Project Guardian: Book 1, Chapter 6.

Project Guardian.

Book one: Angel

By SaraUK


Chapter 6 of 15


How far would you be willing to go to protect your sister? Find out how far one brother's willing to, to protect his sister.


    Alice was sat in the back of Alexis’s mustang wearing a scarf on her head and sunglasses so people didn’t see them as twins. Sarah was sat in the front looking at Alexis as much as she could. She was still finding it hard to believe that Alexis was still alive and a full blown female now. Sarah had been sat on the bed having just woken up when she saw Alexis walk out the bathroom and dropped the towel to the floor before putting her underwear on, so Sarah definitely knew Alexis was all female now. Sarah had then watched as Alexis slipped into her trademark black cat suit and then slipped on her knee high boots and put the throwing knife back in its holder hidden just inside her left boot.

    Sarah was snapped back to being sat in the car with Alexis and Alice when she heard Alexis speaking to her as she took a quick look in her direction before returning her eyes to the road.

     “Is everything okay Sarah?” Alexis asked as she looked over and saw the worried look on Sarah’s face.

     “I’m not sure Alexis. I’m only just realising that I’ve got no money, no place to live, and everything I own is in the trunk of your car.” Sarah sounded panicked as she said it.

     “We’ve got all that covered Sarah, so just relax and enjoy your new life.” Alexis smiled as she reached over and took Sarah’s hand in hers.

    Sarah got a warm tingly feeling as she let Alexis hold her hand. Sarah was still waiting to wake up and find out this is all some strange dream that she was going to wake up from any minute and find out that she’s now living in a padded cell.

     “Are you sure about this?” Sarah asked. “I don’t even know what the two of you do for a living.” Sarah added with a puzzled look.

     “Let’s just say we need to get the okay from our boss before we say too much, but you’ve seen some of what I do for a living.” Alexis said with a grin.

     “Where are we going now then?” Sarah asked.

     “We’re going to see the boss and get you that clearance.” Alice said from the back seat. “I need to have a word with him anyway.” Alice added sounding angry.

    Sarah suddenly felt sorry for this boss when she heard the anger coming from Alice. “Won’t it be a bad idea to speak to your boss when you’re so upset with him Alice?” Sarah asked.

     “He’s not that type of boss Sarah.” Alexis said. “Alice is a little upset over the fact that he’s known who I am for all this time and never told her. I did try to explain that it was me that told him to keep it a secret, but she’s still going to have him about it.” Alexis added with a roll of her eyes.

     “Why did you keep it from her all this time?” Sarah asked.

     “Ask me later, once we have your clearance sorted out.” Alexis said to her. “I will give you an answer, but not until later.” She added with a promising look.

    Alice pushed Sarah to tell them all what had happened in town after they left, so Sarah was only too happy to spill all the gossip from the last seven years. Sarah could tell when Alexis was hearing something she didn’t like; they would suddenly pick up speed for a bit before they slowed down to a more normal one again. Sarah started to notice that Alexis was getting angry whenever she told them about losing another job and then struggling to feed herself until finding new job, and then there was the bit when Sarah told them about her moving to the place she’d been living in when Alexis found her. Alice and Sarah thought the car was going to take off they were going so fast.

     “Hey sis, slow it down will you!” Alice shouted from the back seat. “The last thing we need is a high speed chase.” Alice added with a little giggle.

     “You should slow down a little Alexis; we don’t want to get stopped by the police.” Sarah warned as she saw the speed they were doing.

     “She won’t stop for the police Sarah, she never has.” Alice said, not looking like she was joking as she said it.

     “A good car chase would brighten up the drive.” Alexis grinned as she put her foot down even further.

    Sarah was shocked to feel the car pick up speed like they had been sat stationery on the road and not already doing well over the speed limit.

     “Slow it down Guardian!” Alice barked from the back seat.

     “Guardian? Why did she call you that?” Sarah asked looking puzzled.

     “Way to go sis. Let much more slip, and we may have to shoot her if the boss won’t give her clearance.” Alexis giggled as she lifted her foot off the peddle and slowed down to the speed limit again.

     “That’s rich coming from the girl that brought her back to the motel room where I was waiting for you.” Alice shot back at her sister.

     “I’ve missed these little moments you know sis.” Alexis giggled.

     “I hope your boss gives me this clearance you both keep talking about.” Sarah whined. “I feel like you’re both talking in some sort of code most the time.” Sarah added as she rubbed her forehead like it was giving her a headache.

     “Won’t be much longer now Sarah, and all your questions will be answered” Alexis said as she put her foot down again, eager to tell Sarah everything, just as Sarah was to find it all out.

    Alexis got her wish just down the road as they heard sirens start up as they shot past a billboard at almost twice the speed limit. Sarah was shocked to feel the car slowing down so the police cruiser could catch them up.

     “Why are you slowing down?” Sarah asked in a panic.

     “I need them a little closer for this to work.” Alexis said as she looked in the rear view mirror as she put her hand over a button on the dashboard. Alexis pushed the button, and Sarah heard a sharp wush of air. “Got him.” Alexis grinned as she looked over at Sarah.

    Sarah looked at Alexis like she’d gone mad, then she looked in the back and found Alice flicking through a magazine like they were just having a normal drive still. “How can you sit and read a magazine at a time like this!?” Sarah shouted as she kept looking at Alice flicking through the pagers.

     “There’s not much else to do at the minute.” Alice said sounding bored. “Do you want to talk about something?” Alice asked looking hopeful.

     “You’re both insane aren’t you? I’ve been kidnapped by a couple of crazy people.” Sarah said looking worried.

     “Calm down Sarah, I’ll have this sorted in no time.” Alexis said as she pushed another button on the dash and waited for something to happen.

    Sarah suddenly heard a man’s voice talk to them. “Hey dudette, you got 5-0 trouble again?” The voice asked.

     “Yep, I’ve just tagged them; can you block all radio chatter from the car for me?” Alexis asked the voice.

     “Already done dudette, you’re clear to hit the gas.” The voice told Alexis.

     “Music to my ears Bill. We’ll be seeing you very soon.” Alexis said in the sweetest female voice sarah had ever heard. Then Alexis hit the gas and the car took off like a rocket.

    Sarah felt herself being pushed back further and further into the seat. She could see the police cruiser getting smaller and smaller in the side mirror. They were going that fast, that Sarah felt the need to try and put a seatbelt on that she was already wearing.

     “Did you just do something to that police car?” Sarah asked in horror.

     “Yes, but it will be okay once we’re clear of the area.” Alexis said calmly. She carried on explaining when she saw that Sarah wanted more details. “I fired a wireless uplink into the cruisers bodywork, so Bill could take control of the car’s electrical system and stop the officer telling all his friends about the pursuit he was in.” Alexis added, grinning this time.

     “What happens if he gets in trouble and needs back up later on in the day? You’ve left him all on his own with no chance of backup being able to find him, or help him!” Sarah snapped, not happy with Alexis doing things like this just for fun.

     “Relax Sarah. The device will be deactivated once we’re clear, and they’ll be no trace of it other than a little hole and a powder burn where the device was stuck in the paintwork of his cruiser.” Alexis pointed out in a much more serious tone. “The device has a little bit of explosive in it so we can blow it up and leave no trace for someone to find once we don’t need it anymore.” Alexis added when she saw the confused look on Sarah’s face.

     “Who are you people, and what have you done with my friends?” Sarah asked as she sat staring at Alexis driving the car like she was in a race.

     “Please don’t worry about anything Sarah, we are the good guys.” Alice said as she leaned forward and put a hand on Sarah’s shoulder to calm her down. “Bill keeps an eye on the cars while we’re escaping and he makes sure nothing bad happens to them.” Alice added with a smile that matched the one Alexis was now giving her.

     “You two really are identical twins now.” Sarah frowned as she let out a breath she’d been holding in for way to long. “What happens when he gets back to head quarters and he shows them the video of your car taking off like it did? Won’t they just track you down using the license plate?” Sarah asked, still worried about Alexis getting caught.

     “What video?” Alexis asked with a cheeky looking grin.

     “I thought all police cruisers had cameras fitted into them now?” Sarah asked, but not totally sure she had it right.

     “They do as far as we know, but Bill has control of all the electrical systems in the car, so he deletes the bits we don’t want people to see.” Alice explained. “All will become clearer to you once we get back to base.” Alice added just before sitting back and picking up the magazine again.

    Sarah took that to mean the conversation was over and there was nothing more to be said about it. Alexis slowed down again after ten minutes and they just blended in with the other cars on the road. Sarah gasped a couple of times as they passed a police car going the other way, and then again when they passed one parked off to the side of the road, but neither one of them turned their lights on and started chasing them. Alexis just took hold of Sarah’s hand both times and smiled at her. Sarah felt safer when she saw that smile, she didn’t know why, but she just did.

     Alexis was soon pulling into what looked like an airport of some sort. Sarah had seen signs for Oklahoma. And then Kansas, she even thought she saw one that said Topeka, but she was too busy taking in the sights of a new place to worry about where they were going. It felt like her life was moving forward again after being stalled for the past seven years.

     “Are we going on a plane?” Sarah asked excitedly just after Alexis had shown the guard at a check point some form of ID card with her photo on.

     “No, not today Sarah. This is where Alice and I work.” Alexis said as she drove towards a large warehouse and then pulled inside when the doors opened for them.

     “You both work at an airport?” Sarah asked. Shocked to hear that they both had such normal jobs after all.

     “No, not really, but the company we work for has their base of operation based here.” Alice said from the back seat as she waited for Alexis to park the car and then let her out.

    Alexis parked the car in a corner of the warehouse that looked like a garage and then she got out and helped Alice get out the back. Sarah had got out the other side and was looking around at all the stuff in the warehouse. All she could see were boxes and some cars and other vehicles parked around the place, all of them covered up with dust covers.

     “Come on Sarah, let’s go and find the boss and get you cleared to find out all our secrets.” Alexis said as she held out her hand so she could lead Sarah over to a door just to the side of where she’d parked her car.

    Alice took her other hand and they went through the door and then walked down a hallway and got into a lift. Alice pulled out a silver credit card and put it in a slot at the bottom of a keypad, then she punched in a code and the lift started moving. Sarah thought it felt like they were going down, not up, and it seemed to take some time before they finally stopped moving and the doors opened again. Sarah didn’t think the warehouse looked that big, so she’d got no idea where they were now. There was no window for her to look out, so she couldn’t gauge where she was.

    Sarah jumped when she heard a man’s voice shout in their direction. “You three, my office, now!” The man barked out just before he walked back into another room.

    Alexis took the fact that Bob had just told the three of them to get in his office as a good sign, so she started smiling as she took hold of Sarah’s hand again and started walking towards the room that Bob used for his office. Alice was already on her way, looking like a woman on a mission.

     “What you smiling at Alexis? He didn’t look very happy with you just now.” Sarah pointed out as she let herself be pulled along towards god knows what.

    Alice had her hands balled into fists and they were being pushed down on Bob’s desk as Alice glared at him when Alexis and Sarah entered the room. Bob didn’t look quite as angry now. Sarah thought the man looked a little worried, but she couldn’t be sure having only just met him.

     “I thought I was going to have a nice quiet week with you in Miami, and you visiting your old grave, but oh no, you two have to go raising hell and then bringing guests back to visit.” Bob said, trying not to notice Alice still staring daggers at him. “Hello Sarah. I’m uncle Bob, but everyone just calls me Bob, or old man. Or soon to be dead man if Alice doesn’t calm down, or just get it off her chest.” Bob said as he finally looked at Alice again.

     “Seven years, seven years I’ve thought my brother was dead, but all that time you were training him to be part of a mission you had planned out for me since I took my first test and got top marks.” Alice screamed at him. “I’ve spent the last three years working side by side with him and never knew it. How could you have kept it from me all that time?!” Alice said as she finally broke down in sobs of tears.

    Alexis and Sarah ran over and helped Alice take a seat on a long sofa that was in the room, with them sat either side of her.

     “I never wanted to Alice, but I made a promise to Alex before we first started any of this. Alex did die in prison Alice, but I gave you the sister you always wanted.” Bob said as he got up and walked over to where they were sat and handed Alice a box of tissues.

     “It’s taken me three years to talk her into finally telling you who she was. I’m just glad the secrets can finally stop.” Bob said with a sigh as he dropped into a chair facing the other three.

     “Speaking of secrets old man. I want to get Sarah cleared to be part of the project.” Alexis more told Bob than asked him.

    Bob chuckled as he leaned forward and picked up a folder off the coffee table sat between them and handed it over to Alexis. “Here you go, she just needs to read it and then sign at the bottom.” Bob said.

     “Don’t you want to do a background check and all that crack first?” Alexis asked looking puzzled.

     “I’ve been keeping an eye on Sarah since the first time she spoke to Alice at School, then when she started taking an interest in you.” Bob said as he sat back in the chair and looked relaxed and ready for a break.

     “You’ve sat and watched her life fall apart and never did anything to help her?” Alexis asked through gritted teeth.

     “I tried everything I could to help her get her life turned around kid, but she just wouldn’t leave that stupid town, or that grave.” Bob said sounding tired. “How many times did you turn down the chance to move on to a better life Sarah?” Bob asked as he lifted his head to look at Sarah this time.

    Sarah went to speak, but stopped when she thought about the times she’d been offered a full scholarship at a college here in Oklahoma, or the time a woman turned up in town offering her a modelling job that would see her set for life. She’d turned it all down just to stop and be near to Alex, even if he was dead, she just couldn’t leave him with no one to care for his grave. “That was all your doing?” Sarah finally said in a whisper.

     “Yes it was, but god are you one stubborn pain in the backside.” Bob said as he rubbed his forehead like he was getting a headache.

     “I had no idea someone was trying to help me. I just thought fate was trying to force me to move on with my life, when all I wanted to do is stop in the one place that kept Alex alive in my mind.” Sarah said as she looked down at her own lap.

     “You tried to help her? In what way?” Alexis asked.

    Sarah spoke before Bob had chance to answer. “I was offered a scholarship at a college here in Oklahoma, and a woman offered me a modelling job a couple of years back, but I turned it all down because it meant moving away from all I had left to remind me of you.” Sarah said feeling silly now for letting it ruin her life so much.

     “You tried to get her into a college here in Oklahoma?” Alexis asked with a puzzled look, as she looked at Bob.

     “Yes, I thought having her close by would make it easier for us to keep an eye on her, and I was hoping to bring her back into Alice’s life, so you could then spend some time with her from time to time.” Bob said as he let out a sigh and threw his arms up in the air like he’d finally come clean about a big secret. “I never realised it was going to take you three years to finally get up the guts to speak to your sister without the mask and voice changer.” Bob added with a scowl.

     “I thought I was doing the right thing by not letting them know I was still alive. Well Alexis was still alive.” Alexis said.

     “Are you ever going to tell them the real reason for the big secret Alexis?” Bob asked, but was more daring Alexis to try and not tell them now he’d put it out there on the table so to speak.

    It was Alexis’s turn to scowl at Bob this time. “They don’t need to know my reasons old man.”

     “I’d like to know sis, and I’m sure Sarah wouldn’t mind finding out the reason she just went through seven years of hell.” Alice asked as she now pointed some of her left over anger at her sister.

    Alexis scowled at Bob some more. “Thanks old man.” She said through gritted teeth.

     “Think nothing of it kid.” Bob said, like Alexis really was thanking him for dropping her in it with the other two.

     “I was being sarcastic.” Alexis snarled.

     “Stop trying to avoid the subject and tell us this amazing reason you had for not letting us know you were alive all this time?” Alice asked as she slapped Alexis on the arm to make her look away from Bob and face her.

     “Hold on a second Alice.” Bob said holding his hand up as he looked at Sarah still holding the folder he’d handed to Alexis, and she’d passed it over to her. “I still need Sarah to sign that paperwork before Alexis can say anything.” Bob pointed out.

    Alexis was now hoping that Sarah wouldn’t want to sign it, but that was short lived when she grabbed a pen off the coffee table and signed her name on all the lines indicated without even taking the time to read any of it. “Okay, start talking.” Sarah said as she handed the folder back to Bob.

     “You really should have read it before you put your name on it.” Alexis pointed out as she looked Sarah in the eyes.

     “The worst they can do is take you away from me again if I didn’t sign it, so it was a no brainer.” Sarah said with a shrug, like it didn’t matter what she’d just signed up for.

     “No, the worst they can do is shooting you Sarah for treason.” Alexis pointed out with a worried look.

     “That’s not the worst thing they can do Alexis.” Sarah said as she cupped one side of Alexis’s face in her hand as she looked into her eyes. “Living one more minute without you is the worst thing that could happen.” Sarah added just before she kissed Alexis and tried to force her tongue down Alexis’s throat.

    They finally stopped kissing when they heard Bob clear his throat to get their attention. “I think Alice is still waiting to hear your reason for the big secret Alexis.” Bob looked a little too smug when he said it, and Alexis got the idea that he just wanted Alice to point her anger at anyone but him.

    Alexis took a deep breath and then started to explain her reasons for keeping her new life a secret for so long. “To start with I was just in a lot of pain due to the stabbing, and then all the surgery’s I went through to look like this.” Alexis waved her hand up and down her body. “Then as time went on and I saw you doing well at college and meeting new friends, I realised that I could protect you better if you never knew who I was.” She looked at Alice as she said this.

    Bob clearing his throat again, like Alexis had more to tell them, made them all look at Bob, and then Alexis again.

     “I decided that if I died on one of our missions, I didn’t want you to mourn my passing for a second time, so I thought it best to just be known as your Guardian.” Alexis said with a sigh as she looked down at her own lap; to ashamed to even look any of them in the eyes. “I didn’t want to see you put yourself in danger if you knew it was me coming in to save and protect you sis.”

    Alice was just about to tell Alexis just how stupid she could be, but Sarah beat her to it with her own outburst. “You could die on a mission? What the hell kind of jobs do the two of you go on?” Sarah asked with panic in her voice. “What are you, some kind of spy family duo?”

     “Yes!” Was the answer Sarah got from Alexis, Alice and Bob, all at the same time.

     “I did warn you to read that paperwork before you signed it Sarah.” Alexis warned her. “You’re part of the team now.” She added with a grin.

     “I think that was a stupid reason for not telling me you were still alive.” Alice said trying to stay mad with her sister, but she was also glad that she was still alive and looking after her.

     “I wasn’t the one hired for her brain’s sis that was you.” Alexis giggled. “I was hired for doing stupid things like saving my baby sister.” She teased as she started poking Alice in the side. She use to tease Alice all the time growing up because Alex came out first, so that made Alice the baby sister, and she use to hate it.

     “I’m older than Alexis though, so that makes you my baby sister now then.” Alice pointed out the flaw in Alexis’s little speech.

     “Well I did say you were hired for your brain’s sis.” Alexis said as she put her hands up as a sign of surrender.

    Alice just dived at her and then wrapped her arms around her sister and gave her a hug. “I can live with being any form of your sister, just as long as I have a sister.” Alice said as she rested her head on Alexis’s chest.

    Sarah had been sat quietly taking in everything that had just been said to her, and the fact that she’d just signed up as part of a spy team. “What did I just sign?” Sarah finally asked as she looked at Bob for an answer.

     “You’ve just agreed to let me throw you in a deep dark hole if you ever tell anyone about what we do here, and you will start training as soon as possible to be an active part of the team.” Bob said in a matter of fact way.

    Sarah didn’t seem worried about the being thrown in a deep dark hole, but she was worried about the training part. “You want me to start training? Training for what?”

     “Computers, combat, college courses.” Bob answered her.

     “Combat, college?!” Sarah asked looking really worried now. “I can’t afford to go to college; I don’t have any money, or a place to live even.” Sarah added in a panic.

    Bob chuckled as he got up from the chair he’d been sat in and walked over to the table and picked up a large brown envelope and walked back to where Sarah was still sat looking at him. He handed her the envelope. “Open it and take a look.” He told her.

    Sarah opened the envelope and looking inside before she tipped everything out into her lap. She found a passport, college acceptance letter, drivers licence, credit cards and a bank statement that said she had a large sum of money sat in an account in her name. “How did you do all this?” Sarah asked as she saw that she’d signed her name on everything that needed it, and the passport and driver’s licence even had her picture.

     “We’re very good at our job Sarah.” Bob smiled. “As for a place to live, well I gather you’ll want to stick close to Alexis, so I’ll let her show you to her room.” Bob added as he looked at Alexis this time.

    Sarah turned to look at Alexis too, hoping that she wanted her to share a room, and hopefully a bed. Sarah took the grin Alexis was now sporting to be a yes bob was right. “Do you want to be close to where I live Sarah?” Alexis asked.

    Yes I do, very close to where you live.” Sarah grinned.

     “I must warn you though Sarah; I live here on an upper level.” Alexis said as she pointed up at the ceiling. “It’s a nice place, just like a normal apartment, but you don’t have any windows to look out.” Alexis added, hoping she wasn’t putting her off wanting to share her place.

     “Who needs a window when I have you to look at?” Sarah grinned even more.

     “Right then, now we have all that sorted out. I’ll leave the three of you to go and get to know each other a little better, and we will start your training Sarah, and missions restart again next week.” Bob said as he went to leave the office.

     “You’re giving us the rest of the week off old man?” Alexis asked.

     “Alice was supposed to be on holiday this week, so I kept the schedule free until next week, and I can’t see the point of changing that now.” Bob said with a shrug.

     “Bob!” Alexis shouted just as he turned to leave the room. Alexis waited for Bob to turn back to look at her before she spoke again. “You must have been planning all this for some time.” Alexis pointed at the stuff still sat in Sarah’s lap. “How were you going to get Sarah to come here if Alice and I hadn’t brought her?” She asked.

     “After we spoke the other day, and you said that you were finally going to let Alice see who you are, I decided I was going to send Sarah a photo showing the two of you together and let her join the dots and come looking for you.” Bob smiled.

     “How can you be so sure that I would have worked it out?” Sarah asked.

     “So you weren’t already having some doubts about Alice after the fight in the bar, and then the way she dealt with the street gang outside you flat.” Bob said with a raised eyebrow.

     “I was starting to think that Alice was acting more like the way Alex use to be whenever he saw Alice getting in trouble, but she had a much better way of dealing with it.” Sarah grinned when she thought of how Alexis had thrown the knife between the man’s legs in the bar, and then how she’d left the street gang lying all over the side walk and the leader of them in a puddle of his own bodily fluids. “I just thought I was losing my mind, and wished that Alice could be Alexis.” Sarah said as she looked down at her hands in shame.

     “Looks like you got your wish then Sarah.” Bob chuckled as he finally left the room.

    Alexis got up from the sofa and then helped Alice and Sarah to stand as well. “Come on let’s go and relax in my apartment.” Alexis said with a smile.

     “Can I join you sis?” Alice asked, not sure if her sister wanted her along or not.

     “Yes silly, we still have a lot to talk about.” Alexis said as she put one arm around Sarah’s waist, and the other around Alice’s. “I’m looking forward to having a week long slumber party, I don’t know about you.” Alexis added with a giggle.

    Sarah and Alice liked the sound of that, so they all left Bob’s office and made their way up to Alexis’s apartment.


To Be Continued Tomorrow  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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