the retching had taken over. There hadn’t been much to bring up, it was mostly just stomach acid. Head in the bowl of the toilet Ashai blindly concentrated on not retching again. She’d noticed a switch for an extractor fan before and slapped for it, hearing a click and then the whir of the fan as her hand found the target. Key was waiting for her attention.
Why are you distressed Ashai?
“Why? Key I just killed… no I just slaughtered eight men.”
So what Ashai? That is how life is sometimes. You killed them in self defence. Do you doubt that what they intended for you would have been worse?
“No....” She retched again as the thought of what the gangers would have done to her made her spew once more.
“No I know what they planned for me. But Key, I killed them. I’m a killer.”
You have killed before. You killed Dtilla with no warning, how is this different?
“It was close up, I felt them die as I killed them, and that was fine. Key, it was so easy. They never stood a chance. They attacked, I remember deciding that leaving enemies alive behind me was a bad idea, and that was it, they died. Carlo and his thugs never even came close to hurting me. What am I that I can do that?”
You are Prime now Ashia. Far more than merely human. That you had to kill is regrettable, but you weren’t aware of any other choice. You’re not trained yet and don’t know the extent of your capabilities. For you to respond to the threat of gang rape and death or slavery with lethal force is just and natural. You have remorse which is human and welcome. Do you feel remorse for killing them, or for the fact that it was so one sided?
“I dunno Key, they were scum and I know Yasm is a better place with them dead. I think I regret killing them now that I’ve discovered that they had no chance. It was so easy. They were so slow, I might as well have been crushing beetles underfoot.”
In that case Prime you must remember that if they attack you, they force you to defend yourself. It is not your responsibility if a foe badly underestimates you. If however you’re choosing someone to attack, you merely need to ensure you find worthier enemies.
Key's tone carried a grim amusement forcing a short laugh from Ashai as she finally decided that the heaves were over and got up from the stinking soiled toilet bowl.
“Thanks Key I needed the pep talk.”
Do you feel better Ashai?
“Actually I do. That cry really helped. I feel lighter somehow.”
Catching sight of her reflection in the mirror, she groaned. “Oh Gods look at the state of me.”
Wiping spittle from her lips didn’t really help with the picture, eyes red from crying, face dishevelled mane of hair and body suit liberally splattered with drying blood, none of it hers.
Oh I need a shower really bad, I gotta this stuff out of my hair. Hound move to passive mode please.
Ashai wasn’t watching in the mirror as the armour disengaged, she was already heading for the shower unit, turning it on and checking the water temperature. The body suit first changed to an inky black before seeming to evaporate or rather drawn back into her body, pores in her skin drawing it in, rivulets of black ink running into tiny streams, back to larger pores and vanishing within her once more. Within seconds the armour was gone, and naked she stepped into the shower, wanting to clean herself of the gore and the memories of the ambush.
Ashai lay on the bed and gazed out of the window at the stars in Yasm's night sky. It wasn’t possible to see much from Talont, compared to her star gazing from the Rijkard’s Hold, but that was the price of the cityscape, it came with pollution, light as well as effluents and exhausts. The visible constellations were beautiful but she wasn’t really paying any attention to them. Her mind was elsewhere, pondering her new body. Ashai was feeling very relaxed. The pace of events had been rapid since waking up in a female form and she hadn’t had much time to consider what it meant.
The decision to live as a woman instead of die as a man had been simple to make but she was still only beginning to coming to terms it. Apart from the physical changes to her body, her outlook, moods and emotions, everything was different. How much of that was down to hormones and her new body, and how much the result of new experiences she had no idea. It was hard to put into words how she felt about everything. Key was a big help, providing reassurance and constant comfort, but Ashai was taking the chance to think about the differences.
Her shower made some of those differences very apparent. Taking the time to slowly wash her body clean, the pleasure from the caress of the water on her more sensitive skin had led to cautiously exploring her new form. Ashai discovered that simply tracing a long nail across her skin could make her shudder. Her entire body felt like an erogenous zone. She cupped the weight of her full breasts, gently squeezing and teasing with her nails, pinching them harder as they became hard and erect. The sensation was electric and she gasped as arousal flooded through her. Her right hand drifted down her flat tummy to her pubic mound, as heat flared in her groin. She began to explore her sex, probing and teasing, caressing and rubbing, discovering what felt good as her vagina flooded with moisture.
A tingling tightness began to build within her, and she moaned as she discovered the hidden nub of her clitoris, a jolt of pleasure which made her head swim as she began to pant for breath. Dipping a finger into her tight wet sex, the sensations almost buckled her legs and leaning against the shower wall her exploration became vigorous as pulses of pleasure began to ripple through her. The pressure inside her grew in intensity as Ashai stroked into herself instinctively before she began to crest a wave of pleasure. Biting her lip to stop herself screaming, she squeezed her engorged clit between thumb and forefinger and sent herself over the edge into her first mind blowing orgasm.
After that, well Ashai had decided that if nothing else she had come out ahead as far as sexual pleasure went. The pleasure she had felt from exploring herself had blown her mind. Now, hours later lying naked on the bed she’d come to the conclusion that while she would much rather none of this had happened, it had and she was going to be able to cope. Plus she had to admit that this new body was outstanding, and felt very good. Ashai had no doubt that she would feel freaked out in the future as different situations cropped up, but now she would just have to deal with it, and learn as she went along.
Life was there to be lived, and that was just what she would do. Ambitions to be more than a mere herder as Rin, had given way to the possibility of a destiny in life. No human could think about humanity's homeless refugee status without anger, but now Ashai felt that maybe sometime in the distant future she would be able to do things to correct that wrong and redress the balance. For now she intended to learn about the life of a warrior and see where that led her. The sunrise would come soon, and before long she would dress and head out.
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Well done fight scene
The learning session, going through Zazt's learning VALs, was nice. The fight with the Cobalts was well choreographed, very smooth. And her after action crash was realistic.
So, she going to sign on with the mercenaries who brought her into town? They're recruiting, after all. Just so long as they allow for qualification by testing, since she doesn't have any references.
I'm continuing to enjoy this story very much.
John Robert Mead
What he said ↑
You reading my mind JohnBobMead?
Great Story!
I am finding your writing compelling. The character development is excellent. The dichotomy between the "killing machine" and the very human reaction of vomitting brought the character to life as a "human" rather than a comic book figure.
I can't wait for the next release.
Great story.
I'm not sure I can add much that hasn't already been said, but I really liked how this chapter flowed.
Ashai is very dangerous.
But so human at the same time. And she has other battles to wage that aren't all physical. But she's learning about the last and there aren't any VALs to help with that.
The battle kill.
The time compresses and motion slow, making efficient, lethal killing warrior. The sickness, maybe is reaction to the oxidisation of the adrenalyn in the blood stream. To kill those who deserve it is honor.
Growing young gracefully.
The concepts
The sickness after the first kill (COUPLE of kills, actually) is human response to the concept of taking another persons life. And the concept of compressed time is VERY valid in a combat situation.
My first firefight forced me to use my rifle to kill two enemy coming at me. After doing so, I immediately vomited on my rifle. I had to go to my pistol until I could grab one of the dead men's rifles. My rifle was useless with vomit in the chamber. After the firefight was over, I broke down in tears and sobs over what I had done and vomited again. The adrenalin didn't leave my system until after my emotional collapse. In Ashai's case, the holo-training allowed her to get back to safety before the physical AND emotional ramifications slammed into her all at once.
To kill from need (self-preservation or them/me) crushes the soul and the concept makes one *physically* ill. The aftermath leaves one *emotionally* ill (remorseful). Eventually, you get *over* it. Those that get *used* to it likely have psychopathic tendencies. To get over it, put it behind you, is human. To accept it is INhuman.
I doubt she will would have more than one or two more sickness episodes before she starts learning to get over the physical reaction. I KNOW she will be human enough to retain the emotional reaction. Forty-five years later and confrontational situations, physical OR verbal, still leave me shaking afterwards.
I'm loving the story, so far, and hope to see this reach novel size. There are SO many directions this can take and SO many possibilities for the future here that I hope the muse never dies.
I for the most part agree with what you have said, "but" (you knew that was coming right) after being in country long enough, my greatest fear wasn't getting over the feelings, but getting to like the adrenalin rush, and the killing seemed to matter less and less. Is something wrong with me? or is worrying about it mean I'm still human.
That's an adrenaline junkie,
That's an adrenaline junkie, and it's not really a bad thing, as long as you're aware of it. You'd get the same rush from extreme sports (bridge parachuting, bungee jumping)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
THAT'S the part that means you've remained human. The adrenalin rush was, indeed, likeable. The difference is that it was the rush, not the killing that you got off on, like me, and that didn't make the killing matter less, we were just able to get past it quicker.
I don't think the puking is
I don't think the puking is actually the result of taking another human life. It's the realization of how _easy_ it is to take another life.
People end up with the same reaction the first time they kill an animal, for example.
The adrenaline crash doesn't help matters, of course.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Still Missing
Why the title of this comment? Just see our PM exchange.
I really like this story in spite of the constructive criticism that I gave you. The fight scene was great.
I feel like this story is just getting started and I can't wait to see where it goes.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
To borrow a phrase from a movie
.... that was a most righteous battle scene. It took her 8 seconds? Damn she needs training! ;-)
Honestly, she is going to be a force to be reckoned with. Clearly she can take on a platoon of thugs. A truly highly trained fighter might take her maybe, maybe fifteen seconds of pause but like Key says, she is no longer really merely human anymore. At worst she is on the top end of normal human but with Key in place and the armor she is as good as 10 men, easy.
As other commentators have mentioned, it is good she started from humble beginnings and her humanity is still intact. It is good that her first kills were done with minimal need to justify as it will help give her perspective on the need to kill in situations where the need is not so clear cut.
It just gets better and
It just gets better and better. Keep up the good work. The fight scene was awsome. I do hope you can move it along a little more. And give us more sooner. But don't sacrifice the quality.
Awesome fight scene
Best description of a fight scene I've seen in a while. The last one that impressed me greatly was the one in the Sherlock Holmes movie, where you see him strategically plan his fight moves as he explains it.
I love the relationship she has with Key, and the moments of humanity with that armourer.
Great story... these
Great story... these Tyrellians really made sure that nobody would ever be a mercenary for them again. They did that to human soldier so I wonder if they'll be on Ashai's target list once she's able to take revenge. I mean suicide commands... What evil stuff!
Truth to be told I'd expeced her to just stop them without killing them, but that would have been a sign of weekness and they'd probably come back anyway. Dead men make no problems.
Thank you for writing this awesome story,
From my
small experience with martial arts and the Army.
I believe that the majority of self-defense courses in the US, teach disabling attacks. Yes, they do teach more permanent solutions, but only much later in the program/belt.
I have taken one style of Kung Fu that was based on street fighting ( Jow Ga Kung Fu ). Now that style was very brutal and umm, dirty. Every single attack, block and counter-attack lead to another attack that was aimed at seriously injuring and/or killing your opponent.
I still remember my sifu's advice on what your first punch should be.
"Hit their nose. It causes their eyes to water and makes them either run away or pissed and prone to making mistakes."
Well, that, plus "A wise man never fills his teacup." :)
Oh yeah, great story and I can't wait for you all to read more!
-- Sleethr
-- Sleethr
I wonder if she could
I wonder if she could extract the _clean_ Tyrellian combat primer, now that they Key has done so.
She could offer the use of it in exchange for assistance.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Well... the key only cleared
Well... the key only cleared the stuff that went into her head. She'd need some way to download it into a new primer chip...
Yes, but that stuff had to
Yes, but that stuff had to be created in the first place, and I'm assuming it wasn't just by making it up as they went along. Besides. It's the KEY! *snork*
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Galaktical copyright
Well... there might be copy right issues... I mean, even if I remove the protection of skyrim that doesn't mean I can distribute it as I want... So she probably won't be able to sell the cleaned chip on mass basis.
Well, I doubt that the
Well, I doubt that the government in question would dare press anything, considering the mess they're still dealing with over the mental shenanigans they put in the original. That said, I did just suggest that she could offer it as a bonus to those helping her. I wasn't thinking about mass distribution.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Oh scary
The very idea of a Galactic version of the RIAA and the MPAA would make the Dtilla sound like a bunch of girl scouts out selling their cookies. The cookies are great BTW, especially the Berry Munch which is relatively new.
The Dtilla could probably take lessons from them!
Hah... maybe they wiped out
Hah... maybe they wiped out humanity for copyright violation oO
funny as that sounds, I
funny as that sounds, I doubt it. Once you start talking about multi-planet intellectual property, it's unlikely that enforcement will be there beyond making it as difficult as possible to duplicate things.
Manufacturers will simply have 'preferred vendors' with guaranteed legitimate products. For that matter, most things like chips will probably be manufactured on planet, rather than pay for the cost of shipping. That happens nowadays with books - they don't print them all in one country, then ship everywhere - each country has their own printers. (With the exception of private publishing, which is mostly done in China)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Joking aside, destruction of
Joking aside, destruction of the home planet and/or home system is not something done lightly. It is an act of genocide, with intent of total extermination (cue Daleks). And it generally has far deeper running reasons than monetary. Stripping a planet of resources = profit. Destroying a planet =/= profit.
And as for the primer, one would think it's a good idea to keep a sorta-database of the integrated commands, key phrases and their effects, and behavior modifications for further use. The latter can be used as tells of who were desperate and/or dumb enough to use the Tyrellian primer as a method of skill boost, and the former as method of quickly subverting them.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Well just out of curiosity about her armor
May I ask how does that armor protect her face and neck and head, or does it?
I'd guess it does that when
I'd guess it does that when requested. Think of a full body cat suit with a mask.
Actually, I'd think that it would probably extend up the neck even in 'normal' protection mode. Often, having the full range of motion of the neck muscles, as well as peripheral vision, is worth the risk of damage.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Legacy of the Anari - 8
Can anyone match her combat skills?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Mad Rush
The pace of this story is torrid. Suggestion, if you wanted to slow the pace abit, that could be be achieved here. Before she leaves the shop, let her scout the area from inside the shop, upstairs/roof. With her limited new chip knowledge she can see the Cobalts are watching and she is frustrated that the chip is of no real help to find a better way out as the chip seems to mostly be a close quarters/fighter combat chip [what a new private needs to know, for example], not a broader tactical/situational chip, so she chooses the direct method with the described results. Also perhaps she can spend a night (or so much time) there while trying and failing to find an avoidance escape route, retreating back into the shop, that the Cobalts send someone in to collect their "protection" money and send the unspoken message that they are waiting. That Cobalt maybe someone she knows from her prior life in the slums and 1.) is an "innocent" who is just trying to survive the slum and needs to be warned away (may or may not be successful) or 2.) is a repugnant Cobalt who is dealt with in the fight. She is certainly still out of control of events. Wonderful possibilities.
out of control
Heya ftjio,
Ashai is definitely not in much control of anything at the moment but she is trying!
Thanks for the comments and keep em coming.